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Arctic marine fishes and their fisheries in light of global change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In light of ocean warming and loss of Arctic sea ice, harvested marine fishes of boreal origin (and their fisheries) move poleward into yet unexploited parts of the Arctic seas. Industrial fisheries, already in place on many Arctic shelves, will radically affect the local fish species as they turn up as unprecedented bycatch. Arctic marine fishes are indispensable to ecosystem structuring and functioning, but they are still beyond credible assessment due to lack of basic biological data. The time for conservation actions is now, and precautionary management practices by the Arctic coastal states are needed to mitigate the impact of industrial fisheries in Arctic waters. We outline four possible conservation actions: scientific credibility, ‘green technology’, legitimate management and overarching coordination.  相似文献   



Our aim involved developing a method to analyse spatiotemporal distributions of Arctic marine mammals (AMMs) using heterogeneous open source data, such as scientific papers and open repositories. Another aim was to quantitatively estimate the effects of environmental covariates on AMMs’ distributions and to analyse whether their distributions have shifted along with environmental changes.


Arctic shelf area. The Kara Sea.


Our literature search focused on survey data regarding polar bears (Ursus maritimus), Atlantic walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) and ringed seals (Phoca hispida). We mapped the data on a grid and built a hierarchical Poisson point process model to analyse species’ densities. The heterogeneous data lacked information on survey intensity and we could model only the relative density of each species. We explained relative densities with environmental covariates and random effects reflecting excess spatiotemporal variation and the unknown, varying sampling effort. The relative density of polar bears was explained also by the relative density of seals.


The most important covariates explaining AMMs’ relative densities were ice concentration and distance to the coast, and regarding polar bears, also the relative density of seals. The results suggest that due to the decrease in the average ice concentration, the relative densities of polar bears and walruses slightly decreased or stayed constant during the 17‐year‐long study period, whereas seals shifted their distribution from the Eastern to the Western Kara Sea.

Main conclusions

Point process modelling is a robust methodology to estimate distributions from heterogeneous observations, providing spatially explicit information about ecosystems and thus serves advances for conservation efforts in the Arctic. In a simple trophic system, a distribution model of a top predator benefits from utilizing prey species’ distributions compared to a solely environmental model. The decreasing ice cover seems to have led to changes in AMMs’ distributions in the marginal Arctic region.  相似文献   

Declines in Arctic sea ice cover are influencing the distribution of protected endemic marine mammals, many of which are important for local Indigenous Peoples, and increasing the presence of potentially disruptive industrial activities. Due to increasing conservation concerns, we conducted the first year-round acoustic monitoring of waters off Gambell and Savoonga (St. Lawrence Island, Alaska), and in the Bering Strait to quantify vocalizing presence of bowhead whales, belugas, walruses, bearded seals, and ribbon seals. Bottom-mounted archival acoustic recorders collected data for up to 10 months per deployment between 2012 and 2016. Spectrograms were analyzed for species-typical vocalizations, and daily detection rates and presence/absence were calculated. Generalized additive models were used to model call presence as a function of time-of-year, sea surface temperature, and sea ice concentration. We identified seasonality in call presence for all species, corroborating previous acoustic and distribution studies, and identified finer-scale spatiotemporal distribution via occurrence of call presence between different monitoring sites. Time-of-year was the strongest significant effect on call presence for all species. These data provide important information on Arctic endemic species' spatiotemporal distributions in biologically and culturally important areas within a rapidly changing Arctic region.  相似文献   

Marine mammals are important sources of food for indigenous residents of northern Alaska. Changing sea ice patterns affect the animals themselves as well as access to them by hunters. Documenting the traditional knowledge of Iñupiaq and Yupik hunters concerning marine mammals and sea ice makes accessible a wide range of information relevant to understanding the ecosystem to which humans belong. We interviewed hunters in 11 coastal villages from the northern Bering Sea to the Beaufort Sea. Hunters reported extensive changes in sea ice and weather that have affected the timing of marine mammal migrations, their distribution and behaviour and the efficacy of certain hunting methods. Amidst these changes, however, hunters cited offsetting technological benefits, such as more powerful and fuel-efficient outboard engines. Other concerns included potential impacts to subsistence hunting from industrial activity such as shipping and oil and gas development. While hunters have been able to adjust to some changes, continued environmental changes and increased disturbance from human activity may further challenge their ability to acquire food in the future. There are indications, however, that innovation and flexibility provide sources of resilience.  相似文献   

There has been a growing concern over the last few decades about theeffects of environmental stress, including anthropogenic impacts, onmarine mammals. This paper provides an overview of the wide range ofanthropogenic stressors that marine mammals may encounter and the levelof understanding on their potential effects. Sources of stress andphysiological responses of the animals are explored. Many of the lifehistory traits of marine mammals (i.e., long-life spans, late maturity,relatively low reproductive potential, and feeding high in the foodchain), make them susceptible to various anthropogenic stressors. Sincemarine mammals are exposed to a diverse array of multiple stressors,this paper focuses on three case studies (acute and chronic effects fromoil spills; chronic effects from environmental contaminants, andfishery-induced stress) to emphasize potential relevant hazards and toprovide a perspective on the use of marine mammals in assessingecosystem health. Additional research to enhance our understanding ofstress on marine mammals and to provide the science needed to guidemanagement decisions is recommended.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen isotopes analyses were performed on marine mammal bone collagen from three archaeological sites (ad 1170–1813) on Cape Espenberg (Kotzebue Sound, northwestern Alaska) as well as modern animals harvested from the same area to examine long‐term trends in foraging ecology and sea ice productivity. We observed significant and dramatic changes in ringed seal stable isotope values between the early 19th and early 21st centuries, likely due to changing sea ice productivity and reduced delivery of organic matter to the benthos driven by recent warming in the Arctic. These data highlight the importance of the archaeological record for providing a long‐term perspective on environmental variation and interpreting recent changes driven by anthropogenic processes.  相似文献   

The impact of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) on marine mammals remains poorly documented despite their increasing use. In the high-Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard, where marine mammals face increasing pressure from climate change and expanding tourism, the use of RPAS remains largely unregulated. In this study we assessed the impacts of RPAS across a range of species to provide science-based management advice, using a variety of aircraft sizes and approach strategies. We explored RPAS sound levels and animal behavior prior to and after flights. Preexperimental alertness influenced sensitivity to disturbance notably. Harbor seals were more sensitive during prebreeding than during molting, reacting at distances of 80 m, whereas walruses responded at distances <50 m. Polar bears reacted to the sound of RPAS during take-off at 300 m, although response levels were relatively low. White whales reacted to the sight of RPAS when flown ahead of the pod, below 15 m. Variations in sound levels typical in overhead descents and manual flights increased disturbance potential more than RPAS size; preprogrammed flight paths are advised. Our study highlights factors that can influence sensitivity to RPAS including tidal state and swell, the presence of young individuals, ambient noise levels, and RPAS approach strategies.  相似文献   

While foraging models of terrestrial mammals are concerned primarily with optimizing time/energy budgets, models of foraging behaviour in marine mammals have been primarily concerned with physiological constraints. This has historically centred on calculations of aerobic dive limits. However, other physiological limits are key to forming foraging behaviour, including digestive limitations to food intake and thermoregulation. The ability of an animal to consume sufficient prey to meet its energy requirements is partly determined by its ability to acquire prey (limited by available foraging time, diving capabilities and thermoregulatory costs) and process that prey (limited by maximum digestion capacity and the time devoted to digestion). Failure to consume sufficient prey will have feedback effects on foraging, thermoregulation and digestive capacity through several interacting avenues. Energy deficits will be met through catabolism of tissues, principally the hypodermal lipid layer. Depletion of this blubber layer can affect both buoyancy and gait, increasing the costs and decreasing the efficiency of subsequent foraging attempts. Depletion of the insulative blubber layer may also increase thermoregulatory costs, which will decrease the foraging abilities through higher metabolic overheads. Thus, an energy deficit may lead to a downward spiral of increased tissue catabolism to pay for increased energy costs. Conversely, the heat generated through digestion and foraging activity may help to offset thermoregulatory costs. Finally, the circulatory demands of diving, thermoregulation and digestion may be mutually incompatible. This may force animals to alter time budgets to balance these exclusive demands. Analysis of these interacting processes will lead to a greater understanding of the physiological constraints within which the foraging behaviour must operate.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that the vitamin D status is far from optimal in many countries all over the world. The main reason for this is lack of sunshine. Only a limited number of foods naturally contain vitamin D. Good sources of vitamin D(3) are fish (not only fatty fish), egg yolk, and offal such as liver. Some foods such as milk are fortified with vitamin D in some countries. Dietary vitamin D intake is low in many countries, especially as the dietary sources are limited. The use of supplements is important and seems to be high in some countries. Current dietary intake recommendations are too low to preserve/reach optimal S-25-OHD concentrations, when UVB radiation is not available. We suggest that the recommendations should be increased to at least 10 microg per day in all age groups when solar UVB is scarce. The elderly may need a daily vitamin D intake of 25 microg. If dietary intake of vitamin D is to be increased, food habits will have to change. From a public health point of view it is better to increase the potential sources of vitamin D by fortifying specific products that are consumed commonly in a whole population, or if necessary by especially vulnerable groups. Supplement use is probably the right alternative for vulnerable groups such as infants and inactive elderly in whom this is more easily implemented.  相似文献   

Footprints of climate change in the Arctic marine ecosystem   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this article, we review evidence of how climate change has already resulted in clearly discernable changes in marine Arctic ecosystems. After defining the term ‘footprint’ and evaluating the availability of reliable baseline information we review the published literature to synthesize the footprints of climate change impacts in marine Arctic ecosystems reported as of mid‐2009. We found a total of 51 reports of documented changes in Arctic marine biota in response to climate change. Among the responses evaluated were range shifts and changes in abundance, growth/condition, behaviour/phenology and community/regime shifts. Most reports concerned marine mammals, particularly polar bears, and fish. The number of well‐documented changes in planktonic and benthic systems was surprisingly low. Evident losses of endemic species in the Arctic Ocean, and in ice algae production and associated community remained difficult to evaluate due to the lack of quantitative reports of its abundance and distribution. Very few footprints of climate change were reported in the literature from regions such as the wide Siberian shelf and the central Arctic Ocean due to the limited research effort made in these ecosystems. Despite the alarming nature of warming and its strong potential effects in the Arctic Ocean the research effort evaluating the impacts of climate change in this region is rather limited.  相似文献   

Studies of adaptive evolution have experienced a recent revival in population genetics of natural populations and there is currently much focus on identifying genomic signatures of selection in space and time. Insights into local adaptation, adaptive response to global change and evolutionary consequences of selective harvesting can be generated through population genomics studies, allowing the separation of the effects invoked by neutral processes (drift-migration) from those due to selection. Such knowledge is important not only for improving our basic understanding of natural as well as human-induced evolutionary processes, but also for predicting future trajectories of biodiversity and for setting conservation priorities. Marine fishes possess a number of features rendering them well suited for providing general insights into adaptive genomic evolution in natural populations. These include well-described population structures, substantial and rapidly developing genomic resources and abundant archived samples enabling temporal studies. Furthermore, superior possibilities for conducting large-scale experiments under controlled conditions, due to the economic resources provided by the large and growing aquaculture industry, hold great promise for utilizing recent technological developments. Here, we review achievements in marine fish genomics to date and highlight potential avenues for future research, which will provide both general insights into evolution in high gene flow species, as well as specific knowledge which can lead to improved management of marine organisms.  相似文献   

Image processing using traditional photogrammetric methods is a labor-intensive process. The collection of photogrammetry images during aerial surveys is expanding rapidly, creating new challenges to analyze images promptly and efficiently, while reducing human error during processing. Computer vision-assisted photogrammetry, a field of artificial intelligence (AI), can automate image processing, greatly enhancing the efficiency of photogrammetry. Here, we present a practical and efficient program capable of automatically extracting the fine-scale photogrammetry of East Asian finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis sunameri). Our results indicated that computer vision-assisted photogrammetry could achieve the same accuracy as traditional photogrammetry, and the results of the comparisons were validated against the direct measurements. Three-dimensional (3D) models using computer vision-assisted photogrammetric morphometrics generated trustworthy body volume estimates. We also explored the one image-based 3D modeling technique, which is less accurate, but still useful when only one image of the animal is available. Although several limitations exist in the current program, improvements could be made to narrow the virtual-reality gap when more images are available for machine learning and training. We recommend this program for analyzing images of marine mammals possessing a similar morphological contour.  相似文献   

维生素D受体最新研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
维生素D受体(vitamin D receptor,VDR)是一种核转录因子,通过与配体特异结合,调控多种基因的表达,从而调节多种生命活动的进行.本文总结了近年来VDR的研究进展,主要包括VDR的作用机制、VDR行使功能所需共激活子及共抑制子、VDR在生长分化、免疫调节和抑制肿瘤等方面的作用及VDR配体类似物在药物开发研究领域的最新进展.  相似文献   

Marine fish from several locations along the west coast of Norway were examined for leeches. Seven leech species were detected, Calliobdella nodulifera (Malm, 1863) from codfish, flatfish and a ray, Calliobdella lophii van Beneden & Hesse, 1863 from Lophius piscatorius L., Platybdella anarrhichae (Diesing, 1859) on Anarhichas lupus L., Platybdella quadrioculata Malm, 1863 on Symphodus melops (L.), Oceanobdella sp. on Zeugopterus punctatus (Bloch), Malmiana brunnea (Johansson, 1896) on Myoxocephalus scorpius (L.) and Malmiana bubali Srivastava, 1966 on Taurulus bubalis (Euphrasen). Calliobdella nodulifera infected unrelated hosts (euryxenic); the others appeared to be host specialists (oio- or stenoxenic). Details on the occurrence of Calliobdella nodulifera on Enchelyopus cimbrius (L.) during 1 year are given, which together with other observations suggest that its life cycle exceeds a year. A brief account on the morphology of “Platybdellaquadrioculata is provided, justifying its transfer to the genus Oceanobdella Caballero, 1956 as O. quadrioculata comb. nov. With the new additions, the Norwegian marine piscicolid fauna contain 12 species. At least ten additional species, known from adjoining areas, also probably occur along the Norwegian coast.  相似文献   

DNA条形码及其在海洋浮游动物生态学研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
浮游动物的准确鉴定是浮游动物生态学研究的基础.传统的基于形态特征的鉴定不仅费时费力,而且部分类群特别是浮游幼体由于形态差异细微,鉴定存在困难,导致物种多样性被低估.DNA条形码(DNA barcodes)技术为浮游动物物种鉴定提供了一个有力工具,已迅速应用于海洋浮游动物生态学研究.本文介绍了DNA条形码的基本概念、优势及局限性,总结了该技术(主要是基于线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶第一亚基(mtCOI)基因序列片段的DNA条形码)在海洋浮游动物物种快速鉴定、隐种发现、营养关系研究、生物入侵种监测、群落历史演变反演、种群遗传学以及生物地理学中的成功应用.随着DNA条形码数据库信息量覆盖率的不断提高和新一代测序技术的快速发展,DNA条形码将提供除了种类鉴定外更加丰富的信息,从而帮助人们更好地理解海洋浮游动物的多样性及其在生态系统中的功能,推动海洋浮游动物生态学的发展.  相似文献   

A very large majority of farm animals express seasonal variations in their production traits, thus inducing seasonal availability of fresh derived animal products (meat, milk, cheese and eggs). This pattern is in part the consequence of the farmer's objective to market his products in the most economically favourable period. It may also be imposed by the season-dependent access to feed resources, as in ruminants, or by the specific requirements derived from adaptation to environmental conditions such as water temperature in fish. But seasonal variations in animal products are also the consequence of constraints resulting from the occurrence of a more or less marked seasonal reproductive season in most farm animal species including fish, poultry and mammals. Like their wild counterparts, at mid and high latitudes, most farm animals normally give birth at the end of winter-early spring, the most favourable period for the progeny to survive and thus promote the next generation. As a consequence, most species show seasonal variations in their ovulation frequency (mammals and fish: presence or absence of ovulation; birds: variations or suppression of laying rates), spermatogenic activity (from moderate to complete absence of sperm production), gamete quality (variations in fertilisation rates and embryo survival), and also sexual behaviour. Among species of interest for animal production, fishes and birds are generally considered as more directly sensitive to external factors (mainly temperature in fish, photoperiod in birds). In all species, it is therefore advisable that artificial photoperiodic treatments consisting of extra-light during natural short days (in chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl, sheep and goats) or melatonin during long days (in goats, sheep) be extensively used to either adjust the breeding season to animal producer needs and/or to completely overcome seasonal variations of sperm production in artificial insemination centres (mammals) and breeder flock operations (poultry, fish farming). Pure light treatments (without melatonin), especially when applied in open barns, could be considered as non invasive ones which fully respect animal welfare.  相似文献   

We compared on eight dates during the ice-free period physicochemical properties and rates of phytoplankton and epipelic primary production in six arctic lakes dominated by soft bottom substrate. Lakes were classified as shallow ( < 2.5 m), intermediate in depth (2.5 m <  < 4.5 m), and deep ( > 4.5 m), with each depth category represented by two lakes. Although shallow lakes circulated freely and intermediate and deep lakes stratified thermally for the entire summer, dissolved oxygen concentrations were always >70% of saturation values. Soluble reactive phosphorus and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN = NO3 –N + NH4 +–N) were consistently below the detection limit (0.05 μmol l−1) in five lakes. However, one lake shallow lake (GTH 99) periodically showed elevated values of DIN (17 μmol l−1), total-P (0.29 μmol l−1), and total-N (33 μmol l−1), suggesting wind-generated sediment resuspension. Due to increased nutrient availability or entrainment of microphytobenthos, GTH 99 showed the highest average volume-based values of phytoplankton chlorophyll a (chl a) and primary production, which for the six lakes ranged from 1.0 to 2.9 μg l−1 and 0.7–3.8 μmol C l−1 day−1. Overall, however, increased resulted in increased area-based values of phytoplankton chl a and primary production, with mean values for the three lake classes ranging from 3.6 to 6.1 mg chl a m−2 and 3.2–5.8 mmol C m−2 day−1. Average values of epipelic chl a ranged from 131 to 549 mg m−2 for the three depth classes, but levels were not significantly different due to high spatial variability. However, average epipelic primary production was significantly higher in shallow lakes (12.2 mmol C m−2 day−1) than in intermediate and deep lakes (3.4 and 2.4 mmol C m−2 day−1). Total primary production (6.7–15.4 mmol C m−2 day−1) and percent contribution of the epipelon (31–66%) were inversely related to mean depth, such that values for both variables were significantly higher in shallow lakes than in intermediate or deep lakes. Handling editor: L. Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

The essentiality of vitamin D for normal growth and development has been recognized for over 80 years, and vitamin D fortification programs have been in place in the United States for more than 70 years. Despite the above, vitamin D deficiency continues to be a common finding in certain population groups. Vitamin D deficiency has been suggested as a potential risk factor for the development of preeclampsia, and vitamin D deficiency during infancy and early childhood is associated with an increased risk for numerous skeletal disorders, as well as immunological and vascular abnormalities. Vitamin D deficiency can occur through multiple mechanisms including the consumption of diets low in this vitamin and inadequate exposure to environmental ultraviolet B rays. The potential value of vitamin D supplementation in high‐risk pregnancies and during infancy and early childhood is discussed. Currently, there is vigorous debate concerning what constitutes appropriate vitamin D intakes during early development as exemplified by differing recommendations from the Institute of Medicine Dietary Reference Intake report and recent recommendations by the Endocrine Society. As is discussed, a major issue that needs to be resolved is what key biological endpoint should be used when making vitamin D recommendations for the pregnant woman and her offspring. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 99:24–44, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Comparisons of 3D shapes have recently been applied to diverse anatomical structures using landmarking techniques. However, discerning evolutionary patterns can be challenging for structures lacking homologous landmarks. We used alpha shape analyses to quantify vaginal shape complexity in 40 marine mammal specimens including cetaceans, pinnipeds, and sirenians. We explored phylogenetic signal and the potential roles of natural and sexual selection on vaginal shape evolution. Complexity scores were consistent with qualitative observations. Cetaceans had a broad range of alpha complexities, while pinnipeds were comparatively simple and sirenians were complex. Intraspecific variation was found. Three‐dimensional surface heat maps revealed that shape complexity was driven by invaginations and protrusions of the vaginal wall. Phylogenetic signal was weak and metrics of natural selection (relative neonate size) and sexual selection (relative testes size, sexual size dimorphism, and penis morphology) did not explain vaginal complexity patterns. Additional metrics, such as penile shape complexity, may yield interesting insights into marine mammal genital coevolution. We advocate for the use of alpha shapes to discern patterns of evolution that would otherwise not be possible in 3D anatomical structures lacking homologous landmarks.  相似文献   

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