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The littoral nematode fauna of the Murray River, South Australia, above and below the barrages that control the outflow of the river into the Southern Ocean has been investigated by taking cores of the sediment at monthly intervals for one year. Samples of river water were taken at the same time for chemical analysis and sediment particle size has also been investigated.At two sites below the barrages the salinity varied depending on the volume of water discharged through the barrages. It rose almost to that of sea water while they remained closed, but fell to that of the river water when they were all open and discharging large volumes of river water. The nematode population fluctuated from about 12 200 to 180 000 m-2 for nine months, but the numbers of live nematodes fell sharply in July through to September, accompanied by heavy nematode mortality, reaching 100% at one site in August. We attribute the mortality to a prolonged discharge of river water. More than 40 genera have been identified, most with cosmopolitan distributions.Above the barrages, at Mundoo and on Lake Alexandrina the water is fresh river water. The fauna was less dense than that below the barrages; with a maximum of 10000 m-2. It comprised genera typical of freshwaters overseas (no comparable studies of Australian freshwater nematodes have been reported), such as Eutobrilus, Tripyla and Ironus, together with two species from typical marine genera, i.e. Mesacanthion and Enoploides. The latter species is very similar to E. fuviatilis from the Volga river.It is suggested that low population density below the barrages, when compared with other estuaries, reflects periodic mortality in estuarine nematodes when salinity falls drastically, whilst above the barrages there is a mixture of tolerant estuarine and typical freshwater nematodes.  相似文献   

Diversity and distribution of the mangrove forests in Taiwan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In a survey of 1992 to 1994, mangrove forests withfour species of true mangroves, Kandelia candel(L.) Druce, Avicennia marina(Forsk.) Vierh.,Rhizophora stylosaGriff., and Lumnitzera racemosaWilld., were found at 22locations in the west coast of Taiwan. The northernrange of their distribution was at Tanshui Estuary(Latitude 25°11N) and the southern range atTapen Bay (22°28N). The total area wasestimated to be 286.95 ha. There was an obvious changein species composition and a decrease in speciesnumber of true mangroves from south to north: the fourspecies dominated by A. marinain thesouth and K. candelas thesole species in the north. Air temperature associatedwith sea surface temperature and oceanic currents inwinter, but not soil property, was found to be theprimary environmental factor, affecting the diversityand distribution of true mangroves in Taiwan as wellas in the northeast region of Asia.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of the widespread mangrove Avicennia marina was studied over the complete life-history from zygotes through to adults in southeastern Australia. Zygote survival, propagule dispersal, seedling establishment, seedling recruitment and sapling recruitment were examined by demographic censuses over a range of spatial and temporal scales. Hypotheses about factors regulating survival were tested by manipulative field experiments. Life table statistics for survival and fecundity were used to calculate transition probabilities and their variance for seven stages of life history. These parameters were used as the basis of a stochastic model that predicts population structure after small and large scale perturbations.  相似文献   

The meiobenthos of five mangrove vegetation types in Gazi Bay,Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The vertical distribution of meiofauna in the sediments ofAvicennia marina,Bruguiera gymnorrhiza,Ceriops tagal,Rhizophora mucronata andSonneratia alba at Gazi Bay (Kenya), is described. Seventeen taxa were observed, with highest densities in the sediments ofBruguiera (6707 ind. 10 cm–2), followed byRhizophora (3998 ind. 10 cm–2),Avicennia (3442 ind. 10 cm–2),Sonneratia (2889 ind. 10 cm–2) andCeriops (1976 ind. 10 cm–2). Nematodes accounted for up to 95% of total densities; other common taxa were copepods, turbellarians, oligochaetes, polychaetes, ostracods and rotifers. High densities occurred to about 20 cm depth in the sediment. EspeciallyCeriops sediments show still high densities of nematodes (342 ind. 10 cm–2) and copepods (11 ind. 10 cm–2) in the deepest layer (15–22 cm). Particle size and oxygen conditions were major factors influencing meiobenthic distribution;Uca burrows had a major impact on distribution and abundance of meiofauna.  相似文献   

The spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) is a temperate, coastal squaloid shark with an antitropical distribution in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. The global population structure of this species is poorly understood, although individuals are known to undergo extensive migrations within coastal waters and across ocean basins. In this study, an analysis of the global population structure of the spiny dogfish was conducted using eight polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers and a 566‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial ND2 gene region. A low level of genetic divergence was found among collections from the Atlantic and South Pacific basins, whereas a high level of genetic divergence was found among Pacific Ocean collections. Two genetically distinct groups were recovered by both marker classes: one exclusive to North Pacific collections, and one including collections from the South Pacific and Atlantic locations. The strong genetic break across the equatorial Pacific coincides with major regional differences in the life‐history characters of spiny dogfish, suggesting that spiny dogfish in areas on either side of the Pacific equator have been evolving independently for a considerable time. Phylogeographic analyses indicate that spiny dogfish populations had a Pacific origin, and that the North Atlantic was colonized as a result of a recent range expansion from the South American coast. Finally, the available data strongly argue for the taxonomic separation of the North Pacific spiny dogfish from S. acanthias and a re‐evaluation of the specific status of S. acanthias is warranted.  相似文献   

Nicholas  W. L. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,464(1-3):17-26
Free-living nematodes inhabiting a sandy beach exposed to strong ocean waves were sampled at bimonthly intervals for two years. Six 1.3-litre core samples were taken on each occasion down to a depth of 60 cm. The numbers of each species and their status as juveniles, males and females (with or without eggs) was recorded. In the common species all these stages occur throughout the year, but the population increases in the warmer months of the year and falls to a much lower level in winter. Most species are dispersed throughout the sand to a depth of at least 60 cm, but several species where almost always found below the water table at about 60 cm. The faunal composition of the nematode assemblages changed significantly from month to month. Additional samples were taken to monitor the effects of very strong waves coupled with a very high tide which remodelled the beach. The nematode fauna was partially reconstituted by this event. It is concluded that the intertidal beach fauna is a dynamic extension of the near shore sub-littoral nematode fauna.  相似文献   

Nummi  P.  Pöysä  H.  Elmberg  J.  Sjöberg  K. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):247-252
The mallard (Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus) is a generalist feeder, breeding in a wide range of habitats, yet showing considerable between site differences in density. Variations in density and habitat use may result from inter- and intea-specific competition, habitat structure or food.We studied habitat selection of the mallard in four regions of Finland and Sweden. In each region, ten lakes were chosen ranging from oligotrophic to eutrophic. Habitat distribution of the mallard did not differ between regions despite variation in the density of the species and congenerics. Mallard density did not correlate with vegetation structure, but increased with food abundance and the number and density of congenerics although there were regional differences in mallard response.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The avifauna of south Florida's mangrove forests is unique and relatively unstudied. The population status of landbirds that breed in these forests is currently unknown, and this lack of information is especially problematic for species that have North American ranges limited almost exclusively to Florida's mangroves. To address this information gap, we estimated trends in abundance using data generated during bird surveys conducted from 2000 to 2008 at 101 points in mangrove forests in southwestern Florida. We found that populations of two of three mangrove‐dependent species that breed in these forests, Black‐whiskered Vireos (Vireo altiloquus) and Mangrove Cuckoos (Coccyzus minor), declined significantly during our study. In contrast, only one of seven species with a broader North American range (Red‐bellied Woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinensis) declined in abundance. No species increased in abundance. The Mangrove Cuckoo population exhibited the greatest decline, with numbers declining 87.1% from 2000 to 2008. Numbers of Black‐whiskered Vireos declined 63.9%. These declines coincided with the outbreak of West Nile virus that has been linked to population declines of other North American birds, but we could not rule out other potential causes, including changes in the quality or extent of breeding or wintering habitat.  相似文献   

Mangroves harbor diverse invertebrate communities, suggesting that macroecological distribution patterns of habitat‐forming foundation species drive the associated faunal distribution. Whether these are driven by mangrove biogeography is still ambiguous. For small‐bodied taxa, local factors and landscape metrics might be as important as macroecology. We performed a meta‐analysis to address the following questions: (1) can richness of mangrove trees explain macroecological patterns of nematode richness? and (2) do local landscape attributes have equal or higher importance than biogeography in structuring nematode richness? Mangrove areas of Caribbean‐Southwest Atlantic, Western Indian, Central Indo‐Pacific, and Southwest Pacific biogeographic regions. We used random‐effects meta‐analyses based on natural logarithm of the response ratio (lnRR) to assess the importance of macroecology (i.e., biogeographic regions, latitude, longitude), local factors (i.e., aboveground mangrove biomass and tree richness), and landscape metrics (forest area and shape) in structuring nematode richness from 34 mangroves sites around the world. Latitude, mangrove forest area, and forest shape index explained 19% of the heterogeneity across studies. Richness was higher at low latitudes, closer to the equator. At local scales, richness increased slightly with landscape complexity and decreased with forest shape index. Our results contrast with biogeographic diversity patterns of mangrove‐associated taxa. Global‐scale nematode diversity may have evolved independently of mangrove tree richness, and diversity of small‐bodied metazoans is probably more closely driven by latitude and associated climates, rather than local, landscape, or global biogeographic patterns.  相似文献   

普氏原羚(Procapra przewalskii)是青藏高原特有物种, 为了掌握该物种的分布和种群状况, 我们于2014-2015年采用全面调查和直接计数的方法, 对普氏原羚的分布、种群和保护现状进行了调查。结果如下: 普氏原羚分布在青海湖周边12个隔离的分布点, 与全国第一次野生动物资源调查的结果相比, 有多个新的分布点被发现, 分布范围和面积扩大; 调查共发现1,238只普氏原羚, 与2010年以后的调查结果相比, 种群数量维持在一个稳定的水平。然而, 仅有4个分布点位于青海湖国家级自然保护区范围内。尽管刚察县成立了青海湖普氏原羚特护区, 天峻县成立了普氏原羚自然保护站, 但现有的管护力度仍然不够, 且缺乏系统的管理规划。我们建议在天峻县布哈河上游的生格-快尔玛地区成立普氏原羚自然保护区; 同时建立适当的生态补偿机制, 协调保护与社区发展的矛盾; 鉴于目前圈养种群发展迅速, 建议在历史分布区选取合适的地点进行人工繁育个体的迁地放归。  相似文献   

Estimates of density and population size are fundamental in assessing population trends and ultimately in informing conservation management. Although the abundance of raptors is often expressed as indices of relative abundance, these can be poor correlates of absolute density. In 2008–2009, I calculated the absolute density and population size of Gray‐backed Hawks (Pseudastur occidentalis), an endangered species and Tumbesian endemic, using line transect counts in four different habitat types in a protected area in northwestern Peru. The absolute density of Gray‐backed Hawks in northwest Peru was estimated to be 0.65 individuals km?2, and the most suitable habitat for the species was located in the provinces of Manabí, Guayas, and Santa Elena in Ecuador, and Tumbes and Piura departments in Peru. The population of Gray‐backed Hawks in my study areas in Tumbes was estimated to be 136, with 94% occurring in dry deciduous and deciduous forest. Because ~60% of all detections in my study were made outside strictly protected areas, including the recently created Angostura‐Faical Regional Conservation Area, conservation of the remaining, non‐protected forests patches in Peru and Ecuador should be a high priority. The current global population of Gray‐backed Hawks has been estimated to be between 250 and 999 birds and declining due to ongoing habitat destruction and fragmentation. Small populations in small habitat fragments, like those in my study area, have high conservation potential, provided that populations are not isolated, and hence should be the focus of constant monitoring.  相似文献   

Brachyuran crabs are considered one of the most representative groups in mangroves, being recognised as mangrove engineers. However, species that present commercial interest may have their population structure and spatial distribution affected by human activities, such as crab capture. Therefore, monitoring populations over time is essential. We investigated the population biology, size-weight relationship, condition factor and spatial distribution of Ucides cordatus in a mangrove ecosystem from southern Brazil, providing information for population status assessment. Males and females differed in abundance and frequency, body size, size-weight relationship and condition factor. Nonetheless, they presented the same spatial distribution pattern. Abundance, sex ratio and body size also revealed a possible influence of anthropised areas in the configuration and distribution of the species. Our results indicate a possible increase in the exploitation of the species, mainly due to the decrease of the largest male size classes’ frequency. Interspecific competition seems to be a possible biotic factor influencing its condition factor. The spatial species distribution highlighted the importance of sites with less anthropogenic influence for the maintenance of the species that can be considered as key areas for the conservation of the Ucordatus in Babitonga Bay.  相似文献   

基于QuickBird卫星影像,采用阴影长度法对城市居住建筑面积进行测算,结合社会经济统计数据对沈阳城市潜在人口分布特征进行分析.结果表明: 2015年,沈阳市三环内各行政区潜在人口分布不均;三环内潜在人口空间分布呈现典型的圈层结构特征;各行政区潜在人口数量为铁西区>沈河区>皇姑区>于洪区>和平区>大东区>东陵区;各行政区潜在人口密度为铁西区>和平区>沈河区>皇姑区>于洪区>大东区>东陵区;城市西部潜在人口密度高于东部,南部高于北部.居住建筑及人口的空间分布与区域的自然条件、经济状况以及基础设施建设等因素紧密相关.在未来城市规划建设中,应考虑加强铁西区以及中心城区的基础设施建设,适当增加公园绿地数量,合理开发城市南部的居住用地,适当控制居住人口数量,避免造成较大的环境压力.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative composition of free-living marine nematodes have been studied in Vostok Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan). It is found that the population density of nematodes in the bottom sediments of Vostok Bay shows an uneven distribution. The mean population density equaled 56800 ± 23400 specimens/m2. A correlation has been revealed between the population density of nematodes and the substrate type. Altogether, 85 species of nematodes have been found; they were dominated by Sabatieria palmaris, Rhabdodemania orientalis, Araeolaimus parvibulbosus, Oncholaimium paraolium, Doryolaimopsis peculiaris, and Metachromadora itoi. Six taxocenoses of nematodes were distinguished, taking into account the species dominating in the population density and using cluster analysis of the obtained data. The dominating trophic assemblage of nematodes was “scrapers.” In general, the species composition of nematodes in Vostok Bay is characterized by the relatively great similarity with that in other areas of Peter the Great Bay (Sea of Japan).  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Moniliformis moniliformis was studied in ‘free-ranging’ laboratory rats, Rattus norvegicus, presented with different relative density levels of M. moniliformis in cockroaches, Periplaneta americana. Changes in selected population parameters of the negative binomial distribution were evaluated as indicators of changes in aggregation. A significant increase in the degree of aggregation of parasites occurred as a result of the increase in relative density of infective stages available to the rats. This increase in aggregation was due to the increase in over-dispersion that occurred in female rats only. The degree of aggregation in females was found to be significantly higher than that in males at both treatment levels. The best indicators of the degree of aggregation were found to be the ratio of the variance to the relative density and the ratio of the log-variance to log-relative density. Changes in k were not correlated with changes in over-dispersion or the relative density.  相似文献   

The projected increases in sea levels are expected to affect coastal ecosystems. Tropical communities, anchored by mangrove trees and having experienced frequent past sea level changes, appear to be vibrant at present. However, any optimism about the resilience of these ecosystems is premature because the impact of past climate events may not be reflected in the current abundance. To assess the impact of historical sea level changes, we conducted an extensive genetic diversity survey on the Indo‐Malayan coast, a hotspot with a large global mangrove distribution. A survey of 26 populations in six species reveals extremely low genome‐wide nucleotide diversity and hence very small effective population sizes (Ne) in all populations. Whole‐genome sequencing of three mangrove species further shows the decline in Ne to be strongly associated with the speed of past changes in sea level. We also used a recent series of flooding events in Yalong Bay, southern China, to test the robustness of mangroves to sea level changes in relation to their genetic diversity. The events resulted in the death of half of the mangrove trees in this area. Significantly, less genetically diverse mangrove species suffered much greater destruction. The dieback was accompanied by a drastic reduction in local invertebrate biodiversity. We thus predict that tropical coastal communities will be seriously endangered as the global sea level rises. Well‐planned coastal development near mangrove forests will be essential to avert this crisis.  相似文献   

Calder  Dale R. 《Hydrobiologia》1991,216(1):221-228
Qualitative and quantitative collecting was undertaken in 1987 to determine the species composition, abundance, and distribution of hydroids in a mangrove system at Twin Cays, Belize. Of 49 species identified, the 5 most frequent were Ventromma halecioides, Nemalecium sp., Clytia hemisphaerica, Dynamena crisioides and Halopteris diaphana. Line-transect census data and qualitative observations showed that the hydroid fauna was sparse in sheltered, still-water areas of the mangal, but relatively abundant and diverse in areas exposed to waves and/or tidal currents. Species composition and relative abundance varied with depth at stations in exposed locations and in tidal creeks and channels. Although Turritopsoides brehmeri is known only from Twin Cays at present, it seems improbable that any of the species is restricted to mangrove ecosystems.  相似文献   

The ionic composition of 38 mineral springs in the province of Granada (Spain), and the distribution of 45 species of nematodes belonging to orders Monhysterida, Araeolaimida, Chromadorida and Enoplida were examined. Water chemistry is used to make two diagrams representing anionic and cationic composition. Diagrams for anionic composition (given the greater variance seen in the springs considered) are used to illustrate the distribution of individual species. The results obtained from species distribution and the correlation between species made it possible to group species which could be associated with springs where each of the anions considered predominated. A greater number of species groups was found to inhabit springs in which chloride concentrations was less than 50% of the total concentration of anions.  相似文献   

Improvements in water quality in the Thames Estuary since the 1960s have removed a barrier to fish migration into the Thames catchment. The extent of recolonization by the eel is examined, using data from 235 electrofished and fyke-netted sites, compared with information on pre-pollution distribution. Density is highest in the lower parts of the catchment and decreases significantly with increasing distance from the tidal limit. Only sparse populations are found beyond 50 km from the tidal limit and are characterized by an increasing bias towards larger, slower-growing females. Artificial stocking is believed to be a significant factor in certain areas. The rate of recolonization has been slow and neither the annual natural recruitment nor distribution of the pre-pollution stock of the 1800s appears to have been achieved. The future management of the stock in relation to its commercial scientific and conservation value is considered.  相似文献   

秦岭华山松种群格局规模与林窗特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于秦岭林区华山松群落的20 m×20 m的27块样地的野外调查数据,运用样方法和无样地法对其种群的空间分布型进行了测定,运用Greig-Smith相邻格子样方法对其作了格局分析,判定了种群的格局规模;同时对华山松林窗做了详细的调查。结果表明,(1)种群在0~50龄时,空间分布格局为集群分布;在15~25龄时,种群有向随机分布转变的趋势,但仍属于集群分布;40~50龄种群处于由集群分布向随机分布的过渡期;50龄以后种群趋于衰退,分布格局由集群分布转向随机分布。(2)华山松种群集群分布的格局规模同样随着发育阶段的不同而有所变化。但总的来说格局的大小在100 m2。(3)华山松林窗大小与格局规模的大小相近,其中林窗大小在80~130 m2的占59%。由于林窗内光照养分条件较好,又形成与格局规模大小一致的华山松更新幼苗,进而通过“移动镶嵌循环”更新和维持种群的稳定性。  相似文献   

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