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Continuing evidence suggests that extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF MFs) can affect animal and human behavior. We have previously demonstrated that after a 15 min exposure to a pulsed ELF MF, with most power at frequencies between 0 and 500 Hz, human brain electrical activity is affected as measured by electroencephalography (EEG), specifically within the alpha frequency (8-13 Hz). Here, we report that a pulsed ELF MF affects the human EEG during the exposure period. Twenty subjects (10 males; 10 females) received both a magnetic field and a sham session of 15 min in a counterbalanced design. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that alpha activity was significantly lower over the occipital electrodes (O1, Oz, O2) [F(1,16) = 5.376, P < .01, eta2 = 0.418] after the first 5 min of magnetic field exposure and was found to be related to the order of exposure (MF-sham vs. sham-MF). This decrease in alpha activity was no longer significant in the 1st min post-exposure, compared to sham (P > .05). This study is among the first to assess EEG frequency changes during a weak (+/-200 microTpk), pulsed ELF MF exposure.  相似文献   

Resting EEG is affected by exposure to a pulsed ELF magnetic field   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
An increasing number of reports have demonstrated a significant effect of extremely low frequency magnetic fields (ELF MFs) on aspects of animal and human behavior. Recent studies suggest that exposure to ELF MFs affects human brain electrical activity as measured by electroencephalography (EEG), specifically within the alpha frequency (8-13 Hz). Here we report that exposure to a pulsed ELF MF with most power at frequencies between 0 and 500 Hz, known to affect aspects of analgesia and standing balance, also affects the human EEG. Twenty subjects (10 males; 10 females) received both a magnetic field (MF) and a sham session in a counterbalanced design for 15 min. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that alpha activity was significantly higher over the occipital electrodes (O1, Oz, O2) [F(1,16) = 6.858; P =.019, eta2 = 0.30] and marginally higher over the parietal electrodes (P3, Pz, P4) [F(1,16) = 4.251; P =.056, eta2 = 0.21] post MF exposure. This enhancement of alpha activity was transient, as it marginally decreased over occipital [F(1,16) = 4.417; P =.052; eta2 = 0.216] and parietal electrodes [F(1,16) = 4.244; P =.056; eta2 = 0.21] approximately 7 min after MF exposure compared to the sham exposure. Significantly higher occipital alpha activity is consistent with other experiments examining EEG responses to ELF MFs and ELF modulated radiofrequency fields associated with mobile phones. Hence, we suggest that this result may be a nonspecific physiological response to the pulsed MFs.  相似文献   

Extremely low-frequency (ELF) magnetic field exposure systems are usually subject to field disturbances induced by external sources. Here, a method for designing a feedback control system for cancelling the effect of external ELF magnetic field disturbances on the magnetic field over the exposure area is presented. This method was used in the design of a feedback-controlled exposure system for an inverted microscope stage. The effectiveness of the proposed feedback control system for disturbance rejection was verified experimentally and by means of computer simulation. Bioelectromagnetics 18:299–306, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Changes in human EEG caused by low level modulated microwave stimulation   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This study focuses on the effect of low level microwave radiation on human EEG alpha and theta rhythms. During the experiment, 20 healthy volunteers were exposed to a 450 MHz microwaves with 7 Hz on-off modulation. The field power density at the scalp was 0.16 mW/cm2. Signals from the following EEG channels were used: FP1, FP2, P3, P4, T3, T4, O1, and O2. The experimental protocol consisted of one cycle of short term photic and ten cycles of the repetitive microwave stimulation. The changes caused by photic as well as microwave stimulation were more regular on the alpha rhythm. In the majority of cases, photic stimulation caused changes in the EEG energy level in the occipital and microwave stimulation in the frontal region. Our experimental results demonstrated that microwave stimulation effects became apparent, starting from the third stimulation cycle. Changes varied strongly from subject to subject. Therefore, photic and microwave exposure did not cause statistically significant changes in the EEG activity level for the whole group. For some subjects, clear tendencies of changes in microwave on-off cycles were noticeable.  相似文献   


The effect of square pulsed magnetic signals on the growth of Dickeya solani bacterium was studied. Three different frequency windows in a range up to 50?Hz were selected for exposure to determine the frequencies causing maximum bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects. Furthermore, the cellular morphological changes under most inhibitory conditions were studied and bacterial pathogenicity was examined. The obtained data showed the most inhibitory frequency that caused an inhibition by 65% and delayed the cellular growth by more than 8?h is 5?Hz. The morphological studies of exposed bacterium cells showed cellular abnormalities and fragmentations and loss of membrane outer surface charges. The pathogenicity test exposed a significant decrease in the infection reached 68%. In conclusion, the present study developed better disease strategy for controlling the bacterium of D. solani in an efficient and safe manner. Moreover, the applicability of using pulsed electromagnetic signals may have a good role in bacterial inhibition.  相似文献   


Naturally, the presence of electromagnetic waves in our living environment affects all components of organisms, particularly humans and animals, as the large part of their body consists of water. In the present study, we tried to investigate the relation between exposure to the extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (ELF-EMF) and common behaviors such as body weight, food and water intake, anorexia (poor appetite), plasma glucose concentration, movement, rearing and sniffing in rats. For this purpose, rats were exposed to 40 Hz ELF-EMF once a day for 21 days, then at days 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21 after exposure, any changes in the above-mentioned items were assessed in the exposed rats and compared to the non-exposed group as control. Body weight of irradiated rats significantly increased only a week after exposure and decreased after that. No significant change was observed in food and water intake of irradiated rats compared to the control, and the anorexia parameter in the group exposed to ELF-EMF was significantly decreased at one and two weeks after irradiation. A week after exposure, the level of glucose was significantly increased but at other days these changes were not significant. Movements, rearing and sniffing of rats at day 1 after exposure were significantly decreased and other days these changes did not follow any particular pattern. However, the result of this study demonstrated that exposure to ELF-EMF can alter the normal condition of animals and may represent a harmful impact on behavior.  相似文献   

A miniaturized probe was designed and built to provide detailed data on fields induced by a uniform 60-Hz magnetic field in homogeneous models of rat and human. The probe employed three silver wires twisted and potted in an 8-cm hypodermic needle. The exposed tips of the wires formed three sensing electrodes with a centered ground; highly sensitive voltage measurements were enabled by a lock-in amplifier. Tests were conducted in a 1-mT rms field that was uniform within +/- 5%. The models were made by casting 1.5% agar at 1-S/m conductivity into plastic-foam molds. The rat model was scaled 1:1 as an adult (22 cm length; mass about 640 g). The human model was scaled 1:4 as an adult (height = 46.5 cm; mass 1.4 kg). The probe was inserted into each model in several regions, and readings of induced fields were made under different exposure geometries. Maximal strengths of fields induced near the surface of the torso were as high as 120 microV/cm in the laterally exposed rat model. Data extrapolated from the quarter-scale human model revealed that an induced field as high as 700 microV/cm could occur at the torso of a frontally exposed human adult. An overall size-scale factor of about 5 appears to be appropriate for experimental exposures of rats that are intended to simulate currents induced in human beings by magnetic fields. The average strength of electric fields induced in the torso by a 1-mT magnetic field is comparable to that by a vertical electric-field at 60 kV/m and 28 kV/m, respectively, for the rat and human.  相似文献   

A model has been developed that permits assessment of residential exposure to 60-Hz magnetic fields emitted by appliances. It is based on volume- and time-averaging of magnetic-dipole fields. The model enables the contribution of appliances in the total residential exposure to be compared with that of other sources in any residence under study. Calculations based on measurements reported in the literature on 98 appliances revealed that appliances are not a significant source of whole-body exposure, but that they may be the dominant source of exposure of the body's extremities.  相似文献   

Magnetic field systems were added to existing electric field exposure apparatuses for exposing cell suspensions in vitro and small animals in vivo. Two horizontally oriented, rectangular coils, stacked one directly above the other, have opposite electric currents. This configuration minimizes leakage fields and allows sham- and field-exposure systems to be placed in the same room or incubator. For the in vitro system, copper plates formed the loop-pair, with up to 900 A supplied by a 180:1 transformer. Electric fields were supplied via electrodes at the ends of cell-culture tubes, eight of which can be accommodated by each exposure system. Two complete systems are situated in an incubator to allow simultaneous sham and field exposure up to 1 mT. For the in vivo system, four pairs of 0.8 x 2.7-m coils made of copper bus bar are employed. This arrangement is energized from the power grid via a 30:1 transformer; horizontal magnetic flux densities up to 1 mT can be generated. Pairs of electrode plates spaced 30.5 cm apart provide electric field exposure of up to 130 kV/m. Four systems with a capacity of 48 rats each are located in one room. For both the in vitro and in vivo systems, magnetic exposure fields are uniform to within +/- 2.5%, and sham levels are at least 2,500-fold lower than exposure levels. Potential confounding factors, such as heating and vibration, were examined and found to be minimal.  相似文献   

The possibility of an association of early pregnancy loss (EPL) with residential exposure to ELF magnetic fields was investigated in a case-control study. Eighty-nine cases and 102 controls were obtained from the data of an earlier study aimed at investigating the occurrence of EPL in a group of women attempting to get pregnant. Magnetic-field exposure was characterized by measurements in residences. Strong magnetic fields were measured more often in case than in control residences. In an analysis based on fields measured at the front door, a cutoff score of 0.5 A/m (0.63 μT) resulted in an odds ratio of 5.1 (95% confidence interval 1.0–25). The results should be interpreted cautiously due to the small number of highly exposed subjects and other limitations of the data. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

It has been reported that human subjects exposed to electromagnetic fields exhibit changes in human EEG signals at the frequency of stimulation. The aim of the present study was to expose different parts of the brain to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields locally and investigate EEG power spectrum alters at the frequency of stimulation. EEG relative power spectrum were evaluated at 3, 5, 10, 17, and 45 Hz frequencies at T4, T3, F3, Cz, and F4 points, respectively, when these points were exposed to magnetic fields with similar frequencies and 100 μT intensity. The paired t-test results showed that power value of EEG did not alter significantly at the frequency of stimulation (P < 0.05). Further, significant changes in different EEG bands caused by locally exposing to ELF-MF in different points of brain were observed. The changes in the EEG bands were not limited necessarily to the exposure point.  相似文献   

Occupational magnetic field (MF) exposure is less thoroughly characterized in occupations typically held by women. Our objective was to characterize occupational 50 Hz MF personal exposure (PE) among female sewing machine operators. We measured the full shift PE of 51 seamstresses, who worked in two shifts (6-14 and 14-22 h) according to their normal work routine. Measurements were conducted using EMDEX PAL meters at chest level. The average duration of the measurement periods was 449 min (range 420-470). The average arithmetic mean exposure for all women was 0.76 microT (range 0.06-4.27). The average of maximum values was 4.30 microT (range 0.55-14.80). Women working with older sewing machines experienced higher exposure than women working on newer sewing machines. For women (n = 10) who operated sewing machines produced in 1990 or earlier, the average arithmetic mean exposure was 2.09 microT, and for women (n = 41) who operated sewing machines produced after 1990, the average arithmetic mean was 0.43 microT. We conclude that women working as sewing machine operators experience higher than average occupational MF exposure compared to other working women. Most important determinant of the women's personal MF exposure was the age of the sewing machine the women operated.  相似文献   

This report describes the third in a series of double-blind, laboratory-based studies that were aimed at determining the effects of nocturnal exposure to power frequency magnetic fields on blood levels of melatonin in human volunteers. Our two earlier studies evaluated effects on melatonin of intermittent exposure to 60 Hz circularly polarized magnetic fields at 10 and 200 mG. No overall effects on melatonin levels were found. In the present study, men were exposed continuously rather than intermittently through the night to the same 200 mG magnetic field condition that was used previously; again, no overall effects on melatonin levels were found. We conclude that the intermittent and continuous exposure conditions used in our laboratory to date are not effective in altering nocturnal blood levels of melatonin in human volunteers. Bioelectromagnetics 18:166–171, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at evaluating the effect of microwave radiation on human brain bioelectric activity at different levels of exposure. For this purpose, 450 MHz microwave exposure modulated at 40 Hz frequency was applied to a group of 15 healthy volunteers at two different specific absorption rate (SAR) levels: a higher level of 0.303 W/kg (field strength 24.5 V/m) and a lower level of 0.003 W/kg (field strength 2.45 V/m). Ten exposure cycles (1 min off and 1 min on) at fixed SAR values were applied. A resting eyes‐closed electroencephalogram (EEG) was continuously recorded. Results showed a statistically significant increase in the EEG power in the EEG beta2 (157%), beta1 (61%) and alpha (68%) frequency bands at the higher SAR level, and in the beta2 (39%) frequency band at the lower SAR level. Statistically significant changes were detected for six individual subjects in the EEG alpha band and four subjects in the beta1 and beta2 bands at the higher SAR level; three subjects were affected in the alpha, beta1 and beta2 bands at the lower SAR level. The study showed that decreasing the SAR 100 times reduced the related changes in the EEG three to six times and the number of affected subjects, but did not exclude the effect. Bioelectromagnetics 34:264–274, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigated the biological effects of alternating electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on developmental stages of Drosophila melanogaster eggs and the first, second and third instar larvae stages. D. melanogaster eggs and larval stages were exposed to a 11 mT 50 Hz field produced by a pair of Helmholtz coils. Each stage was exposed to aEMFs for 2, 4, 6 and 8 h. Features of adult flies such as head, thorax, abdomen and other morphological changes were studied and compared. The frequency of abnormal flies was calculated using statistical methods at P <.05. The results obtained from exposing larvae in different stages of development showed a significant increase in the number of abnormal adult flies, whereas no significant increase was observed in the group arising from eggs exposed to aEMFs. Also, it appeared that duration of exposure correlates with the increase in the number of abnormal flies. There was no significant difference in mortality rate and sex distribution of the abnormal flies between field exposed and the control groups.  相似文献   

The influence of sinusoidal 45-Hz magnetic fields on the brain functions of 20 volunteers was investigated in a double-blind study using spectral analysis of EEG and measurements of Omega potentials and reaction time (RT). The field strength was 1,000 A/m (1.26 mT) and the duration of exposure was 1 h. Ten volunteers were exposed to a continuous field and ten received an intermittent exposure (1 s on/1 s off). Each person received one real and one sham exposure. One half of the volunteers got the real exposure first and the sham treatment after at least 24 h. For the rest, the sequence was inverse. The measurements of EEG, omega potentials and RT were performed before and after each exposure. Several statistically significant changes were observed, most of them after intermittent exposure. In the EEG, an increase of alpha (7.6–13.9 Hz) activity and a decrease of delta (1.5–3.9 Hz) activity were observed. β waves (14.2–20 Hz) increased in the frontal derivations as did the total power in occipital derivations. The mean and peak frequencies of EEG increased mainly in the frontal derivations. No direct effects on RT were seen. Learning to perform the RT test (decrease of RT in repeated trials), however, seemed to be affected by the exposure. The persons who received real exposure first learned more slowly than those who got sham exposure first. Further experiments are necessary to confirm the findings and for understanding the mechanisms of the effects. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

We propose a magnetic field exposure system (tetracoil) for in vitro and in vivo experiments, composed of two couples of circular coils satisfying a spherical constraint, whose characteristics are chosen in order to maximize the uniformity region of the magnetic field. Analytical calculations and computer simulations show that our system, as compared to the other most largely used magnetic field exposure systems, represents an optimal compromise in terms of field uniformity, accessibility for biological experiments, and ratio between overall dimension and uniformity region.  相似文献   

Our recent studies have shown a significant increase in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in human amniotic cells after exposure to a sinusoidal 50 Hz, 30 μT (rms) magnetic field. To evaluate further interactions between chromosomes and electromagnetic fields, we have analyzed the effects of intermittent exposure. Amniotic cells were exposed for 72 h to a 50 Hz, 30 μT (rms) magnetic field in a 15 s on and 15 s off fashion. Eight experiments with cells from different fetuses were performed. The results show a 4% mean frequency of aberrations among exposed cells compared to 2% in sham-exposed cells. The difference is statistically significant, with P < 0.05 both excluding and including gaps. In another series of eight experiments, the cells were exposed in the same way but with the field on for 2 s and off for 20 s. Also in these experiments a similar increase in the frequency of chromosomal aberrations was seen, but only when the analysis included gaps. Continuous exposure for 72 h to 300 μT, 50 Hz, did not increase the frequency of chromosomal aberrations. The background electromagnetic fields at different locations within the two incubators used was carefully checked and was nowhere found to exceed 120 nT. Likewise, the background level of chromosomal aberrations in cells cultured at different locations in the incubators showed no significant interculture differences. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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