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Host traits partly determine the abundance and species richness of epiphytes in tropical forests. It has been proposed that older trees with rough bark and evergreens often house more individuals and more epiphytic species than those with thin, smooth, and peeling bark, which harbor few epiphytes. We hypothesize (i) that epiphytes are more abundant and species-rich in the more shaded forest, which is related to bark roughness, and (ii) that epiphytes are distributed in the middle of the host, where microenvironmental conditions are more favorable to survival. We evaluated abundance, species richness, and vertical distribution of epiphytes in two tropical dry forests, according to the deciduousness and basal area of the trees. Moreover, we selected the most abundant epiphytes to test whether their distribution is related to a specific bark type and examine their vertical distribution in two dry forests. We distinguished a high abundance and species richness of epiphytes in the deciduous forest, although basal area and host species richness were higher in the semi-deciduous forest. In both forests, we found a positive relationship between epiphyte abundance and basal area. Higher abundance of epiphytes was related to the predominance of Tillandsia schiedeana, a drought-adapted species, in both forests. Unexpectedly, epiphytes abundantly colonized Bursera simaruba, a host with peeling bark and a very branched crown, where small individuals of T. schiedeana colonized abundantly toward the top of the crown. Our results show the importance of the tropical dry forest, particularly, B. simaruba, in maintaining epiphyte diversity in terms of T. schiedeana colonization.  相似文献   

Erikson  Rolf  Vammen  Katherine  Zelaya  Argentina  Bell  Russel T. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,382(1-3):27-39
From 1988 to 1993 we assessed the variability of bacterioplankton production and biomass in Lake Xolotlán (L. Managua), Nicaragua via [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA and cell counting. Bacterial production ranged from 3 to 8 μg C l-1 h-1, and since production was equal throughout the water column, areal production was high (≈ 600–1200 mg C m-2 d-1). Bacterial abundance in Lake Managua was extremely high, 7–30 × 109 cells l-1. Thus, specific rates of bacterial production were low. There was a strong correlation between production and number and the specific rate of bacterial production was constant. Comparable measurements of production via [3H]leucine incorporation into proteins indicated that bacteria were experiencing ‘balanced growth’. We conclude that bacterioplankton in Lake Xolotlán had reached its carrying capacity and a significant correlation between bacterial production and concentration of phaeophytin implied that dead or dying algae was the limiting substrate for bacterioplankton. The majority of bacterial number and most of bacterial production (up to 75%) were associated with particles in the >3-μm fraction, probably lysing algal cells to which bacterioplankton were ‘attached’. Grazing on bacterioplankton must be low and bacteria should be a ‘sink’ for organic matter in Lake Xolotlán. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The impact of rapid habitat loss and fragmentation on biodiversity is a major issue. However, we still lack an integrative understanding of how these changes influence biodiversity dynamics over time. In this study, we investigate the effects of these changes in terms of both niche-based and neutral dynamics. We hypothesize that habitat loss has delayed effects on neutral immigration–extinction dynamics, while edge effects and environmental heterogeneity in habitat patches have rapid effects on niche-based dynamics. We analyzed taxonomic and functional composition of 100 tree communities in a tropical dry forest landscape of New-Caledonia subject to habitat loss and fragmentation. We designed an original, process-based simulation framework, and performed Approximate Bayesian Computation to infer the influence of niche-based and neutral processes. Then, we performed partial regressions to evaluate the relationships between inferred parameter values of communities and landscape metrics (distance to edge, patch area, and habitat amount around communities), derived from either recent or past (65 yr ago) aerial photographs, while controlling for the effect of soil and topography. We found that landscape structure influences both environmental filtering and immigration. Immigration rate was positively related to past habitat amount surrounding communities. In contrast, environmental filtering was mostly affected by present landscape structure and mainly influenced by edge vicinity and topography. Our results highlight that landscape changes have contrasting spatio-temporal influences on niche-based and neutral assembly dynamics. First, landscape-level habitat loss and community isolation reduce immigration and increase demographic stochasticity, resulting in slow decline of local species diversity and extinction debt. Second, recent edge creation affects environmental filtering, incurring rapid changes in community composition by favoring species with edge-adapted strategies. Our study brings new insights about temporal impacts of landscape changes on biodiversity dynamics. We stress that landscape history critically influences these dynamics and should be taken into account in conservation policies.  相似文献   



The Tehuacán Valley is one of the areas of Mesoamerica with the oldest history of plant management. Homegardens are among the most ancient management systems that currently provide economic benefits to people and are reservoirs of native biodiversity. Previous studies estimated that 30% of the plant richness of homegardens of the region are native plant species from wild populations. We studied in Náhuatl communities the proportion of native plant species maintained in homegardens, hypothesizing to find a proportion similar to that estimated at regional level, mainly plant resources maintained for edible, medicinal and ornamental purposes.


We analysed the composition of plant species of homegardens and their similarity with surrounding Cloud Forest (CF), Tropical Rainforest (TRF), Tropical Dry forest (TDF), and Thorn-Scrub Forest (TSF). We determined density, frequency and biomass of plant species composing homegardens and forests through vegetation sampling of a total of 30 homegardens and nine plots of forests, and documented ethnobotanical information on use, management, and economic benefits from plants maintained in homegardens.


A total of 281 plant species was recorded with 12 use categories, 115 ornamental, 92 edible, and 50 medicinal plant species. We recorded 49.8 ± 23.2 (average ± S.D.) woody plant species (shrubs and trees) per homegarden. In total, 34% species are native to the Tehuacán Valley and nearly 16% are components of the surrounding forests. A total of 176 species were cultivated through seeds, vegetative propagules or transplanted entire individual plants, 71 tolerated, and 23 enhanced. The highest species richness and diversity were recorded in homegardens from the CF zone (199 species), followed by those from the TRF (157) and those from the TDF (141) zones.


Homegardens provide a high diversity of resources for subsistence of local households and significantly contribute to conservation of native biodiversity. The highest diversity was recorded in homegardens where the neighbouring forests had the least diversity, suggesting that management of homegardens aims at compensating scarcity of naturally available plant resources. Cultivated species were markedly more abundant than plants under other management forms. Diversity harboured and management techniques make homegardens keystones in strategies for regional biodiversity conservation.

Royo AA  Carson WP 《Oecologia》2005,145(1):66-75
Mammals are hypothesized to either promote plant diversity by preventing competitive exclusion or limit diversity by reducing the abundance of sensitive plant species through their activities as browsers or disturbance agents. Previous studies of herbivore impacts in plant communities have focused on tree species and ignored the herbaceous community. In an experiment in mature-phase, tropical moist forest sites in central Panamá, we studied the impact of excluding ground-dwelling mammals on the richness and abundance of herbs in 16, 30×45-m plots. Within each plot, we censused the herbaceous community in 28, 2×2-m subplots (1,792 m2 total area sampled). We identified over 54 species of herbs averaging 1.21 ramets m−2 and covering approximately 4.25% of the forest floor. Excluding mammals for 5 years had no impact on overall species richness. Within exclosures, however, there was a significant two-fold increase in the density of rare species. Overall herbaceous density and percent cover did not differ between exclosures and adjacent control plots, although cover did increase over time. Mammalian exclusion significantly increased the total cover of three-dominant herb species, Pharus latifolius, Calathea inocephala, and Adiantum lucidum, but did not affect their density. This study represents one of the most extensive herbaceous community censuses conducted in tropical forests and is among a few that quantify herbaceous distribution and abundance in terms of both density and cover. Additionally, this work represents the first community level test of mammalian impacts on the herbaceous community in a tropical forest to date. Our results suggest that ground dwelling mammals do not play a key role in altering the relative abundance patterns of tropical herbs in the short term. Furthermore, our results contrast sharply with prior studies on similar temporal and spatial scales that demonstrate mammals strongly alter tree seedling composition and reduce seedling density. Thus, we question the pervasiveness of top–down control on tropical plant communities and the paradigm that defaunation will inexorably lead to widespread, catastrophic shifts in plant communities.  相似文献   

This study examined whether topography-induced gradients in water potential and leaf litter depth contribute to species coexistence in tropical forests through species-specific effects on seedling emergence and mortality. Seedling emergence and mortality were followed for a period of 12 months in 36 (1 × 2 m) plots on Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panamá. Plots with and without litter were distributed on slope and plateau sites in three catchments. In the absence of manipulations, the lower litter depth on slopes resulted in approximately four times as many emergent seedlings than on plateau sites. However, litter depth had little effect on seedling community composition. By the end of the first dry-season, post-emergence, there were no significant differences in surviving seedling numbers between any treatments. There were differences in the emergent seedling community between slope and plateau sites within the same catchment as well as differences in composition between catchments, suggesting that both niche partitioning and dispersal limitation might play a role in structuring seedling community composition. During the wet-season seedling mortality was highest on slope sites although this pattern was reversed during the dry-season. In both seasons mortality was higher for small-seeded species. These results demonstrate that gradients in water potential related to topography impact on patterns of seedling emergence and mortality although processes in the first year after emergence may be insufficient to explain observed habitat preferences of adult plants.  相似文献   

A study of the most important polliniferous plants for European and Africanized honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) was made in Quintana Roo state. Comparisons were made between the plants visited by both bee types in order to determine whether there were qualitative or quantitative differences in their choice of plant species. Also some foraging strategies of the honeybees were analysed. Pollen from pollen load samples was acetolysed and mounted on slides. Subsequently the pollen grains were identified, counted and photographed. A total of 206 pollen load samples were collected at Palmas and St. Teresa during two years. The most frequent species in the pollen load samples from European and Africanized honeybees were Cecropia peltata, Metopium brownei, Lonchocarpus sp. 2, Viguiera dentata, Eragrostis sp. 1, Bursera simaruba and Eupatorium albicaule. Both types of honey bees show a high reliance on pollen from only a few species, the first five named above comprised around 50% of all the mean percentage frequencies. Families that contributed with the largest number of pollen species were Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Sapindaceae, Poaceae, Myrtaceae, Sapotaceae and Tiliaceae. C. peltata, Trema micrantha, B. simaruba, Eugenia sp. 1, Thouinia canesceras, Pouteria sp. 1, Mimosa bahamensis and V. dentata, were the pollen species with the largest percentages of occurrence in both European and Africanized bee pollen load samples, and also represent a "long-term" food resources during the year.  相似文献   

A lot of 1600 seeds of American oyster Crassostrea virginica from the coastal lagoon La Redonda, Tabasco, Mexico was cultured in main drainage channel (S1), a secondary drainage channel (S2), the floodgate of a white shrimp Pennaeus vannamei pond (S3) and the marine water supply pond (S4). The seeds, with a total height and initial humid weight of 31.67 +/- 3.43 mm and 4.29 +/- 1.32 g, respectively, were cultured in suspended Nestier oyster boxes at 575 org/m2. Biological and environmental parameters were recorded after 296 days, the seeds in S4 reached height and weight values of 52.55 +/- 7.51 mm and 16.30 +/- 4.94 g, respectively. The index of physiologic condition along the experiment had a variation of 1.26% to 3.45%. In S4 the survival was 81.0%. In the other places the mortality was total after 90 days.  相似文献   

Los Azufres spa consists of a hydrothermal spring system in the Mexican Volcanic Axis. Five samples (two microbial mats, two mud pools and one cenote water), characterized by high acidity (pH between 1 and 3) and temperatures varying from 27 to 87 °C, were investigated for their microbial diversity by Terminal-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) and 16S rRNA gene library analyses. These data are the first to describe microbial diversity from Los Azufres geothermal belt. The data obtained from both approaches suggested a low bacterial diversity in all five samples. Despite their proximity, the sampling points differed by their physico-chemical conditions (mainly temperature and matrix type) and thus exhibited different dominant bacterial populations: anoxygenic phototrophs related to the genus Rhodobacter in the biomats, colorless sulfur oxidizers Acidithiobacillus sp. in the warm mud and water samples, and Lyzobacter sp.-related populations in the hot mud sample (87 °C). Molecular data also allowed the detection of sulfate and sulfur reducers related to Thermodesulfobium and Desulfurella genera. Several strains affiliated to both genera were enriched or isolated from the mesophilic mud sample. A feature common to all samples was the dominance of bacteria involved in sulfur and iron biogeochemical cycles (Rhodobacter, Acidithiobacillus, Thiomonas, Desulfurella and Thermodesulfobium genera).  相似文献   

Figuerola  Jordi  Green  Andy J. 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(1):33-38
The ingestion of seeds by vertebrates usually affects the viability and/or germination rate of seeds. Increases in germination rate following passage through the vertebrate gut have often been assumed to be favourable for seedling survival and plant fitness, but this assumption has never been tested experimentally. Given that numbers of herbivorous waterfowl are higher in winter in Mediterranean wetlands, herbivory pressure there will be higher for early growing plants. In a factorial experiment we investigated the effects of seed ingestion by ducks (shoveler, Anas clypeata) on the survival of wigeongrass Ruppia maritima seedlings in the field in Doñana (south-west Spain), under differing exposures to herbivory by waterfowl and fish. We planted ingested and non-ingested seeds in December, using exclosures to protect half of them from herbivores. When they were protected inside exclosures, there was no difference between ingested and non-ingested seeds in the number of plants that survived until June-July. However, fewer plants survived from ingested seeds when exposed to natural levels of herbivory because they were exposed for longer than plants germinating from non-ingested seeds. In conclusion, increases in germination rate after ingestion are not necessarily beneficial for the plant, and the final outcome depends on complex interactions with other factors such as herbivore abundance.  相似文献   

We evaluated the habitat and populations of the black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) in the municipality of Balancán, Tabasco, southeastern Mexico, using a combination of field surveys and remotely sensed data. We identified 21,937 ha of remnant vegetation composed of 1,348 fragments. Fragments separated by up to 200 m were grouped into "clusters" of fragments in accordance with the maximum observed open distance crossed by A. pigra. A total of 11% or 84 of the 772 clusters identified through remote sensing were selected at random, and for these we determined the vegetation type, canopy height, area, and distance to the closest human settlement. In these same 84 clusters, which included a total area of 9,817 ha, from October to June of 2006 we located a total of 1,064 black howler monkeys, including 228 troops and 49 solitary monkeys. A. pigra was found in 62 (74.7%) of all clusters visited, with a cumulative area of 6,032 ha. Troops varied in size from 2 to 15 individuals (average 6.0+/-2.9 ind/troop). Adults were 67% (n=716) of detected individuals, whereas juveniles were 20.5% (n=218) and infants were 12.5% (n=133). We found black howlers to occur at an ecological density of 10.8 ind/km(2), which is low in comparison with A. pigra in other fragmented and conserved sites. We found a statistically significant relationship between the area of clusters and the abundance of howler monkeys (r(2)=0.2, F=10.47, gl=3, P=0.002). In addition, the probability of finding A. pigra was greater in secondary vegetation, riparian vegetation, tropical dry forest, undisturbed tropical oak forest, and palm forest (F=12, gl=3, P<0.0001), as compared with disturbed tropical oak forest. Our results provide data on the distribution, abundance, and population structure of black howler monkeys in a fragmented landscape in the southeast of Mexico. These data are a necessary prerequisite for conservation planning for this species.  相似文献   

Wiemken  V.  Ineichen  K.  Boller  T. 《Plant and Soil》2001,234(1):99-108
To study responses of forests to global change, model ecosystems consisting of beech and spruce trees were established in open top chambers. The ecosystems were exposed to four conditions for 4 years, each replicated four times: ambient and elevated CO2, and low and high nitrogen input. At the end of the trial, the trees were 6–8 years old. Each chamber contained two separate compartments with siliceous and calcareous soil. Here, we focus on the development of ectomycorrhizas in the topsoil layer. Ectomycorrhizal fungal biomass associated with the fine roots, estimated by using ergosterol content as a marker, was much higher in the siliceous compared to the richer calcareous soil. Also, in root-free soil samples, the level of ergosterol, indicative of the extraradical mycelium of ectomycorrhizal fungi as well as the mycelium of other fungi, was about six times higher in the siliceous than in the calcareous soil. Conditions of elevated atmospheric CO2 primarily affected ectomycorrhizas in the calcareous soil. Fungal biomass, calculated per soil volume of the top soil layer, increased significantly, as did the metabolic activity of the ectomycorrhizal fungi, measured as uptake of glucose and synthesis of trehalose. Conditions of nitrogen fertilization affected ectomycorrhizas in the siliceous, nutrient poor soil.  相似文献   

We studied the infection dynamics and maturation cycle of Oligogonotylus manteri in wild and caged 'Cichlasoma' urophthalmus, and determined the potential role of different sources of infection in its transmission in a quarry (MITZA). Metacercariae, and nongravid and gravid stages of O. manteri were present throughout 1 annual cycle. Prevalence, mean intensity, and/or aggregation values peaked around April and June in both wild and caged fish. This period of time includes the start of the rainy season, in which the water temperature reaches its maximum annual values. Because temperature is a major factor triggering 'C.' urophthalmus activity (food intake, growth, and reproduction), and O. manteri metacercariae and adults are trophically transmitted, temperature may be playing an important role in the recruitment of worms to the fish. We also determined that cercariae infect caged fish through a mechanism other than trophic transmission whereby fish consume infected snails, which has been described as the most common mode of transmission to 'C.' urophthalmus.  相似文献   

Summary The Scientific Research Center of Yucatán (CICY, for its Spanish acronym) was founded in November 1979 as part of an effort to decentralize scientific activities from Mexico City. Several of the research programs carried out at CICY make use of plant tissue culture techniques for their development. For this article, we have reviewed results obtained in research projects oriented towards basic plant biology questions, as well as towards the micropropagation of economically important species, and the production of secondary metabolites.  相似文献   

Three new species of Mimosa are described: M. (sect. Batocaulon) epitropica Barneby & León de la Luz from Mexico (Baja California Sur); and two from planaltine Brazil, M. (sect. Habbasia) bispiculata Barneby and M. (sect. Mimosa) demissa Barneby. The affinity of each is discussed, and all are illustrated.  相似文献   

Here we describe a new genus and species of giant ground sloth, Xibalbaonyx oviceps (Megalonychidae, Xenarthra), from the drowned cave system of the northeastern Yucatán Peninsula. The specimen is Late Pleistocene in age and was discovered in the Zapote sinkhole (cenote) near Puerto Morelos in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. Xibalbaonyx oviceps differs significantly from all hitherto known Megalonychidae including those from the Greater Antilles and South America. The new taxon suggests a local Caribbean radiation of ground sloths during the Late Pleistocene, which is consistent with the dispersal of the group along a Mexican corridor.  相似文献   

Summary A 3D triple resonance experiment has been designed to provide intraresidual and sequential correlations between amide nitrogens and -carbons in uniformly 13C15N-labeled proteins. In-phase 13C magnetization is transferred to the aliphatic side-chain protons via the side-chain carbons using a CC-TOCSY mixing sequence. Thus, the experiment alleviates the resonance assignment process by providing information about the amino acid type as well as establishing sequential connectivities. Leaving the carbonyl spins untouched throughout the transfer from 13C to 1H leads to E.COSY-type cross peaks, from which the 3JH co coupling constants can be evaluated. The pulse sequence is applied to oxidized Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin.  相似文献   

Paracreptotrema rosenthali sp. n. was discovered in the intestine of Xiphophorus malinche and Pseudoxiphophorus jonesii, collected from the headwaters of Río Malila, tributary of Río Conzintla, in the Río Pánuco basin, Hidalgo, México, during 2008–2009. The new species differs from the five known species of Paracreptotrema Choudhury, Pérez-Ponce de León, Brooks & Daverdin, 2006 by having vitelline follicles that extend from a level anterior to the pharynx to mid-testes, the seminal vesicle which is more extensively folded, and a wider cirrus sac. The new species resembles Paracreptotrema heterandriae in the length of its ceca, which surpasses the posterior margin of the ovary but do not reach the testes. A key to the species of Paracreptotrema is provided.  相似文献   

Knowledge about members of the flowering plant family Clusiaceae occurring in the tropical mountain regions of the world is limited, in part due to endemism and restricted distributions. High altitude vegetation habitats (Páramos) in Central and South America are home to numerous native Hypericum species. Information related to the phytochemistry of páramo Hypericum, as well as ecological factors with the potential to influence chemical defenses in these plants, is briefly reviewed. Results of the phytochemical analysis of Hypericum irazuense, a species collected in the páramo of the Cordillera de Talamanca in Costa Rica, are presented. Lastly, guidelines for the viable and sustainable collections of plant material, to facilitate future investigations of these interesting plants, are given.  相似文献   

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