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The report is the first of purification, overproduction, and characterization of a unique γ-butyrobetainyl CoA synthetase from soil-isolated Agrobacterium sp. 525a. The primary structure of the enzyme shares 70–95% identity with those of ATP-dependent microbial acyl-CoA synthetases of the Rhizobiaceae family. As distinctive characteristics of the enzyme of this study, ADP was released in the catalytic reaction process, whereas many acyl CoA synthetases are annotated as an AMP-forming enzyme. The apparent Km values for γ-butyrobetaine, CoA, and ATP were, respectively, 0.69, 0.02, and 0.24 mM.  相似文献   

We found a novel cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase) from alkalophilic Bacillus sp. G-825-6. The enzyme was expressed in the culture broth by recombinant Bacillus subtilis KN2 and was purified and characterized. The enzyme named CGTase825-6 showed 95% amino acid sequence identity with a known enzyme β-/γ-CGTase from Bacillus firmus/lentus 290-3. However, the product specificity of CGTase825-6 differed from that of β-/γ-CGTase. CGTase825-6 produced γ-cyclodextrin (CD) as the main product, but degradation of γ-CD was observed with prolonged reaction. The product specificity of the enzyme was positioned between γ-CGTase produced by Bacillus clarkii 7364 and B. firmus/lentus 290-3 β-/γ-CGTase. It showed that the difference of product specificity was dependent on only 28 amino acid residues in 671 residues in CGTase825-6. We compared the amino acid sequence of CGTase825-6 and those of other CGTases and constructed a protein structure model of CGTase825-6. The comparison suggested that the diminished loop (Val138-Asp142) should provide subsite -8 for γ-CD production and that Asp142 might have an important role in product specificity. CGTase825-6 should be a useful tool to produce γ-CD and to study the differences of producing mechanisms between γ-CD and β-CD.  相似文献   

A putative -glucosidase clone has been isolated from a cDNA library constructed from mRNA of barley aleurones treated with gibberellin A3 (GA). The clone is 2752 bp in length and has an uninterrupted open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 877 amino acids. A 680 amino acid region is 43% identical to human lysosomal -glucosidase and other glycosyl hydrolases. In isolated aleurones, the levels of the corresponding mRNA increase strongly after the application of GA, similar to the pattern exhibited by low-pI -amylase mRNA. High levels are also observed in the aleurone and scutellum after germination, while low levels are found in developing seeds. The genome contains a single form of this -glucosidase gene and two additional sequences that may be related genes or pseudogenes.Names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

β-Catenin is an evolutionarily conserved molecule that functions as a crucial effector in both cell-to-cell adhesion and Wnt signaling. To gain a better understanding of its role in the development of hair follicles, we cloned the cDNA sequence of the β-catenin gene from the skin of Aohan fine-wool sheep and performed a variety of bioinformatics analyses. We obtained the full-length sequence, which was 4573-bp long and contained a 2346-bp open reading frame encoding a protein of 781 amino acids. The protein had a predicted molecular weight of 85.4 kDa and a theoretical isoelectric point of 5.57. Domain architecture analysis of the β-catenin protein revealed an armadillo repeat region, which is a common feature of β-catenin in other species. The ovine β-catenin gene shares 97.91%, 94.25%, 94.59%, 83.89%, and 89.39% sequence identity with its homologs in Bos taurus, Homo sapiens, Sus scrofa, Gallus gallus, and Mus musculus, respectively, while the amino acid sequence is more than 99% identical with each of these species. The expression of β-catenin mRNA was detected in the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, skin, muscle, and adipose tissue. Expression levels were maximal in the lung and minimal in the muscle, and the difference in expression in these tissues was significant (P < 0.01). Western blot analysis revealed the presence of the β-catenin protein in all tissues examined; expression was lowest in the skin and adipose tissues.  相似文献   

γ-tocopherol methyltransferase is an important rate-limiting enzyme involved in tocopherol biosynthesis. The full-length cDNA encoding γ-tocopherol methyltransferase (designated as LsTMT) was cloned from Lactuca sativa for the first time by rapid amplification of cDNA ends and characterized by means of quantitative RT-PCR. The full-length cDNA of LsTMT was 1131 bp, with an open reading frame of 897 bp encoding a γ-tocopherol methyltransferase protein of 298 amino acids, with a calculated molecular mass of 33.06 kDa and an isoelectric point of 5.86. Comparative analysis revealed that LsTMT has a close similarity with γ-TMTs from other plant species. Bioinformatic analysis indicated that LsTMT shares a common evolutionary origin based on sequence similarity and has the closest relationship to γ-TMT from the sunflower, Helianthus annuus. Based on quantitative RT-PCR analysis, we found that expression of LsTMT is induced and strengthened by oxidative stresses such as strong light and drought. The cloning and characterization of LsTMT will be helpful to further understanding its role in the tocopherol biosynthesis pathway. We consider it to be a candidate gene for metabolic engineering of vitamin E in vegetable crops.  相似文献   

Genomic -Dash library constructed from Lupinus albus nuclear DNA was screened using a fragment of the -tubulin cDNA ( 8–31) clone of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as probe. One of the positive recombinant phages was isolated, subcloned and analysed by sequencing. We present here nucleotide and derived amino acid sequences of the -tubulin gene, designated as L1 and identified by similarity with other -tubulins. The L1-encoded protein reveals a very high degree of similarity with other plant tubulins and contains consensus sequences for binding guanine base, phosphate and Mg2+. Northern analysis of total RNA isolated from roots, leaves, flowers and pools revealed that Lupinus albus -tubulin genes are constitutively expressed in all studied plant tissues.  相似文献   

Flavonoid 3′-hydroxylase (F3′H: EC is an important enzyme which determines the hydroxylation pattern of anthocyanins. In this study, the full-length cDNA and genomic DNA of F3H were isolated and characterized from the purple-fleshed sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). IbF3’′H was 1,789 bp containing a 1,554 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding 518 amino acids. Comparative and bioinformatic analysis revealed that IbF3′H was highly homologous with F3′Hs from other plant species. Conserved domain search revealed that IbF3′H was a cytochrome P450 dependent enzyme. Three F3′H-specific motifs (V75VVAAS80, G427GEK430 and V433DVKG437) were conserved in IbF3′H. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that IbF3H was clustered into the same subgroup with the homologues from I. purpurea, I. tricolor and I. nil. There were multiple copies of the IbF3H gene in the genome of I. batatas. IbF3H was constitutively expressed in all tested tissues including fibrous roots, thick roots, storage roots, stems and leaves. During storage root formation, IbF3H was expressed most abundantly in the storage roots, suggesting that the anthocyanin biosynthesis is also active in the under-ground organs. IbF3H expression was associated with anthocyanin accumulation in five different sweet potato cultivars tested. Complementative analysis implied that the full-length cDNA of IbF3H could encode a functional protein and had a special catalytic activity of flavonoid 3′-hydroxylase.  相似文献   

Folylpoly-γ-glutamate synthetase (FPGS) is essential for mammalian cell survival and is a major determinant of cytotoxicity and selectivity for folate antimetabolites. Here we describe the cloning of a cDNA encoding murine FPGS isolated from L1210 leukemia cells. The amino acid sequence of murine FPGS is 82% identical to human FPGS [1] with identical discrete regions of up to 41 residues. Murine FPGS contains two AUG initiation codons, shown to be responsible for mitochondrial and cytosolic forms of the enzyme in human cells [2]. Previous studies indicated species, tissue, and tumor specific differences in mammalian FPGS. The availability of murine FPGS expands the knowledge and understanding of the spectrum of these variations.  相似文献   

Summary The gene for -CGTase from an alkalophilic bacterium, Bacillus sp. #1011, was cloned in an Escherichia coli phage D69 and recloned in an E. coli plasmid pBR322 and a B. subtilis plasmid pUB110. An E. coli recombinant plasmid pTUE202 and a B. subtilis plasmid pTUB703 were selected from ten plasmids, because the transformants by each of the two plasmids produced the highest amount of extracellular -CGTase in each strain. The plasmids were stably maintained and expressed in each bacterial strain. A common DNA region of approximately 2.5 kb was defined in the ten plasmids, and the enzymatic activity was lost when a part of the common region was deleted. The major product of hydrolysis from starch by the -CGTases of E. coli [pTUB202] and B. subtilis [pTUB703] was -CD as in the case of the enzyme of the parental Bacillus sp. #1011.Abbreviations -CGTase -cyclodextrin synthetase - -CD -cyclodextrin - -CD -cyclodextrin - -CD -cyclodextrin - [] designates plasmid-carrier state  相似文献   

γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase (l-glutamate-l-cysteine ligase, γ-GCS, EC, the rate limiting enzyme in glutathione biosynthetic pathway has been analysed in the asexual erythrocytic stages of rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei and its host erythrocytes. Cell-free parasite isolated by saponin lysis contained about 2 and 8 times higher activity of γ-GCS compared to P. berghei-infected and normal mice erythrocytes respectively. Subcellular fractionation revealed that the enzyme was mainly confined to the cytosolic part of the parasite. γ-GCS from P. berghei was purified employing ammonium sulphate precipitation, Sephadex G-200 gel filtration and anionic exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. There was 51.6 fold purification of enzyme and its specific activity was 39.5 U/mg. SDS-PAGE showed P. berghei γ-GCS as a heterodimer dissociating into two non-identical sub-units of 66 kDa and 57 kDa. The enzyme was observed as white band of activity on native polyacrylamide gel stained for specific γ-GCS activity. Km values for l-Cys, ATP and l-Glu were 0.53 mM, 0.92 mM and 0.75 mM, respectively. The inhibition of γ-GCS activity by glutathione was found to be competitive with respect to glutamate (Ki = 1.53 mM) and non competitive to ATP and cysteine. Antimalarial drugs did not show any significant effect on parasite γ-GCS. Parasite enzyme induced humoral response in mice demonstrated by ELISA, IFA and immunoblotting and exhibited partial protection against P. berghei infection suggesting a significant role of P. berghei γ-GCS in malaria control.  相似文献   

Fan X  He X  Guo X  Qu N  Wang C  Zhang B 《Biotechnology letters》2004,26(5):415-417
A recombinant plasmid, pGMF, containing a gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase gene (GSH-I) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was constructed with a copper-resistance gene as the selection marker and was introduced into S. cerevisiae YSF-31. The glutathione content of the recombinant strain was 1.5-fold (13.1 mg g dry cells(-1)) of that in the host strain.  相似文献   

The α-glucosidase II (GII) is a heterodimer of α- and β-subunits and important for N-glycosylation processing and quality control of nascent glycoproteins. Although high concentration of α-glucosidase inhibitors from mulberry leaves accumulate in silkworms (Bombyx mori) by feeding, silkworm does not show any toxic symptom against these inhibitors and N-glycosylation of recombinant proteins is not affected. We, therefore, hypothesized that silkworm GII is not sensitive to the α-glucosidase inhibitors from mulberry leaves. However, the genes for B. mori GII subunits have not yet been identified, and the protein has not been characterized. Therefore, we isolated the B. mori GII α- and β-subunit genes and the GII α-subunit gene of Spodoptera frugiperda, which does not feed on mulberry leaves. We used a baculovirus expression system to produce the recombinant GII subunits and identified their enzyme characteristics. The recombinant GII α-subunits of B. mori and S. frugiperda hydrolyzed p-nitrophenyl α-d-glucopyranoside (pNP-αGlc) but were inactive toward N-glycan. Although the B. mori GII β-subunit was not required for the hydrolysis of pNP-αGlc, a B. mori GII complex of the α- and β-subunits was required for N-glycan cleavage. As hypothesized, the B. mori GII α-subunit protein was less sensitive to α-glucosidase inhibitors than was the S. frugiperda GII α-subunit protein. Our observations suggest that the low sensitivity of GII contributes to the ability of B. mori to evade the toxic effect of α-glucosidase inhibitors from mulberry leaves.  相似文献   

K+ channel proteins native to animal membranes have been shown to be composed of two different types of polypeptides: the pore-forming subunit and the subunit which may be involved in either modulation of conductance through the channel, or stabilization and surface expression of the channel complex. Several cDNAs encoding animal K+ channel subunits have been recently cloned and sequenced. We report the molecular cloning of a rice plant homolog of these animal subunits. The rice cDNA (KOB1) described in this report encodes a 36 kDa polypeptide which shares 45% sequence identity with these animal K+ channel subunits, and 72% identity with the only other cloned plant (Arabidopsis thaliana) K+ channel subunit (KAB1). The KOB1 translation product was demonstrated to form a tight physical association with a plant K+ channel subunit. These results are consistent with the conclusion that the KOB1 cDNA encodes a K+ channel subunit.Expression studies indicated that KOB1 protein is more abundant in leaves than in either reproductive structures or roots. Later-developing leaves on a rice plant were found to contain increasing levels of the protein with the flag leaf having the highest titer of KOB1. Leaf sheaths are known to accumulate excess K+ and act as reserve sources of this cation when new growth requires remobilization of K+. Leaf sheaths were found to contain higher levels of KOB1 protein than the blade portions of leaves. It was further determined that when K+ was lost from older leaves of plants grown on K+-deficient fertilizer, the loss of cellular K+ was associated with a decline in both KOB1 mRNA and protein. This finding represents the first demonstration (in either plants or animals) that changes in cellular K+ status may specifically alter expression of a gene encoding a K+ channel subunit.  相似文献   

κ-Carrageenases exhibit apparent distinctions in gene sequence, molecular weight, enzyme properties, and posttranslational processes. In this study, a new κ-carrageenase gene named cgkZ was cloned from the marine bacterium Zobellia sp. ZM-2. The gene comprised an open reading frame of 1,638 bp and encoded 545 amino acids. The natural signal peptide of κ-carrageenase was used successfully for the secretory production of the recombinant enzyme in Escherichia coli. A posttranslational process that removes an amino acid sequence of about 20 kDa from the C-terminal end of κ-carrageenase was first discovered in E. coli. An increase in enzyme activity by 167.3 % in the presence of 5 mM DTT was discovered, and Na+ at a certain concentration range was positively correlated with enzyme activity. The κ-carrageenase production of E. coli was 9.0 times higher than that of ZM-2. These results indicate the potential use of the enzyme in the biotechnological industry.  相似文献   

A cDNA (zmEF1A) and the corresponding genomic clone (zmgEF1A) of a member of the gene family encoding the subunit of translation elongation factor 1 (EF-1) have been isolated from maize. The deduced amino acid sequence is 447 residues long interrupted by one intron. Southern blot analysis reveals that the cloned EF-1 gene is one member out of a family consisting of at least six genes. As shown by northern hybridizations in leaves the mRNA level increases at low temperature whereas time-course experiments over 24 h at 5°C show that in roots the overall mRNA level of EF-1 is transiently decreased. These results indicate that the expression of EF-1 is differently regulated in leaves and roots under cold stress.  相似文献   

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