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Bordetella pertussis contains two genes encoding the serospecific fimbrial subunit proteins 2 and 3 which are assembled into completed fimbriae, which elicit the formation of agglutinating antibodies. Expression of these agglutinogens can vary independently of each other. A gene library from a B. pertussis strain (fimbrial serotype 0.3) was probed with an oligonucleotide probe specific for fimbrial subunit genes. Three homologous genetic loci were identified; an active fim 3 gene, an inactive fim 2 gene and an unknown fim-homologous region. The fim 3 gene carried on a cosmid produced agglutinating fimbrial structures in B. parapertussis and in variants of B. pertussis which had lost the capacity to produce the agglutinogen. This indicated that cis-acting factors are associated with serotype variation in B. pertussis rather than the production of trans-acting repressor molecules.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and preliminary phenotypic characterization of manganese-resistant Bordetella bronchiseptica mutants with respect to deregulation of siderophore and iron-regulated protein expression. The fur gene of Bordetella pertussis was cloned by genetic complementation of this deregulated phenotype and confirmed as fur by nucleotide sequence analysis.  相似文献   

During MgSO4-induced modulation of Bordetella pertussis, adenylate cyclase activity, histamine-sensitizing activity (HSA) and the major cell-envelope polypeptides with Mr 28000 and 30000 (X polypeptides) were lost synchronously at a rate which could be accounted for by a simple growth-dilution effect. MgSO4 and other compounds which induced the above phenotypic change caused little inhibition of adenylate cyclase activity. Nicotinic acid was the sole exception and at 4.1 mM-caused 60% inhibition of activity. Lysates of modulated cells, mixed with lysates of unmodulated cells, had no effect on either adenylate cyclase activity or HSA. Protein synthesis was a prerequisite for MgSO4-induced modulation and also for the reversal of this process. Exogenous cAMP and dibutyryl cAMP (5 mM) had no counteracting effect on MgSO4- or nicotinic acid-induced modulation. The concentration of MgSO4 required to induce loss of the X polypeptides (10 to 11 mM) was not altered by promoting adenylate cyclase activity by including an activator in the growth medium. In one culture containing 10 mM-MgSO4 and activator, partial loss of the X polypeptides occurred and yet the extracellular cAMP concentration was twice that of cultures without activator and where full expression of the X polypeptides occurred. [3H]cAMP-binding activity was detected in cell extracts of several strains of B. pertussis, but antiserum against purified Escherichia coli catabolite repressor protein gave no reaction with B. pertussis cell extracts. Respiration rates with amino acids were similar for modulated and unmodulated variants and an avirulent strain of B. pertussis. These results are discussed in relation to a possible causal role for adenylate cyclase in modulation of B. pertussis.  相似文献   

Pertussis toxin is an AB(5) toxin comprised of protein subunits S1 through S5. The individual subunits are secreted by a Sec-dependent mechanism into the periplasm, where the toxin is assembled. The Ptl type IV secretion system mediates secretion of assembled toxin past the outer membrane. In this study, we examined the time course of protein expression, toxin assembly, and secretion as a function of the bacterial growth cycle. Logarithmic growth was observed after a 1-h lag phase. Secreted toxin was first observed at 3 h. Secretion continued throughout the logarithmic growth phase and decreased as the culture entered the stationary phase after about 24 h. On a per cell basis, toxin secretion occurred at a constant rate of 3 molecules/min/cell from 2 to 18 h. More of toxin subunits S1, S2, and S3 were produced than were secreted, resulting in periplasmic accumulation. Periplasmic S1, S2, and S3 were found to be soluble in the periplasm, as well as membrane associated. About one-half of the periplasmic S1, S2 and S3 subunits were incorporated into holotoxin. Secretion component PtlF was present at a low level at time zero, and the level increased between 2 and 24 h from 30 to 1,000 molecules per cell; however, the initial level of PtlF, 30 molecules per cell, supported maximal secretion. The accumulation of both periplasmic toxin and secretion components suggests that translation rates exceed the rate of secretion and that secretion, not toxin and Ptl complex assembly, is rate limiting.  相似文献   

The fatty acid content of Bordetella pertussis endotoxin has been estimated by several methods. Expressed as 3-hydroxytetradecanoic acid, it was 0.74 mumol (mg lyophilized material)-1, 0.38 mumol being ester-bound, and 0.32 mumol in amide linkage. Reported molar ratios of ester-bound to amide-bound fatty acids in endotoxins of various bacterial species range from 2.4 to 2 in B. pertussis, to 5 to 2 in Salmonella minnesota; according to these figures large differences must exist in the degree of substitution, and the substitution pattern of the glucosaminyl-beta-1,6-glucosamine unit present in the hydrophobic region of endotoxins. When fatty acids, released by acid and alkaline hydrolyses of the B. pertussis endotoxin, were extracted into chloroform, unidentified chromogenic substances appearing in the extract interfered with their colorimetric estimation; no interference was observed when hexane was used instead of chloroform.  相似文献   

S Goldman  E Hanski    F Fish 《The EMBO journal》1984,3(6):1353-1356
Pathogenic strains of Bordetella pertussis undergo spontaneous phase variation and become non-pathogenic upon culturing in vitro. Spontaneous variants of the Tohama and #165 pathogenic strains of B. pertussis were selected by their ability to grow on synthetic and semi-synthetic solid media. The frequency of these variants was between 10(-6) and 10(-7). About 250 variant strains were screened for the presence of virulence-associated traits, such as production of hemolysin, pertussis toxin and filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA). Only four different combinations of the traits were found: 7-11% of the variants displayed all traits, 17% of the variants carried the toxin and FHA, 5-11% carried FHA only and 66% were devoid of all virulence traits. The strains which had at least one virulence trait also demonstrated some adenylate cyclase activity. The disappearance of hemolysin quantitatively affected the other traits. These results suggest that phase variation in B. pertussis is a non-random process, involving multistep disappearance of virulence factors in the following order: hemolysin, pertussis toxin and FHA. In contrast, all 300 variants of strain #18323 of B. pertussis, which were able to grow on the selective solid media, carried all the virulence traits. This is in accordance with the strain's unique intracerebral growth capability.  相似文献   

In several Gram-negative pathogens the fur (ferric uptake regulator) gene product controls the expression of many genes involved in iron uptake and virulence. To facilitate the study of iron-regulated gene expression in Bordetella pertussis, we cloned the fur gene from this organism. The B. pertussis fur gene product was 54% identical to the Escherichia coli Fur and complemented two E. coli fur mutants. As with the E. coli fur gene, sequences upstream of the B. pertussis fur were homologous to the consensus Fur-binding site and to the consensus catabolite activator protein binding site.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of the recA gene of Bordetella pertussis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This report describes the detection and cloning of the Bordetella pertussis recA gene. Escherichia coli clones having recombinant plasmids containing the B. pertussis recA gene were isolated by complementing an E. coli RecA- mutant's inability to survive in the presence of methylmethanesulphonate (MMS). This gene was shown to complement the deficiency of E. coli RecA- strains to tolerate the DNA-damaging effects of both a chemical agent and ultraviolet light (u.v.). Deletion mapping experiments localized the gene to a 2.5 kb StuI-EcoRI fragment, and expression of the gene in E. coli resulted in the production of a 40 kD protein. These data strongly suggest that a region of the B. pertussis chromosome that encodes RecA-like activity has been isolated and cloned.  相似文献   

In this investigation 3 groups of strains isolated from pertussis patients have been studied: typical (group 1), atypical in their cultural properties (group 2), unidentified Gram-negative bacilli agglutinated by pertussis and parapertussis antitoxins (group 3). Besides, B. pertussis cultures, obtained by subculturing 2 museum strains and 2 newly isolated strains on synthetic casein-charcoal agar with subinhibiting doses of antibiotics or specific immune sera added, have been studied. As indicated by the results of this study, strains belonging to groups 1 and 2 contain glutamine synthetase, while in strains of group 3 this enzyme is absent. In immunoelectrophoresis strains of group 3 have been found to contain not a single antigen similar to the antigens of strains belonging to groups 1 and 2. Electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel has revealed to differences in the protein spectrum of the strains of these 3 groups. The investigation has shown that the determination of glutamine synthetase and immunoelectrophoresis can be used for the differentiation of B. pertussis from similar Gram-negative bacilli. B. pertussis strains, changed as the result of experiments with antibiotics and specific immune sera, have also been shown to retain their antigenic composition and protein spectrum and to have no essential difference in the content of glutamine synthetase.  相似文献   

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