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In most cells, the DNA damage checkpoint delays cell division when replication is stalled by DNA damage. In early Caenorhabditis elegans embryos, however, the checkpoint responds to developmental signals that control the timing of cell division, and checkpoint activation by nondevelopmental inputs disrupts cell cycle timing and causes embryonic lethality. Given this sensitivity to inappropriate checkpoint activation, we were interested in how embryos respond to DNA damage. We demonstrate that the checkpoint response to DNA damage is actively silenced in embryos but not in the germ line. Silencing requires rad-2, gei-17, and the polh-1 translesion DNA polymerase, which suppress replication fork stalling and thereby eliminate the checkpoint-activating signal. These results explain how checkpoint activation is restricted to developmental signals during embryogenesis and insulated from DNA damage. They also show that checkpoint activation is not an obligatory response to DNA damage and that pathways exist to bypass the checkpoint when survival depends on uninterrupted progression through the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Proteoglycan modification is essential for development and early cell division in Caenorhabditis elegans. The specification of proteoglycan attachment sites is defined by the Golgi enzyme polypeptide xylosyltransferase. Here we evaluate the substrate specificity of this xylosyltransferase for its downstream targets by using reporter proteins containing proteoglycan modification sites from C. elegans syndecan/SDN-1. The N terminus of the SDN-1 contains a Ser-Gly proteoglycan site at Ser(71), flanked by potential mucin and N-glycosylation sites. However, Ser(71) was exclusively used as a proteoglycan site in vivo, based on mapping studies with a Ser(71) reporter protein, glycosyltransferase RNA interference, and co-expression of worm polypeptide xylosyltransferase. To elucidate the substrate requirements of this enzyme, a library of 42 point mutants of the Ser(71) reporter was expressed in tissue culture. The nematode proteoglycan modification site in SDN-1 required serine (not threonine), two flanking glycine residues (positions -1 and +1), and either one proximal acidic N-terminal amino acid (positions -4, -3, and -2) or a pair of distal N-terminal acidic amino acids (positions -6 and -5). C-terminal acidic amino acids, although present in many proteoglycan modification sites, had minimal impact on xylosylation at Ser(71). Proline inhibited glycosylation when present at -1, +1, or +2. The position of glycine, proline, and acidic amino acids allows the glycosylation machinery to discriminate between mucin and proteoglycan modification sites. The key residues that define proteoglycan modification sites also function with the Drosophila polypeptide xylosyltransferase, indicating that the specificity in the glycosylation process is evolutionarily conserved. Using a neural network method, a preliminary proteoglycan predictor has been developed.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylserine exposed on the surface of apoptotic mammalian cells is considered an "eat-me" signal that attracts phagocytes. The generality of using phosphatidylserine as a clearance signal for apoptotic cells in animals and the regulation of this event remain uncertain. Using ectopically expressed mouse MFG-E8, a secreted phosphatidylserine-binding protein, we detected specific exposure of phosphatidylserine on the surface of apoptotic cells in Caenorhabditis elegans. Masking the surface phosphatidylserine inhibits apoptotic cell engulfment. CED-7, an ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, is necessary for the efficient exposure of phosphatidylserine on apoptotic somatic cells, and for the recognition of these cells by phagocytic receptor CED-1. Alternatively, phosphatidylserine exposure on apoptotic germ cells is not CED-7 dependent, but instead requires phospholipid scramblase PLSC-1, a homologue of mammalian phospholipid scramblases. Moreover, deleting plsc-1 results in the accumulation of apoptotic germ cells but not apoptotic somatic cells. These observations suggest that phosphatidylserine might be recognized by CED-1 and act as a conserved eat-me signal from nematodes to mammals. Furthermore, the two different biochemical activities used in somatic cells (ABC transporter) and germ cells (phospholipid scramblase) suggest an increased complexity in the regulation of phosphatidylserine presentation in response to apoptotic signals in different tissues and during different developmental stages.  相似文献   

The nerve-cell cytoskeleton is essential for the regulation of intrinsic neuronal activity. For example, neuronal migration defects are associated with microtubule regulators, such as LIS1 and dynein, as well as with actin regulators, including Rac GTPases and integrins, and have been thought to underlie epileptic seizures in patients with cortical malformations. However, it is plausible that post-developmental functions of specific cytoskeletal regulators contribute to the more transient nature of aberrant neuronal activity and could be masked by developmental anomalies. Accordingly, our previous results have illuminated functional roles, distinct from developmental contributions, for Caenorhabditis elegans orthologs of LIS1 and dynein in GABAergic synaptic vesicle transport. Here, we report that C. elegans with function-altering mutations in canonical Rac GTPase-signaling-pathway members demonstrated a robust behavioral response to a GABAA receptor antagonist, pentylenetetrazole. Rac mutants also exhibited hypersensitivity to an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor, aldicarb, uncovering deficiencies in inhibitory neurotransmission. RNA interference targeting Rac hypomorphs revealed synergistic interactions between the dynein motor complex and some, but not all, members of Rac-signaling pathways. These genetic interactions are consistent with putative Rac-dependent regulation of actin and microtubule networks and suggest that some cytoskeletal regulators cooperate to uniquely govern neuronal synchrony through dynein-mediated GABAergic vesicle transport in C. elegans.EPILEPSY affects 1–2% of the world population and is associated with imbalances between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in the brain (Locke et al. 2009). In particular, interneurons expressing gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the principal inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human brain, are essential for normal neuronal synchronization and maintenance of a seizure threshold in humans (Cossette et al. 2002), rodents (Delorey et al. 1998), and zebrafish (Baraban et al. 2005). A failure of the brain to properly regulate neuronal synchrony can result from ion channel defects (Xu and Clancy 2008), neuropeptide depletion (Brill et al. 2006), brain malformations (Patel et al. 2004), interneuron loss (Cobos et al. 2005), and/or synaptic vesicle recycling failure (Di Paolo et al. 2002), all of which may be caused by disrupting the nerve-cell cytoskeleton. Therefore, further exploration of putative links between cytoskeletal components and neurotransmission may accelerate development of novel therapeutics for epilepsy.Epilepsy associated with cytoskeletal dysfunction often has a developmental basis (Di Cunto et al. 2000; Wenzel et al. 2001; Keays et al. 2007). For example, mutations in LIS1, a dynein motor complex regulator, lead to classical lissencephaly, which is characterized by neuronal migration defects, a lack of convolutions in the brain, mental retardation, and epileptic seizures (Lo Nigro et al. 1997). Yet, observations that lissencephaly-associated seizures worsen after neuronal migration ceases, while LIS1 expression persists, imply that LIS1 also acts in the adult brain (Cardoso et al. 2002).We previously reported that C. elegans with a predicted null mutation (t1550) in lis-1, the worm ortholog of human LIS1, exhibited synaptic vesicle misaccumulations, but not neuronal migration or axon-pathfinding defects, in GABAergic motor neurons. We also observed anterior “epileptic-like” convulsions, which were intense, frequent, and repetitive, with lis-1(t1550) homozygotes in the presence of pentylenetetrazole (PTZ; Williams et al. 2004), an epileptogenic GABAA receptor antagonist (Huang et al. 2001; Fernandez et al. 2007). PTZ sensitivity was also increased in heterozygous lis-1(t1550) mutants following RNA interference (RNAi) against worm orthologs of associated cortical malformation genes, such as cdk-5 and nud-2, which are known to interact with LIS1 and the dynein motor complex. Depletion of these gene products was coincident with dynein-mediated synaptic vesicle transport defects, not with architectural defects, in GABAergic motor neurons (Locke et al. 2006).Plausible functional interactions among LIS-1, dynein, and Rac GTPases (Rehberg et al. 2005; Kholmanskikh et al. 2006) have not been explored in an intact adult nervous system. C. elegans is ideal for characterizing these interactions due to the availability of weak and strong Rac pathway mutants (Lundquist et al. 2001; Poinat et al. 2002; Lucanic et al. 2006), a comprehensive RNAi library (Kamath et al. 2003), and GFP-based neuronal markers. Here, we combine these tools with pharmacological modifiers of neuronal activity and establish an experimental paradigm that reveals a novel regulatory pathway. This pathway is composed of integrins at the plasma membrane that signal through Racs to dynein-associated proteins, which function to coordinate synaptic vesicle transport in larval and adult GABAergic motor neurons.  相似文献   

Highlights? Mad2 overexpression activates the SAC independently from Mad1 in budding yeast ? Mad2 dimerization surface is required for the SAC independently from Mad1 ? Mad2 dimerization downstream of kinetochores is negligible for the SAC ? Mad2 dimerization surface interacts with Mad3 and is required for MCC stability  相似文献   

广杆属秀丽线虫Caenorhabditis elegans是生物学中应用广泛的经典模式生物,利用形态准确对其进行种类鉴定困难且耗时,实验利用NGM培养基对1000余份样品进行线虫的分离培养,通过形态学、分子生物学、系统学分析及生殖隔离验证等方法对所分离线虫进行鉴定和分析,得到4个种共55个品系的广杆属线虫,其中采自武汉植物园腐殖质土壤的GXW0001经鉴定为C.elegans的中国分布新纪录。研究为模式线虫种类鉴定建立了系统可靠的方法,并填补了我国模式线虫种质资源库的空白。  相似文献   



The serine/threonine kinase BUB1 (Budding Uninhibited by Benzimidazole 1) was originally identified in yeast as a checkpoint protein, based on its mutant''s incapacity of delaying the cell cycle in response to loss of microtubules. Our understanding of its function is primarily from studies carried out in yeast S. cerevisiae. It has been shown that it is a component of the mitotic spindle checkpoint and regulates the separation of sister chromatids through its downstream molecules. However, its roles in multi-cellular organisms remain unclear.

Methods and Findings

In nematode C. elegans, rapid cell divisions primarily occur in embryos and in germline of postembryonic larvae and adults. In addition, a select set of cells undergo a few rounds of cell division postembryonically. One common phenotype associated with impaired cell division is described as Stu (Sterile and Uncoordinated) [1], [2]. We conducted a genetic screen for zygotic mutants that displayed Stu phenotype in C. elegans. We isolated seven Stu mutants that fell into five complementation groups. We report here that two mutations, FanWang5 (fw5) and FanWang8 (fw8) affect the bub-1 gene, a homolog of yeast BUB1. Both mutant alleles of fw5 and fw8 exhibited variable behavioral defects, including developmental arrest, uncoordination and sterility. The number of postembryonically born neurons in the ventral cord decreased and their axon morphology was abnormal. Also, the decrease of neurons in the ventral cord phenotype could not be suppressed by a caspase-3 loss-of-function mutant. In addition, bub-1(fw5 and fw8) mutants showed widespread effects on postembryonic development in many cell lineages. We found that bub-1 functioned maternally in several developmental lineages at the embryonic stage in C. elegans. Studies in yeast have shown that BUB1 functions as a spindle checkpoint protein by regulating the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). We performed double mutant analysis and observed that bub-1 genetically interacted with several downstream genes, including fzy-1/CDC20, mat-2/APC1 and emb-27/APC6.


Our results demonstrate a conserved role of bub-1 in cell-cycle regulation and reveal that C. elegans bub-1 is required both maternally and zygotically. Further, our genetic analysis is consistent with that the function of bub-1 in C. elegans is likely similar to its yeast and mammalian homologs.  相似文献   

Myosin purified from the body-wall muscle-defective mutant E675 of the nematode. Caenorhabditis elegans, has heavy chain polypeptides which can be distinguished on the basis of molecular weight. On SDS-polyacrylamide gels, bands are found at 210,000 and 203,000 daltons. This is in contrast to myosin from the wild-type, N2, which has a single heavy chain band at 210,000 daltons. Both heavy chains of E675 are found in body-wall muscle (Epstein, Waterston and Brenner, 1974).When native myosin from E675 is fractionated on hydroxyapatite, it is separated into myosin containing predominantly one or the other molecular weight heavy chain and myosin containing a mixture of the heavy chains. Comparison of the CNBr fragments of myosin that contains predominantly 210,000 dalton heavy chains with those of myosin that contains predominantly 203,000 dalton heavy chains reveals multiple differences. These differences are not explained by the difference in molecular weight of the heavy chains, but may be explained if each type of heavy chain is the product of a different structural gene. Furthermore, because there are fractions which exhibit >80% 210,000 or >80% 203,000 dalton heavy chain, there is myosin which is homogeneous for each of the heavy chains.Although N2 myosin has only a single molecular weight heavy chain, it too is fractionated by hydroxyapatite. By comparing the CNBr fragments of different myosin fractions, we show that N2, like E675, has two kinds of heavy chains.E190, a body-wall muscle-defective mutant in the same complementation group as E675, is lacking the myosin heavy chain affected by the e675 mutation. This property has allowed us to determine by co-purification of labeled E190 myosin in the presence of excess, unlabeled E675 myosin that most, if not all, of the myosin that contains two different molecular weight heavy chains is due to the formation of complexes between homogeneous myosins and not to a heterogeneous myosin.  相似文献   

In the mammalian cell cycle, both CYCLIN A and CYCLIN B are required for entry into mitosis, and their elimination is also essential to complete the process. During mitosis, CYCLIN A and CYCLIN B are ubiquitylated by the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) and then subjected to proteasomal degradation. However, CYCLIN A, but not CYCLIN B, begins to be degraded in the prometaphase when APC/C is inactivated by the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). Here, we show that APOLLON (also known as BRUCE or BIRC6) plays a role in SAC-independent degradation of CYCLIN A in early mitosis. APPOLON interacts with CYCLIN A that is not associated with cyclin-dependent kinases. APPOLON also interacts with APC/C, and it facilitates CYCLIN A ubiquitylation. In APPOLON-deficient cells, mitotic degradation of CYCLIN A is delayed, and the total, but not the cyclin-dependent kinase-bound, CYCLIN A level was increased. We propose APPOLON to be a novel regulator of mitotic CYCLIN A degradation independent of SAC.  相似文献   

Robert K. Herman 《Genetics》1987,116(3):377-388
The mutation mec-4(e 1611), identified by M. Chalfie, leads to the degeneration and death of the six neurons, called the microtubule cells, that mediate the response of wild-type animals to light touch. The fates of two of these cells, PLML and PLMR, which are responsible for response to light touch in the tail of the animal, have been monitored in animals mosaic for the mec-4(e 1611) mutation. The results are consistent with the view that the mutation behaves cell autonomously in its killing effect; in particular, none of the neurons that make either chemical synapses or gap junctions to PLML or PLMR is responsible for the deaths of PLML or PLMR. The results of gene dosage and dominance tests suggest that the mec-4(+) gene product, which is required for wild-type microtubule cell function, is altered by the e 1611 mutation into a novel product that kills the microtubule cells. Mutation in the gene unc-3 leads to the derangement of the processes of the motor neurons of the ventral cord. Mosaic analysis strongly suggests that unc-3(+) expression is required only in the motor neurons themselves for normal neuronal development. In particular, the hypodermis surrounding the ventral cord is not the primary focus of unc-3 action (body muscle was excluded in earlier work). Finally, the mosaic analysis supports an earlier suggestion that a sensory defect caused by a daf-6 mutation is localized to a non-neuronal cell called the sheath cell.  相似文献   

A steroid hormone that extends the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Removing the germline of Caenorhabditis elegans extends lifespan. This lifespan extension requires the nuclear receptor DAF-12 and the cytochrome P450 DAF-9, suggesting that a lipophilic hormone is involved. Here we show that C. elegans contains several hormonal steroids that are also present in humans, including pregnenolone (3beta-hydroxy-pregn-5-en-20-one; PREG) and other pregnane and androstane derivatives. We find that PREG can extend the lifespan of C. elegans. Moreover, PREG levels rise when the germline is removed in a daf-9-dependent fashion. PREG extends the lifespan of germline-defective daf-9 mutants dramatically, but has no effect on daf-12 mutants. Thus, germline removal may extend lifespan, at least in part, by stimulating the synthesis of PREG.  相似文献   

Holway AH  Hung C  Michael WM 《Genetics》2005,169(3):1451-1460
The Mus101 family of chromosomal proteins, identified initially in Drosophila, is widely conserved and has been shown to function in a variety of DNA metabolic processes. Such functions include DNA replication, DNA damage repair, postreplication repair, damage checkpoint activation, chromosome stability, and chromosome condensation. Despite its conservation and widespread involvement in chromosome biogenesis, very little is known about how Mus101 is regulated and what other proteins are required for Mus101 to exert its functions. To learn more about Mus101, we have initiated an analysis of the protein in C. elegans. Here, we show that C. elegans mus-101 is an essential gene, that it is required for DNA replication, and that it also plays an important role in the DNA damage response. Furthermore, we use RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated reverse genetics to screen for genes that modify a mus-101 partial loss-of-function RNAi phenotype. Using a systematic approach toward modifier gene discovery, we have found five chromosome I genes that modify the mus-101 RNAi phenotype, and we go on to show that one of them encodes an E3 SUMO ligase that promotes SUMO modification of MUS-101 in vitro. These results expand our understanding of MUS-101 regulation and show that genetic interactions can be uncovered using screening strategies that rely solely on RNAi.  相似文献   

One approach to understanding behavior is to define the cellular components of neuronal circuits that control behavior. In the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, neuronal circuits have been delineated based on patterns of synaptic connectivity derived from ultrastructural analysis. Individual cellular components of these anatomically defined circuits have previously been characterized on the sensory and motor neuron levels. In contrast, interneuron function has only been addressed to a limited extent. We describe here several classes of interneurons (AIY, AIZ, and RIB) that modulate locomotory behavior in C. elegans. Using mutant analysis as well as microsurgical mapping techniques, we found that the AIY neuron class serves to tonically modulate reversal frequency of animals in various sensory environments via the repression of the activity of a bistable switch composed of defined command interneurons. Furthermore, we show that the presentation of defined sensory modalities induces specific alterations in reversal behavior and that the AIY interneuron class mediates this alteration in locomotory behavior. We also found that the AIZ and RIB interneuron classes process odorsensory information in parallel to the AIY interneuron class. AIY, AIZ, and RIB are the first interneurons directly implicated in chemosensory signaling. Our neuronal mapping studies provide the framework for further genetic and functional dissections of neuronal circuits in C. elegans.  相似文献   

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