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The occurrence and distribution of renin was investigated in meso- and metanephric kidneys of pig embryos in various gestational stages. The immunohistochemical peroxidase-antiperoxidase-method (PAP) was used on paraffin sections after application of an antiserum against mouse renin which cross reacts with pig renin. Renin immunoreactivity was already found in the mesonephros of 21 day pig embryos (crown-rump(CR)-length 12 mm) with the strongest reaction in the media of the juxtaglomerular afferent arteriole. Efferent vessels, mesonephric arteries, and the aortic wall also contained scattered renin-positive cells. In the definitive kidney, renin was not detected prior to the 25 mm CR-length-stage. In 45 mm embryos, immunocytochemical staining was observed not only in the media of kidney arteries and arterioles, but also in proximal tubules after pinocytic absorption of filtered renin. TEM-studies revealed that the media of both the mesonephric and the developing metanephric arteries and arterioles contains epithelioid cells whose ultrastructure is very similar to that of renin-producing cells in the adult organ. The observed distribution of renin-producing cells along the entire renal arterial tree points to the possibility that the major function of the renin-angiotensin system in the fetal animal is to participate in the stabilization of renal perfusion pressure.  相似文献   

The protein spectra of two fractions (the soluble and the membrane fraction) of chick embryo kidney homogenates were isolated by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels with the aim of detecting the kidney differentiation process at the molecular level and, at the same time, of evaluating similarities in the construction of the mesonephros and metanephros at this level. Corresponding stages of the above two types of kidney were chosen for studying changes in protein structure during differentiation--i.e. the outset of differentiation (the 6-day mesonephros, the 11-day metanephros) and the stage of full maturity (the 14-day mesonephros, the 20-day metanephros). A total of 36 proteins was distinguished. The analysis of the protein spectra showed that the number of proteins changes but slightly during differentiation; the protein composition of the two types of kidney during differentiation altered by 20-35% of the total number of proteins; the similarity of the protein composition of the corresponding stages of mesonephros and metanephros, expressed as the proportion of the number of identical proteins, was greater than the mutual similarity of different developmental stages of the same type of kidney. The percentage of different proteins at corresponding stages of the kidneys varied from 5% to 23% of the total number of proteins detected.  相似文献   

Summary Vascularization of the pig mesonephros was investigated in embryos 5–8 cm in length. Vascular injections with microfil were cleared and dissected; corrosion casts were studied under the scanning electron microscope (SEM). Perfusion-fixed tissue was used for SEM and transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies, including freeze-fracture specimens.The branches of one mesonephric artery carry up to 15 glomeruli. Several glomeruli occupy the same arterial branch, with very short afferent arterioles proper. The efferent vessels, frequently 2–5, leave the extensive vascular pole opposite the entering arteriole and split into peritubular capillaries radiating towards the superficial veins. These capillaries form vascular regions in the shape of flattened pyramids. Along its course, one nephron is supplied by vessels derived from 4–7 glomeruli. The nephrons have less vascular contact than in the definitive kidney.The ultrastructure of the single mesonephric vessels matches the metanephric counterparts. Epithelioid cells with renin granules are common in afferent arterioles, larger arteries, and efferent vessels. The lobulated glomeruli are up to 750 m long and flattened, showing the usual features of podocytes, mesangial cells, and an attenuated endothelium with fenestrations between 50 and 250 m. It partially retains its own basement membrane. There is no proximal mesangium.Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

An electron microscopic study of the functional mesonephros in the 8-day chick embryo revealed the following features of the nephron: Proximal tubule cells. Nuclei are spherical and basally oriented. Mitochondri are round or elongate with clear-cut cristae. Intramitochondrial granules occur sporadically. The Golgi complex, lying adjacent to the nucleus in apical cytoplasm, consists of flattened lamellae and associated secretion droplets. The cytoplasm is filled with ribosomes which occasionally are spiral in arrangement. Characteristic microvilli project from the apical end of cells. Basal regions of the cells are bounded by a homogeneous basement membrane. Adjacent epithelial cells are separated at their base by wide intercellular spaces. Interdigitating processes between cells are common in this area. At their apices, cells are joined by junctional complexes. Distal tubule cells. Nuclei are round and centrally located. Microvilli are sparse and usually absent. When present, they are short and blunt. Cells are closely allied at their base and joined tightly at their apices. Interdigitating processes are not as prevalent as in proximal tubules. Infoldings of the plasma membrane are prominent and compartmentalize mitochondria. Glomerulus. Endothelial cells are elongate, bordering the capillary lumen, and their membranes contain definite slit-pores. Epithelial pedicels extend from the cell body, intergiditate with each other and rest on the capillary basement membrane. The latter consists of three layers resembling those in adults. The similarity in the fine structural characteristics between chick mesonephros and adult metanepros corroborates the holonephric theory of vertebrate kidney evolution.  相似文献   

The human mesonephros is currently regarded as a simplified version of the foetal metanephros, primarily due to the close morphological resemblance between these two structures. The aim of the present study was to define whether human mesonephric and foetal metanephric nephrons share immunophenotypical traits in their corresponding structures (glomeruli, proximal and distal tubules). For this purpose we first investigated immunohistochemically the overall expression and topographical distribution of cytokeratins 7, 8, 18, 19, and 20, vimentin and -smooth muscle actin in mature mesonephric nephrons and compared the results with those obtained in maturing-stage foetal metanephric nephrons. No expression of cytokeratins 7 and 20 was found. Cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19 and vimentin showed a restricted and basically coincident expression along the different components of both mesonephric and metanephric nephrons. These findings indicate that the intermediate filament protein profile of human mature mesonephric nephrons closely recapitulates that observed in developing metanephros and thereby strengthens the concept that human mesonephros, a transient ontogenic structure, is largely similar to the foetal metanephros.The sole difference between human mesonephros and foetal metanephros was the divergent expression of -smooth muscle actin. This protein exhibited an increasingly accentuated mesangial expression paralleling the morphological maturation of metanephric glomerulus, whereas it was absent from the mesonephric one. This would suggest that the mesangial cells in these two renal structures have a different function during the foetal life.  相似文献   

The number of nephron populations in the postinduction period was established in 6- and 8-days chicken embryos and the development of an individual nephron and its parts was studied. The investigation by microdissection method has shownand the number of nephrons is different along the length of the kidney. Only two layers ofthe nephrons were found in the cranial portion, while in the caudal direction their number increased up to 4-6 populations which distinguished from one another by the glomerule position, the length of the nephron and its segments. All the populations of the ventral nephrons enter immediately into the mesonephritic (Wolffian) duct, while the dorsal nephrons have a system ofcollecting tubes by which they are connected with the mesonephric duct. The development of mesonephros was accompained by the increase of the absolute length of the nephrons of all populationsand their segments.Laboratory of Individual Development, Institute of Physiology, Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences, Prague, and Laboratory of the Evolution of the Kidney and Water-Salt Exchange, Sechenov Institue of Evolutionary Physiologyand Biochemistry, Leningrad.  相似文献   

R Narbaitz  V K Kapal 《Acta anatomica》1986,125(3):183-190
Chick embryos were staged according to the method of Hamburger and Hamilton [1951] and fixed. Cross sections through the cephalic fourth of the mesonephric ridges were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The steps in glomerular differentiation could be observed with ease. The first foot processes to appear in podocytes arose directly from the basal surface of the cell body. In a second step, lateral branches appeared and gave off secondary or even tertiary branches that interdigitated with those from neighbouring podocytes, following a pattern that was very similar to the one previously described by other authors in metanephric nephrons. Endothelial pores appeared in the glomerular capillaries at very early stages of the glomerular differentiation. The differentiation of the epithelium of proximal tubules was characterized by the growth of apical microvilli and of finger-like evaginations from the lateral membranes. At stages 20 and 21, the most differentiated glomeruli had only basal foot processes; only after stage 25 did the first generation nephrons reach full maturity. Because during this period the mesonephros is known to produce urine, our results indicate that nephrons start to function before they have completed their differentiation.  相似文献   

The distribution of the sugar residues in glycoconjugates along the mesonephric nephron of chick embryo from the 4th day of incubation till hatching has been investigated, by means of six different horseradish peroxidase-labelled lectins. ConA and WGA showed an ubiquitous presence of alpha-D-mannose and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine along the nephrons. SBA was found to be a specific marker of the proximal tubule. PNA and LTA reacted only for a short time at some sites during the considered period of incubation. Sialic acid was detected at the glomerulus in the podocytes, capillary wall and, with a lesser extent, in the mesangial cells. Significant changes of the glycosylation pattern of the glycoconjugates during the period of mesonephric activity and the period of involution were seen.  相似文献   

Summary Fragments of mesonephros were taken from chick embryos and studied from the 4th to the 21st day of incubation. A battery of seven different horseradish peroxidase-labelled lectins was used to study the distribution of carbohydrate residues in glycoconjugates along the mesonephric nephron during the period of excretory activity and the period of involution. ConA and WGA reacted at every site of the nephron thus showing the ubiquitous presence of -D-mannose andN-acetyl-d-glucosamine. SBA was a good marker of the proximal tubule. Other lectins, such as PNA and LTA, reacted only for a short time at some sites during the considered period of incubation. The presence of sialic acid was detected in the podocytes, capillary wall and mesangial cells. From the 10th-11th day of incubation changes were noted in the proximal tubule as shown by PNA reactivity. This may be significant as regards the exact stage of incubation during which the involution of mesonephros begins.  相似文献   

Fragments of mesonephros were taken from chick embryos and studied from the 4th to the 21st day of incubation. A battery of seven different horseradish peroxidase-labelled lectins was used to study the distribution of carbohydrate residues in glycoconjugates along the mesonephric nephron during the period of excretory activity and the period of involution. ConA and WGA reacted at every site of the nephron thus showing the ubiquitous presence of alpha-D-mannose and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. SBA was a good marker of the proximal tubule. Other lectins, such as PNA and LTA, reacted only for a short time at some sites during the considered period of incubation. The presence of sialic acid was detected in the podocytes, capillary wall and mesangial cells. From the 10th-11th day of incubation changes were noted in the proximal tubule as shown by PNA reactivity. This may be significant as regards the exact stage of incubation during which the involution of mesonephros begins.  相似文献   

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