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The canine tuberous sclerosis 2 (TSC2) gene has been mapped to canine chromosome 6 using a canine whole genome radiation hybrid panel. There is close linkage between canine TSC2 and the polycystic kidney disease 1 gene (PKD1), as has been observed in humans and other mammalian species. The gene responsible for the human juvenile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (CLN3), maps close to TSC2 and PKD1 in humans, and is also syntenic in the dog. We further demonstrate linkage to a group of polymorphic markers assigned to canine chromosome 6 (CFA6).  相似文献   

In this study we present a comprehensive 3000-rad radiation hybrid map on bovine chromosome 5 (BTA5) of a region between 12.8 and 74.0 cM according to the linkage map, which contains a quantitative trait loci for ovulation rate. We mapped 28 gene-associated sequence tagged site markers derived from sequences of bovine BAC clones and 10 microsatellite markers to the BTA5 region. In comparison with HSA12q, four blocks of conserved synteny were apparent showing three chromosomal breakpoints and two inversions in this segment of BTA5. Therefore, we have improved breakpoint resolution in the human-bovine comparative map, which enhances the determination of candidate genes underlying traits of interest mapped to BTA5.  相似文献   

Cross-species chromosome painting analyses have recently demonstrated the presence of regions of conserved synteny between the human and domestic dog genomes, aiding the search for candidate genes for inherited traits. Concerted efforts to subchromosomally assign substantial numbers of dog gene sequences are now needed in order to refine these comparative data, both in terms of marker density and resolution. We have developed novel PCR markers representing three dog genes (ALB, FOS, HNRPA2B1) for which no sequence or mapping data were previously available, to our knowledge. These, in addition to three gene markers previously described (ALDOA, RPE65, VCAM1), were used to isolate and chromosomally assign corresponding large insert genomic clones by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Chromosome assignments for these six dog genes are discussed in terms of those of the human orthologues, and correlated with existing comparative mapping information, identifying one apparent exception to existing Zoo-FISH data, and aiding refinement of the boundaries of conserved chromosome segments in both genomes.  相似文献   

A fine physical map of the rice (Oryza sativa spp. Japonica var. Nipponbare) chromosome 5 with bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and PI-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) clones was constructed through integration of 280 sequenced BAC/PAC clones and 232 sequence tagged site/expressed sequence tag markers with the use of fingerprinted contig data of the Nipponbare genome. This map consists of five contigs covering 99% of the estimated chromosome size (30.08 Mb). The four physical gaps were estimated at 30 and 20 kb for gaps 1–3 and gap 4, respectively. We have submitted 42.2-Mb sequences with 29.8 Mb of nonoverlapping sequences to public databases. BAC clones corresponding to telomere and centromere regions were confirmed by BAC-fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) on a pachytene chromosome. The genetically centromeric region at 54.6 cM was covered by a minimum tiling path spanning 2.1 Mb with no physical gaps. The precise position of the centromere was revealed by using three overlapping BAC/PACs for ~150 kb. In addition, FISH results revealed uneven chromatin condensation around the centromeric region at the pachytene stage. This map is of use for positional cloning and further characterization of the rice functional genomics. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users. Chia-Hsiung Cheng and Mei-Chu Chung have equal contributions.  相似文献   

Previously, we have reported a fine physical map of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 5, except for the centromeric and telomeric regions, by ordering clones from YAC, P1, TAC, and BAC libraries of the genome consisting of the two contigs of upper arm and lower arm, 11.6 M bases and 14.2 M bases, respectively. Here, the remaining centromeric and telomeric regions of chromosome 5 are completely characterized by the ordering of clones and PCR amplifications. Chromosome 5 of Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia is about 28.4 M bases long. The centromeric region is estimated at about 2 M bases long between two 5S-rDNA clusters. The 180-bp repeat region mainly consists of blocks of 180-bp tandem family and various type retroelements dispersed over a 500-kb region. The telomeric regions of chromosome 5 are characterized by PCR cloning, sequencing and hybridization. The telomere repeats at both ends are about 2.5-kb long and interestingly, telomere-associated repeats (approximately 700 bp) are found near both ends of chromosome 5.  相似文献   

We have identified the gene coding for the canine ortholog of the human keratin 9 protein using the inverse-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) strategy. Sequence comparison and structure analysis of the gene show marked similarity with the human gene. This gene spans about 7 kb and spreads over eight exons. In the dog gene, the reading frame is extended by 20 codons, the first in-frame stop codon being in exon 8 in the dog rather than in exon 7 as in humans. Alignment of human and dog predicted amino acid sequences confirms the high analogy, reaching 75% identity and 95% similarity in the rod domain. Interestingly, the glycine-loop motif number in the C-terminal V2 variable subdomain of the protein increases from 19 in human to 43 in dog, generating a size difference of 12 kDa between the two proteins. Due to its restricted expression pattern in mammalian epidermis, dog keratin 9 gene was a good candidate gene for the genetic palmoplantar hyperkeratosis observed in the Dogue de Bordeaux. However, no polymorphism associated with the pathology was detected within an affected Dogue de Bordeaux pedigree ruling out this hypothesis.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a radiation hybrid framework map of BTA13 composed of nine microsatellite loci, six genes and one EST. The map has been developed using a recently constructed 12''000 rad bovine-hamster whole-genome radiation hybrid panel. Moreover, we present a comprehensive map of BTA13 comprising 72 loci, of which 45 are microsatellites, 20 are genes and seven are ESTs. The map has an estimated length of 2694.7 cR12''000. The proposed order is in general agreement with published maps of BTA13. Our results only partially support previously published information of five blocks of conserved gene order between cattle and man. We found no evidence for the existence of an HSA20 homologous segment of coding DNA on BTA13 located centromeric of a confirmed HSA10 homologous region. The present map increases the marker density and the marker resolution on BTA13 and enables further insight into the evolutionary development of the chromosome as compared to man.  相似文献   

The homeobox 2 (HOX2) and homeobox 3 (HOX3) clusters have been chromosomally assigned in cattle by in situ hybridization. The probes employed were a murine probe for the mapping of HOX2 to 19q17-qter and human probes for the mapping of HOX3 to 5q14-q23. These assignments confirm the chromosomal assignment of two syntenic groups, consisting of loci located on human chromosome 12 (bovine chromosome 5) and the long arm of human chromosome 17 (bovine chromosome 19).  相似文献   

To provide a gene-based comparative map and to examine a porcine genome assembly using bacterial artificial chromosome-based sequence, we have attempted to assign 128 genes localized on human chromosome 14q (HSA14q) to a porcine 7000-rad radiation hybrid (IMpRH) map. This study, together with earlier studies, has demonstrated the following. (i) 126 genes were incorporated into two SSC7 RH linkage groups by C artha G ene analysis. (ii) In the remaining two genes, TOX4 linked to TCRA located in SSC7 by two-point analysis, whereas SIP1 showed no significant linkage with any gene/marker registered in the IMpRH Web Server. (iii) In the two groups, the gene clusters located from 19.9 to 36.5 Mb on HSA14q11.2-q13.3 and from 64.0 to 104.3 Mb on HSA14q23-q32.33 respectively were assigned to SSC7q21-q26. (iv) Comparison of the gene order between the present RH map and the latest porcine sequence assembly revealed some inconsistencies, and a redundant arrangement of 16 genes in the sequence assembly.  相似文献   

We report the chromosomal assignment of 18 porcine genes to human homologues using the INRA-Minnesota swine radiation hybrid panel (IMpRH). These genes (CACNA1C, COL2A1, CPNE8, C3F, C12ORF4, DDX11, GDF11, HOXC8, KCNA1, MDS028, TMEM106C, NR4A1, PHB2, PRICKLE1, Q6ZUQ4, SCN8A, TUBA8 and USP18) are located on porcine chromosome 5 (SSC5) and represent positional and functional candidates for arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), which maps to SSC5. CPNE8, PRICKLE1, Q6ZUQ4 and TUBA8 were mapped to the interval for pig AMC between microsatellites SW152 and SW904. Three SNPs in TUBA8 co-segregated with the AMC phenotype in 230 pigs of our research population without recombination and could be used as a genetic marker test for AMC. In addition, we provide evidence that a small chromosomal region of HSA22q11.2 evolutionarily corresponds to SSC5q12-q22 (and contains the human homologues of porcine SW152, Q6ZUQ4, TUBA8 and USP18), while the regions flanking HSA22q11.2 on SSC5 correspond to HSA12p13 and HSA12q12. We identified seven distinct chromosomal blocks, further supporting extensive rearrangements between genes on HSA12 and HSA22 in the AMC region on SSC5.  相似文献   

We present the first radiation hybrid (RH) map of river buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) chromosome 6 (BBU6) developed with a recently constructed river buffalo whole-genome RH panel (BBURH(5000)). The preliminary map contains 33 cattle-derived markers, including 12 microsatellites, 19 coding genes and two ESTs, distributed across two linkage groups. Retention frequencies for markers ranged from 14.4% to 40.0%. Most of the marker orders within the linkage groups on BBU6 were consistent with the cattle genome sequence and RH maps. This preliminary RH map is the starting point for comparing gene order between river buffalo and cattle, presenting an opportunity for the examination of micro-rearrangements of these chromosomes. Also, resources for positional candidate cloning in river buffalo are enhanced.  相似文献   

To improve the physical and comparative map of chicken chromosome 24 (GGA24; former linkage group E49C20W21) bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contigs were constructed around loci previously mapped on this chromosome by linkage analysis. The BAC clones were used for both sample sequencing and BAC end sequencing. Sequence tagged site (STS) markers derived from the BAC end sequences were used for chromosome walking. In total 191 BAC clones were isolated, covering almost 30% of GGA24, and 76 STS were developed (65 STS derived from BAC end sequences and 11 STS derived within genes). The partial sequences of the chicken BAC clones were compared with sequences present in the EMBL/GenBank databases, and revealed matches to 19 genes, expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and genomic clones located on human chromosome 11q22-q24 and mouse chromosome 9. Furthermore, 11 chicken orthologues of human genes located on HSA11q22-q24 were directly mapped within BAC contigs of GGA24. These results provide a better alignment of GGA24 with the corresponding regions in human and mouse and identify several intrachromosomal rearrangements between chicken and mammals.  相似文献   

A comparative map was made of chicken chromosome 13 (GGA13) with a part of human chromosome 5 (HSA5). Microsatellite markers specific for GGA13 were used to screen the Wageningen chicken bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library. Selected BAC clones were end sequenced and 57 sequence tag site (STS) markers were designed for contig building. In total, 204 BAC clones were identified which resulted in a coverage of about 20% of GGA13. Identification of genes was performed by a bi-directional approach. The first approach starting with sequencing mapped chicken BAC subclones, where sequences were used to identify orthologous genes in human and mouse by a basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) database search. The second approach started with the identification of chicken orthologues of human genes in the HSA5q23-35 region. The chicken orthologous genes were subsequently mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) and/or single neucleotide polymorphism typing. The total number of genes mapped on GGA13 is increased from 14 to a total of 20 genes. Genes mapped on GGA13 have their orthologues on HSA5q23-5q35 in human and on Mmu11, Mmu13 and Mmu18 in mouse.  相似文献   

Assignment of bovine synteny group U2 to chromosome 9   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One cosmid containing a microsatellite (INRA144, D9S14) was assigned to bovine synteny group U2 by somatic cell genetics and localized to bovine chromosome 9q25 by fluorescent in situ hybridization. These results permitted the assignment of one more synteny group to a bovine chromosome. There are now 22 out of 31 bovine synteny groups which are related to a chromosome. The mapping data have been entered in the BovMap database, Jouy-en-Josas, France.  相似文献   

Genome-wide scans have mapped economically important quantitative trait loci (QTL) for mastitis susceptibility in dairy cattle at the telomeric end of bovine chromosome 18 (BTA18). In order to increase the density of markers in this chromosomal region and to improve breakpoint resolution in the human-bovine comparative map, this study describes the chromosomal assignment of seven newly developed gene-associated markers and five microsatellites and eight previously mapped sequence tagged site markers near these QTL. The orientation of KCNJ14, BAX, CD37, NKG7, LIM2, PRKCG, TNNT1, MGC2705, RPL28, EPN1, ZNF582, ZIM2, STK13, ZNF132 and SLC27A5 on the 3000-rad radiation hybrid (RH) map of BTA18 is homologous to the organization found on the corresponding 10 Mbp of human chromosome 19q (HSA19q). The resulting bovine RH map with a length of 20.9 cR spans over about 11 cM on the bovine linkage map. The location of KCNJ14 and SLC27A5 flanking the RH map on BTA18q25-26 has been confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The data of this refined human-bovine comparative map should improve selection of candidate genes for mastitis susceptibility in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Twenty-two and eight significant quantitative trait loci for economically important traits have been located on porcine chromosomes (SSC) 2q and SSC16 respectively, both of which have been shown to correspond to human chromosome 5 (HSA5) by chromosome painting. To provide a comprehensive comparative map for efficient selection of candidate genes, we assigned 117 genes from HSA5 using a porcine radiation hybrid (IMpRH) panel. Sixty-six genes were assigned to SSC2 and 48 to SSC16. One gene was suggested to link to SSC2 markers and another to SSC6. One gene did not link to any gene, expressed sequence tag or marker in the map, including those in the present investigation. This study demonstrated the following: (1) SSC2q21-q28 corresponds to the region ranging from 74.0 to 148.2 Mb on HSA5q13-q32 and the region from 176.0 to 179.3 Mb on HSA5q35; (2) SSC16 corresponds to the region from 1.4 to 68.7 Mb on HSA5p-q13 and to the region from 150.4 to 169.1 Mb on HSA5q32-q35 and (3) the conserved synteny between HSA5 and SSC2q21-q28 is interrupted by at least two sites and the synteny between HSA5 and SSC16 is also interrupted by at least two sites.  相似文献   

Porcine-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and a pig–rodent somatic cell hybrid panel were used to map two members of the MyoD gene family. MYOD1 was assigned to pig chromosome 2 and MYF5 to chromosome 5.  相似文献   

The pseudoautosomal region (PAR) of bovine chromosome X (BTA X) has a particularly low representation of genes and markers, making comparative gene mapping in this region difficult. We describe the localization of three genes, colony-stimulating factor 2 receptor alpha (CSF2RA), ADP/ATP translocase 3 (ANT3) and steroid sulphatase (STS) on PAR of BTA X using a 5000 rad whole-genome radiation hybrid panel. The relationship of these genes to a number of previously mapped simple sequence repeat (microsatellite) markers is determined by physical and radiation hybrid mapping methods. The resulting radiation hybrid map resolves a discrepancy between the two major bovine linkage maps in the PAR of BTA X.  相似文献   

All Dalmatian dogs have an inherited defect in purine metabolism leading to high levels of uric acid excretion in their urine (hyperuricosuria) rather than allantoin, the normal end product of purine metabolism in all other breeds of dog. Transplantation experiments have demonstrated that the defect is intrinsic to the liver and not the kidney. Uricase, the enzyme involved in the breakdown of urate into allantoin, has been shown to function in Dalmatian liver cells. Therefore, candidate genes for this defect include transporters of urate, a salt of uric acid, across cell membranes. We excluded one such urate transporter candidate, galectin 9, using a Dalmatian x Pointer backcross in which hyperuricosuria was segregating.  相似文献   

Mapping of growth hormone releasing hormone receptor to swine chromosome 18   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The growth hormone releasing hormone receptor (GHRHR) was mapped in the pig for study as a potential candidate gene in controlling pig quantitative growth and carcass characteristics. Primers were designed from the pig GHRHR sequence to amplify a 1·65-kb intronic fragment between exons 6 and 7. By using a pig–rodent somatic cell hybrid panel, GHRHR was mapped to pig chromosome 18 (SSC18) with 100% concordance, and the regional assignment was SSC18q24 with 89% concordance. The polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphisms (PCR–RFLPs) with Mse I and Taq I were developed to confirm this assignment with linkage analysis by using the European Pig Gene Mapping Project (PiGMaP) reference families. Pig GHRHR was mapped with strong linkage to SSC18 markers S0062 and S0120 (lod > 8). The GHRHR and IGFBP3 were found to map near to each other on human chromosome 7 (HSA7), and the pig IGFBP3 gene has been mapped to SSC18 by others. Our mapping of pig GHRHR increases the comparative information available on the SSC18 maps and further confirms the synteny conservation between HSA7 and SSC18.  相似文献   

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