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Aim This paper examines the migration of the tropical nectarivorous bat Leptonycteris curasoae considered as a latitudinal migrant that breeds in south-west United States and northern Mexico in spring and migrates southward during fall. We tested the hypothesis that the latitudinal migration occurs only locally given by the local availability of bat resources, leading to migratory movements in zones with seasonal scarcity of resources and to resident bat populations where resources are available throughout the year. Localization We analysed the presence of L. curasoae along its distribution range in North America (between 14°N and 33°N). Study cases were also conducted in three Mexican localities: the Tehuacán Valley (17°48′–18°58′N and 96°48′–97°43′W), Sonoran Desert (28°41′N and 110°15′W), and the coast of Jalisco (19°32′N and 105°07′W). Methods Geographic evidence for latitudinal migration of L. curasoae was analysed using 94-year capture records housed in twenty-two collections of North America. Records were analysed using a Geographical Information System (GIS), in which floral resources and capture records were integrated. Monthly captures in the Tehuacán Valley were conducted during three years and bats abundance and reproductive status were correlated with the phenology of bat resources. Bat captures were also conducted during two consecutive years in an extratropical desert during winter and spring, and during one spring in the coast of Jalisco. Results The latitudinal migration of L. curasoae in North America only occurs at latitudes near 30°N, whereas bats may be residents at latitudes lower than 21°N. Captures were associated always to the availability of floral resources in both geographical and local scales. Main conclusions The existence of resident populations in the tropics with two reproductive events support the hypothesis that migration only occurs in the northern distribution limit of this nectar-feeding bat.  相似文献   

We estimate fluctuations in population size and sex ratio, documentbreeding behavior and reproduction, and determine the diet of a population ofthe lesser long-nosed bat, Leptonycteris curasoae, in anisland cave in Chamela Bay, Jalisco, Mexico, with monthly sampling during anannual cycle (October 1999–October 2000). Based on the area of thecave's ceiling and wall covered with L. curasoae inrelation to the potential roost area without them, in 1999 the abundanceincreased from 80% in October to 100% in November and December. In 2000 thepopulation decreased to 80% in January, 50% in February, 30% in March, 20% inApril, 10% in May, 5% in June and July, and less than 1% in August. Thepopulation rapidly increased to 60% in September and to 80% in October.Throughout the year there were significantly more males than females; however,there was significant heterogeneity over months. In September–Novemberthere were more females, but in December–August there were more malespresent. The majority of pregnant and lactating females were observed fromDecember to March and in July, while males were reproductive fromSeptember–January and in May–June. Breeding activity was observed inthe cave in November–December. Twenty-six species of plants were consumedduring the year, based on pollen identification from fecal samples. Bombacaceousspecies were the most important component of the diet from January to May andCactaceae were most important in June–September. Peak abundance and reproductive activitycoincided with peak flower resource availability, which occurred between Octoberand January and in June–July. The year-round presence and reproductiveactivity of L. curasoae at this site throughout the yeardemonstrate that many individuals are annual residents in this area and indicatethe importance of this roosting site. In order to develop a successfulconservation program for L. curasoae, in addition toprotecting migratory corridors and northern maternity roosts, it is equallyimportant to identify and protect areas that function as breeding colonies andyear-round sanctuaries for resident populations in the south.  相似文献   

Filoviruses Ebolavirus (EBOV) and Marburgvirus (MARV) cause haemorrhagic fevers with high mortality rates, posing significant threats to public health. To understand transmission into human populations, filovirus dynamics within reservoir host populations must be understood. Studies have directly linked filoviruses to bats, but the mechanisms allowing viral persistence within bat populations are poorly understood. Theory suggests seasonal birthing may decrease the probability of pathogen persistence within populations, but data suggest MARV may persist within colonies of seasonally breeding Egyptian fruit bats, Rousettus aegyptiacus. I synthesize available filovirus and bat data in a stochastic compartmental model to explore fundamental questions relating to filovirus ecology: can filoviruses persist within isolated bat colonies; do critical community sizes exist; and how do host–pathogen relationships affect spillover transmission potential? Synchronous annual breeding and shorter incubation periods did not allow filovirus persistence, whereas bi-annual breeding and longer incubation periods, such as reported for Egyptian fruit bats and EBOV in experimental studies, allowed persistence in colony sizes often found in nature. Serological data support the findings, with bats from species with two annual birth pulses more likely to be seropositive (odds ratio (OR) 4.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.5–8.7) than those with one, suggesting that biannual birthing is necessary for filovirus persistence.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(4):1078-1086
Near-term pregnant females and female-pup nursing pairs of Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) were captured from large maternity colonies in central Texas. A total of 337 isolation calls from 20 pups were recorded and nine call parameters were measured from each call either sonagraphically or with a spectrum analyser. Univariate and multivariate analyses of the call parameters show that the calls of different pups are structurally distinct. Discriminant function analysis using a random subset of calls correctly categorized 60·4% to the pup emitting them. These results suggest that the pups have individual vocal signatures. Calls also possess qualities which suggest that they are attractive in nature and easy to locate. Regression analyses show that several call parameters increase in frequency as pups age.  相似文献   

Fetuses were collected from four Mexican free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis mexicana) and a fetal bat cell (FBC) line was established and tested for its ability to support the replication of the ERA vaccine strain of rabies virus. Cytopathic effects were detected in ERA virus-inoculated as well as uninoculated FBC's. Immunofluorescent antibody testing of uninoculated FBC's provided no evidence for the presence of rabies virus. However, mice inoculated intracranially with supernatant fluid from uninoculated FBC's died. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunofluorescent antibody testing revealed rabies virus in the brains of these mice. Tests with a panel of monoclonal antibodies indicated that the isolate was the same as that isolated from Mexican free-tailed bats from the southwestern United States. We conclude that the fetuses from which the FBC line was derived had been infected in utero with rabies virus. We believe this may represent the first observation of prenatal transfer of rabies virus in naturally infected bats.  相似文献   

Capacities and effects of cold or warm acclimation were investigated in two zoarcid species from the North Sea (Zoarces viviparus) and the Antarctic (Pachycara brachycephalum) by investigating temperature dependent mitochondrial respiration and activities of citrate synthase (CS) and NADP+ -dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH) in the liver. Antarctic eelpout were acclimated to 5°C and 0°C (controls) for at least 10 months, whereas boreal eelpout, Z. viviparus (North Sea) were acclimated to 5°C and to 10°C (controls). Liver sizes were found to be increased in both species in the cold, with a concomitant rise in liver mitochondrial protein content. As a result, total liver state III rates were elevated in both cold-versus and warm-exposed P. brachycephalum and Z. viviparus, with the highest rates in boreal eelpout acclimated to 5°C. CS and IDH activities in the total liver were similar in Z. viviparus acclimated to 5°C and 10°C, but decreased in those warm acclimated versus control P. brachycephalum. Enzyme capacities in the total liver were higher in eelpout from Antarctica than those from the North Sea. In conclusion, cold compensation of aerobic capacities in the liver seems to be linked to an increase in organ size with unchanged specific mitochondrial protein content. Despite its life in permanently cold climate, P. brachycephalum was able to reduce liver aerobic capacities in warm climate and thus, displayed a capacity for temperature acclimation.  相似文献   

Stomach content analysis of 20 pregnant (x body mass=13.4 g) and 18 lactating (x body mass=11.5 g) female Tadarida brasiliensis revealed that the diet, expressed as percent volume, consists largely of lepidopterans, coleopterans, hymenopterans, and dipterans, in decreasing order of importance. We found no significant difference in the diet of pregnant and lactating females when expressed as percent volume. However, when expressed as percent frequency, proportionately more pregnant females fed on lepidopterans, coleopterans, and dipterans than did lactating bats, and proportionately more lactating females fed on hymenopterans. We found no significant differences in the percentages of water, lean dry mass, fat, and energy density in the stomach contents of pregnant and lactating females. Water in stomach contents averaged 62.7% and fat and lean dry mass averaged 22.2% and 15.2%, respectively (expressed as percentage of wet mass); energy density averaged 31.2 kJ g–1 dry mass. This relatively high energy density of stomach contents, as compared to whole insects, can be attributed to the consumption of insects high in fat (especially flying ants) and the abdomens only of moths and beetles (other body parts being discarded). Estimates of nightly food intake increased markedly from mid- to late pregnancy, stabilized or decreased during late pregnancy, and increased again during early to mid-lactation. Average nightly feeding rate doubled from pregnancy to lactation and increased threefold during the first half of lactation. By adjusting our gravimetric estimates of nightly feeding rate upwards by 40% (based on estimates of field metabolic rate), we estimate that the average nightly energy intake of female T. brasiliensis ranges from 57 kJ day–1 in early lactation to 104 kJ day–1 in mid-lactation. These estimates represent nightly feeding rates averaging 39% and 73% of a female's body mass in the period from early to mid-lactation, respectively.  相似文献   

Several free-living avian species have recently been shown to seasonally modulate corticosterone release in response to capture and restraint. We examined possible mechanisms underlying seasonal adrenocortical modulation in snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivalis), a species that breeds and molts (the energetically costly replacement of feathers) in the Alaskan Arctic. Snow buntings dramatically reduced baseline and maximal corticosterone titers during molt compared to the breeding season. This effect is not explained by changes in either corticosterone binding protein capacity or the overall condition of the bird (assessed by weight and fat storage). Although the adrenal's capacity to secrete corticosterone is reduced during molt, adrenal insensitivity does not fully explain reduced maximal output since exogenous adrenocorticotropic-hormone enhanced corticosterone release during both seasons. In contrast, no exogenous adrenocorticotropic hormone releasing factor (corticotrophin-releasing factor, arginine vasotocin or mesotocin) enhanced corticosterone secretion during molt. This suggests that the pituitary's endogenous adrenocorticotropic secretion was maximal in response to capture and handling, making the pituitary an important site regulating corticosterone levels. Taken together, these results indicate that seasonal modulation of corticosterone release in this species is controlled at both the adrenal and pituitary glands. Accepted: 16 February 1998  相似文献   

运用Grimelius银染法对菲牛蛭(Poecilobdella manillensis)消化管内嗜银细胞的分布和形态进行观察,并根据嗜银细胞的分布特点统计其分布密度。消化管除食道外各部位均有嗜银细胞分布,细胞染棕色或黑色;嗜银细胞基本位于上皮细胞之间和固有层内,主要呈圆形、椭圆形、锥体形和长条形等多种形态;部分细胞胞突明显,细胞内可见黑色分泌颗粒。嗜银细胞分布密度为颚片最高,嗉囊次之,直肠最低,食道内未检测出嗜银细胞。消化管各段嗜银细胞的形态特征和分布规律可能与其食性和消化生理活动密切相关。  相似文献   

Bandicoots are opportunistic omnivores that feed on invertebrates, fungi and both epigeal and hypogeal plant parts. We examined the performance of the digestive tract of the long-nosed bandicoot (Perameles nasuta) in terms of intake and total digestibility, patterns of excretion of inert digesta markers, and likely sites of digesta retention, on two diets designed to mimic part of their natural plant and insect diets. On the insect diet (mealworm larvae), bandicoots virtually maintained body mass at a digestible energy intake of 511 kJ · kg-0.75 · day-1 and were in strongly positive nitrogen balance. In contrast, on the plant diet (shredded sweet potato), bandicoots ate only one-third as much digestible energy, lost 7% body mass, and were in negative nitrogen balance. Mean retention times of two particle markers on the plant diet (27.5 and 27.0 h) were more than double those on the insect diet (12.4 and 11.2 h), and on both diets the mean retention time of the fluid digesta marker was greater than those of the particle markers, indicating consistent selective retention of fluid digesta in the gut. It was seen radiographically than in mealwormfed bandicoots major sites of digesta retention were the distal colon and rectum, whereas in the sweet potato-fed animals the caecum and proximal colon were principal sites. It was concluded that retention of plant material in the caecum and proximal colon (the main sites of microbial digestion) and the preferential retention of fluid digesta (together with bacteria and small feed particles) in the caecum were important factors in the ability of bandicoots to switch between insect and plant foods, depending on relative availabilities, and thus to exploit nutritionally unpredictable environments.Abbreviations ADF acid-detergent fibre - bm body mass - Co-ED-TA cobalt-ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid - CWC cell wall constituents - DE digestable energy - dm dry matter - EUN endogenous urinary nitrogen - ICP inductively-coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy - MFN metabolic faecal nitrogen - MRT mean retention time - NDF neutral-detergent fibre - ww wet weight  相似文献   

This study reports the first set of microsatellite markers for the weasel (Mustela nivalis). We chose to isolate loci with tetranucleotide repeat motifs because they can be scored less ambiguously than the more commonly used dinucleotide loci. All 11 loci showed considerable variation within a population sample of 28 individuals from Portugal, with number of alleles ranging from four to nine per locus and observed and expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.21 to 0.86 and from 0.40 to 0.84, respectively. No linkage disequilibrium was detected between pairs of loci, and only one locus (Mn 1.30) deviated from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium expectations in the analyzed population sample. Among the 11 loci, Mn 1.30 was the only one for which all known males were homozygous. Analysis of an additional population sample of 23 individuals (14 males and 9 females) from Denmark revealed that all males, but only four females, were homozygous for Mn 1.30, supporting the idea that the locus is X-linked. These novel polymorphic microsatellite markers should be useful in studies of population genetics and molecular ecology of the weasel.  相似文献   

Nectar-feeding bats play important roles in the pollination of columnar cacti. Migratory bats such as Leptonycteris curasoae are vulnerable to extinction due to their migratory behavior and cave-roosting habit. The conservation of migratory bats requires the identification and protection of key roosting sites and their floral resources. In this paper we describe the availability of resources, the population dynamics and the diet of L. curasoae in the Guaymas region, and its diet at three additional sites in coastal Sonora, Mexico. Our results indicate that L. curasoae is a seasonal resident in the Guaymas area, with local occupation of around 4 months. Seasonal occupation seems to be determined by the availability of flowers and fruits of columnar cacti as peak abundance and peak availability coincide in time. The analyses of fecal and fur samples revealed that columnar cacti constitute the major food source during their seasonal occupation of coastal Sonora. The frequency of pollen from Agave and Bombacaceae in fecal samples was generally low but increased in importance in lower latitudes. Our results suggest that the availability of resources provided by columnar cacti determine seasonal occupation of L. curasoae in Sonora. Given that we detected newborns in the studied colony, we suggest active cave protection for the conservation of the maternity roosting site in Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis and processing of the Galanthus nivalis agglutinin were studied in vivo in ripening snowdrop ovaries. Using labeling and pulse chase labeling experiments it could be demonstrated that the snowdrop lectin is synthesized as a precursor of relative molecular weight (Mr) 15,000 which is posttranslationally converted into the authentic lectin polypeptide of Mr 13,000 with a half-life of about 6 hours. Gel filtration of an extract of [3H]leucine labeled ovaries on Sepharose 4B showed that a significant portion of the newly synthesized lectin is associated with the particulate fraction. When the organellar fraction was fractionated on isopycnic sucrose gradients this lectin banded in the same density region as the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) marker enzyme NADH cytochrome c reductase. Both radioactivity in lectin and in enzyme activity shifted towards a higher density in the presence of 2 millimolar Mg-acetate indicating that the labeled lectin was associated with the rough ER. Labeled lectin could be chased from the ER with a half-life of 4 hours and then accumulated in the soluble fraction. Whereas the ER-associated lectin contains exclusively polypeptides of Mr 15,000 the soluble fraction contains both precursor molecules and mature lectin polypeptides. The snowdrop lectin in the ER is fully capable of binding immobilized mannose. It is associated into tetramers with an appropriate molecular weight of 60,000. These results indicate that newly synthesized snowdrop lectin is transiently associated with the ER before transport and processing.  相似文献   

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