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One important mechanism plants use to cope with salinity is keeping the cytosolic Na+ concentration low by sequestering Na+ in vacuoles, a process facilitated by Na+/H+ exchangers (NHX). There are eight NHX genes (NHX1 through NHX8) identified and characterized in Arabidopsis thaliana. Bioinformatics analyses of the known Arabidopsis genes enabled us to identify six Medicago truncatula NHX genes (MtNHX1, MtNHX2, MtNHX3, MtNHX4, MtNHX6, and MtNHX7). Twelve transmembrane domains and an amiloride binding site were conserved in five out of six MtNHX proteins. Phylogenetic analysis involving A. thaliana, Glycine max, Phaseolus vulgaris, and M. truncatula revealed that each individual MtNHX class (class I: MtNHX1 through 4; class II: MtNHX6; class III: MtNHX7) falls under a separate clade. In a salinity-stress experiment, M. truncatula exhibited ~?20% reduction in biomass. In the salinity treatment, sodium contents increased by 178 and 75% in leaves and roots, respectively, and Cl? contents increased by 152 and 162%, respectively. Na+ exclusion may be responsible for the relatively smaller increase in Na+ concentration in roots under salt stress as compared to Cl?. Decline in tissue K+ concentration under salinity was not surprising as some antiporters play an important role in transporting both Na+ and K + . MtNHX1, MtNHX6, and MtNHX7 display high expression in roots and leaves. MtNHX3, MtNHX6, and MtNHX7 were induced in roots under salinity stress. Expression analysis results indicate that sequestering Na+ into vacuoles may not be the principal component trait of the salt tolerance mechanism in M. truncatula and other component traits may be pivotal.  相似文献   

To develop a salt-tolerant upland rice cultivar (Oryza sativa L.), OsNHX1, a vacuolar-type Na+/H+ antiporter gene from rice was transferred into the genome of an upland rice cultivar (IRAT109), using an Agrobacterium-mediated method. Seven independent transgenic calli lines were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. These 35S::OsNHX1 transgenic plants displayed a little accelerated growth during seedling stage but showed delayed flowering time and a slight growth retardation phenotype during late vegetative stage, suggesting that the OsNHX1 has a novel function in plant development. Northern and western blot analyses showed that the expression levels of OsNHX1 mRNA and protein in the leaves of three independent transgenic plant lines were significantly higher than in the leaves of wild type (WT) plants. T2 generation plants exhibited increased salt tolerance, showing delayed appearance and development of damage or death caused by salt stress, as well as improved recovery upon removal from this condition. Several physiological traits, such as increased Na+ content, and decreased osmotic potential in transgenic plants grown in high saline concentrations, further indicated that the transgenic plants had enhanced salt tolerance. Our results suggest the potential use of these transgenic plants for further agricultural applications in saline soil.  相似文献   

The K+-agitated (Kag) mutant of Paramecium caudatum shows prolonged backward swimming in K+-rich solution. To understand the regulation mechanisms of the ciliary motility in P. caudatum, we examined the membrane electrical properties of the Kag mutant. The duration of the backward swimming of the Kag in K+-rich solution was about 10 times longer than that of the wild type. In response to an injection of the outward current, the wild type produced an initial action potential and a subsequent membrane depolarization due to I-R potential drop, while the Kag exhibited repetitive action potentials during the depolarization. Under voltage-clamp conditions, the depolarization-activated transient inward current exhibited by the Kag was slightly smaller than that exhibited by the wild type. In response to an application of K+-rich solution, both the wild type and the Kag exhibited a depolarizing afterpotential representing the activation of the K+-induced Ca2+ conductance. The inactivation time course of the K+-induced Ca2+ conductance of Kag was about 10 times longer than that of the wild type. This difference corresponds well with the difference in behavioral responses between Kag and wild type to K+-rich solution. We conclude that the overreaction of the Kag mutant to the K+-rich solution is caused by slowing down of the inactivation of the K+-induced Ca2+ conductance.  相似文献   

The tonoplast and plasma membrane localized sodium (potassium)/proton antiporters have been shown to play an important role in plant resistance to salt stress. In this study, AtNHX1 and AtNHX3, two tonoplast Na+(K+)/H+ antiporter encoding genes from Arabidopsis thaliana, were expressed in poplar to investigate their biological functions in the resistance to abiotic stresses in woody plants. Transgenic poplar plants expressing either gene exhibited increased resistance to both salt and water-deficit stresses. Compared to the wild type (WT) plants, transgenic plants accumulated more sodium and potassium ions in the presence of 100 mM NaCl and showed reduced electrolyte leakage in the leaves under water stress. Furthermore, the proton-translocating and cation-dependent H+ (Na+/H+ or K+/H+) exchange activities in the tonoplast vesicles isolated from the leaves of transgenic plants were higher than in those isolated from WT plants. Therefore, constitutive expression of either AtNHX1 or AtNHX3 genetically modified the salt and water stress tolerance of transgenic poplar plants, providing a potential tool for engineering tree species with enhanced resistance to multiple abitotic stresses.  相似文献   

Sodium proton antiporters are ubiquitous membrane proteins that catalyze the exchange of Na+ for protons throughout the biological world. The Escherichia coli NhaA is the archetypal Na+/H+ antiporter and is absolutely essential for survival in high salt concentrations under alkaline conditions. Its crystal structure, accompanied by extensive molecular dynamics simulations, have provided an atomically detailed model of its mechanism. In this study, we utilized a combination of computational methodologies in order to construct a structural model for the Na+/H+ antiporter from the gram-negative bacterium Vibrio parahaemolyticus. We explored its overall architecture by computational means and validated its stability and robustness. This protein belongs to a novel group of NhaA proteins that transports not only Na+ and Li+ as substrate ions, but K+ as well, and was also found to miss a β-hairpin segment prevalent in other homologs of the Bacteria domain. We propose, for the first time, a structure of a prototype model of a β-hairpin-less NhaA that is selective to K+. Better understanding of the Vibrio parahaemolyticus NhaA structure-function may assist in studies on ion transport, pH regulation and designing selective blockers.  相似文献   

To date, it has been established that the symbiosome membrane (SM), i.e., plant-derived membrane of symbiosomes, nitrogen-fixing compartments of legume root nodules, is equipped with Ca2+-ATPase transporting Ca2+ ions through the SM from the cytosol of infected cells into the symbiosome space (SS). Earlier in the experiments on the SM vesicles isolated from broad bean root nodules some data indicating the action of the Ca2+-ATPase as ATP-driven Ca2+/H+ antiporter were obtained. In the present work performed on isolated symbiosomes from the same plant object, further evidence in favor of calcium-proton countertransport mechanism of the pump operation was obtained. These were expressed in vanadate-sensitive alkalinization of the SS coupled with Ca2+ uptake by symbiosomes catalyzed by the SM Ca2+-ATPase, stimulation of the kinetics of the latter process in the response to artificial acidification of the SS and expectable modulation of ITP-hydrolyzing activity of this enzyme caused by the variation of pH within this compartment. The above findings are discussed in the framework of the model describing the mechanism of Ca2+-ATPase operation as an ATP-driven Ca2+/H+ exchanger and on this base allow us to put forward the hypothesis about the involvement of this enzyme in symbiosome signaling in a Ca2+- and pH-dependent manner.  相似文献   

High salinity is the one of important factors limiting plant growth and crop production. Many NHX-type antiporters have been reported to catalyze K+/H+ exchange to mediate salt stress. This study shows that an NHX gene from Arachis hypogaea L. has an important role in K+ uptake and transport, which affects K+ accumulation and plant salt tolerance. When overexpressing AhNHX1, the growth of tobacco seedlings is improved with longer roots and a higher fresh weight than the wild type (WT) under NaCl treatment. Meanwhile, when exposed to NaCl stress, the transgenic seedlings had higher K+/H+ antiporter activity and their roots got more K+ uptake. NaCl stress could induce higher K+ accumulation in the roots, stems, and leaves of transgenic tobacco seedlings but not Na+ accumulation, thus, leading to a higher K+/Na+ ratio in the transgenic seedlings. Additionally, the AKT1, HAK1, SKOR, and KEA genes, which are involved in K+ uptake or transport, were induced by NaCl stress and kept higher expression levels in transgenic seedlings than in WT seedlings. The H+-ATPase and H+-PPase activities were also higher in transgenic seedlings than in the WT seedlings under NaCl stress. Simultaneously, overexpression of AhNHX1 increased the relative distribution of K+ in the aerial parts of the seedlings under NaCl stress. These results showed that AhNHX1 catalyzed the K+/H+ antiporter and enhanced tobacco tolerance to salt stress by increasing K+ uptake and transport.  相似文献   

While the role of the vacuolar NHX Na+/H+ exchangers in plant salt tolerance has been demonstrated on numerous occasions, their control over cytosolic ionic relations has never been functionally analysed in the context of subcellular Na+ and K+ homeostasis. In this work, PutNHX1 and SeNHX1 were cloned from halophytes Puccinellia tenuiflora and Salicornia europaea and transiently expressed in Arabidopsis wild type Col-0 and the nhx1 mutant. Phylogentic analysis, topological prediction, analysis of evolutionary conservation, the topology structure and analysis of hydrophobic or polar regions of PutNHX1 and SeNHX1 indicated that they are unique tonoplast Na+/H+ antiporters with characteristics for salt tolerance. As a part of the functional assessment, cytosolic and vacuolar Na+ and K+ in different root tissues and ion fluxes from root mature zone of Col-0, nhx1 and their transgenic lines were measured. Transgenic lines sequestered large quantity of Na+ into root cell vacuoles and also promoted high cytosolic and vacuolar K+ accumulation. Expression of PutNHX1 and SeNHX1 led to significant transient root Na+ uptake in the four transgenic lines upon recovery from salt treatment. In contrast, the nhx1 mutant maintained a prolonged Na+ efflux and the nhx1:PutNHX1 and nhx1:SeNHX1 lines started to actively pump Na+ out of the cell. Overall, our findings suggest that PutNHX1 and SeNHX1 improve Na+ sequestration in the vacuole and K+ retention in the cytosol and vacuole of root cells of Arabidopsis, and that they interact with other regulatory mechanisms to provide a highly orchestrated regulation of ionic relations among intracellular cell compartments.  相似文献   

We have isolated the cDNA of Ca2+/H+ antiporter which was designated as Suaeda salsa cation exchanger 1 (SsCAX1) from the C3 halophyte S. salsa L. To ascertain the location of SsCAX1 in the cell, a peptide-specific antibody to SsCAX1 was prepared, and Western blotting analysis showed that it reacted only with a 48.8-kDa protein from S. salsa vacuolar membrane. Furthermore, SsCAX1 could resume yeast vacuolar Ca2+ transport mutants growth in high Ca2+ concentration (200 mM) culture medium. Northern blotting analysis showed that SsCAX1 expression was mainly found in the leaves and stems and slightly in the roots of S. salsa seedlings. Moreover, SsCAX1 expression levels and the protein amounts were significantly upregulated by CaCl2 and NaCl treatment, respectively. In addition, the upregulation of the expression levels of V-H+-ATPase subunit c coordinated with the expression levels of the Ca2+/H+ antiporter under salinity. These results suggested that SsCAX1 from halophyte S. salsa might be a Ca2+ transporter at tonoplast and plays a key role in maintaining cytosolic Ca2+ homeostasis under saline condition.  相似文献   

Yarrowia lipolytica plasma-membrane Na+/H+ antiporter, encoded by the YlNHA2 gene, is a very efficient exporter of surplus sodium from the cytosol. Its heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae wild-type laboratory strains increased their sodium tolerance more efficiently than the expression of ZrSod2-22 antiporter from the osmotolerant yeast Zygosaccharomvces rouxii.  相似文献   

The activity of Na+/H+ exchanger to remove toxic Na+ is important for growth of organisms under high salinity. In this study, the halotolerant cyanobacterium Aphanothece halophytica was shown to possess Na+/H+ exchange activity since exogenously added Na+ could dissipate a pre-formed pH gradient, and decrease extracellular pH. Kinetic analysis yielded apparent K m (Na+) and V max of 20.7 ± 3.1 mM and 3,333 ± 370 nmol H+ min−1 mg−1, respectively. For cells grown under salt-stress condition, the apparent K m (Na+) and V max was 18.3 ± 3.5 mM and 3,703 ± 350 nmol H+ min−1 mg−1, respectively. Three cations with decreasing efficiency namely Li+, Ca2+, and K+ were also able to dissipate pH gradient. Only marginal exchange activity was observed for Mg2+. The exchange activity was strongly inhibited by Na+-gradient dissipators, monensin, and sodium ionophore as well as by CCCP, a protonophore. A. halophytica showed high Na+/H+ exchange activity at neutral and alkaline pH up to pH 10. Cells grown at pH 7.6 under high salinity exhibited higher Na+/H+ exchange activity than those grown under low salinity during 15 days of growth suggesting a role of Na+/H+ exchanger for salt tolerance in A. halophytica. Cells grown at alkaline pH of 9.0 also exhibited a progressive increase of Na+/H+ exchange activity during 15 days of growth.  相似文献   



The virulence of Candida species depends on many environmental conditions. Extracellular pH and concentration of alkali metal cations belong among important factors. Nevertheless, the contribution of transporters mediating the exchange of alkali metal cations for protons across the plasma membrane to the cell salt tolerance and other physiological properties of various Candida species has not been studied so far.  相似文献   

The Na+/H+ antiporters play an important role in salt tolerance in plants. However, the functions of OsNHXs in rice except OsNHX1 have not been well studied. Using the gain- and loss-of-function strategies, we studied the potential role of OsNHX2 in salt tolerance in rice. Overexpression of OsNHX2 (OsNHX2-OE) in rice showed the significant tolerance to salt stress than wild-type plants and OsNHX2 knockdown transgenic plants (OsNHX2-KD). Under salt treatments of 300-mM NaCl for 5 days, the plant fresh weights, relative water percentages, shoot heights, Na+ contents, K+ contents, and K+/Na+ ratios in leaves of OsNHX2-OE transgenic plants were higher than those in wild-type plants, while no differences were detected in roots. K+/Na+ ratios in rice leaf mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells were higher in OsNHX2-OE transgenic plants than in wild-type plants and OsNHX2-KD transgenic plants. Our data indicate that OsNHX2 plays an important role in salt stress based on leaf mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells and can be served in genetically engineering crop plants with enhanced salt tolerance.  相似文献   



Oxygen from carbon dioxide, water or molecular oxygen, depending on the responsible enzyme, can lead to a large variety of metabolites through chemical modification.


Pathway-specific labeling using isotopic molecular oxygen (18O2) makes it possible to determine the origin of oxygen atoms in metabolites and the presence of biosynthetic enzymes (e.g., oxygenases). In this study, we established the basis of 18O2-metabolome analysis.


18O2 labeled whole Medicago truncatula seedlings were prepared using 18O2-air and an economical sealed-glass bottle system. Metabolites were analyzed using high-accuracy and high-resolution mass spectrometry. Identification of the metabolite was confirmed by NMR following UHPLC–solid-phase extraction (SPE).


A total of 511 peaks labeled by 18O2 from shoot and 343 peaks from root were annotated by untargeted metabolome analysis. Additionally, we identified a new flavonoid, apigenin 4′-O-[2′-O-coumaroyl-glucuronopyranosyl-(1–2)-O-glucuronopyranoside], that was labeled by 18O2. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of apigenin 4′-glucuronide in M. truncatula. Using MSn analysis, we estimated that 18O atoms were specifically incorporated in apigenin, the coumaroyl group, and glucuronic acid. For apigenin, an 18O atom was incorporated in the 4′-hydroxy group. Thus, non-specific incorporation of an 18O atom by recycling during one month of labeling is unlikely compared with the more specific oxygenase-catalyzing reaction.


Our finding indicated that 18O2 labeling was effective not only for the mining of unknown metabolites which were biosynthesized by oxygenase-related pathway but also for the identification of metabolites whose oxygen atoms were derived from oxygenase activity.

Balnokin YV  Popova LG  Pagis LY  Andreev IM 《Planta》2004,219(2):332-337
Our previous investigations have established that Na+ translocation across the Tetraselmis viridis plasma membrane (PM) mediated by the primary ATP-driven Na+-pump, Na+-ATPase, is accompanied by H+ counter-transport [Y.V. Balnokin et al. (1999) FEBS Lett 462:402–406]. The hypothesis that the Na+-ATPase of T. viridis operates as an Na+/H+ exchanger is tested in the present work. The study of Na+ and H+ transport in PM vesicles isolated from T. viridis demonstrated that the membrane-permeant anion NO3 caused (i) an increase in ATP-driven Na+ uptake by the vesicles, (ii) an increase in (Na++ATP)-dependent vesicle lumen alkalization resulting from H+ efflux out of the vesicles and (iii) dissipation of electrical potential, , generated across the vesicle membrane by the Na+-ATPase. The (Na++ATP)-dependent lumen alkalization was not significantly affected by valinomycin, addition of which in the presence of K+ abolished at the vesicle membrane. The fact that the Na+-ATPase-mediated alkalization of the vesicle lumen is sustained in the absence of the transmembrane is consistent with a primary role of the Na+-ATPase in driving H+ outside the vesicles. The findings allowed us to conclude that the Na+-ATPase of T. viridis directly performs an exchange of Na+ for H+. Since the Na+-ATPase generates electric potential across the vesicle membrane, the transport stoichiometry is mNa+/nH+, where m>n.Abbreviations BTP Bis-Tris-Propane, 1,3-bis[tris(hydroxymethyl)methylamino]-propane - CCCP Carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DTT Dithiothreitol - NCDC 2-Nitro-4-carboxyphenyl N,N-diphenylcarbamate - PMSF Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - PM Plasma membrane  相似文献   

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