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Various modifications of the Kadomtsev corrugated trap intended for model experiments on studying turbulent plasma dynamics are discussed. The possibility of using the existing magnetic system of the TO-2 tokamak for this purpose is considered as an example.  相似文献   

Conformational transition is fundamental to the mechanism of functional regulation in proteins, and serpins (serine protease inhibitors) can provide insight into this process. Serpins are metastable in their native forms, and they ordinarily undergo conformational transition to a stable state only when they form a tight complex with target proteases. The metastable native form is thus considered to be a kinetically trapped folding intermediate. We sought to understand the nature of the serpin kinetic trap as a step toward discovering how conformational transition is regulated. We found that mutations of the B/C beta-barrel of native alpha(1)-antitrypsin, a prototypical serpin, allowed conversion of the molecule into a more stable state. A 2.2 A resolution crystal structure of the stable form (PDB code, ) showed that the reactive site loop is inserted into an A beta-sheet, as in the latent plasminogen activator inhibitor-1. Mutational analyses suggest strongly that interactions not found in the final stable form cause the kinetic trap in serpin protein folding.  相似文献   

We calculate the forces of single-beam gradient radiation pressure laser traps, also called “optical tweezers,” on micron-sized dielectric spheres in the ray optics regime. This serves as a simple model system for describing laser trapping and manipulation of living cells and organelles within cells. The gradient and scattering forces are defined for beams of complex shape in the ray-optics limit. Forces are calculated over the entire cross-section of the sphere using TEM00 and TEM01* mode input intensity profiles and spheres of varying index of refraction. Strong uniform traps are possible with force variations less than a factor of 2 over the sphere cross-section. For a laser power of 10 mW and a relative index of refraction of 1.2 we compute trapping forces as high as ~ 1.2 × 10-6 dynes in the weakest (backward) direction of the gradient trap. It is shown that good trapping requires high convergence beams from a high numerical aperture objective. A comparison is given of traps made using bright field or differential interference contrast optics and phase contrast optics.  相似文献   

All trans retinal was attached to both the primary face and the secondary face of beta-cyclodextrin via a Schiff base linkage, analogous to that in rhodopsin. The new models were evaluated and compared with n-butylamine retinylidene Schiff base for their rates of hydrolysis, and factors that influence such rates. Competition studies using adamantane carboxylate demonstrated the kinetic trap theory by diminishing the binding of retinal in the cyclodextrin, thereby augmenting the rate of hydrolysis. NMR experiments indicate that the retinylidene is most probably bound in the form of a dimer.  相似文献   

Salamanca S  Chang JY 《Biochemistry》2005,44(2):744-750
Alpha-lactalbumin (alphaLA)-IIIA is a major kinetic intermediate present along the pathways of reductive unfolding and oxidative folding of bovine alpha-lactalbumin (alphaLA). It is a three-disulfide variant of native alphaLA lacking Cys(6)-Cys(120) at the alpha-helical domain. Stability and the unfolding/refolding mechanism of carboxymethylated alphaLA-IIIA have been investigated previously by stop-flow circular dichroism (CD) and fluorescence spectroscopy. A stable intermediate compatible with molten globule was shown to exist along the pathways of unfolding-refolding of alphaLA-IIIA [Ikeguchi et al. (1992) Biochemistry 31, 16695-12700; Horng et al. (2003) Proteins 52, 193-202]. We investigate here the unfolding-refolding pathways and conformational stability of alphaLA-IIIA using the method of disulfide scrambling with the following specific aims: (a) to isolate and characterize the observed stable molten globule, (b) to analyze the heterogeneity of folding-unfolding intermediates, (c) to elucidate the disulfide structure of extensively unfolded isomer of alphaLA-IIIA, and (d) to clarify the relative conformational stability between alphaLA-IIIA and alphaLA. Two scrambled isomers, designated as X-alphaLA-IIIA-c and X-alphaLA-IIIA-a (X stands for scrambled), were isolated under mild and strong denaturing conditions. Their disulfide structures, CD spectra, and manners of refolding to form the native alphaLA-IIIA were analyzed in this report. The results are consistent with the notion that X-alphaLA-IIIA-c and X-alphaLA-IIIA-a represent a partially unfolded and an extensively unfolded isomers of native alphaLA-IIIA, respectively. The unfolding-refolding pathways of alphaLA-IIIA are elaborated and compared with that of intact alphaLA. These results display new insight into one of the most extensively studied molecules in the field of protein folding and unfolding.  相似文献   

The native form of some proteins such as strained plasma serpins (serine protease inhibitors) and the spring-loaded viral membrane fusion proteins are in a metastable state. The metastable native form is thought to be a folding intermediate in which conversion into the most stable state is blocked by a very high kinetic barrier. In an effort to understand how the spontaneous conversion of the metastable native form into the most stable state is prevented, we designed mutations of alpha1-antitrypsin, a prototype serpin, which can bypass the folding barrier. Extending the reactive center loop of alpha1-antitrypsin converts the molecule into a more stable state. Remarkably, a 30-residue loop extension allows conversion into an extremely stable state, which is comparable to the relaxed cleaved form. Biochemical data strongly suggest that the strain release is due to the insertion of the reactive center loop into the major beta-sheet, A sheet, as in the known stable conformations of serpins. Our results clearly show that extending the reactive center loop is sufficient to bypass the folding barrier of alpha1-antitrypsin and suggest that the constrain held by polypeptide connection prevents the conversion of the native form into the lowest energy state.  相似文献   

Hua QX  Jia W  Frank BH  Phillips NF  Weiss MA 《Biochemistry》2002,41(50):14700-14715
Proinsulin contains six cysteines whose specific pairing (A6-A11, A7-B7, and A20-B19) is a defining feature of the insulin fold. Pairing information is contained within A and B domains as demonstrated by studies of insulin chain recombination. Two insulin isomers containing non-native disulfide bridges ([A7-A11,A6-B7,A20-B19] and [A6-A7,A11-B7,A20-B19]), previously prepared by directed chemical synthesis, are metastable and biologically active. Remarkably, the same two isomers are preferentially formed from native insulin or proinsulin following disulfide reassortment in guanidine hydrochloride. The absence of other disulfide isomers suggests that the observed species exhibit greater relative stability and/or kinetic accessibility. The structure of the first isomer ([A7-A11,A6-B7,A20-B19], insulin-swap) has been described [Hua, Q. X., Gozani, S. N., Chance, R. E., Hoffmann, J. A., Frank, B. H., and Weiss, M. A. (1995) Nat. Struct. Biol. 2, 129-138]. Here, we demonstrate that the second isomer (insulin-swap2) is less ordered than the first. Nativelike elements of structure are retained in the B chain, whereas the A chain is largely disordered. Thermodynamic studies of guanidine denaturation demonstrate the instability of the isomers relative to native insulin (DeltaDeltaG(u) > 3 kcal/mol). In contrast, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and the corresponding isomer IGF-swap, formed as alternative products of a bifurcating folding pathway, exhibit similar cooperative unfolding transitions. The insulin isomers are similar in structure and stability to two-disulfide analogues whose partial folds provide models of oxidative folding intermediates. Each exhibits a nativelike B chain and less-ordered A chain. This general asymmetry is consistent with a hierarchical disulfide pathway in which nascent structure in the B chain provides a template for folding of the A chain. Structures of metastable disulfide isomers provide probes of the topography of an energy landscape.  相似文献   

The maturation or A-protein gene of single-stranded RNA phage MS2 is preceded by a 130-nt long untranslated leader. When MS2 RNA folding is at equilibrium, the gene is untranslatable because the leader adopts a well-defined cloverleaf structure in which the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence of the maturation gene is taken up in long-distance base pairing with an upstream complementary sequence (UCS). Synthesis of the A-protein takes place transiently while the RNA is synthesized from the minus strand. This requires that formation of the inhibitory cloverleaf is slow. In vitro, the folding delay was on the order of minutes. Here, we present evidence that this postponed folding is caused by the formation of a metastable intermediate. This intermediate is a small local hairpin that contains the UCS in its loop, thereby preventing or slowing down its pairing with the SD sequence. Mutants in which the small hairpin could not be formed made no detectable amounts of A-protein and were barely viable. Apparently, here the cloverleaf formed quicker than ribosomes could bind. On the other hand, mutants in which the small intermediary hairpin was stabilized produced more A-protein than wild type and were viable. One hardly growing mutant that could not form the metastable hairpin and did not make detectable amounts of A-protein was evolved. The emerging pseudo-revertant had selected two second site repressor mutations that allowed reconstruction of a variant of the metastable intermediate. The pseudo-revertant had also regained the capacity to produce the A-protein.  相似文献   

Luciferase, as isolated from Vibrio harveyi, is an alpha beta heterodimer. When allowed to fold in the absence of the alpha subunit, either in vitro or in vivo, the beta subunit of enzyme will form a kinetically stable homodimer that does not unfold even after prolonged incubation in 5 M urea at pH 7.0 and 18 degrees C. This form of the beta subunit, arising via kinetic partitioning on the folding pathway, appears to constitute a kinetically trapped alternative to the heterodimeric enzyme (Sinclair JF, Ziegler MM, Baldwin TO. 1994. Kinetic partitioning during protein folding yields multiple native states. Nature Struct Biol 1: 320-326). Here we describe the X-ray crystal structure of the beta 2 homodimer of luciferase from V. harveyi determined and refined at 1.95 A resolution. Crystals employed in the investigational belonged to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit cell dimensions of a = 58.8 A, b = 62.0 A, and c = 218.2 A and contained one dimer per asymmetric unit. Like that observed in the functional luciferase alpha beta heterodimer, the major tertiary structural motif of each beta subunit consists of an (alpha/beta)8 barrel (Fisher AJ, Raushel FM, Baldwin TO, Rayment I. 1995. Three-dimensional structure of bacterial luciferase from Vibrio harveyi at 2.4 A resolution. Biochemistry 34: 6581-6586). The root-mean-square deviation of the alpha-carbon coordinates between the beta subunits of the hetero- and homodimers is 0.7 A. This high resolution X-ray analysis demonstrated that "domain" or "loop" swapping has not occurred upon formation of the beta 2 homodimer and thus the stability of the beta 2 species to denaturation cannot be explained in such simple terms. In fact, the subunit:subunit interfaces observed in both the beta 2 homodimer and alpha beta heterodimer are remarkably similar in hydrogen-bonding patterns and buried surface areas.  相似文献   

Gruia AD  Fischer S  Smith JC 《Proteins》2003,50(3):507-515
Surface salt bridges are ubiquitous in globular proteins. Their contribution to protein stability has been extensively debated in the past decade. Here, molecular dynamics simulations are performed starting from a non-equilibrium state of Staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) with C-terminal truncation (SNaseDelta). The results indicate a key role in the unfolding of the surface salt bridge between arginine 105 and glutamate 135. Experimentally, SNaseDelta is known to be partially unfolded. However, in simulations over 1 ns at 300 K and over 500 ps at 400 K, SNaseDelta remains stable in the native-like folded conformation, the salt bridge hindering unfolding. When the potential function is altered so as to selectively weaken the salt bridge, which then breaks rapidly at 430 K, the protein starts to unfold. The results suggest that breaking of this salt bridge presents a significant barrier to the unfolding transition of SNaseDelta from a native-like state to the unfolded state. Potential of mean force calculations indicate that the barrier height for this transition is approximately 7 kcal/mol.  相似文献   

The folding pathway of human epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been characterized by structural and kinetic analysis of the acid-trapped folding intermediates. Oxidative folding of the fully reduced EGF proceeds through 1-disulfide intermediates and accumulates rapidly as a single stable 2-disulfide intermediate (designated as EGF-II), which represents up to more than 85% of the total protein along the folding pathway. Among the five 1-disulfide intermediates that have been structurally characterized, only one is native, and nearly all of them are bridges by neighboring cysteines. Extensive accumulation of EGF-II indicates that it accounts for the major kinetic trap of EGF folding. EGF-II contains two of the three native disulfide bonds of EGF, Cys(14)-Cys(31) and Cys(33)-Cys(42). However, formation of the third native disulfide (Cys(6)-Cys(20)) for EGF-II is slow and does not occur directly. Kinetic analysis reveals that an important route for EGF-II to reach the native structure is via rearrangement pathway through 3-disulfide scrambled isomers. The pathway of EGF-II to attain the native structure differs from that of three major 2-disulfide intermediates of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI). The dissimilarities of folding mechanism(s) between EGF, BPTI, and hirudin are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

We have studied the equilibrium unfolding and the kinetics of folding and unfolding of an antibody scFv fragment devoid of cis-prolines. An anti-GCN4 scFv fragment carrying a VL lambda domain, obtained by ribosome display, served as the model system together with an engineered destabilized mutant in VH carrying the R66K exchange. Kinetic and equilibrium unfolding experiments indicate that the VH mutation also affects VL unfolding, possibly by partially destabilizing the interface provided by VH, even though the mutation is distant from the interface. Upon folding of the scFv fragment, a kinetic trap is populated whose escape rate is much faster with the more stable VH domain. The formation of the trap can be avoided if refolding is carried out stepwise, with VH folding first. These results show that antibody scFv fragments do not fold by the much faster independent domain folding, but instead form a kinetically trapped off-pathway intermediate, which slows down folding under native conditions. This intermediate is characterized by premature interaction of the unfolded domains, and particularly involving unfolded VH, independent of proline cis-trans isomerization in VL. This work also implies that VH should be a prime target in engineering well behaving antibody fragments.  相似文献   

Ecosystems sometimes shift between different states or dynamic regimes. Theory attributes these shifts to multiple ecosystem attractors. However, documenting multiple ecosystem attractors is difficult, particularly at spatial and temporal scales relevant to ecosystem management. We manipulated the fish community of a lake with the goal of causing trophic cascades and shifting the food web from a planktivore-dominated state to an alternate piscivore-dominated state. We evaluated evidence that the shifts in the fish community comprise alternate attractors using two complementary approaches. First, we calculated phase space trajectories to visualize the shift between attractors. Second, we computed generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models and the Brock–Dechert–Scheinkman (BDS) test for linearity. The reconstructed phase space trajectories show the system departing a point attractor, entering a limit cycle, and then shifting to a new point attractor. The GARCH and BDS results indicate that linear explanations are not sufficient to explain the observed patterns. The results provide evidence for alternate attractors based on high-frequency time series of field measurements.  相似文献   

A time-dependent problem on finding the parameters of a low-density plasma jet ejected from a stationary plasma thruster is analyzed. In contrast to earlier works in which a stationary problem was solved using a Crook-type kinetic model, a set of kinetic equations is derived at the accuracy level accepted in the kinetic theory with allowance for resonant charge-exchange interaction between ions and neutrals. A method to solve the obtained set of equations is developed and used to perform test simulations, some results of which are presented.  相似文献   

The outflow tract of the heart is recruited from a novel heart-forming field.   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
As classically described, the precardiac mesoderm of the paired heart-forming fields migrate and fuse anteriomedially in the ventral midline to form the first segment of the straight heart tube. This segment ultimately forms the right trabeculated ventricle. Additional segments are added to the caudal end of the first in a sequential fashion from the posteriolateral heart-forming field mesoderm. In this study we report that the final major heart segment, which forms the cardiac outflow tract, does not follow this pattern of embryonic development. The cardiac outlet, consisting of the conus and truncus, does not derive from the paired heart-forming fields, but originates separately from a previously unrecognized source of mesoderm located anterior to the initial primitive heart tube segment. Fate-mapping results show that cells labeled in the mesoderm surrounding the aortic sac and anterior to the primitive right ventricle are incorporated into both the conus and the truncus. Conversely, if cells are labeled in the existing right ventricle no incorporation into the cardiac outlet is observed. Tissue explants microdissected from this anterior mesoderm region are capable of forming beating cardiac muscle in vitro when cocultured with explants of the primitive right ventricle. These findings establish the presence of another heart-forming field. This anterior heart-forming field (AHF) consists of mesoderm surrounding the aortic sac immediately anterior to the existing heart tube. This new concept of the heart outlet's embryonic origin provides a new basis for explaining a variety of gene-expression patterns and cardiac defects described in both transgenic animals and human congenital heart disease.  相似文献   

The utility and advantages of the recently introduced two-dimensional quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometer in proteomics over the traditional three-dimensional ion trap mass spectrometer have not been systematically characterized. Here we rigorously compared the performance of these two platforms by using over 100,000 tandem mass spectra acquired with identical complex peptide mixtures and acquisition parameters. Specifically we compared four factors that are critical for a successful proteomic study: 1) the number of proteins identified, 2) sequence coverage or the number of peptides identified for every protein, 3) the data base matching SEQUEST X(corr) and S(p) score, and 4) the quality of the fragment ion series of peptides. We found a 4-6-fold increase in the number of peptides and proteins identified on the two-dimensional ion trap mass spectrometer as a direct result of improvement in all the other parameters examined. Interestingly more than 70% of the doubly and triply charged peptides, but not the singly charged peptides, showed better quality of fragmentation spectra on the two-dimensional ion trap. These results highlight specific advantages of the two-dimensional ion trap over the conventional three-dimensional ion traps for protein identification in proteomic experiments.  相似文献   

Caspase recruitment domains (CARDs) are small helical protein domains that adopt the Greek key fold. For the two CARDs studied to date, RICK-CARD and caspase-1-CARD (CP1-CARD), the proteins unfold by an apparent two-state process at equilibrium. However, the folding kinetics are complex for both proteins and may contain kinetically trapped species on the folding pathway. In the case of RICK-CARD, the time constants of the slow refolding phases are consistent with proline isomerism. RICK-CARD contains three prolines, P47 in turn 3, and P85 and P87. The latter two prolines constitute a nonconserved PxP motif in helix 6. To examine the role of the prolines in the complex folding kinetics of RICK-CARD, we generated seven proline-to-alanine mutants, including three single mutants, three double mutants, and one triple mutant. We examined the spectroscopic properties, equilibrium folding, binding to CP1-CARD, and folding kinetics. The results show that P85 is critical for maintaining the function of the protein and that all mutations decrease the stability. Results from single mixing and sequential mixing stopped-flow studies strongly suggest the presence of parallel folding pathways consisting of at least two unfolded populations. The mutations affect the distribution of the two unfolded species, thereby affecting the population that folds through each channel. The two conformations also are present in the triple mutant, demonstrating that interconversion between them is not due to prolyl isomerism. Overall, the data show that the complex folding pathway, especially formation of kinetically trapped species, is not due to prolyl isomerism.  相似文献   

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