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Pituitary homogenates (FPH) provoke a cascade of responses in the amphibian ovarian follicle, culminating in progesterone biosynthesis and oocyte maturation (GVBD). Calcium may play an important role as an intracellular second messenger in regulating these physiological responses. Experiments were carried out on cultured, isolated follicles of Rana pipiens to assess the effects of varying extracellular calcium on follicular progesterone accumulation and oocyte maturation. In hormonally unstimulated follicles, an increase in extracellular Ca2+ alone produced a significant increase in progesterone in methanol extracts of follicles after 4 hours of culture, and in some cases also provoked oocyte maturation assessed after 24 hours of culture. In no case did elevated Ca2+ alone stimulate maximal progesterone accumulation as compared with FPH-stimulated follicles, although the time-course of accumulation was similar. The calcium ionophore, A-23187, similarly increased progesterone accumulation in a dose-dependent manner when introduced in amphibian Ringer's (1.35 mM Ca2+), but inhibited progesterone elevation caused by increasing calcium concentrations in the culture media and FPH stimulation. Depleting free calcium from the culture medium with graded doses of the chelator EGTA decreased FPH-induced progesterone accumulation and inhibited FPH- and progesterone-induced GVBD. The calcium channel blocker, verapamil, also inhibited FPH-induced progesterone accumulation and GVDB in a dose-dependent manner, while having no effect on progesterone-induced meiotic resumption. These data strongly implicate intracellular calcium levels regulating progesterone production by ovarian follicle cells and subsequent oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

Effects of gonadotropins on the maturation of isolated oocytes and production of progesterone by porcine ovarian follicles from gonadotropin treated gilts have been studied in vitro. The addition of gonadotropins (2 I. U./ml, PMSG, HGC or 2 mg/ml FSH) to the culture medium resulted in increasing the number (84 - 90 %) of isolated oocytes which reached metaphase II. Expansion of the whole cumulus mass was observed only in media containing PMSG, whereas FSH or HCG alone did not cause these marked changes in the cumulus cells. Denudation of the eggs prior to culture gave no significant differences in the maturation rates between oocytes cultured in media with or without gonadotropins. In vitro maturation of follicle-enclosed oocytes took place only in HCG treated animals. Removing the ovary at 15 or 60 minutes after intravenous HCG administration induced oocyte maturation only in 22% and 17% respectively. A sharp increase in the number of oocytes which resume meiosis during follicle culture was observed 4 hours after HCG injection (84 %) and all of the oocytes of the gilts ovariectomized at 8 hours after HCG injection matured during the culture period. The progesterone production of isolated follicles from control gilts (only PMSG injected) increased slowly during a 96-hour culture period (from 48 to 240 ng progesterone/follicle), whereas the secretion of progesterone was drastically increased after a 15 minute interval between HCG injection and ovariectomy (from 42 to 950 ng progesterone/follicle). Follicles removed 24 hours after HCG injection showed a further increase in steroid production (2000 ng progesterone/follicle) and consistently secreted large amounts of progesterone during the culture period.  相似文献   

We report for the first time that oocyte nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation are triggered in vitro in non-hormone-treated amphibian (Rana pipiens) ovarian follicles following transient exposure to synthetic chymotrypsin inhibitor Nα-tosyl-L-phenylalanine-chloromethyl ketone (TPCK). The mechanism of action of TPCK in regulating oocyte maturation was investigated and compared to that induced by progesterone or pituitary hormone. Follicular oocytes failed to mature following continuous exposure to the same doses of TPCK in the presence or absence of progesterone. Continuous treatment of follicles with lower levels of TPCK occasionally induced GVBD in the absence of progesterone and augmented maturational effects of low levels of progesterone. TPCK induced maturation of intrafollicular oocytes without stimulating progesterone production and also induced maturation of naked oocytes. Stimulation of follicular progesterone synthesis following gonadotropin stimulation or addition of pregnenolone was inhibited by TPCK, indicating that TPCK affects metabolic processes in both the somatic and germinal components of the ovarian follicle. Oocyte maturation induced by either TPCK or progesterone was inhibited by cycloheximide, calcium-deficient medium, and forskolin. Results suggest that TPCK induces oocyte maturation independent of steroidogenesis via mechanisms similar to those triggered by progesterone involving protein synthesis, formation of cytoplasmic maturation-promoting factor (MPF), and changes in cAMP levels. Our data indicate that a chymotrypsin-like protease plays a role(s) in regulating the oocyte meiotic maturation process.  相似文献   

In view of recent reports on the production of inhibin- and activin-like proteins in lower vertebrates and their important role during development, we have examined the effects of the gonadopeptide inhibin in the process of oocyte maturation using amphibian (Rana pipiens) fully grown preovulatory ovarian follicles cultured in vitro. In the presence of frog pituitary homogenate (FPH), which stimulates progesterone (P4) levels and the subsequent germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD), purified porcine inhibin (35-50 IU) inhibited both of these responses in a dose-dependent manner. Inhibin also blocked GVBD initiated by exogenously added P4 in intact as well as denuded oocytes. Thus, inhibin seems to act at the follicle (granulosa) cells because it blocked steroidogenesis and at the oocyte because it altered the steroid-induced oocyte maturation. The P4-treated follicles were susceptible to the inhibin action during the first 3 hr of steroid stimulation, which indicates that inhibin affects some early events during the process of GVBD. Maximum inhibitory effect was observed when P4 and inhibin were added simultaneously at the beginning of the incubations. Moreover, the inhibitory effect on GVBD caused by the gonadopeptide was dependent on the length of exposure of the follicles to inhibin. The continuous presence of inhibin in the culture was required to block GVBD efficiently. Data also indicate that the inhibitory effect of inhibin was reversible. Taken together, results from this study present evidence that inhibin may be a relevant paracrine/autocrine regulator of ovarian functions.  相似文献   

The role of cAMP in regulating follicular progesterone levels and oocyte maturation was investigated following in vitro culture of amphibian (Rana pipiens) ovarian follicles. Intrafollicular levels of cAMP were manipulated with the use of a stimulator of cAMP synthesis (forskolin) or by exogenous addition of cAMP alone or either of these in combination with an inhibitor of cAMP catabolism (3-isobutyl-1-methyl xanthine, IBMX). Follicular progesterone content was determined by RIA and oocyte maturation was assessed cytologically. In the presence of increasing doses of forskolin (0-3 microM), cAMP (0-3 mM), or dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP, 0-2.5 mM) increasing but low levels of progesterone were detected. Increasing doses of IBMX (0-0.09 mM) alone had no significant effect on follicular steroid content. Exogenous cAMP, dbcAMP, or IBMX (0.09 mM) suppressed hormone-induced oocyte maturation. Simultaneous exposure of follicles to increasing doses of both forskolin (0-3 microM) and IBMX (0-0.09 mM) markedly increased intrafollicular progesterone levels to those produced by frog pituitary homogenate (FPH). A marked increase in progesterone levels also occurred when follicles were exposed to exogenous cAMP (3 mM) and IBMX (0.09 mM). These results indicate that exogenous cAMP is incorporated by follicle cells and that forskolin effects are mediated through cAMP. Changes in follicular progesterone levels (increase and decrease) over time following FPH or cAMP manipulation (cAMP + IBMX or forskolin + IBMX) were essentially identical. In contrast to cAMP, cGMP was inactive in inhibiting hormone induced GVBD or stimulating follicular progesterone accumulation. Elevation of follicular and medium levels of progesterone resulting from FPH or cAMP stimulation required the presence of the somatic follicular cells. The decrease in follicular progesterone levels with prolonged culture was not associated with a corresponding increase in progesterone levels in the medium. The decrease in follicular progesterone levels appears to reflect steroid catabolism rather than loss of steroid to the culture medium. The results suggest that the level of intracellular cAMP in the follicle cells is modulated by the relative activity of the adenylate cyclase system and phosphodiesterase and that FPH can affect both components. Thus, intracellular levels of cAMP play a key role in regulating follicular progesterone levels and FPH action on the follicle cells. The steroidogenic capacity of follicle cells can be manipulated independently of FPH stimulation.  相似文献   

We previously reported that protein kinase C (PKC) activation induced meiotic maturation (germinal vesicle breakdown, GVBD) of Rana dybowskii follicular oocytes cultured in vitro without hormone treatment. The experiments reported here were carried out to establish whether ovarian follicles ovulated in response to PKC activation during culture. A phorbol ester, 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), was used for PKC activation. TPA addition (10 microM) to cultured ovarian fragments induced ovulation and maturation of the oocytes similar to that seen following addition of frog pituitary homogenate (FPH, 0.05 pituitary/ml) or progesterone (0.5 microgram/ml). Such changes were not observed when ovarian fragments were treated with inactive phorbol ester. The time course of TPA-induced ovulation was similar to that produced by FPH-stimulated ovulation. Both TPA- and FPH-stimulated ovulation and maturation were blocked by treatment with cycloheximide, forskolin (an adenylate cyclase stimulator), and 1-(5-isoquinolinylsulfonyl)-2-methyl-piperazine (H-7; a PKC inactivator). FPH treatment markedly increased progesterone levels in the medium during ovarian fragment culture whereas TPA treatment failed to elevate progesterone levels. Thus, TPA treatment mimics FPH and progesterone in inducing ovulation and meiotic maturation in cultured amphibian ovarian fragments. The data strongly suggest that PKC plays an important role in regulating ovulation as well as in modulating amphibian oocyte maturation during follicular differentiation.  相似文献   

Involvement of protein synthesis in frog pituitary homogenate (FPH)-induced progesterone production and/or accumulation in ovarian follicles was investigated. In amphibians, cycloheximide (C), an inhibitor of protein synthesis, inhibits progesterone and FPH-induced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD). However, the site and mechanisms of action of cycloheximide within ovarian follicles have not been elucidated. Intrafollicular progesterone produced by FPH is considered to mediate oocyte maturation; thus, cycloheximide may interfere with production and/or action of progesterone. Simultaneous treatment of FPH-stimulated follicles with cycloheximide inhibited FPH-induced progesterone accumulation (measured by RIA) and the accompanying-GVBD in a dose-dependent fashion. Inhibitory effects of cycloheximide on either FPH-induced progesterone production or GVBD were not reversed when follicles were washed and returned to fresh medium devoid of FPH and cycloheximide. However, subsequent restimulation of washed follicles with FPH resulted in increased progesterone levels and oocyte maturation. The extent of reversibility, in terms of GVBD and progesterone production, after FPH restimulation varied between animals. Pretreatment of follicles with cycloheximide for 6 hours, without FPH, had little or no effect on progesterone production when follicles were washed and treated with FPH. Delayed addition of cycloheximide to follicles following FPH stimulation blocked further progesterone accumulation as indicated by measurement of intrafollicular progesterone at the time of cycloheximide addition and at the end of the incubation period. The results indicate that cycloheximide rapidly inhibits progesterone production and that continuous protein synthesis is required for progesterone accumulation. Furthermore, protein synthesis does not appear to be required for progesterone metabolism since intrafollicular progesterone declined with prolonged culture even in the presence of cycloheximide. The nature of protein(s) involved in follicular progesterone production remains to be elucidated. FPH mediation of oocyte maturation within ovarian follicles appears to depend upon protein synthesis in somatic follicle cells, which is required for progesterone production, and in the oocyte, to mediate the response to the steroid trigger.  相似文献   

In the amphibian ovarian follicle, progesterone production is thought to induce maturation of the enclosed oocyte. Intracellular mechanisms regulating these events in the somatic and germ cells are incompletely understood. However, calcium appears to play a role in the production and action of progesterone. Experiments using calcium antagonists were carried out to delineate the role of extra- and intracellular calcium during in vitro stimulation of follicular steroidogenesis and oocyte maturation. Calcium-free medium, verapamil, and La3+ were used to block Ca2+ influx and inhibited follicular progesterone accumulation in response to frog pituitary homogenate (FPH) or exogenous cAMP + IBMX. Progesterone accumulation was not impaired under identical conditions when pregnenolone was added to cultured follicles. TMB-8, an inhibitor of intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, partially inhibited progesterone levels stimulated by FPH at low doses but not higher doses of the inhibitor. However, TMB-8 inhibited FPH-induced oocyte germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in a dose-dependent manner, as well as maturation due to exogenous progesterone or La3+. Calmodulin antagonists, W-7, R24571, and trifluoperazine, were used to assess the involvement of calmodulin in the responses of these two cell types. All three antagonists inhibited progesterone accumulation induced by FPH with the apparent order of potency being R24571 greater than W-7 greater than TFP. W-7 inhibited cAMP-induced progesterone elevation, but had no effect on conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone. Of these three calmodulin antagonists, only R24571 exhibited a dramatic ability to inhibit GVBD induced by exogenous progesterone and was associated with morphologic alterations in the oocytes. These data suggest that Ca2+, acting through calmodulin at some specific step(s) distal to cAMP elevation and prior to pregnenolone formation, is involved in FPH-induced progesterone accumulation, apparently with the participation of both extracellular and intracellular pools of Ca2+. In the oocyte, mobilization of Ca2+ from intracellular stores appears to be of primary importance to maturation while extracellular Ca2+ is not. These data provide further evidence that Ca2+ mediates the hormonally provoked responses in both cell types in the intact follicle, but that the source of Ca2+ may differ. Using intact follicles it seems apparent that exploiting this difference with selective inhibitors provides a means for differential modulation and functional uncoupling of these cells with regard to steroidogenesis and steroid action.  相似文献   

Role of the oocyte nucleus in physiological maturation in Rana pipiens   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

In ovarian follicles of Rana pipiens, frog pituitary homogenates (FPH) elevate intrafollicular progesterone levels which in turn is thought to induce meiotic resumption in the prophase I arrested oocytes. Calcium plays a role in FPH and steroid-provoked responses in the somatic and gametic components of the follicle, presumably via effects exerted at the plasma membrane of their respective target cells. Many membrane active hormones which utilize Ca2+ in their intracellular transduction also provoke membrane phosphoinositide hydrolysis yielding inositol triphosphate (IP3) and diacyl glycerol (DAG), an activator of the CA2+-dependent protein kinase C (PKC). The actions of phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (TPA), a potent synthetic activator of PKC, on progesterone production and oocyte maturation was examined in in vitro cultured ovarian follicles. TPA induced germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) in intact follicles and in oocytes denuded of somatic components, while the inactive compound phorbol 13-monoacetate was ineffective. Further, TPA induction of GVBD exhibited similarities to progesterone-induced GVBD, being inhibited by treatments which elevate cAMP or inhibit protein synthesis. TPA alone did not elevate intrafollicular or medium progesterone levels, as occurred in FPH-treated follicles. TPA partially inhibited intrafollicular progesterone accumulation induced by FPH or treatments which elevate cAMP levels. These data suggest that activation of PKC plays a role in oocyte maturation independent of follicular progesterone production as occurs in response to FPH. Further, it appears that the somatic cells of the amphibian follicle also possess PKC which when activated, antagonizes cAMP generating pathway in these cells. Results indicate that protein kinase can influence oocyte maturation in Rana follicular oocytes by several mechanisms.  相似文献   

Immature (germinal vesicle stage) Rana pipiens oocytes typically remain arrested in prophase I of meiosis even after extended periods of in-vitro culture, if not stimulated with hormones. We have, however, sporadically observed “spontaneous” occurrences of oocyte maturation in vitro without the addition of hormones. This study documents some of our observations on this phenomenon and presents experimental results concerning the effects and possible involvement of estrogen and follicle wall components in regulating spontaneous oocyte maturation. Estrogen was found to inhibit spontaneous oocyte maturation (GVBD) in a dose-dependent fashion. Follicles in which spontaneous maturation was inhibited by estrogen retained their responsiveness (GVBD) to both frog pituitary homogenate (FPH) and progesterone stimulation. Inhibitory effects of estrogen on spontaneous maturation, however, were not reversed following incubation of washed follicles in plain culture medium without added hormones. Possible involvement of progesterone synthesis in spontaneous oocyte maturation was ascertained by simultaneously monitoring endogenous progesterone synthesis and the occurrence of spontaneous GVBD over the course of the maturation process. In spontaneous maturing follicle there was a gradual increase in basal levels of progesterone synthesis that preceded GVBD. Significantly, addition of estrogen abolished both the spontaneous progesterone production and spontaneous oocyte maturation. When FPH was added to follicles exhibiting spontaneous oocyte maturation, progesterone production was augmented and the time course of oocyte maturation was greatly accelerated. Involvement of ovarian components in the maturation process was investigated by selective removal of various follicle layers by microdissection. Removal of follicle epithelium and theca layer (defolliculation) markedly decreased spontaneous and FPH-induced maturation, whereas removal of the entire follicle wall (denudation) completely blocked it. Our results suggest that both spontaneous and FPH-induced maturation involve an estrogen sensitive process in the follicle wall. Thus, somatic follicle cells appear to serve as a common mediator for both types of maturation, which are linked by some intrafollicular mechanism involving steroidogenesis. Hence, estrogen may play an important role as an endogenous intrafollicular regulator of oocyte meiotic maturation.  相似文献   

DNA-dependent RNA polymerase was extracted from oocytes of the frog, Rana pipiens. The bulk of the enzyme activity was present in the germinal vesicle and the amounts of each major form of such activity did not significantly change during oocyte maturation. Therefore, either nuclear polymerase activity is conserved after breakdown of the oocyte nucleus during maturation or, alternatively, de novo synthesis of the enzymes must occur during oocyte maturation concomitant with degradation. We have measured rates of protein synthesis in oocytes and determined a maximum rate of synthesis for RNA polymerases. Our kinetic studies show that no more than 20, 10, and 5% of RNA polymerases type I, IIa, and IIb, respectively, could be synthesized during steroid-induced oocyte maturation. These results thus show that the bulk of RNA polymerase accumulates in the germinal vesicle during oogenesis, is dispersed into the cytoplasm during maturation, and, since only limited synthesis seems to be occurring, the polymerase is available during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Increasing doses of estradiol-17 beta added to in vitro incubations inhibited pregnenolone-induced germinal vesicle breakdown in Rana pipiens ovarian follicles. The inhibition was reversed with increasing concentrations or pregnenolone added to the medium. Because no evidence of estradiol-17 beta inhibition or interaction with progesterone-induced GVBD was observed, the effect of estradiol-17 beta on the conversion of 3H-pregnenolone to 3H-progesterone was investigated. Estradiol-17 beta in doses as low as 10(-7) M significantly inhibited the conversion of 3H-pregnenolone to 3H-progesterone in follicles incubated in vitro. It is suggested that estradiol-17 beta is a feedback inhibitor of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-isomerase, the enzyme complex that converts pregnenolone to progesterone, a necessary step in the initiation of GVBD.  相似文献   

Ovaries from pubertal mice were dissected into fragments containing 1–4 antral follicles, which were cultured on the surface of a chemistry defined medium. After 17–20 hrs oocytes were released from the cultured follicles and their meiotic status recorded. In the presence or absence of exogenous gonadotropins oocytes in these cultures behaved meiotically as expected if they had been studied in the intact animal. Media containing 100 μM of progesterone for the duration of the culture period caused atresia of the oocytes, and although the addition of gonadotropins reduced this necrosis they did not induce the resumption of meiosis. The meiotic stimulating effect of gonadotropins was also inhibited if progesterone was present in the culture media for the first 3 hours only. Estradiol (100 μM) similarly inhibited the meiotic inducing action of gonadotropins when left in the medium for the duration of culture, but had no effect when administrated for a shorter period. The results from this model system, would indicate that the meiotic-initiating action of gonadotropins can be modulated by exposure to progesterone and estradiol.  相似文献   

Previous studies have indicated that pituitary-initiated oocyte maturation in the amphibian is mediated by steroidogenesis in the somatic portion of the follicle. This study compares the ability of (1) oocytes surrounded by a single layer of follicle cells, (2) denuded oocytes, and (3) isolated follicle cells to metabolize Δ5-pregnenolone, the common precursor of the steroids. Use of radiolabeled compounds demonstrates that the conversion of Δ5-pregnenolone to progesterone is confined to the follicle cells, while further reduction of progesterone takes place in the oocyte. The follicle cells also convert Δ5-pregnenolone to a form more potent in inducing meiotic maturation. Thus, the behavior of follicle cells in isolation is consistent with the suggested site of pituitary action leading to meiotic maturation as proposed by an earlier theory.  相似文献   

The effect of the medium composition and cultivation time on the maturation of sheep oocytes cultivated in vitro within the intact follicles was studied. The highest incidence of maturation was observed in medium 199 with 20% of sheep serum taken from an animal on the 16th day of the sexual cycle in a gaseous mixture of the following composition: 5% O2, 5% CO2, 90% N2 during 24 hrs.  相似文献   

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