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Zebra fish (Brachydanio rerio) were injected with infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) and then spawned to determine whether the virus was passed on to the eggs, and if it was, how long it remained in the free-swimming F1. The mating variations included parents receiving one or two injections of virus, and within these categories, matings in which both parents were treated or only one parent was treated. The results showed that transmission of IPNV to the egg did occur, and that this transmission was via the female alone. However, if the female was allowed to produce antibodies to the virus, as when she received two injections of IPNV, she transmitted the virus to the eggs for only a short period of time. In addition, when the virus was transmitted to the egg, it remained in the free-swimming F1 for a period of at least 5 months.  相似文献   

One hundred zebra fish per tank were maintained for 112 days at 24°C or 28°C in glass aquaria and fed a diet of flaked food made without cellulose (13.45 kJ g?1, metabolizable energy, Type A) or with cellulose (8.71 kJ g?1, metabolizable energy, Type B). Each experimental condition was repeated in triplicate (12 tanks). The weight of food given daily to the fish was based on daily records of survivors (from which mortality rates were calculated) and wet wt of fish (measured every 14 days) in each tank. All fish were fed with the same weight of food per day and the quantity of energy in the food in excess of standard metabolism (as a proportion of SM) was approximately 0–5 for fish maintained at 28°C and fed food B, 1–0 for fish maintained at 24°C and fed food B, 1–5 for fish maintained at 28°C and fed food A, and 2.2 for fish maintained at 24°C and fed food A. Non-ionized ammonia, nitrite and nitrate nitrogen in the tanks did not reach toxic levels although there was an increase in total ammonium nitrogen in one tank and a subsequent heavy mortality. It was assumed that this was caused by the build up of pathogenic bacteria. Apart from this tank, mortality was highest in tanks at 28°C with fish fed food A and second highest in tanks at 24°C with fish fed on the same diet. Growth was measured in units of length, wet and dry weights, carbon and energy. There was a good correlation (P < 0.001) between carbon (mgC mg?1) and calorific (J mg?1) values and a conversion factor of 46.2 J (mgC)?1 was derived. Fish maintained at 24°C and fed food A had the highest rates of growth both in weight and in energy value per unit weight. Fish fed the same diet but kept at 28°C had the lowest growth rates. Both these groups of fish had the highest coefficients of variation in wet weights which increased during the experiment, indicating an increase in interaction within the tanks. There was agreement between the energy value of fish sampled for growth and a condition factor based on the length-weight relationships of fish remaining in the tanks. A correlation (P < 0.05) was found between instantaneous mortality and growth rates for fish between tanks when those maintained at 28°C and fed on food A were ignored.  相似文献   

Laboratory bred Zebra Danio ( Brachydanio rerio , Hamilton-Buchanan) tropical fish are prone to skeletal deformities resembling scoliosis and lordosis. This condition appears related to diet and has been studied by breeding from different broods of fish for three generations. Two broods bred using two commercially available tropical flaked foods developed severe spinal curvature three to six weeks post-hatching. A third brood of fish fed exclusively on live food did not develop any deformity. The results demonstrate that a dietary factor is responsible for the deformities and that the Zebra Danio is especially susceptible to this factor as other species breed normally when fed the same commercial diet. Analysis of the diets showed no deficiency in either ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) or tryptophan, deficiency of either being associated with scoliosis and lordosis in fish. The analysis did show, however, a relationship between the lead content of the diet and the incidence of deformities. Lead has previously been implicated in skeletal deformities in second and third generation Brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis.  相似文献   

Characterization of AluI repeats of zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio).   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two families of repetitive DNA sequences were isolated from the zebrafish genome and characterized. Eight different sequences were sequenced and classified by two standards, their (G + C) composition and their lengths. For convenience, the sequences were first divided into two types. Type I was (A + T)-rich, was repeated approximately 500,000 times, and constituted approximately 5% of the zebrafish genome. Type II was (G + C)-rich, was reiterated approximately 90,000 times, and comprised approximately 0.5% of the genome. Agarose gel electrophoresis of zebrafish DNA cleaved with AluI revealed three distinguishable bands of repetitive fragments: large (approximately 180 bp, designated RFAL), medium (approximately 140 bp, RFAM), and small (approximately 90 bp, RFAS). The RFAL fragments contained both type I and type II sequences. Limited digestion of genomic DNA indicated that RFAL and RFAM were tandemly arranged in the genome, whereas RFAS showed a mixed pattern of both tandem and interspersed repeated arrangements. Although inclusion of a repetitive sequence in a transgenic construct did not appreciably accelerate homologous integration of transgenes into the zebrafish genome, the AluI sequences could facilitate transgene mapping following chromosomal integration.  相似文献   

The effects of growth inhibiting factors on the total lipid content of zebrafish was studied. Crowded zebrafish were subjected to extraction of the aquarium water using activated charcoal. Control fish were crowded, but were not subjected to extraction. This resulted in a gain in mean wet weight of 10.9% for the crowded, extracted fish (experimentals) as compared to the controls. In order to determine the effects of crowding on the total lipid content of the crowded fish, lipid analyses were conducted at the conclusion of the growth studies. These studies indicate that the fish in the extracted system had a greater lipid content than those in the-non-extracted system (15.4% v. 10.4% mean lipid). It is proposed that growth inhibiting factors libeerated from the crowded fish may affect the thyroid gland, causing lipid mobilization from the tissues resulting in resulting in lowered total lipid in these animals. Extraction of the aquarium water with activated charcoal removes the growth inhibiting factor, possibly decreasing thyroid function with a resulting higher total lipid content.  相似文献   

Females across a range of taxa have been shown to differentiallyallocate their reproductive resources according to the attractivenessof their mate. Previous studies demonstrated a female preferencefor larger males in the zebra fish but have so far failed touncover a size-mediated difference in male mating success, possiblydue to the effects of male–male competition. By controllingfor male–male competition in the present study, we showthat females strategically allocate their reproductive resources(i.e., eggs) toward larger males. When females were mated sequentiallywith a large and small male, they released a greater numberof eggs to the second male when he was large than when he wassmall. Furthermore, there was also a trend for females to releasea greater proportion of their eggs to the first male when hewas large. Across females, the total number of eggs laid byeach female increased with the average standard length of themale pair, whereas the number of eggs laid to the second malealso increased with his standard length. This study representsone of the first attempts at identifying differential allocationin a resource-free egg scatterer and suggests that female preferencesmay play a greater role in the reproductive success of malesin this species than previously envisaged.  相似文献   

Metabolic scope and its utilization in relation to feeding and activity were measured in individual and grouped zebrafish (weight range, 430–551 mg) at 24° C by respirometry. Mean maximum metabolic rate, induced by swimming to exhaustion, Rmax(i), was 1223 (s.d. , 157) mg O2, kg?1 h?1 for individuals. Standard metabolic rate, Rs. was 364 mg O2 kg?1 h?1, as estimated by extrapolating to zero activity from measurements of unfed, spontaneously active individuals. Mean routine metabolic rate, Rrout, of individuals was 421 (s.d. , 58) mg O2, kg-1 h-1. The mean voluntary maximum metabolic rate, Rmax(v), following transfer of minimally exercised fish to the respirometer, was 1110 (s.d. , 83) mg O2 kg ?1 h?1 for groups of six fish, and was not significantly different from the value measured for individuals, 1066 (s.d. , 122) mg O2, kg?1 h?1. Grouped fish acclimated to the respirometer more slowly than individual fish and exhibited significantly higher Rrout, apparently a result of greater social interaction and activity in groups. Mean Rrout for groups was 560 (s.d. , 78) mg O2, kg?1 h?1. While groups of zebrafish fed a ration of 5% wet body weight day?1 exhibited consistently higher metabolic rates than fish fed rations of 2.5% wet body weight day?1 the high ration group still used only a maximum of 77% of the metabolic scope. Zebrafish of the size studied do not appear to demonstrate a high degree of conflict in utilization of metabolic scope by different respiratory components. The metabolic rates measured for zebrafish are among the highest yet measured for fish of similar size and at similar temperatures.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression was observed in Half and Full sib matings (Inbreeding Coefficient 0.125 and 0.25) of Zebra Danios ( Brachydanio rerio ). Inbreeding at these levels reduced fertility, survival to 30 days, and length at 30 days. There was an increase in the incidence of crippled fry. No effect of inbreeding on either number of eggs per spawn or hatchability were found.  相似文献   

Two significant fish kills occurred in the Pamlico River estuary (North Carolina, USA), one in December 1981 and January 1982, and the other in June 1982. The first involved only the southern flounder(Paralichthys lethostigma). Histopathologic examination of morbid and moribund flounder revealed extensive sloughing and necrosis of the mucosa of the pyloric caeca and intestine, and inflammation of the submucosa of the pyloric caeca. Brain and internal organ homogenates from morbid and moribund flounder were assayed on CHSE-214 cells, and a virus was isolated. Virus titers ranged from8.4 · 102 to 6.3 · 107 TCID50 per gram of tissue. Cross-plaque neutralization assays indicated that the southern flounder virus was infectious pancreatic necrosis virus serotype Ab. Immersion challenge showed the isolate is only slightly virulent for fry of brook trout(Salvelinus fontinalis). The second fish kill involved the southern flounder and six other species: hogchoker(Trinectes maculatus), Atlantic silverside(Menidia menidia), spot(Leiostomus xanthurus), Atlantic croaker(Micropogon undulatus), silver perch(Bairdiella chrysura), and striped mullet(Mugil cephalus). Virus was isolated from southern founder, hogchoker, Atlantic silverside, and spot. Neutralization assays indicated that the four isolates were nearly identical; however, the diversity of species affected suggests that the virus might not have been the specific cause of mortality.  相似文献   

Timidity, vigilance and response to alarm substance were examined in shoals consisting of one to 12 zebra danios, Brachydanio rerio . Measures of timidity were not clearly related to shoal size. Fish in larger shoals spent more time in central areas of the tank away from cover than fish in smaller shoals. However, fish in small shoals appeared to be as aggressive as those in larger shoals. Vigilance and foraging rates did not appear to be related to shoal size. Per capita foraging rates and shoal size were not correlated. After being frightened by alarm substance, danios in larger shoals did not return to foraging sooner than those in smaller groups. Zebra danios in all shoal sizes responded behaviourally to alarm substance. It appears that the presence of conspecifics is unnecessary for alarm behaviours to occur and that the nature of the behaviours are independent of shoal size.  相似文献   

A comparison was done of 231 strains of birnavirus isolated from fish, shellfish, and other reservoirs in a survey study that began in 1986 in Galicia (northwestern Spain). Reference strains from all of the infectious pancreatic necrosis virus serotypes were included in the comparison, which was done by neutralization tests and agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the viral genome. The neutralization tests with antisera against the West Buxton, Spajarup (Sp), and Abild (Ab) strains showed that most of the Galician isolates were European types Sp and Ab; however, many isolates (30%) could not be typed. Results from agarose gels did not provided information for grouping of the strains, since all were found to have genomic segments of similar sizes. Analysis of polyacrylamide gels, however, allowed six electropherogroups (EGs) to be differentiated on the basis of genome mobility and separation among segments, and a certain relationship between EGs and serotypes was observed. A wide diversity of electropherotypes was observed among the Galician isolates, and as neutralization tests showed, most of the isolates were included in EGs corresponding to European types Ab and Sp. Only 6.5% of the isolates had the electropherotype characteristic of American strains.  相似文献   

Naïve zebra danios (Brachydanio rerio) flee from an approaching predator when the angle subtended at the danio's eye by the predator changes at a rate greater than some characteristic threshold value. The hypothesis was tested that this value declines, and hence reactive distance increases, as a function of the number of past experiences with the predator. Artificial predators of two types, a model and a film of an approaching object, were presented to the danios daily and changes in behaviour recorded. The rate of change of visual angle at the time of response to the predator (dα/dt threshold) declined asymptotically with increasing experience. Consequently, flight distance increased asymptotically. The change was not due to growth, maturation, or increased familiarity with the testing situation. The danios apparently associated the visual characteristics of the predator with its subsequent high rate of angular growth and began to respond to these visual characteristics prior to dα/dt exceeding the threshold. The angle of escape was not affected by experience. Escape velocity increased with experience of the film predator, but not with experience of the model predator. No decrement of the learned change in reactive distance was evident after 10 days without experience with the film predator.  相似文献   

DNA vaccines and oral DNA-based immunotherapy against infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) have scarcely been studied in salmonid fish. Here, a vector with the capsid VP2 gene inserted was encapsulated in alginate microspheres to avoid the aggressive gastrointestinal conditions experienced following oral administration. Alginate microspheres were effective to protect the pDNA encoding VP2, which was expressed early in different organs of the vaccinated trout and that persisted for at least 60 days. The vaccine induces innate immune responses, raising the expression of IFN more than 10-fold relative to the fish vaccinated with the empty plasmid, at 7 and 15 days post-vaccination. Likewise, maximal expression of the IFN-induced antiviral Mx protein was recorded 15 days post-vaccination and neutralizing antibodies were also detected after 15 days, although their titre rose further at 21 days post-vaccination. Protection was high in the immunized fish, which showed around an 80% relative survival when challenged 15 and 30 days after vaccine delivery. Very low viral load with respect to the control group was detected in the vaccinated fish that survived 45 days after challenge. Thus, this study demonstrates the potential of the encapsulation technique for IPNV-DNA vaccine delivery and the relevance of the IPNV-VP2 gene for future plasmid constructs.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was tested that zebra danios (Brachydanio rerio) react to an approaching predator when the rate of change of the angle subtended by the predator at the prey's eye (dα/dt) exceeds some threshold level. Danios were presented with real predators (largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides) and artificial predators of two types: a model predator, whose size and velocity could be varied, and a film of an approaching object. The reactive distance for flight (RD) could be predicted from the relationship: RD=[(VS/k)?(S2/4)]1/2 where V is the predator approach velocity (cm/s), S is the predator front diameter (cm), and k is the threshold rate of change of visual angle (radians/s). The best overall estimate of k was 0·43 rad/s. The reactive field was shown to be circular, demonstrating that the mechanism is not solely a binocular one. Escape velocity, though higher in response to real than to artificial predators, was not correlated with reactive distance.  相似文献   

Four preparation methods for electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPXMA) of muscle fibres were compared: (1) dissection, freezing in LN2 (liquid nitrogen), cutting in cryostat, freeze-drying and analysis; (2) dissection, immersing in Tissue-Tek, freezing in LN2, cutting in cryostat, the following steps as in method 1; (3) dissection, freezing in LN2, freeze-drying, separation of fibres into groups; (4) dissection, cutting into 2 mm thick slices by razor blade, freezing in LN2, following steps as in method 1. The contents of Na, Cl, and K as well as K/Na, Cl/K, ratios were taken as criteria of good preservation of muscle fibres. The best results were obtained by method 1. Good morphological preservation can be routinely observed in sections prepared by methods 3 and 4. However, the diffusible elements and K/Na, Cl/K ratios were not retained at relatively constant level among the individual samples. Fibres prepared by methods 1 and 3 showed, despite of freezing artefacts, high K/Na, and low Cl/K ratio. After method 1, high level of the elemental contents was retained, and it did not differ significantly among the samples, showing relatively low standard deviation values.  相似文献   

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