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We studied the impulse activity of neurons of the basal and lateral amygdalar nuclei generated when experimental animals (rats) performed fast stereotyped food-procuring movements by the forelimb. Within the basolateral amygdala, there are neurons whose activity is related to different stages of getting off the food, and according to the characteristics of their spiking these neurons should be divided into a number of subpopulations. Activation forestalling the movement initiation by 0.5-1.0 sec was observed in most neurons of the basolateral amygdala; this is considered a manifestation of excitation related to a motivation component of the food-procuring behavior. Activation of amygdalar neurons following movement initiation can result from generation in this structure of additional excitation necessary for successful performance of a complete food-procuring motor cycle.  相似文献   

Abstract: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity was measured by a radiochemical assay in 30 specific areas of the rat brain stem. ACE activity is unevenly distributed, with a 60-fold difference between the lowest and the highest activity. The area postrema exhibits the highest activity. The substantia nigra (pars reticulata), the locus coeruleus, the areas A1 and A2, the nuclei commissuralis, and tractus solitarii have a substantial ACE activity, whereas the lowest activity is found in the raphe nuclei and the nuclei of the reticular formation.  相似文献   

Androgen and Estrogen Actions in the Vertebrate Brain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In all vertebrates gonadal secretions, through their actionson the central nervous system (CNS), control sex and sex-relatedbehaviors and also regulate production of gonadotropin. Recently,major advances have been made in characterizing the molecularevents which underlie these processes. Discussed in this paperare the nature and source of androgens and estrogens; theirsites of action within the CNS as determined by steroid implantand autoradiographic studies; some manifestations of brain-steroidinteractions, both "triggering" and "organizational"; evidencesupporting a conventional genomic mechanism versus alternativemodes of action; the critical role of androgen metabolizingenzymes in regulating the quality and quantity of active hormonein close proximity to targets; and some determinants of steroidaccess to the CNS. Information from nonmammalian vertebratesis reviewed in relation to the major body of knowledge derivedfrom common laboratory species. The intent of this paper isto provide a biological perspective and to stimulate interestin the use of unconventional animal models for future studies.  相似文献   

Abstract: Muscarinic receptors, labeled with [3H]quinuclidinyl benzylate (3H]QNB), and acetylcholinesterase activity were studied in five areas of the developing chick brain: (1) hyperstriatum and neostriatum , (2) paleostriatum, (3) optic lobes, (4) mesodiencephalon and (5) cerebellum. The protein content of these areas, expressed as mg/g tissue and total protein, was determined between day -10 and adulthood. Differences in both determinations were observed among the areas. The binding of [3H]QNB was expressed as density (fmol/mg protein) and total number of receptors (fmol/total protein) in the area. Considerable variations were observed among the areas. The cerebellum showed the lowest receptor density and a large decrease in density and total number of receptors in the adult, which may reflect a change in neuronal population. Acetylcholinesterase, in certain areas, accompanied the changes in receptor concentration, but the timing and rate of increase had special features in each case. The most striking one was the cerebellum, in which the enzyme increased steadily postnatally, while the muscarinic receptors dropped to very low values.  相似文献   

The effects of chronic ethanol or sucrose administration to rats on acetylcholinesterase from brain and liver were investigated. Membrane-bound and soluble acetylcholinesterase activities were determined in fractions prepared by centrifugation. The thermal stability and the effects of temperature and different types of alcohols on acetylcholinesterase activity were also studied. Membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase activity increased (p < 0.01) in the liver after chronic ethanol administration, whereas no differences among groups in the encephalic areas, except in the brain stem soluble form, were found. Membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase from the ethanol- and sucrose-treated groups was more stable at the different temperatures assayed between 10 and 50°C than that corresponding to the control group. Non-linear Arrhenius plots were obtained with preparations of membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase from rat liver, with discontinuities at 30°C (control or sucrose groups) or 34–35°C (alcohol group). Assays made with membrane-bound or soluble enzyme from brain showed linear Arrhenius plots in all groups studied. The inhibitory effects of increasing concentrations of ethanol, n-propanol and n-butanol on acetylcholinesterase preparations from forebrain, cerebellum, brain stem and liver of the three experimental groups (control, sucrose-fed and ethanol-fed) were very similar. However, n-butanol displayed a biphasic action on particulate or soluble preparations of rat forebrain. n-butanol inhibited (competitive inhibition) at higher concentrations (250–500 mM), while at lower concentrations (10–25 mM), the alcohol inhibited at low substrate concentrations but activated at high substrate concentration. These results suggest that the liver is more affected by ethanol than the brain. Moreover, the lipid composition of membranes is probably modified by ethanol or sucrose ingestion and this would affect membrane fluidity and consecuently the behaviour of acetylcholinesterase.  相似文献   

Abstract: Arachidonic acid and oleoylacetylglycerol enhance depolarization-evoked glutamate release from hippocampal mossy fiber nerve endings. It was proposed this is a Ca2+-dependent effect and that protein kinase C is involved. Here we report that arachidonic acid and oleoylacetylglycerol synergistically potentiate the glutamate release induced by the Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin. The Ca2+ dependence of this effect was established, as removal of Ca2+ eliminated evoked release and the lipid-dependent potentiation. Also, Ca2+ channel blockers attenuated ionomycin- and KCI-evoked exocytosis, as well as the facilitating effects of the lipid mediators. Although facilitation required Ca2+, it may not involve an enhancement of evoked Ca2+ accumulation, because ionomycin-dependent glutamate release was potentiated under conditions that did not increase ionomycin-induced Ca2+ accumulation. Also, the facilitation may not depend on inhibition of K+ efflux, because enhanced release was observed in the presence of increasing concentrations of 4-aminopyridine and diazoxide did not reduce the lipid-dependent potentiation of exocytosis. In contrast, disruption of cytoskeleton organization with cytochalasin D occluded the lipid-dependent facilitations of both KCI- and ionomycin-evoked glutamate release. In addition, arachidonic acid plus glutamatergic or cholinergic agonists enhanced glutamate release, whereas a role for protein kinase C in the potentiation of exocytosis was substantiated using kinase inhibitors. It appears that the lipid-dependent facilitation of glutamate release from mossy fiber nerve endings requires Ca2+ and involves multiple presynaptic effects, some of which depend on protein kinase C.  相似文献   

Abstract: Casein kinase II (CKII) is a protein kinase acting in the intracellular cascade of reactions activated by growth factor receptors, and that has a profound influence on cell proliferation and survival. In this investigation, we studied the changes in the activity and levels of CKII in the rat brain exposed to 10. 15 and 20 min of transient forebrain ischemia followed by variable periods of reperfusion. The cytosolic CKII activity decreased during reperfusion by ∼ 30 and ∼ 50% in the selectively vulnerable areas, striatum and the CA1 region of the hippocampus, respectively. In the resistant CA3 region of hippocampus and neocortex, the activity increased by ∼ 20 and ∼ 60%, respectively. The postischemic changes in CKII activity were dependent on the duration of the ischemic insult. The levels of CKII did not change after ischemia, suggesting that the enzyme is modulated by covalent modification or is interacting with an endogenous inhibitor/activator. Treatment of the cytosolic fraction from cortex of rats exposed to ischemia and 1 h of reperfusion with agarose-bound phosphatase decreased the activity of CKII to control levels, suggesting that CKII activation after ischemia involves a phosphorylation of the enzyme. The correlation between postischemic CKII activity and neuronal survival implies that preservation or activation of CKII activity may be important for neuronal survival after cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   



Hsp90 is an essential molecular chaperone that is also a novel anti-cancer drug target. There is growing interest in developing new drugs that modulate Hsp90 activity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using a virtual screening approach, 4-hydroxytamoxifen, the active metabolite of the anti-estrogen drug tamoxifen, was identified as a putative Hsp90 ligand. Surprisingly, while all drugs targeting Hsp90 inhibit the chaperone ATPase activity, it was found experimentally that 4-hydroxytamoxifen and tamoxifen enhance rather than inhibit Hsp90 ATPase.


Hence, tamoxifen and its metabolite are the first members of a new pharmacological class of Hsp90 activators.  相似文献   

Acetyl-coenzyme A: choline O-acetyltransferase (EC (ChAT) enzyme activity was measured in the nucleus basalis and other microscopically identified brain areas at various times after unilateral cortical lesions were made in the rat. Initially, a significant decrease in ChAT activity was detected in the nucleus basalis ipsilateral to the lesion. However, after 120 days ChAT activity had apparently recovered, as levels of the enzyme at that time were not significantly different from control values. No changes in ChAT activity could be detected in any of the other brain areas similarly studied. The significance of these findings and their relationship to the morphological changes seen in neurones of the nucleus basalis after cortical lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)能够不断地进行自我更新来维持其多能性,很多转录因子共同调控着ES细胞的自我更新和多能性,Nanog就是其中之一,然而Nanog维持ES细胞多能性的机制并不清楚。p300是真核生物中普遍存在的转录辅助因子,与许多转录因子共同作用调控下游基因的表达。为探索p300是不是能够影响Nanog的转录活性,我们在细胞中共转Nanog(或突变体)及报告基因和p300,结果表明p300能够通过homeobox结构域增强Nanog的转录激活活性。  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is the prototype virus for 75 or more negative-strand RNA viruses in the rhabdovirus family. Some of these viruses, including VSV, can cause neurological impairment or death upon brain infection. VSV has shown promise in the prevention and treatment of disease as a vaccine vector and an oncolytic virus, but infection of the brain remains a concern. Three VSV variants, the wild-type-related VSV-G/GFP and two attenuated viruses, VSV-CT1 and VSV-CT9-M51, were compared for neuroinvasiveness and neuromorbidity. In nonimmunized mice, direct VSV-G/GFP injection into the brain invariably resulted in lethal encephalitis; in contrast, partial survival was seen after direct injection of the attenuated VSV strains. In addition, both attenuated VSV strains showed significantly reduced neuroinvasiveness after intranasal inoculation of young postnatal day 16 mice. Of the three tested variants, VSV-CT9-M51 generated the lowest degree of neuropathology. Despite its attenuated state, peripheral inoculations of VSV-CT9-M51 targeted and killed human glioblastoma implanted into the mouse brain. Importantly, we show here that intranasal or intramuscular immunization prevents the lethal effects of subsequent VSV-G/GFP, VSV-CT1, and VSV-CT9-M51 injections into the brain. These results indicate that attenuated recombinant viruses show reduced neurovirulence and that peripheral immunization blocks the lethal actions of all VSVs tested.The brain occupies a special niche in viral immunity, and due to a number of mechanisms, viruses in the periphery generally do not enter the brain. However, the same mechanisms that give the brain a special protected status can also impede an immune response against intracerebral infection by viruses. Although many negative-strand RNA viruses can be tolerated peripherally, central nervous system (CNS) infection with vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), rabies virus, measles virus, influenza virus, and others (14, 24, 28, 30, 34) can be fatal for rodents and for humans. Peripheral immunization does protect the brain from virus infections, but in most studies, it does so by eliminating viruses before they penetrate the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain (4, 25, 29, 38). In contrast, the set of experiments described here address the question of whether peripheral immunization can block the lethal consequences of direct VSV infections within the brain. When injected into the brain, VSV can cause permanent neurological dysfunction in rodents or primates (19, 28) or lethal encephalitis (11, 15). VSV can also enter the brain from the periphery along a cranial nerve, for instance, the olfactory nerve after intranasal administration, and can subsequently spread from the olfactory system to other regions of the brain (24, 36).Recombinant VSVs have shown promise in two respects: VSV can serve as a robust vaccine vector (26, 27, 16) and as a potent oncolytic virus against a variety of peripheral (1, 3, 10, 33) or CNS (9, 18, 22, 39, 40) tumors. A number of studies have shown the protective effects of peripheral immunization with VSV on peripheral viral infections (12, 13). In contrast, the effect of peripheral immunization on viral infections within the brain has received considerably less attention.Both as a vaccine vector and as an oncolytic virus, VSV infection of normal brain cells remains a concern. The set of experiments presented here addressed the primary question of whether peripheral immunization can protect the brain from subsequent direct exposure to VSV. A secondary question was whether recombinant VSVs with an attenuated phenotype in culture would also show reduced neurovirulence in the brain.VSV is an enveloped negative-strand RNA virus, and its 11.2-kb genome encodes five viral proteins (N, P, M, G, and L). VSV is a nonhuman pathogen that can cause a typically self-limiting disease in livestock with flu-like symptoms (20). Limiting factors of VSV for clinical use are its neurotropic properties and the still little understood potential of the brain to fight off a potential infection (5, 6, 15). The brain is largely protected from virus entry through the blood-brain barrier. Mice do not show signs of CNS infection after peripheral VSV application. In contrast, VSV with direct access to the CNS, either experimentally through direct injection or through the intranasal path, can spread through the brain, resulting in encephalitis with high mortality in mice. VSV spread through the brain after intranasal application is age dependent, with mature mice showing little or no spread beyond the olfactory nerve compared to young mice, which succumb to widespread viral infection throughout the brain (19, 36). Peripheral VSV infection triggers fast and effective upregulation of interferon-inducible genes, followed by induction of both the cellular and humoral branches of the systemic immune system.The extent of VSV pathogenesis in the brain is determined by the replicative efficacy of the virus and the efficiency of the host immune response in curbing the infection. Modification of either of these components can alter the course and extent of CNS damage. In the current work, we used a dual viral mutation that enhances the host innate cellular immune response (VSV-M51) and truncates the VSV-G cytoplasmic tail from 29 to 9 amino acids (VSV-CT9). Another VSV with a VSV-G truncation to 1 cytoplasmic amino acid (VSV-CT1), resulting in viral attenuation in vitro and in vivo, was also used (23, 31).Little is known about the extent to which the adaptive immune response can influence VSV within the brain. Here, we show that peripheral VSV immunization prior to intracerebral inoculation prevented lethal encephalitis in adult mice of the strongly attenuated VSV variants, VSV-CT9-M51 and VSV-CT1, as well as a wild-type VSV bearing a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter.  相似文献   

Fibronectin Binds and Enhances the Activity of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bone morphogenetic protein-1-like proteinases play key roles in formation of the extracellular matrix (ECM) in vertebrates via biosynthetic processing of precursors into mature functional proteins involved in ECM assembly. Such processing includes proteolytic activation of the zymogen for lysyl oxidase. Fibronectin (FN) is an abundant protein component of the ECM that is capable of regulating manifold cellular functions through its interactions with various ECM and cell surface proteins. It was previously shown that proteolytic activation of lysyl oxidase is much reduced in cultures of FN-null mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs). Here we demonstrate that cellular fibronectin, the form produced by fibroblasts and various other tissue cell types, and plasma fibronectin bind BMP1 with dissociation constants (KD) of ∼100 nm, consistent with a physiological role. Also consistent with such a role, cellular fibronectin FN is shown to positively regulate BMP1 processing activity against Chordin, probiglycan, and type I procollagen in vitro. Endogenous FN and BMP1 are demonstrated to co-localize in cell layers and to form complexes in culture medium. In addition, processing of endogenous BMP1 substrates Chordin, probiglycan, and procollagen is demonstrated to be strikingly reduced in cultures of FN−/− MEFs compared with FN+/− MEF cultures despite similar levels of endogenous BMP1. These data support the conclusion that FN binds BMP1-like proteinases in vivo and that FN is an important determinant of the in vivo activity levels of BMP1-like proteinases.Fibronectin (FN)3 is a noncollagenous extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoprotein of relatively high abundance that regulates a wide variety of cellular functions, including adhesion, migration, proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis (14). FN is secreted as a disulfide-bonded dimer, and each subunit comprises 12 type I, 2 type II, and 15–17 type III FN modules as well as a “variable” (V) region that lacks homology to other protein domains (3). FN is found as two different major forms, plasma fibronectin (pFN), a soluble form synthesized by hepatocytes, and cellular fibronectin (cFN), which is locally expressed by many other cell types in various tissues (5). Both forms can be assembled into a fibrillar ECM by cultured fibroblasts (6). Differences between cFN and pFN arise from alternative RNA splicing in three regions; two type III repeats (designated EDA and EDB) and the V region. EDA and EDB are present in cFN but absent from pFN, whereas although only one subunit of the pFN dimer contains the V region, almost all cFN subunits contain this region (7). These differences in domain structure contribute to distinct functions for pFN and cFN; cFN plays roles in the dynamic tissue modeling of early embryogenesis and wound healing (8), whereas pFN subserves roles in hemostasis and thrombosis and immune responses (3, 911) and provides a reservoir for deposition in tissue (12).BMP1-like proteinases are evolutionary conserved extracellular metalloproteinases that play multiple roles in fostering ECM formation and activating TGFβ-like growth factors (13). These proteinases biosynthetically convert a variety of precursors into mature functional proteins with roles in ECM formation, including collagen types I-III, V, VII, and XI, laminin 332, and the small leucine-rich proteoglycans biglycan and osteoglycin. One important example is the zymogen for lysyl oxidase (LOX), an enzyme essential to formation of the covalent cross-links responsible for providing collagen and elastic fibers with much of their tensile strength (14). Recently, FN was reported to bind LOX in vitro (15). It was also suggested to positively regulate the proteolytic activation of LOX, as dramatically decreased processing of the zymogen for LOX was observed in FN−/− mouse embryo fibroblast (MEF) cultures compared with FN+/− MEF cultures even though equal amounts of BMP1 proteinase were produced by MEFs of the two different genotypes (15). These observations prompted the present study to determine whether FN might be involved in modulating the activities of BMP1-like proteinases. Herein, we provide evidence for direct interaction between FN and BMP1. BMP1 is shown to bind multiple FN sites via its non-protease domains, with affinities in the ∼100 nm range for cFN and pFN. This is a range congruent with KD values (30–800 nm) previously estimated for binding of FN to its integrin receptors (16, 17) and is, thus, consistent with the likelihood of in vivo FN-BMP1 interactions. Moreover, cFN is shown to positively regulate BMP1 processing activity against a number of substrates in vitro. Consistent with the in vitro evidence of FN-BMP1 interactions, we demonstrate FN-BMP1 co-localization and the existence of FN-BMP1 complexes in cell cultures. Also demonstrated is a striking decrease in the processing of various endogenous BMP1 substrates in cultures of FN−/− MEFs compared with FN+/− MEF cultures. Implications of the data, which support the conclusion that FN positively regulates BMP1 activities in vivo, are discussed.  相似文献   

Enhanced expression and activity of cSrc are associated with ovarian cancer progression. Generally, cSrc does not contain activating mutations; rather, its activity is increased in response to signals that affect a conformational change that releases its autoinhibition. In this report, we analyzed ovarian cancer tissues for the expression of a cSrc-activating protein, AFAP-110. AFAP-110 activates cSrc through a direct interaction that releases it from its autoinhibited conformation. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed a concomitant increase of AFAP-110 and cSrc in ovarian cancer tissues. An analysis of the AFAP-110 coding sequence revealed the presence of a nonsynonymous, single-nucleotide polymorphism that resulted in a change of Ser403 to Cys403. In cells that express enhanced levels of cSrc, AFAP-110403C directed the activation of cSrc and the formation of podosomes independently of input signals, in contrast to wild-type AFAP-110. We therefore propose that, under conditions of cSrc overexpression, the polymorphic variant of AFAP-110 promotes cSrc activation. Further, these data indicate amechanismby which an inherited genetic variation could influence ovarian cancer progression and could be used to predict the response to targeted therapy.  相似文献   

The most frequent disorder of glycosylation is due to mutations in the gene encoding phosphomannomutase2 (PMM2-CDG). For this disease, which is autosomal and recessive, there is no cure at present. Most patients are composite heterozygous and carry one allele encoding an inactive mutant, R141H, and one encoding a hypomorphic mutant. Phosphomannomutase2 is a dimer. We reproduced composite heterozygosity in vitro by mixing R141H either with the wild type protein or the most common hypomorphic mutant F119L and compared the quaternary structure, the activity and the stability of the heterodimeric enzymes. We demonstrated that the activity of R141H/F119L heterodimers in vitro, which reproduces the protein found in patients, has the same activity of wild type/R141H, which reproduces the protein found in healthy carriers. On the other hand the stability of R141H/F119L appears to be reduced both in vitro and in vivo. These findings suggest that a therapy designed to enhance protein stability such as those based on pharmacological chaperones or modulation of proteostasis could be beneficial for PMM2-CDG patients carrying R141H/F119L genotype as well as for other genotypes where protein stability rather than specific activity is affected by mutations.  相似文献   

Hsp31 protein, belonging to the DJ-1/ThiJ/PfpI superfamily, increases the survival of Escherichia coli under various stresses. While it was reported as a holding chaperone, Hsp31 was also shown to exhibit the glyoxalase III activity in subsequent study. Here, we describe our finding that Hsp31 undergoes a Zn+ 2-mediated multimerization (HMWZinc), resulting in an enhanced chaperone activity. Furthermore, it was shown that the formation of HMWZinc is reversible such that the oligomer dissociates into the native dimer by EDTA incubation. We attempted to determine the structural change involving the transition between the native dimer and HMWZinc by adding Ni+ 2, which is Zn+ 2-mimetic, producing a potential intermediate structure. An analysis of this intermediate revealed a structure with hydrophobic interior exposed, due to an unfolding of the N-terminal loop and the C-terminal β-to-α region. A treatment with hydrogen peroxide accelerated HMWZinc formation, so that the Hsp31C185E mutant rendered the formation of HMWZinc even at 45 °C. However, the presence of Zn+ 2 in the catalytic site antagonizes the oxidation of C185, implying a negative role. Our results suggest an unprecedented mechanism of the enhancing chaperone activity by Hsp31, in which the reversible formation of HMWZinc occurs in the presence of heat and Zn+ 2 ion.  相似文献   



In early clinical studies, the live tuberculosis vaccine Mycobacterium bovis BCG exhibited 80% protective efficacy against pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). Although BCG still exhibits reliable protection against TB meningitis and miliary TB in early childhood it has become less reliable in protecting against pulmonary TB. During decades of in vitro cultivation BCG not only lost some genes due to deletions of regions of the chromosome but also underwent gene duplication and other mutations resulting in increased antioxidant production.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To determine whether microbial antioxidants influence vaccine immunogenicity, we eliminated duplicated alleles encoding the oxidative stress sigma factor SigH in BCG Tice and reduced the activity and secretion of iron co-factored superoxide dismutase. We then used assays of gene expression and flow cytometry with intracellular cytokine staining to compare BCG-specific immune responses in mice after vaccination with BCG Tice or the modified BCG vaccine. Compared to BCG, the modified vaccine induced greater IL-12p40, RANTES, and IL-21 mRNA in the spleens of mice at three days post-immunization, more cytokine-producing CD8+ lymphocytes at the peak of the primary immune response, and more IL-2-producing CD4+ lymphocytes during the memory phase. The modified vaccine also induced stronger secondary CD4+ lymphocyte responses and greater clearance of challenge bacilli.


We conclude that antioxidants produced by BCG suppress host immune responses. These findings challenge the hypothesis that the failure of extensively cultivated BCG vaccines to prevent pulmonary tuberculosis is due to over-attenuation and suggest instead a new model in which BCG evolved to produce more immunity-suppressing antioxidants. By targeting these antioxidants it may be possible to restore BCG''s ability to protect against pulmonary TB.  相似文献   

A serious limitation of numerous antitumor drugs is the incapacity to penetrate solid tumors. However, addition of an RGD fragment to peptide drugs might solve this problem. In this study, we explored whether the introduction of a permeability-enhancing sequence, such as iRGD (CRGDK/RGPD/EC) fragments, would enhance the activity of thymosin alpha 1 (Tα1). The modified Tα1 (Tα1-iRGD) was successfully expressed and purified, and the in vitro assay showed that Tα1-iRGD presented a similar activity as Tα1 in promoting proliferation of mouse splenocytes. Meanwhile, cell adhesion analysis revealed that Tα1-iRGD exhibited more specific and greater binding with tumor cells compared with Tα1. Furthermore, the iRGD fragment evidently enhanced the basal ability of Tα1 to inhibit proliferation of cancer cells in vitro, particularly of mouse melanoma cell line B16F10 and human lung cancer cell line H460. Our findings indicated that the addition of an iRGD fragment increased the anti-proliferative activity of Tα1 against cancer cells by improving the ability of Tα1 to penetrate the tumor cells. This study highlighted the important roles of an iRGD sequence in the therapeutic strategy of Tα1-iRGD. Thus, Tα1-iRGD could be a novel drug candidate for cancer treatment.  相似文献   

This review considers a brief history, comments, and consequences of recent remarkable achievements: X-ray analysis on the level of atomic resolution of structures of bacterial ribosomes, their subunits, and functional complexes.  相似文献   

带状疱疹后遗神经痛(postherpetic neuralgia,PHN)是临床上一种慢性顽固性神经病理性疼痛,然而,对于其潜在的中枢机制还知之甚少.为了进一步探讨带状疱疹后遗神经痛患者的相关脑区活动,利用功能核磁共振成像低频振幅振荡(ALFF)技术观察带状疱疹后遗神经痛患者的基础脑区活动.8名带状疱疹后遗神经痛患者与8名性别、年龄相匹配的健康者行静息态功能磁共振(f MRI)成像扫描,用SPM8中的多重回归分析,在控制被试年龄、性别、教育年限的影响下,将每个体素的ALFF值同每个被试的病程、视觉模拟评分(visual analog scale,VAS)进行相关分析.与健康志愿者相比,PHN组与VAS评分相关的ALFF值增高的脑区有:右侧小脑后叶、前额叶背外侧区域(BA11/46/47)、右侧顶叶(BA40)、右侧舌回(BA17/18/19);与VAS评分相关的ALFF值降低的脑区有:右侧颞中回(BA21)、左侧舌回(BA17/18)、右侧小脑前叶、左侧后扣带回(BA30/19)和右侧中央前回(BA3/4/6);PHN组与病程相关的ALFF值增高的脑区有:右侧小脑后叶、前额叶背外侧区域(BA9/10/11/47)、左侧颞上回(BA38)、右侧顶叶和右侧舌回(BA17/18/19);与病程相关ALFF值降低的脑区有:左侧海马旁回(BA28)、右侧小脑前叶、左侧扣带回(BA24)、右侧颞上回(BA13)、左侧中央前回和右侧顶下小叶(BA39/40).研究结果提示,涉及疼痛的情绪、警觉行为、注意的脑区在带状疱疹后遗痛慢性疼痛的产生和维持中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

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