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Every proposed vegetation classification is sooner or later confronted with an accumulation of new data, which has to be assigned to existing vegetation units. Calculation of similarity indices between new relevés (vegetation plots) and constancy columns of established vegetation units is a suitable method for computerised assignment of relevés to these units. This paper compares several similarity indices using simulated data set where either randomly distributed or diagnostic species prevail in the species composition of the tested relevé. Traditional indices, based only on species composition, produce different results than similarity indices that consider species fidelity. However, both types of indices failed in some situations and thus cannot be widely accepted as suitable methods of additional relevé assignment. Therefore a combined Frequency-Positive Fidelity Index (FPFI) is proposed. This new index includes compositional similarity of an assigned relevé with vegetation unit and retains the advantages and lacks the disadvantages of tested indices. The calculation of all these indices is available in the JUICE program (http://www.sci.muni.cz/botany/juice.htm).  相似文献   

Various possibilities of usingSörensen's coefficient of floristic similarity in plant sociology are summarized. A new formula (11), derived from that bySörensen and based on constancy values, is suggested in order to calculate the mean floristic similarity within a set of relevés.  相似文献   

Various possibilities of usingSörensen’s coefficient of floristic similarity in plant sociology are summarized. A new formula (11). derived from that bySörensen and based on constancy values, is suggested in order to calculate the mean floristic similarity within a set of relevés.  相似文献   

The formula for calculation of the basic homotoneity-coefficient of sets of phytosociological relevés does not give adequate values for sets of 4 or 3 relevés. Therefore an empirical correction procedure is proposed for the calculation of this coefficient for such small sets of relevés. For sets of 2 relevés the calculation of the basic homotoneity-coefficient gives values equal toSørensen’s coefficient of floristic similarity. A simplification of calculation of the basic homotoneity-coefficient for sets of more than 20 relevés is proposed.  相似文献   

General rules for the use of all kinds of association coefficients for the direct computation of mean similarity between sets of vegetational relevés are given in the present paper. In the table the main kinds of association coefficients used in plant sociology are listed according toSokal andSneath (1963) and the corresponding formulas for direct computation of the mean similarity between and within sets of relevés are given.  相似文献   

M. O. Hill 《Plant Ecology》1989,83(1-2):187-194
When a new relevé is to be assigned to a pre-existing type, its composition is compared with an association table. Bayesian inference may seem a good way to make the comparison, but presents difficulties. In an alternative approach, three indices of goodness-of-fit are proposed. Compositional satisfaction is a measure of how well the species composition of the relevé fits the constancy classes in the table; it is a minor modification of the Czekanowski coefficient of similarity between observed and expected numbers of species in each constancy class. Dominance satisfaction is a modification of the Czekanowski similarity between the relevé and cover values that might be expected from the association table. Dominance constancy is a weighted mean of the constancy class of the four most abundant species in the relevé. A computer program, TABLEFIT, combines them into a single index. It has been tested on British mire vegetation.  相似文献   

Aim: Vegetation plots collected since the early 20th century and stored in large vegetation databases are an important source of ecological information. These databases are used for analyses of vegetation diversity and estimation of vegetation parameters, however such analyses can be biased due to preferential sampling of the original data. In contrast, modern vegetation survey increasingly uses stratified‐random instead of preferential sampling. To explore how these two sampling schemes affect vegetation analyses, we compare parameters of vegetation diversity based on preferentially sampled plots from a large vegetation database with those based on stratified‐random sampling. Location: Moravian Karst and Silesia, Czech Republic. Methods: We compared two parallel analyses of forest vegetation, one based on preferentially sampled plots taken from a national vegetation database and the other on plots sampled in the field according to a stratified‐random design. We repeated this comparison for two different regions in the Czech Republic. We focussed on vegetation properties commonly analysed using data from large vegetation databases, including alpha (within‐plot) diversity, cover and participation of different species groups, such as endangered and alien species within plots, total species richness of data sets, beta diversity and ordination patterns. Results: The preferentially sampled data sets obtained from the database contained more endangered species and had higher beta diversity, whereas estimates of alpha diversity and representation of alien species were not consistently different between preferentially and stratified‐randomly sampled data sets. In ordinations, plots from the preferential samples tended to be more common at margins of plot scatters. Conclusions: Vegetation data stored in large databases are influenced by researcher subjectivity in plot positioning, but we demonstrated that not all of their properties necessarily differ from data sets obtained by stratified‐random sampling. This indicates the value of vegetation databases for use in biodiversity studies; however, some analyses based on these databases are clearly biased and their results must be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

The role of seed germination in contributing to species ecological breadth and geographic distribution is still a matter of debate. Here, we attempted to relate seed germination requirements with ecological breadth in 12 bromeliad species from heterogeneous montane vegetation in southeastern Brazil. Seeds were set to germinate under both light and dark conditions at a broad range of temperatures to determine the breadth of the germination niche. We ran a RLQ analysis based on the matrices of species occurrence, environmental parameters and germination traits and found a significant association between germination traits, and the characteristics of sites where adult plants occur. The variation of germination responses to environmental factors was not random with habitat-generalist plants having broader germination niches and habitat-specialist plants having narrower germination niches. The RLQ analysis showed that substrate moisture and light environment were the most important factors correlated with germination traits. Phylogenetic niche conservatism appears to play a role in the patterns found here, especially in the Tillandsioideae. There is an association between the regeneration niche of a species and its ecological range, and this also provides support for the idea that the regeneration niche may help assemble plant species into heterogeneous, species-rich communities.  相似文献   

This paper explores the status and value of ecological resources found in the De-militarized Zone (DMZ), an area of land separating North and South Korea, in terms of habitats and species. This approach contrasts with a conventional species-driven approach. There have been few surveys of ecological resources in the DMZ due to land mines and security issues. As such, there appear to be a number of less well known habitats and understudied and data deficient species within the DMZ. This paper seeks to improve knowledge of ecological resources within the DMZ by combining and synthesizing the authors study results with the outcome of surveys of the DMZ conducted by various organizations. The paper also includes ecological mapping results. Conservation value is assessed using priorities identified by a number of Korean and foreign institutions. The conservation value of habitats, particularly of wetlands including peatland, is based on the Ramsar Site criteria, the International Peat Society criteria, and the designation criteria for the UNESCO World Natural Heritage and Biosphere Reserve. As in-depth studies on the functions of DMZ habitats are not available due to the constraints mentioned above, the habitat assessment is inevitably tentative. Species value is based on the IUCNs Red Data Book (1997). This paper seeks to be used as material contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of the DMZ. In particular, this paper aims to aid in the designation of the DMZ as a World Natural Heritage site through the identification and suggestion of key or prime biodiversity areas within the DMZ. This is completed by using a model suggested by English Nature (UK) based on the aforementioned criteria.  相似文献   

We compared the location of anuran site records with the protected area network of Australia. We determined how many sites fell within protected areas (PAs) and assessed whether the available distribution of record sites matched that which could be expected by random chance. We also determined the number of PAs that each species was located in and how many were larger (>1,000 ha) PAs. A total of 25,961 from 96,947 record sites (26.78%) for 211 anuran species fell within 1 of 7,416 International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) criteria “reserves” that protect 7,689,024 ha (10.54%) of mainland Australia. One hundred and sixty-nine species represented by >30 records had a mean 30.05% of record sites within PAs, with 36 species having >45% of record sites in PAs and 18 species <10% of record sites within PAs. Highly “reserved” species are typically montane, prefer rainforest, and have small distributional ranges. Poorly “reserved” species either occur in northern Australia or within highly productive and poorly protected agricultural lands of eastern and western Australia. Several species from coastal eastern Australia have relatively high proportions of record sites within PAs (e.g., Litoria olongburensis and Uperoleia tyleri), even though they are generally believed to be threatened by habitat loss. The number of records available for each species was related to the area of occupancy and the length of calling season, but not to the relative frequency of calling activity. The number of record sites in reserves was greater than expected by chance and most species of frogs are found in many reserves. Species dependent on native vegetation that are prevalent in agricultural areas represent the most pressing issue, as there is already low reservation of such habitats and the remaining native vegetation continues to be cleared.  相似文献   

Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a diazotrophic and potentially toxic cyanobacterium that was initially thought to be confined to tropical freshwaters. Recently it appears to have expanded its range to more temperate regions of the globe. There are contrasting hypotheses to explain this spread including; dispersal of highly adapted strains or localised spread from warm refuges as climatic or environmental conditions change. C. raciborskii was first detected in the isolated island nation of New Zealand in 2003, providing a unique opportunity to explore whether this recent identification is due to a new incursion or resultant from climatic or environmental change. Phylogenetic analysis (nifH, ITS1-L, ITS1-S, and rpoC1) of six strains isolated from two New Zealand lakes showed they were most closely related to those from South America, and suggest that the recent detection of this species was not due to a new incursion. Ten years of environmental data from three lakes (Waaki, Waikare and Whangape) experiencing blooms were analysed to identify potential reasons for recent C. raciborskii blooms. This analysis showed that the relatively recent (within the last 20–30 years) collapses of extensive macrophyte stands in lakes Waaki, Waikare and Whangape have resulted in increased turbidity’, low water column dissolved reactive phosphorus and seasonal shifts in the dissolved inorganic nitrogen availability, all conditions known to facilitate C. raciborskii dominance. Collectively these data indicate that C. raciborskii has always been present in New Zealand, and that recent changes in environmental conditions in these lakes are now facilitating bloom events.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》1999,20(3):147-158
Sample sites of `brousse tigrée' and related vegetation types are described for Mali and Niger. Species composition and physical structure of the herbaceous layer as well as woody plant population were recorded at all sites together with data on soils and natural resource management. Herbage yield was measured whereas foliage yield and wood mass were calculated using allometry equation calibrated for each species. `Brousse tigrée' is characterized by the regularly alternating bare-soil stripes with dense linear thickets arranged perpendicularly to the slope. There was no clear superiority in total plant production of `brousse tigrée' when compared to neighbouring site with diffuse vegetation. However, the pattern of `brousse tigrée' tended to favour woody plant yield to the detriment of herbage yield. The number of herbaceous species recorded per site (22–26) was slightly above Sahelian vegetation average despite low number of species per 1-m2 quadrat (6–9), bare soil excluded. This species richness reflects the diversity in edaphic niches resulting from the redistribution and local concentration of water resources and shade. The high spatial heterogeneity and species richness of the herbaceous layer in `brousse tigrée' did not attenuate the interannual variation in herbage yield despite low yields. Except for the herb layer, little evidence was found of grazing influence on the vegetation structure and yield a few hundred metres away from livestock concentration points. On the other hand, the clearing of thickets for cropping led to severe soil erosion which threaten the resilience of `brousse tigrée'. These observations and the well-defined climatic, soiland topographic situations under which the `brousse tigrée' occurs invalidate the hypothesis of an anthropic origin of that vegetationpattern.  相似文献   

Hall  Kimberly R.  Maruca  Susan L. 《Plant Ecology》2001,156(1):105-120
Many areas of ecological inquiry require the ability to detect and characterize change in ecological variables across both space and time. The purpose of this study was to investigate ways in which geographic boundary analysis techniques could be used to characterize the pattern of change over space in plant distributions in a forested wetland mosaic. With vegetation maps created using spatially constrained clustering and difference boundary delineation, we examined similarities between the identified boundaries in plant distributions and the occurrence of six species of songbirds. We found that vegetation boundaries were significantly cohesive, suggesting one or more crisp vegetation transition zones exist in the study site. Smaller, less cohesive boundary areas also provided important information about patterns of treefall gaps and dense patches of understory within the study area. Boundaries for songbird abundance were not cohesive, and bird and vegetation difference boundaries did not show significant overlap. However, bird boundaries did overlap significantly with vegetation cluster boundaries. Vegetation clusters delineated using constrained clustering techniques have the potential to be very useful for stratifying bird abundance data collected in different sections of the study site, which could be used to improve the efficiency of monitoring efforts for rare bird species.  相似文献   

Michael Hanchard’s the Spectre of Race: How Discrimination Haunts Western Democracy is a sophisticated examination of the disciplinary absence and seething presence of race in the subfield and substance of comparative politics. Hanchard’s analysis reveals a genealogy of how certain concepts, such as political culture, came to be institutionalized in the discipline. Because disciplines discipline, the resultant marginalization of race in comparative politics is itself an act of power. Many of his insights are revelatory, though a more explicit excavation of racial transnationalism is warranted. Such an effort would: first, demonstrate that the transnational “entanglements” Hanchard details are even more knotted than originally presumed; second, challenge the conflation of racialization and colonialism; and third, question whether liberal democratic inclusion is possible or even worth the price of the ticket.  相似文献   

A comparison of theβ A- andβ B-globin gene clusters of sheep   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Domestic sheep have two common alleles at the adult beta-globin locus, beta A and beta B. Here we report the structure of the beta-globin locus of A-haplotype sheep. The locus consists of 12 genes, organized as a triplicated 4-gene set: 5' epsilon 1-epsilon II-psi beta I-beta C-epsilon III-epsilon IV-psi beta II-beta A-epsilon V-epsilon VI-psi beta III-beta F 3'. This arrangement is identical to that of the closely related goat locus. Sheep with the B haplotype have a locus arrangement consisting of a duplicated four-gene set, lacking the beta C gene as well as three other genes present in A sheep and goats. In order to understand the evolutionary history of the B sheep locus, we have sequenced the beta B gene from these sheep, and the beta C gene from A-haplotype sheep, and compared the sequences to those of the sheep beta A, goat beta C, and beta A, and cow adult beta genes. Our results indicate that the beta B gene has diverged recently from the beta A gene, and therefore the beta B locus structure may have resulted from a recent deletion from a triplicated locus.  相似文献   

Volcanic ash layers show that the products of Icelandic volcanism reached Britain and Ireland many times during the Holocene. Historical records suggest that at least one eruption, that of Laki in a.d. 1783, was associated with impacts on vegetation. These results raise the question: did Icelandic volcanism affect the Holocene vegetation history of Britain and Ireland? Several studies have used pollen data to address this issue but no clear consensus has been reached. We re-analyse the palynological data using constrained ordination with various representations of potential volcanic impacts. We find that the palynological evidence for volcanic impacts on vegetation is weak but suggest that this is a case of absence of evidence and is not necessarily evidence of absence of impact. To increase the chances of identifying volcanic impacts, future studies need to maximise temporal resolution, replicate results, and investigate a greater number of tephras in a broader range of locations, including more studies from lake sediments.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to compare the properties of free and immobilized β-galactosidase (Aspergillus oryzae), entrapped in alginate–gelatin beads and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde. The free and immobilized forms of the enzyme showed no decrease in enzyme activity when incubated in buffer solutions in pH ranges of 4.5–7.0. The kinetics of lactose hydrolysis by the free and immobilized enzymes were studied at maximum substrate concentrations of 90 g/L and 140 g/L, respectively, a temperature of 35 °C and a pH of 4.5. The Michaelis–Menten model with competitive inhibition by galactose fit the experimental results for both forms. The Km and Vm values of the free enzyme were 52.13 ± 2.8 mM and 2.56 ± 0.3 gglucose/L min mgenzyme, respectively, and were 60.30 ± 3.3 mM and 1032.07 ± 51.6 glactose/min m3catalyst, respectively, for the immobilized form. The maximum enzymatic activity of the soluble form of β-galactosidase was obtained at pH 4.5 and 55 °C. Alternatively, the immobilized form was most active at pH 5.0 at 60 °C. The free and immobilized enzymes presented activation energies of 6.90 ± 0.5 kcal/mol and 7.7 ± 0.7 kcal/mol, respectively, which suggested that the immobilized enzyme possessed a lower resistance to substrate transfer.  相似文献   

In this paper, the ecological integrity hierarchy framework (EIHF) and the natural capital index framework (NCI) are integrated as decision-making tools for evaluating the natural capital of Mexico. Two hierarchy-levels of ecological integrity indicators are used to estimate the quality and quantity of the natural capital, the amount of ecological degradation and ecological sustainability. After human transformation, the extent still considered as “natural” in the country is ∼67%; while the amount of human transformed areas is ∼33%, which gives a total estimate of NCI = 0.334; i.e., only ∼33.4% of the national capital remains available, while ∼33% is ecologically degraded. Furthermore, the critical natural capital; i.e., the legacy for future generations that remains in the country is only ∼12%. The total estimated value of the current natural capital in Mexico is ∼$457.1 billion/yr, which is ∼435 times greater than the national GDP ($1.051 billion in 2010). The cost of maintaining the degradation of the natural capital is ∼$144.6 billion/yr (∼138 times greater than national GDP in 2010). The potential value of the natural capital after restoration would be ∼$602 billion/yr. Valuing the natural capital can be helpful for strategic environmental evaluations and useful for spatial decision support systems that evaluate natural capital as a decision-making tool.  相似文献   

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