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The postpartum period is critical for efficient reproduction, and certain features of the normal estrus cycle during this period have been associated with subsequent reproductive performance. The objectives of the present investigation were to evaluate the effects of environmental, production, and reproductive factors on walking activity at estrus as determined using pedometers during the first 50 days in milk (DIM) (study 1). In a second study, we tried to establish whether pedometer measurements recorded during this period could be used to predict subsequent fertility by considering the number of cows becoming pregnant before 90 DIM. We analyzed data derived from 995 parturitions in a single herd. Detection of estrus was performed using a pedometer system. Variables were screened for associations with walking activity by analysis of variance (ANOVA) through generalized linear model procedures (PROC GLM). Increased milk production and parity, and a mean relative humidity (RH) higher than 95% were associated with lower pedometer measurements. A higher number of animals simultaneously in estrus rendered higher pedometer readings. No significant effects of the year, season, DIM, number of previous estruses, and climatic data other than high mean RH were observed. Relationships between pedometer measurements and other variables recorded during the first 50 days postpartum, and subsequent fertility were assessed by applying logistic regression models. We detected no significant effects of year, milk production, season, and mean activity increase at estrus on high fertility. The likelihood of pregnancy before 90 DIM decreased for each additional lactation and for cows in anestrus between days 0 and 50 postpartum. However, pedometer readings during the first 50 days postpartum were unable to accurately predict subsequent fertility.  相似文献   

Lactations from 1,111 heifers and 2,493 cows were evaluated for the effects of the duration of retained fetal membranes on subsequent fertility. Cows or heifers with metritis, ovarian cyst, both metritis and cyst, or neither were evaluated in separate strata in order to control for the effects of parity, metritis, and cyst on fertility. Duration of retention had no effect on fertility if an animal had metritis or cyst. There was a suggestion that retained fetal membranes in heifers free of metritis and cyst decreased conception rate at first service. In multiparous cows free of metritis and cyst there was a significant decrease in conception rate at first service when retention exceeded 5 days, and delays of +18 days to 1st service and +57 days to conception when retention exceeded 7 days.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was two-fold. First, to characterize the secretory profiles of oestradiol-17beta and progesterone in relation to the structural changes observed by ultrasonography during follicular dynamics in non-ovulating llamas. Second, to evaluate the effect of exogenous progesterone on follicular activity, in terms of follicle development and hormone production. In experiment one, six adult non-pregnant, non-lactating llamas were examined daily by rectal palpation and transrectal ultrasonography during 70 days. On day 54, intravaginal devices containing 0.33 g of progesterone (CIDR) were inserted and left in the vagina during 16 days. The mean duration of a follicular wave was 22.6+/-2.5 days. The follicular growth phase (follicles growing from 3mm to maximum size) averaged 9.2+/-2.8 days, the mature phase (follicles around maximum size) 5.2+/-1.4 days and regression phase (follicles with decreasing size) 8.2+/-2.2 days. Oestradiol-17beta plasma concentrations exhibited a similar wave pattern (P<0.05). In addition, oestradiol-17beta peak plasma concentrations (46.9+/-3.3 pmoll(-1)) were attained approximately 12 days after the beginning of the growing phase in connection with maximum follicle size (11.8+/-1.6mm). After CIDR insertion, a rapid increase in plasma progesterone concentrations was observed, with peak concentrations attained on day 1 after insertion. Thereafter, concentrations decreased gradually. Mean follicle size steadily decreased from the day of CIDR insertion to day 11 post-insertion (10.3+/-1.6 and 3.3+/-0.8mm, respectively). In order to investigate the effect of follicle size at CIDR insertion on the outcome of progesterone treatment, experiment two was designed. Sixteen adult non-pregnant and non-lactating llamas were divided into four groups according to follicle development at the time of CIDR insertion (group I: follicles < or =6 mm; group II: follicles between 6 and 9 mm; group III: follicles between 10 and 14 mm and group IV, regressing follicles). In groups II, III and IV, a significant decrease in follicle size was observed after the insertion of the CIDR device. In group I, no further development of dominant follicles was observed until the device was withdrawn. In all cases, the smallest diameter was registered between days 5 and 7 after the beginning of treatment. In conclusion, a detailed characterization of follicular waves using ultrasound and hormone determinations simultaneously in non-ovulating llamas and after the insertion of progesterone releasing devices, is presented.  相似文献   

The efficiency of a synthetic prostaglandin analog (ICI 80996) for the control of the estrus cycle in dairy cows has been tested with and without simultaneous use of progestagen implants (SC 21009, Searle). Synchronization of estrus is closer after combined progestagen-prostaglandin treatments than after prostaglandins alone (78.7 % in estrus in 48h vs 60.2 % ; P<0.001).The percentage of cows not observed in estrus during the first 96h after the end of treatment was also lower after combined treatments (20.7 % vs 31.8 % ; P<0.05). The best estrus synchronization was obtained by injecting prostaglandin analog two days before implant removal (86 % in estrus in 48h and 14.0 % not observed in estrus within 96h).Fertility was studied in a field trial after one or two inseminations at a predetermined time for each treatment. A higher pregnancy rate was obtained with two inseminations after combined progestagen-prostaglandin treatment (49.1 %). This pregnancy rate differed significantly (P<0.05) from those obtained with one A.I. after the same treatment or two A.I. after the prostaglandin treatment but did not differ from the pregnancy rate obtained with one A.I. 80h after the second prostaglandin injection. The most important problem in dairy cows is the fall in pregnancy rate between 21 days and 6 months (19.7 to 35.1 % depending on treatment ; P<0.05).  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate rheological properties of the vaginal fluid in dairy cows. Thixotropy and flow behavior were evaluated. Vaginal fluid samples were collected in 8 cows at the beginning of a natural estrus and then every 8 h for 24 h. Vaginal samples were also collected from 208 cows at the time of insemination within 12 to 24 h interval after the onset of a natural estrus.Time-dependent variations were registered during the estrus. The limit shear stress for flow production (To), the shear stress of equilibrium (Te) and the consistency index (K) decreased at 8 and 16 h and markedly increased 24 h after the beginning of estrus. At the time of insemination, structural variation was registered and the fluids were considered to be thixotropic in samples of 181 cows (87%); in the remaining samples (27 cows), structural variation was not registered and the fluids were considered to be nonthixotropic. For flow behavior values, 178 samples (85.6%) presented non-Newtonian behavior, while 30 behaved as Newtonian fluids. The mean values of the TO and the Te were 6.1 ± 0.69 and 1.9 ± 0.69 pascals, respectively. Consistency index (K) mean was 364.9 ± 41.4 milipascals per secondn Our data show an increase of fluidity at the middle of the estrus period in the cow and a wide variation of rheological measurements of vaginal fluid at the time of insemination.  相似文献   

In the present study, two new short estrus synchronization methods have been developed for lactating dairy cows. The study was completed in three consecutive phases. In experiment (Exp) 1, 32 cows, that were not detected in estrus since calving between the 50th and 84th post-partum days, were treated with PGF2alpha (PGF, d-cloprostenol, 0.150 mg), estradiol propionate (EP, 2mg) and GnRH (lecirelina, 50 microg) at 24h intervals, respectively, and timed artificial insemination (TAI) was performed 48 h after PGF. Different from Exp 1, EP and GnRH were given at 48 and 60 h, respectively after PGF in Exp 2 (n=20), instead of 24 and 48 h. Ovulations were investigated by ultrasound for 7 days starting from the day of PGF treatment, and ovulation rates were compared with the ones obtained in Exp 1. In Exp 3, cows were given the same treatments as Exp 2, but treatments started at certain estrus stages. Cows detected in estrus and with a confirmed ovulation (n=27) after the second PGF given 11 days apart were assigned to three treatment groups. Treatment was initiated at Day 3 (group metestrus, n=9), Day 12 (group diestrus, n=9) and Day 18 (group proestrus, n=9) after ovulation. All cows included in Exp 3 were TAI between 16 and 20 h after GnRH treatment. In Exp 2 and 3, blood samples were obtained once every 2 days, starting from Day 0 to the 10th day after GnRH injection, and once every 4 days between the 10th and the 22nd days after GnRH to examine post-treatment luteal development. During the study, animals exhibiting natural estrus were inseminated and served as controls (n=85). The rate of estrus was found to be significantly higher in cows with an active corpus luteum (CL) at the start of Exp 1 (72.7% vs. 30.0%, P<0.05) and the pregnancy rate tended to be higher than cows without an active CL (40.9% vs. 10.0%, P=0.08). Compared to those in Exp 1, cows in Exp 2 had higher rates of synchronized ovulation (94.1% vs. 59.1%, P=0.013). In Exp 3, estrus (P<0.001) and pregnancy rates (P=0.01) were found to be significantly higher in cows in the proestrus group than in those in the metestrus group. Comparable pregnancy rates were obtained from the first and second inseminations in Exp 1 and 3 with results from those inseminated at natural estrus (P>0.05). It was concluded from the study that the treatment in Exp 1 and 3 could result in comparable pregnancy rates after timed AI of lactating dairy cows at random stages of the estrus cycle relating to those inseminated at natural estrus, but the stage of the estrus cycle can have significant effects on pregnancy rates.  相似文献   

A major cause for reproductive failures in Zebu x Taurine crossbred cows is postpartum anestrus. Crossbred cows were diagnosed to be in postpartum anestrus by palpation per rectum of nonfunctional ovaries. To induce synchronized estrus, the cows were treated by placement of a progesterone releasing intravaginal device (PRID) for various number of days, together with a single administration of prostaglandin F(2) alpha (PGF, 5 mg intravulvosubmucos), estradiol-17beta (E2, 1 mg i.m.) or pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG, 500 IU i.m.). Administration of PRID for 7 d, and of E2 and PMSG on Day 6, significantly improved the degree of behavioral estrus manifestation compared to single PRID for 12 d or PRID for 7 d, and of PGF on Day 6. However, the treatment combination of PRID and PMSG alone was associated with higher (P < 0.01) conception rate to 2 fixed time A.I. at induced estrus. The mean interval from treatment to conception was also shortest (P < 0.01) for this group. These results suggest that administration of PRID for 7 d, and of PMSG on Day 6 is highly effective in achieving synchronized behavioural estrus, a near normal CR to fixed time A.I. and a shorter interval from treatment to conception in anestrus Zebu x Taurine crossbred cows under Indian field conditions.  相似文献   

Voss HJ  Holtz W 《Theriogenology》1985,24(2):151-162
Two prostaglandins, Estrumate and Dinolytic, and two progestagens, PRID and Norgestomet were compared for their effectiveness in controlling estrus in dairy cows. A total of 636 animals on 62 different farms in southern Lower Saxony/FRG were used in this study. After treatment with one of the four drugs a double fixed time insemination was always performed at 24-hour intervals. Later, an additional untreated animal was assigned to each group of four. The conception rate in the 734 cows which were inseminated and evaluated under standardized experimental conditions were ES, 51.0%; DY, 46.0%; PRID, 44.5%; NOR, 34.7% and untreated animals, 46.9%. When only those cows which had already calved were considered, the rates were 48.0%, 44.6%, 46.9%, 31.9% and 59.1% respectively. The time of treatment post-partum proved to be significant for the non-return rate 90 (P < 0.01) and the conception rate (P < 0.05). Treatment influenced the estrus cycle in all of the cows. Abnormal cycle length following treatment was observed in 50.7%, 52.0%, 41.6% and 52.8% of the cows in each group as compared to 12.1% in the untreated animals. After the third insemination at least 90% of the cows in each group had conceived. The effect of the various farms proved to be significant with regard to the insemination index (P < 0.01), NRR 90 (P < 0.05) and the conception rate (P < 0.05). All four drugs established their suitability for use under field conditions. Still, modifications in the treatment methods and the insemination regimen could lead to higher fertilization rates.  相似文献   

Peter AT  Bosu WT 《Theriogenology》1986,26(1):111-115
The efficacy of pedometers as estrus detection aids was tested in a group of 47 Holstein cows during the postpartum period. Pedometers were strapped on the left front leg of each cow on the day of parturition and pedometer measurements were recorded twice daily for 60 days. The cows were also observed twice a day for behavioral signs of estrus. Daily blood samples were collected during Days 1-30, and thereafter once every two days from Days 30-60 after parturition for progesterone assay. Rectal palpations of the ovaries were carried out once every four days during the first month after parturition. Based on the progesterone profiles and rectal palpation findings, 91 ovulations were recorded in 42 cows and 5 cows remained acyclic during the observation period. Seventy-six percent (69 91 ) of the ovulations were associated with pedometer indications of estrus, while only 35% (32 91 ) of the ovulations were associated with observed estrus. Fifty-seven percent (24 42 ) of the first postpartum ovulations were associated with pedometer measurements, but only 19% (8 42 ) of the first postpartum ovulations were associated with behavioral signs of estrus. Similarly, pedometers were superior to observations as a method of detection of estrus associated with the second and third postpartum ovulations (91% vs 37%, 92% vs 78% respectively). It is concluded that pedometers are useful aids for estrus detection, particularly in the immediate postpartum.  相似文献   

A retrospective study involving 2756 pregnancies from two commercial dairy herds in northeastern Spain determined relationships between management, production and reproductive data, and high fertility (conception before 90 days in milk) in high-producing dairy cows. High fertility was registered in 989 (35.9%) cows. The following data were recorded for each animal: herd, repeated animal (cows included two or more times within the study in which data were obtained from different lactational periods), parity (primiparous versus multiparous), previous twinning, reproductive disorders following calving (retained placenta, primary metritis) and at postpartum gynecological examination (incomplete uterine involution, pyometra and ovarian cysts), days in milk at conception, previous estrous synchronization and season of calving and conception. In order to evaluate the possible effect of high production during the peak milk yield on subsequent fertility, daily milk production at Day 50 postpartum was also recorded and cows were classified as high (> or = 50 kg) and low (< 50 kg) producers. Logistic regression analysis indicated no significant effects of herd, repeated animal, previous twinning, reproductive disorders such as primary metritis, incomplete uterine involution, pyometra and ovarian cysts, previous estrous synchronization and season of calving and insemination. Based on the odds ratio, the likelihood of high fertility increased in high-producer cows by a factor of 6.8. High fertility was less likely for multiparous cows (by a factor of 0.35) and for cows suffering placenta retention (by a factor of 0.65). High fertile cows produced a mean of 49.5 kg milk at Day 50 postpartum, in contrast to that 43.2 kg milk of the remainder cows. These findings question the negative effect of high production on fertility. Our results indicated that high individual cow milk production can be positively related to high fertility.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance in cows following synchronization of estrus with intravaginal progesterone releasing devices (IVD) has varied with the length of treatment, cyclic status and prolonged return to estrus intervals in some cows following first AI. The objective of this study was to compare two methods of synchronizing and resynchronizing estrus on the reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows. Cows were treated with an IVD (Day 0) for 7 days (n = 350) or 8 days (n = 350), cloprostenol (0.5 mg i.m.) at the time of device removal and estradiol benzoate (EB) at the time of device insertion (1.5mg i.m.), and again 9 days later (1.0 mg i.m.). Cows were also resynchronized starting on Days 23 and 46 by reinsertion of IVDs for either 7 or 8 days and treatment with EB (1mg i.m.) at the time of device insertion and again 9 days later. Cows were inseminated on detection of estrus for 4 days after removal of devices at each of the synchronized estrous cycles. No significant differences in reproductive performance were detected between each treatment throughout the study period. Synchrony of estrus was more precise at the first and second estrus after treatment with an IVD for 8 days compared to 7 days. Cows classified as anestrous had lower reproductive performance than cows classified as cycling and had longer intervals to estrus at the second (P < 0.001) and third estrus (P < 0.06), but not at the first estrus (P = 0.09). Mean time to onset of estrus after IVD removal was less in cows treated with an IVD for 8 days compared to 7 days at each synchronized estrus (P < 0.01). More Holstein-Friesian cows were classified as non-pregnant and not detected in estrus than crossbreed cows (15.7%, 54/343 versus 9.0%, 24/266; [P < 0.05). The results of the study suggested that the main effects of the treatments that were used to synchronize and resynchronize estrus were to alter the timing and synchrony of estrus without affecting fertility.  相似文献   

Fertility in relation to acetone concentration in milk and level of nutrition was studied in 38,624 lactations from 474 herds over a 3-year period. Herd-related data on nutrition were collected once each year. Milk acetone concentrations higher than 0.40 mM were deemed to be hyperketonaemic. The interval from calving to first service was about 5 days longer in cows with acetone concentrations >2.00 mM, while the interval to the last service was shortest at 0.40 to 1.00 mM. The risk for cystic ovaries was severely increased in first calving heifers with acetone concentrations >2.00 mM (odds ratio; 8.7). In herds with a high frequency of hyperketonaemic cows, primiparous cows had a 6-day longer period from calving to the first service and a 12-day longer period from calving to the last service. Increased feeding frequency of concentrate (2 vs 4 times/day) was related to shorter intervals from calving to first service and from calving to last service of 5 and 6 days, respectively, in mature cows. Increased total intake of energy in early lactation was related to shorter intervals from calving to last service in both primiparous and multiparous cows, 0.3 and 0.1 days per megajoule metabolizable energy, respectively. However, increased amounts of concentrate at calving in multiparous cows, and 15 days after calving in primiparous cows, were related to longer intervals from calving to last service and from calving to first service, respectively. The negative effect on these intervals was estimated to be approximately 2 days per kilogram of concentrate.  相似文献   

Dairy bull fertility level has received less attention than production transmitting ability. A simplified fertility test may be beneficial. A study was designed to test the use of tris-(1-aziridinyl)-phosphine oxide (TEPA) treated sperm, which arrests early cell division of the fertilized egg, in heterospermic insemination of superovulated cows. Semen samples were collected and pooled from University of Illinois dairy bulls. Semen samples were washed once, suspended in Illini Variable Temperature diluent (IVT) and incubated with or without TEPA (1.0 to 5.0 mg/ml) for 15 min. Samples were then washed again to remove excess TEPA. Additions of 1.0 to 5.0 mg/ml TEPA to sperm concentrations of 8 x 10(8) sperm/ml had no adverse effect on motility or morphology. The first part of the study utilized superovulated cows inseminated with treated (six cows) or untreated (six cows) sperm in different samples from the same bulls. Secondly, superovulated cows (eight cows) were artificially inseminated with treated and untreated split ejaculates from the same bulls. Lastly, superovulated cows (five cows) were heterospermically inseminated with treated (bull No. 1) and untreated (bull No. 2) spermatozoa. Out of 54 and 39 ova recovered in control and test cows, 40 blastocysts and 31 embryos arrested at the one- to five-cell stage resulted, respectively. Out of a predicted 123 ovulations, 78 fertilized ova were recovered; 40 of these were fertilized by control spermatozoa and 36 by TEPA-treated spermatozoa for parts one and two of the study respectively. These results indicated no significant difference in fertilizability of ova between control and TEPA-treated spermatozoa. Of 41 fertilized ova recovered (part 3), bull No. 1 fertilized significantly more ova (mean +/- standard deviation 5.0 +/- 2.3) than bull No. 2 (2.6 +/- 1.8). Results indicate a difference in fertility between bulls.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the conception rate for fixed-timed artificial insemination (FTAI) and observed heat artificial insemination (HAI) prior to the scheduled FTAI in Ovsynch and Heatsynch synchronization protocols. In Experiment 1, lactating dairy cows (n=535) received two set-up injections of 25mg prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) i.m., 14 days apart starting at 36+/-3 days in milk (DIM). Cows were blocked by parity and were randomly allocated to either Ovsynch or Heatsynch groups. All cows received 100 microg of GnRH i.m. 14 days after the second set-up injection of PGF(2alpha), followed by a third injection of 25mg PGF(2alpha) i.m., 7 days later. In the Ovsynch group, HAI cows (n=29) were bred on standing estrus after the third PGF(2alpha) before the scheduled second GnRH, whereas FTAI cows (n=218) that were not observed in estrus, received a second injection of 100 microg of GnRH i.m., 48 h after the third PGF(2alpha) and received TAI 8 h after the second GnRH. In the Heatsynch group, all cows (n=288) received 0.5 mg of estradiol cypionate (ECP) 24 h after third PGF(2alpha) and HAI cows (n=172) were bred on standing estrus and FTAI cows (n=116) that were not observed in estrus, received TAI 72 h after the third PGF(2alpha). In Experiment 2, repeat breeder cows (n=186) were randomly assigned to either Ovsynch or Heatsynch groups. The FTAI and HAI cows were inseminated similar to Experiment 1. All cows were observed for estrus three times daily. The associations with the conception rate were modeled with logistic regression separately for Experiments 1 and 2. Of all the variables included in the model in Experiment 1, type of AI (HAI versus FTAI, P=0.0003) and parity (primiparous versus multiparous, P=0.05) influenced the first service conception rate. Over-all conception rate and first service conception rate for HAI cows were higher compared to FTAI cows (33.8% versus 21.3%, and 35.3% versus 21.0%; P=0.001). In the Heatsynch group, cows that received HAI had significantly higher over-all conception rate and first service conception rate compared to FTAI (35.2% versus 17.3% and 36.0% versus 15.5%; P=0.0001). The conception rates in repeat breeder cows for HAI and FTAI (30.1% versus 22.3%) were not different (P>0.1). In conclusion, it was recommended to include AI at observed estrus and fixed-time AI for cows not observed in estrus in order to improve the conception rate in synchronization protocols.  相似文献   

Progesterone levels in fore milk, determined by a highly specific radioimmunoassay, were compared for the assessment of estrus by a veteran herdsman and an experienced inseminator, in cows presented for insemination. In addition, an examination was made of the relative accuracy of using milk progesterone levels for the determination of pregnancy at 24, 40 and 44 days after insemination, as compared with rectal palpation at 45–50 days post-breeding.Fat-free fore milk progesterone levels were similar to jugular plasma levels at 24 days post-insemination and reached roughly 60% of the level of unextracted fore milk at this time. Accuracy of estrus diagnosis by herdsman, inseminator and milk progesterone level was 84%, 93% and 96%, respectively. For pregnancy diagnosis, milk progesterone determination in 85 cows showed 78% accuracy in predicting pregnancy and 100% accuracy in predicting non-pregnancy. At 40 days post-insemination false positives dropped to 10% and at 44 days only 7% of the cows were incorrectly diagnosed as pregnant. The false positives in this study were largely due to embryonic mortality as reflected by abnormal intervals of return to estrus. Two milk progesterone determinations, at 24 and either 40 or 44 days post-insemination ensure maximum reliability for early pregnancy diagnosis.  相似文献   

Among the strategies aimed at overcoming difficulties in estrus detection in dairy herds, presynchronization with two PGF2alpha treatments 14 days apart before a timed AI protocol has been related to a significant increase in pregnancy rates. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of presynchronization during the preservice period on subsequent ovarian activity in clinically normal lactating dairy cows. A second objective was to evaluate the incidence of reproductive disorders on Day 50 postpartum. Depending on the chronological order of parturition, cows were alternately assigned to a control (n=102) or treatment (n=101) group. Animals in the treatment group were administered two cloprostenol treatments 14 days apart, beginning on Day 22 postpartum. The reproductive tract of each animal was examined ultrasonographically on Days 43 and 50 postpartum to monitor ovarian structures and uterine contents. Blood samples were collected on Day 50 for progesterone determination. Cows were inspected for signs of estrus between Days 50 and 71 postpartum and were then inseminated. Follicular persistence rates were similar in the presynchronized (14.9%) and control (13.7%) groups. Cows in the presynchronized group showed a lower metritis-pyometra rate (0% < 3.9%; P=0.045); a lower ovarian cyst rate (3% < 10.8%; P=0.03); a higher luteal activity rate (progesterone concentrations>/=1ng/ml) on Day 50 postpartum (76.2% > 52.9%; P=0.0005); a higher estrus detection rate (73.3% > 47.1%; P<0.0001); a higher ovulation rate (72% > 44%; P<0.0001) and a higher pregnancy rate (29.7% > 15.7%; P=0.02) than controls. Our results indicate that presynchronization during the preservice period reduces the incidence of ovarian cysts and metritis-pyometra determined on Day 50, and improves ovarian activity from Days 50 to 71 postpartum along with pregnancy rates in clinically normal lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

Veerkamp RF  Beerda B 《Theriogenology》2007,68(Z1):S266-S273
Improving dairy cow fertility by means of genetic selection is likely to become increasingly important, since it is now well established that declining fertility cannot only be arrested by improved management. Profit margins per kg milk produced are decreasing, therefore farmers need to reduce cost and increase herd size. This restricts the labor input per cow and the disposable cost of getting a cow pregnant, whilst at the same time hormone treatments have become less acceptable. This makes it unlikely that additional management interventions will maintain fertility at acceptable levels in the near future. Genetic improvement seems the obvious solution. Effective selection tools are available in most Western countries using traditional breeding value estimation procedures. Also, in addition to gene assisted selection using individual genes or QTL, high throughput Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) technology allows genetic improvement of fertility based on information from the whole genome (tens of thousands SNP per animal), i.e. genomic selection. Simulation studies have shown that genomic selection improves the accuracy of selecting juvenile animals compared with traditional breeding methods and compared with selection using information from a few genes or QTL only. Research in the areas genomics and proteomics promise to make genetic selection even more effective. The genomic and proteomics technologies combined with the bioinformatics tools that support the interpretation of gene functioning and protein expression facilitate an exciting starting point for the development of new management strategies and tools for the improvement of reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Fertility in dairy cows has been declining for the past three decades. Genetic selection for increased milk production has been associated with changes in key metabolic hormones (growth hormone, insulin, IGF and leptin) that regulate metabolism by homoeostasis and homeorhesis. These metabolic hormones, particularly insulin, provide signals to the reproductive system so that regulation of ovarian function is coordinated with changes in metabolic status. Studies have shown, for example, that increasing circulating insulin concentrations during the early post partum period can advance the resumption of oestrous cycles by enhancing follicular growth. However, high concentrations of insulin can be detrimental to the developmental competence of oocytes, which is also influenced by the supply of fatty acids at the systemic level and at the ovarian level. Insulin status is also associated with the incidence and characteristics of abnormal ovarian cycles. These changes can occur without significant variation in circulating gonadotrophin concentrations. This suggests that additional factors, such as peripheral metabolites, metabolic hormones and locally produced growth factors, may have a modulating role. Recent evidence has demonstrated that ovarian responses to metabolic signals and nutrient profile vary according to the stage of the reproductive cycle. Improved understanding of this multifactorial process enables nutrition to be matched to genotype and milk production, with a positive impact on pregnancy rate.  相似文献   

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