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We documented natal and breeding dispersal at several spatial scales by Galápagos Nazca boobies Sula granti , a wide-ranging pelagic seabird. We found exceptionally low degrees of both types of dispersal despite these birds' vagility. Median natal dispersal distances were 26 m and 105 m for males and females, respectively. Median breeding dispersal distances for both sexes were 0 m. No natal or breeding dispersals occurred from our study site at Punta Cevallos, Isla Española to six other colonies in the Galápagos, but we did document four long-distance natal dispersals from Punta Cevallos to islands near the South American coast. Recaptures and dead recoveries of ringed birds showed long distance non-breeding movements to the Central American coast and elsewhere in the eastern Pacific, contrasting with the very limited dispersal to breeding sites.  相似文献   

Although incubation temperatures have been documented extensively in birds, few studies have followed fluctuations in temperatures throughout the length of the incubation period in natural nests. We recorded incubation temperatures of Nazca boobies Sula granti by replacing real booby eggs with a model egg containing an internal floating data logger for three-day intervals in 47 nests ("experimental group"). We also added the same logger eggs to 14 booby nests at the time of egg-laying, where they remained as the second egg in the clutches for the entire incubation period ("logger egg control group"). Finally, we measured surface temperatures of real eggs with an infrared sensor ("real egg control group"). In both control groups, the average temperature increased after laying, then stabilized for the remainder of the incubation period. The experimental group differed from the controls, because the cool logger egg could have been introduced at any point in the incubation cycle, not just at the beginning. Egg temperature in the experimental group had a parabolic relationship with day of incubation, because parents receiving a logger egg during the third quarter of incubation showed an exaggerated heating response during the subsequent two days. We infer from this that the parents are especially sensitive to egg temperature during this period, and it may thus represent a critical period of unknown nature for the embryo.  相似文献   

Incubation in most avian species involves transferring heat from parent to egg through a highly vascularized brood patch. Some birds, however, do not develop a brood patch. Unusual among birds, these species hold their eggs under the webs of their feet, but the role of the feet in heat transfer is uncertain. Often the webs are positioned between the feathered abdomen and the egg during incubation, suggesting that either the abdomen, the feet, or both could transfer heat to the egg. We studied heat transfer from foot webs to eggs during incubation in Nazca boobies by spatially separating the feet from the abdomen using an oversized egg. We found that feet transfer heat to eggs independently of any heat that may be transferred from the abdomen. In addition, we found that incubating boobies had significantly greater vascularization in their foot webs, measured as a percentage of web area covered by vessels, than nonincubating boobies. We also found that males, whether incubating or nonincubating, had significantly less web vascularization than females. We concluded that vascularized Nazca booby feet function in the same way during incubation that vascularized brood patches do, acting as surrogate brood patches.  相似文献   

Seabirds are considered highly mobile, able to fly great distances with few apparent barriers to dispersal. However, it is often the case that seabird populations exhibit strong population genetic structure despite their potential vagility. Here we show that Galapagos Nazca booby (Sula granti) populations are substantially differentiated, even within the small geographic scale of this archipelago. On the other hand, Galapagos great frigatebird (Fregata minor) populations do not show any genetic structure. We characterized the genetic differentiation by sampling five colonies of both species in the Galapagos archipelago and analyzing eight microsatellite loci and three mitochondrial genes. Using an F‐statistic approach on the multilocus data, we found significant differentiation between nearly all island pairs of Nazca booby populations and a Bayesian clustering analysis provided support for three distinct genetic clusters. Mitochondrial DNA showed less differentiation of Nazca booby colonies; only Nazca boobies from the island of Darwin were significantly differentiated from individuals throughout the rest of the archipelago. Great frigatebird populations showed little to no evidence for genetic differentiation at the same scale. Only two island pairs (Darwin – Wolf, N. Seymour – Wolf) were significantly differentiated using the multilocus data, and only two island pairs had statistically significant φST values (N. Seymour – Darwin, N. Seymour – Wolf) according to the mitochondrial data. There was no significant pattern of isolation by distance for either species calculated using both markers. Seven of the ten Nazca booby migration rates calculated between island pairs were in the south or southeast to north or northwest direction. The population differentiation found among Galapagos Nazca booby colonies, but not great frigatebird colonies, is most likely due to differences in natal and breeding philopatry.  相似文献   

Most tropical booby species complete breeding foraging trips within daylight hours, thus avoiding nights at sea. Nazca Boobies Sula granti are unusual in this respect, frequently spending one or more nights away from the nest. We used GPS dataloggers, time‐depth recorders, and changes in body weight to characterize foraging trips and to evaluate potential influences on the decisions of 64 adult Nazca Boobies to spend a night at sea, or to return to their chicks on Isla Española, Galápagos, in daylight hours. The tagged birds foraged east of Isla Española, undertaking both single‐day (2–15 h, 67% of trips) and overnight trips (28 h–7.2 days, 33%), and executing 1–19 foraging plunge‐dives per single‐day trip. Birds might forage longer if they are in nutritional stress when they depart, but body weight at departure was not correlated with trip length. Birds might be expected to return from longer trips with more prey for young, but they returned from single‐day and overnight trips with similar body weights, consistent with previous indications that Nazca Boobies forage until accumulating a target value of prey weight. Birds with a lower dive frequency during the first 5 h of a trip were more likely to spend the night at sea, suggesting that they might choose to spend the night at sea if prey capture success was low. At night, birds almost never dived and spent most of their time resting on the water’s surface (11.8–12.1 h, > 99% of the time between civil sunset and civil dawn). Thus, the night is an unproductive time spent among subsurface predators under low illumination. The birds’ webbed feet provided evidence of this risk: 24% of birds were missing > 25% of their foot tissue, probably due to attacks by predatory fish, and the amount of foot tissue lost increased with age, consistent with a cumulative risk across the lifespan. In contrast, other tropical boobies (Blue‐footed Sula nebouxii and Brown Boobies Sula leucogaster), which do not spend the night on the water, showed no such damage. These results suggest that chick‐rearing Nazca Boobies accept nocturnal predation risk on occasions of low prey encounter during a foraging trip’s first day.  相似文献   

While obligate siblicide is a phylogenetically widespread behavior, known from plants, insects, birds, and other taxa, with important implications for life history evolution, comprehensive evaluations of its costs and benefits to parents are rare. We used 12 years of breeding and band resight data to evaluate the importance of several potential benefits that marginal offspring (the usual victims of obligate siblicide) could provide to parent Nazca boobies (Sula granti), a seabird. We found no evidence for the resource-tracking hypothesis: 99.95% of two-chick broods were reduced to one chick before fledging, and the single exceptional brood probably lost one chick between fledging and independence. Behavioral observations indicated that siblicidal aggression caused most mortality of marginal chicks, and at least contributed to the remainder. We also found no evidence that marginal offspring provide a food resource for other family members. Marginal chicks benefit parents via adoption into other families, and possibly also in the context of progeny choice, but these benefits are minor compared to the insurance that marginal chicks provide against early failure of core (first-hatched) offspring. Further evaluation of the Insurance Egg Hypothesis showed that marginal and core offspring are functionally equivalent in the absence of sibling interactions, and that core offspring incur no detectable costs from behaving siblicidally. Nazca boobies are truly obligate brood reducers, with parents receiving principally insurance benefits from marginal offspring, but many birds and other taxa exhibiting persistent, unconditional sibling aggression do not exhibit universal brood reduction. Insurance is only one of several potential benefits that marginal offspring can confer on parents, and a multi-hypothesis approach to decompose the different types of benefits is required to understand the evolution of clutch size in other obligately siblicidal species.  相似文献   

Serial monogamy and sex ratio bias in Nazca boobies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biased operational sex ratios (OSRs) can drive sexual selection on members of the over-represented sex via competition for mates, causing higher variance and skew in reproductive success (RS) among them if an individual's quality is a persistent characteristic. Alternatively, costs of reproduction may degrade breeding performance, creating the opportunity for members of the limiting sex to switch mates adaptively, effectively homogenizing variance and skew in RS among the sex in excess. We tested these two contrasting models in a male-biased population of the Nazca booby (Sula granti) with demonstrated costs of reproduction with data on total RS over a 14-year period. Variances and skews in RS were similar, and males changed from breeder to non-breeder more frequently than females. Under the persistent individual quality model, females should mate only with high quality males, and non-breeding males should seldom enter the breeding pool, yet 45% of non-breeding males (re)entered the breeding pool each year on average. Many Nazca booby females apparently exchange a depleted male for a new mate from the pool of current non-breeder males. Our evidence linking serial monogamy to costs of reproduction is novel and suggests selection on female mating preferences based on an interaction between at least two life-history components (OSR and reproductive effort).  相似文献   

The androgen hormone testosterone (T) mediates vertebrate aggression in many contexts and according to the Challenge Hypothesis is up-regulated during social challenges. While originally applied to challenges experienced by breeding adults, we show for the first time that T is similarly up-regulated during deadly sibling aggression in young birds. When two nestling Nazca boobies hatch, one--usually the older chick--virtually always kills the other chick by pushing it from the nest. We compared concentrations of T, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA; a precursor of T), and corticosterone (Cort; a stress hormone) of chicks at various stages. T was elevated during fights in both chicks in two-chick broods, but not before and after fights, and not in chicks lacking a nest mate. DHEA was elevated 1 day after hatching and declined with age but appeared not to vary in concert with aggression. Cort did not vary across fighting and nonfighting periods. In conjunction with an earlier study [Tarlow, E.M., Wikelski, M., Anderson, D.J., 2001. Hormonal correlates of siblicide in Galapagos Nazca boobies. Horm. Behav. 40:14-20], these results indicate that T is temporarily up-regulated around the time of fights, as predicted by the Challenge Hypothesis. Our data suggest a general role for T during challenges at any time in life, not just during breeding.  相似文献   

The association between the distribution of blue-footed boobies Sula nebouxii (BFB) and marine productivity around their breeding grounds is unclear. In Peru, they breed in a region seasonally influenced by the cold, nutrient rich Humboldt Current, and by warm, nutrient poor oceanic waters. The foraging range of BFB in Peru is unknown, although some evidence suggest that they may feed in warm offshore waters. During the austral winter 2002 and summer 2003, we tracked 26 BFBs breeding on Isla Lobos de Tierra, Peru (located approximately 15 km west of the mainland), during 59 feeding trips using small direction recorders to determine their marine habitat use. BFBs preferentially moved to the east of the island and foraged over the continental shelf in cold water masses where marine productivity and the abundance of the main prey, the Peruvian anchovy Engraulis ringens , are usually higher than in other areas. Overall, the median maximum foraging distance from the colony was 39 km (range 3–109 km), with 90% of all trips located within 30 km from the mainland, and enclosed in an area of 13,113 km2. These results reveal that BFBs exploit the productive waters of the Peruvian Coastal Upwelling System, rather than open oceanic waters as previously suggested. BFBs travelled a greater distance, dispersed in a broader area, and visited more offshore waters during the winter 2002, than during the summer 2003, following the typical seasonal horizontal dispersion of the Peruvian anchovy.  相似文献   

Numerous studies of birds have demonstrated the value of producinginsurance eggs. We have previously found that second eggs provideinsurance against failure of first eggs for Nazca boobies (Sulagranti), which raise only one chick to fledging, yet some femaleslay only one egg. We used an 8-year data set to compare 2 hypothesesfor clutch size variation: one based on trade-offs, predictingdeclining future performance by females that lay a costly secondegg and one based on parental quality, predicting that intrinsicallysuperior females lay 2 eggs both currently and in the future.Clutch size variation did not contribute to the best multistatemark–recapture model of survival, suggesting that clutchsize and survival are unrelated and that any survival cost ofreproduction related to laying second eggs is small. Transitionprobabilities between reproductive states were generally, butnot entirely, inconsistent with fecundity costs of producinga marginal egg. Parental quality effects were apparent, withfemales tending to remain in a given reproductive state acrossseasons. Parents producing a marginal egg had consistently higherbreeding success than did parents of 1-egg clutches, due principallyto the insurance effect and secondarily to differences in parentalquality after hatching. Different model selection approachesgave differing results for logistic regression analyses of breedingsuccess of females that hatched eggs. A conventional significance-testing,iterative-fitting approach excluded insurance state from thetop model, whereas the information-theoretic (I-T) approachdetected an association between current insurance state andsubsequent survival and fecundity. Using the I-T approach, potentiallybiological significant (but not statistically significant underconventional analysis) effects were detected that may otherwisehave been ignored.  相似文献   

Age‐related changes in survival and reproduction are common in seabirds; however, the underlying causes remain elusive. A lack of experience for young individuals, and a decline in foraging performance for old birds, could underlie age‐related variation in reproduction because reproductive success is connected closely to provisioning offspring. For seabirds, flapping flight during foraging trips is physiologically costly; inexperience or senescent decline in performance of this demanding activity might cap delivery of food to the nest, providing a proximate explanation for poor breeding success in young and old age, respectively. We evaluated the hypothesis that young and old Nazca boobies (Sula granti), a Galápagos seabird, demonstrate deficits in foraging outcomes and flight performance. We tagged incubating male and female adults across the life span with both accelerometer and GPS loggers during the incubation periods of two breeding seasons (years), during the 2015 El Niño and the following weak La Niña. We tested the ability of age, sex, and environment to explain variation in foraging outcomes (e.g., mass gained) and flight variables (e.g., wingbeat frequency). Consistent with senescence, old birds gained less mass while foraging than middle‐aged individuals, a marginal effect, and achieved a slower airspeed late in a foraging trip. Contrary to expectations, young birds showed no deficit in foraging outcomes or flight performance, except for airspeed (contingent on environment). Young birds flew slower than middle‐aged birds in 2015, but faster than middle‐aged birds in 2016. Wingbeat frequency, flap–glide ratio, and body displacement (approximating wingbeat strength) failed to predict airspeed and were unaffected by age. Sex influenced nearly all aspects of performance. Environment affected flight performance and foraging outcomes. Boobies'' foraging outcomes were better during the extreme 2015 El Niño than during the 2016 weak La Niña, a surprising result given the negative effects tropical seabirds often experience during extreme El Niños.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship of avian Babesia with other piroplasms remains unclear, mainly because of a lack of objective criteria such as molecular phylogenetics. In this study, our objective was to sequence the entire 18S, ITS-1, 5.8S, and ITS-2 regions of the rRNA gene and partial beta-tubulin gene of B. poelea, first described from brown boobies (Sula leucogaster) from the central Pacific, and compare them to those of other piroplasms. Phylogenetic analyses of the entire 18S rRNA gene sequence revealed that B. poelea belonged to the clade of piroplasms previously detected in humans, domestic dogs, and wild ungulates in the western United States. The entire ITS-1, 5.8S, ITS-2, and partial beta-tubulin gene sequence shared conserved regions with previously described Babesia and Theileria species. The intron of the beta-tubulin gene was 45 bp. This is the first molecular characterization of an avian piroplasm.  相似文献   

1. Understanding the effects of individual and population factors on variation in breeding dispersal (the movement of individuals between successive breeding sites) is key to identifying the strategies behind breeders' movements. Dispersal is often influenced by multiple factors and these can be confounded with each other. We used 13 years of data on the locations, mates, breeding success and ages of individuals to tease apart the factors influencing breeding dispersal in a colonially breeding long-lived seabird, the blue-footed booby Sula nebouxii. 2. Breeding dispersal varied among and within years. Males dispersed further in years of higher population density, and late breeding males and females dispersed further than early breeders. This temporal variation related to changes in competition for territory was taken into account in all tests of individual factors influencing breeding dispersal. 3. Individuals that retained their mates from the previous year dispersed shorter distances than those that changed their mates. 4. The effect of previous breeding success depended on mate fidelity. Unsuccessful breeding induced greater dispersal in birds that changed their mates but not in birds that retained their mates, indicating that breeders who change mates may take their own previous breeding experience into account during habitat selection. Faithful individuals may have to stay close to their previous sites to encounter their mates. 5. Male divorcees dispersed over shorter distances than their former mates, possibly because males contribute more than females to establishing territories. 6. Dispersal of males and females declined with increasing age over the first 10-11 years of life, then increased in old age, possibly due to senescent decay in the ability to compete for mates and territories.  相似文献   

Hunter–gatherer Pygmies from Central Africa are described as being extremely mobile. Using neutral genetic markers and population genetics theory, we explored the dispersal behaviour of the Baka Pygmies from Cameroon, one of the largest Pygmy populations in Central Africa. We found a strong correlation between genetic and geographical distances: a pattern of isolation by distance arising from limited parent–offspring dispersal. Our study suggests that mobile hunter–gatherers do not necessarily disperse over wide geographical areas.  相似文献   

Understanding how animals allocate their foraging time is a central question in behavioural ecology. Intrinsic factors, such as body mass and size differences between sexes or species, influence animals’ foraging behaviour, but studies investigating the effects of individual differences in body mass and size within the same sex are scarce. We investigated this in chick‐rearing masked boobies Sula dactylatra, a species with reversed sexual dimorphism, through the simultaneous deployment of GPS and depth‐acceleration loggers to obtain information on foraging movements and activity patterns. Heavier females performed shorter trips closer to the colony than lighter females. During these shorter trips, heavier females spent higher proportions of their flight time flapping and less time resting on the water than lighter females did during longer trips. In contrast, body mass did not affect trip duration of males, however heavier males spent less time flapping and more time resting on the water than lighter males. This may occur as a result of higher flight costs associated with body mass and allow conservation of energy during locomotion. Body size (i.e. wing length) had no effect on any of the foraging parameters. Dive depths and dive rates (dives h?1) were not affected by body mass, but females dived significantly deeper than males, suggesting that other factors are important. Other studies demonstrated that females are the parent in charge of provisioning the chick, and maintain a flexible investment under regulation of their own body mass. Variation in trip length therefore seems to be triggered by body condition in females, but not in males. Consequently, shorter trips are presumably used to provision the chick, while longer trips are for self‐maintenance. Our findings underline the importance of accounting for the effects of body mass differences within the same sex, if sex‐specific foraging parameters in dimorphic species are being investigated.  相似文献   

Cooperatively breeding animals commonly avoid incestuous mating through pre-mating dispersal. However, a few group-living organisms, including the social spiders, have low pre-mating dispersal, intra-colony mating, and inbreeding. This results in limited gene flow among colonies and sub-structured populations. The social spiders also exhibit female-biased sex ratios because survival benefits to large colonies favour high group productivity, which selects against 1 : 1 sex ratios. Although propagule dispersal of mated females may occasionally bring about limited gene flow, little is known about the role of male dispersal. We assessed the extent of male movement between colonies in natural populations both experimentally and by studying colony sex ratios over the mating season. We show that males frequently move to neighbouring colonies, whereas only 4% of incipient nests were visited by dispersing males. Neighbouring colonies are genetically similar and movement within colony clusters does not contribute to gene flow. Post-mating sex ratio bias was high early in the mating season due to protandry, and also in colonies at the end of the season, suggesting that males remain in the colony when mated females have dispersed. Thus, male dispersal is unlikely to facilitate gene flow between different matrilineages. This is consistent with models of non-Fisherian group-level selection for the maintenance of female biased sex ratios, which predict the elimination of male dispersal.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 2009, 97 , 227–234.  相似文献   

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