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A search for control mechanisms governing protein metabolism in neurons from Aplysia californica has uncovered two examples of altered patterns of newly synthesized proteins: (1) The pattern of newly synthesized proteins in the R2 neuron is altered when protein synthesis occurs at elevated temperatures (22–30°C as compared with 13–15°C). (2) The processing of newly synthesized 12,000 dalton (12k) material to 6–9,000 dalton (6–9k) size in the R15 neuron (Strumwasser, F. and Wilson, D. F. [1976], J. Gen. Physiol., in press) can be blocked by certain ion replacements. If acetate replaces chloride in the incubation medium during the synthesis of 12k material, an early step in the processing, prior to the actual breakdown of 12k material, is blocked. Experiments with RNA-synthesis inhibitors indicate that none of the mRNAs which code for abundantly synthesized protein species in the R2 or R15 neurons have short (less than 4 hr) half-lives. This result has implications for an earlier report of regulation of protein synthesis in the R15 neuron.  相似文献   

Application of an ethylene glycol lysis technique to extract water-soluble, low molecular weight polypeptides in Aplysia neurons, was used in conjunction with microgradient gel electrophoresis and micro-isoelectric focusing, to identify unique polypeptides in specific, identified neurons. The polypeptides found in neurons R15, R3-13, R14, and the bag cells were particularly abundant, consistent with the previously suggested neurosecretory role for these cells. Water extraction of the strongly basic polypeptides (pI 10.7) in R3-13 and R14 required an acidic lysis medium.  相似文献   

The biosynthetic capabilities of individual neurons of the abdominal ganglion of the marine mollusc Aplysia californica have been analyzed after intrasomatic injection of 3H-monosaccharides. Glycopeptides prepared from the metabolically labeled cells were fractionated using serial lectin affinity and gel filtration chromatography. The fractionation procedure yielded eight populations of glycopeptides, and comparison of two different neurons (R2 and R14) showed that the quantity of the individual species produced is cell-dependent. Structural analysis indicated that the glycoconjugates produced by the Aplysia neuron constitute both O- and N-linked structures as well as an unusual class of oligosaccharide whose linkage to protein is unknown. The O-linked units are small and consist only of N-acetylglucosamine or N-acetylgalactosamine attached to protein. High-mannose-type asparagine-linked units are produced by the neurons, and some of these appear to be processed to biantennary complex-type units that bind to lentil lectin-agarose. Overall, although the Aplysia neurons produce oligosaccharides of a nature similar to that produced by higher eucaryotes, the N- and O-linked structures produced by the neurons do not achieve the complexity of the comparable structures produced by mammalian cells. The results provide a basis for further studies aimed at understanding the role of glycoconjugates in the development of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Two neurons with cell bodies symmetrically located in the abdominal ganglion and giant axons in the left (L1) and right (R1) pleurovisceral connectives of Aplysia californica were examined in vivo and in vitro. Direct stimulation of R1 and L1 in the intact animal does not elicit any observable behavior, suggesting that they are neither motoneurons nor command neurons. These cells respond in vivo to sudden onset mechanical stimulation of widespread regions of the body. R1 and L1 spikes are initiated in at least three different loci: (1) the peripheral axon in the foot, (2) the neuropil of the pleural and/or pedal ganglion, and (3) the neuropil of the abdominal ganglion. Furthermore, R1 and L1 probably have two different mechanisms for spike initiation: (1) sensory (foot), and (2) synaptic (abominal and/or head ganglia). The different loci for spike initiation account for the bidirectional conduction of R1 and L1 spikes. As sensory (mechanoreceptor) neurons, R1 and L1 have peripheral axons in the ipsilateral posterior pedal nerve, show low threshold responses to stimulation of the ipsilateral posterior foot, they are rapidly adapting their responses do not decrease with repetion, and they are not blocked by high Mg++/low Ca++ solutions. As synaptically-driven neurons, R1 and L1 have widespread bilateral responsiveness, their responses decrease with repetition and their inputs are blocked with high Mg++/low Ca++ solutions. These neurons integrate sensory and synaptic inputs and conduct bidirectionally, however, their output connections must be specified before their behavioral function can be understood.  相似文献   

The gill withdrawal reflex (GWR) to direct gill stimulation was studied in sexually mature Aplysia and in those older by at least two months. The GWR threshold in old Aplysia was five- to sevenfold higher than that in mature animals. In the habituation paradigm, the GWR amplitude decremented rapidly to zero in old animals whereas in mature animals it persisted for at least ten trials. The GWR could not be dishabituated in old animals. The GWR is an age-dependent behavior in that parieto-visceral ganglion suppression of the GWR appears to increase with age. Also the electrophysiological properties of two neurons in the parieto-visceral ganglion were compared in the two age groups: L7 a neuron which dishabituates the GWR in mature and not in old animals; and R2 which manifests cytological changes with age. In old animals L7′s input resistance was lower, the time constant was increased, and the size of the psp evoked by gill stimulation was smaller than those of mature L7s. Similar membrane changes with age were measured in R2. Soma size of L7 was approximately the same in the two age groups as was that of R2. The physiological parameters of neurons of known function continue to change during postmetamorphic life of Aplysia.  相似文献   

Two neurons with cell bodies symmetrically located in the abdominal ganglion and giant axons in the left (L1) and right (R1) pleurovisceral connectives of Aplysia californica were examined in vivo and in vitro. Direct stimulation of R1 and L1 in the intact animal does not elicit any observable behavior, suggesting that they are neither motoneurons nor command neurons. These cells respond in vivo to sudden onset mechanical stimulation of widespread regions of the body. R1 and L1 spikes are initiated in at least three different loci: (1) the peripheral axon in the foot, (2) the neuropil of the pleural and/or pedal ganglion, and (3) the neuropil of the abdominal ganglion. Furthermore, R1 and L1 probably have two different mechanisms for spike initiation: (1) sensory (foot), and (2) synaptic (abdominal and/or head ganglia). The different loci for spike initiation account for the bidirectional conduction of R1 and L1 spikes. As sensory (mechanoreceptor) neurons, R1 and L1 have peripheral axons in the ipsilateral posterior pedal nerve, show low threshold responses to stimulation of the ipsilateral posterior foot, they are rapidly adapting their responses do not decrease with repetition, and they are not blocked by high Mg++/low Ca++ solutions. As synaptically-driven neurons, R1 and L1 have widespread bilateral responsiveness, their responses decrease with repetition and their inputs are blocked with high Mg++/low Ca++ solutions. These neurons integrate sensory and synaptic inputs and conduct bidirectionally, however, their output connections must be specified before their behavioral function can be understood.  相似文献   

The peripheral processes of the mechanoafferents that, when stimulated, initiate the much-studied tail withdrawal reflex of Aplysia californica have not been characterized. We show that immunofluorescence staining for class III -tubulin highlights neurons and reveals nerve tracts and fine neuronal processes in Aplysia tissue. Coupled with transmission and scanning electron microscopy, class III -tubulin immunofluorescence is consistent with the possibility that mechanoafferents in the receptive field of pleural ganglion mechanosensory neurons penetrate the tail epidermis and terminate as ciliated endings. This view is reinforced by comparisons among neuronal processes in several mechanosensory epidermal regions and in a chemosensory epidermis.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis and processing of low molecular weight protein (presumed neurosecretory protein) in cells R15, R14 and L11 of Aplysia californica was studied at high resolution by polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate. The number of low molecular weight proteins detected in each cell ranges from 3 in R14 and L11 to 5 or 6 in R15. In each of the cells studied, the low molecular weight protein consists of a primary precursor of ca. 12,000 daltons, and its proteolytic processing products. In each cell, the smallest protein, or in the case of R14, one of the two smallest proteins, accumulates to a significant extent, suggesting that it might correspond to a final processed neurohormone. In cell R15, the biosynthesis of the primary precursor and its subsequent processing to smaller peptides is largely unaffected by removal of extracellular calcium, by replacement of calcium with cobalt or by inhibition of spontaneous bursting via stimulation of the brachial nerve.  相似文献   

We have used identified neurons from the abdominal ganglion of the mollusc Aplysia to construct and analyze two circuits in vitro. Each of these circuits was capable of producing two patterns of persistent activity; that is, they had bistable output states. The output could be switched between the stable states by a brief, external input. One circuit consisted of cocultured L10 and left upper quadrant (LUQ) neurons that formed reciprocal, inhibitory connections. In one stable state L10 was active and the LUQ was quiescent, whereas in the other stable state L10 was quiescent and the LUQ was active. A second circuit consisted of co-cultured L7 and L12 neurons that formed reciprocal, excitatory connections. In this circuit, both cells were quiescent in one stable state and both cells fired continuously in the other state. Bistable output in both circuits resulted from the nonlinear firing characteristics of each neuron and the feedback between the two neurons. We explored how the stability of the neuronal output could be controlled by the background currents injected into each neuron. We observed a relatively well-defined range of currents for which bistability occurred, consistent with the values expected from the measured strengths of the connections and a simple model. Outside of the range, the output was stable in only a single state. These results suggest how stable patterns of output are produced by some in vivo circuits and how command neurons from higher neural centers may control the activity of these circuits. The criteria that guided us in forming our circuits in culture were derived from theoretical studies on the properties of certain neuronal network models (e.g., Hopfield, J. J. 1984. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 81:3088-3092). Our results show that circuits consisting of only two co-cultured neurons can exhibit bistable output states of the form hypothesized to occur in populations of neurons.  相似文献   

A sustained postsynaptic potential is observed in an identified synapse of Aplysia when the presynaptic neuron is depolarized in the presence of tetrodotoxin (TTX). This prolonged postsynaptic potential appears to be at least in part due to the summation of quantal events. It is still observed when 30 mM CoCl2, which is known to inhibit Ca2+ influx, is added to the external media.  相似文献   

The right upper quadrant (RUQ) cells (R3-R13) of Aplysia regenerating in dissociated cell culture form unusually large growth cones. The movement of these growth cones was observed by time-lapse phase microscopy and their ultrastructure was examined by transmission electron microscopy. Their behavior and ultrastructure have features that are typical of growth cones in vitro. Additionally, they contain neurosecretory granules similar to those found in these cells in vivo. Because RUQ growth cones are large, they can be isolated by manual dissection. RUQ cells were grown in the presence of [35S]methionine and the labeled proteins transported to the growth cones were analyzed by SDS-PAGE. These proteins were compared to those in RUQ cell bodies, RUQ neurites, and to those in the neurites and cell bodies of other identified neurons grown in vitro. Most proteins synthesized by RUQ cells in vitro are transported to their growth cones, including several glycoproteins and the precursor to the R3-R14 neuropeptide. Neuropeptides are also synthesized by a number of other Aplysia neurons growing in vitro. We examined R2, LPL1, R15, and left upper quadrant neurons and found that their precursor peptides, like those of R3-R14, are readily recognized as major cell-specific radiolabeled bands on SDS gels. The presence in regenerating growth cones of neuropeptides, neurosecretory granules, and glycoproteins known to be rapidly transported toward synapses in vivo supports the emerging view that the growth cone in vitro contains not only a motility apparatus but also a macromolecular assembly capable of forming an active synapse immediately upon or shortly after contacting targets.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis and processing of low molecular weight protein (presumed neurosecretory protein) in cells R15, R14 and L11 of Aplysia californica was studied at high resolution by polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecylsulfate. The number of low molecular weight proteins detected in each cell ranges from 3 in R14 and L11 to 5 to 6 in R15. In each of the cells studied, the low molecular weight protein consists of a primary precursor of ca. 12,000 daltons, and its proteolytic processing products. In each cell, the smallest protein, or in the case of R14, one of the two smallest proteins, accumulates to a significant extent, suggesting that it might correspond to a final processed neurohormone. In cell R15, the biosynthesis of the primary precursor and its subsequent processing to smaller peptides is largely unaffected by removal of extracellular calcium, by replacement of calcium with cobalt or by inhibition of spontaneous bursting via stimulation of the brachial nerve.  相似文献   

1. Synaptic formations between a rat cerebellar granule cell and a Purkinje cell, and also between an inferior-olivary neuron and a Purkinje cell have been accomplished in culture. 2. The synaptic transmission between an inferior-olivary neuron and a Purkinje cell was far much more potent than that between a granule cell and a Purkinje cell in the culture, and the former always induced in a Purkinje cell an action potential followed by prolonged depolarization, which resembled a climbing fiber response in vivo. 3. Synaptic potentiation was induced by repetitive stimulation (2 Hz, 20 sec) of a granule cell, and the synaptic depression was induced by repetitive conjunctive stimulation of both a granule cell and an inferior-olivary neuron as in a slice preparation. 4. When repetitive stimulation of both neurons were given while the postsynaptic Purkinje cell was voltage-clamped at -80 mV, not the depression but the potentiation took place. When repetitive stimulation of a granule cell was coupled with the postsynaptic strong depolarization induced by direct outward current injection, the depression took place. These two experiments indicate that the postsynaptic depolarization during activation of a presynaptic granule cell is both necessary and sufficient to induce the depression, and that the potentiation is induced without the postsynaptic depolarization. 5. The quantal analysis on the synaptic transmission, where fluctuations of amplitudes of synaptic currents in a Purkinje cell induced by a single granule cell were measured, indicated that the synaptic potentiation involves the enhancement of transmitter release from a presynaptic granule cell and that the depression involves changes of postsynaptic receptors on a Purkinje cell.  相似文献   

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