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Bacteriophage phi6 genome consists of three segments of double-stranded RNA. During maturation, single-stranded copies of these segments are packaged into preformed polymerase complex particles. Only phi6 RNA is packaged, and each particle contains only one copy of each segment. An in vitro packaging and replication assay has been developed for phi6, and the packaging signals (pac sites) have been mapped to the 5' ends of the RNA segments. In this study, we propose secondary structure models for the pac sites of phi6 single-stranded RNA segments. Our models accommodate data from structure-specific chemical modifications, free energy minimizations, and phylogenetic comparisons. Previously reported pac site deletion studies are also discussed. Each pac site possesses a unique architecture, that, however, contains common structural elements.  相似文献   

Coronavirus nucleocapsid proteins are basic proteins that encapsulate viral genomic RNA to form part of the virus structure. The nucleocapsid protein of SARS-CoV is highly antigenic and associated with several host-cell interactions. Our previous studies using nuclear magnetic resonance revealed the domain organization of the SARS-CoV nucleocapsid protein. RNA has been shown to bind to the N-terminal domain (NTD), although recently the C-terminal half of the protein has also been implicated in RNA binding. Here, we report that the C-terminal domain (CTD), spanning residues 248-365 (NP248-365), had stronger nucleic acid-binding activity than the NTD. To determine the molecular basis of this activity, we have also solved the crystal structure of the NP248-365 region. Residues 248-280 form a positively charged groove similar to that found in the infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) nucleocapsid protein. Furthermore, the positively charged surface area is larger in the SARS-CoV construct than in the IBV. Interactions between residues 248-280 and the rest of the molecule also stabilize the formation of an octamer in the asymmetric unit. Packing of the octamers in the crystal forms two parallel, basic helical grooves, which may be oligonucleotide attachment sites, and suggests a mechanism for helical RNA packaging in the virus.  相似文献   

Comparative properties of bacteriophage phi6 and phi6 nucleocapsid.   总被引:2,自引:10,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Nonionic detergent treatments released a nucleocapsid from the enveloped bacteriphage phi6. The nucleocapsid sedimented at nearly the same rate as the whole phage in sucrose density gradients, but the buoyant density in Cs2S04 changed from 1.22 g/cm3 for the whole phage to 1.33 g/cm3 for the nucleocapsid. The detergent completely removed the lipid and 5 of the 10 proteins from the phage. Surface labeling of the phage and nucleocapsid with 125I revealed that protein P3 was on the outer surface of the whole phage and P8 was on the surface of the nucleocapsid. Both the phage and the nucleocapsid were stable between pH 6.0 and 9.5. Low concentrations of EDTA (10-4 M) dissociated the nucleocapsid but had no effect on the whole phage. The nucleocapsid contained all three double-stranded RNA segments, as well as RNA polymerase activity.  相似文献   

H T Steely  D M Gray  D Lang 《Biopolymers》1986,25(1):171-188
We have studied the CD of both bacteriophage ?6 and ?6 nucleocapsid in order to assess the in situ state of the viral, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). The results showed that packaged ?6 RNA is slightly hyperdichroic (4–5%) at 264 nm relative to dsRNA in solution. Also, the CD of dsRNA within both the virus and the nucleocapsid was unlike CD spectra of any of the three types of dsRNA condensed in vitro, as described in the accompanying paper. Using a curve-fitting program described elsewhere (Edmondson, S.P. & Gray, D.M. (1983) Nucleic Acids Res. 11 , 175–192), we have fit reference CD spectra of ?6 RNA and protein to measured CD spectra of ?6 intact phage and nucleocapsid. Results of the computer analysis indicated that ?6 RNA in situ is spectrally similar to dsRNA that is slightly dehydrated.  相似文献   

Role of RNA in bacteriophage phi 29 DNA packaging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A novel bacteriophage phi 29 RNA of 174 nucleotides is essential for the in vitro packaging of the DNA-terminal protein complex into proheads. The RNA, bound to the prohead portal vertex (connector), participates in assembly and function of the DNA translocating ATPase and in recognition of the DNA left-end during the course of the packaging reaction. The RNA is present in related phages and varies widely in primary sequence, but its secondary structure, as deduced by phylogenetic analysis, is both highly conserved and unique among small RNAs.  相似文献   

The activity of the DNA packaging adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) of the Bacillus subtilis bacteriophage phi 29 is dependent upon prohead RNA. The 174 nucleotide viral-encoded RNA is positioned on the head-tail connector at the portal vertex of the phi 29 precursor shell (prohead). Here, the RNA interacts with the ATP-binding gene 16 product (gp16) to constitute the DNA-packaging ATPase and initiate DNA packaging in vitro. Both the prohead connector (gene 10 product, gp10) and gp16 may utilize an RNA recognition motif characteristic of a number of RNA-associated proteins, and the binding of gp16 by proheads shields the prohead RNA from RNase A. The ATPase activity of gp16 is stimulated fourfold by RNA and tenfold by proheads with RNA. RNA is needed continuously for the gp16/RNA ATPase activity and is essential for the gp16/prohead ATPase activity. The prohead, with its connector, RNA and associated gp16 in an assembly-regulated configuration, hydrolyzes ATP and drives phi 29 DNA translocation.  相似文献   

The genome of bacteriophage phi 6 contains three segments of double-stranded RNA. Procapsid structures whose formation was directed by cDNA copies of the large genomic segment are capable of packaging the three viral message sense RNAs in the presence of ATP. Addition of UTP, CTP, and GTP results in the synthesis of minus strands to form double-stranded RNA. In this report, we show that procapsids are capable of taking up any of the three plus-strand single-stranded RNA segments independently of the others. In manganese-containing buffers, synthesis of the corresponding minus strand takes place. In magnesium-containing buffers, individual message sense viral RNA segments were packaged, but minus-strand replication did not take place unless all three viral single-stranded RNA segments were packaged. Since the conditions of packaging in magnesium buffer more closely resemble those in vivo, these results indicated that there is no specific order or dependence in packaging and that replication is regulated so that it does not begin until all segments are in place.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi 6 has a segmented genome consisting of three pieces of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA). The viral procapsid is the structure that packages plus strands, synthesizes the complementary negative strands to form dsRNA, and then transcribes dsRNA to form plus-strand message. The minus-strand synthesis of a particular genomic segment is dependent on prior packaging of the other segments. The 5' end of the plus strand is necessary and sufficient for packaging, while the normal 3' end is necessary for synthesis of the negative strand. We have now investigated the ability of truncated RNA segments which lack the normal 3' end of the molecules to stimulate the synthesis of minus strands of the other segments. Fragments missing the normal 3' ends were able to stimulate the minus-strand synthesis of intact heterologous segments. Minus-strand synthesis of one intact segment could be stimulated by the presence of two truncated nonreplicating segments. The 5' fragments of each single-stranded genomic segment can compete with homologous full-length single-stranded genomic segments in minus-strand synthesis reactions, suggesting that there is a specific binding site in the procapsid for each segment.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi6 has a segmented double-stranded RNA genome. The genomic single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) precursors are packaged into a preformed protein capsid, the polymerase complex, composed of viral proteins P1, P2, P4, and P7. Packaging of the genomic precursors is an energy-dependent process requiring nucleoside triphosphates. Protein P4, a nonspecific nucleoside triphosphatase, has previously been suggested to be the prime candidate for the viral packaging engine, based on its location at the vertices of the viral capsid and its biochemical characteristics. In this study we were able to obtain stable polymerase complex particles that are completely devoid of P4. Such particles were not able to package ssRNA segments and did not display RNA polymerase (either minus- or plus-strand synthesis) activity. Surprisingly, a mutation in P4, S250Q, which reduced the level of P4 in the particles to about 10% of the wild-type level, did not affect RNA packaging activity or change the kinetics of packaging. Moreover, such particles displayed minus-strand synthesis activity. However, no plus-strand synthesis was observed, suggesting that P4 has a role in the plus-strand synthesis reaction also.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi 6 infects its host, the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas syringae, by a protein-targeted fusion of the virus envelope with the host outer membrane. In this investigation we present results suggesting that the phage nucleocapsid penetrates the host cytoplasmic membrane via a membrane invagination and an intracellular vesicle. This indicates that the prokaryotic plasma membrane might be more dynamic and have more common features with eukaryotic membrane systems than previously expected. Most of the nucleocapsid surface lattice protein is degraded in the cell, and the nucleocapsid core particle containing the viral dsRNA segments and the proteins necessary for the viral RNA polymerase activity can be isolated from the infected cells. The penetration is dependent on the energized state of the host cytoplasmic membrane. About 25% of the entering core particles are re-used in the progeny viruses.  相似文献   

The nucleocapsid of the enveloped double-stranded RNA bacteriophage phi 6 was isolated by extraction with the nonionic detergent Triton X-114 and subjected to disruption analysis with chelating and protein-denaturing agents. The subnucleocapsid particles were separated in rate-zonal sucrose gradients, and their ultrastructure and protein composition were analyzed. The role of divalent cations in the nucleocapsid structure was studied by using a precipitation assay of the isolated nucleocapsid proteins. The phi 6 nucleocapsid had a cagelike skeleton consisting of a single polypeptide species (P1). Two other proteins (P2 and P4) were associated with the P1 cage. These three early proteins were previously known to be involved in the RNA synthesis machinery of the virus. The stability of the nucleocapsid surface lattice consisting of protein P8 was dependent on Ca2+ ions.  相似文献   

The polymerase complex of the enveloped double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) bacteriophage phi6 fulfils a similar function to those of other dsRNA viruses such as Reoviridae. The phi6 complex comprises protein P1, which forms the shell, and proteins P2, P4 and P7, which are involved in RNA synthesis and packaging. Icosahedral reconstructions from cryo-electron micrographs of recombinant polymerase particles revealed a clear dodecahedral shell and weaker satellites. Difference imaging demonstrated that these weak satellites were the sites of P4 and P2 within the complex. The structure determined by icosahedral reconstruction was used as an initial model in an iterative reconstruction technique to examine the departures from icosahedral symmetry. This approach showed that P4 and P2 contribute to structures at the 5-fold positions of the icosahedral P1 shell which lack 5-fold symmetry and appear in variable orientations. Reconstruction of isolated recombinant P4 showed that it was a hexamer with a size and shape matching the satellite. Symmetry mismatch between the satellites and the shell could play a role in RNA packaging akin to that of the portal vertex of dsDNA phages in DNA packaging. This is the first example of dsRNA virus in which the structure of the polymerase complex has been determined without the assumption of icosahedral symmetry. Our result with phi6 illustrates the symmetry mismatch which may occur at the sites of RNA packaging in other dsRNA viruses such as members of the Reoviridae.  相似文献   

H T Steely  Jr  D Lang 《Journal of virology》1984,51(2):479-483
Electron micrographs of negatively stained nucleocapsids isolated from intact, wild-type phi 6 bacteriophage revealed three distinct morphological forms. Two-dimensional analysis of electron micrographs of two of these forms and image averaging of all forms are consistent with a dodecahedral structure embodied in the phi 6 nucleocapsid.  相似文献   

Characterization of segmented double-helical RNA from bacteriophage phi6   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The nucleic acid component of bacteriophage φ6 is characterized as a double stranded RNA molecule with a buoyant density of 1.605 g/cm3 and nucleotide composition of C, 27.3%; A, 21.8%; G, 28.9%; and U, 22.0%. The hyperchromicity profile in 0.1 × SSC (SSC is 0.15 m-NaCl, 0.015 m-sodium citrate) demonstrated a rapid increase with a Tm value of 91 °C. The nucleic acid was resistant to degradation by DNase, spleen phosphodiesterase and pancreatic RNase in 2 × SSC buffer but sensitive to degradation by venom phosphodiesterase, pancreatic RNase in 0.01 × SSC and hydrolysis in KOH. Three distinct double stranded RNA species of 2.2, 2.8 and 4.5 × 106 daltons were observed after rate zonal centrifugation, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electron microscopy. This communication therefore presents data establishing a new class of double stranded RNA bacteriophage.  相似文献   

Duffy S  Turner PE  Burch CL 《Genetics》2006,172(2):751-757
Natural and experimental systems have failed to universally demonstrate a trade-off between generalism and specialism. When a trade-off does occur it is difficult to attribute its cause to antagonistic pleiotropy without dissecting the genetic basis of adaptation, and few previous experiments provide these genetic data. Here we investigate the evolution of expanded host range (generalism) in the RNA virus phi6, an experimental model system allowing adaptive mutations to be readily identified. We isolated 10 spontaneous host range mutants on each of three novel Pseudomonas hosts and determined whether these mutations imposed fitness costs on the standard laboratory host. Sequencing revealed that each mutant had one of nine nonsynonymous mutations in the phi6 gene P3, important in host attachment. Seven of these nine mutations were costly on the original host, confirming the existence of antagonistic pleiotropy. In addition to this genetically imposed cost, we identified an epigenetic cost of generalism that occurs when phage transition between host types. Our results confirm the existence in phi6 of two costs of generalism, genetic and environmental, but they also indicate that the cost is not always large. The possibility for cost-free niche expansion implies that varied ecological conditions may favor host shifts in RNA viruses.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage phi6 has a genome of three segments of double-stranded RNA. Each virus particle contains one each of the three segments. Packaging is effected by the acquisition, in a serially dependent manner, of the plus strands of the genomic segments into empty procapsids. The empty procapsids are compressed in shape and expand during packaging. The packaging program involves discrete steps that are determined by the amount of RNA inside the procapsid. The steps involve the exposure and concealment of binding sites on the outer surface of the procapsid for the plus strands of the three genomic segments. The plus strand of segment S can be packaged alone, while packaging of the plus strand of segment M depends upon prior packaging of S. Packaging of the plus strand of L depends upon the prior packaging of M. Minus-strand synthesis begins when the particle has a full complement of plus strands. Plus-strand synthesis commences upon the completion of minus-strand synthesis. All of the reactions of packaging, minus-strand synthesis, and plus-strand synthesis can be accomplished in vitro with isolated procapsids. Live-virus constructions that are in accord with the model have been prepared. Mutant virus with changes in the packaging program have been isolated and analyzed.  相似文献   

The RNA polymerase in the nucleocapsid of Pseudomonas phaseolicola bacteriophage phi 6 transcribed large, medium, and small single-stranded RNA from the viral double-stranded RNA genome by a semiconservative (displacement) mechanism. Approximately 23%, 63%, and 65% of the nucleocapsid particles in the assay mixture synthesized at least one round of large, medium, and small single-stranded RNA molecules, respectively. Some of these particles reinitiated synthesis such that an average of 1.5 large, 33 medium, and 24 small single-stranded RNAs were synthesized from each double-stranded RNA.  相似文献   

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