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To avoid microbial contamination risk, vinyl film isolators are generally used in animal microbiome experiments involving germ-free (GF) mice and/or gnotobiotic (GB) mice. However, it can take several months to gain expertise in operating the isolator competently. Furthermore, sterilization and sterility testing, which are essential for isolator preparation, can take more than 20 days. Hence, we built an experimental rearing environment that combines an individual ventilation cage system and a bioBUBBLE clean room enclosure to easily set up an experimental animal microbiome environment for animal facilities. In this work, a three-step evaluation was conducted. First, we examined whether GF mice can be maintained in this rearing environment without bacterial contamination. Next, we examined whether GF and GB mice can be maintained without cross-contamination in one individual ventilation cage rack. Finally, we tested whether GF mice can be maintained in a biological safety cabinet controlled by negative pressure. In our series of experiments, no microbial contamination occurred over more than 3 months. These results indicated that our rearing system that combines the individual ventilation cage and bioBUBBLE systems can be used not only for experiments with GF mice but also for Biosafety Level 2 experiments that handle bacteria. Our system can mitigate various disadvantages of using vinyl film isolators. In conclusion, we established an experimental method with improved working time and efficiency compared with those of the previous vinyl isolator method.  相似文献   

The quality of day old chicks is crucial for profitable broiler production, but a difficult trait to define. In research, both qualitative and quantitative measures are used with variable predictive value for subsequent performance. In hatchery practice, chick quality is judged on a binomial scale, as chicks are divided into first grade (Q1-saleable) and second grade (Q2) chicks right after hatch. Incidences and reasons for classifying chicks as Q2, and potential of these chicks for survival and post-hatch performance have hardly been investigated, but may provide information for flock performance. We conducted an experiment to investigate (1) the quality of a broiler flock and the relation with post-hatch flock performance based on a qualitative score (Pasgar©score) of Q1 chicks and based on the incidence of Q2 chicks and (2) the reasons for classifying chicks as Q2, and the potential of these chicks for survival and post-hatch growth. The performance was followed of Q1 and Q2 chicks obtained from two breeder flocks that hatched in two different hatching systems (a traditional hatcher or a combined hatching and brooding system, named Patio). Eggs were incubated until embryo day 18, when they were transferred to one of the two hatching systems. At embryo day 21/post-hatch day 0, all chicks from the hatcher (including Q2 chicks) were brought to Patio, where the hatchery manager marked the Q2 chicks from both flocks and hatching systems and registered apparent reasons for classifying these chicks as Q2. Chick quality was assessed of 100 Q1 chicks from each flock and hatching system. Weights of all chicks were determined at days 0, 7, 21 and 42. There were no correlations between mean Pasgar©score and post-hatch growth or mortality, and suboptimal navel quality was the only quality trait associated with lower post-hatch growth. Growth was clearly affected by breeder flock and hatching system, which could not be linked to mean Pasgar©score or incidence of Q2 chicks. Q2 chicks showed lower post-hatch growth compared to Q1 chicks but effects on flock performance at slaughter weight were limited because early mortality in Q2 chicks was high (62.50% at 7 days). We concluded that chick qualitative scores and the incidence of Q2 chicks may be informative for the quality of incubation, but are not predictive for post-hatch flock performance. Culling Q2 chicks after hatch is well-founded in terms of both animal welfare and profitability.  相似文献   

Microbial infection is a critical source of mortality for early life stages of oviparous vertebrates, but parental defenses against infection are less well known. Avian incubation has been hypothesized to reduce the risk of trans-shell infection by limiting microbial growth of pathogenic bacteria on eggshells, while enhancing growth of commensal or beneficial bacteria that inhibit or competitively exclude pathogens. We tested this hypothesis by comparing bacterial assemblages on naturally incubated and experimentally unincubated eggs at laying and late incubation using a universal 16S rRNA microarray containing probes for over 8000 bacterial taxa. Before treatment, bacterial assemblages on individual eggs from both treatment groups were dissimilar to one another, as measured by clustering in non-metric dimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination space. After treatment, assemblages of unincubated eggs were similar to one another, but those of incubated eggs were not. Furthermore, assemblages of unincubated eggs were characterized by high abundance of six indicator species while incubated eggs had no indicator species. Bacterial taxon richness remained static on incubated eggs, but increased significantly on unincubated eggs, especially in several families of Gram-negative bacteria. The relative abundance of individual bacterial taxa did not change on incubated eggs, but that of 82 bacterial taxa, including some known to infect the interior of eggs, increased on unincubated eggs. Thus, incubation inhibits all of the relatively few bacteria that grow on eggshells, and does not appear to promote growth of any bacteria.  相似文献   

Germ-free swine were routinely procured by both hysterectomy and hysterotomy (Caesarian section). By means of light-weight portable equipment, piglets could be obtained and transported to the laboratory (without contamination) over distances in excess of 100 miles. The isolators employed in rearing were constructed of stainless steel and flexible plastic film. At weekly intervals, fecal swabs and waste from the floor of the isolator were cultured on blood-agar and in thioglycolate broth, as well as being examined microscopically for the presence of bacteria, yeast, and fungi. The presence of pleuropneumonia-like organisms (PPLO) and viruses in such material was not demonstrable, either by the use of enriched PPLO media or primary porcine-kidney cell cultures. Tissues, body fluids, and cecal contents of piglets sacrificed specifically for microbiological examination were also negative for PPLO, viruses, bacteria, yeast, and fungi. Prenatal infestations by ascarids were not observed. Nutritional problems related to rearing of germ-free piglets, such as hypoglycemia, were not encountered, and the use of an autoclaved commercial sow's milk replacer proved quite satisfactory. The temperature to which piglets were subjected during the first few days of life, however, was very important. The isolator design and application of gnotobiotic techniques to the procurement and rearing of a large germ-free animal such as the pig proved feasible and less difficult than anticipated.  相似文献   

This trial examined effects of lutein supplied from maternal (i.e., in ovo) and dietary routes on cutaneous basophil hypersensitivity responses in chickens. Chicks hatched from one of two in ovo carotenoid levels (n=100/level; carotenoid-replete or carotenoid-deplete eggs) were fed one of two diet lutein levels (0 or 40 mg diet lutein/kg diet). At 14 d post-hatch, phytohemagglutinin (PHA) was injected into the wing web, and thickness and leukocyte populations were measured at 0 to 48 h. PHA increased wing web thickness at 4 to 48 h post-PHA (p<0.05), and the swelling response was most related to macrophage numbers in the wing web. Swelling occurred more rapidly in chicks from carotenoid-deplete eggs (p<0.05), but eventually reached a greater thickness in chicks from carotenoid-replete eggs (p<0.05). Differences in leukocyte infiltration occurred due to diet and in ovo carotenoid exposure, and indicate that pre- and post-hatch carotenoid exposure had additive or synergistic effects on the PHA-induced wing web response. Evaluation of the cellular contents of the injection site is a much better indicator of the immunomodulatory effects of lutein than measurements of the amount of swelling.  相似文献   

Carotenoids in the diet of the laying hen are incorporated into the egg yolk and subsequently into the liver and other tissues of the chicken embryo. Since these pigments are known to provide a range of health benefits to a variety of animals, it is of interest to know whether the effects of maternally derived carotenoids are strictly limited to the embryonic period or if they persist in the progeny after hatching. The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of pre-hatch (from the hen's diet) with that of post-hatch (from the progeny's diet) supplementation with carotenoids on the carotenoid status of the chick during the first 4 weeks of post-hatch life. Hens were fed a control diet or a diet supplemented with a carotenoid-rich extract of alfalfa. Eggs from the supplemented hens contained up to 22 times more carotenoids than the controls. The concentration of carotenoids in the livers of chicks hatching from the enriched eggs was initially 29 times greater than in the control chicks. Hepatic carotenoid concentrations in chicks from enriched eggs maintained post-hatch on the control diet were sustained at higher values compared with chicks from control eggs that were fed post-hatch on the carotenoid-supplemented diet, for at least the first 7 days. However, by 14 days, the latter group had overtaken the former in terms of liver carotenoid levels. Thus, under these conditions, maternal effects predominate for at least the first week after hatching, whereas from 2 weeks onwards, the progeny's diet becomes the main determinant of its carotenoid status. Since the antioxidant and immunostimulatory roles of carotenoids are likely to be especially important during the immediate post-hatch period, maternal dietary intake of carotenoids may have important ramifications for the viability of the offspring.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that exposing broiler eggs to white light during incubation can improve hatchability and post-hatch animal welfare. It was hypothesized that due to how different wavelengths of light can affect avian physiology differently, and how pigmented eggshells filter light that different monochromatic wavelengths would have differential effects on hatchability and post-hatch animal welfare indicators. To determine, we incubated chicken eggs (n=6912) under either no light (dark), green light, red light or white light; the light level was 250 lux. White and red light were observed to increase hatch of fertile (P<0.05) over dark and green light incubated eggs. White, red and green light exposure during incubation improved (P<0.05) the proportion of non-defect chicks over dark incubated eggs. Post-hatch 45-day weight and feed conversion was not affected by light exposure of any wavelength (P>0.05). Fear response of during isolation and tonic immobility was reduced (P<0.05) in broilers incubated under white or red light when compared with either green or dark broilers. Broilers incubated with white or red light had lower (P<0.05) composite asymmetry scores and higher (P<0.05) humoral immunity titers than dark incubated broilers, however, green light broilers did not differ (P>0.05) from dark incubated broilers. All light incubated broilers had lower (P<0.05) plasma corticosterone and higher (P<0.05) plasma serotonin concentrations than dark incubated broilers. These results indicate that white light and red light that is a component of it are possibly the key spectrum to improving hatchability and lower fear and stress susceptibility, whereas green light is not as effective. Incubating broiler eggs under these spectrums could be used to improve hatchery efficiency and post-hatch animal welfare at the same time.  相似文献   

The embryonic modal value of heart rate (MHR) differs between broiler and White Leghorn chickens, but the initial development of cholinergic chronotropic control of embryonic heart rate (HR) does not. Thus, we hypothesized that hatchling MHR should also differ between broiler and White Leghorn strains, while the development of a physiological regulation, such as the endothermic HR response, should not be different between hatchlings of the two strains. To test this, we measured the response of HR and cloaca temperature (Tb) to alteration of ambient temperature (Ta); i.e., 35 degrees C-25 degrees C-35 degrees C, in four groups of hatchlings on Days 0 and 1 post-hatch. Fertile eggs of both strains with similar mass were incubated simultaneously in the same incubator. Eggs of broiler chickens hatched approximately 7 h earlier than White Leghorn chicken eggs. Chick mass at hatching was identical in both strains, but diverged during 2 days after hatching. Tb measured at the initial Ta of 35 degrees C was identical in both strains. MHR at the same Ta was approximately 30 bpm lower in broiler chicks than in White Leghorn chicks, but the difference was reversed to that observed in the embryos. The endothermic HR response was advanced by approximately 1 day in broiler chicks compared with White Leghorn chicks. As a result, eggs of similar mass in both strains produced chicks with similar mass and Tb at hatching, but during 2 days of post-hatch life their masses diverged and regulation of the endothermic HR response developed earlier in broiler than in White Leghorn hatchlings. This physiological heterochrony between strains is most likely due to genetic selection for fast growth in broiler chickens.  相似文献   

目的建立隔离器饲育SPF鸡生产管理方式,探讨并建立其微生物质量控制方法。方法对引进的SPF鸡种蛋进行孵化后,将种鸡置于隔离器中进行饲养,在种鸡10、20、40周龄时采取鸡血清进行微生物质量监测,检验当前SPF鸡生产管理和微生物质量控制方法的有效性。结果隔离器饲育SPF鸡初期由于对孵化环节控制不严出现了微生物污染现象。在对孵化环节操作管理改进后,隔离器饲育SPF鸡的微生物状况得到控制。结论通过加强各个环节消毒,隔离器饲育环境能够保证SPF鸡的微生物质量。适当控制隔离器内SPF鸡的密度不仅有利于SPF鸡的繁育和种蛋回收,而且有利于环境微生物的控制。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which the effects of dietary supplementation of the female chicken with selenium (Se) continue into the next generation. An additional aim is to compare the relative effectiveness of pre-hatch (from the hen's diet) with that of post-hatch (from the progeny's diet) supplementation with Se on the Se status of the chick during the first 4 weeks of post-hatch life. Hens were maintained on control or Se-supplemented diets, respectively containing 0.027 and 0.419 μg Se/g of feed. The high-Se diet elevated the Se content of the hens' eggs by 7.1-fold. At hatch, the concentrations of Se in the liver, breast muscle and whole blood of the chicks originating from the high-Se parents were, respectively, 5.4-, 4.3- and 7.7-fold higher than the values in the chicks of the low-Se parents. When the offspring from the two parental groups were both maintained on the low-Se progeny diet, the tissue Se concentrations in chicks originating from the high-Se hens remained significantly higher for 3–4 weeks after hatching, compared with the values in chicks from the low-Se hens. Similarly, tissue glutathione peroxidase activity remained significantly higher in chicks from the high-Se hens for 2–4 weeks post-hatch. Thus, the effects of maternal Se supplementation persist in the progeny for several weeks after hatching. However, when chicks hatching from low-Se eggs were placed on a high Se diet, their tissue Se concentrations at 7 days of age were markedly higher than the values in chicks from high-Se eggs placed on the low-Se diet.  相似文献   

Studies have demonstrated an effect of yolk testosterone levels on the physiology and behavior of nestling birds. In order to investigate this phenomenon experimentally in a precocial bird, we enhanced yolk testosterone, but within the physiological range, by injecting 50 ng testosterone in ethanol into Japanese quail Coturnix japonica eggs prior to incubation. The chicks hatching from these as well as from control eggs that had received the carrier-only or were left unmanipulated were subject to a number of behavioral tests from hatching to the age of 3 weeks. In addition, fecal samples were taken during a 90-min isolation period to determine a physiological response to a stressor. Experimental chicks performed a detour task faster and approached novel objects sooner than did the controls. Chicks from treated eggs took a longer time to start distress vocalizing and also produced less distress calls during open-field trials, took on average a larger number of trials for them to show tonic immobility and also excreted lower levels of corticosterone metabolites (BM) than did the controls. In response to a stressor, excreted BM was initially higher in the control chicks, as compared to the experimental birds. Induced behavioral effects were independent of sex with no sex treatment interactions found. In sum, experimentally enhanced testosterone levels in the eggs shifted individual behavioral phenotype towards "bold" or "proactive", irrespective of sex. We conclude that testosterone in the yolk influences the coping style of hatchlings and may be a potential means of maternal influence on offspring phenotype.  相似文献   

In ovo feeding (IOF) of l-arginine (Arg) can affect growth performance of broilers, but the response of IOF of Arg on breast muscle growth is unclear, and the mechanism involved in protein deposition remains unknown. Hense, this experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of IOF of Arg on breast muscle growth and protein-deposited signalling in post-hatch broilers. A total of 720 fertile eggs were collected from 34-week-old Arbor Acres breeder hens and distributed to three treatments: (1) non-injected control group; (2) 7.5 g/l (w/v) NaCl diluent-injected control group; (3) 0.6 mg Arg/egg solution-injected group. At 17.5 days of incubation, fertile eggs were injected 0.6 ml solutions into the amnion of the injected groups. Upon hatching, 80 male chicks were randomly assigned to eight replicates of 10 birds each and fed ad libitum for 21 days. The results indicated that IOF of Arg increased relative breast muscle weight compared with those of control groups at hatch, 3-, 7- and 21-day post-hatch (P<0.05). In the Arg-injected group, the plasma total protein and albumen concentrations were higher at 7- and 21-day post-hatch than those of control groups (P<0.05). The alanine aminotransferase activity in Arg group was higher at hatch than that of control groups (P<0.05). The levels of triiodothyronine at four time points and thyroxine hormones at hatch, 7- and 21-day post-hatch in Arg group were higher than those of control groups (P<0.05). In addition, IOF of Arg increased the amino acid concentrations of breast muscle at hatch, 7- and 21-day post-hatch (P<0.05). In ovo feeding of Arg also enhanced mammalian target of rapamycin, ribosomal protein S6 kinase-1 and eIF4E-bindingprotein-1 messenger RNA expression levels at hatch compared with those of control groups (P<0.05). It was concluded that IOF of Arg treatment improved breast muscle growth, which might be associated with the enhancement of protein deposition.  相似文献   

Seven lambs, separated from their dam 24 h after birth, were kept in a conventional environment until transferred to sterile isolators between 1 and 9 days of age: two on day 1 (IA and IB), two on day 4 (IVA and IVB), one on day 8 (VIIIA), and two on day 9 (IXA and IXB). The lambs were reared in these isolators until 120 days of age. Lambs IA, IB, IXA, and IXB were free of cellulolytic bacteria when they were placed in the isolators. They were then inoculated with Bacteroides succinogenes S85 which became established in the four lambs. Until the age of 2 months, the population of this strain fluctuated and then stabilized at a high level (10(8)-10(9) cells/mL). Cellulolytic bacteria were present in the rumen of lambs IVA, IVB, and VIIIA when they were transferred to the isolators. In IVA, and IVB, the cellulolytic population slowly increased with the animal age. In contrast, in VIIIA, the cellulolytic bacteria disappeared within a few days. Bacteroides succinogenes S85 inoculated thereafter became established rapidly and reached a level comparable to that observed in lambs IA and IB. The total number of viable rumen bacteria in the isolated lambs was similar to that observed in conventionally raised animals, but differences were observed in the selective enumeration of bacteria utilizing specific energy sources.  相似文献   

Hypoxia strongly affects embryonic development during the pre-hatch period. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of oxygen supplementation (O) and a 38.5°C high temperature (HT) at high altitude (HA, 1720 m) on morphological traits during a pre-hatch period and on relative fluctuating asymmetry (relative FA) and allometric growth during an early post-hatch period in broilers. A total of 720 eggs were obtained from a 45-week-old Ross 308 broiler breeder flock raised at sea level (2 m). The eggs were divided into six incubation condition (IC) groups and were incubated at HA. O groups were exposed to 23.5% O2 for 1 h daily from either days 0 to 11 (O0–11), days 12 to 21 (O12–21) or days 18 to 21 (O18–21) of incubation. HT groups were exposed to 38.5°C daily from either days 12 to 21 (HT12–21) or days 18 to 21 (HT18–21) of incubation. A control was maintained at 37.8°C and 21% O2. The hatched chicks were raised for 6 days at HA. Embryo/chick and beak lengths and head diameter were measured during pre- and post-hatch periods. The face, middle toe and shank lengths were measured for each chick. The relative asymmetry (RA), mean RA (MRA) and allometric growth of the lengths were computed and the existence of FA was demonstrated. The IC significantly affected the embryo length, with embryos of the O0–11 group shorter than embryos of the other O groups. Chicks were longer in the O and HT groups than those in the control, except for the O0–11. We found significant interactions between the IC and each development period for beak length. During the post-hatch period, the head diameter of the O0-11 was significantly smaller than that of the other groups, but not in O12–21. The interactions among IC, age and sex were significant for the RA of the face and middle toe lengths and for MRA. All the examined bilateral traits were evaluated as allometric growth. The FA for bilateral traits was determined in both sexes. The right (R) – left (L) and IR-Ll were the lowest in females for face length and in males for shank length from the O18–21 and in males for middle toe length from the O0–11 and HT18–21 groups. Therefore, the effects of factors such as HT and O2 could mitigate the adverse effects of HA-induced hypoxia on optimal developmental stability of bilateral traits of broiler.  相似文献   

Inhibitory effect of incubation on microbial growth has extensively been studied in wild bird populations using culture-based methods and conflicting results exist on whether incubation selectively affects the growth of microbes on the egg surface. In this study, we employed culture-independent methods, quantitative PCR and 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing, to elucidate the effect of incubation on the bacterial abundance and bacterial community composition on the eggshells of the Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica). We found that total bacterial abundance increased and diversity decreased on incubated eggs while there were no changes on non-incubated eggs. Interestingly, Gram-positive Bacillus, which include mostly harmless species, became dominant and genus Pseudomonas, which include opportunistic avian egg pathogens, were significantly reduced after incubation. These results suggest that avian incubation in temperate regions may promote the growth of harmless (or benevolent) bacteria and suppress the growth of pathogenic bacterial taxa and consequently reduce the diversity of microbes on the egg surface. We hypothesize that this may occur due to difference in sensitivity to dehydration on the egg surface among microbes, combined with the introduction of Bacillus from bird feathers and due to the presence of antibiotics that certain bacteria produce.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the potential of antagonistic bacteria to control charcoal root rot of coniferous seedlings caused by Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid. in forest nurseries. Bacterial isolates were collected from nurseries located between Region Metropolitana and the VIII Region of Chile. Antagonists were initially evaluated in in vitro assays based on the ability to inhibit mycelial growth of M. phaseolina, and subsequently in two trials in a Pinus radiata nursery with a natural infestation of the pathogen. For nursery trials, the isolates were selected according to in vitro and field trial pathogen controls. The bacteria were applied as seed treatments and via water irrigation. The trials were conduced in a completely randomized block design. Among 568 bacterial isolates tested in vitro, 19.8% displayed some capacity to inhibit the mycelial growth of M. phaseolina, with inhibition between 1.7% and 67.6%. In the first nursery trial, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens VII 015, Bacillus pumilus IX 030, Bacillus stearothermophilus TM 008 and other two Bacillus sp. (VI 009 and IX 049) strains, significantly reduced the total, pre- and post-emergency mortality of seedlings, but no isolate reduced the incidence of M. phaseolina in seedlings. In the second trial, Bacillus sp. IX 049, VI 099, B. subtilis (IX 007) and a non-identified isolate V 005, decreased the incidence of charcoal root rot. It is concluded that the best of these bacterial antagonists have the potential to control M. phaseolina in P. radiata nurseries.  相似文献   

Early incubation has been suggested as a defensive adaptation against potentially pathogenic bacteria colonizing avian eggshells in the wild. The inhibitory mechanisms underlying this adaptation are poorly understood and only recent experimental evidence demonstrates that keeping eggs dry is a proximate mechanism for the antimicrobial effects of avian incubation. We estimated partial incubation (the bouts of incubation that some birds perform during the egg-laying period, days of lay 3-5 in our population) intensity of female pied flycatchers breeding in nest-boxes using data loggers that allowed a precise measurement of temperature just between the eggs in the nest-cup. We also measured relative humidity within the nest-boxes and related it to incubation intensity, showing that more intense incubation during laying contributes to drying the air near the eggs. We analyzed separately the effects of incubation and of relative humidity on loads of three types of culturable bacteria known to be present on eggshells, heterotrophic bacteria, Gram-negative enterics and pseudomonads. Our results show an association of early incubation with an inhibition of bacterial proliferation through a drying effect on eggshells, as we found that incubation intensity was negatively and relative humidity positively associated with eggshell bacterial loads for heterotrophic bacteria, Gram-negative bacteria and pseudomonads, although the significance of these associations varied between bacterial groups. These results point to microclimatically driven effects of incubation on bacterial proliferation on eggshells during laying in a temperate cavity nesting passerine.  相似文献   

AIMS: The purpose of these experiments was to determine whether the heart and lungs of young chicks harboured bacteria. METHODS AND RESULTS: Samples of the heart and lungs were aseptically removed from chicks on scheduled sampling days. Experiment 1 showed that of the 360 birds evaluated during the late embryonic and early post-hatching periods, only 10.8% harboured bacteria in the heart, lungs, and heart and lungs simultaneously. Experiment 2 suggested that bacteria in these organs were transient. Twenty-three bacterial species were found in the hearts whereas 30 were found in the lungs. Experiment 3 showed that only 1.4% of embryos harboured bacteria in the yolk, albumen, heart and lungs whereas 12.9% of the embryos had bacteria in the air cell. CONCLUSIONS: During the post-hatching period, there was a higher incidence of bacterial isolation in the heart and lungs, whilst during the embryonic development period, there was a lower incidence of bacterial isolation from these two organs. Results suggested that the heart and lungs do not have a residual bacterial flora; rather, opportunistic bacteria occasionally pass through these tissues. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: These experiments proved that bacteria could be isolated in the heart and lungs of healthy chicks reared from E17 to 3 weeks of age.  相似文献   

This study aimed to elucidate the effects of thermal manipulation (TM) during the development and maturation of the thyroid and adrenal axis on broiler chicks hatchability and thermoregulation during hatch, and to evaluate the improvement of thermotolerance acquisition of TM chicks by thermally challenging them post-hatch. Fertile Cobb eggs were divided into three treatments: control, 12 and 24 H. The control eggs were incubated under standard conditions, whereas the 12 and 24 H eggs were incubated from 7 d of incubation (E7) until E16 (inclusive) at 39.5 °C and 65% RH for 12 h/d (12 H) or continuously (24 H). Hatchability, BW and quality of the hatched 24 H chicks were negatively affected, but exhibited significantly improved thermotolerance on heat stress at 3 and 10 d of age for males and females, respectively. It can be concluded that continuous TM during embryogenesis impaired broiler chick performance, but improved their ability to thermoregulate in response to thermal challenge mainly by reducing heat production.  相似文献   

Avian eggshells harbour microbes shortly after laying, and under appropriate ambient conditions they can multiply rapidly, penetrate through shell pores, infect egg contents and cause embryo mortality. We experimentally examined how incubation affects bacterial processes on the eggshells of pearl-eyed thrashers Margarops fuscatus nesting in tropical montane and lowland forests in Puerto Rico. Bacteria and fungi grew rapidly on shells of newly laid, unincubated eggs exposed to ambient conditions, but declined to low levels on shells of eggs incubated by thrashers. Divergence in bacterial growth between incubated and exposed eggs was more marked at the montane forest than at the lowland site. Pathogenic microorganisms became increasingly dominant on shells of exposed eggs, but these groups were relatively rare on incubated eggs, where more benign, less invasive groups prevailed. Some incubation during laying may be necessary to decrease the probability of trans-shell infection by reducing the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi on eggshells, although it may increase hatching asynchrony and the likelihood of brood reduction.  相似文献   

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