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The lateral line system and its innervation were examined in two species of the family Apogonidae (Cercamia eremia [Apogoninae] and Pseudamia gelatinosa [Pseudamiinae]). Both species were characterized by numerous superficial neuromasts (SNs; total 2,717 in C. eremia; 9,650 in P. gelatinosa), including rows on the dorsal and ventral halves of the trunk, associated with one (in C. eremia) and three (in P. gelatinosa) reduced trunk canals. The pattern of SN innervation clearly demonstrated that the overall pattern of SN distribution had evolved convergently in the two species. In C. eremia, SN rows over the entire trunk were innervated by elongated branches of the dorsal longitudinal collector nerve (DLCN) anteriorly and lateral ramus posteriorly. In P. gelatinosa, the innervation pattern of the DLCN was mirrored on the ventral half of the trunk (ventral longitudinal collector nerve: VLCN). Elongated branches of the DLCN and VLCN innervated SN rows on the dorsal and ventral halves of the trunk, respectively. The reduced trunk canal(s) apparently had no direct relationship with the increase of SNs, because these branches originated deep to the lateral line scales, none innervating canal neuromast (CN) homologues on the surface of the scales. In P. gelatinosa, a CN (or an SN row: CN homologue) occurred on every other one of their small lateral line scales, while congeners (P. hayashii and P. zonata) had an SN row (CN homologue) on every one of their large lateral line scales.  相似文献   

The cephalic lateral line system and its innervation were examined and compared between the ocular and blind sides in Pardachirus pavoninus (Soleidae). On the ocular side, the otic and preopercular canals were partly (posteriorly and dorsally, respectively) formed by canalized scales (one and five, respectively), each containing a canal neuromast (i.e., “lateral line scales”) and innervated by the anterior lateral line nerve (otic and mandibular rami, respectively). The canal neuromasts of the five scales were recognized as homologous with superficial neuromasts in other taxa based on innervation. The scales, each with a canal perpendicular to the long axis of the scale, bridged the wide gap between the otic region of the cranium and preopercle. The superficial ophthalmic ramus was bifurcated on both sides, the dorsal ramule emerging from the cranium via a frontal foramen. The buccal ramus on the blind side was intensively ramified in the area made available by migration of the eye to the ocular side. The numbers of canal and superficial neuromasts differed greatly between the sides, being 19 and 173 on the ocular side, and 1 and 465 on the blind side, respectively. Sensory strips of superficial neuromasts on the blind side had clear long and short axes. Numerous dermal papillae occurred on the blind side, forming complex channels, according to directions of the long axes.  相似文献   

The lateral line system and its innervation were examined in the most primitive gobioid taxon, Rhyacichthys aspro (Rhyacichthyidae). The infraorbital canal was present, whereas superficial neuromast rows a and c, typically present on the cheek of gobioids, were absent. Because the infraorbital canal (absent in other gobioids) and the two rows were commonly innervated by the buccal ramus, the latter were categorized as replaced rows from canal neuromasts. On an innervation basis, rows b and d on the cheek were considered to comprise superficial neuromasts only in all gobioids. The trunk lateral line system comprised canal and superficial neuromasts, the former being included in the lateral line scales (each bearing 1–7 neuromasts arranged longitudinally along the direction of a groove). Absence of bony roofs in the lateral line system was proposed as a synapomorphy of Gobioidei, and a progressive neotenic shift in the lateral line system of the suborder discussed.  相似文献   

Branching patterns of the horizontal septum lateral line nerves (HSN) were studied in 123 teleostean species (including literature records) assigned to 96 families in 28 orders, primarily to indentify the group characterized by the presence of the dorsal longitudinal collector nerve (DLCN) for innervation of the trunk lateral line. In nonacanthomorphs, DLCN was absent, the trunk lateral line being mostly innervated by branches directly detached from HSN or those derived from the collector nerve running parallel to the former. In acanthomorphs, the dorsally arched trunk lateral line, typical of the group, was uniformly innervated by DLCN, indicating that presence of the latter was a synapomorphy of the group. Within the latter, DLCN was absent in Gasterosteiformes (Fistularia and Macroramphosus), Mugilidae, Atherinomorpha, Champsodontidae, Blenniidae, Callionymidae, Gobioidei, Istiophoridae, Gempylidae, Cynoglossidae, Ostraciidae, and Molidae. Monophyly of the Mugilidae plus Atherinomorpha was discussed based on the specialized innervation pattern.  相似文献   

Cephalic lateral line canals in two pleuronectiforms, Pseudorhombus pentophthalmus (Paralichthyidae) and Engyprosopon grandisquama (Bothidae), were studied and their homologies between the ocular and blind sides assessed on the basis of position and innervation patterns. A blind side canal, comprising small ossicles in a line lateral to the upper eye floor, was confirmed as the infraorbital line because the canal was not innervated by a ramus associated with the upper nasal (i.e., the superficial ophthalmic ramus innervating the supraorbital line). Consequently, the ramus innervating the canal was identified as the buccal ramus (associated with the infraorbital line). The blind side frontal forming the posterior half of the upper eye floor was identified as that part bearing the anteriormost otic canal in the ocular side, hypertrophy of the blind side component being evident. The supraorbital line of the blind side was represented by the upper nasal only in E. grandisquama.  相似文献   

The innervation of free neuromast (sensory papillae) rows is described from Sihler wholemount preparations of four species of eleotridine gobies, one ( Perccottus glenii ) representing the 'longitudinal' type of neuromast arrangement, the others ( Butis buits, Bostrychus urophthalmus, B. marmoratus ) the 'transverse' arrangement. In the latter, the characteristic transverse cheek rows (1–7) are innervated from the infraorbital trunk of the anterior lateral-line nerve. Longitudinal cheek rows b and d , and the three opercular rows, ot, os and oi , common to all species, are innervated by rami of the hyomandibular trunk of the same nerve. Two neuromast groupings are shown to have a mixed nerve supply. For the median preorbital snout rows, there is innervation from the infraorbital ( s 3 and r ) as well as the supraorbital ( s 1 and s 2) trunks of the anterior lateral line nerve. The anterior dorsal rows are supplied both by the posterior lateral-line supratemporal ramus (rows g and m ) and the anterior lateral-line supraorbital trunk (rows o and n ). The neuromast rows, under the designations of Sanzo, are tabulated according to innervation and their putative origin in the phyletic replacement of a complete head canal system seen in more generalized percomorph fishes.  相似文献   

The lateral line of fish is composed of neuromasts used to detect water motions. Neuromasts occur as superficial neuromasts on the skin and as canal neuromasts in subepidermal canals. Fibres of the lateral line nerves innervate both. There have been extensive studies on the responses of lateral line nerve fibres to dipole stimuli applied in still water. However, despite the fact that many fish live in rivers and/or swim constantly, responses of lateral line nerve fibres to dipole stimuli presented in running water have never been recorded. We investigated how the peripheral lateral line of still water fish ( Carassius auratus) and riverine fish ( Oncorhynchus mykiss) responds to minute sinusoidal water motions while exposed to unidirectional water flow. Both goldfish and trout have two types of posterior lateral line nerve fibres: Type I fibres, which most likely innervate superficial neuromasts, were stimulated by running water (10 cm s(-1)). The responses of type I fibres to water motions generated by a vibrating sphere were masked if the fish was exposed to running water. Type II fibres, which most likely innervate canal neuromasts, were not stimulated by running water. Consequently, responses of type II fibres to a vibrating sphere were not masked under flow conditions.  相似文献   

Cranial osteology, canal neuromast distribution, superficial neuromast distribution and innervation, and cephalic pore structure were studied in cleared and stained specimens of the deep sea brotulid Cataetyx rubrirostris. The cranial bone structure of C. rubrirostris is similar to other brotulids (Dicrolene sp.) and zoarcids (Zoarces sp.), except for an unusual amount of overlapping of the bones surrounding the cranial vault. The superficial neuromasts are innervated by the anterodorsal, anteroventral, middle and posterior lateral line nerves and are organized similarly to those of the blind ophidioid cave fish Typhliasina pearsei. The cephalic pores open into a widened lateral line canal system. The canal is compartmentalized into a series of neuromast‐containing chambers that probably amplify signals received by the system. J. Morphol. 241:265–274, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The morphology of the swim bladder and inner ear of the nurseryfish, Kurtus gulliveri, appear adapted for enhanced pressure wave reception. The saccule is enlarged and surrounded by very thin bone and two large fontanelles that would present reduced resistance to pressure waves. The swim bladder is elaborate, with six dorsolaterally projecting pairs of lobes that are tightly encased in ribs and an additional caudally projecting pair of lobes encased in the first hemal spine. The ribs and musculature surrounding the swim bladder laterally are very thin, so that four or five "rib windows" are readily apparent on back-lit specimens. This swim bladder-rib configuration would also present reduced resistance to pressure waves to enhance function as a peripheral auditory structure. However, high-resolution X-ray computed tomography and dissection reveal no anterior projections of the swim bladder that could serve as a mechanical coupling to the inner ear. The posterior lateral line nerve is well developed and lies directly over the tips of the ribs encasing the swim bladder lobes. This nerve is not, however, associated with a lateral line canal and a lateral line canal is absent on most of the body. We hypothesize that the posterior lateral line nerve transmits mechanosensory information from the swim bladder.  相似文献   

During the past 20 years, the neural anatomy of many flaps has been investigated, although no extensive studies have been reported yet on the anterolateral thigh flap. The goal of this study was to describe the sensory territories of the nerves supplying the anterolateral thigh flap with dissections on fresh cadavers and with local anesthetic injections in living subjects. The sensate anterolateral thigh flap is typically described as innervated by the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve. Two other well-known nerves, the superior perforator nerve and the median perforator nerve, which enter the flap at its medial border, might have a role in anterolateral thigh flap innervation. Twenty-nine anterolateral thigh flaps were elevated in 15 cadavers, and the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve, the superior perforator nerve, and median perforator nerve were dissected. In the injection study, the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve, superior perforator nerve, and median perforator nerve in 16 thighs of eight subjects were sequentially blocked. The resulting sensory deficit from each injection was mapped on the skin and superimposed on the marked anterolateral thigh flap territory. The study shows that the sensate anterolateral thigh flap is basically innervated by all three nerves. The lateral cutaneous femoral nerve was present in 29 of 29 thighs, whereas the superior perforator nerve was present in 25 of 29 and the median perforator nerve in 24 of 29 thighs. Furthermore, in the proximal half of the flap, the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve lies deep, whereas the superior perforator nerve and median perforator nerve lie more superficially. Whereas the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve innervates the entire flap, the superior perforator nerve innervates 25 percent of the flap and the median perforator nerve innervates 60 percent of the flap. Clinically, a small anterolateral thigh flap (7 x 5 cm) can be raised sparing the lateral cutaneous femoral nerve and using only the selective areas innervated by the superior perforator and median perforator nerves. Alternatively, a large anterolateral thigh flap can be raised with this multiple innervation. This can be helpful if one wants to harvest the flap under local anesthesia. Sensate bilobed flaps can be harvested when dual innervated flaps are required.  相似文献   

The musculature of the fourth to eighth abdominal segments is typically composed of twenty pairs of segmental muscles associated with the body wall. In the first to third and ninth and tenth segments certain modifications to the basic plan occur in association with the abdominal-thoracic junction, the respiratory apparatus and the anal appendages. In some segments there are also paired muscles associated with the alimentary canal. Two large transverse muscles are present in the abdomen. There are eight abdominal ganglia, the first seven of which each give rise to three pairs of lateral nerves, the eighth to five pairs. In addition there are ten median abdominal nerves. The innervation fields of the various nerves are described. The first three pairs of lateral nerves of the last ganglion are homologous with the lateral nerves of the other abdominal ganglia; the fourth pair innervates most of segment nine; and the fifth pair innervates the remainder of segment nine, segment ten and the anal appendages. Certain of the abdominal muscles are innervated by branches from two different nerve roots. In segments six and seven the anterior point of attachment of the longitudinal stretch receptors is normally different from that in the other abdominal segments. This is discussed in the light of the types of movement which involve the abdomen and it seems apparent that these receptors are affected not only by swimming and abdominal flexion, as are the other longitudinal stretch receptors, but also by respiratory movements. Two distinct types of epidermal sensilla are present on the abdomen, spines and hairs. The former are the more numerous on the body, the latter on the anal appendages.  相似文献   

General morphology of the lateral line of juvenile steelhead trout, Salmo gairdneri, is described. Through electrophysiological monitoring of individual nerve fibres, control patterns for spontaneous activity and reaction to sensory receptor stimulation were established. Spontaneous activity has a positive correlation with temperature and number of receptors innervated. Presence of directional sensitivity and response to near field water displacement at different frequencies is similar to that found in other fishes and amphibians. Normal lateral line response to a standardized set of stimuli was compared with the response of fish affected by gas-bubble disease. Results show that as gas emboli formed in the scale pockets of the trunk lateral line of stressed fish, the ability to respond to stimuli was either diminished or completely disappeared. Further testing demonstrated that this sensory loss was reversible and that upon return to equilibrated water gas emboli disappeared and normal function was regained. This sublethal effect of gas-bubble disease on the lateral line sensory system may be an important element contributing to indirect mortality.  相似文献   

Summary Activity of efferent fibers was recorded from the ramus ophthalmicus superficialis of the head lateral line nerve and the ramus medialis of the trunk lateral line nerve of the axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum. Baseline activity and activity evoked by sensory stimuli were examined. Electrical stimulation of selected branches was used to determine the conduction velocity and the branching pattern of efferent fibers. The influence of lesions at different levels in the CNS on efferent activity was studied.Up to 5 units with baseline activity were found in a single ramus of the lateral line nerve. Discharge rates were variable and highly irregular; they differed between units of the same branch. Bursting activity occurred in 62% of the units. Movements of the animal were accompanied by activity in up to 8 efferent units in a single nerve.Efferent activity could be elicited or modified by stimulation of visual, labyrinthine, somatosensory, and lateral line systems. Stimulation of the electrosensory system had no effect. Individual efferent neurons innervated different fields in the lateral line periphery. Conduction velocities of efferent fibers ranged from 5 to 12 m/s.Efferent units received input from various sources at different brain levels up to the diencephalon. These in puts determined the baseline activity. The mechanosensory input was mediated at the medullary level.Abbreviations r.m. ramus medialis - r.o.s. ramus ophthalmicus superficialis - r.s. ramus superior  相似文献   

The development of two of the cranial lateral line canals is described in the cichlid, Archocentrus nigrofasciatus. Four stages of canal morphogenesis are defined based on histological analysis of the supraorbital and mandibular canals. "Canal enclosure" and "canal ossification" are defined as two discrete stages in lateral line canal development, which differ in duration, an observation that has interesting implications for the ontogeny of lateral line function. Canal diameter in the vicinity of individual neuromasts begins to increase before ossification of the canal roof in each canal segment; this increase in canal diameter is accompanied by an increase in canal neuromast size. The mandibular canal generally develops later than the supraorbital canal in this species, but in both of these canals development of the different canal segments contained within a single dermal bone is asynchronous. These observations suggest that a dynamic process requiring integration and interaction among different tissues, in both space and time, underlies the development of the cranial lateral line canal system. The supraorbital and mandibular canals appear to demonstrate a "one-component" pattern of development in Archocentrus nigrofasciatus, where the walls of each canal segment grow up from the underlying dermal bone and then fuse to form the bony canal roof. This is contrary to numerous published reports that describe a "two-component" pattern of development in teleosts where the bony canal ossifies separately and then fuses with an underlying dermal bone. A survey of the literature in which lateral line canal development is described using histological analysis suggests that the occurrence of two different patterns of canal morphogenesis ("one-component" and "two-component") may be due to phylogenetic variation in the pattern of the development of the lateral line canals.  相似文献   

Summary The activation and action of the octavolateralis efferent system was studied by chronic recordings of discharge patterns from putative efferent and single primary afferent neurons in alert, free-swimming toadfish. Efferent axons isolated in the anterior lateral line nerve showed phasic discharges following touch stimuli applied to the head or trunk and demonstrated sustained discharges to visual stimuli. Resting discharge patterns of primary afferents were categorized into irregular, burster, regular, and silent classes. Afferent discharges were often modulated by low frequency (< 1 Hz) water movement around the head generated during respiratory movements. When fish with recording electrodes implanted in the lateral line nerve were visually stimulated, modulated peak discharges and average (DC) firing rates were inhibited in irregular-type units only. Inhibition of irregular-type afferent neurons also followed visual presentation of natural prey and persisted long after prey stimuli were removed from view. The inhibitory action upon lateralis afferents when activated by biologically significant visual stimuli leads to the hypothesis that the octavolateralis efferent system functions in the peripheral processing of information carried by the lateral line in natural settings.Abbreviations DC average - IO infraorbital - IPSPs inhibitory postynaptic potentials - MXC maxillary canal - OMC operculomandibular canal - SOC supraorbital canal  相似文献   

In the present review, signal-processing capabilities of the canal lateral line organ imposed by its peripheral architecture are quantified in terms of a limited set of measurable physical parameters. It is demonstrated that cupulae in the lateral line canal organ can only partly be described as canal fluid velocity detectors. Deviation from velocity detection may result from resonance, and can be characterized by the extent to which a single dimensionless resonance number, N r , exceeds 1. This number depends on four physical parameters: it is proportional to cupular size, cupular sliding stiffness and canal fluid density, and inversely proportional to the square of fluid viscosity. Situated in a canal, a cupula may benefit from its resonance by compensating for the limited frequency range of water motion that is efficiently transferred into the lateral line canal. The peripheral transfer of hydrodynamic signals, via canal and cupula, leads to a nearly constant sensitivity to outside water acceleration in a bandwidth that ranges from d.c. to a cut-off frequency of up to several hundreds of Hertz, significantly exceeding the cut-off frequency of the lateral line canal. Threshold values of hydrodynamic detection by the canal lateral line organ are derived in terms of water displacement, water velocity, water acceleration and water pressure gradients and are shown to be close to the detection limits imposed by hair cell mechano-transduction in combination with the physical constraints of peripheral lateral line signal transfer. The notion that the combination of canal- and cupular hydrodynamics effectively provides the lateral line canal organ with a constant sensitivity to water acceleration at low frequencies so that it consequently functions as a low-pass detector of pressure gradients, supports the appropriateness of describing it as a sense organ that “feels at a distance” (Dijkgraaf in Biol Rev 38:51–105, 1963)  相似文献   

The lateral line system and its innervation in ten tetraodontiform families and five outgroup taxa were examined. Although some homology issues remained unresolved, tetraodontiforms were characterized by having two types (at least) of superficial neuromasts (defined by the presence or absence of supporting structures) and accessory lateral lines and neuromasts (except Molidae in which “accessory” elements were absent). The preopercular line in Tetraodontiformes was not homologous with that of typical teleosts, because the line was innervated by the opercular ramule that was newly derived from the mandibular ramus, the condition being identical to that in Lophiidae. Within Tetraodontiformes, the number of neuromasts varied between 70 and 277 in the main lines and between 0 and 52 in accessory elements. Variations were also recognized in the presence or absence of the supraorbital commissure, mandibular line, otic line, postotic line, ventral trunk line, and some lateral line nerve rami, most notably the dorsal branch of the opercular ramule, being absent in Aracanidae, Ostraciidae, Tetraodontidae, Diodontidae, and Molidae. Morphological characteristics derived from the lateral line system and its innervation provided some support for a sister relationship of tetraodontiforms with lophiiforms. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ontogeny and phylogeny of the trunk lateral line system in cichlid fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An examination of the ontogeny of the lateral line trunk canal and the diversity of adult trunk canal patterns among cichlids indicates that bidirectional canal formation is a general ontogenetic pattern in the Cichlidae with the exception of Cichla and those few species with a complete trunk canal pattern. In addition to the tubed scales which make up the trunk canal, some lateral line scales have pits containing superficial neuromasts. These are recognized as components of the lateral line system of the trunk in adult cichlids for the first time. Eight trunk canal patterns that are variations on a simple disjunct pattern are defined among the 17 cichlid genera examined. Using bidirectional canal formation as a developmental model, these patterns can be placed along an ontogenetic spectrum. This suggests that heterochrony (alterations in the timing of development) is an important mechanism of evolutionary change in the lateral line system of the trunk in cichlid fishes.  相似文献   

We investigated the cephalic lateral line canal system of the golden venus chub, Hemigrammocypris rasborella. The cephalic lateral line canal system consists of the infraorbital canal (IOC), the preopercular canal (POC), the mandibular canal (MC), the supraorbital canal (SOC), the temporal canal (TC), and the supratemporal canal (STC), and is characterized by the following pedomorphic features: disjunction of IOC and SOC, of TC and POC, and of POC and MC. We also discuss the phylogenetic significance of the cephalic lateral line canal system of H. rasborella.  相似文献   

The morphology of the peripheral lateral line system in Eptatretus stoutii is described using a combination of electron microscopical, histological and immunocytochemical techniques. The epidermis and cranial nerves of Myxine glutinosa were also examined for evidence of a lateral line system. Together with results previously published by other researchers, we conclude that most or all eptatretid hagfish possess a lateral line system composed of shallow trenches, or grooves, lined with a single class of flask-shaped receptive cells. No species of myxinid hagfish has been shown to possess any component of this system. Three groups of lateral line grooves are present in eptatretids: preoptic, dorsal postoptic, and ventral postoptic groups. The preoptic grooves are innervated by a single pair of ganglionated cranial nerves and the two postoptic series of grooves are innervated by a pair of cranial nerves which each possess two ganglia, possibly as a result of fusion of two pairs of ganglionated nerves. Morphometric analysis indicates that these grooves continue to grow throughout life and that the variability in the distribution of grooves between animals may result from developmental instability in lateral line ontogeny. The morphology of the receptive organs is compared to neuromasts of the vertebrate lateral line system and ciliated receptor cells of other chordates. The morphology of hagfish lateral line receptors may represent the primitive condition for craniate lateral line organs, or more likely, they are highly derived as a result of regressive evolution. © 1997 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.  相似文献   

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