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The distribution of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from the Mediterranean Sea was quantitatively analysed. The samples contain 11 cyst species and the vegetative coccoid Thoracosphaera heimii. Cyst abundance increases towards the deeper parts of the basins and is generally higher in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Three major distribution characteristics exist: (1) different assemblages in oceanic and neritic regions, (2) little agreement with the associations of areas studied so far like the Atlantic Ocean, and (3) a unique oceanic assemblage in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. A gradual change in cyst assemblages from the western to the eastern Mediterranean Sea was observed and statistically compared with the main environmental gradients in the upper water column. Temperature, nitrate concentration and possibly salinity appear to be the most important factors controlling cyst production. Three groups containing cysts with similar environmental preferences can be distinguished: (1) an eastern Mediterranean group related to relatively high temperature and salinity but low nitrate concentration, (2) a group of more or less consistently abundant cosmopolitan species tolerating or even preferring relatively low temperature and salinity but high nitrate concentration, and (3) a group containing species that are possibly adapted to neritic environments and have probably been transported from coastal areas into the studied regions. In contrast to other calcareous plankton, calcareous dinoflagellate cysts correlate strongly with the main environmental gradients in the Mediterranean Sea, bearing a high potential for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.  相似文献   

The Arctic Ocean is one of the least known marine regions of the world. Because of its major influence on global climate and its hostile environmental conditions it is a fascinating area for paleoecological, paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic research. The composition of planktic microfossil assemblages, and both the trace-element and stable isotope compositions of hard parts, provide us with valuable information about the physical and biochemical parameters of surface waters in the high northern latitudes. Calcareous and biosiliceous microfossils that are traditionally used in Quaternary paleoenvironmental studies are of limited value in the Arctic Ocean because of their low abundances, low diversity and/or low preservation potential. The past several decades have seen considerable progress in our knowledge of the ecology and biogeography of dinoflagellates and their organic-walled cysts in the high northern latitudes, and these dinoflagellate cysts are now important proxies for reconstructing surface water conditions in the Quaternary. This arcticle gives an overview of the ecology of dinoflagellates and their cysts, the processes that transform the living communities into sediment communities, and the environmental gradients that may be reconstructed from fossil dinoflagellate cysts assemblages in the high northern latitudes.   相似文献   

The late Cretaceous calcareous dinoflagellate genus Tetratropis features both a pithonelloid wall-type (evenly inclined wall-components, proven here by a polarisation optical revision) and a peridinialean paratabulation strongly suggesting a dinoflagellate origin of at least part of the Pithonelloideae. This affinity with dinoflagellates sheds more light on the palaeoecology of the Pithonelloideae (commonly termed “calcispheres”), which are characteristic of the middle to Late Cretaceous. The very short-term stratigraphic occurrence of all Tetratropis species is comparable to the distribution pattern of other calcareous dinoflagellate cyst species with a distinctive paratabulation and is thought to reflect a narrow palaeoecological niche. Tetratropis species can be interpreted either as paratabulated morphotypes of otherwise atabulate Pithonelloideae formed under exceptional palaeoenvironmental conditions or as invaders from a highly specific palaeoecological niche during short-term palaeoceanographic events probably related to the initiation of the Late Cretaceous global cooling.  相似文献   

The palaeoecological significance of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts is illustrated by various examples. Genetically fixed and ecologically triggered character traits are distinguished. A summary is given regarding intraspe-cific variability, cyst size and shape, wall thickness, size and shape of the calcitic wall crystals, paratabulation, and archeopyle morphology based on the knowledge, which has been accumulated during the last two decades. Diversity and characteristic cyst associations from different localities are compared. Information on sea level changes, water temperature, oceanographic distribution, and nutrient conditions can be gained from the investigated character traits of calcareous dinoflagellates.   相似文献   

The occurrence of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts in (fossil) sediments depends on several factors, including as the ecological preferences of the cyst-forming dinoflagellates, cyst production, transport and preservation. Although laboratory experiments have shown that several cyst species are sensitive to chemical treatment, no information about the selective preservation of dinoflagellate cyst species in natural environments has previously been presented. Here, we present data on the effects of oxygen availability in bottom sediments on a cyst assemblage from the ungraded Madeira Abyssal Plain f-turbidite of which only the upper layer has been oxidized. Based on differences in species composition between the oxidized and underlying, unoxidized layers of this turbidite, the influence of oxygen availability on the preservation of individual species has been estimated. Cyst species have been classified in ascending order of resistance to oxygen availability in sediments as: (1) highly sensitive (cysts formed by Protoperidinium species), (2) moderately sensitive (e.g. Spiniferites species), (3) moderately resistant (e.g. Impagidinium paradoxum and Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus) and (4) resistant (e.g. Impagidinium aculeatum).  相似文献   

黄海燕  陆斗定  夏平  王红霞 《生态学报》2009,29(11):5902-5911
于2006年12月23日至2007年2月3日,采集长江口海域(121° ~127°E, 30°~32.5°N)19个站位0~10cm的底泥样品,根据孢囊的形态特征共鉴定出分属5大类的27种甲藻孢囊类型.其中自养型孢囊10种,异养型孢囊17种,9种为国内首次报道,它们是Scrippsiella sp.、Scrippsiella crystallina、Pentapharsodinium tyrrhenicum、Scrippsiella sp.1、Scrippsiella sp.2、Cochlodinium sp.cf.Geminatum、 P.sp.1、P.sp.2 和Gotoius abei,并发现了Alexandrium tamarense/A.catenella complex、 A.minutum/A.affine complex两种有毒种,Polykrikos kofoidii、Gonyaulax spinifera complex (Spiniferites mirabilis*)和Gonyaulax spinifera complex (Spiniferites cf.ramosus*)3种有害种.各站位孢囊物种数在1~15种之间,M4-13和N11-4最低,O7-6最高,且种类组成上基本以异养型甲藻孢囊为主.在长江口、苏北、杭州湾、舟山海域、外海海域分别鉴定出15、15、12、15、13种甲藻孢囊类型.对每种孢囊的分类学特征和分布情况进行了详细的描述,丰富了长江口海域甲藻孢囊种类记录,对研究该海区的甲藻群落结构及其目标赤潮生物的种群动力学具有重要意义.  相似文献   

有害甲藻孢囊主要是指能产生毒素和(或)能引起有害藻华发生并对水生态系统产生各种危害效应的甲藻孢囊。我国沿海共记录了10属18种,占全球有害甲藻孢囊的3/4。这些有害甲藻孢囊广泛分布于我国沿海,会对水产养殖业造成严重的经济损失,甚至会威胁人类的身体健康。因此,有害甲藻孢囊的多样性及分布越来越受到人们的关注。对有害甲藻孢囊的准确判断不仅对研究其多样性及分布至关重要,而且有助于水产品的安全检验和有害藻华的早期预警。对有害甲藻孢囊的分类主要存在鉴定困难、鉴定不准确等问题。本文综述了有害甲藻孢囊的危害、中国沿海有害甲藻孢囊的种类和分布,以及有害甲藻孢囊的鉴定等3个方面的研究进展,并提出利用孢囊及营养细胞的形态学特征、分子生物学、毒理学等多学科研究手段准确鉴定有害甲藻孢囊的建议。  相似文献   

In the present study, we document paleoenvironmental change across the Danian–Selandian transition (planktic foraminiferal interval P2–P3b; calcareous nannofossil Zone NP4, Subzones NTp6–NTp8A; 61–59 Ma) in NW Tunisia. Diversifications of Paleogene planktic foraminifera with the evolution of the muricate and photosymbiotic lineages Morozovella, Acarinina and Igorina and of the biostratigraphically important nannofossils genus Fasciculithus are recorded within this interval. The present study aims to understand early Paleogene environmental changes in the southern Tethys, by analyzing the evolution of surface-water and–to a lesser extent–seafloor conditions. Three localities were investigated: Ain Settara, Elles and El Kef, all representing outer neritic deposition in the same basin, the Tunisian Trough. Paleoenvironmental changes are explored by combining planktic foraminiferal, organic dinocyst and calcareous nannofossils assemblages and several proxy parameters (planktic/benthic ratio, numbers of planktic foraminifera per gram, peridinioid/gonyaulacoid ratio; terrestrial/marine palynomorph ratio). In addition, also some geochemical parameters (calcite content and stable isotopes) are examined. Our records indicate that the environment evolved from an initially oligotrophic, open marine, deep outer neritic setting in P2–P3a towards a shallower and nutrient-rich setting from the base of Subzone P3b. This change is seen in the foraminiferal assemblages, with the substitution of Praemurica by Morozovella among the planktic foraminifera and an upward decrease in deeper benthic taxa. Also the organic-dinocyst assemblages show a peak of peridinioid cysts (Cerodinium and Lejeunecysta). Associated to these dinocyst assemblages, the lowest occurrence of Apectodinium is recorded, which seem to have evolved in this region, possibly in response to enhanced nutrient levels on the shelf. Additionally, a distinct change in calcareous nannofossil assemblages is also described, marked by the lowest appearance of Chiasmolithus edentulus, the lowest consistent occurrence of Fasciculithus and a slight increase in near-shore taxa (essentially Pontosphaera).This project provides an accurate understanding of paleoenvironmental change across the Danian–Selandian transition in Tunisia. Especially, integrating different proxies demonstrates a paleobathymetric shallowing from the Danian to the Selandian, associated to increase surface paleoproductivity. Furthermore, the results are compared with those from other localities along the Southern Tethyan margin (Egypt and Jordan) and a more regional paleoclimatic/paleoceanographic perturbation in the Southern Tethys is suggested.  相似文献   

A high-resolution palynological study of the cyclically bedded Faneromeni section (upper Tortonian-lower Messinian) on Crete (Greece) is presented. This study aims to recognize orbitally-driven variations in the palynological record and to validate the age model based on the astronomical calibration of the sedimentary cycles. Four palynology-based environmental proxies were utilised using interpretations of fossil dinoflagellate associations based on modern ecological characteristics. Cross-spectral analysis between the proxy records and astronomical target curve, the 65°N summer insolation, yielded in most cases significant spectral power and coherence in the precession and/or obliquity frequency bands. Precession-controlled variations in the proxy records are related to lithology and indicate that maxima in continental input and minima in sea surface salinity coincide with sapropel formation. The influence of obliquity is most clearly reflected in the index of continental versus marine palynomorphs (S-D). The absence of a distinct time lag relative to obliquity indicates that the 41-kyr component in continental input is controlled by oscillations in regional Mediterranean climate rather than by glacial cyclicity. Phase relations in the different astronomical frequency bands of the spectrum, as compared with the Mediterranean Pliocene, essentially confirm the validity of the Miocene astronomical time scale. Finally, a major non-cyclic change in the palynological assemblage at 6.68 Ma indicates enhanced salinity and decreased river discharge. This shift coincides with a significant drop in sedimentation rate informally termed the “Early Messinian Sediment starvation Event”.  相似文献   

孢囊在甲藻的生活史中发挥重要作用,福建省九龙江从2009年起,暴发多次拟多甲藻水华事件。采用显微镜观察和单细胞PCR技术,对九龙江西陂库区2012—2013年不同月份沉积物中的甲藻孢囊进行种属判定,并对甲藻孢囊的分布及其影响因素进行分析。结果表明,西陂库区沉积物中的甲藻孢囊主要为拟多甲藻属,约占80%,其次为裸甲藻属,发现了2009年水华的优势种佩式拟多甲藻(Peridiniopsis penardii)孢囊。库区沉积物中甲藻孢囊的丰度在(13.7±1.2)—(105.2±8.3)个/g干重之间。多元相关分析结果显示甲藻孢囊的丰度与含水率呈现显著正相关性(P0.05),反映了甲藻孢囊沿水流方向逐渐积累。本研究结果填补了国内水库甲藻孢囊鉴定和萌发的研究空白,为九龙江甲藻水华的防治提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Fish stocks and dinoflagellates are essential components of the marine food chain. Sediment cores from a predominantly anoxic basin in Effingham Inlet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, archive a late Holocene (500–5300 years BP) record of paleoproductivity in the North American Coastal Upwelling Domain (CUD). We present evidence that late Holocene changes in the dinoflagellate cyst assemblages, sedimentary record, and fish stocks in the northeastern Pacific Ocean fluctuated, at least partially, in accordance with regional and global climate cycles.Principal components analysis (PCA), and trend, wavelet and spectral analyses were used to identify relationships, cycles and trends in sediment grey-scale values, and the abundances of fish scales and dinoflagellate cysts on centennial to millennial time scales. Most observed cycles fluctuated in intensity over time, particularly following transition of the regional climate to a higher rainfall phase that impacted coastal oceanic dynamics 3400 ± 150 years ago. Correlation of the marine paleoproductivity records observed in Effingham Inlet with solar influenced climate proxy cycles observed in the North Atlantic region indicates that solar forcing at different scales might have influenced the climate in the northeast Pacific as well. In particular an 1100- to 1400-year cycle in regional climate is well represented in the fish productivity proxy and sedimentological record. It was also observed that colder water, high-productivity, Selenopemphix nephroides and anchovy-dominated “Anchovy Regime” ecosystems alternate with warmer water, herring-dominated “Herring Regime” ecosystems at millennial time scales. The fish scale record preserved in Effingham Inlet indicates that the NE Pacific is now in transition from an ‘anchovy-’ to a ‘herring’-dominated regime.  相似文献   

Fossil dinoflagellate cyst assemblages are increasingly used in paleoclimatic research to establish paleoenvi‐ronmental reconstructions. To obtain reliable reconstructions, it is essential to know which physical factors influence the cyst production. Most information about the relationship between variations in physical parameters and cyst production is known from middle and higher latitudes. Information from the (sub)tropics is rare. To increase this information, the temporal variation in cyst assemblages from the upwelling area off north‐west Africa (off Mauritania) has been compared to environmental conditions of the upper water column. Samples were collected by the sediment trap CB9, off north‐west Africa (Cape Blanc, 21°15′2″N, 20°42′2″W) between 11 June 1998 and 7 November 1999 at 27.5‐day intervals. Off Cape Blanc, upwelling occurs throughout the year with variable intensity. This region is also characterized by frequently occurring Saharan dust storms. Seasonal variations in dust input, upwelling intensity and sea surface temperature are reflected by the production of organic‐walled dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. Several cyst taxa are produced throughout the sampling interval, with the highest fluxes at times of strongest upwelling relaxation and/or dust input (Echinidinium aculeatum Zonneveld, Echini‐din ium delicatum Zonneveld, Echinidinium granulaturn Zonneveld, Echinidinium spp., Impagidinium aculeatum (Wall) Lentin et Williams, Impagidinium sphaeri‐cum (Wall) Lentin et Williams, Protoperidinium americanum (Gran et Braarud) Balech, Protoperidinium stellatum (Wall in Wall et Dale) Rochon etal., Protoperidinium spp., Selenopemphix nephroides (Benedek) Benedek et Sarjeant and Selenopemphix quanta (Bradford) Matsuoka). Species such as, for example, Bitectatodinium spongium (Zonneveld) Zonneveld et Jurkschat and Impagidinium patulum (Wall) Stover et Evitt do not show any production pattern related to a particular season of the year or to specific environmental conditions in the upper water column. The production of cysts of Protoperidinium monospinum (Paulsen) Zonneveld et Dale is restricted to intervals with increased nutrient concentrations in upper waters when sea surface temperatures at the sampling site is below approximately 24°C.  相似文献   

The athecate, pseudocolonial polykrikoid dinoflag‐ellates show a greater morphological complexity than many other dinoflagellate cells and contain not only elaborate extrusomes but sulci, cinguli, flagellar pairs, and nuclei in multiple copies. Among polykrikoids, Polykrikos kofoidii is a common species that plays an important role as a grazer of toxic planktonic algae but whose life cycle is poorly known. In this study, the main life cycle stages of P. kofoidii were examined and documented for the first time. The formation of gametes, 2‐zooid‐1‐nucleus stages very different from vegetative cells, was observed and the process of gamete fusion, isogamy, was recorded. Karyogamy followed shortly after completed plasmogamy. A complex reorganization of furrows (cinguli and sulci) and flagella followed zygote formation, resulting in a 4‐zooid zygote with one nucleus. The fate of zygotes under different nutritional conditions was also investigated; well‐fed zygotes were able to reenter the vegetative cycle via meiotic divisions as indicated by nuclear cyclosis. However, nuclear cyclosis was preceded by a presumably mitotic division of the primary zygote nucleus which by definition would imply that P. kofoidii has a diplohaplontic life cycle. Nuclear cyclosis in germlings hatched from spiny resting cysts indicate that these cysts are of zygote origin (hypnozygotes). Hypnozygote formation, cyst hatching, the morphology of the germling (a 1‐zooid cell), and its development into a normal pseudocolony are documented here for the first time. There is evidence that P. kofoidii has a system of complex heterothallism.  相似文献   

The chronostratigraphical ages of the 20 dinoflagellate cyst zones and one dinoflagellate cyst assemblage for the Middle Triassic (Ladinian) to the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition of the North West Shelf of Australia are comprehensively reviewed. Evidence from macro- and micropalaeontology, palynology and strontium isotopes made available after the establishment of these biozones in the 1980s has been used to reassess the ages of this important zonal scheme and to calibrate it to the international stratigraphical stages. The Shublikodinium Superzone is renamed herein as the Rhaetogonyaulax Superzone, and based on conodont evidence is determined to span the Ladinian to Early Sinemurian. This is significantly shorter in duration than was originally envisaged (Late Anisian to Late Pliensbachian). The Luehndea Assemblage is a low diversity dinoflagellate cyst association which marks a eustatic rise; it is subdivided into two subzones. It is of latest Pliensbachian to Early Toarcian age, based largely on palynological evidence. The Bajocian to earliest Oxfordian Pareodinia ceratophora Superzone represents the inception of a continuous Mesozoic-Cenozoic dinoflagellate cyst record in Australia. It comprises seven zones, which are considered to be slightly older than originally interpreted. The overlying Pyxidiella Superzone is characterised by diverse dinoflagellate cyst associations. It is Early Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian in age, and comprises three zones. The bases of the Wanaea spectabilis and Wanaea clathrata zones are reinterpreted as being slightly older than originally proposed. The superjacent Fromea cylindrica Superzone is Tithonian to earliest Valanginian and modified ages are indicated for four of the nine zones. This unit is dominated by endemic dinoflagellate cysts, reflecting a global trend towards provincialism at this time due to a regressive eustatic regime.  相似文献   

Several harmful photosynthetic dinoflagellates have been examined over past decades for unique chemical biomarker sterols. Little emphasis has been placed on important heterotrophic genera, such as Amoebophrya, an obligate, intracellular parasite of other, often harmful, dinoflagellates with the ability to control host populations naturally. Therefore, the sterol composition of Amoebophrya was examined throughout the course of an infective cycle within its host dinoflagellate, Alexandrium tamarense, with the primary intent of identifying potential sterol biomarkers. Amoebophrya possessed two primary C(27) sterols, cholesterol and cholesta-5,22Z-dien-3beta-ol (cis-22-dehydrocholesterol), which are not unique to this genus, but were found in high relative percentages that are uncommon to other genera of dinoflagellates. Because the host also possesses cholesterol as one of its major sterols, carbon-stable isotope ratio characterization of cholesterol was performed in order to determine whether it was produced by Amoebophrya or derived intact from the host. Results indicated that cholesterol was not derived intact from the host. A comparison of the sterol profile of Amoebophrya to published sterol profiles of phylogenetic relatives revealed that its sterol profile most closely resembles that of the (proto)dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina rather than other extant genera.  相似文献   

In Chile, 90% of the fish farms and major natural shellfish beds are located in the region surrounding the Inland Sea, where over the last few decades harmful phytoplankton blooms have often been observed. The onset and recurrence of bloom events are often related to the resuspension and germination of resting cysts that have accumulated in the sediments. The degree of cyst settling, accumulation and germination is highly variable between areas and depends on physical and environmental factors. To learn how differences in oceanographic exposure, amount of river runoff and bathymetry affect dinoflagellate cyst deposition, we examined the diversity and abundance of dinoflagellate resting cysts from two hydrographically contrasting coastal areas (oceanic Guaitecas Archipelago and estuarine Pitipalena Fjord) of the Chilean Inland Sea in September 2006, seven months after a bloom of Alexandrium catenella, a producer of paralytic shellfish toxin. Cyst species diversity consisted of 18 taxa, including A. catenella and the noxious species Protoceratium reticulatum, both of which have caused blooms in the study area. Our results revealed significant differences between the two study sites in terms of the abundance and diversity of resting cysts, suggesting that in the specific case of A. catenella, only Guaitecas stations have potential for cyst accumulation and successful growth of cells. However, there was no evidence of long-term resting cyst beds of A. catenella at either study site.  相似文献   

甲藻孢囊在长山群岛海域表层沉积物中的分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵魁双  巩宁  杨青  李珂 《生态学报》2011,31(10):2854-2862
2007年10月,在大连长山群岛海域采集了25个站点的表层沉积物,研究了甲藻孢囊的水平分布。在沉积物样品中共检测出甲藻孢囊46种,其中Pentaphasodinium daleiWarowia rosea,在我国是首次报道。各站位孢囊种类数在7-20之间,平均14种;丰度在182-2960 个/g干重之间,平均为1201 个/g干重。香农-威纳指数(H')的变化范围为2.4-3.4。麻痹性贝毒藻--亚历山大藻的孢囊在调查海域分布广泛,最高密度达829个/g干重,可能是造成该海域虾夷扇贝贝毒超标的原因之一。  相似文献   

Only very few studies have focussed on the spatial distribution and ecology of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) in upwelling areas. Here, distributions of individual calcareous dinocyst species in surface sediment samples from the coastal upwelling zone off NW Africa and their relationships with known environmental parameters of the (sub-)surface waters have been analysed in order to enhance our knowledge on their modern distribution patterns and to determine the ecological significance and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction potential of each calcareous dinocyst species within this exemplary high-productivity region. In addition to calculating relative cyst abundances, well-constrained sedimentation rates have allowed the calculation of dinocyst accumulation rates (cysts cm− 2 ka− 1) for most of the surface sample positions, thus providing a much more accurate estimation of actual calcareous dinocyst production in the upper water column than could be warranted in similar studies so far. Distinct differences in the geographic distribution patterns of nine species were observed. In general, high accumulation rates of calcareous dinocysts were found around and south of 29°N and offshore the westernmost Canary Island La Palma, with slightly lower accumulation rates in the upwelling-influenced areas off Cape Yubi and in the upwelling filament area off Cape Ghir. Multivariate ordination techniques were applied in order to compare the cyst accumulation rates of individual species with physical parameters (temperature, salinity, density, mixed layer depth) and the trophic state (nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll concentrations) of the overlying (sub-)surface waters. All species were found to relate significantly to one or more of the environmental parameters, partly confirming previous results on cyst ecology but also providing new information which will be useful for future palaeoenvironmental reconstructions within upwelling areas.  相似文献   

Takishita K  Koike K  Maruyama T  Ogata T 《Protist》2002,153(3):293-302
The dinoflagellate genus Dinophysis contains species known to cause diarrhetic shellfish poisoning. Although most photosynthetic dinoflagellates have plastids with peridinin, photosynthetic Dinophysis species have cryptophyte-like plastids containing phycobilin rather than peridinin. We sequenced nuclear- and plastid-encoded SSU rDNA from three photosynthetic species of Dinophysis for phylogenetic analyses. In the tree of nuclear SSU rDNA, Dinophysis was a monophyletic group nested with peridinin-containing dinoflagellates. However, in the tree of plastid SSU rDNA, the Dinophysis plastid lineage was within the radiation of cryptophytes and was closely related to Geminigera cryophila. These analyses indicate that an ancestor of Dinophysis, which may have originally possessed peridinin-type plastid and lost it subsequently, adopted a new plastid from a cryptophyte. Unlike dinoflagellates with fully integrated plastids, the Dinophysis plastid SSU rDNA sequences were identical among the three species examined, while there were species-specific base substitutions in their nuclear SSU rDNA sequences. Queries of the DNA database showed that the plastid SSU rDNA sequence of Dinophysis is almost identical to that of an environmental DNA clone of a <10 pm sized plankter, possibly a cryptophyte and a likely source of the Dinophysis plastid. The present findings suggest that these Dinophysis species engulfed and temporarily retained plastids from a cryptophyte.  相似文献   

王艳  腾琳 《生态科学》2006,25(2):131-134
于2004年4月初,采集长江口(E122°~123°30',N29°~32°)10个站点0~15cm底泥样品,研究甲藻孢囊在这10个站点的水平和垂直分布情况。在30个样品中共鉴定出6大类24种甲藻孢囊。孢囊组成以异养型原多甲藻类孢囊为主,有13种,平均密度为157cysts·g-1DW,为调查海域的最优势种群。两种产麻痹性贝类毒素(Paralytic shellfish poisoning,PSP)的孢囊,塔玛亚历山大藻和链状裸甲藻,在海区分布广泛但数量较低。10个站点甲藻孢囊的种类数在11~18种之间,平均密度为189~846cysts·g-1DW,在远离河口的D6站点有一个明显的最高峰,位于最北部的D1站点孢囊密度最低。与其它海湾相比,属于孢囊密度较低的海区。Shannon-Weaver生物多样性指数(H')变化范围在2.57~3.27之间。甲藻孢囊的密度分布与生物多样性相关系数r=-0.72。3个不同深度的甲藻孢囊密度分别为351cysts·g-1DW、412cysts·g-1DW、432cysts·g-1DW;生物多样性指数分别为3.22、2.95、2.98。  相似文献   

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