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The expression of A-type lamin is downregulated in several cancers, and lamin defects are the cause of several diseases including a form of accelerated aging. We report that depletion of lamin A/C expression in normal human cells leads to a dramatic downregulation of the Rb family of tumor suppressors and a defect in cell proliferation. Lamin A/C-depleted cells exhibited a flat morphology and accumulated markers of cellular senescence. This senescent phenotype was accompanied by engagement of the p53 tumor suppressor and induction of the p53 target gene p21 and was prevented by small hairpin RNAs against p53, p21, or by the oncoprotein Mdm2. The expression of E2F target genes, normally required for cell cycle progression, was downregulated after lamin A/C depletion but restored after the inactivation of p53. A similar senescence response was observed in myoblasts from a patient with a lamin A mutation causing muscular dystrophy. We thus reveal a previously unnoticed mechanism of controlling cell cycle genes expression, which depends on p53 but does not require the retinoblastoma family of tumor suppressors and that can be relevant to understand the pathogenesis of laminopathies and perhaps aging.  相似文献   

Aberrant posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of proteins, namely phosphorylation, induce abnormalities in the biological properties of recipient proteins, underlying neurological diseases including Parkinson''s disease (PD). Genome-wide studies link genes encoding α-synuclein (α-Syn) and Tau as two of the most important in the genesis of PD. Although several kinases are known to phosphorylate α-Syn and Tau, we focused our analysis on GSK-3β because of its accepted role in phosphorylating Tau and to increasing evidence supporting a strong biophysical relationship between α-Syn and Tau in PD. Therefore, we investigated transgenic mice, which express a point mutant (S9A) of human GSK-3β. GSK-3β-S9A is capable of activation through endogenous natural signaling events, yet is unable to become inactivated through phosphorylation at serine-9. We used behavioral, biochemical, and in vitro analysis to assess the contributions of GSK-3β to both α-Syn and Tau phosphorylation. Behavioral studies revealed progressive age-dependent impairment of motor function, accompanied by loss of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive (TH+ DA-neurons) neurons and dopamine production in the oldest age group. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed deterioration of the substantia nigra in aged mice, a characteristic feature of PD patients. At the molecular level, kinase-active p-GSK-3β-Y216 was seen at all ages throughout the brain, yet elevated levels of p-α-Syn-S129 and p-Tau (S396/404) were found to increase with age exclusively in TH+ DA-neurons of the midbrain. p-GSK-3β-Y216 colocalized with p-Tau and p-α-Syn-S129. In vitro kinase assays showed that recombinant human GSK-3β directly phosphorylated α-Syn at a single site, Ser129, in addition to its known ability to phosphorylate Tau. Moreover, α-Syn and Tau together cooperated with one another to increase the magnitude or rate of phosphorylation of the other by GSK-3β. Together, these data establish a novel upstream role for GSK-3β as one of several kinases associated with PTMs of key proteins known to be causal in PD.After Alzheimer''s disease (AD), Parkinson''s disease (PD) is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disease, characterized by selective loss of TH+ DA-neurons of substantia nigra (SN) with diminished production of dopamine (DA).1 Genome-wide studies have identified SNCA and MAPT, genes encoding α-synuclein (α-Syn) and Tau, respectively, as having strong association to the genesis of PD.2, 3, 4 Although the precise etiology of PD remains a mystery, SNCA amplifications and mutations directly link α-Syn dysfunction to disease causation,5, 6 firmly establishing a role for α-Syn in sporadic and familial PD, respectively. α-Syn can be phosphorylated at several sites,7 and the predominance of α-Syn phosphorylated at serine 129 (S129) in Lewy bodies8 suggests its phosphorylation status at S129 has an important pathological role. Various PD models have shown that phosphorylation at S219 enhanced α-syn toxicity resulting in accelerated motor abnormalities and loss of DA-neurons.9, 10Fewer studies have examined the role of Tau (or p-Tau) in PD, but interest in the field has grown since completion of several genome-wide association studies. p-Tau has been found to colocalize with α-Syn in tissue from sporadic PD and dementia with Lewy bodies.11 We12, 13 and others14,15 have also identified p-Tau in different brain regions of PD, dementia with Lewy bodies, and AD. High levels of p-Tau have also been observed in vivo in several toxin16, 17, 18 and transgenic α-Syn models of PD,19,20 suggesting that p-Tau may be an important common factor in the neurodegeneration of not only tauopathies but also of synucleinopathies, such as PD.21, 22, 23, 24 Most studies to date have focused on the formation and accumulation of Tau and p-Tau in idiopathic PD. Yet several studies have provided evidence that leucine-rich repeat kinase-2 (LRRK2), a kinase, that when mutated is involved in familial forms of PD, can directly interact with, and activate GSK-3β, resulting in increased p-TAU formation.25,26Among the kinases known to hyperphosphorylate Tau, glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β) may be the most important given its ability to phosphorylate Tau at the majority of its serine/threonine sites that cause associated toxicities in AD.27,28 The importance of GSK-3β is illustrated in that it is embryonically lethal when knocked out in mice. Regulation of GSK-3β is tightly controlled through a series of direct and indirect measures. Direct regulation occurs through autophosphorylation at Tyr216,29,30 resulting in a kinase-active form, p-GSK-3β-Y216, whereas phosphorylation at Ser9 results in a kinase-inactive state.31 The activity of GSK-3β can also be controlled indirectly through binding to inhibitory complexes with other cytoplasmic proteins,32,33 or through Wnt-mediated sequestration into multivesicular bodies34 resulting in the physical separation of GSK-3β from its cytoplasmic targets. Control of GSK-3β in the normal state is therefore tightly regulated, with its dysregulation and ensuing aberrant phosphorylation of targets being a common occurrence in many diverse diseases. Several studies have shown that GSK-3β is an important mediator in the injury and repair processes of neurons during cross-talk between DA-neurons and reactive astrocytes.35,36 These studies showed that astrocyte-derived Wnt1 was capable of blocking GSK-3β activation, allowing the nuclear accumulation of β-catenin and subsequent gene expression of β-catenin-dependent targets essential for neuron survival and repair during chemical or metabolic insults. The importance of regulating the active/inactive states of GSK-3β in regard to neuronal stability is further supported through the analysis of conditional (Tet-inducible) transgenic mice expressing a dominant-negative GSK-3β-K85R mutant or expressing the GSK-3β-S9A mutant.37,38 In these studies, post-natal Tet-regulated expression of either GSK-3β-K85R or GSK-3β-S9A led to neurodegeneration in the cortex, striatum, and hippocampus. What separates our TG PD model from the tet-inducible GSK-3β models is the spatial patterns of transgene expression, which is influenced by the choice of promoters. The Tet-inducible GSK-3β models are expressed using a CAMKII promoter with our human(h) GSK-3β-S9A transgene being expressed under the Thy-1 promoter. CAMKII-driven expression is limited to neurons originating from the forebrain with Thy-1 promoter-driven expression restricted to neurons in all or most brain regions.39,40 Although promoter choice effecting tissue expression ultimately decides which regions show degeneration, the important message is that both inactive and hyperactive states of GSK-3β reduce neuronal viability.In our past studies in various in vitro and in vivo models of PD and in postmortem PD tissues, we have consistently observed a positive correlation between increased α-Syn and p-Tau levels with increased GSK-3β-Y216 (the kinase-active form of GSK-3β).12, 13, 16, 19, 20 In in vitro studies of MPTP-treated SH-SY5Y cells, blockade of GSK-3β with lithium, or with the highly selective non-ATP competitive inhibitor, TDZD-8, prevented the induction of p-GSK-3β-Y216, abolished p-Tau formation, and reversed the accumulation and aggregation of both p-Tau and α-Syn, averting cell death.16 Other studies using Rotenone or MPTP/MPP+ in chemical PD models, have shown similar results of decreased neuronal viability during treatments accompanied by dose- and time-dependent increases in GSK-3β activation, with decreased cytotoxicity detected when GSK-3β was inhibited or knocked-down through the use of GSK-3β-specific small molecule inhibitors or through RNAi.41,42 This suggested to us that p-GSK-3β-Y216 may have a contributory role in the pathogenesis of PD. Using a mouse model overexpressing hGSK-3β-S9A under the Thy-1 promoter together with in vitro kinase assays allowed us to discern the role GSK-3β has in the development of PD-like pathology.43 Analysis of our hGSK-3β-S9A mouse model showed here for the first time that upon aging, these mice develop the cardinal features of parkinsonism, manifested as impaired motor behavior, with associated loss of TH+ neurons, reduced DA production, and shrinkage of SN. Invitro kinase assays confirmed that hGSK-3β was capable of phosphorylating α-Syn on Serine 129 together with the known ability to phosphorylate Tau. Remarkably, both α-Syn and Tau influenced the rate and magnitude of phosphorylation of the other by GSK-3β indicating that an intimate physical relationship exist between the trio of PD related proteins. Together, these data shown indicate the importance of GSK-3β activation, in the behavioral and physiological development of PD like pathology in a new mouse model.  相似文献   



Parkinson''s disease is characterized by the presence of cytoplasmic inclusions, known as Lewy bodies, containing both aggregated α-synuclein and its interaction partner, synphilin-1. While synphilin-1 is known to accelerate inclusion formation by α-synuclein in mammalian cells, its effect on cytotoxicity remains elusive.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We expressed wild-type synphilin-1 or its R621C mutant either alone or in combination with α-synuclein in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and monitored the intracellular localization and inclusion formation of the proteins as well as the repercussions on growth, oxidative stress and cell death. We found that wild-type and mutant synphilin-1 formed inclusions and accelerated inclusion formation by α-synuclein in yeast cells, the latter being correlated to enhanced phosphorylation of serine-129. Synphilin-1 inclusions co-localized with lipid droplets and endomembranes. Consistently, we found that wild-type and mutant synphilin-1 interacts with detergent-resistant membrane domains, known as lipid rafts. The expression of synphilin-1 did not incite a marked growth defect in exponential cultures, which is likely due to the formation of aggresomes and the retrograde transport of inclusions from the daughter cells back to the mother cells. However, when the cultures approached stationary phase and during subsequent ageing of the yeast cells, both wild-type and mutant synphilin-1 reduced survival and triggered apoptotic and necrotic cell death, albeit to a different extent. Most interestingly, synphilin-1 did not trigger cytotoxicity in ageing cells lacking the sirtuin Sir2. This indicates that the expression of synphilin-1 in wild-type cells causes the deregulation of Sir2-dependent processes, such as the maintenance of the autophagic flux in response to nutrient starvation.


Our findings demonstrate that wild-type and mutant synphilin-1 are lipid raft interacting proteins that form inclusions and accelerate inclusion formation of α-synuclein when expressed in yeast. Synphilin-1 thereby induces cytotoxicity, an effect most pronounced for the wild-type protein and mediated via Sir2-dependent processes.  相似文献   

LRRK2 and SNCA, the gene for α-synuclein, are the two of the most important genetic factors of Parkinson's disease (PD). A-synuclein is aggregated and accumulated in neurons and glia in PD and considered the pathogenic culprit of the disease. A-synuclein aggregates spread from a few discrete regions of the brain to larger areas as the disease progresses through cell-to-cell propagation mechanism. LRRK2 is involved in the regulation of vesicle trafficking, in particular in the endolysosomal and autophagic pathways. Studies also suggest that LRRK2 might regulate the pathogenic actions of α-synuclein. However, the relationship between these two proteins in the pathogenesis of PD remains elusive. Here, we review the current literature on the pathophysiological function of LRRK2 with an emphasis on its role in the endolysosomal and autophagic pathways. We also propose a potential mechanism by which LRRK2 is involved in the regulation of aggregation and the propagation of α-synuclein.  相似文献   

The stress-activated signaling pathways, p53 and NF-κB, have a major role in the regulation of cellular senescence and organismal aging. These ancient signaling networks display functional antagonism via negative autoregulatory circuits. WIP1 (wildtype p53-induced phosphatase 1) and MIF (macrophage migration inhibitory factor) are signaling molecules which link together the p53 and NF-κB pathways via positive and negative feedback loops. It seems that the efficiency of the p53 signaling pathway declines during aging whereas that of NF-κB is clearly enhanced. Moreover, p53 is an important trigger of cellular senescence while NF-κB signaling seems to be involved in the induction of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). MIF is a pro-inflammatory cytokine which inhibits the function of p53 signaling whereas it is linked to NF-κB signaling via a positive feedback loop. MIF knockout mice are healthier and live longer than their wild-type counterparts. An increased level of MIF can support inflammatory responses via enhancing NF-κB signaling and repressing the function of p53. p53 is an inducer of the expression of WIP1 which can subsequently inhibit NF-κB signaling. Several observations indicate that the activity of WIP1 decreases during the aging process, this being probably attributable to the decline in p53 function. Decreased WIP1 activity potentiates the activity of p38MAPK and NF-κB signaling leading to premature cellular senescence as well as low-level chronic inflammation. We will review the findings linking WIP1 and MIF to specific signaling responses of p53 and NF-κB and discuss their role in the regulation of cellular senescence and organismal aging.  相似文献   

A hallmark of Parkinson disease (PD) is the formation of intracellular protein inclusions called Lewy bodies that also contain mitochondria. α-Synuclein (αSyn) is a major protein component of Lewy bodies, where it is in an amyloid conformation and a significant fraction is truncated by poorly understood proteolytic events. Previously, we demonstrated that the 20S proteasome cleaves αSyn in vitro to produce fragments like those observed in Lewy bodies and that the fragments accelerate the formation of amyloid fibrils from full-length αSyn. Three point mutations in αSyn are associated with early-onset familial PD: A30P, E46K, and A53T. However, these mutations have very different effects on the amyloidogenicity and vesicle-binding activity of αSyn, suggesting neither of these processes directly correlate with neurodegeneration. Here, we evaluate the effect of the disease-associated mutations on the fragmentation, conformation, and association reactions of αSyn in the presence of the 20S proteasome and liposomes. The 20S proteasome produced the C-terminal fragments from both the mutant and wildtype αSyn. These truncations accelerated fibrillization of all α-synucleins, but again there was no clear correlation between the PD-associated mutations and amyloid formation in the presence of liposomes. Recent data suggests that cellular toxicity is caused by a soluble oligomeric species, which is a precursor to the amyloid form and is immunologically distinguishable from both soluble monomeric and amyloid forms of αSyn. Notably, the rate of formation of the soluble, presumptively cytotoxic oligomers correlated with the disease-associated mutations when both 20S proteasome and liposomes were present. Under these conditions, the wildtype protein was also cleaved and formed the oligomeric structures, albeit at a slower rate, suggesting that 20S-mediated truncation of αSyn may play a role in sporadic PD as well. Evaluation of the biochemical reactions of the PD-associated α-synuclein mutants in our in vitro system provides insight into the possible pathogenetic mechanism of both familial and sporadic PD.  相似文献   

Alpha-synuclein (αS), a 140 amino acid presynaptic protein, is the major component of the fibrillar aggregates (Lewy bodies) observed in dopaminergic neurons of patients affected by Parkinson's disease. It is currently believed that noncovalent oligomeric forms of αS, arising as intermediates in its aggregation, may constitute the major neurotoxic species. However, attempts to isolate and characterize such oligomers in vitro, and even more so in living cells, have been hampered by their transient nature, low concentration, polymorphism, and inherent instability. In this work, we describe the preparation and characterization of low molecular weight covalently bound oligomeric species of αS obtained by crosslinking via tyrosyl radicals generated by blue-light photosensitization of the metal coordination complex ruthenium (II) tris-bipyridine in the presence of ammonium persulfate. Numerous analytical techniques were used to characterize the αS oligomers: biochemical (anion-exchange chromatography, SDS-PAGE, and Western blotting); spectroscopic (optical: UV/Vis absorption, steady state, dynamic fluorescence, and dynamic light scattering); mass spectrometry; and electrochemical. Light-controlled protein oligomerization was mediated by formation of Tyr-Tyr (dityrosine) dimers through -C-C- bonds acting as covalent bridges, with a predominant involvement of residue Y39. The diverse oligomeric species exhibited a direct effect on the in vitro aggregation behavior of wild-type monomeric αS, decreasing the total yield of amyloid fibrils in aggregation assays monitored by thioflavin T (ThioT) fluorescence and light scattering, and by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Compared to the unmodified monomer, the photoinduced covalent oligomeric species demonstrated increased toxic effects on differentiated neuronal-like SH-SY5Y cells. The results highlight the importance of protein modification induced by oxidative stress in the initial molecular events leading to Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a neurodegenerative disease caused by α-synuclein (α-syn) accumulation in oligodendrocytes and neurons. We generated a transgenic (Tg) mouse model in which human α-syn was overexpressed in oligodendrocytes. Our previous studies have revealed that oligodendrocytic α-syn inclusions induced neuronal α-syn accumulation, thereby resulting in progressive neuronal degeneration in mice. We also demonstrated that an insoluble complex of α-syn and β-III tubulin in microtubules progressively accumulated in neurons, thereby leading to neuronal degeneration. In the present study, we demonstrated that neuronal accumulation of the insoluble complex was derived from binding of α-syn to β-III tubulin and not from α-syn self-aggregation. Thus, interaction between α-syn and β-III tubulin plays an important role in neuronal α-syn accumulation in an MSA mouse model.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that allogeneic bone marrow (BM)-mesenchymal stem cell transplantation (MSCT) appears to be effective in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients and lupus-prone mice, contrary to studies in syngeneic BM-MSCT. These studies indicated that the abnormalities of BM-MSCs may be involved in the pathogenesis of SLE. Our studies and other previous studies have revealed that BM-MSCs from SLE patients exhibited early signs of senescence, such as flattened morphology, slow proliferation, increased senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) activity, and so on. However, the mechanisms by which these cells senescences were still unclear. Previous studies have demonstrated that Wnt/β-catenin signaling plays an important role in stem cell senescence. In the current study, we investigated whether Wnt/β-catenin signaling mediates the senescence of BM-MSCs from SLE patients. We have found that Wnt/β-catenin signaling and the p53/p21 pathway were significantly hyperactivated in senescent SLE BM-MSCs. Treatment with 100 ng/mL Dickkopf-1 (DKK1), a Wnt/β-catenin signaling inhibitor or β-catenin siRNA for 48 h could reverse the senescent features of SLE BM-MSCs. Additionally, the expression levels of p53 and p21 were reduced in treated-SLE BM-MSCs compared with the untreated group. In summary, our study indicated that Wnt/β-catenin signaling may play a critical role in the senescence of SLE BM-MSCs through the p53/p21 pathway.  相似文献   

The issue of whether aberrant expression of β1-integrin is associated with cancer progression and development of resistance to cytotoxic therapy is of considerable interest. Studies to date have shown that the anchorage-independent survival of cancer is attributed, in part, to epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Here, we have reported a novel alternative mechanism of anchorage-independent survival of cancer cells. Cell lines derived from head and neck cancer patients (AMC-HN-3 and AMC-HN-9) and the well-known EMT cancer cell line, MDA-MB231, were examined. The EMT features of AMC-HN-9 cells were comparable to those of MDA-MB231, whereas AMC-HN-3 cells showed no EMT characteristics. Although the pattern and degree of β1-integrin expression were similar in all three cell lines, sensitivities of the cells to β1-integrin knockdown with small interfering RNA (siRNA) were different. Cancer cells with no EMT features underwent cell death to a more significant extent following β1-integrin silencing than those with EMT. Intriguingly, we observed reactive activation of the p53-p21 pathway after β1-integrin silencing in AMC-HN-9 cells lacking an apparent cell death response. Simultaneous knockdown of wild-type p53 and β1-integrin in this cell line promoted cell death. Our data collectively indicate that β1-integrin-related cell death is closely associated with EMT phenotypes and activation of the p53-p21 pathway is partly involved in the acquisition of resistance to apoptosis induced by β1-integrin silencing. Further clarification of the mechanisms underlying p53 integration with β1-integrin signaling may facilitate the development of novel anti-cancer strategies.  相似文献   

Jethva PN  Kardani JR  Roy I 《The FEBS journal》2011,278(10):1688-1698
The neurotransmitter dopamine has been shown to inhibit fibrillation of α-synuclein by promoting the formation of nonamyloidogenic oligomers. Fibrillation of α-synuclein is accelerated in the presence of pesticides and the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). The aim of this study was to determine whether dopamine continues to have an adverse effect on the fibrillation of α-synuclein in the presence of MPTP and its metabolite 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinum ion (MPP(+) ). We also attempted to answer the ambiguous question of whether conversion of MPTP to MPP(+) is required for the fibrillation of α-synuclein. For this, α-synuclein was incubated in the presence of MPTP and MPP(+) along with dopamine. The fibrillation of α-synuclein was monitored by Thioflavin T fluorescence and immunoblotting. The morphology of the aggregates formed was observed using scanning electron microscopy. The concentrations of the neurotoxin and its metabolite were estimated by reverse phase HPLC. We found definitive evidence that the conversion of MPTP to MPP(+) is not required for aggregation of α-synuclein. MPP(+) was found to accelerate the rate of α-synuclein aggregation even in the absence of components of mitochondrial complex I. In contrast to the effect of dopamine on the aggregation of α-synuclein alone, in the presence of MPTP or MPP(+) , the aggregates formed are Thioflavin T-positive and amyloidogenic. Thus, the effect of dopamine on the nature of aggregates formed in case of α-synuclein alone and in the presence of MPTP/MPP(+) is different.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 has many established in vitro substrates, but it is only within the past few years that we have begun to ascertain which of these are its real physiological targets, how their phosphorylation may contribute towards regulating normal cell physiology, and how phosphorylation of these proteins might influence the development of diseases such as cancer. One of the well-characterised in vitro substrates for CK2 is the tumour suppressor protein, p53. However, the physiological nature of this interaction has never been fully established. In the present article, we summarise a recent study from our laboratory showing that phosphorylation of p53 at Ser392, the sole site modified by CK2 in vitro, is regulated by a novel mechanism where the stoichiometry of phosphorylation is governed by the rate of turnover of the p53 protein. Such a model is entirely consistent with phosphorylation by a constitutively active protein kinase such as CK2. In contrast to this, while there is overwhelming evidence that CK2 phosphorylates p53 in vitro and is the only detectable Ser392 protein kinase in cell extracts, our data raise uncertainty as to whether this interaction truly reflects events underpinning Ser392 phosphorylation in vivo. We consider the possible role of CK2 in regulating the p53 response in a wider context and suggest key issues that should be addressed experimentally to provide a more cohesive picture of the relationship between this important protein kinase and a pivotal anti-cancer surveillance system in cells.  相似文献   

BackgroundToxoplasmosis constitutes a large global burden that is further exacerbated by the shortcomings of available therapeutic options, thus underscoring the urgent need for better anti-Toxoplasma gondii therapy or strategies. Recently, we showed that the anti-parasitic action of inorganic nanoparticles (NPs) could, in part, be due to changes in redox status as well as in the parasite mitochondrial membrane potential.MethodsIn the present study, we explored the in vitro mode of action of the anti-T. gondii effect of NPs by evaluating the contributions of host cellular processes, including the tryptophan pathway and hypoxia-inducing factor activity. NPs, at concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 200 µg/ml were screened for anti-parasitic activity. Sulfadiazine and/or pyrimethamine served as positive controls.ResultsWe found that interplay among multiple host cellular processes, including HIF-1α activity, indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase activity, and to a larger extent the tryptophan pathway, contribute to the anti-parasitic action of NPs.ConclusionTo our knowledge, this is the first study to demonstrate an effect of NPs on the tryptophan and/or kynurenine pathway.General significanceOur findings deepen our understanding of the mechanism of action of NPs and suggest that modulation of the host nutrient pool may represent a viable approach to the development of new and effective anti-parasitic agents.  相似文献   

Kim DS  Lim HK  Jang S  Oh S 《Neurochemical research》2003,28(12):1771-1778
Butorphanol was infused continuously into cerebral ventricle at a constant rate of 26 nmol/l/h for 3 days, and the withdrawal from opioid was rendered 7 h after the cessation of infusion. The G-protein -subunit has been implicated in opioid tolerance and withdrawal. The effects of continuous infusion of butorphanol on the modulation of G protein -subunit mRNA were investigated by using in situ hybridization techniques. In situ hybridization showed marked changes in the levels of Gs during butorphanol tolerance and withdrawal. Specifically, the level of Gs mRNA was significantly decreased in almost all areas of brain except hippocampus during the butorphanol withdrawal. It was also decreased in the septum and cerebellar granule layer in butorphanol tolerant rats. The level of Gi mRNA was significantly decreased only in the cerebral cortex of butorphanol tolerant rat. However, no such change was noted during the withdrawal from butorphanol. The level of Go mRNA was not changed either in butorphanol tolerant or in the butorphanol withdrawal rats. No alterations were noted in the level of [3H]forskolin binding to adenylyl cyclase in butorphanol tolerant as well as withdrawing rats. The levels of pCREB were significantly elevated in the hippocampus in the butorphanol withdrawal rats. These results suggest that region-specific changes of G protein -subunit mRNA and pCREB without marked changes in the level of adenylyl cyclase may underlie the tolerance to and withdrawal from butorphanol.  相似文献   

DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) occur more frequently in TIS21?/? mouse embryo fibroblasts than that in wild type MEFs (wt-MEFs). Therefore, the role TIS21 plays in the DNA damage response was investigated. Adenoviral transduction of Huh7 tumor cells with the TIS21 gene accelerated the repair of DSBs induced by etoposide treatment as evaluated by clearance of γH2AX foci and the Comet assay. TIS21 increased methylation of Mre11 and protein arginine methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) activity, leading to Mre11 activation in vitro and in vivo, as determined by immunoprecipitation and radiolabeling analyses. When downstream DNA damage response mediators were evaluated in various human cancer cells lines, TIS21 was found to strongly inhibit Chk2T68 and p53S20 phosphorylation by p-ATMS1981 but not p53S15. The loss of Chk2 activation after etoposide treatment reduced apoptosis in the cells by downregulating the expression of E2F1 and Bax. These data suggest that TIS21 regulates DSB repair and apoptosis. Expression of TIS21 promoted the repair of DSBs and reduced apoptosis by blocking the damage signal from p-ATMS1981 to Chk2T68–p53S20 via the activation of Mre11 and PRMT1.  相似文献   

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