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A high-performance-liquid-chromatographic method is developed for the simultaneous determination of hydroxymethylbilane synthase and uroporphyrinogen III synthase activity in erythrocytes. Effective separation of uroporphyrin I and III isomers allows the accurate quantification of individual isomers and the total uroporphyrin concentration. Total uroporphyrin production is used to calculate hydroxymethylbilane synthase activity, and the amount of uroporphyrin III formed represents the activity of uroporphyrinogen III synthase. Normal ranges are established for the two enzymes.  相似文献   

Cunha L  Kuti M  Bishop DF  Mezei M  Zeng L  Zhou MM  Desnick RJ 《Proteins》2008,71(2):855-873
Uroporphyrinogen III synthase (URO-synthase) catalyzes the cyclization and D-ring isomerization of hydroxymethylbilane (HMB) to uroporphyrinogen (URO'gen) III, the cyclic tetrapyrrole and physiologic precursor of heme, chlorophyl, and corrin. The deficient activity of human URO-synthase results in the autosomal recessive cutaneous disorder, congenital erythropoietic porphyria. Mapping of the structural determinants that specify catalysis and, potentially, protein-protein interactions is lacking. To map the active site and assess the enzyme's possible interaction in a complex with hydroxymethylbilane-synthase (HMB-synthase) and/or uroporphyrinogen-decarboxylase (URO-decarboxylase) by NMR, an efficient expression and purification procedure was developed for these cytosolic enzymes of heme biosynthesis that enabled preparation of special isotopically-labeled protein samples for NMR characterization. Using an 800 MHz instrument, assignment of the URO-synthase backbone (13)C(alpha) (100%), (1)H(alpha) (99.6%), and nonproline (1)H(N) and (15)N resonances (94%) was achieved as well as 85% of the side-chain (13)C and (1)H resonances. NMR analyses of URO-synthase titrated with competitive inhibitors N(D)-methyl-1-formylbilane (NMF-bilane) or URO'gen III, revealed resonance perturbations of specific residues lining the cleft between the two major domains of URO synthase that mapped the enzyme's active site. In silico docking of the URO-synthase crystal structure with NMF-bilane and URO'gen III was consistent with the perturbation results and provided a 3D model of the enzyme-inhibitor complex. The absence of chemical shift changes in the (15)N spectrum of URO-synthase mixed with the homogeneous HMB-synthase holoenzyme or URO-decarboxylase precluded occurrence of a stable cytosolic enzyme complex.  相似文献   

All tetrapyrroles are synthesized through a branched pathway, and although each tetrapyrrole receives unique modifications around the ring periphery, they all share the unifying feature of a central metal ion. Each pathway maintains a unique metal ion chelatase, and several tertiary structures have been determined, including those of the protoporphyrin ferrochelatase from both human and Bacillus subtilus, and the cobalt chelatase CbiK. These enzymes exhibit strong structural similarity and appear to function by a similar mechanism. Met8p, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, catalyses ferrochelation during the synthesis of sirohaem, and the structure reveals a novel chelatase architecture whereby both ferrochelation and NAD(+)-dependent dehydrogenation take place in a single bifunctional active site. Asp-141 appears to participate in both catalytic reactions. The final common biosynthetic step in tetrapyrrole biosynthesis is the generation of uroporphyrinogen by uroporphyrinogen III synthase, whereby the D ring of hydroxymethylbilane is flipped during ring closure to generate the asymmetrical structure of uroporphyrinogen III. The recently derived structure of uroporphyrinogen III synthase reveals a bi-lobed structure in which the active site lies between the domains.  相似文献   

Summary Congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP) or Günther's disease is an inborn error of heme biosynthesis transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait and characterized by a profound deficiency of uroporphyrinogen III synthase (UROIIIS) activity. We have previously described two missense mutations in the UROIIIS gene, confirming that the primary defect responsible for CEP is a structural alteration of this gene. We have extended our work to 5 additional unrelated families. Two new point mutations, a deletion and an insertion have been found in the messenger RNA. Our study shows that a molecular heterogeneity of the mutations exists in Günther's disease. One mutation (C73R), however, appears to be more frequent than the others. Finally, the different normal and mutated proteins have been expressed in Escherichia coli to determine the consequence of the mutations on the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Cellular prion (PrPc) is a plasma membrane glycosyphosphatidylinositol-anchored protein present in neurons but also in other cell types. Protein conservation among species suggests that PrPc may have important physiological roles. Cellular and molecular approaches have established several novel features of the regulation of PrPc expression, cellular trafficking as well as its participation in copper uptake, protection against oxidative stress, cell adhesion, differentiation, signaling and cell survival. It is therefore likely that PrPc plays pleiotropic roles in neuronal and non-neuronal cells, and as such the loss of function of PrPc may be an important component of various diseases.  相似文献   

The isomeric composition of type-III heptacarboxylic porphyrinogens derived from decarbosylation of uroporphyrinogen III by erythrocyte uroporphyringogen decarboxylase was analysed by h.p.l.c. with electrochemical detection. All four possible isomers were identified, and there were little differences in the proportion of isomers formed by erythrocytes from normal subjects and from patients with sporadic porphyria cutanea tarda. The results provide conclusive evidence that the normal decarboxylation pathway is random in nature, and the fourth isomer only increases when enzyme abnormality is found.  相似文献   

UROS (uroporphyrinogen III synthase; EC is the enzyme responsible for the formation of uroporphyrinogen III, the precursor of all cellular tetrapyrroles including haem, chlorophyll and bilins. Although UROS genes have been cloned from many organisms, the level of sequence conservation between them is low, making sequence similarity searches difficult. As an alternative approach to identify the UROS gene from plants, we used functional complementation, since this does not require conservation of primary sequence. A mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was constructed in which the HEM4 gene encoding UROS was deleted. This mutant was transformed with an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA library in a yeast expression vector and two colonies were obtained that could grow in the absence of haem. The rescuing plasmids encoded an ORF (open reading frame) of 321 amino acids which, when subcloned into an Escherichia coli expression vector, was able to complement an E. coli hemD mutant defective in UROS. Final proof that the ORF encoded UROS came from the fact that the recombinant protein expressed with an N-terminal histidine-tag was found to have UROS activity. Comparison of the sequence of AtUROS (A. thaliana UROS) with the human enzyme found that the seven invariant residues previously identified were conserved, including three shown to be important for enzyme activity. Furthermore, a structure-based homology search of the protein database with AtUROS identified the human crystal structure. AtUROS has an N-terminal extension compared with orthologues from other organisms, suggesting that this might act as a targeting sequence. The precursor protein of 34 kDa translated in vitro was imported into isolated chloroplasts and processed to the mature size of 29 kDa. Confocal microscopy of plant cells transiently expressing a fusion protein of AtUROS with GFP (green fluorescent protein) confirmed that AtUROS was targeted exclusively to chloroplasts in vivo.  相似文献   

We report here the use of the maize transposable element Activator (Ac) to isolate a dicot gene. Ac was introduced into petunia, where it transposed into Ph6, one of several genes that modify anthocyanin pigmentation in flowers by affecting the pH of the corolla. Like other Ac-mutable alleles, the new mutation is unstable and reverts to a functional form in somatic and germinal tissues. The mutant gene was cloned using Ac as a probe, demonstrating the feasibility of heterologous transposon tagging in higher plants. Confirmation that the cloned DNA fragment corresponded to the mutated gene was obtained from an analysis of revertants. In every case examined, reversion to the wild-type phenotype was correlated with restoration of a wild-type-sized DNA fragment. New transposed Acs were detected in many of the revertants. As in maize, the frequency of somatic and germinal excision of Ac from the mutable allele appears to be dependent on genetic background.  相似文献   

In an earlier study, we showed that two‐domain segment‐swapped proteins can evolve by domain swapping and fusion, resulting in a protein with two linkers connecting its domains. We proposed that a potential evolutionary advantage of this topology may be the restriction of interdomain motions, which may facilitate domain closure by a hinge‐like movement, crucial for the function of many enzymes. Here, we test this hypothesis computationally on uroporphyrinogen III synthase, a two‐domain segment‐swapped enzyme essential in porphyrin metabolism. To compare the interdomain flexibility between the wild‐type, segment‐swapped enzyme (having two interdomain linkers) and circular permutants of the same enzyme having only one interdomain linker, we performed geometric and molecular dynamics simulations for these species in their ligand‐free and ligand‐bound forms. We find that in the ligand‐free form, interdomain motions in the wild‐type enzyme are significantly more restricted than they would be with only one interdomain linker, while the flexibility difference is negligible in the ligand‐bound form. We also estimated the entropy costs of ligand binding associated with the interdomain motions, and find that the change in domain connectivity due to segment swapping results in a reduction of this entropy cost, corresponding to ~20% of the total ligand binding free energy. In addition, the restriction of interdomain motions may also help the functional domain‐closure motion required for catalysis. This suggests that the evolution of the segment‐swapped topology facilitated the evolution of enzyme function for this protein by influencing its dynamic properties. Proteins 2016; 85:46–53. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Rat hepatic uroporphyrinogen III co-synthase was isolated and purified 73-fold with a 13% yield by (NH4)2SO4 fractionation and sequential chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel, Sephadex G-100 (superfine grade) and folate-AH-Sepharose 4B. The purified co-synthase has an Mr of approx. 42 000, and is resolved into two bands, each possessing co-synthase activity, by polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. A factor was dissociated from the purified co-synthase. Results of both microbiological and competitive protein-binding assays suggest that it is a pteroylpolyglutamate. The isolated pteroylpolyglutamate factor was co-eluted with authentic N5-methyltetrahydropteroylheptaglutamate on DEAE-Sephacel. Uroporphyrinogen III is formed by cosynthase-free preparations of uroporphyrinogen I synthase in the presence of tetrahydropteroylglutamate. Tetrahydropeteroylheptaglutamate is also able to direct the formation of equivalent amounts of uroporphyrinogen III at a concentration approximately one-hundredth that of tetrahydropteroylmonoglutamate. These results suggest that a reduced pteroylpolyglutamate factor is associated with rat hepatic uroporphyrinogen III co-synthase, and that this may function as a coenzyme for the biosynthesis of uroporphyrinogen III.  相似文献   

Nonsense mutations in the dystrophin gene are the cause of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in 10–15% of patients. In such an event, one approach to gene therapy for DMD is the use of suppressor tRNAs to overcome the premature termination of translation of the mutant mRNA. We have carried out cotransfection of the HeLa cell culture with constructs containing a suptRNA gene (pcDNA3suptRNA) and a marker LacZ gene (pNTLacZhis) using their polymer VSST-525 complexes. It was found that the number of cells producing -galactosidase depends inversely on the dose of the suptRNA gene. A single in vivo injection of the construct providing for expression of the suptRNAochre gene into mdx mouse muscle resulted in the production of dystrophin in 2.5% of fibers. This suggests that suppressor tRNAs are applicable in gene therapy for hereditary diseases caused by nonsense mutations.  相似文献   

Molecular Characterization of a Barley Gene Induced by Cold Treatment   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
A cDNA library was made from low positive temperature (6 ?C/2?C) grown barley shoot meristems. Several genes which are differentiallyexpressed, as measured by mRNA abundance, were selected fromthe library using a differential screen. This paper reportsan analysis of in vivo expression in several cultivars, theDNA sequence, copy number and chromosomal location of one gene(BLT14). In addition, genomic restriction fragment length polymorphismfor this gene in the 10 most widely UK-grown spring and 9 mostwidely UK-grown winter barley cultivars is analysed. Key words: Hordeum vulgare, low temperature, RFLP, differential expression, cDNA sequence  相似文献   

T. Peterson 《Genetics》1990,126(2):469-476

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