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Over the past three decades, as mechanobiology has become a distinct area of study, researchers have developed novel imaging tools to discover the pathways of biomechanical signaling. Early work with substrate engineering and particle tracking demonstrated the importance of cell–extracellular matrix interactions on the cell cycle as well as the mechanical flux of the intracellular environment. Most recently, tension sensor approaches allowed directly measuring tension in cell–cell and cell–substrate interactions. We retrospectively analyze how these various optical techniques progressed the field and suggest our vision forward for a unified theory of cell mechanics, mapping cellular mechanosensing, and novel biomedical applications for mechanobiology.  相似文献   

The function of the majority of genes in the human and mouse genomes is unknown. Investigating and illuminating this dark genome is a major challenge for the biomedical sciences. The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC) is addressing this through the generation and broad-based phenotyping of a knockout (KO) mouse line for every protein-coding gene, producing a multidimensional data set that underlies a genome-wide annotation map from genes to phenotypes. Here, we develop a multivariate (MV) statistical approach and apply it to IMPC data comprising 148 phenotypes measured across 4,548 KO lines.There are 4,256 (1.4% of 302,997 observed data measurements) hits called by the univariate (UV) model analysing each phenotype separately, compared to 31,843 (10.5%) hits in the observed data results of the MV model, corresponding to an estimated 7.5-fold increase in power of the MV model relative to the UV model. One key property of the data set is its 55.0% rate of missingness, resulting from quality control filters and incomplete measurement of some KO lines. This raises the question of whether it is possible to infer perturbations at phenotype–gene pairs at which data are not available, i.e., to infer some in vivo effects using statistical analysis rather than experimentation. We demonstrate that, even at missing phenotypes, the MV model can detect perturbations with power comparable to the single-phenotype analysis, thereby filling in the complete gene–phenotype map with good sensitivity.A factor analysis of the MV model’s fitted covariance structure identifies 20 clusters of phenotypes, with each cluster tending to be perturbed collectively. These factors cumulatively explain 75% of the KO-induced variation in the data and facilitate biological interpretation of perturbations. We also demonstrate that the MV approach strengthens the correspondence between IMPC phenotypes and existing gene annotation databases. Analysis of a subset of KO lines measured in replicate across multiple laboratories confirms that the MV model increases power with high replicability.

The function of the majority of genes in the human and mouse genomes is unknown, and illuminating this "dark genome" is a major challenge for the biomedical sciences. This study shows that multi-dimensional phenotypes from single-gene knockout mouse lines can be analysed at a genome-wide scale both to increase power and infer missing phenotypes.  相似文献   

Bilingual dictionaries for technical terms such as biomedical terms are an important resource for machine translation systems as well as for humans who would like to understand a concept described in a foreign language. Often a biomedical term is first proposed in English and later it is manually translated to other languages. Despite the fact that there are large monolingual lexicons of biomedical terms, only a fraction of those term lexicons are translated to other languages. Manually compiling large-scale bilingual dictionaries for technical domains is a challenging task because it is difficult to find a sufficiently large number of bilingual experts. We propose a cross-lingual similarity measure for detecting most similar translation candidates for a biomedical term specified in one language (source) from another language (target). Specifically, a biomedical term in a language is represented using two types of features: (a) intrinsic features that consist of character n-grams extracted from the term under consideration, and (b) extrinsic features that consist of unigrams and bigrams extracted from the contextual windows surrounding the term under consideration. We propose a cross-lingual similarity measure using each of those feature types. First, to reduce the dimensionality of the feature space in each language, we propose prototype vector projection (PVP)—a non-negative lower-dimensional vector projection method. Second, we propose a method to learn a mapping between the feature spaces in the source and target language using partial least squares regression (PLSR). The proposed method requires only a small number of training instances to learn a cross-lingual similarity measure. The proposed PVP method outperforms popular dimensionality reduction methods such as the singular value decomposition (SVD) and non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) in a nearest neighbor prediction task. Moreover, our experimental results covering several language pairs such as English–French, English–Spanish, English–Greek, and English–Japanese show that the proposed method outperforms several other feature projection methods in biomedical term translation prediction tasks.  相似文献   

Scientific management of wildlife requires confronting the complexities of natural and social systems. Uncertainty poses a central problem. Whereas the importance of considering uncertainty has been widely discussed, studies of the effects of unaddressed uncertainty on real management systems have been rare. We examined the effects of outcome uncertainty and components of biological uncertainty on hunt management performance, illustrated with grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) in British Columbia, Canada. We found that both forms of uncertainty can have serious impacts on management performance. Outcome uncertainty alone – discrepancy between expected and realized mortality levels – led to excess mortality in 19% of cases (population-years) examined. Accounting for uncertainty around estimated biological parameters (i.e., biological uncertainty) revealed that excess mortality might have occurred in up to 70% of cases. We offer a general method for identifying targets for exploited species that incorporates uncertainty and maintains the probability of exceeding mortality limits below specified thresholds. Setting targets in our focal system using this method at thresholds of 25% and 5% probability of overmortality would require average target mortality reductions of 47% and 81%, respectively. Application of our transparent and generalizable framework to this or other systems could improve management performance in the presence of uncertainty.  相似文献   

Combination therapies are often needed for effective clinical outcomes in the management of complex diseases, but presently they are generally based on empirical clinical experience. Here we suggest a novel application of search algorithms—originally developed for digital communication—modified to optimize combinations of therapeutic interventions. In biological experiments measuring the restoration of the decline with age in heart function and exercise capacity in Drosophila melanogaster, we found that search algorithms correctly identified optimal combinations of four drugs using only one-third of the tests performed in a fully factorial search. In experiments identifying combinations of three doses of up to six drugs for selective killing of human cancer cells, search algorithms resulted in a highly significant enrichment of selective combinations compared with random searches. In simulations using a network model of cell death, we found that the search algorithms identified the optimal combinations of 6–9 interventions in 80–90% of tests, compared with 15–30% for an equivalent random search. These findings suggest that modified search algorithms from information theory have the potential to enhance the discovery of novel therapeutic drug combinations. This report also helps to frame a biomedical problem that will benefit from an interdisciplinary effort and suggests a general strategy for its solution.  相似文献   

Cellular signaling systems show astonishing precision in their response to external stimuli despite strong fluctuations in the molecular components that determine pathway activity. To control the effects of noise on signaling most efficiently, living cells employ compensatory mechanisms that reach from simple negative feedback loops to robustly designed signaling architectures. Here, we report on a novel control mechanism that allows living cells to keep precision in their signaling characteristics – stationary pathway output, response amplitude, and relaxation time – in the presence of strong intracellular perturbations. The concept relies on the surprising fact that for systems showing perfect adaptation an exponential signal amplification at the receptor level suffices to eliminate slowly varying multiplicative noise. To show this mechanism at work in living systems, we quantified the response dynamics of the E. coli chemotaxis network after genetically perturbing the information flux between upstream and downstream signaling components. We give strong evidence that this signaling system results in dynamic invariance of the activated response regulator against multiplicative intracellular noise. We further demonstrate that for environmental conditions, for which precision in chemosensing is crucial, the invariant response behavior results in highest chemotactic efficiency. Our results resolve several puzzling features of the chemotaxis pathway that are widely conserved across prokaryotes but so far could not be attributed any functional role.  相似文献   

Colorectal cancer progresses through an accumulation of somatic mutations, some of which reside in so-called “driver” genes that provide a growth advantage to the tumor. To identify points of intersection between driver gene pathways, we implemented a network analysis framework using protein interactions to predict likely connections – both precedented and novel – between key driver genes in cancer. We applied the framework to find significant connections between two genes, Apc and Cdkn1a (p21), known to be synergistic in tumorigenesis in mouse models. We then assessed the functional coherence of the resulting Apc-Cdkn1a network by engineering in vivo single node perturbations of the network: mouse models mutated individually at Apc (Apc1638N+/−) or Cdkn1a (Cdkn1a−/−), followed by measurements of protein and gene expression changes in intestinal epithelial tissue. We hypothesized that if the predicted network is biologically coherent (functional), then the predicted nodes should associate more specifically with dysregulated genes and proteins than stochastically selected genes and proteins. The predicted Apc-Cdkn1a network was significantly perturbed at the mRNA-level by both single gene knockouts, and the predictions were also strongly supported based on physical proximity and mRNA coexpression of proteomic targets. These results support the functional coherence of the proposed Apc-Cdkn1a network and also demonstrate how network-based predictions can be statistically tested using high-throughput biological data.  相似文献   



Text mining is increasingly used in the biomedical domain because of its ability to automatically gather information from large amount of scientific articles. One important task in biomedical text mining is relation extraction, which aims to identify designated relations among biological entities reported in literature. A relation extraction system achieving high performance is expensive to develop because of the substantial time and effort required for its design and implementation. Here, we report a novel framework to facilitate the development of a pattern-based biomedical relation extraction system. It has several unique design features: (1) leveraging syntactic variations possible in a language and automatically generating extraction patterns in a systematic manner, (2) applying sentence simplification to improve the coverage of extraction patterns, and (3) identifying referential relations between a syntactic argument of a predicate and the actual target expected in the relation extraction task.


A relation extraction system derived using the proposed framework achieved overall F-scores of 72.66% for the Simple events and 55.57% for the Binding events on the BioNLP-ST 2011 GE test set, comparing favorably with the top performing systems that participated in the BioNLP-ST 2011 GE task. We obtained similar results on the BioNLP-ST 2013 GE test set (80.07% and 60.58%, respectively). We conducted additional experiments on the training and development sets to provide a more detailed analysis of the system and its individual modules. This analysis indicates that without increasing the number of patterns, simplification and referential relation linking play a key role in the effective extraction of biomedical relations.


In this paper, we present a novel framework for fast development of relation extraction systems. The framework requires only a list of triggers as input, and does not need information from an annotated corpus. Thus, we reduce the involvement of domain experts, who would otherwise have to provide manual annotations and help with the design of hand crafted patterns. We demonstrate how our framework is used to develop a system which achieves state-of-the-art performance on a public benchmark corpus.  相似文献   

Historically, many mass spectrometry–based proteomic studies have aimed at compiling an inventory of protein compounds present in a biological sample, with the long-term objective of creating a proteome map of a species. However, to answer fundamental questions about the behavior of biological systems at the protein level, accurate and unbiased quantitative data are required in addition to a list of all protein components. Fueled by advances in mass spectrometry, the proteomics field has thus recently shifted focus toward the reproducible quantification of proteins across a large number of biological samples. This provides the foundation to move away from pure enumeration of identified proteins toward quantitative matrices of many proteins measured across multiple samples. It is argued here that data matrices consisting of highly reproducible, quantitative, and unbiased proteomic measurements across a high number of conditions, referred to here as quantitative proteotype maps, will become the fundamental currency in the field and provide the starting point for downstream biological analysis. Such proteotype data matrices, for example, are generated by the measurement of large patient cohorts, time series, or multiple experimental perturbations. They are expected to have a large effect on systems biology and personalized medicine approaches that investigate the dynamic behavior of biological systems across multiple perturbations, time points, and individuals.  相似文献   

To enhance our knowledge regarding biological pathway regulation, we took an integrated approach, using the biomedical literature, ontologies, network analyses and experimental investigation to infer novel genes that could modulate biological pathways. We first constructed a novel gene network via a pairwise comparison of all yeast genes’ Ontology Fingerprints—a set of Gene Ontology terms overrepresented in the PubMed abstracts linked to a gene along with those terms’ corresponding enrichment P-values. The network was further refined using a Bayesian hierarchical model to identify novel genes that could potentially influence the pathway activities. We applied this method to the sphingolipid pathway in yeast and found that many top-ranked genes indeed displayed altered sphingolipid pathway functions, initially measured by their sensitivity to myriocin, an inhibitor of de novo sphingolipid biosynthesis. Further experiments confirmed the modulation of the sphingolipid pathway by one of these genes, PFA4, encoding a palmitoyl transferase. Comparative analysis showed that few of these novel genes could be discovered by other existing methods. Our novel gene network provides a unique and comprehensive resource to study pathway modulations and systems biology in general.  相似文献   

Reconstructing biological networks using high-throughput technologies has the potential to produce condition-specific interactomes. But are these reconstructed networks a reliable source of biological interactions? Do some network inference methods offer dramatically improved performance on certain types of networks? To facilitate the use of network inference methods in systems biology, we report a large-scale simulation study comparing the ability of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers to reverse engineer Bayesian networks. The MCMC samplers we investigated included foundational and state-of-the-art Metropolis–Hastings and Gibbs sampling approaches, as well as novel samplers we have designed. To enable a comprehensive comparison, we simulated gene expression and genetics data from known network structures under a range of biologically plausible scenarios. We examine the overall quality of network inference via different methods, as well as how their performance is affected by network characteristics. Our simulations reveal that network size, edge density, and strength of gene-to-gene signaling are major parameters that differentiate the performance of various samplers. Specifically, more recent samplers including our novel methods outperform traditional samplers for highly interconnected large networks with strong gene-to-gene signaling. Our newly developed samplers show comparable or superior performance to the top existing methods. Moreover, this performance gain is strongest in networks with biologically oriented topology, which indicates that our novel samplers are suitable for inferring biological networks. The performance of MCMC samplers in this simulation framework can guide the choice of methods for network reconstruction using systems genetics data.  相似文献   

Chemical probes are important tools for understanding biological systems. However, because of the huge combinatorial space of targets and potential compounds, traditional chemical screens cannot be applied systematically to find probes for all possible druggable targets. Here, we demonstrate a novel concept for overcoming this challenge by leveraging high‐throughput metabolomics and overexpression to predict drug–target interactions. The metabolome profiles of yeast treated with 1,280 compounds from a chemical library were collected and compared with those of inducible yeast membrane protein overexpression strains. By matching metabolome profiles, we predicted which small molecules targeted which signaling systems and recovered known interactions. Drug–target predictions were generated across the 86 genes studied, including for difficult to study membrane proteins. A subset of those predictions were tested and validated, including the novel targeting of GPR1 signaling by ibuprofen. These results demonstrate the feasibility of predicting drug–target relationships for eukaryotic proteins using high‐throughput metabolomics.  相似文献   

Constructing biological networks capable of performing specific biological functionalities has been of sustained interest in synthetic biology. Adaptation is one such ubiquitous functional property, which enables every living organism to sense a change in its surroundings and return to its operating condition prior to the disturbance. In this paper, we present a generic systems theory-driven method for designing adaptive protein networks. First, we translate the necessary qualitative conditions for adaptation to mathematical constraints using the language of systems theory, which we then map back as ‘design requirements’ for the underlying networks. We go on to prove that a protein network with different input–output nodes (proteins) needs to be at least of third-order in order to provide adaptation. Next, we show that the necessary design principles obtained for a three-node network in adaptation consist of negative feedback or a feed-forward realization. We argue that presence of a particular class of negative feedback or feed-forward realization is necessary for a network of any size to provide adaptation. Further, we claim that the necessary structural conditions derived in this work are the strictest among the ones hitherto existed in the literature. Finally, we prove that the capability of producing adaptation is retained for the admissible motifs even when the output node is connected with a downstream system in a feedback fashion. This result explains how complex biological networks achieve robustness while keeping the core motifs unchanged in the context of a particular functionality. We corroborate our theoretical results with detailed and thorough numerical simulations. Overall, our results present a generic, systematic and robust framework for designing various kinds of biological networks.  相似文献   

Precise identification of correct exon–intron boundaries is a prerequisite to analyze the location and structure of genes. The existing framework for genomic signals, delineating exon and introns in a genomic segment, seems insufficient, predominantly due to poor sequence consensus as well as limitations of training on available experimental data sets. We present here a novel concept for characterizing exon–intron boundaries in genomic segments on the basis of structural and energetic properties. We analyzed boundary junctions on both sides of all the exons (3 28 368) of protein coding genes from human genome (GENCODE database) using 28 structural and three energy parameters. Study of sequence conservation at these sites shows very poor consensus. It is observed that DNA adopts a unique structural and energy state at the boundary junctions. Also, signals are somewhat different for housekeeping and tissue specific genes. Clustering of 31 parameters into four derived vectors gives some additional insights into the physical mechanisms involved in this biological process. Sites of structural and energy signals correlate well to the positions playing important roles in pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

Tropical coral reefs feature extraordinary biodiversity and high productivity rates in oligotrophic waters. Due to increasing frequencies of perturbations – anthropogenic and natural – many reefs are under threat. Such perturbations often have devastating effects on these unique ecosystems and especially if they occur simultaneously and amplify each other''s impact, they might trigger a phase shift and create irreversible conditions.We developed a generic, spatially explicit, individual-based model in which competition drives the dynamics of a virtual benthic reef community – comprised of scleractinian corals and algae – under different environmental settings. Higher system properties, like population dynamics or community composition arise through self-organization as emergent properties. The model was parameterized for a typical coral reef site at Zanzibar, Tanzania and features coral bleaching and physical disturbance regimes as major sources of perturbations. Our results show that various types and modes (intensities and frequencies) of perturbations create diverse outcomes and that the switch from high diversity to single species dominance can be evoked by small changes in a key parameter.Here we extend the understanding of coral reef resilience and the identification of key processes, drivers and respective thresholds, responsible for changes in local situations. One future goal is to provide a tool which may aid decision making processes in management of coral reefs.  相似文献   

Quantification of molecular numbers and concentrations in living cells is critical for testing models of complex biological phenomena. Counting molecules in cells requires estimation of the fluorescence intensity of single molecules, which is generally limited to imaging near cell surfaces, in isolated cells, or where motions are diffusive. To circumvent this difficulty, we have devised a calibration technique for spinning–disk confocal microscopy, commonly used for imaging in tissues, that uses single–step bleaching kinetics to estimate the single–fluorophore intensity. To cross–check our calibrations, we compared the brightness of fluorophores in the SDC microscope to those in the total internal reflection and epifluorescence microscopes. We applied this calibration method to quantify the number of end–binding protein 1 (EB1)–eGFP in the comets of growing microtubule ends and to measure the cytoplasmic concentration of EB1–eGFP in sensory neurons in fly larvae. These measurements allowed us to estimate the dissociation constant of EB1–eGFP from the microtubules as well as the GTP–tubulin cap size. Our results show the unexplored potential of single–molecule imaging using spinning–disk confocal microscopy and provide a straightforward method to count the absolute number of fluorophores in tissues that can be applied to a wide range of biological systems and imaging techniques.  相似文献   

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