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The uppermost Eocene Florissant Formation, Rocky Mountains, Colorado, has yielded numerous insect, vertebrate and plant fossils. Three previous comprehensive palynological studies investigated sections of lacustrine deposits of the Florissant Formation and documented the response of plant communities to volcanic eruptive phases but overall found little change in plant composition throughout the investigated sections. These studies reported up to 150 pollen and spore phenotypes. In the present paper, we used a taxonomic approach to the investigation of dispersed pollen and spores of the Florissant Formation. Sediment samples from the shale units containing macrofossils were investigated using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The general picture of the palynoflora is in agreement with previous studies. However, the combined LM and SEM investigation provides important complementary information to previous LM studies. While a fairly large amount of previous pollen determinations could be confirmed, the purported taxonomic affinities of several pollen phenotypes need to be revised. For example, pollen referred to as Podocarpus or Podocarpidites sp. belongs to the Pinaceae Cathaya, Malus/Pyrus actually belongs to Dryadoideae, pollen of the form genus Boehlensipollis referred to as Proteaceae/Sapindaceae/Elaeagnaceae or Cardiospermum belongs to Sapindaceae but not to Cardiospermum, and pollen of Persicarioipollis sp. B with previously assumed affinities to Polygonaceae actually belongs to Thymelaeaceae. Pandaniidites and one type of Malvacipollis cannot be linked with Pandanaceae and Malvaceae. A few taxa are new records for Florissant (Ebenaceae: Diospyros; Mernispermaceae; Trochodendraceae: Tetracentron). In general, SEM investigations complement the LM palynological studies and improve the identification of dispersed pollen and spores and enable integration of data from dispersed fossil pollen into a wide range of comparative morphological, taxonomic, evolutionary, biogeographic and phylogenetic studies.  相似文献   

A new method of comparing light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy in the study of small cells, such as spermatozoa, that must be examined under oil immersion is described. A grid is etched on the corner of a microscope glass slide, and its inner edges are incised. Its surface area is calculated as a function f the chamber of the critical-point drying apparatus. This method dispenses with the need for any special coverslip and enables the cells to be observed under oil immersion.  相似文献   

Acidified 2,2-dimethoxypropane (DMP), used as an alternative to regular fixation and dehydration methods for insects, was found to be the only successful means of preparing the sugarbeet root maggot larva, Tetanops myopaeformis (R?der) (Diptera:Otitidae), for the scanning electron microscope. No morphological changes were evident when DMP treated sugarbeet root maggot adults were compared to fresh (unfixed) adults and glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixed adults. The method has been used with success on several gropus of insects. Acidified CMP is quickly hydrolyzed by water in tissue to acetone and methanol. DMP is advantageous in that it penetrates water impermeable cuticles rapidly and saves several steps and time in the fixation and dehydration process.  相似文献   

Fixation and epoxy-embedment of tissue culture clones in situ were carried out in Falcon tissue culture plates. The clone of cells, retained at one end of the casting, was stained with azure II-methylene blue and then studied with the oil immersion objective. The dimensions of the epoxy casting were ideal for mouting as a block in conventional ultramicrotone chucks. The use of one epoxy casting permits a single preparation of tissue culture clones for direct light microscopic observations and subsequently for ultramicrotomy.  相似文献   

A new rapid procedure for preparing soft internal tissues from insects that allows air drying was found to compare favorably with tissues prepared by critical point drying. In the new procedure, tissues were fixed in 1% glutaraldehyde, dehydrated through a graded ethanol series, immersed in hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) for 5 minutes, and air dried. Tissues prepared by both the HMDS treatment and by critical point drying were coated with gold for scanning electron microscopy. Tissues prepared by the HMDS treatment did not shrink or distort upon air drying and excellent surface detail was preserved. The HMDS treatment required about 5 minutes, whereas the critical point drying procedure required about 1.5 hours.  相似文献   

Nuclear vacuoles resembling the “crater defect” described in bull spermatozoa were observed in 14 boars. Both the incidence of the defect and semen quality were monitored with phase contrast microscopy over a three-month period. The percentages of cratered spermatozoa varied widely both among boars and in ejaculates from the same boar taken on different days. The presence of cratered spermatozoa at a level of 5% or more appeared to be associated with low semen quality. The defect was studied with scanning and transmission electron microscopy and was found to consist of nuclear invaginations, about 0.5 μm in diameter, containing some scanty amorphous electron-dense material. In boars showing a high incidence of spermatozoa with crater defects, abnormalities of the acrosome and perforatorium were common.  相似文献   

Ex vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy (ex vivo CLSM) provides rapid, high-resolution imaging and immunofluorescence examinations of the excised tissues. We aimed to evaluate the applicability of ex vivo CLSM in histomorphological and direct immunofluorescence (DIF) examination of pemphigus vulgaris (PV). 20 PV sections were stained with fluorescent-labeled anti-IgG and anti-C3 using various dilutions and incubation periods. Subsequently, the determined ideal staining protocol was applied on 20 additional PV and 20 control sections. Ex vivo CLSM identified intraepidermal blisters and acantholytic cells in 80% and 60% of PV patients, respectively. The sensitivity of ex vivo CLSM in detecting intraepidermal fluorescence was 90% both with IgG and C3. The specificity of staining for IgG and C3 was 70% and 90%, respectively. Histomorphological and immunofluorescence features of PV could be detected within the same ex vivo CSLM session showing a comparable performance to conventional histopathology and DIF microscopy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Laser scanning cytometry (LSC) is a new technology similar to flow cytometry but generates data from analysis of successive microscopic fields. Unlike its use in other applications, LSC-generated data are not random when used for tissue sections, but are dependent on the microanatomy of the tissue and the distribution and expression of the protein under investigation. For valid LSC analysis, the data generated requires the evaluation of a sufficient tissue area to ensure an accurate representation of expression within the tissue of interest. METHODS: In this report, we describe a simple and common sense method for determining the area of tissue required for sound LSC analysis by tracking the variation in the measure of target expression with increasing number of fields until it approaches zero. RESULTS: This approach was used to evaluate the expression of immunohistochemical markers with differing tissue distributions in liver (PMP70, CYP1A2, and Ki67 positive macrophages) and a colorectal adenocarcinoma (activated caspase-3 positive cells), which exhibited diffuse, regional (centrilobular), random, and irregular distribution patterns respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Analyses of these markers demonstrated that the amount of tissue area required to reach a steady measure of a parameter increased with increasing variability of the tissue distribution.  相似文献   

Summary A double staining method has been developed for light microscopic immunohistochemistry. The technique consists of a sequence of protein A-gold-silver procedures, in which the reaction products are visualized in black and brown colours. The results obtained in the rat pancreatic islets and adenohyophysis, in combination with a variety of histochemical controls, substantiate both the specificity and reliability of this method. The double staining method is simple and economical, since the two differently coloured reaction products are obtained by a common mechanism of colouration (physical development) using a single probe, protein A-gold.  相似文献   

Polystyrene embedding: a new method for light and electron microscopy.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polystyrene embedments of histological specimens can be obtained with a solution of 1:14 polystyrene-toluene, 5% benzyl alcohol and 1% dibutyl phthalate, allowing the solvent to evaporate in polyethylene containers for 2-3 days at 58 C. The resulting blocks are easily cut into truncated pyramids, each containing a piece of tissue, which are then glued to a Plexiglas support. Drying is completed at 80 C for 20 hr. The pyramids can then be sectioned to produce thick sections with a steel knife or to produce semi- or ultrathin sections with a glass knife. A 10% paraldehyde solution is used to mount the light microscopy sections on a slide heated on a hot plate to 80 C; these can be treated with the same techniques used with paraffin sections. The results are of high quality. Semithin sections of tissues fixed for electron microscopy can be stained directly after mounting, or by a wider range of stains once the polystyrene has been removed by organic solvents. In electron microscopy, the ultrathin sections obtained with the usual techniques are highly electron beam-resistant and given acceptable results.  相似文献   

Since ovarian follicles appear to be randomly oriented with respect to the plane of the section, the method of sectioning and examining follicles at their maximum diameter described here allows direct comparison between oocyte populations of women and small differences can be detected. Re-sectioning for EM allows selected follicles of interest to be examined at a higher resolution.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method is described for staining semithin sections of material embedded in epoxy resin for observing tissues prior to transmission electron microscopy. The method is suitable for tissue fixed with a glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde mixture and postfixed in osmium tetroxide. No etching or oxidizing procedures are necessary. Sections 0.5-0.8 microm thick are dried onto a slide and stained with either 0.75% methylene blue and 0.25% azure B or 0.5% methylene blue and 0.5% azure II in 0.5% aqueous borax and heated over a flame for 8-10 sec. The slides are rinsed with water, then stained the same way with 0.1% basic fuchsine in 5% aqueous ethanol. Cytoplasm stains blue; nuclei darker blue; collagen, mucus and elastin pink to red; fat and intracellular lipid droplets gray-green.  相似文献   

Hypotrichs are among the most complex ciliates in terms of morphology and development. To study the fine structure of cortical morphogenesis associated with cell division in Euplotes eurystomus, three different methods of observation were employed: light microscopy of protargol-stained specimens, scanning electron microscopy of cells prepared by critical point drying, and transmission electron microscopy of sectioned material. Observations on the stages of morphogenesis give much new information about cortical development, particularly about proliferation and aggregation of kinetosomes (basal bodies), ciliary outgrowth, the topography of morphogenesis, cirrus resorption, and growth of the pellicle. During the formation of new cirrus the process of kinetosome proliferation is atypical, i.e., groups of prokinetosomes are seen oriented at random and, in some cases, prokinetosomes apparently are formed at a distance from nearby young kinetosomes. That the new cirri develop in surface grooves, the grooves elongate into “tracks,” and (in some cases) grooves are partitioned into separate tracks suggests that the grooves play a role in the orderly migration of the new cirri on the cell surface. Conspicuous morphogcnctic changes in the cell surface involve local growth of the pellicle. The process of pellicle growth apparently involves two basic steps: (a) growth of the outer cell membrane to form “bare regions,” and (b) formation of alveoli in the bare regions. Alveolar sheets are formed by fusion of alveolus precursor particles. Cirrus resorption is sequential over several stages of development, and old cirri are resorbed as the new cirri impinge on them. As the old cirri regress, both in situ resorption and retraction of axonemes into the cytoplasm occur.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscopy study of micro-arterial damage and repair.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of microvascular clamps on the femoral vessels of rats were studied, using the SEM. The early changes observed were (1) local fusiform dilatation of the area secondary to necrosis of the muscular wall, (2) flattening of the longitudinal ridges in the endothelial (3) loss of laminar flow, (4) endothelial sloughing, (5) platelet aggregation, and (6) leukocyte adherence and diapedesis. The repair of the endothelium occurred by an early replication of the adjacent undamaged endothelial cells -- with their subsequent migration across a platelet bed. The coverage was complete in one week, although reorientation of the neo-endothelial cells took longer. On the basis of this study and our clinical experience, we think the ideal microvascular clamp would possess the following characteristics: small size, light weight, mechanical simplicity, flat jaws (one to two mm in diameter) coated with a non-slip surface, and calibrated to produce a pressure less than 30 gm per mm2. In addition the clamp should be unaffected by blood, autoclaving, or repeated use. No such clamp is commercially available now, but we hope that one will be available in the near future.  相似文献   

We describe a modified protocol to perform a tissue print northern using digoxigenin-labeled riboprobes. The result of the hybridization is directly visualized on the membrane by an alkaline phosphatase detection system.  相似文献   

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