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Host answers to pathogen attacks define the course of pathogenic events and decide about the fate of the host organism. Infection with coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) can induce severe myocarditis and pancreatitis. The interplay between host factors and virus components is crucial for the fate of the infected host. As we have shown before, expression of the pro-apoptotic host protein Siva is significantly increased after CVB3 infection, and infected cells are removed by programmed cell death. Analysis of Siva expressed in Escherichia coli revealed that this protein binds three zinc ions, suggesting a rather complex three-dimensional structure. By screening a human heart cDNA library we found a new interaction partner of Siva. The peroxisomal membrane protein PMP22 may be involved in the host response against CVB3. Previous investigations showed that Siva interacts with the cytoplasmic C-terminus of CD27, a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor group, and transmits an apoptotic signal. With the help of directed two-hybrid assays we determined the N-terminal part of Siva as the binding region for CD27.  相似文献   

Lu J  Yang H  Yu H  Gao W  Lai R  Liu J  Liang X 《Peptides》2008,29(3):369-374
By Sephadex G-50 gel filtration, cation-exchange CM-Sephadex C-25 chromatography and reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), a novel serine protease inhibitor named bungaruskunin was purified and characterized from venom of Bungarus fasciatus. Its cDNA was also cloned from the cDNA library of B. fasciatus venomous glands. The predicted precursor is composed of 83 amino acid (aa) residues including a 24-aa signal peptide and a 59-aa mature bungaruskunin. Bungaruskunin showed maximal similarity (64%) with the predicted serine protease inhibitor blackelin deduced from the cDNA sequence of the red-bellied black snake Pseudechis porphyriacus. Bungaruskunin is a Kunitz protease inhibitor with a conserved Kunitz domain and could exert inhibitory activity against trypsin, chymotrypsin, and elastase. By screening the cDNA library, two new B chains of beta-bungarotoxin are also identified. The overall structures of bungaruskunin and beta-bungarotoxin B chains are similar; especially they have highly conserved signal peptide sequences. These findings strongly suggest that snake Kunitz/BPTI protease inhibitors and neurotoxic homologs may have originated from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

A previously undiscovered intracellular serine protease activity, which we have called intracellular serine protease-4, was identified in extracts of stationary Bacillus subtilis cells, purified 260 fold from the cytoplasmic fraction, and characterized. The new protease was stable and active in the absence of Ca2+ ions and hydrolyzed azocasein and the chromogenic substrate carbobenzoxy-carbonyl-alanyl-alanyl-leucyl-p-nitroanilide, but not azocollagen or a variety of other chromogenic substrates. The protease was strongly inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride, chymostatin and antipain, but not by chelators, sulfhydryl-reactive agents or trypsin inhibitors. Its activity was stimulated by Ca2+ ions and gramicidin S; its pH and temperature optima were 9.0 and 37°C, respectively. Although intracellular serine protease-4 was immunochemically distinct from intracellular serine protease-1, it was absent from a mutant in which the gene encoding the latter was disrupted.  相似文献   

This work describes for the first time the characterization of the enzymatic features of gyroxin, a serine protease from Crotalus durissus terrificus venom, capable to induce barrel rotation syndrome in rodents. Measuring the hydrolysis of the substrate ZFR-MCA, the optimal pH for proteolytic cleavage of gyroxin was found to be at pH 8.4. Increases in the hydrolytic activity were observed at temperatures from 25 °C to 45 °C, and increases of NaCl concentration up to 1 M led to activity decreases. The preference of gyroxin for Arg residues at the substrate P1 position was also demonstrated. Taken together, this work describes the characterization of substrate specificity of gyroxin, as well as the effects of salt and pH on its enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

Jerdonobin and jerdofibrase are two serine proteases purified from the venom of Trimeresurus jerdonii. The Michaelis constant K(m) and the catalytic rate constant K(cat) of jerdonobin or jerdofibrase on three chromogenic substrates, H-D-Pro-Phe-Arg-pNA (S2302), H-D-Phe-pipecolyl-Arg-pNA (S2238), and H-D-Val-Leu-Lys-pNA (S2251) were obtained from lineweaver-Burk plots. Jerdofibrase could hydrolyze all three substrates, but jerdonobin had no detectable activity on S2251, suggesting a relatively broader substrate specificity for jerdofibrase than jerdonobin. By SDS-PAGE, jerdofibrase preferentially degraded Bbeta-chain of fibrinogen. It also degraded Aalpha-chain of fibrinogen with relatively slow activity, but did not act on the gamma-chain. In contrast, jerdonobin did not degrade fibrinogen within 12 h. Fibrinopeptides liberation test, identified by HPLC, showed jerdonobin released fibrinopeptide A and a small amount of fibrinopeptide B. Unlike jerdonobin, jerdofibrase mainly released fibrinopeptide B. These results indicate that the two enzymes differ in their ability to hydrolyze chromogenic substrates and in their actions on fibrinogen.  相似文献   

We previously reported that bumblebee (Bombus ignitus) venom serine protease (Bi-VSP) acts as a prophenoloxidase-activating factor in arthropods and a fibrin(ogen)olytic enzyme in mammals. In the present study, we characterized the enzymatic properties of Bi-VSP purified from B. ignitus venom. The 34-kDa active form of Bi-VSP was purified from the venom of B. ignitus worker bees. Glycoprotein staining showed that approximately 20% of the total molecular mass of Bi-VSP is due to carbohydrate moieties. Bi-VSP had an optimal pH and temperature of pH 9.0 and 40 °C, respectively, and was stable at 50 °C for at least 10 min. Bi-VSP activity decreased abruptly below pH 6.0, indicating that Bi-VSP activity is almost completely inhibited at pH 5.4 of B. ignitus venom. The protease activity of Bi-VSP was strongly inhibited by typical serine protease inhibitors such as phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, leupeptin, and soybean trypsin inhibitor.  相似文献   

By means of DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column chromatography, Trimeresurus gramineus venom was separated into 12 fractions. Fraction 8 had marked anticoagulant action in the tests of whole blood clotting time, calcium clotting time and plasma prothrombin time. Fraction 8 was rechromatographed on Sephadex G-100, then on DEAE-Sephadex A-50 again, and finally on Sephadex G-100, and a single peak was obtained. The patterns of microzone and disc electrophoresis also showed a single band. A single symmetrical boundary with 1.70 Svedberg units was obtained by ultracentrifugation. The estimated molecular weight was 19 500. The isoelectric point was pH 4.5. Chemical analysis showed that the anticoagulant principle was a glycoprotein and that it was thermolabile. The anticoagulant activity of this purified principle was 3.5 times higher than that of the crude venom. Fraction 5 potentiated its anticoagulant activity to 10 times higher than that of the crude venom. This principle did not possess caseinolytic, tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester esterase, phospholipase A, phosphodiesterase, alkaline phosphomonoesterase, fibrinolytic, hemorrhagic or local irritating activities. The purified anticoagulant principle did not destroy fibrinogen, induce fibrinolysis, inactivate thrombin nor interfere with the interaction between thrombin and fibrinogen. However, a marked inhibition of prothrombin activation was caused by the anticoagulant principle. The inhibition of prothrombin activation was not due to the destruction of prothrombin or its activation factors, but due to an interference in the interaction between prothrombin and its activation factors because of the reversible binding of these factors with the anticoagulant principle of the venom.  相似文献   

Thrombocytin, a serine protease from Bothrops atrox venom, caused platelet aggregation and release of platelet constituents at a concentration of 10(-7) M and clot retraction at a concentration of 2 x 10(-9) M. Thrombocytin was slightly more active when tested on platelets in plasma than on washed platelets suspended in Tyrode--albumin solution. Thrombin was 5 times more active than thrombocytin when tested on platelets in plasma and 50 times more active when tested on washed platelets. The patterns or release induced by thrombocytin and thrombin were similar. Prostaglandin E1 (10(-5) M) produced complete inhibition of platelet release induced by thrombocytin and thrombin. Indomethacin (10(-4) M) was without any effect. Antithrombin III, in the presence of heparin, inhibited the action of thrombocytin on platelets and on a synthetic peptide substrate (Tos-Gly-Pro-Arg-pNA.HCl). formation of an antithrombin III--thrombocytin complex was demonstrated on NaDodSO4--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Hirudin and alpha 1-antitrypsin did not inactivate thrombocytin. Thrombocytin had a low fibrinogen-clotting activity (less than 0.06% that of thrombin). Thrombocytin also caused progressive degradation of the alpha chain of human fibrinogen, and it cleaved prothrombin, releasing products similar to intermediate 1 and fragment 1 produced by thrombin. Thrombocytin activated factor XIII by limited proteolysis and increased the procoagulant activity of factor VIII in a manner analogous to that of thrombin.  相似文献   

Neisseria meningitidis is a Gram-negative bacterium which colonizes the human upper respiratory tract. Occasionally, it translocates to the bloodstream causing sepsis and from there it can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause meningitis. Many of the molecules, which mediate the interaction of N. meningitidis to host cells, are still unknown. Recently, App (Adhesion and penetration protein) was described as a member of the autotransporter family and a homologue to the Hap (Haemophilus adhesion and penetration) protein of Haemophilus influenzae, a molecule that plays a role in the interaction with human epithelial cells. In this study we expressed app in Escherichia coli in order to analyse the functional properties of the protein. We show that the protein is exported to the E. coli surface, processed by an endogenous serine-protease activity and released in the culture supernatant. Escherichia coli expressing app adhere to Chang epithelial cells, showing that App is able to mediate bacterial adhesion to host cells. The serine protease activity is localized at the amino-terminal domain, whereas the binding domain is in the carboxy-terminal region. The role of App in adhesion was confirmed also in N. meningitidis.  相似文献   

He YY  Liu SB  Lee WH  Qian JQ  Zhang Y 《Peptides》2008,29(10):1692-1699
Snake venom Kunitz/BPTI members are good tools for understanding of structure-functional relationship between serine proteases and their inhibitors. A novel dual Kunitz/BPTI serine proteinase inhibitor named OH-TCI (trypsin- and chymotrypsin-dual inhibitor from Ophiophagus hannah) was isolated from king cobra venom by three chromatographic steps of gel filtration, trypsin affinity and reverse phase HPLC. OH-TCI is composed of 58 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 6339Da. Successful expression of OH-TCI was performed as the maltose-binding fusion protein in E. coli DH5alpha. Much different from Oh11-1, the purified native and recombinant OH-TCI both had strong inhibitory activities against trypsin and chymotrypsin although the sequence identity (74.1%) between them is very high. The inhibitor constants (K(i)) of recombinant OH-TCI were 3.91 x 10(-7) and 8.46 x10(-8)M for trypsin and chymotrypsin, respectively. To our knowledge, it was the first report of Kunitz/BPTI serine proteinase inhibitor from snake venom that had equivalent trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activities.  相似文献   

A novel Kunitz-type serine proteinase inhibitor, termed PIVL, was purified to homogeneity from the venom of the Tunisian snake Macrovipera lebetina transmediterranea. It is a monomeric polypeptide chain cross-linked by three disulfide linkages with an isotope-averaged molecular mass of 7691.7 Da. The 67-residue full-length PIVL sequence was deduced from a venom gland cDNA clone. Structurally, PIVL is built by a single Kunitz/BPTI-like domain. Functionally, it is able to specifically inhibit trypsin activity. Interestingly, PIVL exhibits an anti-tumor effect and displays integrin inhibitory activity without being cytotoxic. Here we show that PIVL is able to dose-dependently inhibit the adhesion, migration and invasion of human glioblastoma U87 cells. Our results also show that PIVL impairs the function of αvβ3 and to a lesser extent, the activity of αvβ6, αvβ5, α1β1 and α5β1 integrins. Interestingly, we demonstrate that the 41RGN43 motif of PIVL is likely responsible for its anti-cancer effect. By using time lapse videomicroscopy, we found that PIVL significantly reduced U87 cells motility and affected cell directionality persistence by 68%. These findings reveal novel pharmacological effects for a Kunitz-type serine proteinase inhibitor.  相似文献   

A new protease named NJP with fibrinolytic activity was isolated from Neanthes japonica (Izuka), by a combination of ammonium sulfate fractionation, hydrophobic chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The molecular mass of NJP was approximately 28.6-33.5kDa as estimated by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and SDS-PAGE, which revealed a monomeric form of the protease. The isoelectric point of NJP determined by 2-DE was 9.2. NJP was stable in the range of pH 7.0-11.0 with a maximum enzymatic activity at 40°C and pH 9.0. The hydrolyzing activity of NJP on fibrinogen started from the Aα-chain, followed by the Bβ-chain, and the γ-chain at last. NJP had also a higher specificity for the chromogenic substrate S-2238 for thrombin. NJP activity was completely inhibited by PMSF. Analysis of partial amino acid sequences showed that NJP had very low homology with other known fibrinolytic enzymes. These results indicate that NJP is a novel alkaline thrombin-like serine protease. Thus NJP may have potential applications in the prevention and treatment of thrombosis.  相似文献   

Two hemorrhagic toxins, HR-2a and HR-2b were originally isolated from Trimeresurus flavoviridis (Habu) venom by Takahashi and Ohsaka (1970). It was reported by the original investigators that no proteolytic activity was detected when casein was used as the substrate. HR-2a and HR-2b were isolated in this laboratory and their proteolytic activities were tested using a variety of different substrates and assay methods. HR-2a and HR-2b were found to contain, respectively, 200 and 219 amino acid residues. Toxicological and biochemical properties of HR-2a and HR-2b were further investigated and are reported in this paper.  相似文献   

A serine protease named euphorbain p has been isolated in a homogeneous state from the latex of Euphorbia pulcherrima. This multi-chain enzyme, MW 74000, is similar in composition to one in E. lathyris, but is larger in size and has a more restricted activity. It has a pI of 4.7, and displays maximum activity at pH 7.0.  相似文献   

1. Two toxins, Tokaratoxin-1 (TT-1) and Tokaratoxin-2 (TT-2), were isolated from the venom of Trimeresurus tokarensis using gel filtration on a Sephadex G-100 column, followed by chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel and carboxymethyl-cellulose. TT-1 possessed both hemorrhagic and proteolytic activities. However, TT-2 did not show hemorrhagic activity. 2. Homogeneity was established by the formation of a single band in acrylamide gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing and SDS-PAGE. 3. Molecular weights of TT-1 and TT-2 were 71,000 and 25,400, respectively. Although TT-2 is a basic protein, TT-1 is an acidic protein. 4. Biological activities of TT-1 and TT-2 were inhibited by EDTA, EGTA and o-phenanthroline, suggesting that the toxins are metalloproteins. Atomic absorption analyses indicated that TT-1 contains 2.79 mol Ca/mol protein and TT-2 contains 1.04 mol Ca/mol protein and 1.07 mol Zn/mol protein, respectively. 5. The two toxins degraded the A alpha and B beta chains of fibrinogen. 6. TT-1 induced necrosis in addition to its hemorrhagic activity while TT-2 induced necrosis only.  相似文献   

Arenicola cristata, a marine annelid, is a wellknown and prized traditional Chinese medicine. However, the serine protease gene of A. cristata has not been cloned yet. In this study, a novel protease ofA. cristata was cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli, and the functions of this recombinant protease were also investigated. The whole complementary DNA (cDNA) of this novel protease was of 980 bp in length and consisted of an open reading frame of 861 bp encoding 286 aa. Sequence analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence revealed that the protease belongs to the serine protease family. The active enzyme of the pro posed A. cristata protease is composed of a signal peptide, a propeptide, and a mature polypeptide. The molecular weight of the recombinant mature protein was 26 kDa after overexpression in E. coli. The recombinant pro tein significantly inhibited cell growth and induced cell apoptosis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) in vitro, and reduced tumorigenicity in vivo. Furthermore, administration of the recombinant protein led to the activa tion of caspase9 as well as downregulation of Mcl1 and Bcl2. Taken together, our findings indicated that the recom binant serine protease ofA. cristata could inhibit ESCC cell growth by mitochondrial apoptotic pathway and might act as a potential pharmacological agent for ESCC therapy.  相似文献   

Thrombocytin, a platelet-activating enzyme from Bothrops atrox venom, has been purified to homogeneity by precipitation with sodium salicylate and chromatography on heparin--agarose. Thrombocytin is a single-chain glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 36 000 which contains 5.6% carbohydrate. It causes platelet aggregation, release of platelet serotonin, and activation of factor XIII. The most sensitive substrate for the amidolytic activity of thrombocytin was Tos-Gly-Pro-Arg-p-nitroanilide hydrochloride. The activity of thrombocytin on this substrate and on platelets was inhibited by diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP), soybean trypsin inhibitor, and several arginine chloromethyl ketones. Active site titration with nitrophenyl guanidinobenzoate demonstrated that approximately 86% of the preparation was in the active form. These experiments demonstrate the presence of serine and histidine in the active site of thrombocytin and suggest that thrombocytin is a classical serine protease with a platelet-activating activity similar to thrombin.  相似文献   

Bumblebee venom contains serine proteases and serine protease inhibitors. In this study, we characterized whether the bumblebee (Bombus ignitus) venom serine protease inhibitor (Bi-KTI) inhibits B. ignitus venom serine protease (Bi-VSP) or phospholipase A2 (Bi-PLA2). Bi-KTI did not inhibit Bi-VSP activity at pH 5.4 or 7.4, whereas Bi-KTI slightly inhibited Bi-VSP activity at pH 7.4 after a 30 min preincubation. The Bi-VSP activity that converts prothrombin into thrombin and fibrin into fibrin degradation products was not significantly affected by Bi-KTI. Additionally, Bi-KTI or Bi-VSP did not inhibit Bi-PLA2 activity. These findings indicate that each bee venom component appears to a play a toxic role via a unique function.  相似文献   

An enzyme bearing thrombin-like specificity has been purified to homogeneity from the venom of Trimeresurus flavoviridis (the Habu snake). The enzyme is a monomer with a molecular weight of 23,500 as determined by analytical gel filtration and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein contains approximately 210 amino acid residues and has a relatively high content of aspartic acid and glutamic acid. The isoelectric point was 4.8 and the extinction coefficient at 280 nm for a 1% solution was 11.5. The enzyme acted directly on fibrinogen to form a fibrin clot with 2.0 NIH units. Analysis by high performance liquid chromatography of enzyme-treated fibrinogen revealed the release of a peptide identical in composition to thrombin-induced fibrinopeptide A, but no peptide corresponding to fibrinopeptide B was detected. The enzyme showed esterase and amidase activities on synthetic substrates containing arginine. The enzyme exhibited higher activity toward tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester (TAME) but 6-times lower activity toward benzoyl-L-arginine p-nitroanilide when compared with bovin thrombin. The esterase activity was inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate and at a slower rate by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, but was least affected by tosyl-L-lysine chloromethyl ketone, showing that the enzyme is a serine protease like thrombin. The enzyme showed a bell-shaped pH dependence of kcat/Km for hydrolysis of TAME, with a maximum around pH 8.5.  相似文献   

Rarobacter faecitabidus protease I, a yeast-lytic serine protease, was characterized in order to elucidate the mechanism of lysis of yeast cells by this enzyme. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the enzyme was found to be homologous to those of Lysobacter enzymogenes alpha-lytic protease and Streptomyces griseus proteases A and B around the catalytic His residue, showing that it is a mammalian type serine protease. In a study of its substrate specificity, it preferentially hydrolyzed the ester of alanine among amino acid p-nitrophenylesters. It also efficiently hydrolyzed succinyl Ala-Pro-Ala p-nitroanilide, the specific synthetic substrate for pancreatic elastase. With oxidized insulin B-chain, it hydrolyzed almost exclusively the peptide bond between valine 18 and cysteic acid 19 in the early step of the reaction, and thereafter it partially hydrolyzed Val12-Glu13, Ala14-Leu15, and Leu15-Tyr16. These results indicate that Rarobacter protease I is elastase-like in its substrate specificity, preferentially hydrolyzing the peptide bond of aliphatic amino acids. Its affinity for yeast cells was also investigated, and while Rarobacter protease I was adsorbed by yeast cells, pancreatic elastase was not. This difference was thought to account for the failure of pancreatic elastase to lyse yeast cells, even though its specificity is similar to that of the yeast-lytic enzyme. Rarobacter protease I was adsorbed by a mannose-agarose column and specifically eluted from the column with a buffer containing D-mannose or D-glucose. These monosaccharides also inhibited its yeast-lytic activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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