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Raymond Taras 《Ethnic and racial studies》2013,36(3):417-433
Abstract Islamophobia bundles religious, ethnic and cultural prejudices together even though a narrow definition of the term flags religion as playing the central part. Calls for decoupling religion from ethnicity and culture appear justifiable: religions are increasingly disconnected from the cultures in which they have been embedded. But established political discourse infrequently makes such distinctions and may go further to racialize cultural and religious attributes of non-Europeans through essentialist framing. Islamophobia becomes a cryptic articulation of race and racism even if overtly it appears as religiously-based prejudice. Islam has been culturalized and racialized by its adherents and antagonists alike. Survey data on attitudes towards Muslims confirm such framing: the most common grounds given for experiencing discrimination was race or ethnic origin; religion and belief system were cited less often. Racialization, race and differential racism have become more endemic to Islamophobesã stigmatizing of Muslims, but to categorize Islamophobes as racists is bad politics. 相似文献
Survey data on people’s reported attitudes towards ethnic minorities are sometimes used as a proxy for ethnic discrimination. However, there is weak empirical evidence of a link between reported attitudes and discrimination. In this article, we use survey data on people’s attitudes towards ethnic minorities combined with a direct measure of ethnic discrimination from a field experiment in the Swedish housing market to re-examine this policy-relevant issue. We find clear evidence of a link between reported attitudes towards ethnic minorities and the extent of ethnic discrimination: in regions where attitudes are more negative, there is more discrimination, and vice versa. Thus, in contrast to most prior studies, our results suggest that reported attitudes may be a useful predictor of ethnic discrimination. 相似文献
Ali Ahmed 《Ethnic and racial studies》2013,36(12):2220-2236
This study examines ethnic preferences using data from the television cooking show Come Dine With Me in Sweden. Amateur chefs compete by hosting dinner parties. Contestants rate each others' performance and the host with the highest ratings wins a cash prize. The show gives an unorthodox opportunity to study ethnic preferences in a high-stakes game environment. The analysis of the collected data shows that native Swedish contestants rate co-ethnic hosts significantly more favourably than they rate other hosts, demonstrating the existence of co-ethnic preferences. This observation seems to be an outcome of own-group favouritism rather than dislike against other groups. Also, the observed co-ethnic preference is assumed to be subtle or non-conscious based on the nature of the analysed data. 相似文献
This paper contributes to the literature on how perceived discrimination influences the impact of intergroup contact among ethnic minority members. Previous research has shown that perceived group discrimination inhibits the positive outcomes of intergroup contact among ethnic minority members. In extension, this paper examines whether perceived personal discrimination has a similar negative impact as a boundary condition of the contact–prejudice relationship among ethnic minority members. Analyses expand previous intergroup contact research by showing that the impact of intergroup contact is uniform across various levels of perceived personal discrimination. This finding suggests that the otherwise harmful consequences of perceived personal discrimination can be effectively counterbalanced by positive contact experiences among ethnic minority members. Analyses use evidence from a national probability sample, which was fielded in 2006 to examine some of the largest ethnic minority groups (N?=?3,462). The concluding section discusses the theoretical implications of the empirical findings. 相似文献
Andres Barkil-Oteo 《The Yale journal of biology and medicine》2013,86(2):139-146
The bulk of mental health services for people with depression are provided in
primary care settings. Primary care providers prescribe 79 percent of
antidepressant medications and see 60 percent of people being treated for
depression in the United States, and they do that with little support from
specialist services. Depression is not effectively managed in the primary care
setting. Collaborative care based on a team approach, a population health
perspective, and measurement-based care has been proven to treat depression more
effectively than care as usual in a variety of settings and for different
populations, and it increases people’s access to medications and behavioral
therapies. Psychiatry has the responsibility of supporting the primary care
sector in delivering mental health services by disseminating collaborative care
approaches under recent initiatives and opportunities made possible by the
Affordable Care Act (ACA). 相似文献
Kurt B Angstman Pamela Pietruszewski Norman H Rasmussen John M Wilkinson David J Katzelnick 《Mental health in family medicine》2012,9(2):99-106
Aim The impact of initial severity of depression on the rate of remission has not been well studied. The hypothesis for this study was that increased depression severity would have an inverse relationship on clinical remission at six months while in collaborative care management.Participants The study cohort was 1128 primary care patients from a south-eastern Minnesota practice and was a longitudinal retrospective chart review analysis.Results Clinical remission at six months was less likely in the severe depression group at 29.6% compared with 36.9% in the moderately severe group and 45.6% in the moderate depression group (P < 0.001). Multivariate analysis of a sub-group demonstrated that increased initial anxiety symptoms (odds ratio [OR] 0.9645, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.9345–0.9954, P = 0.0248) and an abnormal screening for bipolar disorder (OR 0.4856, 95% CI 0.2659–0.8868, P = 0.0187) predicted not achieving remission at six months. A patient with severe depression was significantly less likely to achieve remission at six months (OR 0.6040, 95% CI 0.3803–0.9592, P = 0.0327) compared with moderate depression, but not moderately severe depression (P = 0.2324). There was no statistical difference in the adjusted means of the PHQ-9 score for those patients who were in remission at six months. However, in the unremitted patients, the six-month PHQ-9 score was significantly increased by initial depression severity when controlling for all other variables.Conclusion Multivariate analysis in our study demonstrated that patients with severe depression have a decreased OR for remission at six months compared with moderate depression. Also, there was a significant increase in the six-month PHQ-9 score for those unremitted patients in the severe vs. moderate depression groups. 相似文献
VIKRAM PATEL MARIO MAJ ALAN J. FLISHER MARY J. DE SILVA MIRJA KOSCHORKE MARTIN PRINCE WPA Zonal Member Society Representatives 《World psychiatry》2010,9(3):169-176
The treatment gap for people with mental disorders exceeds 50% in all countries
of the world, approaching astonishingly high rates of 90% in the least resourced
countries. We report the findings of the first systematic survey of leaders
of psychiatry in nearly 60 countries on the strategies for reducing the treatment
gap. We sought to elicit the views of these representatives on the roles of
different human resources and health care settings in delivering care and
on the importance of a range of strategies to increase the coverage of evidence-based
treatments for priority mental disorders for each demographic stage (childhood,
adolescence, adulthood and old age). Our findings clearly indicate three strategies
for reducing the treatment gap: increasing the numbers of psychiatrists and
other mental health professionals; increasing the involvement of a range of
appropriately trained non-specialist providers; and the active involvement
of people affected by mental disorders. This is true for both high income
and low/middle income countries, though relatively of more importance in the
latter. We view this survey as a critically important first step in ascertaining
the position of psychiatrists, one of the most influential stakeholder communities
in global mental health, in addressing the global challenge of scaling up
mental health services to reduce the treatment gap. 相似文献
Objective: Previous research has addressed the relationship between BMI and chronic disease in primary care; however, little has been done with regard to the association between obesity and depression in primary care. The purpose of this paper is to assess the relationship between obesity and chronic conditions including depression. Research Methods and Procedures : Data from primary care patients seen at a university‐based family medicine clinic in the southeastern United States were extracted for the time between January 1, 1999 and January 1, 2002. Data extracted included most recent height and weight, age, ethnicity, pregnancy status, number of office visits, blood pressure, cholesterol, hemoglobin A1C, current diagnoses, and medications. Results : A total of 8197 patients were included in the analysis. Sixty‐nine percent of patients seen in a 3‐year period were either overweight or obese. Comparing blood pressure, cholesterol, diagnoses, and medications between BMI groups found differences in virtually all categories. Diagnoses of high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, and depression significantly increased for obese patients. Discussion : Obese patients are over‐represented in primary care, and this over‐representation of obesity correlates with several diagnoses, including depression. Depression is a chronic disease that may interfere with health‐related behaviors and must be addressed within the health care system. 相似文献
Kurt B Angstman Todd W Wade Ramona S DeJesus Kathy L MacLaughlin Gregory L Angstman 《Mental health in family medicine》2013,10(1):15-21
Objective The primary aim of this study was to determine whether enrolment in collaborative care management (CCM) for treatment of major depression would have a significant impact on 6-month changes in weight compared with patients treated by their primary care provider with usual care. The secondary aim was to determine whether clinical remission would also affect 6-month weight changes.Design A retrospective chart review study included 1550 patients who had been diagnosed with major depression or dysthymia and who had a Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) score of ≥ 10 with follow-up data (PHQ-9 score and weight) at 6 months.Subjects The study sample consisted of adult patients (aged ≥ 18 years) from primary care practices, representing all body mass index (BMI) categories. The exclusion criteria were a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, recent obstetric delivery or recent gastric bypass procedure.Measurements Weight was measured at index and 6 months, with BMI calculated from electronic medical record data. Patient assessment data (including PHQ-9 score and clinical diagnosis) and demographic variables (age, gender, marital status and clinical location) were also collected.Results With regression modelling, neither enrolment in CCM (P = 0.306) nor clinical remission (P = 0.828) was associated with a significant weight gain.Conclusion After 6 months, enrolment in CCM had no significant impact on weight gain or weight loss among patients treated for depression, nor was improvement to clinical remission a factor in the patient''s weight after 6 months. Incorporating a weight loss management intervention within the model may be warranted if concomitant weight reduction is desired. 相似文献
Bajaj P Borreani E Ghosh P Methuen C Patel M Joseph M 《Mental health in family medicine》2008,5(4):229-235
Background It has been argued that primary care practitioners have an important part to play in the prevention of suicide. However, levels of assessment of risk of suicide among patients treated in this setting are generally low.Methods Cross-sectional survey of general practitioners (GPs) and people being treated in primary care who had signs of depression. The study combined open and closed questions on attitudes to screening or being screened for suicidal ideation.Results One hundred and one of 132 patients took part in the survey and 103 of 300 GPs completed a questionnaire. A majority of both GPs and patients stated that people should be screened for suicidal ideation. However, an important minority of patients and GPs stated that asking or being asked such questions made them feel uncomfortable. Less than half of GPs had received formal training on the assessment of suicide risk. GPs told the researchers that barriers to screening included time pressures, culture and language, and concerns about the impact that screening could have on people's mental health. One-quarter of GPs and one-fifth of patients supported the notion that screening for suicidal ideation could induce a person to have thoughts of self-harm.Conclusions GPs and family doctors should screen for suicidal risk among depressed patients and should receive training on how to do this as part of their general training in the assessment and management of mental disorders. Research should be conducted to examine what, if any, effect screening for suicidal ideation has on mental health. 相似文献
Purpose This paper aims to contribute to the discussion about the concept of recovery from depression from the patient perspective.Methods A structured, computer-assisted telephone interview of 576 participants from the Australian diamond cohort study who were asked, at the one year follow-up, how they would know if someone had recovered from depression. The responses were thematically analysed using a modified grounded-theory approach.Results Participants found the question challenging on a number of levels, relating to the definition of recovery, the subjective nature of getting better from depression, pessimism about the possibility of recovery and concerns that people hide how they really feel. Participants reported observation and human interaction as crucial to deciding if recovery had occurred. This led to three broad groups of indicators for recovery: a person's actions, their appearance and their thoughts and feelings.Conclusions Australian primary care patients with depressive symptoms report using observation and human interaction when trying to decide if someone is getting better from depression, leading to a broad range of indicators of recovery that include, but are not limited to, the traditional symptom-based definitions of depression remission. This data suggests that patients have a rich variety of ways of describing recovery, supporting a call for more patient-centred approaches to setting goals for depression recovery in the primary care setting. 相似文献
Roland Buhl Piotr Kuna Matthew J Peters Tomas LG Andersson Ian P Naya Stefan Peterson Klaus F Rabe 《Respiratory research》2012,13(1):59
Divergent strategies have emerged for the management of severe asthma. One strategy utilises high and fixed doses of maintenance treatment, usually inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting β2-agonist (ICS/LABA), supplemented by a short-acting β2-agonist (SABA) as needed. Alternatively, budesonide/formoterol is used as both maintenance and reliever therapy. The latter is superior to fixed-dose treatment in reducing severe exacerbations while achieving similar or better asthma control in other regards. Exacerbations may be reduced by the use of budesonide/formoterol as reliever medication during periods of unstable asthma. We examined the risk of a severe exacerbation in the period after a single day with high reliever use.Methods
Episodes of high reliever use were quantified and exacerbations occurring post-index day with these episodes were examined post hoc in two double-blind studies comparing the efficacy and safety of budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy (Symbicort SMART™, Turbuhaler®) 160/4.5 μg twice daily plus as needed with similar or higher maintenance doses of ICS/LABA plus SABA or formoterol.Results
Budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy significantly reduced the risk of episodes of high reliever use (>6 inhalations/day) vs. all alternative ICS/LABA regimens. With conventional fixed-dose treatment the need for exacerbation treatment within 21 days ranged from 6.0–10.1% of days post-index for all regimens compared with 2.5–3.4% of days with budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy.Conclusions
Budesonide/formoterol maintenance and reliever therapy reduces the incidence of high reliever episodes and the exacerbation burden immediately following these episodes vs. alternative ICS/LABA plus SABA regimens at up to double the maintenance dose of ICS.Trial registration
These studies do not have registration numbers as they were conducted before clinical trial registration was required 相似文献14.
Aline Blaya Martins Fernando Neves Hugo Betina Soldateli Paim Liese Ilha Paula Güntzel Juliana Romanini 《Gerodontology》2011,28(1):37-43
doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2009.00355.x How primary health care professionals and residents assess issues related to the oral health of older persons? Background and objectives: It is known that older persons need integrated primary health care. However, oral health may not be a frequent concern of multi‐professional teams taking care of older persons. The aim of the present study was to evaluate knowledge and practices related to oral health care, as reported by professionals and residents in a primary health care service. Material and methods: One hundred and seventy‐three health professionals and residents were assessed in this cross‐sectional study by means of a structured questionnaire containing questions pertaining to oral health practices and beliefs. Participants were grouped based on their professions into “primary health care dentists” or “other primary health care professionals” and based on their working status into “permanent team” or “residents”. Results: Permanent team members (other professionals) assessed and recommended dental care more frequently than residents. Permanent team members (other professionals) also reported that they felt they were able to inform older patients in respect to oral health‐related issues more frequently than did residents (68.7% vs. 31.3%, respectively). Conclusion: Oral health‐related knowledge and beliefs were frequent among non‐dentists primary health care workers, suggesting that primary health care which integrates oral health represents an attainable goal. 相似文献
Background Identifying patients with learning disabilities within primary care is central to initiatives for improving the health of this population. UK general practitioners (GPs) receive additional income for maintaining registers of patients with learning disabilities as part of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), and may opt to provide Directed Enhanced Services (DES), which requires practices to maintain registers of patients with moderate or severe learning disabilities and offer them annual health checks.Objectives This paper describes the development of a register of patients with moderate or severe learning disabilities at one UK general practice.Methods A Read code search of one UK general practice's electronic medical records was conducted in order to identify patients with learning disabilities. Confirmation of diagnoses was sought by scrutinising records and GP verification. Cross-referencing with the practice QOF register of patients with learning disabilities of any severity, and the local authority's list of clients with learning disabilities, was performed.Results Of 15 001 patients, 229 (1.5%) were identified by the Read code search as possibly having learning disabilities. Scrutiny of records and GP verification confirmed 64 had learning disabilities and 24 did not, but the presence or absence of learning disability remained unclear in 141 cases. Cross-referencing with the QOF register (n=81) and local authority list (n=49) revealed little overlap.Conclusion Identifying learning disability and assessing its severity are tasks GPs may be unfamiliar with, and relying on Read code searches may result in under-detection. Further research is needed to define optimum strategies for identifying, cross-referencing and validating practice-based registers of patients with learning disabilities. 相似文献
Syahnaz Mohd Hashim Tan Chai Eng Noorlaili Tohit Suzaily Wahab 《Mental health in family medicine》2013,10(3):159-162
Bereavement in the elderly is a concern to primary care physicians (PCPs) as it can lead to psychological illness such as depression. Most people are able to come to terms with their grief without any intervention, but some people are not. This case highlights the importance of early recognition of bereavement-related depressive illness in elderly people. PCPs need to optimise support and available resources prior to, and throughout, the bereavement period in order to reduce the family members'' burden and suffering. 相似文献
The World Health Organization (WHO) has for long proposed the development of community-based mental health services worldwide. However, the progress toward community mental health care in most African countries is still hampered by a lack of resources, with specialist psychiatric care essentially based in large, centrally located mental hospitals. It is again time to reconsider the direction of mental health care in Africa. Based on a small inquiry to a number of experienced mental health professionals in sub-Saharan Africa, we discuss what a community concept of mental health care might mean in Africa. There is a general agreement that mental health services should be integrated in primary health care. A critical issue for success of this model is perceived to be provision of appropriate supervision and continuing education for primary care workers. The importance of collaboration between modern medicine and traditional healers is stressed and the paper ends in a plea for WHO to take the initiative and develop mental health services according to the special needs and the socio-cultural conditions prevailing in sub-Saharan Africa. 相似文献
In the past three decades, behavioral interventions (chiefly relaxation, biofeedback, and stress-management) have become standard components of the armamentarium for management of migraine and tension-type headaches. Meta-analytic literature reviews of these behavioral interventions have consistently identified clinically significant reductions in recurrent headache. Across studies, behavioral interventions have yielded approximately 35–50% reduction in migraine and tension-type headache activity. Although we have only recently begun to directly compare standard drug and nondrug treatments for headache, the available evidence suggests that the level of headache improvement with behavioral interventions may rival those obtained with widely used pharmacologic therapies in representative patient samples. In recent years, some attempts have been made to increase the availability and cost effectiveness of behavioral interventions through alternative delivery formats and mass communications. Recent developments within diagnosis and classification are summarized, pointing out implications for behavioral researchers. Select future directions are discussed, which include impact of the triptans, cost and cost effectiveness, and integration of behavioral treatments into primary care settings, the place where the great majority of headache sufferers receive treatment. 相似文献
Wiliam Sonstein Kamran Tabaddor Josefina F Llena 《Cancer immunology, immunotherapy : CII》1998,15(1):61-65
Primary non-Hodgkin's CNS lymphoma is rare, constituting 0.3–1.5% of all intracranial neoplasms in patients without AIDS. In the past 10 years the incidence has tripled in this population. The role of surgery is commonly limited to obtaining adequate tissue for diagnosis. This has precluded the evaluation of total surgical resection for a surgically accessible solitary lesion. We have encountered a 36-year-old healthy white male with primary CNS lymphoma who is HIV-negative and who has survived over five years disease free after total surgical resection of his lymphoma. 相似文献
Objective: This study investigated differences in the use of health care services and associated costs between obese and nonobese patients. Research Methods and Procedures: New adult patients (N = 509) were randomly assigned to primary care physicians at a university medical center. Their use of medical services and related charges was monitored for 1 year. Data collected included sociodemographics, self‐reported health status using the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form‐36, evaluation for depression using the Beck Depression Index, and measured height and weight to calculate BMI. Results: Obese patients included a significantly higher percentage of women and had higher mean age, lower mean education, lower mean health status, and higher mean Beck Depression Index scores. Obese patients had a significantly higher mean number of visits to both primary care (p = 0.0005) and specialty care clinics (p = 0.0006), and a higher mean number of diagnostic services (p < 0.0001). Obese patients also had significantly higher primary care (p = 0.0058), specialty clinic (p = 0.0062), emergency department (p = 0.0484), hospitalization (p = 0.0485), diagnostic services (p = 0.0021), and total charges (p = 0.0033). Controlling for health status, depression, age, education, income, and sex, obesity was significantly related to the use of primary care (p = 0.0364) and diagnostic services (p = 0.0075). There was no statistically significant relationship between obesity and medical expenditures in any of the five categories or for total charges. Discussion: Obesity is a chronic condition requiring long‐term management, with an emphasis on prevention. If this critical health issue is not appropriately addressed, the prevalence of obesity and obesity‐related diseases will continue to grow, resulting in escalating use of health care services. 相似文献