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δ-Sarcoglycan (δ-SG) knockout (KO) mice develop skeletal muscle histopathological alterations similar to those in humans with limb muscular dystrophy. Membrane fragility and increased Ca2+ permeability have been linked to muscle degeneration. However, little is known about the mechanisms by which genetic defects lead to disease.


Isolated skeletal muscle fibers of wild-type and δ-SG KO mice were used to investigate whether the absence of δ-SG alters the increase in intracellular Ca2+ during single twitches and tetani or during repeated stimulation. Immunolabeling, electrical field stimulation and Ca2+ transient recording techniques with fluorescent indicators were used.


Ca2+ transients during single twitches and tetani generated by muscle fibers of δ-SG KO mice are similar to those of wild-type mice, but their amplitude is greatly decreased during protracted stimulation in KO compared to wild-type fibers. This impairment is independent of extracellular Ca2+ and is mimicked in wild-type fibers by blocking store-operated calcium channels with 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB). Also, immunolabeling indicates the localization of a δ-SG isoform in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of the isolated skeletal muscle fibers of wild-type animals, which may be related to the functional differences between wild-type and KO muscles.


δ-SG has a role in calcium homeostasis in skeletal muscle fibers.

General significance

These results support a possible role of δ-SG on calcium homeostasis. The alterations caused by the absence of δ-SG may be related to the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   

BackgroundMag-Fluo-4 is increasingly employed for studying Ca2+ signaling in skeletal muscle; however, the lack of information on the Ca2+-Mag-Fluo-4 reaction limits its wider usage.MethodsFluorescence and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) experiments were performed to determine the binding stoichiometry (n) and thermodynamics (enthalpy (ΔH) and entropy (ΔS) changes), as well as the in vitro and in situ Kd of the Ca2+-Mag-Fluo-4 reaction. Rate constants (kon, koff), fluorescence maximum (Fmax), minimum (Fmin), and the dye compartmentalization were also estimated. Experiments in cells used enzymatically dissociated flexor digitorum brevis fibres of C57BL6, adult mice, loaded at room temperature for 8 min, with 6 μM Mag-Fluo-4, AM, and permeabilized with saponin or ionomycin. All measurements were done at 20 °C.ResultsThe in vitro fluorescence assays showed a binding stoichiometry of 0.5 for the Ca2+/Mag-Fluo-4 (n = 5) reaction. ITC results (n = 3) provided ΔH and ΔS values of 2.3 (0.7) kJ/mol and 97.8 (5.9) J/mol.K, respectively. The in situ Kd was 1.652 × 105μM2(n = 58 fibres, R2 = 0.99). With an Fmax of 150.9 (8.8) A.U. (n = 8), Fmin of 0.14 (0.1) A.U. (n = 10), and ΔF of Ca2+ transients of 8.4 (2.5) A.U. (n = 10), the sarcoplasmic [Ca2+]peak reached 22.5 (7.8) μM. Compartmentalized dye amounted to only 1.1 (0.7)% (n = 10).CONCLUSIONS: Two Mag-Fluo-4 molecules coalesce around one Ca2+ ion, in an entropy-driven, very low in situ affinity reaction, making it suitable to reliably track the kinetics of rapid muscle Ca2+ transients.General significanceOur results may be relevant to the quantitative study of Ca2+ kinetics in many other cell types.  相似文献   

Fast-twitch and slow-twitch rat skeletal muscles producedissimilar contractures with caffeine. We used digital imagingmicroscopy to monitor Ca2+ (withfluo 3-acetoxymethyl ester) and sarcomere motion in intact, unrestrained rat muscle fibers to study this difference. Changes inCa2+ in individual fibers weremarkedly different from average responses of a population. All fibersshowed discrete, nonpropagated, local Ca2+ transients occurring randomlyin spots about one sarcomere apart. Caffeine increased localCa2+ transients and sarcomeremotion initially at 4 mM in soleus and 8 mM in extensor digitorumlongus (EDL; ~23°C). Ca2+release subsequently adapted or inactivated; this was surmounted byhigher doses. Motion also adapted but was not surmounted. Prolonged exposure to caffeine evidently suppressed myofilament interaction inboth types of fiber. In EDL fibers, 16 mM caffeine moderately increasedlocal Ca2+ transients. In soleusfibers, 16 mM caffeine greatly increased Ca2+ release and producedpropagated waves of Ca2+(~1.5-2.5 µm/s). Ca2+waves in slow-twitch fibers reflect the caffeine-sensitive mechanism ofCa2+-inducedCa2+ release. Fast-twitch fiberspossibly lack this mechanism, which could account for their lowersensitivity to caffeine.


The study of Ca2+ sparks has led to extensive new information regarding the gating of the Ca2+ release channels underlying these events in skeletal, cardiac and smooth muscle cells, as well as the possible roles of these local Ca2+ release events in muscle function. Here we review basic procedures for studying Ca2+sparks in skeletal muscle, primarily from frog, as well as the basic results concerning the properties of these events, their pattern and frequency of occurrence during fiber depolarization and the mechanisms underlying their termination. Finally, we also consider the contribution of different ryanodine receptor (RyR) isoforms to Ca2+ sparks and the number of RyR Ca2+ release channels that may contribute to the generation of a Ca2+ spark. Over the decade since their discovery, Ca2+ sparks have provided a wealth of information concerning the function of Ca2+ release channels within their intracellular environment.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ currents, charge movements, and intracellular Ca2+ transients in mouse skeletal muscle cells homozygous for a null mutation in the cchb1 gene encoding the beta 1 subunit of the dihydropyridine receptor have been characterized. I beta null, the L-type Ca2+ current of mutant cells, had a approximately 13-fold lower density than the L-type current of normal cells (0.41 +/- 0.042 pA/pF at + 20 mV, compared with 5.2 +/- 0.38 pA/pF in normal cells). I beta null was sensitive to dihydropyridines and had faster kinetics of activation and slower kinetics of inactivation than the L-type current of normal cells. Charge movement was reduced approximately 2.8-fold, with Qmax = 6.9 +/- 0.61 and Qmax = 2.5 +/- 0.2 nC/microF in normal and mutant cells, respectively. Approximately 40% of Qmax was nifedipine sensitive in both groups. In contrast to normal cells, Ca2+ transients could not be detected in mutant cells at any test potential; however, caffeine induced a robust Ca2+ transient. In homogenates of mutant muscle, the maximum density of [3H]PN200-110 binding sites (Bmax) was reduced approximately 3.9-fold. The results suggest that the excitation-contraction uncoupling of beta 1-null skeletal muscle involves a failure of the transduction mechanism that is due to either a reduced amount of alpha 1S subunits in the membrane or the specific absence of beta 1 from the voltage-sensor complex.  相似文献   

Ca2+ and activation mechanisms in skeletal muscle   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

We developed a three-dimensional cylindrical diffusion-reaction model of a single amphibian myofibril in which Ca(2+) release occurred only at the Z-line. The model incorporated diffusion of Ca(2+), Mg(2+), and all relevant buffer species, as well as the kinetic binding reactions between the buffers and appropriate ions. Model data was blurred according to a Gaussian approximation of the point spread function of the microscope and directly compared with experimental data obtained using the confocal spot methodology. The flux parameters were adjusted until the simulated Z-line transient matched the experimental one. This model could not simultaneously predict key parameters of the experimental M- and Z-line transients, even when model parameters were adjusted to unreasonably extreme values. Even though the model was accurate in predicting the Z-line transient under conditions of high [EGTA], it predicted a significantly narrower Ca(2+) domain than observed experimentally. We modified the model to incorporate a broader band of release centered at the Z-line. This extended release model was superior both in simultaneously predicting critical features of the Z- and M-line transients as well as the domain profile under conditions of high [EGTA]. We conclude that a model of release occurring exclusively at the Z-line cannot explain our experimental data and suggest that Ca(2+) may be released from a broader region of the sarcoplasmic reticulum than just the T-tubule-sarcoplasmic reticulum junction.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle fiber types differ in their contents of total phosphate, which includes inorganic phosphate (Pi) and high-energy organic pools of ATP and phosphocreatine (PCr). At steady state, uptake of Pi into the cell must equal the rate of efflux, which is expected to be a function of intracellular Pi concentration. We measured 32P-labeled Pi uptake rates in different muscle fiber types to determine whether they are proportional to cellular Pi content. Pi uptake rates in isolated, perfused rat hindlimb muscles were linear over time and highest in soleus (2.42 ± 0.17 µmol·g–1·h–1), lower in red gastrocnemius (1.31 ± 0.11 µmol·g–1·h–1), and lowest in white gastrocnemius (0.49 ± 0.06 µmol·g–1·h–1). Reasonably similar rates were obtained in vivo. Pi uptake rates at plasma Pi concentrations of 0.3–1.7 mM confirm that the Pi uptake process is nearly saturated at normal plasma Pi levels. Pi uptake rate correlated with cellular Pi content (r = 0.99) but varied inversely with total phosphate content. Sodium-phosphate cotransporter (PiT-1) protein expression in soleus and red gastrocnemius were similar to each other and seven- to eightfold greater than PiT-1 expression in white gastrocnemius. That the PiT-1 expression pattern did not match the pattern of Pi uptake across fiber types implies that other factors are involved in regulating Pi uptake in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, fractional turnover of the cellular Pi pool (0.67, 0.57, and 0.33 h–1 in soleus, red gastrocnemius, and white gastrocnemius, respectively) varies among fiber types, indicating differential management of intracellular Pi, likely due to differences in resistance to Pi efflux from the fiber. inorganic phosphate; sodium-inorganic phosphate transporters; PiT-2; inorganic phosphate efflux  相似文献   

Specifically targeted aequorin chimeras were used for studying the dynamic changes of Ca2+ concentration in different subcellular compartments of differentiated skeletal muscle myotubes. For the cytosol, mitochondria, and nucleus, the previously described chimeric aequorins were utilized; for the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), a new chimera (srAEQ) was developed by fusing an aequorin mutant with low Ca2+ affinity to the resident protein calsequestrin. By using an appropriate transfection procedure, the expression of the recombinant proteins was restricted, within the culture, to the differentiated myotubes, and the correct sorting of the various chimeras was verified with immunocytochemical techniques. Single-cell analysis of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]c) with fura-2 showed that the myotubes responded, as predicted, to stimuli known to be characteristic of skeletal muscle fibers, i.e., KCl-induced depolarization, caffeine, and carbamylcholine. Using these stimuli in cultures transfected with the various aequorin chimeras, we show that: 1) the nucleoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]n) closely mimics the [Ca2+]c, at rest and after stimulation, indicating a rapid equilibration of the two compartments also in this cell type; 2) on the contrary, mitochondria amplify 4-6-fold the [Ca2+]c increases; and 3) the lumenal concentration of Ca2+ within the SR ([Ca2+]sr) is much higher than in the other compartments (> 100 microM), too high to be accurately measured also with the aequorin mutant with low Ca2+ affinity. An indirect estimate of the resting value (approximately 1-2 mM) was obtained using Sr2+, a surrogate of Ca2+ which, because of the lower affinity of the photoprotein for this cation, elicits a lower rate of aequorin consumption. With Sr2+, the kinetics and amplitudes of the changes in [cation2+]sr evoked by the various stimuli could also be directly analyzed.  相似文献   

Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) is a Ca2+ entry mechanism activated by depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores. In skeletal muscle, SOCE is mediated by an interaction between stromal-interacting molecule-1 (STIM1), the Ca2+ sensor of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and ORAI1, the Ca2+-release-activated-Ca2+ (CRAC) channel located in the transverse tubule membrane. This review focuses on the molecular mechanisms and physiological role of SOCE in skeletal muscle, as well as how alterations in STIM1/ORAI1-mediated SOCE contribute to muscle disease. Recent evidence indicates that SOCE plays an important role in both muscle development/growth and fatigue. The importance of SOCE in muscle is further underscored by the discovery that loss- and gain-of-function mutations in STIM1 and ORAI1 result in an eclectic array of disorders with clinical myopathy as central defining component. Despite differences in clinical phenotype, all STIM1/ORAI1 gain-of-function mutations-linked myopathies are characterized by the abnormal accumulation of intracellular membranes, known as tubular aggregates. Finally, dysfunctional STIM1/ORAI1-mediated SOCE also contributes to the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy, malignant hyperthermia, and sarcopenia. The picture to emerge is that tight regulation of STIM1/ORAI1-dependent Ca2+ signaling is critical for optimal skeletal muscle development/function such that either aberrant increases or decreases in SOCE activity result in muscle dysfunction.  相似文献   

Ca2+ transients and the rate of Ca2+ release (dCaREL/dt) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in voltage-clamped, fast-twitch skeletal muscle fibers from the rat were studied with the double Vaseline gap technique and using mag-fura-2 and fura-2 as Ca2+ indicators. Single pulse experiments with different returning potentials showed that Ca2+ removal from the myoplasm is voltage independent. Thus, the myoplasmic Ca2+ removal (dCaREM/dt) was studied by fitting the decaying phase of the Ca2+ transient (Melzer, Ríos & Schneider, 1986) and dCaREL/dt was calculated as the difference between dCa/dt and dCaREM/dt. The fast Ca2+ release decayed as a consequence of Ca2+ inactivation of Ca2+ release. Double pulse experiments showed inactivation of the fast Ca2+ release depending on the prepulse duration. At constant interpulse interval, long prepulses (200 msec) induced greater inactivation of the fast Ca2+ release than shorter depolarizations (20 msec). The correlation (r) between the myoplasmic [Ca2+]i and the inhibited amount of Ca2+ release was 0.98. The [Ca2+]i for 50% inactivation of dCaREL/dt was 0.25 m, and the minimum number of sites occupied by Ca2+ to inactivate the Ca2+ release channel was 3.0. These data support Ca2+ binding and inactivation of SR Ca2+ release.This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid from the American Heart Association (National) and Muscular Dystrophy Association (USA). Part of this work was developed in Dr. Stefani's laboratory at Baylor College of Medicine.  相似文献   

In aged skeletal muscle, changes to the composition and function of the contractile machinery cannot fully explain the observed decrease in the specific force produced by the contractile machinery that characterizes muscle weakness during aging. Since modification in extracellular Ca2+ entry in aged nonexcitable and excitable cells has been recently identified, we evaluated the functional status of store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) in aged mouse skeletal muscle. Using Mn2+ quenching of Fura-2 fluorescence and confocal-microscopic imaging of Ca2+ movement from the transverse tubules, we determined that SOCE was severely compromised in muscle fibers isolated from aged mice (26–27 months) as compared with those from young (2–5 months) mice. While reduced SOCE in aged skeletal muscle does not appear to result from altered expression levels of STIM1 or reduced expression of mRNA for Orai, this reduction in SOCE is mirrored in fibers isolated from young mice null for mitsugumin-29, a synaptophysin-related protein that displays decreased expression in aged skeletal muscle. Our data suggest that decreased mitsugumin-29 expression and reduced SOCE may contribute to the diminished intracellular Ca2+ homeostatic capacity generally associated with muscle aging.  相似文献   

ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake by subfractions of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) was studied with the Ca2+ indicator dye, antipyrylazo III. Ca2+ uptake by heavy SR showed two phases, a slow uptake phase and a fast uptake phase. By contrast, Ca2+ uptake by light SR exhibited a monophasic time course. In both fractions a steady state of Ca2+ uptake was observed when the concentration of free Ca2+ outside the vesicles was reduced to less than 0.1 microM. In the steady state, the addition of 5 microM Ca2+ to the external medium triggered rapid Ca2+ release from heavy SR but not from light SR, indicating that the heavy fraction contains a Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release channel. During Ca2+ uptake, heavy SR showed a constant Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity (1 mumol/mg protein X min) which was about 150 times higher than the rate of Ca2+ uptake in the slow uptake phase. Ruthenium red, an inhibitor of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release, enhanced the rate of Ca2+ uptake during the slow phase without affecting Ca2+-dependent ATPase activity. Adenine nucleotides, activators of Ca2+ release, reduced the Ca2+ uptake rate. These results suggest that the rate of Ca2+ accumulation by heavy SR is not proportional to ATPase activity during the slow uptake phase due to the activation of the channel for Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. In addition, they suggest that the release channel is inactivated during the fast Ca2+ uptake phase.  相似文献   

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