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Since the immune response appears to be variable according to the hormonal stage of the mammalian female, the aim of this study was to determine whether estrous cycle stage modifies the mucosal and systemic immune responses induced by intraperitoneal and vaginal immunization of mice with protoxin Cry1Ac. We tested the influence of three immunizations on the specific antibody response elicited at estrus and diestrus, that were the same estrous cycle stages at which the antigen was applied. Both intraperitoneal and vaginal immunization of mice with Cry1Ac either at estrus or diestrus induces specific antibody responses at serum, vagina and large intestine. The stage of the estrous cycle have little or non influence in the magnitude of the response induced, since only at serum the IgM was slightly higher at estrus than at diestrus by both routes. At the large intestine only the IgA response elicited via the intraperitoneal route changed, being higher at diestrus, whereas at the vagina IgA response induced did not change significantly due to the cycle stage. Present results suggest that Cry1Ac may be used as an antigen carrier as it can elicit antibody responses at systemic level and at several mucosal sites including the vagina that are not modified significantly throughout the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Recently we discovered that the Cry1Ac protoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis administered to Balb/c mice intraperitoneally (i.p.) or intragastrically is a systemic and intestinal immunogen as potent as cholera toxin. To further characterize the mucosal immunogenicity of Cry1Ac we additionally tried the intranasal (i.n.) and rectal routes and used enzyme-linked immunoassays to determine anti-Cry1Ac antibody responses in the serum as well as in vaginal and tracheobronchial washes and in the fluids of the large and the small intestine. Immunization by the i.p., i.n. and rectal routes induced IgM, IgG and IgA antibodies in all the mucosal surfaces analyzed, but the magnitude and predominant isotype of each response depended on the route used and the mucosal site analyzed. These data extend our findings on the striking mucosal immunogencity of Cry1Ac and provide additional evidence on the compartmentalization of the mucosal immune system.  相似文献   

The ansamycin antibiotic herbimycin A is a potent tyrosine kinase inhibitor and reduces the growth rate of various types of mammalian cells. When quiescent Rat6 fibroblast cells were treated with herbimycin A, serum-induced expression of cyclin D1 was inhibited, and this was associated with inhibition of G1 phase progression. However, herbimycin A also inhibited serum-induced G1 progression in derivatives of the Rat6 fibroblast cell line that stably overexpress a human cyclin D1 cDNA (R6ccnD1#4 cells), without affecting the expression levels of G1 cyclins. We found that herbimycin A prevented serum-induced downregulation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1), thereby leading to inactivation of the protein kinase activity of CDK2. These results suggest that herbimycin A inhibits a tyrosine kinase(s) that plays a role in degradation of the p27(Kop1) protein.  相似文献   

Crystal proteins synthesized by Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) have been used as biopesticides because of their toxicity to the insect larval hosts. To protect the proteins from environmental stress to extend their activity, we have developed a new microcapsule formulation. Poly (acrylic acid) (PAH) and poly (styrene sulfonate) (PSS) were fabricated through layer-by-layer self-assembly based on a CaCO3 core. Cry1Ac protoxins were loaded into microcapsules through layer-by-layer self-assembly at low pH, and the encapsulated product was stored in water at 4°C. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the morphology of the capsules. To confirm the successful encapsulation, the loading results were observed with a confocal laser scattering microscope (CLSM), using fluorescein-labeled Cry1Ac protoxin (FITC-Cry1Ac). The protoxins were released from the capsule under the alkaline condition corresponding to the midgut of certain insects, a condition which seldom exists elsewhere in the environment. The following bioassay experiment demonstrated that the microcapsules with Cry1Ac protoxins displayed approximately equivalent insecticidal activity to the Asian corn borer compared with free Cry1Ac protoxins, and empty capsules proved to have no effect on insects. Further result also indicated that the formulation could keep stable under the condition of heat and desiccation. These results suggest that this formulation provides a promising methodology that protects protoxins from the environment and releases them specifically in the target insects’ midgut, which has shown potential as biopesticide in the field.  相似文献   

Genetics of pink bollworm resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis toxin Cry1Ac   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Laboratory selection increased resistance of pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) to the Bacillus thuringiensis toxin Cry1Ac. Three selections with Cry1Ac in artificial diet increased resistance from a low level to >100-fold relative to a susceptible strain. We used artificial diet bioassays to test F1 hybrid progeny from reciprocal crosses between resistant and susceptible strains. The similarity between F1 progeny from the two reciprocal crosses indicates autosomal inheritance of resistance. The dominance of resistance to Cry1Ac depended on the concentration. Resistance was codominant at a low concentration of Cry1Ac, partially recessive at an intermediate concentration, and completely recessive at a high concentration. Comparison of the artificial diet results with previously reported results from greenhouse bioassays shows that the high concentration of Cry1Ac in bolls of transgenic cotton is essential for achieving functionally recessive inheritance of resistance.  相似文献   

After binding to specific receptors, Cry toxins form pores in the midgut apical membrane of susceptible insects. The receptors could form part of the pore structure or simply catalyze pore formation and consequently be recycled. To discriminate between these possibilities, the kinetics of pore formation in brush border membrane vesicles isolated from Manduca sexta was studied with an osmotic swelling assay. Pore formation, as deduced from changes in membrane permeability induced by Cry1Ac during a 60-min incubation period, was strongly dose-dependent, but rapidly reached a maximum as toxin concentration was increased. Following exposure of the vesicles to the toxin, the osmotic swelling rate reached a maximum shortly after a delay period. Under these conditions, at relatively high toxin concentrations, the maximal osmotic swelling rate increased linearly with toxin concentration. When vesicles were incubated for a short time with the toxin and then rapidly cooled to prevent the formation of new pores before and during the osmotic swelling experiment, a plateau in the rate of pore formation was observed as toxin concentration was increased. Taken together, these results suggest that the receptors do not act as simple catalysts of pore formation, but remain associated with the pores once they are formed.  相似文献   

Bacillus thuringiensis protein delta-endotoxins are toxic to a variety of different insect species. Larvicidal potency depends on the completion of a number of steps in the mode of action of the toxin. Here, we investigated the role of proteolytic processing in determining the potency of the B. thuringiensis Cry1Ac delta-endotoxin towards Pieris brassicae (family: Pieridae) and Mamestra brassicae (family: Noctuidae). In bioassays, Cry1Ac was over 2,000 times more active against P. brassicae than against M. brassicae larvae. Using gut juice purified from both insects, we processed Cry1Ac to soluble forms that had the same N terminus and the same apparent molecular weight. However, extended proteolysis of Cry1Ac in vitro with proteases from both insects resulted in the formation of an insoluble aggregate. With proteases from P. brassicae, the Cry1Ac-susceptible insect, Cry1Ac was processed to an insoluble product with a molecular mass of approximately 56 kDa, whereas proteases from M. brassicae, the non-susceptible insect, generated products with molecular masses of approximately 58, approximately 40, and approximately 20 kDa. N-terminal sequencing of the insoluble products revealed that both insects cleaved Cry1Ac within domain I, but M. brassicae proteases also cleaved the toxin at Arg423 in domain II. A similar pattern of processing was observed in vivo. When Arg423 was replaced with Gln or Ser, the resulting mutant toxins resisted degradation by M. brassicae proteases. However, this mutation had little effect on toxicity to M. brassicae. Differential processing of membrane-bound Cry1Ac was also observed in qualitative binding experiments performed with brush border membrane vesicles from the two insects and in midguts isolated from toxin-treated insects.  相似文献   

Most strains of the insecticidal bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis have a combination of different protoxins in their parasporal crystals. Some of the combinations clearly interact synergistically, like the toxins present in B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis. In this paper we describe a novel joint activity of toxins from different strains of B. thuringiensis. In vitro bioassays in which we used pure, trypsin-activated Cry1Ac1 proteins from B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki, Cyt1A1 from B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis, and Trichoplusia ni BTI-Tn5B1-4 cells revealed contrasting susceptibility characteristics. The 50% lethal concentrations (LC50s) were estimated to be 4,967 of Cry1Ac1 per ml of medium and 11.69 ng of Cyt1A1 per ml of medium. When mixtures of these toxins in different proportions were assayed, eight different LC50s were obtained. All of these LC50s were significantly higher than the expected LC50s of the mixtures. In addition, a series of bioassays were performed with late first-instar larvae of the cabbage looper and pure Cry1Ac1 and Cyt1A1 crystals, as well as two different combinations of the two toxins. The estimated mean LC50 of Cry1Ac1 was 2.46 ng/cm2 of diet, while Cyt1A1 crystals exhibited no toxicity, even at very high concentrations. The estimated mean LC50s of Cry1Ac1 crystals were 15.69 and 19.05 ng per cm2 of diet when these crystals were mixed with 100 and 1,000 ng of Cyt1A1 crystals per cm2 of diet, respectively. These results indicate that there is clear antagonism between the two toxins both in vitro and in vivo. Other joint-action analyses corroborated these results. Although this is the second report of antagonism between B. thuringiensis toxins, our evidence is the first evidence of antagonism between toxins from different subspecies of B. thuringiensis (B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki and B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis) detected both in vivo and in vitro. Some possible explanations for this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

已经证实苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,Bt)伴孢晶体结合20kb DNA,但其序列特异性及作用有待进一步研究阐明.研究了选择性溶解Bt 4.0718菌株Cry1类原毒素所形成的菱形伴孢晶体,从中抽提出与其结合的20kb DNA.经Nde Ⅰ酶切消化后亚克隆构建文库,通过PCR-RFLP及测序筛选出含cry1Ac基因的转化子.然后设计引物PCR扩增出cry1Ac基因的ORF并与pET30a连接,转化E.coli BL21(DE3),高效表达了141kD蛋白.表达蛋白占总蛋白量的50%以上,且90%以上以包涵体形式存在.利用穿梭载体pHT304构建表达质粒pHTX42,电转化Bt无晶体突变株XBU001,获得重组菌株HTX42,经SDS-PAGE分析,cry1Ac基因得到强表达,蛋白质定量分析显示目的蛋白量占总蛋白量的79.28%,且其在细胞中累积达细胞干重的64.13%,比文献报道的25%左右高了1倍以上.原子力显微镜(Atomic Force Microscopy,AFM)检测显示,目的基因在大肠杆菌(E.coli)中表达的包涵体呈不规则形状且较小,而在无晶体突变株中表达的晶体呈典型菱形晶体,大小约为1.2 μm×2.0 μm.生测结果显示,包涵体与晶体对小菜蛾(Plutella xylostella)幼虫均有高效杀虫活性.本研究为构建高效杀虫工程菌及进一步阐明Bt伴孢晶体中20kb DNA分子的来源、结构和功能奠定了重要的基础.  相似文献   

The Cry1Ac toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis was displayed on the surface of T7 phage. The cry1Ac gene was fused to the C-terminal end of T7-10B capsid protein and displayed on the surface of T7 phage as revealed by Western blot analysis of the purified phage particles. The T7-Cry1Ac phages retained toxicity against Manduca sexta larvae. We demonstrated that the T7-Cry1Ac phage interacts with Cry1Ac receptors present in M. sexta BBMV either in solution or in overlay binding assays.  相似文献   

Two populations of Trichoplusia ni that had developed resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis sprays (Bt sprays) in commercial greenhouse vegetable production were tested for resistance to Bt cotton (BollGard II) plants expressing pyramided Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab. The T. ni colonies resistant to Bacillus thuringiensis serovar kurstaki formulations were not only resistant to the Bt toxin Cry1Ac, as previously reported, but also had a high frequency of Cry2Ab-resistant alleles, exhibiting ca. 20% survival on BollGard II foliage. BollGard II-resistant T. ni strains were established by selection with BollGard II foliage to further remove Cry2Ab-sensitive alleles in the T. ni populations. The BollGard II-resistant strains showed incomplete resistance to BollGard II, with adjusted survival values of 0.50 to 0.78 after 7 days. The resistance to the dual-toxin cotton plants was conferred by two genetically independent resistance mechanisms: one to Cry1Ac and one to Cry2Ab. The 50% lethal concentration of Cry2Ab for the resistant strain was at least 1,467-fold that for the susceptible T. ni strain. The resistance to Cry2Ab in resistant T. ni was an autosomally inherited, incompletely recessive monogenic trait. Results from this study indicate that insect populations under selection by Bt sprays in agriculture can be resistant to multiple Bt toxins and may potentially confer resistance to multitoxin Bt crops.  相似文献   

Regulation of protoxin synthesis in Bacillus thuringiensis.   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
A derivative of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (HD-1) formed parasporal inclusions at 25 degrees C, but not at 32 degrees C. This strain differed from the parent only in the loss of a 110-megadalton (Md) plasmid, but plasmid and chromosomal copies of protoxin genes were present in both strains. On the basis of temperature shift experiments, the sensitive period appeared to be during midexponential growth, long before the time of protoxin synthesis at 3 to 4 h after the end of exponential growth. The conditional phenotype could be transferred by cell mating to naturally acrystalliferous Bacillus cereus. In all such cases, a 29-Md protoxin -encoding plasmid was transferred, but this plasmid alone was barely sufficient for protoxin synthesis. Protoxin production increased to detectable levels, but well below those of the parental donor strain, by simultaneous transfer of a 44-Md protoxin -encoding plasmid. Transfer of a 5-Md plasmid with the two larger protoxin -coding plasmids resulted in a protoxin synthesis level approaching that of the donor strain. A role for some of the cryptic plasmids of kurstaki in parasporal body formation was implied. In contrast, a closely related B. thuringiensis strain, HD73 , produced crystals at both 25 and 32 degrees C even when the capacity was transferred on a 50-Md plasmid to B. cereus. The amount of protoxin produced in these B. cereus transcipients , however, was somewhat less than that produced in the parental strain HD73 , implying that catabolic differences, gene dosage, or the presence of a chromosomal gene (or a combination of these) may be necessary for maximum production. A regulatory component of the 29-Md plasmid appeared to be trans-acting and dominant since B. cereus transcipients containing the 29-Md plasmid from kurstaki and the 50-Md plasmid from HD73 produced more protoxin at 25 degrees C than at 30 degrees C. Similar results were obtained when protoxin synthetic capacity was transferred from B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis to the conditional B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki strain.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of domain III of Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxin Cry1Ac in determining toxicity against Heliothis virescens. Hybrid toxins, containing domain III of Cry1Ac with domains I and II of Cry1Ba, Cry1Ca, Cry1Da, Cry1Ea, and Cry1Fb, respectively, were created. In this way Cry1Ca, Cry1Fb, and to a lesser extent Cry1Ba were made considerably more toxic.  相似文献   

The four salt bridges (Asp(222)-Arg(281), Arg(233)-Glu(288), Arg(234)-Glu(274), and Asp(242)-Arg(265)) linking domains I and II in Cry1Aa were abolished individually in alpha-helix 7 mutants D222A, R233A, R234A, and D242A. Two additional mutants targeting the fourth salt bridge (R265A) and the double mutant (D242A/R265A) were rapidly degraded during trypsin activation. Mutations were also introduced in the corresponding Cry1Ac salt bridge (D242E, D242K, D242N, and D242P), but only D242N and D242P could be produced. All toxins tested, except D242A, were shown by light-scattering experiments to permeabilize Manduca sexta larval midgut brush border membrane vesicles. The three active Cry1Aa mutants at pH 10.5, as well as D222A at pH 7.5, demonstrated a faster rate of pore formation than Cry1Aa, suggesting that increases in molecular flexibility due to the removal of a salt bridge facilitated toxin insertion into the membrane. However, all mutants were considerably less toxic to M. sexta larvae than to the respective parental toxins, suggesting that increased flexibility made the toxins more susceptible to proteolysis in the insect midgut. Interdomain salt bridges, especially the Asp(242)-Arg(265) bridge, therefore contribute greatly to the stability of the protein in the larval midgut, whereas their role in intrinsic pore-forming ability is relatively less important.  相似文献   

To investigate the extent of exposure and routes of Cry1Ac1 protein through the food chain, we collected Bt cabbage leaves and arthropods that occurred in the field during two trials. Protein levels in the transgenic leaves were significantly higher during the early stages of plant growth, ranging from 209.1 to 553.6?ng?g?1 in spring and from 208.2 to 402.8?ng?g?1 in autumn. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were used to measure protein levels in the arthropods. Among the 16 taxa collected in the field, Cry1Ac1 was detected in the bodies of 10. Concentrations were higher in lepidopteran larvae than in the other taxa. In particular, we found a significant correlation between Cry1Ac1 protein levels in cabbage leaves and in Pieris rapae and Mamestra brassicae. Furthermore, this protein was detected in five out of nine taxa of predators (spiders and coleopterans) and parasitoids. These results will be useful as we identify the arthropods that are directly or indirectly exposed to Bt toxin within the food web and the degree to which they are exposed during the cultivation of Bt cabbage.  相似文献   

Plutella xylostella strain resistant (PXR) to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin was not killed at even more than 1000 μg Cry1Ac/g diet but killed by Cry1Ab at 0.5 μg/g diet. In contrast, susceptible strain (PXS) was killed by Cry1Ac at 1 μg/g diet. Cy3-labeld Cry1A(s) binding to brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) prepared from both strains were analyzed with direct binding assay. The Kd value of Cry1Aa to both BBMV was almost identical: 213.2 and 205.8 nM, and 263.5 and 265.0 nM for Cry1Ac. The highest Kd values were in Cry1Ab which showed most effective insecticidal activity in PXS and PXR, 2126 and 2463 nM, respectively. These results clearly showed that the BBMV from PXR and PXS could equally bind to Cry1Ac. The binding between BBMV and Cy3-labeled Cry1Ac was inhibited only by anti-175 kDa cadherin-like protein (CadLP) and -252 kDa protein antisera, but not by anti-120 kDa aminopeptidase. This supports that resistance in PXR resulted from the abortion of pore formation after the binding of Cry1Ac to the BBMV. And furthermore, the importance of 175K CadLP and P252 proteins in those bindings was suggested. We briefly discuss possible mechanisms of the resistance.  相似文献   

Alanine substitution mutations in the Cry1Ac domain III region, from amino acid residues 503 to 525, were constructed to study the functional role of domain III in the toxicity and receptor binding of the protein to Lymantria dispar, Manduca sexta, and Heliothis virescens. Five sets of alanine block mutants were generated at the residues (503)SS(504), (506)NNI(508), (509)QNR(511), (522)ST(523), and (524)ST(525). Single alanine substitutions were made at the residues (509)Q, (510)N, (511)R, and (513)Y. All mutant proteins produced stable toxic fragments as judged by trypsin digestion, midgut enzyme digestion, and circular dichroism spectrum analysis. The mutations, (503)SS(504)-AA, (506)NNI(508)-AAA, (522)ST(523)-AA, (524)ST(525)-AA, and (510)N-A affected neither the protein's toxicity nor its binding to brush border membrane vesicles (BBMV) prepared from these insects. Toward L. dispar and M. sexta, the (509)QNR(511)-AAA, (509)Q-A, (511)R-A, and (513)Y-A mutant toxins showed 4- to 10-fold reductions in binding affinities to BBMV, with 2- to 3-fold reductions in toxicity. Toward H. virescens, the (509)QNR(511)-AAA, (509)Q-A, (511)R-A, and (513)Y-mutant toxins showed 8- to 22-fold reductions in binding affinities, but only (509)QNR(511)-AAA and (511)R-A mutant toxins reduced toxicity by approximately three to four times. In the present study, greater loss in binding affinity relative to toxicity has been observed. These data suggest that the residues (509)Q, (511)R, and (513)Y in domain III might be only involved in initial binding to the receptor and that the initial binding step becomes rate limiting only when it is reduced more than fivefold.  相似文献   

Toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are widely used for pest control. In particular, Bt toxin Cry1Ac produced by transgenic cotton kills some key lepidopteran pests. We found that Cry1Ac binds to recombinant peptides corresponding to extracellular regions of a cadherin protein (BtR) in a major cotton pest, pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella) (PBW). In conjunction with previous results showing that PBW resistance to Cry1Ac is linked with mutations in the BtR gene, the results reported here support the hypothesis that BtR is a receptor for Cry1Ac in PBW. Similar to other lepidopteran cadherins that bind Bt toxins, BtR has at least two Cry1Ac-binding domains in cadherin-repeat regions 10 and 11, which are immediately adjacent to the membrane proximal region. However, unlike cadherins from Manduca sexta and Bombyx mori, toxin binding was not seen in regions more distal from the membrane proximal region. We also found that both the protoxin and activated toxin forms of Cry1Ac bound to recombinant BtR fragments, suggesting that Cry1Ac activation may occur either before or after receptor binding.  相似文献   

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