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To determine the presence in the human choroid of substance P (SP)-and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) positive intrinsic choroidal neurons (ICNs), choroidal whole-mounts were processed for indirect immunofluorescence. An antibody to a component of the neuronal cytoskeleton, neurofilament 200 kDa (NF-200), was combined with antibodies to SP and to CGRP (neuropeptides proper to the sensory nervous system). The human choroid possesses numerous SP(+) and CGRP(+) ICNs. These neurons were observed in the suprachoroid, both in isolation and forming microganglia. For both types of ICNs studied, neurons were more numerous in the temporal than in the nasal regions. In both locations, SP(+) and CGRP(+) ICNs were more abundant in the central choroid (the choroid underneath the macular area of the retina), with cell density diminishing outwards to the choroidal periphery. There were no appreciable differences between the two populations of ICNs studied in terms of size, morphology or immunostaining characteristics. In conclusion, given that peripheral sensory innervation could be involved in the regulation of both choroidal blood flow and vascular architecture, the SP(+) and CGRP(+) ICNs described for the first time in the present work may be involved in these mechanisms of vascular regulation.  相似文献   

The sympathetic nervous system is an important determinant of vascular function. The effects of the sympathetic nervous system are mediated via release of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides from postganglionic sympathetic neurons. The present study tests the hypothesis that vascular smooth muscle cells (VSM) maintain adrenergic neurotransmitter/neuropeptide expression in the postganglionic sympathetic neurons that innervate them. The effects of rat aortic and tail artery VSM (AVSM and TAVSM, respectively) on neuropeptide Y (NPY) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) were assessed in cultures of dissociated sympathetic neurons. AVSM decreased TH (39 +/- 12% of control) but did not affect NPY. TAVSM decreased TH (76 +/- 10% of control) but increased NPY (153 +/- 20% of control). VSM expressed leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), which are known to modulate NPY and TH expression. Sympathetic neurons innervating blood vessels expressed LIF and NT-3 receptors. Inhibition of LIF inhibited the effect of AVSM on TH. Inhibition of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) decreased TH and NPY in neurons grown in the presence of TAVSM. These data suggest that vascular-derived LIF decreases TH and vascular-derived NT-3 increases or maintains NPY and TH expression in postganglionic sympathetic neurons. NPY and TH in vascular sympathetic nerves are likely to modulate NPY and/or norepinephrine release from these nerves and are thus likely to affect blood flow and blood pressure. The present studies suggest a novel mechanism whereby VSM would modulate sympathetic control of vascular function.  相似文献   

Regional influences of parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation on choroidal blood flow were investigated in anesthetized rats. Parasympathetic pterygopalatine neurons were activated by electrically stimulating the superior salivatory nucleus, whereas sympathetic neurons were activated by cervical sympathetic trunk stimulation and uveal blood flow was measured by laser Doppler flowmetry. Parasympathetic stimulation increased flux in the anterior choroid and nasal vortex veins but not in the posterior choroid. Vasodilation was blocked completely by the neuronal nitric oxide synthase inhibitor 1-(2-trifluoromethylphenyl)imidazole but was unaffected by atropine. Sympathetic stimulation decreased flux in all regions, and this was blocked by prazosin. Parasympathetic stimulation did not affect vasoconstrictor responses to sympathetic stimulation in the posterior choroid but attenuated the decrease in blood flow through the anterior choroid and vortex veins via a nitrergic mechanism. We conclude that sympathetic alpha-noradrenergic vasoconstriction occurs throughout the choroid, whereas parasympathetic nitrergic vasodilation plays a selective role in modulating blood flow in anterior tissues of the eye.  相似文献   

Porcine neuropeptide Y (pNPY) administered into the third ventricle of the brain is known to elicit a powerful feeding response in steroid-treated ovariectomized and intact male rats. The present study compared the effects of pNPY and 3 structurally related peptides, human NPY (hNPY), an analog of NPY (NPY-A, [norLeu4]NPY) and peptide YY (PYY) on feeding behavior in intact female rats. Intraventricular administration of pNPY, hNPY, NPY-A and PYY over a dose range of 0.5 to 10 micrograms evoked feeding behavior to a varying extent. Cumulative food intake during 60 and 120 min was increased in a dose-related fashion at 0.5 and 2.0 microgram for the 4 peptides. Whereas the 10-micrograms dose of pNPY evoked a feeding response smaller than that seen after 2 micrograms, the responses to either 10 micrograms hNPY or 10 micrograms PYY were similar to that seen after 2 micrograms. The effects of these peptides on the time spent eating were quite different: while pNPY increased the time spent eating, this effect was not dose-related, whereas hNPY, NPY-A and PYY produced dose-related increments in the time spent eating. The most dramatic increment in local eating rate was observed after 2.0 micrograms pNPY, with lesser increments seen after 2.0 microgram hNPY and NPY-A. This increased local eating was apparently responsible for the highest cumulative food intake observed. These results demonstrate that (a) 2 micrograms pNPY is equally effective in stimulating feeding behavior in intact female rats as it is in steroid-primed ovariectomized female and intact male rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

NPY regulates human endocardial endothelial cell function   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Growing evidence suggests that endocardial endothelial cells (EECs) may play an important role in the regulation of cardiac function by releasing several cardioactive factors such as endothelin-1 (ET-1), Angiotensin II (Ang II) and nitric oxide (NO). In our laboratory, we demonstrated that similar to ET-1, EECs do possess different types of NPY receptors, specifically Y(1) and Y(2) receptors. Furthermore, activation of these receptors was found to increase the steady-state level of intracellular free Ca(2+) in EECs and the frequency of beating of cardiomyocytes. In addition, NPY was also found to be present in EECs, and an increase of steady-state intracellular free Ca(2+) induced the release of this peptide from these cells. Thus, similar to ET-1, NPY seems to be released from EECs and this peptide seems to regulate excitation-secretion of these cells as well as excitation-contraction coupling of ventricular cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

There are usually 3 left and 4 right esophageal branches of the sympathetic chains. Besides a direct approach to the organ, they form a delicate network between aorta and esophagus. This network exchanges fibers with the vagus nerves. The vagal supply of the cranial third is rather poor. It is richest in the middle third. As a rule, the left anterior, left posterior, right anterior and right posterior main branches can be prepared. There are relatively few communications between right and left ramuli. Above the esophageal hiatus, always quite distinct anterior vagal chords are found, while posteriorly there are usually only very thin nerve bundles.  相似文献   

Neurocysticercosis (NC), a parasitic disease caused by Taenia solium, may be either asymptomatic or have mild to severe symptoms due to several factors. In this study, the immunological factors that underlie NC pleomorphism were studied. Ten of the 132 inhabitants of a rural community in Mexico (Tepez) had a computerized tomography (CT) scan compatible with calcified NC, and all were asymptomatic. Their immunological profiles were compared with those of 122 CT scan negative (non-NC) subjects from the same village. NC was associated with a TH2 response (IgG4, IL-4, IL-5, IL-13). Subjects from Tepez had higher levels of specific antibodies (IgG1, IgG2, IgG4, IgE) and specific cell proliferation than subjects from an area with low exposure (Ensenada). This suggests that non-NC subjects from Tepez had been exposed to T. solium and resisted infection in the brain. Distinct immunological profiles in equally exposed individuals differing in outcome of infection support the hypothesis of host-related factors in resistance to and pathogenesis of NC. This is the first study reporting the immunological profile associated with the asymptomatic form of NC.  相似文献   

Körner M  Reubi JC 《Peptides》2007,28(2):419-425
Many peptide hormone receptors are over-expressed in human cancer, permitting an in vivo targeting of tumors for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. NPY receptors are novel and promising candidates in this field. Using in vitro receptor autoradiography, Y1 and Y2 receptors have been found to be expressed in breast carcinomas, adrenal gland and related tumors, renal cell carcinomas, and ovarian cancers in both tumor cells and tumor-associated blood vessels. Pathophysiologically, tumoral NPY receptors may be activated by endogenous NPY released from intratumoral nerve fibers or tumor cells themselves, and mediate NPY effects on tumor cell proliferation and tumoral blood supply. Clinically, tumoral NPY receptors may be targeted with NPY analogs coupled with adequate radionuclides or cytotoxic agents for a scintigraphic tumor imaging and/or tumor therapy.  相似文献   

Peptide YY (PYY) is involved in the regulation of several gastro-intestinal functions, including motility. The aims of the present study were (i) to characterize the effects of PYY on smooth muscle strips obtained from the different gastro-intestinal segments in rats and in humans and (ii) to realize a map of the Y receptors expression. Contractions of strips were recorded under isometric conditions, using PYY and acetylcholine as control. We observed that PYY induced a contraction of muscle strips from rat proximal colon, but displayed no effect on other gut segments. Using RT-PCR, mRNA encoding the Y1 and Y4 receptors were detected in muscle strips depending on the segment. In humans, the muscle preparations responded to ACh but not to PYY. Moreover, only Y2 receptor mRNA was found in the ileum and the left colon, but not in other segments. Our study shows the heterogeneity in the expression of Y receptors along the gastro-intestinal tract, and reveals great discrepancies between rats and humans both concerning the expression of Y receptor, and the response of smooth muscle strips to PYY.  相似文献   

Summary This investigation is concerned with pineal organs of human embryos 60 to 150 days old. At every stage central nerve fibres enter the pineal organ by way of the habenular commissure, but are restricted to the pineal's proximal part. On about the 60th day of the development the sympathetic nervus conarii grows into the distal pole of the pineal organ from a dorso-caudal direction and plays the predominant part in the innervation of the pineal organ. After penetrating, it soon branches out and forms a network in the pineal tissue. Much later, not until the 5th embryonic month, sympathetic nerves appear accompanying the supplying vessels in the perivascular spaces. After a short time these nerves pierce the outer limiting basement membrane and penetrate the parenchyma. Towards the end of the 5th embryonic month the axons of the sympathetic nerves form varicosities containing clear and dense core vesicles. At this point large amounts of laminated granules appear primarily in cell processes, probably of pinealocytes. Isolated granules also occur in the varicosities of axons. The granules encountered here are most likely secretory granules.Dedicated to Professor Bargmann on his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

Peptide-containing innervation of the human intestinal mucosa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The three-dimensional distribution of the peptide-containing invervation in the human intestinal mucosa was studied by fluorescence immunohistochemistry on whole-mount mucosal preparations. An extensive VIP-immunoreactive nerve supply was demonstrated at all levels, but was markedly increased in density in the distal intestine, where it formed a particularly rich network in close contact with the luminal epithelium. In contrast, substance P-containing nerve fibres formed a looser and evenly distributed innervation at all levels. The muscularis mucosae was richly supplied by VIP-and substance P-containing fibres. Met-enkephalin immunoreactivity was confined to a few scattered nerve bundles running in the muscularis mucosae and around the bottom of epithelial crypts.G.-L.F. is a Research Fellow from the Department of Medicine 1, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, supported by the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (European Science Exchange Programme with the Royal Society)  相似文献   

Summary Adrenergic innervation of the human gall bladder was studied using two specific fluorescence histochemical methods. Blue-green fluorescing varicose nerves were scarce and mostly followed the course of blood vessels as typical perivascular plexuses. However, some adrenergic nerves not associated with the vessels were occasionally seen, as well as structures suggestive of a pericellular arrangement of varicose adrenergic nerve terminals on non-fluorescing ganglion cells. A few enterochromaffin cells were seen in the epithelial lining, also in the deep invaginations obviously representing the Aschoff-Rokitansky sinuses. Occasionally, small rounded cells with a rounded, relatively large nucleus, and exhibiting a weak yellow-green to blue-green granular cytoplasmic fluorescence, were observed in the wall of the gall bladder. The possible functional and evolutionary significance of these neural and endocrine elements was discussed against the data on physiological and pharmacological studies obtained from the literature. It was concluded that their significance is, in all probability, secondary to the influence of the intestinal polypeptide hormones, vagal innervation and circulating catecholamines upon the normal function of the gall bladder. The glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence histochemical method was found to be superior to the conventional formaldehyde technique in studies on human tissue.  相似文献   

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