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Pink snow mould is a serious disease on grasses and winter cereals in cold and temperate zones during winter. To better understand the basis for the variation in pathogenicity between different isolates of Microdochium nivale and M. majus and to simplify selection of highly pathogenic isolates to use when screening for resistance to pink snow mould in perennial ryegrass, we sought traits correlated with pathogenicity. Isolates of M. nivale were more pathogenic on perennial ryegrass than isolates of M. majus, as measured by survival and regrowth of perennial ryegrass after infection and incubation under simulated snow cover. Pathogenicity as measured by relative regrowth was highly correlated with fungal growth rate on potato dextrose agar (PDA) at 2°C. Measuring fungal growth on PDA therefore seems to be a relatively simple method of screening for potentially highly pathogenic isolates. In a study of a limited number of isolates, highly pathogenic isolates showed an earlier increase and a higher total specific activity of β‐glucosidase, a cell wall‐degrading enzyme, compared with less pathogenic isolates. None of the M. majus isolates was highly pathogenic on perennial ryegrass. Our results indicate biological differences between M. nivale and M. majus and thus strengthen the recently published sequence‐based evidence for the elevation of these former varieties to species status.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Examination of plant growth below ground is relatively scant compared with that above ground, and is needed to understand whole-plant responses to the environment. This study examines whether the seasonal timing of fine root growth and the spatial distribution of this growth through the soil profile varies in response to canopy manipulation and soil temperature.Methods Plasticity in the seasonal timing and vertical distribution of root production in response to canopy and soil water manipulation was analysed in field-grown walnut (Juglans regia ‘Chandler’) using minirhizotron techniques.Key Results Root production in walnuts followed a unimodal curve, with one marked flush of root growth starting in mid-May, with a peak in mid-June. Root production declined later in the season, corresponding to increased soil temperature, as well as to the period of major carbohydrate allocation to reproduction. Canopy and soil moisture manipulation did not influence the timing of root production, but did influence the vertical distribution of roots through the soil profile. Water deficit appeared to promote root production in deeper soil layers for mining soil water. Canopy removal appeared to promote shallow root production.Conclusions The findings of this study add to growing evidence that root growth in many ecosystems follows a unimodal curve with one marked flush of root growth in coordination with the initial leaf flush of the season. Root vertical distribution appeared to have greater plasticity than timing of root production in this system, with temperature and/or carbohydrate competition constraining the timing of root growth. Effects on root distribution can have serious impacts on trees, with shallow rooting having negative impacts in years with limited soil water or positive impacts in years with wet springs, and deep rooting having positive impacts on soil water mining from deeper soil layers but negative impacts in years with wet springs.  相似文献   

The character of endogenous growth substances was investigated in developing buds, young fruits and mature walnut leaves. The relatively high content of auxins and gibberellin-like substances was found by means of bioassays in the youngest primordia of vegetative buds. The level of auxins drops in the further course of primordia transformation into the staminate catkins. The development of leaf-buds is characterized by the accumulation of inhibitory activity as revealed by theAvena bioassay, whereas the data obtained from the lettuce bioassay indicate a pronounced stimulation. The onset of terminal bud development is also accompanied by inhibitions and it is only with pistillate flower differentiation that the temporary rise in auxin level is observed. An inhibitory activity was found in these extracts using lettuce bioassay. There is a relatively high auxin level in young fruits, mature leaves and resting buds during the mid-summer period whereas the accumulation of clearcut inhibitions is signalled by the results of lettuce bioassay. The regulatory role of growth substances in differentiation may be better understood during the second year as many leaf-abnormities appear only with the outgrowing of the bud. Abnormal catkins differ in the number of florets and stamens and some even bear pistillate flowers. Fruit development is liable to deviations in the early stages of differentiation. Abnormal fruits enable us to elucidate many structural peculiarities.  相似文献   

Cell wall glycanhydrolytic enzymes have been related to cell wall loosening and cell growth, although the mechanism of this relationship has not been clarified. Since auxins are plant hormones that stimulate growth in elongating organs, in the present work we studied the effect of auxin on cell wall glycanhydrolytic enzymes, which were extracted with LiCl. Our results show that incubation of sections of Cicer arietinum epicotyls with indoleacetic acid elicit some minor changes in electrophoretic patterns of cell wall proteins when compared with control sections. This indicates that there is no appearance of a specific polypeptide synthesized de novo in response to the hormone, although there are increases in the intensity of some of the polypeptides, which could indicate an enhancement of wall protein biosynthesis. Brief incubation with IAA led to a general increase in the specific activities of these different cell wall enzyme fractions separated by chromatography, with the exception of the α-fraction, with α-galactosidase activity. Longer incubation resulted in an increase in the amount of protein associated with some of the enzyme fractions. In particular, it induced a large increase in the amount of protein associated with the β111-galactosidase fraction that is involved in the autolytic process of cell walls of chick-pea epicotyls. Our results indicate that auxin-enhanced growth could be the result of the action of the hormone al the level of the cell wall glycanhydrolytic proteins that have been related to the wall-loosening process.  相似文献   

Gallic acid (GA), a key intermediate in the synthesis of plant hydrolysable tannins, is also a primary anti-inflammatory, cardio-protective agent found in wine, tea, and cocoa. In this publication, we reveal the identity of a gene and encoded protein essential for GA synthesis. Although it has long been recognized that plants, bacteria, and fungi synthesize and accumulate GA, the pathway leading to its synthesis was largely unknown. Here we provide evidence that shikimate dehydrogenase (SDH), a shikimate pathway enzyme essential for aromatic amino acid synthesis, is also required for GA production. Escherichia coli (E. coli) aroE mutants lacking a functional SDH can be complemented with the plant enzyme such that they grew on media lacking aromatic amino acids and produced GA in vitro. Transgenic Nicotiana tabacum lines expressing a Juglans regia SDH exhibited a 500% increase in GA accumulation. The J. regia and E. coli SDH was purified via overexpression in E. coli and used to measure substrate and cofactor kinetics, following reduction of NADP(+) to NADPH. Reversed-phase liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray mass spectrometry (RP-LC/ESI-MS) was used to quantify and validate GA production through dehydrogenation of 3-dehydroshikimate (3-DHS) by purified E. coli and J. regia SDH when shikimic acid (SA) or 3-DHS were used as substrates and NADP(+) as cofactor. Finally, we show that purified E. coli and J. regia SDH produced GA in vitro.  相似文献   

Trees - Improved wood production is a major aim for walnut forests and especially for hybrid walnut (Juglans nigra×Juglans regia). This paper presents the first report describing the structure...  相似文献   

Two β-galaclosidases (β-Galase-I and -II, EC and two α-l -arabinofuranosidases (α-l -Arafase-I and -II. EC were purified from mesophyll tissues of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), using chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, lactose-conjugated Sepharose CL-4B, and Sephadex G-100, or on hydroxylapatite and Sephadex G-150. The apparent molecular mass (Mr) of β-Galase-I and -II, respectively, were estimated to be 38 000 and 58 000 on SDS-PAGE and 64 000 and 60 000 on gel-permeation chromatography, indicating that the former was a dimeric protein. The isoelectric points of β-Galase-I and -II were 6.9 and 5.2, respectively. Both enzymes hydrolyzed maximally p-nitrophenyl (PNP) β-galactoside at pH 4.3, and were activated about 2-fold in the presence of BSA (100 μg ml?1). The activity of both enzymes was inhibited strongly by heavy metal ions and p-chloromercuriberszoate (p-CMB). d -Galactono-(1→4)-lactone and d -galactal served as potent competitive inhibitors for the enzymes. β-Galase-I and -II could be distinguished from each other in their relative rates and kinetic properties in the hydrolysis of aryl β-galactosides as well as of lactose and galacto-oligosaccharides. In particular. β-Galase-I exhibited a preferential exowise cleavage of β-1,6-galactotriose and β-1.3-galactan. α-l -Arafase-l (Mr 118000) and -II (M, 68 000) were optimally active on PNP α-l -arabinofuranoside at pH 4.8 and gave Km values of 1.2 and 2.2 mM. respectively. l -Arabino-(1 → 4)-lactone. Ag+, and SDS acted as inhibitors for the isozymes. α-l Arafase-I was characterized by its activity to hydrolyze PNP β-d -xylopyranoside besides PNP α-l -arabinofuranoside. inhibition by d -xylose and d -glucono-(1 → 5)-lactone. and less sensitivity to Hg2+. Cu2+, and p-CMB. Sugar beet arabinan was hydrolyzed rapidly by α-l Arafase-II at one-half the rate for PNP α-l arabinofuranoside, while the polysaccharide was less susceptible to α-l Arafase-I. A spinach leaf arabinogalactan-protein was practically resistant to the action of β-Galases, but its susceptibility to the enzymes increased remarkably after prior hydrolysis with α-l Arafase-Il.  相似文献   

Chitinase (EC and β-1,3-glucanase (EC activities in the flavedo of grapefruit ( Citrus paradisi cv. Marsh) were determined at 17 times during the course of fruit development. Chitinase activity is initially high in flavedo, but drops rapidly and is low, although fairly constant throughout the remainder of fruit development. In contrast to chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase activity is lowest in young fruit and increases during development. Western blots of crude flavedo extracts following SDS-PAGE were probed with antibodies raised against purified citrus chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase. Results of immunostaining revealed that changes in the activities of chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase were reflected in the amount of chitinase and glucanase protein present in the extracts. Only a single chitinase band was detected on western blots of crude flavedo extracts, whereas one glucanase band was present in young fruit and a second one appeared later in older fruit. Partial purification of flavedo chitinases and glucanases was performed using extracts prepared from immature and mature fruit for the two enzymes, respectively. Acidic and basic forms of both enzymes were present in the extracts; acidic and basic forms of chitinase were present in nearly equal amounts whereas basic glucanases predominated (91% of total activity). Acidic and basic chitinases differed in substrate specificity as well as products of degradation indicating the heterogeneous nature of the enzymes. Both acidic and basic glucanases required the presence of β-1,3 linkages for activity, were active against both soluble and insoluble β-1,3 glucans and generated similar products.  相似文献   

Sixty-four breast-fed infants and 23 calves were investigated for bacteria and enzymatic activity in their faecal samples. The bacteria were measured using cultivation and fluorescence in situ hybridization. Enzymatic activity was also examined. Forty-seven (64%) infants and all the calves had high numbers of bifidobacteria (usually >9 log CFU g-1) in their faeces, but 17 infants (36%) did not have a detectable amount of the bacteria. Most of the bifidobacteria-negative infants had significant quantities of clostridia in their faecal flora. While the infants did not have significantly higher counts of bifidobacteria, the samples from calves contained significantly (P<0.05) more coliform bacteria and lactobacilli. There were also significant differences in their enzymatic activities. Bifidobacteria-positive samples had a greater alpha-glucosidase activity, while bifidobacteria-negative samples had a lower activity of alpha-galactosidase, and calf samples had the highest beta-glucuronidase activity. A significant increase in bifidobacteria in calf faeces between days 3 and 7 was accompanied by a decrease in Escherichia coli. Our results show that the faecal flora of calves is similar to that of infants with regard to the occurrence of bifidobacteria as a dominant bacterial group.  相似文献   

Leaf gas exchange, water relations and ion content were measured on two-year-old Valencia orange (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck), Washington Navel orange (C. sinensis) and Marsh grapefruit (C. parodisi Macfad) scions budded to either Trifoliata (Poncirus infoliata [L] Raf) or Cleopatra mandarin (C. reticuLua Blanco) rootstoeks. Trees were watered with dülute nutrient solution containing either 0 or 50 mM NaCl for 77 days. Leaf chloride concentrations (cell sap basis) were higher in all scions budded on “Trifoliata but sodium levels were lower than in equivalent foliage budded on Cleopatra mandarin rootstock. Foliar salt levels also varied according to scion. Leaves of Marsh grapefruit had higher levels of both sodium and chloride than leaves of either Valencia orange or Washington Navel orange on both rootstocks. Accumulation of sodium and chloride in salinised leaves caused a reduction in leaf osmotic potential of 0.2–1.4 MPa. and leaf water potential declined by as much as 0.5 MPa. Turgor pressure in salinised leaves was thus maintained at or above the control level. Osmotic potentials determined by psychrometry compared with pressure-volume curves were taken to imply that some accumulation of sodium or chloride in the apoplast of salinised leaves may have occurred. Despite turgor maintenance both co2 assimilation and stomatal conductance were reduced by salinity. Following onset of leaf response to salinisation, gas exchange was impaired to a greater extent in scions budded to Cleopatra mandarin compared to those on Trifoliata. Amongst those scions. leaves of salt-treated Marsh grapefruit showed greater reductions in gas exchange than Valencia orange or Washington Navel orange budded on either rootstock. Increased sensitivity of 1Marsh grapefruit was correlated with a higher foliar sodium and chloride content in this scion. Scion differences in sensitivity of leaf gas exchange to solute concentration were independent of rootstock and appeared unrelated to leaf prolinebetaine concentrations. This implies an inherent difference between scion species with respect to salt tolerance, rather than variation in their capacity to acquire that type of compatible solute. In terms of rootstock effects, all scions proved more sensitive to salinity when budded to Cleopatra mandarin compared with Trifoliata. That response was attributed to a disproportionately higher concentration of leaf sodium in scions on Cleopatra mandarin.  相似文献   

Caccamese S  Manna L  Scivoli G 《Chirality》2003,15(8):661-667
Naringin is the chief flavanone glycoside of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi). It is responsible for part of the bitter taste of the fruit and can cause the inhibition of some cytochrome P450s. The direct separation of (2R)- and (2S)-naringin in the albedo of grapefruits was obtained in normal phase HPLC mode using Chiralcel OD as chiral stationary phase and n-hexane/ethanol with 0.1% of TFA as mobile phase. Chiralpak AD was almost ineffective in the separation. This procedure was used to evaluate the stereochemistry at C-2 during maturation of the grapefruit. The CD curves of (2R)- and (2S)-naringin isolated by semipreparative chiral HPLC were determined and the elution order of the chromatographic peaks was related to the absolute C-2 configuration. Partial resolution of the C-2 diastereomers of narirutin was obtained on Chiralpak AD.  相似文献   

Architectural analysis of 840 Slovenian walnut (Juglans regia L.) genotypes was performed to determine the most typical and frequent morphological types and to evaluate their vegetative and generative potential. Four branching and fruiting patterns (I-IV) were detected. A 3-year-old fruiting branch, consisting of a 3-year-old shoot plus corresponding 2-year-old and 1-year-old shoots, was used as a structural unit for quantitative analysis. In the intermediate fruit-bearing types with mesotonic and acrotonic branching pattern (types II and III), the total lengths of 3-, 2- and 1-year-old shoots were 385 and 380 cm, respectively, compared with 275 and 253 cm in the terminal and lateral-fruiting types (types I and IV). In type I, 1-year-old shoots had significantly fewer nodes than in other types. In addition, they had a thinner basal diameter than types III and IV, and their angles were the most erect (39 degrees ). Only 0.4 out of 3.6 1-year-old shoots were flowering with one mixed bud with 1.9 female flowers. In type IV, 2-year-old shoots had significantly more nodes and a larger basal diameter than other types. One-year-old shoots in type IV are thicker than those in other types. Ratios between the number of flowering and the total number of 1-year-old shoots were 0.7 in type IV, 0.6 in type III, 0.5 in type II and 0.1 in type I. On 1-year-old shoots in type IV, 1.7 mixed buds with a mean of three female inflorescences per bud were counted. Consequently, the generative potential is highest in type IV and lowest in type I. In types II and III, growth and the ability to bear fruits are more balanced.  相似文献   

R. Nichols 《Planta》1977,135(2):155-159
Production of endogenous ethylene from the styles, ovary and petals of pollinated and unpollinated flowers of Dianthus caryophyllus L. was measured. The rate of ethylene production of cut, unpollinated flowers aged in water at 18°C was low until the onset of petal wilting, when a rapid surge of ethylene occurred in all tissues. The flower ethylene production was evolved mostly from the styles and petals. The bases of petals from unpollinated, senescing flowers evolved ethylene faster and sometimes earlier than the upper parts. Treatment of cut flowers with propylene, an ethylene analogue, accelerated wilting of flower petals and promoted endogenous ethylene production in all flower tissues. Pollination of intact flowers also promoted endogenous ethylene production and caused accelerated petal wilting within 2–3 days from pollination. Although the data are consistent with the hypothesis that ethylene forms a link between pollination of the style and petal wilting, in the unpollinated flower the style and petals can evolve a surge of ethylene independently of each other, about the time when the petals irreversibly wilt. The results are discussed in relation to the role of ethylene in flower senescence.  相似文献   

核桃是我国重要的坚果和木本油料树种之一,具有重要的学术研究和经济价值。现代分子标记技术的迅速发展为核桃的种质鉴定、遗传育种、遗传多样性分析、亲缘鉴定等提供了崭新途径。本文主要介绍RFLP、RAPD、AFLP及SSR等几种分子标记技术的主要原理、特点以及在核桃遗传多样性方面的研究进展,分析了分子标记在核桃遗传多样性研究中的主要问题,并对其发展提出了展望。  相似文献   

Growth and development are mutually exclusive in Dictyostelium discoideum. The transition between the two stages of the life cycle is regulated by the relative abundance of nutrients and proteins secreted by the cells which reflect population density. At the transition from growth to development, the discoidin genes--developmental markers--are induced by the "quorum" protein PSF. The effect of PSF is counteracted by food bacteria and by folate [8]. We show that folate treatment during growth delays morphologic development. Furthermore, we demonstrate that in a mutant of Dictyostelium discoideum (V188, renamed HBW3), which expresses discoidinI during growth and which develops rapidly [46], discoidinI expression is less sensitive to folate than in wild type cells. Finally, we present evidence that fragments of the discoidinI gamma promoter which are unresponsive to PSF and CM are sufficient for misregulation in the mutant. The only known regulator of these promoter elements is folate. Changes in the expression of other early developmental genes are also shown. Taken together, these data suggest that the reduced sensitivity to folate might be the cause for the "rapid development" phenotype of the mutant and that folate regulates developmental timing.  相似文献   

The levels of endogenous gibberellic acid equivalents, indole acetic acid, trans-zeatin and trans-zeatin riboside in bearing and non-bearing shoots of walnut (Juglans regia L.) were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography during vegetation period. The levels of endogenous hormones were analysed in four different shoot types of current season, bearing terminal shoot, non-bearing terminal shoot, bearing lateral shoot and non-bearing lateral shoot. Their average levels differed statistically at five sampling times from 25 May to 23 September. Relationships among changes in endogenous gibberellin, auxin and cytokinin contents were computed using correlation and regression analyses. Remarkable positive correlation coefficients were found among changes in gibberellin, auxin and cytokinin contents. Statistical findings indicated that changes in endogenous hormones exhibited a collective behaviour in walnut shoots during vegetation period.  相似文献   

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