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The attractiveness and the mating success of fertile (normal and brownie, br) and sterile (rudimentary testis, rt) Drosophila montana males were studied in female-choice experiments (one female + two males). The normal males courted the sterile rt males nearly as much as they courted the females, while they courted other males less frequently. The females required a long courtship with the rt males and accepted them as their mating partner less often than normal males. The courtship behaviour of normal, br and rt males was recorded in single pair situations with a normal female. The courtships of the males of all types proceeded in a similar manner, but the successful courtships of the rt males included more licking and touching than those of the normal and br males. The licking and touching periods are probably the critical phases at which the females are able to detect differences in male fertility.  相似文献   

Competition for mates is a wide-spread phenomenon affecting individual reproductive success. The ability of animals to adjust their behaviors in response to changing social environment is important and well documented. Drosophila melanogaster males compete with one another for matings with females and modify their reproductive behaviors based on prior social interactions. However, it remains to be determined how male social experience that culminates in mating with a female impacts subsequent male reproductive behaviors and mating success. Here we show that sexual experience enhances future mating success. Previously mated D. melanogaster males adjust their courtship behaviors and out-compete sexually inexperienced males for copulations. Interestingly, courtship experience alone is not sufficient in providing this competitive advantage, indicating that copulation plays a role in reinforcing this social learning. We also show that females use their sense of hearing to preferentially mate with experienced males when given a choice. Our results demonstrate the ability of previously mated males to learn from their positive sexual experiences and adjust their behaviors to gain a mating advantage. These experienced-based changes in behavior reveal strategies that animals likely use to increase their fecundity in natural competitive environments.  相似文献   

The ribonucleoprotein Male Specific Lethal (MSL) complex is required for X chromosome dosage compensation in Drosophila melanogaster males. Beginning at 3 h of development the MSL complex binds transcribed X-linked genes and modifies chromatin. A subset of MSL complex proteins, including MSL1 and MSL3, is also necessary for full expression of autosomal heterochromatic genes in males, but not females. Loss of the non-coding roX RNAs, essential components of the MSL complex, lowers the expression of heterochromatic genes and suppresses position effect variegation (PEV) only in males, revealing a sex-limited disruption of heterochromatin. To explore the molecular basis of this observation we examined additional proteins that participate in compensation and found that MLE, but not Jil-1 kinase, contributes to heterochromatic gene expression. To determine if identical regions of roX RNA are required for dosage compensation and heterochromatic silencing, we tested a panel of roX1 transgenes and deletions and find that the X chromosome and heterochromatin functions are separable by some mutations. Chromatin immunoprecipitation of staged embryos revealed widespread autosomal binding of MSL3 before and after localization of the MSL complex to the X chromosome at 3 h AEL. Autosomal MSL3 binding was dependent on MSL1, supporting the idea that a subset of MSL proteins associates with chromatin throughout the genome during early development. The broad localization of these proteins early in embryogenesis supports the idea of direct action at autosomal sites. We postulate that this may contribute to the sex-specific differences in heterochromatin that we, and others, have noted.  相似文献   

The Ca2+ sensor calmodulin (CaM) regulates numerous proteins involved in G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) signaling. CaM binds directly to some GPCRs, including the dopamine D2 receptor. We confirmed that the third intracellular loop of the D2 receptor is a direct contact point for CaM binding using coimmunoprecipitation and a polyHis pull-down assay, and we determined that the D2-like receptor agonist 7-OH-DPAT increased the colocalization of the D2 receptor and endogenous CaM in both 293 cells and in primary neostriatal cultures. The N-terminal three or four residues of D2-IC3 were required for the binding of CaM; mutation of three of these residues in the full-length receptor (I210C/K211C/I212C) decreased the coprecipitation of the D2 receptor and CaM and also significantly decreased D2 receptor signaling, without altering the coupling of the receptor to G proteins. Taken together, these findings suggest that binding of CaM to the dopamine D2 receptor enhances D2 receptor signaling.  相似文献   

Nonrandom Segregation of Chromosomes in Drosophila Males   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
W. J. Peacock 《Genetics》1965,51(4):573-583

This study aimed to determine if female house mice, Mus musculus domesticus, are able to assess a male's infection status from odour cues. We collected urine from male mice before, during, and after they were experimentally infected with influenza, a respiratory virus. Females spent more time investigating urine collected from males while they were uninfected than when they were infected. Also 70 % of females released into a large enclosure preferred to nest in boxes containing urine collected from uninfected rather than infected males. This is the first evidence that mice can discriminate virally infected individuals through chemical signals and the first evidence that infection causes odour changes in the urine. To determine if the odour of infected males is repulsive, we presented females with urine samples and neutral water blanks. Normal urine collected from uninfected males was more attractive, whereas urine collected during infection was as attractive as water. This indicates that rather than being aversive, influenza infection abolishes the attractiveness of a male's odour. A similar effect also occurs when male mice are infected with coccidian gut parasites (Kavaliers & Colwell 1995, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 261B, 31–35). One proximate reason for the neutralization of the attractiveness of a male's odour may be a decrease in serum androgen concentrations during infection.  相似文献   

Precopulatory sexual cannibalism is an extreme form of sexual conflict that can entail significant costs to the cannibalized individual and a variety of costs and benefits to the cannibal itself. Characterizing these costs and benefits is fundamental to our understanding of how this behavior evolves. Using the spider Agelenopsis pennsylvanica, we tested the reproductive consequences of precopulatory sexual cannibalism by staging cannibalization events and comparing the performance of experimental cannibals against natural cannibals (i.e., those that cannibalized on their own) and non‐cannibals. We found two performance benefits associated with precopulatory sexual cannibalism: first, experimental cannibals were more likely to produce egg cases than non‐cannibals, and second, egg cases from experimental cannibals and natural cannibals were significantly more likely to hatch than those produced by non‐cannibals. We then tested whether males were more likely to approach the webs of experimental cannibals vs. non‐cannibalistic control females. Our data demonstrate that sexual cannibalism increases female attractiveness to males. Although this result seems counterintuitive, in fact, rates of precopulatory sexual cannibalism were much lower in females that had already cannibalized their first male: 38% of sexually naïve females engaged in precopulatory sexual cannibalism, whereas only 5% of females engaged in cannibalism a second time. Thus, males that approach cannibals receive two benefits: they are less likely to be cannibalized precopula, and they have the possibility of mating with females that have a higher probability of producing viable egg cases. Taken together, our data suggest that precopulatory sexual cannibalism affords females numerous benefits and may have a hand in shaping male mate choice decisions.  相似文献   

The sex allocation hypothesis predicts that females manipulate the offspring sex ratios according to mate attractiveness. Although there is increasing evidence to support this prediction, it is possible that paternal effects may often obscure the relationship between female control of offspring sex ratios and male attractiveness. In the present study, we examined whether females played a primary role in the manipulation their offspring sex ratios based on male attractiveness, in the guppy Poecilia reticulata, a live‐bearing fish. We excluded the paternal effects by controlling the relative sexual attractiveness of the male by presenting them to the females along with a more attractive or less attractive stimulus male. The test male was perceived to be relatively more attractive by females when it was presented along with a less attractive stimulus male, or vice versa. Subsequently, test male was mated in two different roles (relatively more and less attractive) with two females. If females were responsible for offspring sex ratio manipulation, the sex ratio of the brood would be altered on the basis of the relative attractiveness of the test male. On the other hand, if males play a primary role in offspring sex ratio manipulation, the sex ratios would not differ with the relative attractiveness of the test male. We found that females gave birth to more male‐biased broods when they mated with test males in the attractive role than when they mated with males in the less attractive role. This finding suggests that females are responsible for the manipulation of offspring sex ratios based on the attractiveness of their mates.  相似文献   

Males will alter their mating behavior to cope with the presence of their competitors. Even exposure to odors from potential competitors can greatly increase male ejaculate expenditure in a variety of animals including insects, fishes, birds and rodents. Major efforts have been made to examine males'' plastic responses to sperm competition and its fitness benefits. However, the effects of competitor absence on male''s sexual motivation and behaviors remain unclear, which has been proposed to be one of the causes for the poor sexual performance of some captive mammals. This study revealed that sexual motivation can be greatly enhanced in captive male giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) by exposure to chemosensory cues from either one or three conspecifics males. It had been shown that potential rivals'' odors increased males'' chemosensory investigation behavior, as well as their observing, following and sniffing behaviors towards estrous females. Behaviors changed regardless of the number of rivals (one or three). Our results demonstrate the effects of potential competition on male giant pandas'' sexual motivation and behavioral coping strategy. We anticipate that our research will provide a fresh insight into the mechanisms underlying poor sexual performance in male captive mammals, and valuable information for the practical management and ex situ conservation of endangered species.  相似文献   

Since its discovery by Morgan, the Drosophila white gene has become one of the most intensely studied genes and has been widely used as a genetic marker. Earlier reports that over- and misexpression of White protein in Drosophila males leads to male-male courtship implicated white in courtship control. While previous studies suggested that it is the mislocalization of White protein within cells that causes the courtship phenotype, we demonstrate here that also the lack of extra-retinal White can cause very similar behavioral changes. Moreover, we provide evidence that the lack of White function increases the sexual arousal of males in general, of which the enhanced male-male courtship might be an indirect effect. We further show that white mutant flies are not only optomotor blind but also dazzled by the over-flow of light in daylight. Implications of these findings for the proper interpretation of behavioral studies with white mutant flies are discussed.  相似文献   

Although the use of formant frequencies in nonhuman animal vocal communication systems has received considerable recent interest, only a few studies have examined the importance of these acoustic cues to body size during intra-sexual competition between males. Here we used playback experiments to present free-ranging male koalas with re-synthesised bellow vocalisations in which the formants were shifted to simulate either a large or a small adult male. We found that male looking responses did not differ according to the size variant condition played back. In contrast, male koalas produced longer bellows and spent more time bellowing when they were presented with playbacks simulating larger rivals. In addition, males were significantly slower to respond to this class of playback stimuli than they were to bellows simulating small males. Our results indicate that male koalas invest more effort into their vocal responses when they are presented with bellows that have lower formants indicative of larger rivals, but also show that males are slower to engage in vocal exchanges with larger males that represent more dangerous rivals. By demonstrating that male koalas use formants to assess rivals during the breeding season we have provided evidence that male-male competition constitutes an important selection pressure for broadcasting and attending to size-related formant information in this species. Further empirical studies should investigate the extent to which the use of formants during intra-sexual competition is widespread throughout mammals.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2006,9(3):255-263
Two endoparasitoids, Cotesia plutellae and C. glomerata, parasitize the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, and induce significant host immunosuppression. This study analyzed the susceptibility changes of the parasitized P. xylostella against other pathogens using an entomopathogenic bacterium, Xenorhabdus nematophila (Xn), and a viral pathogen, Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrosis virus (AcNPV). The P. xylostella parasitized by either C. plutellae or C. glomerata exhibited higher susceptibilities to both microbial pathogens than the nonpara-sitized. To determine the parasitism factors inducing the enhanced susceptibility, three polydnaviral genes so far successfully cloned were selected from C. plutellae bracovirus (CpBV). CpBV-lectin and CpBV15 α/β were inserted into AcNPV under a CpBV promote and analyzed in their pathogenicities against P. xylostella larvae. Two AcNPVs recombined with CpBV15α/β were more potent than the control AcNPV recombined with an enhanced green fluorescent protein gene or the AcNPV recombined with CpBV-lectin. These results suggest that the wasp parasitization enhances other pathogen susceptibilities by inducing host immunosuppression, in which the symbiotic polydnavirus can play significant role in the enhanced susceptibility.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies indicate that not only females but also males can be selective when choosing a mate. In species exhibiting male or mutual mate choice, females may benefit from being attractive. While male attractiveness is often positively influenced by higher plasma levels of the androgenic hormone testosterone, it has been shown that testosterone can masculinise female behavior and morphology in several bird species, potentially rendering them less attractive. In this study, we investigated whether female budgerigars, Melopsittacus undulatus , suffer from increased plasma testosterone levels through a negative effect on their attractiveness to males. We experimentally increased plasma testosterone levels in testosterone-treated females (T-females) compared to controls (C-females) and allowed males to choose between a T- and a C-female in a two-way choice situation. Although testosterone treatment significantly affected female behavioral and morphological characteristics, males did not show a significant difference in preference between T- and C-females. These results suggest that experimentally increasing testosterone levels in females does not appear to influence male preference during initial mate choice. Our findings indicate that selection for higher levels of testosterone in male budgerigars is probably not constrained by a correlated response to selection causing negative effects on female attractiveness during initial mate choice. Evaluating whether or not a potential constraint may arise from negative testosterone-induced effects on other fitness related traits in females requires further work.  相似文献   

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