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Two new taxa of Liagoraceae (Nemaliales) are described from Western Australia. Gloiotrichus fractalis gen. et sp. nov. has been collected from 3–20 m depths at the Houtman Abrolhos, Western Australia. Plants are calcified, extremely lubricous, and grow to 17 cm in length. Carpogonial branches are straight, 6 or 7 cells in length, arise from the basal or lower cells of cortical fascicles, and are occasionally compound. Branched sterile filaments of narrow elongate cells arise on the lower cells of the carpogonial branch prior to gonimoblast initiation, at first on the basal cells, then on progressively more distal cells. Following presumed fertilisation the carpogonium divides transversely, with both cells giving rise to gonimoblast filaments. The distal cells of the carpogonial branch then begin to fuse, with fusion progressing proximally until most of the cells of the carpogonial branch are included. As fusion extends, the filaments on the carpogonial branch are reduced to the basal 2 or 3 cells. The gonimoblast is compact and bears terminal carposporangia. Spermatangial clusters arise on subterminal cells of the cortex, eventually displacing the terminal cells. The sequence of pre- and post-fertilisation events occurring in the new genus separates it from all others included in the Liagoraceae, although it appears to have close affinities with the uncalcified genus Nemalion. Ganonema helminthaxis sp. nov. was collected from 12 m depths at Rottnest Island, Western Australia. Plants are uncalcified and mucilaginous, the axes consisting of a few (< 10) primary medullary filaments, each cell of which gives rise to a cortical fascicle at alternate forks of the pseudodichotomies borne on successive medullary cells. Subsidiary (adventitious) filaments and rhizoids comprise the bulk of the thallus. Carpogonial branches are straight, (3-)4(-6) cells in length, arise on the basal 1–4 cells of the cortical fascicles, and are frequently compound. Carposporophytes develop from the upper of two daughter cells formed by a transverse division of the fertilised carpogonium. Ascending and descending sterile filaments girdle the carpogonial branch cells and arise mostly on the supporting cell prior to fertilisation. Ganonema helminthaxis is the first completely non-calcified member of the genus, and its reproductive and vegetative morphology supports the recognition of Ganonema as a genus independent from Liagora. Liagora codii Womersley is a southern Australian species displaying features of Ganonema, to which it is transferred.  相似文献   

Hybrid cells were obtained from somatic cell fusion among male, female, and tetrasporangial plants in Griffithsia japonica Okamura by a wound-healing process. Isolated fusion cells regenerated new mature plants with mixed reproductive structures. The plants regenerated from hybrid cells between male and female plants developed into 1) spermatangiate, 2) carpogonial, 3) bisexual with spermatangia and carpogonial branches, 4) mixed-phase with spermatangia and tetrasporangia, or 5) bisexual/mixed-phase plants with spermatangia, carpogonial branches, and tetrasporangia. About 70% of the plants regenerated from hybrid cells between male and female plants produced tetrasporangia that were always formed with spermatangia on a single cell. Some of those tetrasporangia released tetraspores, six of which gave rise to mature plants. The plants regenerated from hybrid cells between male and tetrasporangial plants developed into spermatangiate, tetrasporangiate, or mixed-phase plants with spermatangia and tetrasporangia. The plants regenerated from hybrid cells between female and tetrasporangial plants developed into carpogonial, tetrasporangiate, or mixed-phase plants with carpogonial branches and tetrasporangia. All types of reproductive structures we re functional.  相似文献   

Asteromenia gen. nov. (Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta) is proposed with a single species, Asteromenia peltata (W. R. Taylor) comb. nov. (basionym: Fauchea peltata W. R. Taylor). Thalli of the proposed new genus are stipitate with dorsiventral, peltate blades that are initially circular in shape but with age become stellate with ligulate arms. Internally, the blades have a polystromatic medulla of large, hyaline cells, grading into a cortex of smaller, pigmented cells. Clusters of translucent cells occur on the dorsal surface of the blade. Tetrasporangia are formed by transformations of intercalary midcortical cells. Mature tetrasporangia have cruciately arranged spores and are densely aggregated in the cortex, mostly on the ventral surface, but occasional tetrasporangia also arise on the dorsal surface. Carpogonial branches are four-celled and arise on inner cortical cells. Auxiliary cells are borne on auxiliary mother cells attached to supporting cells of the carpogonial branches. Cystocarps are protuberant, with well-developed, ostiolate pericarps that often have extended, proboscis-like necks. The new genus differs from the previously described peltate or dorsiventral taxa in the Rhodymeniaceae by its polystromatic medulla (Maripelta and Sciadophycus have a monostromatic medulla), intercalary tetrasporangia formed in an unmodified cortex, and four-celled carpogonial branches (Halichrysis, as typified by H. depressa (J. Agardh) F. Schmitz, has terminal tetrasporangia in nemathecia and three-celled carpogonial branches).  相似文献   

Dicroglossum gen. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Ceramiales) is a monotypic genus based on Delesseria crispatula, a species originally described by Harvey for plants collected from southwestern Western Australia. Distinctive features of the new genus include exogenous indeterminate branches; growth by means of a single transversely dividing, apical cell; absence of intercalary divisions in the primary, secondary, and tertiary cell rows; lateral pericentral cells not transversely divided; not all cells of the secondary cell rows producing tertiary cells rows; all tertiary initials reaching the thallus margin; midrib present but lateral nerves absent; determinate lateral bladelets arising endogenously; blades monostromatic, except, at the midrib; carpogonial branches restricted to primary cell rows, on both surfaces of unmodified blades; procarps produced on both blade surfaces, each procarp consisting of a supporting cell that bears two four-celled carpogonial branches and one sterile-cell group of three to four cells; and tetrasporangia borne in two layers, separated by a central row of sterile cells. The combination of exogenous indeterminate branching and bicarpogonial procarps is considered to warrant the recognition of a new tribe, the Dicroglosseae, within the subfamily Delesserioideae.  相似文献   

The taxonomic distinctiveness of the crustose red algal genus Polystrata Heydrich (Peyssonneliaceae) is confirmed on the basis of morphological and molecular data. The vegetative and reproductive morphology of the type species Polystrata dura Heydrich is newly described. Polystrata thalli are thick multi‐layered crusts, each crust of which is composed of a mesothallus, a superior perithallus, and an inferior perithallus. P. dura is characterized by a poorly developed inferior perithallus consisting of single‐celled perithallial filaments and each layer of multi‐layered crusts being closely adherent to the parental layer. This Polystrata species is identical to Peyssonnelia species, the type genus of the Peyssonneliaceae in the morphology of sexual reproductive organs: a carpogonial branch and an auxiliary cell branch are formed laterally on respective nemathecial filaments; the gonimoblasts are developed from connecting filaments and auxiliary cells; the spermatangia are produced in male and female nemathecia; and the spermatangial filament produces a series of one to four paired spermatangia that form a whorl surrounding each central cell (the Peyssonnelia dubyi‐type development). Polystrata fosliei (Weber‐van Bosse) Denizot is clearly distinguished from P. dura by an inferior perithallus as well‐developed as the superior perithallus, and each layer of multi‐layered crusts being loosely adherent to the parental layer. In our small subunit rDNA trees of the Peyssonneliaceae, these Polystrata species formed a clade with low to medium supports, although the phylogenetic position of Polystrata was unresolved in this family. Therefore, the thallus structure of Polystrata may be regarded as an important taxonomic character at the genus rank.  相似文献   

Vegetative and reproductive morphology and ultrastructure were examined for the three genera of the freshwater red algal family Lemaneaceae: Lemanea (two species, seven populations), Paralemanea (two species, three populations) and Psilosiphon (one species, one population). Psilosiphon is readily distinguished from the other two genera in having an outer cortex composed of well-defined filaments interconnected with a dense medulla (both cell types being little vacuolated), spores cleaving off obliquely, putative spermatangia scattered on the thallus surface and reproduction by adventitious filaments. Based on the distinctness of this genus (and corroborated by molecular phylogenies in preparation), a new family is described, the Psilosiphonaceae. Lemanea and Paralemanea appear to be closely related, with an outer cortex that has cells of increasing size and vacuolation from the periphery to the interior and not in obvious rows, a central lumen that contains few ray cells but no medullary filaments, sexual reproduction with spermatangia in distinct clusters, and carpospores in chains, some of which can germinate in the thallus lumen. Lemanea and Paralemanea have distinguishing characteristics that the other genus does not: for Lemanea, hair cells, ray cells abutting the outer cortex and spermatangia in patches; for Paralemanea, no hair cells or ray cells appressed to the outer cortex, inner cortical filaments surrounding the central axis and spermatangia in rings.  相似文献   

Morphological studies were undertaken on Gastroclonium pacificum (E.Y. Dawson) C.F. Chang et B.M. Xia (Champiaceae, Rhodymeniales) from Japan. We describe the details of male reproductive structures, the procarp and early post‐fertilization stages. This species has a solid axis, with both tetrasporangia and polysporangia, spermatangia are cut off from spermatangial parent cells, and a procarp is composed of a 4‐celled carpogonial branch and two 2‐celled auxiliary cell branches. The mature cystocarp lacks a conspicuous ostiole, a characteristic of the genus Gastroclonium. The most distinctive characteristic of the species is the tela arachnoidea, which is lacking in other species of Gastroclonium.  相似文献   

A hemiparasitic alga, Sorellocotax stellaris sp. nov. is described growing on plants of Sorella repens collected from Onagawa, Miyagi Prefecture, east coast of Honshu, Japan. The thallus is small, up to 2 mm high, once or twice branched from the margin. The growing apex has a transversely dividing apical cell, and intercalary cell divisions occur in the cells of first-order rows. Tetrasporangia are cut off from the cells of the inner cortex, The procarp is composed of a supporting cell, one group of sterile cells and two carpogonial branches. Carposporangia are borne in short chains.  相似文献   

The first evidence of conceptacle formation in male and female plants of Bossiella californica ssp. Schmittii is the secretion of a cap below the epithallium. Subsequent development involves the disintegration of the upper enucleate parts of cortical cells below the center of the cap concomitant with the growth of tissue surrounding these cells. Protoplasts in the lower parts of these cortical cells recover and become initials of reproductive cells. Differentiation of each initial in female plants results in a supporting cells bearing 1 or 2, 2-celled carpogonial filaments, and in male plants results in a basal cell bearing 2 or 3 spermatangial mother cells which bud off spermatangia. Following fertilization, supporting cells fuse and form a broad, thin fusion cell from the upper surface of which gonimoblast (carposporangial) filaments arise.  相似文献   

A new genus, Augophyllum Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand gen. nov. related to Nitophyllum, tribe Nitophylleae, subfam. Nitophylloideae of the Delesseriaceae, is established to contain the type species Augophyllum wysorii Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand sp. nov. from Caribbean Panama; Augophyllum kentingii Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand sp. nov. from Taiwan; Augophyllum marginifructum (R. E. Norris et Wynne) Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand comb. nov. (Myriogramme marginifructa R. E. Norris et Wynne 1987) from South Africa, Tanzania, and the Sultanate of Oman; and Augophyllum delicatum (Millar) Lin, Fredericq et Hommersand comb. nov. (Nitophyllum delicatum Millar 1990 ) from southeastern Australia. Like Nitophyllum, Augophyllum is characterized by a diffuse meristematic region, the absence of macro‐ and microscopic veins, procarps consisting of a supporting cell bearing a slightly curved four‐celled carpogonial branch flanked laterally by a cover cell and a sterile cell, a branched multicellular sterile group after fertilization, absence of cell fusions between gonimoblast cells, and tetrasporangia transformed from multinucleate surface cells. Augophyllum differs from Nitophyllum by the blades becoming polystromatic inside the margins, often with a stipitate cylindrical base, the possession of aggregated discoid plastids neither linked by fine strands nor forming bead‐like branched chains, spermatangia and procarps initiated at the margins of blades, not diffuse, and a cystocarp composed of densely branched gonimoblast filaments borne on a conspicuous persistent auxiliary cell with an enlarged nucleus. Analyses of the rbcL gene support the separation of Augophyllum from Nitophyllum. An investigation of species attributed to Nitophyllum around the world is expected to reveal other taxa referable to Augophyllum.  相似文献   

The reproductive morphology of Dumontia incrassata (O. F. Müller) Lamouroux is described from New Hampshire, U.S.A. populations. Mature carpogonial and auxiliary branches are usually 5 and 6 celled, respectively, but both may range from 4 to 9 cells. Auxiliary branches are more numerous than carpogonial branches; however, the ratio of carpogonial to auxiliary branches increases towards the apex of the frond. A linear relationship exists between the position of the generative auxiliary cell and the number of cells in the auxiliary branches. In most cases the third cell from the top of the auxiliary branch becomes the generative auxiliary cell. The probabilities for different positions of the generative auxiliary cells are summarized. During spermatangial development, four mother cells are initially produced per cortical cell initial; subsequently, successive spermatangia are cut off obliquely and on opposite sides of each mother cell. Monoecious asexual plants of D. incrassata are described, as well as an irregular tetraspore development.Scientific Contribution Number from the New Hampshire Agriculture Experiment Station; also issued as contribution No. 81 of the Jackson Estuarine LaboratoryScientific Contribution Number from the New Hampshire Agriculture Experiment Station; also issued as contribution No. 81 of the Jackson Estuarine Laboratory  相似文献   

A minute parasite of Neosiphonia poko (Hollenberg) Abbott from a shallow lagoon on the central-Pacific Johnston Atoll is described as Neotenophycus ichthyosteus Kraft et Abbott, gen. et sp. nov. The infective parasite cell first connects to a central-axial cell of the host, then emerges from between host pericentral cells at a node before dividing into a three- or four-celled primary axis. Epibasal cells of the parasite divide to form three pericentral cells whose derivatives produce a globular head on the basal cell and on which reproductive structures differentiate almost immediately. Trichoblasts on any life-history stage are completely lacking. Spermatangia are borne on mother cells across the whole thallus surface. Procarps consist of four pericentral cells that encircle a subapical fertile-axial cell in an ampullar configuration, one of the pericentral cells serving as the supporting cell and bearing a four-celled carpogonial branch and a single sterile cell. Diploidization results in a longitudinal/concave division of the auxiliary cell and formation of an arching linear series of inner gonimoblast cells, each dividing toward the thallus surface into gonimoblast filaments of very narrow, horizontally aligned cells terminated by initially monopodial, later by sympodial, carposporangia, the whole of the mature female gametophyte consisting of an amalgam of several cystocarps within a lax jacket of sterile gametophytic tissue. Tetrasporophytes are composed of lobes of pericentral-cell-derived filaments, each axial cell of which is ringed by three pericentral cells producing tetrahedral tetrasporangia enclosed by two pre-sporangial cover cells. Affinities of the new genus are discussed and comparison is made particularly to the enigmatic parasite Episporium centroceratis Möbius. It is concluded that relationships with any previously described tribe are so remote or obscure that the new tribe Neotenophyceae should be proposed for it.  相似文献   

The calcified, though strongly mucosoid gametophytes of Trichogloea (Nemaliales, Liagoraceae) usually appear seasonally for a short period in tropical and subtropical regions. Vegetative and reproductive characteristics of the presently recognized species, Trichogloea requienii (Mont.) Kützing (the generitype), Trichogloea lubrica J. Agardh, and Trichogloea herveyi W. R. Taylor, are described and compared. In addition, the identities of two previously synonymized species, Trichogloea jadinii Børgesen and Trichogloea javensis B0rgesen are clarified. Species of the genus display considerable variation in habit and branching patterns, necessitating an assessment of reproductive structures for accurate identification. Reliable features of Trichogloea include the structure of the medulla and the cortical (assimilatory) filaments, location and structure of carpogonial branches and spermatangia, and the nature of sterile filaments in the vicinity of the cystocarp. Secondary features include both external and internal branching pattern, and the proportion of calcium carbonate to lubricous material, the latter having to be assessed from fresh collections. The present study provides a comparative morphological account of the species of Trichogloea. As a result, T. requienii, T. lubrica, T. herveyi are confirmed as independent species; T. jadinii is removed from synonymy with T. lubrica and placed in that of T. requienii, and T. javensis is confirmed as a synonym of Izziella orientalis (J. Agardh) Huisman et Schils.  相似文献   

Recent collections of Rhodocallis elegans Kützing from southeastern Australia have permitted detailed observations of vegetative and reproductive structures that reveal features not exhibited by any existing tribe of Ceramiaceae. As a consequence, we establish the new tribe Rhodocallideae based on the unispecific genus Rhodocallis. Defining characters include: 1) four periaxial cells cut off in an alternating (rhodomelaceous) sequence; 2) determinate branchlets of two types: a) persistent lateral branchlets produced from the first-formed periaxial cells, and b) deciduous transverse branchlets produced from the second and third periaxial cells, with cortical filaments issuing from all four periaxial cells; 3) first- and second-order determinate branchlets terminated by thick-walled spines; 4) indeterminate branches formed at the tips of directly converted determinate branchlets; 5) axial cells of indeterminate branches heavily corticated by a cylinder of descending rhizoidal filaments; 6) spermatangial parent cells borne directly on unmodified outer cortical cells; 7) carpogonial branches borne in series on second and third periaxial cells of modified indeterminate axes; 8) procarps lacking sterile-cell groups; 9) a single derivative of the zygote nucleus transferred from the carpogonium to the auxiliary cell directly through a tube rather than by means of a connecting cell; 10) gonimoblasts surrounded by a network of rhizoidal filaments through which the gonimolobes protrude, the carposporophyte subtended by an investment of determinate branchlets; and 11) tetrasporangia tetrahedrally divided, borne on surface cortical cells of special determinate branchlets and protruding outside the cuticular layer.  相似文献   

Leptofauchea rhodymenioides Taylor (Faucheaceae, Rhodymeniales) is reported from Japan for the first time, based on detailed morphological studies and molecular phylogenetic analyses of nuclear‐encoded small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) and plastid‐encoded rbcL gene sequences. This is the first report of male gametophytes and detailed carposporophyte development in the genus Leptofauchea. This species is characterized as follows: (i) flat, membranous, and regularly and dichotomously branched thalli; (ii) the older blades are constricted below the apices; (iii) the cortex is composed of a continuous layer with an irregularly arranged outer layer, and the medulla of two to three incomplete layers; (iv) gametophytes are dioecious; (v) in males, the cortical cells cut off two to three spermatangial mother cells, which produce terminal spermatangia; (vi) in females, the procarp is composed of a three‐celled carpogonial branch and a two‐celled auxiliary cell branch; (vii) upon fertilization, the carpogonium directly contacts the auxiliary cell; (viii) the auxiliary mother cell fuses with vegetative cells, and forms a large trunk‐like fusion cell; (ix) gonimoblast filaments develop outwardly, and transform completely into carposporangia; (x) the carposporophyte is covered with a pericarp with a well‐defined tela arachnoidea; (xi) the mature cystocarp is spherical, has an ostiole, and protrudes from the blade margins; and (xii) the cruciately divided tetrasporangia are formed in nemathecia, produced laterally from paraphyses or terminally on short filaments. Molecular analyses suggest that Leptofauchea forms a strong sister alliance with the genus Webervanbossea. The families Faucheaceae and Lomentariaceae, and the genera Leptofauchea and Webervanbossea are monophyletic, but the latter two genera are not included in the Faucheaceae.  相似文献   

Leachiella pacifica, gen. et sp. nov., a marine alloparasitic red alga is described from Washington and California. Several species of Polysiphonia and Pterosiphonia are hosts for this parasite. The thallus is a white, multiaxial, unbranched pustule with rhizoidal filaments that ramify between host cells, forming numerous secondary pit connections with host cells. All reproductive structures develop from outer cortical cells. Tetrasporocytes, situated on stalk cells, undergo simultaneous, tetrahedral cleavage to form tetraspores. Spermatia are formed continuously by oblique cleavages of the elongate spermatial generating cells. This results in spermatial clusters consisting of 4–8 spermatia in an alternate arrangement. Carposporophyte development is procarpial. The carpogonium is part of a six-celled branch including a sterile cell that is formed by the basal cell. The carpogonial branch is attached laterally to an obovate supporting cell that also forms an auxiliary cell, presumably formed prior to fertilization. After fertilization the carpogonium temporarily fuses with the auxiliary cell apparently to transfer the diploid nucleus and initiate further fusion with the subtending supporting cell to form an incipient fusion cell. The auxiliary cell portion of this fusion cell divides to form gonimoblast initials that continue to divide, forming gonimoblast filaments whose terminal cells differentiate into carpospores. The remainder of the fusion cell enlarges by continual fusion with adjacent vegetative cells. The resultant carposporophyte consists of a basal, multinucleate fusion cell supporting a hemispherical cluster of gonimoblast filaments with terminally borne carpospores. Vegetatively, Leachiella resembles several other parasitic red algae but it is clearly separated by the procarp, carposporophyte development and structure, and tetrasporocyte cleavage.  相似文献   

The carpogonial branches of Batrachospermum involutum of section Batrachospermum are similar in ultrastructure to nearby fascicles, having uninucleate cells with abundant starch granules and several peripheral, well-developed chloropiasts (up to 10 μm long). In contrast, the short carpogonial branch cells of Batrachospermum helminthosum (section Virescentia) have no visible starch and chloropiasts are reduced in size (up to 2 μm long) with few thylakoids. The breakdown of cross walls among cells of the carpogonial branch is also common in B. helminthosum but does not occur in B. involutum. As a result of cross wall breakdown in the former species, 2-7 nuclei can occur in a continuous cytoplasm. Trichogynes in both species contain scattered mitochondria, vesicles/small vacuoles, osmiophilic globules, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and small chloropiasts. Polylamellate structures also occur in the trichogyne in B. involution. The carpogonial base was fully observed only in B. involutum and it contains a prominent nucleus, ER, chloropiasts and a pit plug connecting it to the subtending carpogonial branch cell. Partial observations of carpogonial branches and carpogonia were made on four other members of the family Batrachospermaceae.  相似文献   

Examination of the reproductive morphology of the adelphoparasitic red alga Gardneriella tuberifera Kylin reveals that this monotypic genus is correctly placed in the family Solieriaceae (Gigartinales), to which its host Agardhiella gaudichaudii (Montagne) Silva et Papenfuss also belongs. Gardneriella is multiaxial, nonprocarpic and has an inwardly directed, three-celled carpogonial branch. The large, reniform uninucleate auxiliary cell is distinct prior to and after fertilization. It is diploidized by an unbranched, multicellular connecting filament which lacks pit connections. One or two connecting filaments arise from each fertilized carpogonium. From the diploidized auxiliary cell, the gonimoblast initial is cut off obliquely toward the interior of the thallus. The cells of the gonimoblast fuse with adjacent unpigmented vegetative cells of Gardneriella and pigmented cells of the host. These cells become incorporated into the developing cystocarp and, from those of Gardneriella, additional short chains of gonimoblast cells arise. The mature cystocarp is placentate, radiately lobed, and lacks a surrounding involucre. Carposporangia are borne in short chains and the unpigmented carpospores are released upon the dissolution of outer vegetative cells. No ostiole is present. Gardneriella appears to be most closely related to the placentate solieriacean genera Agardhiella, Sarcodiotheca, and Meristiella and therefore this genus should be placed in the tribe recently erected for these taxa, the Agardhielleae.  相似文献   

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