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温度对昆虫繁殖力的影响及其生理生化机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生殖是昆虫维持种群繁衍的基本生命活动,温度是重要的影响因素之一。温度偏离正常生长温度会影响昆虫性腺发育和能量代谢,从而导致昆虫生殖生理异常,具体表现为产卵数降低、性比偏移、产卵前期变化、孵化率降低等。温度影响昆虫繁殖可能的生化与分子机制主要有性外激素、蜕皮激素、保幼激素及其他内分泌神经肽和热激蛋白等的参与,但该方面的研究尚处在初步探索阶段,多不成系统,需要进一步深入。研究温度对于昆虫繁殖力的影响对害虫爆发预测具有重要作用,可为害虫防治提供新思路;而且研究温度对繁殖力的影响可以预测在全球变暖的背景下昆虫种群密度的新变化和新分布情况,为全球生态系统的动态变化提供参考。  相似文献   

We summarize 20 years of empirical and theoretical research on causes and functions of social influences on foraging by animals. We consider separately studies of social influence on when, where, what and how to eat. Implicit in discussion of the majority of studies is our assumption that social influences on foraging reflect a biasing of individual learning processes by social stimuli rather than action of independent social-learning mechanisms. Our review of theoretical approaches suggests that the majority of formally derived hypotheses concerning functions of social influence on foraging have not yet been tested adequately and many models are in need of further refinement. We also consider the importance to the future of the field of integrating 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' approaches to the study of social learning. Copyright 2001 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Unconventional motoring: an overview of the Kin C and Kin I kinesins   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
All kinesins share a conserved core motor domain implying a common mechanism for generating force from ATP hydrolysis. How is it then that kinesins exhibit such divergent activities: motility, microtubule cross‐linking and microtubule depolymerization? Although conventional motile kinesins have served as the paradigm for understanding kinesin function, the unconventional kinesins exploit variations on the motile theme to perform unexpected tasks. This review summarizes the biological functions and examines the possible molecular mechanisms of Kin C and Kin I unconventional kinesins. We also discuss the possible differences between the microtubule destabilization models proposed for Kar3 and Kin I kinesins .  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies employing heterochronic ovarian grafts and long-term ovariectomy indicate that there is no single pacemaker of reproductive aging. Neuroendocrine dysfunction, the declining follicular reserve, and ovarian secretions all contribute to reproductive decline, and their relative importance to the different stages of reproductive aging varies markedly. Moreover, although ovarian secretions during adulthood potentiate certain aspects of the reproductive aging process, their behavior does not fit a simple model of cumulative steroidal damage incurred over the lifespan. Current data are more consistent with temporally distinct windows of steroidal vulnerability for the events affected: cycle lengthening is affected by ovarian secretions during the period of cyclicity, and post-cyclic neuroendocrine failure is potentiated by ovarian secretions during the peri- and post-cyclic period of the lifespan. Recent examination of estradiol receptor dynamics reveals multiple, albeit selective, changes during aging that may contribute to the age-related impairments of tissue sensitivity to estrogen. These changes vary qualitatively and quantitatively among target tissues. Thus, aging of the hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis at the cellular level mirrors, in its multifactorial nature, aging at the organismic level.  相似文献   

Social influences on the sexual maturation of female Djungarian hamsters were investigated in two experiments. In the first experiment females were housed from weaning with an adult male, by themselves, or with a weanling sister. Maturation was accelerated in females housed with males as indicated by younger age at first ovulation, increased rates of ovarian and uterine growth, and lower LH levels at some ages. Maturation was delayed in females housed with sisters compared to those housed alone as measured by time of first ovulation and by lower estradiol levels at some ages. The most marked differences between groups occurred 8 to 12 days after weaning, suggesting that events during this period are particularly important in the social mediation of sexual maturation. In the second experiment the effects of reproductive suppression (caused by living with a sister) on the subsequent fertility of females housed with males were examined. If male-female pairs were housed in clean cages, no effects were observed; however, pairs housed in cages previously soiled by the female and her sister had fewer young surviving until 1 week of age despite no differences in the age of pregnancy onset or in the initial litter size. Thus, even cues present in unrenewed soiled bedding may have subtle but long lasting effects on reproductive function.  相似文献   

Studies used to evaluate effects of dietary intervention on fertility may be subject to confounding because modification of one nutritional input requires a change in at least one other input. Meta-analytical modeling allows examination of a main intervention for a series of studies, but also an examination of a series of related effects through use of meta-regression. Effects of dietary crude protein (CP) on fertility were examined using this approach. We obtained 21 studies containing 32 comparisons that had pregnancy or conception data and met the eligibility criteria for meta-analysis of randomized controlled experiments providing information on diets used. Publications that contained data on prospective, randomized controlled experiments examining effects of dietary CP, either concentrations or degradability, or effects of a specific feed ingredient intervention on fertility were identified. Details on dietary formulation and diet intake were extracted from the publications, as were measures of urea in blood or plasma. Estimated fixed and random effects relative risks showed that risk of conception was lower in cows fed higher CP or more degradable CP diets (fixed effect (Mantel-Haenszel Relative Risk) = 0.91 (95% CI 0.84-0.98); P=0.019). This effect was homogenous (I2 = 0) and not influenced by difference in blood urea N, duration of intervention, breed, parity, milk production or type of diet delivery. Significant associations among CP components of the diet and carbohydrate fractions supported the hypothesized potential for confounding, but only the amount of soluble CP eaten was a significant meta-regression covariate that reduced risk of conception. There was no evidence that the significant reduction in fiber or non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) fractions of the diets associated with increased concentration of CP, soluble CP or rumen degradable fractions or soyabean products content of the diet influenced conception rates. Results support findings of experiments showing that increased intake of soluble CP reduced conception rates, and provides strong evidence that increased concentrations of CP or increased degradability of CP, within the ranges evaluated in the studies contributing to this meta-analysis, reduce the risk of conception in lactating dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Williams syndrome, a rare disorder caused by hemizygous microdeletion of about 28 genes on chromosome 7q11.23, has long intrigued neuroscientists with its unique combination of striking behavioural abnormalities, such as hypersociability, and characteristic neurocognitive profile. Williams syndrome, therefore, raises fundamental questions about the neural mechanisms of social behaviour, the modularity of mind and brain development, and provides a privileged setting to understand genetic influences on complex brain functions in a 'bottom-up' way. We review recent advances in uncovering the functional and structural neural substrates of Williams syndrome that provide an emerging understanding of how these are related to dissociable genetic contributions characterized both in special participant populations and animal models.  相似文献   

Animal societies of varying complexity have been the favoured testing ground for inclusive fitness theory, and there is now abundant evidence that kin selection has played a critical role in the evolution of cooperative behaviour. One of the key theoretical and empirical findings underlying this conclusion is that cooperative systems have a degree of kin structure, often the product of delayed dispersal, that facilitates interactions with relatives. However, recent population genetic studies have revealed that many non‐cooperative animals also have kin‐structured populations, providing more cryptic opportunities for kin selection to operate. In this article, I first review the evidence that kin structure is widespread among non‐cooperative vertebrates, and then consider the various contexts in which kin selection may occur in such taxa, including: leks, brood parasitism, crèches, breeding associations, territoriality and population dynamics, foraging and predator deterrence. I describe the evidence that kin‐selected benefits arise from interacting with kin in each of these contexts, notwithstanding the potential costs of kin competition and inbreeding. I conclude that as the tools required to determine population genetic structure are readily available, measurement of kin structure and the potential for kin selection on a routine basis is likely to reveal that this process has been an important driver of evolutionary adaptation in many non‐cooperative as well as cooperative species.  相似文献   

Racing and fertility are connected with each other in many ways. Stress and increased body temperature induced by racing may have negative effects on fertility, but on the other hand, high quality nutrition and management of racing horses may have positive effects. Fertility may also be genetically associated with racing performance. The analysed data consisted of Finnish mating records of Standardbreds (n=33,679) and Finnhorses (n=32,731), from 1991 to 2005, and the harness racing records of both mares and stallions. Fertility was measured by foaling outcome, and racing performance was measured by best time and number of races. We used racing results from the mating year and from the entire career, to study both short-term and long-term effects of racing on fertility. The analyses were conducted with a linear mixed model, where racing was fitted as a fixed factor. In a separate bivariate analysis we measured the genetic correlation of racing and fertility, applying a threshold model for the fertility trait. For mares, racing after the first mating or more than 10 times during the mating year diminished the foaling outcome. However, racing only before the first mating or 1-5 times during the mating year had positive effects on mare fertility. Stallion fertility did not suffer from racing during the mating year. The mares with the best career racing records had the highest foaling rates, but this was probably due to preferential treatment. The genetic correlation between best racing record and fertility was favourable but weak in the Finnhorse (-0.24±0.08), and negligible in the Standardbred (-0.15±0.11).  相似文献   

Fifty-four normally cycling, non-lactating mares were given 2 injections (i.m.) of PGF-2 alpha (10 mg) 14 days apart without regard to stage of the oestrous cycle. At 19 days after the first PGF-2 alpha treatment, a single i.m. injection of either hCG (3300 i.u.) or a GnRH-analogue (500 micrograms) was administered. Each mare was inseminated with 100 X 10(6) motile spermatozoa at one of the following frequencies: once only on Day 20; every other day during oestrus or at least on Days 19 and 21; or daily during oestrus or at least on Days 19, 20, 21 and 22. Eighteen control mares received saline injections on Days 0 and 14, and were inseminated either on the 4th day of oestrus or every other day or daily beginning on the 2nd day of oestrus. More (P greater than 0.05) PGF-2 alpha treated mares displayed their 1st day of oestrus on Days 14 to 20 than control mares (80.6 versus 27.8%). During cycle 1, fewer (P greater than 0.05) treated mares became pregnant compared to controls; 38.9, 25.0 and 66.7% for PGF-2 alpha + hCG, PGF-2 alpha + GnRH-A and control mares, respectively. After three cycles, the pregnancy rates for mares inseminated every other day or daily were higher (P less than 0.05) than mares inseminated only once during oestrus (88.9 and 88.2 versus 64.7%).  相似文献   

蚯蚓对土壤微生物及生物肥力的影响研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蚯蚓被称为“生态系统工程师”,可以通过改善微生境(排粪、作穴、搅动)、提高有机物的表面积、直接取食、携带传播微生物等方式影响土壤微生物结构、组成和功能.蚯蚓活动形成的大孔隙(洞穴)、中、微空隙(排泄物)可以增加土壤孔隙度和通气性,有助于改善微生物微环境,促进其生长和繁殖.蚯蚓还通过取食、粉碎、混合等活动使复杂有机质转变为微生物可利用的形式,增加土壤微生物与有机质的接触面积,促进微生物对有机质的矿化作用,对土壤中碳、氮、磷养分循环等关键过程产生影响,最终促进土壤养分循环和周转速率,提高土壤生物肥力.  相似文献   

Fertility in dairy cows has been declining for the past three decades. Genetic selection for increased milk production has been associated with changes in key metabolic hormones (growth hormone, insulin, IGF and leptin) that regulate metabolism by homoeostasis and homeorhesis. These metabolic hormones, particularly insulin, provide signals to the reproductive system so that regulation of ovarian function is coordinated with changes in metabolic status. Studies have shown, for example, that increasing circulating insulin concentrations during the early post partum period can advance the resumption of oestrous cycles by enhancing follicular growth. However, high concentrations of insulin can be detrimental to the developmental competence of oocytes, which is also influenced by the supply of fatty acids at the systemic level and at the ovarian level. Insulin status is also associated with the incidence and characteristics of abnormal ovarian cycles. These changes can occur without significant variation in circulating gonadotrophin concentrations. This suggests that additional factors, such as peripheral metabolites, metabolic hormones and locally produced growth factors, may have a modulating role. Recent evidence has demonstrated that ovarian responses to metabolic signals and nutrient profile vary according to the stage of the reproductive cycle. Improved understanding of this multifactorial process enables nutrition to be matched to genotype and milk production, with a positive impact on pregnancy rate.  相似文献   

Administration of epsilon-aminocaproic acid, a fibrinolytic inhibitor, either orally or from an impregnated IUD, had no effect on numbers of implanted embryos, their viability, or their diameters at Day 10 of pregnancy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Feed restriction with its resultant body weight loss impacts the rodent estrous cycle; however, the manifestation of these changes in a regulatory study design has not been documented. This study reports the effects of feed restriction in the context of an FDA regulatory submission. METHODS: Adult female rats (n = 20/group; weighing approximately 200 g each) were provided rodent chow ad lib (control) or at 20, 15, 10, or 7.5 g/rat/day (g/day) during a 2-week pre-mating phase, throughout the mating phase, and up to gestation day (GD) 7. On GD 8, all animals were provided ad lib feed until necropsy on GD 14. Estrous cyclicity, mating, and fertility parameters were evaluated. RESULTS: Ad lib rats consumed approximately 20 and 28 g/day during the pre-mating and gestation phases, respectively. All measured fertility parameters in the 20 g/day group were similar to control values. In the 15 g/day group, body weight was reduced by 16% at 2 weeks, prolonged diestrus occurred, and fertility was compromised due to reductions in corpora lutea. Within 2 weeks, mean body weight in groups receiving < or = 10 g/day was reduced by > or = 29% compared to ad lib values, and overt changes in estrous cyclicity, mating, and fertility occurred. The 7.5 g/day group was not sustainable beyond the pre-mating phase. CONCLUSIONS: For this study type, feed intake at < or = 50% ad lib values (< or = 10 g/day) was inadequate due to the magnitude and rapidity of body weight effects. Estrous parameters appeared slightly more sensitive than functional measures, as body weight changes of approximately 16% appeared near the threshold of changing routinely calculated estrous cycle parameters and were later associated with reduced fertility. In general, body weight differences of 10-15% by themselves were not adverse to normal reproduction (20 g/day).  相似文献   

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