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At any given moment in time a plant is partitioning total growth mass into its various component parts such as leaves, roots, reproductive material, etc. The view is taken that the plant has evolved a life history strategy to control this partitioning process. This paper illustrates the utility of optimal control theory for use in determining life history strategies which maximize fitness for a given asexual plant model. The optimal control methods are first used on a model previously analyzed by Professor Dan Cohen, who used a different method. His results of a change from 100% vegetable growth to 100% reproductive growth at a fixed switching time is again obtained. This 100% switching result is shown to be more generally applicable by using a qualitatively described model. However the switching time in general is shown to be a function of both leaf mass and time remaining to the end of the growing season. The allocation to toxin production is also considered. It is shown that under this model an inequality between system parameters must be satisfied before the plant should allocate growth to toxin production. Although the particular model explored here may rarely be realistic in nature, these same methods of optimal control theory can be applied in a similar fashion to many other proposed models of plant resource allocation.  相似文献   

Stephen Ellner 《Plant Ecology》1987,69(1-3):199-208
Environmental fluctuations can in theory allow the coexistence ofecologically similar species by time-sharing a niche, as envisioned by Hutchinson. The evolution of this situation is studied in a competition model, using as an example the evolution of seed germination strategies. Coexistence occurs via the evolution of low-risk and high-risk strategies for dealing with the variability by different species. Coexistence is promoted by intermediate levels of variability or disturbance, and by a trade-off between seed yield and seed survivorship. These results may be applicable also to other low vs. high risk life history options in unpredictably varying environments, such as: stress resistance vs. potentially rapid growth, high adult survivorship vs. high reproductive output. The model's predictions differ from those obtained without consideration of life history evolution in response to environmental variability, and are consistent with some recent studies of plant strategies in intermittently stressed communities.I thank A. Shmida for many discussions on this topic, D. Cohen and I. Noy-Meir for comments after a seminar presentation of this paper, and H. de Kroon, H. During, and E. Van der Maarel for decreasing my ignorance of the empirical literature.Research conducted while the author was recipient of a Sir Charles Clore Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.  相似文献   



(i) To determine whether area and connectivity of temporary ponds can predict plant species diversity, and the diversity and abundance of different plant life histories; (ii) To explore whether pond connectivity with the river prior to river regulation predicts better plant diversity patterns than current pond connectivity, suggestive of possible effects of connectivity loss.


Eastern Carpathian Mountains, Romania, Europe.


We fitted linear and generalized linear models (LM and GLM) to examine whether pond area and current distance from the Olt River predict plant species richness, Shannon diversity and relative cover of different social behaviour types and overall plant species richness and Shannon diversity. Using historical maps, we measured pond distance from the river ca. 60 years before the Olt River was regulated, and we refitted the LM and GLM models using pond area and past distance from the river as independent variables.


Total plant species richness increased with pond area, and it decreased with the distance from the river, but total plant Shannon diversity index was affected, positively, only by pond area. The strength of responses to pond area and connectivity of species richness, Shannon diversity and relative cover varied across the different social behaviour types. Past and current distances between ponds and riverbeds had similar effects on plant diversity, with some evidence for stronger effect of the present connectivity on specialist species Shannon diversity and a weaker effect on disturbance tolerants, generalists and competitors.

Main Conclusions

Pond area and connectivity with the landscape are important predictors of the diversity of plant life history strategies, and therefore, useful tools in pond conservation. Consistent species richness and Shannon diversity responses of wetland specialists to pond area and connectivity make this life history type well suited for monitoring pond condition.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, evolutionary and behavioural ecologists have become increasingly interested in the adaptive consequences of intraspecific variability in life history and behavioural strategies. Recently, behavioural endocrinologists have begun to uncover surprising relationships between levels of prenatal exposure to gonadal hormones and variation in reproductive behaviour in adulthood. Such relationships may provide a causal explanation for many variations in adult phenotype that are of insterest to behavioural and evolutionary ecologists.  相似文献   

Theories of plant defense expression are typically based on the concepts of tradeoffs among traits and of phylogenetic conservatism within clades. Here, I review recent developments in phylogenetic approaches to understanding the evolution of plant defense strategies and plant-herbivore coevolutionary interactions. I focus particularly on multivariate defense against insect herbivores, which is the simultaneous deployment of multiple traits, often arranged as convergently evolved defense syndromes. Answering many of the outstanding questions in the biology of plant defense will require generating broad hypotheses that can be explicitly tested by using comparative approaches and interpreting phylogenetic patterns. The comparative approach has wide-spread potential to reinvigorate tests of classic hypotheses about the evolution of interspecific interactions.  相似文献   

Separation strategies of plant constituents--current status   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper summarizes the state of art of different separation methods which are used for the analysis and isolation of plant constituents. An overview about the extraction methods which are frequently used for the non-volatile constituents of plants is given. Special attention is paid to the identification possibilities of non-volatile and volatile compounds, since generally the role of identification of plant's constituents is undervalued. We would emphasize the facts that, for correct identification, the various chromatographic and spectroscopic methods have to be used in conjunction. The application of two different methods from each field is usually sufficient. For quantitative information, two independent methods are necessary and are acceptable if the results are within 3% of each other. If only one method is available for quantitative analysis, the results can only be accepted if, using the global optimum, the ratios of the components determined are identical to one decimal place with the ratios of three measurements (local optima) using different mobile phases with different selectivities. Based on our own 20-year experience and more than a hundred isolated compounds, we give an isolation strategy where the structures and properties of the compounds to be isolated do not have to be known. It is pointed out that without analytical monitoring, the results of preparative separations cannot be guaranteed.  相似文献   

Plants synthesize a tremendously wide range of chemical structures, many of which have been used over the centuries to the benefit of mankind. Today, with attention again turning to the plant kingdom as a source of drugs, food additives, perfumes and so on, a further dimension has been added to traditional methods of synthesis of these products: the use of cultured plant cells. Although plant cell culture technology is perhaps still in its infancy compared with other aspects of biotechnology, an extensive information and experience base is being established for the development of plant cell processes. The establishment of such a foundation is important for the application of plant cell technology in the years ahead.  相似文献   

植物抗病相关基因分离策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来植物基因克隆技术已经取得了很大进展。文章对分离植物抗病相关基因的一系列策略及其研究进展进行了综述,并对这些技术的异同,各自的优缺点,以及它们在植物中的应用现状及前景作了评述。  相似文献   

Herbaceous plant strategies in disturbed habitats   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A systematic theoretical evaluation has been made of three important plant life history traits: adult longevity, seed longevity and seed mass, where seed mass is interpreted as being indicative of dispersal distance and seedling vigour. This model study examined the role of these three traits in relation to environmental disturbance. We chose temperate grasslands, widespread in north Western Europe and northern and eastern America, as our reference system for our simulations. Eight plant strategies were defined by allowing two levels in each of the three and combining them in all eight possible ways. A simple, spatially explicit model was developed to simulate competition among individuals with these eight trait combinations at different levels of disturbance.
Simulation results were compared with the actual occurrence over a disturbance gradient of species with similar plant trait combinations in a large database from the Sheffield area (UK). This showed that with increasing disturbance level, non-dormant perennials, dormant perennials, non-dormant annuals and dormant annuals, respectively, became dominant but only if small-seeded, indicating the relative viability of these particular strategies with respect to disturbance.
A new prediction from the model was that stable coexistence occurs between plant strategies with dormant and with non-dormant seeds over a range of levels of disturbance. Plant strategies with large seeds were inferior to small-seeded ones if competitive ability of seedlings is proportional to seed weight. This difference was highest at low seed densities and low germination probabilities, indicating that large-seeded species secure no advantage from being dormant (i.e. having a low germination probability). Finally, the results indicated that dormancy is superior to dispersal as a method of coping with disturbance.  相似文献   

Whole-genome strategies for marker-assisted plant breeding   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Molecular breeding for complex traits in crop plants requires understanding and manipulation of many factors influencing plant growth, development and responses to an array of biotic and abiotic stresses. Molecular marker-assisted breeding procedures can be facilitated and revolutionized through whole-genome strategies, which utilize full genome sequencing and genome-wide molecular markers to effectively address various genomic and environmental factors through a representative or complete set of genetic resources and breeding materials. These strategies are now increasingly based on understanding of specific genomic regions, genes/alleles, haplotypes, linkage disequilibrium (LD) block(s), gene networks and their contribution to specific phenotypes. Large-scale and high-density genotyping and genome-wide selection are two important components of these strategies. As components of whole-genome strategies, molecular breeding platforms and methodologies should be backed up by high throughput and precision phenotyping and e-typing (environmental assay) with strong support systems such as breeding informatics and decision support tools. Some basic strategies are discussed in this article, including (1) seed DNA-based genotyping for simplifying marker-assisted selection (MAS), reducing breeding cost and increasing scale and efficiency, (2) selective genotyping and phenotyping, combined with pooled DNA analysis, for capturing the most important contributing factors, (3) flexible genotyping systems, such as genotyping by sequencing and arraying, refined for different selection methods including MAS, marker-assisted recurrent selection and genomic selection (GS), (4) marker-trait association analysis using joint linkage and LD mapping, and (5) sequence-based strategies for marker development, allele mining, gene discovery and molecular breeding.  相似文献   

A succulent is a plant with water storing tissue, but succulence clearly is a quality that can be possessed to a higher or lesser degree. This paper gives a definition of succulence and discusses problems concerning Delf's measure of succulence. A new measure, Succulence Quotient, is proposed. It measures the amount of water that a plant can store at the expenditure of one gram of organic matter. We demonstrate this measure on a number of plants from the Namib desert, southern Africa, and compare it with the measured caloric values of the plant tissues.We also discuss life cycles of desert succulents in terms of utilizable and structural biomass and water. We contrast the concepts of growth form, life form and life strategy, and propose, on the basis of life cycle characteristics, an outline classification of life strategies of desert succulents. One detail of this outline classification is further worked out and illustrated for succulents from the Namib desert.  相似文献   

This paper is an attempt, using statistical modelling techniques, to understand the patterns of vascular plant species richness at the poorly studied meso-scale within a relatively unexplored subarctic zone. Species richness is related to floristic-environmental composite variables, using occurrence data of vascular plants and environmental and spatial predictor variables in 362 1 km2 grid squares in the Kevo Nature Reserve. Species richness is modelled in two different way. First, by detecting the major floristic-environmental gradients with the ordination procedure of canonical correspondence analysis, and subsequently relating these ordination axes to species richness by generalized linear modelling. Second, species richness is directly related to the composite environmental factors of explanatory variables, using partial least squares regression. The most important explanatory variables, as suggested by both approaches, are relatively similar, and largely reflect the influence of altitude or altitudinally related variables in the models. The most prominent floristic gradient in the data runs from alpine habitats to river valleys, and this gradient is the main source of variation in species richness. Some local environmental variables are also relatively important predictors; the grid squares rich in vascular plant taxa are mainly located in the lowlands of the reserve and are characterised by rivers and brooks, as well as by abundant cliff walls. The two statistical models account for approximately the same amount of variation in the species richness, with more than half of the variation unexplained. Potential reasons for the relatively modest fit are discussed, and the results are compared to the characteristics of the diversity-environment relationships at both broader- and finer-scales.  相似文献   

Plant root associations with microbes such as mycorrhizal fungi or N-fixing bacteria enable ecosystems to tap pools of nitrogen (N) that might otherwise be inaccessible, including atmospheric N or N in large soil organic molecules. Such microbially assisted N-foraging strategies may be particularly important in late-successional retrogressive ecosystems where productivity is low and soil nutrients are scarce. Here, we use natural N-stable isotopic composition to constrain pathways of N supplies to different plant functional groups across a well-studied natural soil fertility gradient that includes a highly retrogressive stage. We demonstrate that ectomycorrhizal fungi, ericoid mycorrhizal fungi, and N-fixing bacteria support forest N supplies at all stages of ecosystem succession, from relatively young, N-rich/phosphorus (P)-rich sites, to ancient sites (ca. 500 ky) where both N supplies and P supplies are exceedingly low. Microbially mediated N sources are most important in older ecosystems with very low soil nutrient availability, accounting for 75–96% of foliar N at the oldest, least fertile sites. These isotopically ground findings point to the key role of plant–microbe associations in shaping ecosystem processes and functioning, particularly in retrogressive-phase forest ecosystems.  相似文献   



Oceanic islands possess unique floras with high proportions of endemic species. Island floras are expected to be severely affected by changing climatic conditions as species on islands have limited distribution ranges and small population sizes and face the constraints of insularity to track their climatic niches. We aimed to assess how ongoing climate change affects the range sizes of oceanic island plants, identifying species of particular conservation concern.


Canary Islands, Spain.


We combined species occurrence data from single-island endemic, archipelago endemic and nonendemic native plant species of the Canary Islands with data on current and future climatic conditions. Bayesian Additive Regression Trees were used to assess the effect of climate change on species distributions; 71% (n = 502 species) of the native Canary Island species had models deemed good enough. To further assess how climate change affects plant functional strategies, we collected data on woodiness and succulence.


Single-island endemic species were projected to lose a greater proportion of their climatically suitable area (x ̃ = −0.36) than archipelago endemics (x ̃ = −0.28) or nonendemic native species (x ̃ = −0.26), especially on Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, which are expected to experience less annual precipitation in the future. Moreover, herbaceous single-island endemics were projected to gain less and lose more climatically suitable area than insular woody single-island endemics. By contrast, we found that succulent single-island endemics and nonendemic natives gain more and lose less climatically suitable area.

Main Conclusions

While all native species are of conservation importance, we emphasise single-island endemic species not characterised by functional strategies associated with water use efficiency. Our results are particularly critical for other oceanic island floras that are not constituted by such a vast diversity of insular woody species as the Canary Islands.  相似文献   

All biological processes of life on Earth experience varying degrees of pressure. Aquatic organisms living in the deep-sea, as well as chondrocytic cells of articular cartilage are exposed to hydrostatic pressures that rise up to several hundred times that of atmospheric pressure. In the case of marine larvae that disperse through the oceanic water column, pressure changes might be responsible for stress conditions during development, limiting colonisation capabilities. In a number of biological systems, life strategies may be significantly influenced by pressure. In this review, we will focus on the consequences of pressure changes on various biological processes, and more specifically on animals living in the deep-sea. Revisiting general principles of pressure effects on biological systems, we present recent data illustrating the diversity of effects pressure may have at different levels in biological systems, with particular attention to effects on gene expression. After a review of the main pressure equipments available today for studying species living naturally at high pressure, we summarise what is known concerning pressure impact during animal development.  相似文献   

Life histories can reveal important information on the performance of individuals within their environment and how that affects evolutionary change. Major trait changes, such as trait decay or loss, may lead to pronounced differences in life history strategies when tight correlations between traits exist. Here, we show that three congeneric hyperparasitoids (Gelis agilis, Gelis acarorum and Gelis areator) that have diverged in wing development and reproductive mode employ markedly different life history strategies. Potential fecundity of Gelis sp. varied, with the wingless G. acarorum maturing a much higher number of eggs throughout life compared with the other two species. Realized lifetime fecundity, in terms of total offspring number was, however, highest for the winged G. areator. The parthenogenic G. agilis invests its resources solely in females, whilst the sexually reproducing species both invested heavily in males to reduce competitive pressures for their female offspring. Longevity also differed between species, as did the direction of the reproduction-longevity trade-off, where reproduction is heavily traded off against longevity only in the asexual G. agilis. Resting metabolic rates also differed between the winged and wingless species, with the highest metabolic rate observed in the winged G. areator. Overall, these geline hyperparasitoids showed considerable divergence in life history strategies, both in terms of timing and investment patterns. Major trait changes observed between closely related species, such as the loss of wings and sexual reproduction, may contribute to the divergence in key life history traits.  相似文献   

A model of plant strategies in fluvial hydrosystems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. We propose a model of plant strategies in temperate fluvial hydrosystems that considers the hydraulic and geomorphic features that control plant recruitment, establishment and growth in river floodplains.
2. The model describes first how the disturbance gradient and the grain-size of the river bed load affect the relative proportion of erosion and deposition processes, and how the frequency of flood disturbance affects the intensity of such processes.
3. Secondly, the model predicts plant strategies according to direct and indirect effects of floods (disturbances through erosion versus deposition processes, and associated nutrient excess or limitation).
4. The relevance of the model as a prediction tool is discussed. Some proposals are made to validate the model, and traits are proposed that should be considered in future research for improving the predicting value of the model.  相似文献   

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