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Choice of network topology for gene regulation has been a question of interest for a long time. How do simple and more complex topologies arise? In this work, we analyze the topology of the marRAB operon in Escherichia coli, which is associated with control of expression of genes associated with conferring resistance to low-level antibiotics to the bacterium. Among the 2102 promoters in E. coli, the marRAB promoter is the only one that encodes for an autoactivator and an autorepressor. What advantages does this topology confer to the bacterium? In this work, we demonstrate that, compared to control by a single regulator, the marRAB regulatory arrangement has the least control cost associated with modulating gene expression in response to environmental stimuli. In addition, the presence of dual regulators allows the regulon to exhibit a diverse range of dynamics, a feature that is not observed in genes controlled by a single regulator.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase (CA) (EC enzymes catalyze the reversible hydration of CO2, a reaction that is important in many physiological processes. We have cloned and sequenced a full-length cDNA encoding an intracellular β-CA from the unicellular green alga Coccomyxa. Nucleotide sequence data show that the isolated cDNA contains an open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 227 amino acids. The predicted polypeptide is similar to β-type CAs from Escherichia coli and higher plants, with an identity of 26% to 30%. The Coccomyxa cDNA was overexpressed in E. coli, and the enzyme was purified and biochemically characterized. The mature protein is a homotetramer with an estimated molecular mass of 100 kD. The CO2-hydration activity of the Coccomyxa enzyme is comparable with that of the pea homolog. However, the activity of Coccomyxa CA is largely insensitive to oxidative conditions, in contrast to similar enzymes from most higher plants. Fractionation studies further showed that Coccomyxa CA is extrachloroplastic.  相似文献   

Tellurite containing compounds are in use for industrial processes and increasing delivery into the environment generates specific pollution that may well result in contamination and subsequent potential adverse effects on public health. It was the aim of the current study to reveal mechanism of toxicity in tellurite-sensitive and tellurite-resistant E. coli at the protein level.In this work an approach using gel-based mass spectrometrical analysis to identify a differential protein profile related to tellurite toxicity was used and the mechanism of ter operon-mediated tellurite resistance was addressed. E. coli BL21 was genetically manipulated for tellurite-resistance by the introduction of the resistance-conferring ter genes on the pLK18 plasmid. Potassium tellurite was added to cultures in order to obtain a final 3.9 micromolar concentration. Proteins from tellurite-sensitive and tellurite-resistant E. coli were run on 2-D gel electrophoresis, spots of interest were picked, in-gel digested and subsequently analysed by nano-LC-MS/MS (ion trap). In addition, Western blotting and measurement of enzymatic activity were performed to verify the expression of certain candidate proteins.Following exposure to tellurite, in contrast to tellurite-resistant bacteria, sensitive cells exhibited increased levels of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutases, catalase and oxidoreductase YqhD. Cysteine desulfurase, known to be related to tellurite toxicity as well as proteins involved in protein folding: GroEL, DnaK and EF-Tu were upregulated in sensitive cells. In resistant bacteria, several isoforms of four essential Ter proteins were observed and following tellurite treatment the abovementioned protein levels did not show any significant proteome changes as compared to the sensitive control.The absence of general defense mechanisms against tellurite toxicity in resistant bacteria thus provides further evidence that the four proteins of the ter operon function by a specific mode of action in the mechanism of tellurite resistance probably involving protein cascades from antioxidant and protein folding pathways.  相似文献   

Extant amniotes show remarkable postural diversity. Broadly speaking, limbs with erect (strongly adducted, more vertically oriented) posture are found in mammals that are particularly heavy (graviportal) or show good running skills (cursorial), while crouched (highly flexed) limbs are found in taxa with more generalized locomotion. In Reptilia, crocodylians have a “semi-erect” (somewhat adducted) posture, birds have more crouched limbs and lepidosaurs have sprawling (well-abducted) limbs. Both synapsids and reptiles underwent a postural transition from sprawling to more erect limbs during the Mesozoic Era. In Reptilia, this postural change is prominent among archosauriforms in the Triassic Period. However, limb posture in many key Triassic taxa remains poorly known. In Synapsida, the chronology of this transition is less clear, and competing hypotheses exist. On land, the limb bones are subject to various stresses related to body support that partly shape their external and internal morphology. Indeed, bone trabeculae (lattice-like bony struts that form the spongy bone tissue) tend to orient themselves along lines of force. Here, we study the link between femoral posture and the femoral trabecular architecture using phylogenetic generalized least squares. We show that microanatomical parameters measured on bone cubes extracted from the femoral head of a sample of amniote femora depend strongly on body mass, but not on femoral posture or lifestyle. We reconstruct ancestral states of femoral posture and various microanatomical parameters to study the “sprawling-to-erect” transition in reptiles and synapsids, and obtain conflicting results. We tentatively infer femoral posture in several hypothetical ancestors using phylogenetic flexible discriminant analysis from maximum likelihood estimates of the microanatomical parameters. In general, the trabecular network of the femoral head is not a good indicator of femoral posture. However, ancestral state reconstruction methods hold great promise for advancing our understanding of the evolution of posture in amniotes.  相似文献   



Xanthomonas is a large genus of plant-associated and plant-pathogenic bacteria. Collectively, members cause diseases on over 392 plant species. Individually, they exhibit marked host- and tissue-specificity. The determinants of this specificity are unknown.

Methodology/Principal Findings

To assess potential contributions to host- and tissue-specificity, pathogenesis-associated gene clusters were compared across genomes of eight Xanthomonas strains representing vascular or non-vascular pathogens of rice, brassicas, pepper and tomato, and citrus. The gum cluster for extracellular polysaccharide is conserved except for gumN and sequences downstream. The xcs and xps clusters for type II secretion are conserved, except in the rice pathogens, in which xcs is missing. In the otherwise conserved hrp cluster, sequences flanking the core genes for type III secretion vary with respect to insertion sequence element and putative effector gene content. Variation at the rpf (regulation of pathogenicity factors) cluster is more pronounced, though genes with established functional relevance are conserved. A cluster for synthesis of lipopolysaccharide varies highly, suggesting multiple horizontal gene transfers and reassortments, but this variation does not correlate with host- or tissue-specificity. Phylogenetic trees based on amino acid alignments of gum, xps, xcs, hrp, and rpf cluster products generally reflect strain phylogeny. However, amino acid residues at four positions correlate with tissue specificity, revealing hpaA and xpsD as candidate determinants. Examination of genome sequences of xanthomonads Xylella fastidiosa and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia revealed that the hrp, gum, and xcs clusters are recent acquisitions in the Xanthomonas lineage.


Our results provide insight into the ancestral Xanthomonas genome and indicate that differentiation with respect to host- and tissue-specificity involved not major modifications or wholesale exchange of clusters, but subtle changes in a small number of genes or in non-coding sequences, and/or differences outside the clusters, potentially among regulatory targets or secretory substrates.  相似文献   

At the heart of debates among creationists and evolutionists are questions about scientific integrity and rigor. Creationists often justify their rejection of biological evolution by claiming that the methodologies and interpretations of evolutionary scientists are flawed. A consideration of creationists’ critiques of the scientific data, however, reveals a deficient understanding and appreciation of the nature of the scientific process. It is essential that our schools educate students about the character of scientific inquiry. Clarifying the nature and limitation of scientific knowledge for our students will equip our students to evaluate evolutionary or creationist arguments critically. Recognizing and teaching both the strengths and limitations of the scientific process will do much to further the ongoing dialogue between science and religion.  相似文献   

An earlier article described the mid-twentieth century origins of the method of “paradigms” in paleobiology, as a way of making testable hypotheses about the functional morphology of extinct organisms. The present article describes the use of “paradigms” through the 1970s and, briefly, to the end of the century. After I had proposed the paradigm method to help interpret the ecological history of brachiopods, my students developed it in relation to that and other invertebrate phyla, notably in Euan Clarkson’s analysis of vision in trilobites. David Raup’s computer-aided “theoretical morphology” was then combined with my functional or adaptive emphasis, in Adolf Seilacher’s tripartite “constructional morphology.” Stephen Jay Gould, who had strongly endorsed the method, later switched to criticizing the “adaptationist program” he claimed it embodied. Although the explicit use of paradigms in paleobiology had declined by the end of the century, the method was tacitly subsumed into functional morphology as “biomechanics.”  相似文献   



Extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae poses serious challenges to clinicians because of its resistance to many classes of antibiotics.

Methods and Findings

The mechanism of synergistic activity of a combination of (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and β-lactam antibiotics cefotaxime was studied on Extended-spectrum β-lactamase producing Escherichia coli (ESBL-EC), by visualizing the morphological alteration on the cell wall induced by the combination using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Cells at sub-MICs (sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations) of cefotaxime were initially filamentated but recovered to the normal shape later, whereas cells at sub-MICs of EGCG experienced temporal disturbance on the cell wall such as leakage and release of cellular debris and groove formation, but later recovered to the normal shape. In contrast, the combination of cefotaxime and EGCG at their respective sub-MICs induced permanent cellular damages as well as continuous elongation in cells and eventually killed them. Flow cytometry showed that intracellular oxidative stress levels in the cell treated with a combination of EGCG and cefotaxime at sub-MICs were higher than those in the cells treated with either cefotaxime or EGCG at sub-MICs.


These results suggest that the synergistic effect of EGCG between EGCG and cefotaxime against ESBL-EC is related to cooperative activity of exogenous and endogenous reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by EGCG and cefotaxime, respectively.  相似文献   

The evolutionary strategies that emerge within populations can be dictated by numerous factors, including interactions with other species. In this paper, we explore the consequences of such a scenario using a host-parasite system of human concern. By analyzing the dynamical behaviors of a mathematical model we investigate the evolutionary outcomes resulting from interactions between Schistosoma mansoni and its snail and human hosts. The model includes two types of snail hosts representing resident and mutant types. Using this approach, we focus on establishing evolutionary stable strategies under conditions where snail hosts express different life-histories and when drug treatment is applied to an age-structured population of human hosts. Results from this work demonstrate that the evolutionary trajectories of host-parasite interactions can be varied, and at times, counter-intuitive, based on parasite virulence, host resistance, and drug treatment.  相似文献   

From early dinosaurs with as many as nine wrist bones, modern birds evolved to develop only four ossifications. Their identity is uncertain, with different labels used in palaeontology and developmental biology. We examined embryos of several species and studied chicken embryos in detail through a new technique allowing whole-mount immunofluorescence of the embryonic cartilaginous skeleton. Beyond previous controversy, we establish that the proximal–anterior ossification develops from a composite radiale+intermedium cartilage, consistent with fusion of radiale and intermedium observed in some theropod dinosaurs. Despite previous claims that the development of the distal–anterior ossification does not support the dinosaur–bird link, we found its embryonic precursor shows two distinct regions of both collagen type II and collagen type IX expression, resembling the composite semilunate bone of bird-like dinosaurs (distal carpal 1+distal carpal 2). The distal–posterior ossification develops from a cartilage referred to as “element x,” but its position corresponds to distal carpal 3. The proximal–posterior ossification is perhaps most controversial: It is labelled as the ulnare in palaeontology, but we confirm the embryonic ulnare is lost during development. Re-examination of the fossil evidence reveals the ulnare was actually absent in bird-like dinosaurs. We confirm the proximal–posterior bone is a pisiform in terms of embryonic position and its development as a sesamoid associated to a tendon. However, the pisiform is absent in bird-like dinosaurs, which are known from several articulated specimens. The combined data provide compelling evidence of a remarkable evolutionary reversal: A large, ossified pisiform re-evolved in the lineage leading to birds, after a period in which it was either absent, nonossified, or very small, consistently escaping fossil preservation. The bird wrist provides a modern example of how developmental and paleontological data illuminate each other. Based on all available data, we introduce a new nomenclature for bird wrist ossifications.  相似文献   

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