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Summary Lectin cytochemical analysis was undertaken to examine the distribution of glycoconjugates associated with the short and long photoreceptor cells in the lamprey retina. Concanavalin A bound preferentially to the outer segment region of the short cells. Wheat germ agglutinin bound weakly to both long and short cells. The outer segment regions of the long cells were stained intensely with peanut agglutinin. Pretreatment with neuraminidase to remove sialic acid resulted in decreased binding of wheat germ agglutinin throughout the retina and increased binding of peanut agglutinin to the outer segment region of the short cells and the region of myoid process of the long cells. These results suggest that there is a difference in the distribution of glycoconjugate residues between the long and short cells. A rod-like character of the short cell and a cone-like character of the long are tentatively discussed. Lectin-binding patterns in other retinal regions is also examined.  相似文献   

Summary In common with other cyclostomata, the Japanese river lamprey (Lampetra japonica) has a retina consisting of distinct types of photoreceptor cells called long and short photoreceptor cells. After freeze-fracture, disc membranes of these photoreceptor cells were characterized in common by a homogeneous distribution of intramembrane particles on the protoplasmic fracture faces, in contrast to those of the myeloid bodies bearing scattering particles.Immunofluorescent examination was applied to the retina with monoclonal antibodies raised against bovine and chicken rhodopsins. Positive immunoreactivity was found to be limited to outer segments of the short cell, leaving the entire body of the long cell and all other components of the retina negative. The results suggest that the short cell is more closely related to a rod-type photoreceptor cell characterized by rhodopsin as its visual pigment.  相似文献   

The outer retinae of adults of 13 atherinomorph species, representing nine different families, were examined by both light and electron microscopy. The retinae were investigated with respect to photoreceptor types, cone densities, and cone patterns. All data were composed to eye maps. This procedure allows an interspecific comparison of the regional differences within the outer retina among these shallow-water fish. Furthermore, for a more detailed pattern analysis nitro-blue tetrazolium chloride- (NBT)-stainings in the retina of Melanotaenia maccullochi are presented. Apart from rods, eight morphologically different cone types could be identified: short, intermediate, and long single cones, double cones (equal and unequal), triple cones (triangular and linear), and in Ameca splendens one quadruple cone. Dimensions and occurrence of photoreceptors vary among the respective species and within the retinal regions. In the light-adapted state, the cones are arranged in highly ordered mosaics. Five different cone tessellation types were found: row patterns, twisted row patterns, square patterns, pentagonal patterns, and, exclusively in Belone belone, a hexagonal pattern. In Melanotaenia maccullochi the different spectral photoreceptor classes correspond well with the distribution of morphological photoreceptor classes within the mosaic. Double cone density maxima together with a highly ordered cone arrangement usually occur in the nasal and/or ventral to ventrotemporal retina. In most of the species that were examined these high-density regions are presumed to process visual stimuli from the assumed main directions of vision, which mainly depend on feeding behavior and predator pressure. Our findings are discussed with respect to the variable behavioral and visual ecology and phylogeny of the respective species.  相似文献   

The compound eye of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus contains a specialized dorsal rim area (DRA) populated by distinct blue-sensitive photoreceptors responsible for perception of polarized light. The rest of the eye is dominated by green-sensitive photoreceptors. Using patch clamp we studied dissociated ommatidia of nocturnal adults and diurnal eight-instar nymphs with the goals (1) of characterizing the biophysical properties of cricket photoreceptors in general and (2) describing the functionally dissimilar blue- and green-sensitive photoreceptors in terms of voltage-gated channel composition and signal coding. Despite different lifestyles, adult and nymph photoreceptors were indistinguishable. No significant circadian changes were observed in K+ currents. In contrast, prominent differences were seen between blue- and green-sensitive photoreceptors. The former were characterized by relatively low absolute sensitivity, high input resistance, slow quantum bumps with long latencies, small light-induced and K+ currents and low steady-state depolarization. Information rate, a measure of photoreceptor performance calculated from voltage responses to bandwidth-limited white noise-modulated light contrast, was 87 ± 8 bits s?1 in green-sensitive photoreceptors vs. 59 ± 14 bits s?1 in blue-sensitive photoreceptors, implying a limited role of DRA in the perception of visual contrasts. In addition, evidence of electrical coupling between photoreceptors is presented.  相似文献   

The striped bass has two retina-expressed class III myosin genes, each composed of a kinase, motor, and tail domain. We report the cloning, sequence analysis, and expression patterns of the long (Myo3A) and short (Myo3B) class III myosins, as well as cellular localization and biochemical characterization of the long isoform, Myo3A. Myo3A (209 kDa) is expressed in the retina, brain, testis, and sacculus, and Myo3B (155 kDa) is expressed in the retina, intestine, and testis. The tails of these two isoforms contain two highly conserved domains, 3THDI and 3THDII. Whereas Myo3B has three IQ motifs, Myo3A has nine IQ motifs, four in its neck and five in its tail domain. Myo3A localizes to actin filament bundles of photoreceptors and is concentrated in the calycal processes. An anti-Myo3A antibody decorates the actin cytoskeleton of rod inner/outer segments, and this labeling is reduced by the presence of ATP. The ATP-sensitive actin association is a feature characteristic of myosin motors. The numerous IQ motifs may play a structural or signaling role in the Myo3A, and its localization to calycal processes indicates that this myosin mediates a local function at this site in vertebrate photoreceptors.  相似文献   

《Biochemical education》1998,26(1):77-81
This article describes part of a graduate course in Biochemistry which involves the practical study of metabolic regulation in eukaryotic cells. This comes after three months of lectures on this topic and in the laboratory practical students partially purify and characterise transducin from bovine retina.  相似文献   

Lepidopterans display biological rhythms associated with egg laying, eclosion and flight activity but the photoreceptors that mediate these behavioural patterns are largely unknown. To further our progress in identifying candidate light-input channels for the lepidopteran circadian system, we have developed polyclonal antibodies against ultraviolet (UV)-, blue- and extraretinal long-wavelength (LW)-sensitive opsins and examined opsin immunoreactivity in the adult optic lobes of four hawkmoths, Manduca sexta, Acherontia atropos, Agrius convolvuli and Hippotion celerio. Outside the retina, UV and blue opsin protein expression is restricted to the adult stemmata, with no apparent expression elsewhere in the brain. Melatonin, which is known to have a seasonal influence on reproduction and behaviour, is expressed with opsins in adult stemmata together with visual arrestin and chaoptin. By contrast, the LW opsin protein is not expressed in the retina or stemmata but rather exhibits a distinct and widespread distribution in dorsal and ventral neurons of the optic lobes. The lamina, medulla, lobula and lobula plate, accessory medulla and adjacent neurons innervating this structure also exhibit strong LW opsin immunoreactivity. Together with the adult stemmata, these neurons appear to be functional photoreceptors, as visual arrestin, chaoptin and melatonin are also co-expressed with LW opsin. These findings are the first to suggest a role for three spectrally distinct classes of opsin in the extraretinal detection of changes in ambient light and to show melatonin-mediated neuroendocrine output in the entrainment of sphingid moth circadian and/or photoperiodic rhythms.This work was partially supported by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (A.D.B.) and the National Science Foundation (grant nos. IBN-0082700 and IBN-0346765; A.D.B.).  相似文献   

Vigabatrin (VGB) is a commonly prescribed antiepileptic drug designed to inhibit GABA-transaminase, effectively halting seizures. Unfortunately, VGB treatment is also associated with the highest frequencies of peripheral visual field constriction of any of the antiepileptic drugs and the mechanisms that lead to these visual field defects are uncertain. Recent studies have demonstrated light exposure exacerbates vigabatrin-induced retinal toxicity. We further assessed this relationship by examining the effects of vigabatrin treatment on the retinal structures of mice with genetically altered photoreception. In keeping with previous studies, we detected increased toxicity in mice exposed to continuous light. To study whether cone or rod photoreceptor function was involved in the pathway to toxicity, we tested mice with mutations in the cone-specific Gnat2 or rod-specific Pde6g genes, and found the mutations significantly reduced VGB toxicity. Our results confirm light is a significant enhancer of vigabatrin toxicity and that a portion of this is mediated, directly or indirectly, by phototransduction signaling in rod and cone photoreceptors.  相似文献   



Many fish alter their expressed visual pigments during development. The number of retinal opsins expressed and their type is normally related to the environment in which they live. Eels are known to change the expression of their rod opsins as they mature, but might they also change the expression of their cone opsins?  相似文献   

We previously reported the differentiation of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells into retinal progenitors. However, these progenitors rarely differentiate into photoreceptors unless they are cultured with embryonic retinal tissues. Here we show the in vitro generation of putative rod and cone photoreceptors from mouse, monkey and human ES cells by stepwise treatments under defined culture conditions, in the absence of retinal tissues. With mouse ES cells, Crx+ photoreceptor precursors were induced from Rx+ retinal progenitors by treatment with a Notch signal inhibitor. Further application of fibroblast growth factors, Shh, taurine and retinoic acid yielded a greater number of rhodopsin+ rod photoreceptors, in addition to default cone production. With monkey and human ES cells, feeder- and serum-free suspension culture combined with Wnt and Nodal inhibitors induced differentiation of Rx+ or Mitf+ retinal progenitors, which produced retinal pigment epithelial cells. Subsequent treatment with retinoic acid and taurine induced photoreceptor differentiation. These findings may facilitate the development of human ES cell-based transplantation therapies for retinal diseases.  相似文献   

The role of the nonvisual photoreception is to synchronise periodic functions of living organisms to the environmental light periods in order to help survival of various species in different biotopes. In vertebrates, the so-called deep brain (septal and hypothalamic) photoreceptors, the pineal organs (pineal- and parapineal organs, frontal- and parietal eye) and the retina (of the "lateral" eye) are involved in the light-based entrain of endogenous circadian clocks present in various organs. In humans, photoperiodicity was studied in connection with sleep disturbances in shift work, seasonal depression, and in jet-lag of transmeridional travellers. In the present review, experimental and molecular aspects are discussed, focusing on the histological and histochemical basis of the function of nonvisual photoreceptors. We also offer a view about functional changes of these photoreceptors during pre- and postnatal development as well as about its possible evolution. Our scope in some points is different from the generally accepted views on the nonvisual photoreceptive systems. The deep brain photoreceptors are hypothalamic and septal nuclei of the periventricular cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-contacting neuronal system. Already present in the lancelet and representing the most ancient type of vertebrate nerve cells ("protoneurons"), CSF-contacting neurons are sensory-type cells sitting in the wall of the brain ventricles that send a ciliated dendritic process into the CSF. Various opsins and other members of the phototransduction cascade have been demonstrated in telencephalic and hypothalamic groups of these neurons. In all species examined so far, deep brain photoreceptors play a role in the circadian and circannual regulation of periodic functions. Mainly called pineal "glands" in the last decades, the pineal organs actually represent a differentiated form of encephalic photoreceptors. Supposed to be intra- and extracranially outgrown groups of deep brain photoreceptors, pineal organs also contain neurons and glial elements. Extracranial pineal organs of submammalians are cone-dominated photoreceptors sensitive to different wavelengths of light, while intracranial pineal organs predominantly contain rod-like photoreceptor cells and thus scotopic light receptors. Vitamin B-based light-sensitive cryptochromes localized immunocytochemically in some pineal cells may take part in both the photoreception and the pacemaker function of the pineal organ. In spite of expressing phototransduction cascade molecules and forming outer segment-like cilia in some species, the mammalian pineal is considered by most of the authors as a light-insensitive organ. Expression of phototransduction cascade molecules, predominantly in young animals, is a photoreceptor-like characteristic of pinealocytes in higher vertebrates that may contribute to a light-percepting task in the perinatal entrainment of rhythmic functions. In adult mammals, adrenergic nerves--mediating daily fluctuation of sympathetic activity rather than retinal light information as generally supposed--may sustain circadian periodicity already entrained by light perinatally. Altogether three phases were supposed to exist in pineal entrainment of internal pacemakers: an embryological synchronization by light and in viviparous vertebrates by maternal effects (1); a light-based, postnatal entrainment (2); and in adults, a maintenance of periodicity by daily sympathetic rhythm of the hypothalamus. In addition to its visual function, the lateral eye retina performs a nonvisual task. Nonvisual retinal light perception primarily entrains genetically-determined periodicity, such as rod-cone dominance, EEG rhythms or retinomotor movements. It also influences the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the primary pacemaker of the brain. As neither rods nor cones seem to represent the nonvisual retinal photoreceptors, the presence of additional photoreceptors has been supposed. Cryptochrome 1, a photosensitive molecule identified in retinal nerve cells and in a subpopulation of retinal photoreceptors, is a good candidate for the nonvisual photoreceptor molecule as well as for a member of pacemaker molecules in the retina. When comparing various visual and nonvisual photoreceptors, transitory, "semi visual" (directional) light-perceptive cells can be detected among them, such as those in the parietal eye of reptiles. Measuring diffuse light intensity of the environment, semivisual photoreceptors also possess some directional light perceptive capacity aided by complementary lens-like structures, and screening pigment cells. Semivisual photoreception in aquatic animals may serve for identifying environmental areas of suitable illumination, or in poikilotermic terrestrial species for measuring direct solar irradiation for thermoregulation. As directional photoreceptors were identified among nonvisual light perceptive cells in the lancelet, but eyes are lacking, an early appearance of semivisual function, prior to a visual one (nonvisual --> semivisual --> visual?) in the vertebrate evolution was supposed.  相似文献   

Cone pedicles, the synaptic terminals of cone photoreceptors, are connected in the macaque monkey retina to several hundred postsynaptic dendrites. Using light and electron microscopy, we found underneath each cone pedicle a laminated distribution of dendritic processes of bipolar and horizontal cells. Superimposed were three strata of glutamate receptor (GluR) aggregates, including a novel layer of glutamate receptors clustered at desmosome-like junctions. They are, most likely, postsynaptic densities on horizontal cell dendrites. GABA(A) and GABA(C) receptors are aggregated on bipolar cell dendrites in a narrow band underneath the cone pedicle. Glutamate released from cone pedicles and GABA released from horizontal cell dendrites act not only through direct synaptic contacts but also (more so) through diffusion to the appropriate receptors.  相似文献   

Many signaling proteins change their location within cells in response to external stimuli. In photoreceptors, this phenomenon is remarkably robust. The G protein of rod photoreceptors and rod transducin concentrates in the outer segments (OS) of these neurons in darkness. Within approximately 30 minutes after illumination, rod transducin redistributes throughout all of the outer and inner compartments of the cell. Visual arrestin concurrently relocalises from the inner compartments to become sequestered primarily within the OS. In the past several years, the question of whether these proteins are actively moved by molecular motors or whether they are redistributed by simple diffusion has been extensively debated. This review focuses on the most essential works in the area and concludes that the basic principle driving this protein movement is diffusion. The directionality and light dependence of this movement is achieved by the interactions of arrestin and transducin with their spatially restricted binding partners.  相似文献   

In bullfrog (Rana catesbiana) rods the activity of cyclic GMP (cGMP) phosphodiesterase was stimulated 10 times by washing disc membranes with an isotonic, GTP-containing buffer. This stimulation was maintained following hydrolysis of GTP and after removal of guanine nucleotides. At least 60-70% of the inhibitory gamma subunit of cGMP phosphodiesterase (P gamma) was physically released from membranes by these washing procedures. When cGMP phosphodiesterase was activated by a hydrolysis-resistant GTP analogue, P gamma was found in the supernatant complexed with the transducin alpha subunit (T alpha) using three chromatography systems. When GTP was used to activate cGMP phosphodiesterase, P gamma was also found in the supernatant complexed with GDP.T alpha. This complex was also isolated using the same three chromatography systems, indicating that P gamma remained tightly bound to T alpha even after bound GTP was hydrolyzed. Interaction with the beta,gamma subunits of transducin, which remained associated with disc membranes, was required for the release of P gamma from the GDP.T alpha complex, which resulted in the deactivation of active cGMP phosphodiesterase. We conclude that during activation of cGMP phosphodiesterase, P gamma is complexed with T alpha (both GTP and GDP forms) in the supernatant and that, following GTP hydrolysis, beta,gamma subunits of transducin are necessary for the release of P gamma from the complex and the resulting inactivation of cGMP phosphodiesterase in frog photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Defects in the gene encoding carboxypeptidase E (CPE) in either mouse or human lead to multiple endocrine disorders, including obesity and diabetes. Recent studies on Cpe-/- mice indicated neurological deficits in these animals. As a model system to study the potential role of CPE in neurophysiology, we carried out electroretinography (ERG) and retinal morphological studies on Cpe-/- and Cpe fat/fat mutant mice. Normal retinal morphology was observed by light microscopy in both Cpe-/- and Cpe(fat/fat) mice. However, with increasing age, abnormal retinal function was revealed by ERG. Both Cpe-/- and Cpe fat/fat animals had progressively reduced ERG response sensitivity, decreased b-wave amplitude and delayed implicit time with age, while maintaining a normal a-wave amplitude. Immunohistochemical staining showed specific localization of CPE in photoreceptor synaptic terminals in wild-type (WT) mice, but in both Cpe-/- and Cpe fat/fat mice, CPE was absent in this layer. Bipolar cell morphology and distribution were normal in these mutant mice. Electron microscopy of retinas from Cpe fat/fat mice revealed significantly reduced spherule size, but normal synaptic ribbons and synaptic vesicle density, implicating a reduction in total number of vesicles per synapse in the photoreceptors of these animals. These results suggest that CPE is required for normal-sized photoreceptor synaptic terminal and normal signal transmission to the inner retina.  相似文献   

Evolution of the vertebrate eye: opsins, photoreceptors, retina and eye cup   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Charles Darwin appreciated the conceptual difficulty in accepting that an organ as wonderful as the vertebrate eye could have evolved through natural selection. He reasoned that if appropriate gradations could be found that were useful to the animal and were inherited, then the apparent difficulty would be overcome. Here, we review a wide range of findings that capture glimpses of the gradations that appear to have occurred during eye evolution, and provide a scenario for the unseen steps that have led to the emergence of the vertebrate eye.  相似文献   

The key visual G protein, transducin undergoes bi-directional translocations between the outer segment (OS) and inner compartments of rod photoreceptors in a light-dependent manner thereby contributing to adaptation and neuroprotection of rods. A mammalian uncoordinated 119 protein (UNC119), also known as Retina Gene 4 protein (RG4), has been recently implicated in transducin transport to the OS in the dark through its interaction with the N-acylated GTP-bound transducin-α subunit (Gα(t1)). Here, we demonstrate that the interaction of human UNC119 (HRG4) with transducin is dependent on the N-acylation, but does not require the GTP-bound form of Gα(t1). The lipid specificity of UNC119 is unique: UNC119 bound the myristoylated N terminus of Gα(t1) with much higher affinity than a prenylated substrate, whereas the homologous prenyl-binding protein PrBP/δ did not interact with the myristoylated peptide. UNC119 was capable of interacting with Gα(t1)GDP as well as with heterotrimeric transducin (G(t)). This interaction of UNC119 with G(t) led to displacement of Gβ(1)γ(1) from the heterotrimer. Furthermore, UNC119 facilitated solubilization of G(t) from dark-adapted rod OS membranes. Consistent with these observations, UNC119 inhibited rhodopsin-dependent activation of G(t), but had no effect on the GTP-hydrolysis by Gα(t1). A model for the role of UNC119 in the IS→OS translocation of G(t) is proposed based on the UNC119 ability to dissociate G(t) subunits from each other and the membrane. We also found that UNC119 inhibited activation of G(o) by D2 dopamine receptor in cultured cells. Thus, UNC119 may play conserved inhibitory role in regulation of GPCR-G protein signaling in non-visual tissues.  相似文献   

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