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《Hormones and behavior》2012,61(5):559-564
Hormones play a central role in integrating internal and external cues to help mediate life-history decisions as well as changes in behavior and physiology of individuals. Describing the consistency of endocrine traits within and among individuals is an important step for understanding whether hormonal traits are dependable predictors of phenotypes that selection could act upon. However, few long-term field studies have investigated the individual consistency of hormonal traits. Glucocorticoid hormones mediate homeostatic responses to environmental variation as well as stress responses to acute, unpredictable disturbances. We characterized the repeatability of plasma corticosterone concentrations in two species of free-living passerines across multiple years. We found repeatability in baseline corticosterone concentrations in both sexes of great tits (Parus major) and in female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) within the breeding season but no repeatability of this trait among seasons or across years. Stress-induced levels of corticosterone were only assessed in great tits and were not repeatable in either sex. Our data suggest that in line with their function in mediating responses of individuals to longer-term and acute demands, both baseline and stress-induced plasma corticosterone concentrations are rather plastic traits. However, individuals may differ in their degree of trait plasticity and hence in behavioral and physiological responses to a variety of organismal challenges.  相似文献   

Hormones play a central role in integrating internal and external cues to help mediate life-history decisions as well as changes in behavior and physiology of individuals. Describing the consistency of endocrine traits within and among individuals is an important step for understanding whether hormonal traits are dependable predictors of phenotypes that selection could act upon. However, few long-term field studies have investigated the individual consistency of hormonal traits. Glucocorticoid hormones mediate homeostatic responses to environmental variation as well as stress responses to acute, unpredictable disturbances. We characterized the repeatability of plasma corticosterone concentrations in two species of free-living passerines across multiple years. We found repeatability in baseline corticosterone concentrations in both sexes of great tits (Parus major) and in female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) within the breeding season but no repeatability of this trait among seasons or across years. Stress-induced levels of corticosterone were only assessed in great tits and were not repeatable in either sex. Our data suggest that in line with their function in mediating responses of individuals to longer-term and acute demands, both baseline and stress-induced plasma corticosterone concentrations are rather plastic traits. However, individuals may differ in their degree of trait plasticity and hence in behavioral and physiological responses to a variety of organismal challenges.  相似文献   

Sex ratio of progeny should be balanced if costs and benefits of rearing sons and daughters are equal. However, shifts in sex ratio have been demonstrated across bird species and it was suggested that females are able to adjust the primary sex ratio. One possible mechanism is the glucocorticoid corticosterone which rises under stressful conditions and can be deposited into egg yolk by mothers. We analysed primary sex ratio of common terns Sterna hirundo from 2006 to 2008 and related it to maternal baseline corticosterone level, laying date and year. Therefore, we took 101 blood samples of 71 breeding females via blood sucking bugs, a method with negligible stress for the birds. Sex ratio did not differ from parity in any of the analysed years, which were characterized by poor food availability and breeding success. Only within 1 year there was a tendency for more females in the last hatched chick. Neither corticosterone level nor laying date or year showed an influence on hatching sex ratio. The negative result concerning primary sex ratio and maternal baseline corticosterone level might suggest conditions to be good enough for mothers to prevent them from depositing high levels of corticosterone into eggs.  相似文献   

Yeasts are defined as unicellular fungi, yet many recent observations suggest their whole lifestyle is anything but unicellular. This review surveys the evidence that yeasts are really social organisms with cell-to-cell communication.  相似文献   

The hormonal stress response is flexible and can be modulated by individuals according to its costs and benefits. Therefore, it is predicted that parents in poor body condition should modify their hormonal stress response, and thus, redirect energy allocation processes from parental care to self-maintenance when stressors occur. To test this prediction, most studies on free-living vertebrates have only focused on the stress response while the stress recovery – how quickly hormonal levels return to baseline values – has been neglected. Moreover, most studies have only focused on corticosterone – the primary mediator of allostasis – without paying attention to prolactin despite its major role in mediating parental behaviors. Here, we examined the effect of a short-term fasting event on the corticosterone and prolactin stress responses and recoveries, and we subsequently explored their relationships with parental decision in the snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea). By comparing the hormonal profiles of fasting and non-fasting snow petrels, we showed that parents modulate their corticosterone (but not prolactin) stress response according to their energetic status. We also described for the first time the hormonal stress recoveries in wild birds and found that they did not differ between fasting and non-fasting birds. Importantly, egg neglect was negatively correlated with circulating prolactin but not corticosterone levels in this species, demonstrating therefore a complex link between body condition, parental behavior and circulating corticosterone and prolactin levels. We suggest that both corticosterone and prolactin play a major role in the way parents adjust to stressors. This multiple signaling may allow parents to fine-tune their response to stressors, and especially, to activate specific allostasis-related mechanisms in a timely manner.  相似文献   

Evaluating corticosterone (CORT) responses to stress in free-living vertebrates requires knowing the unstressed titers prior to capture. Based upon laboratory data, the assumption has been that samples collected in less than 3 min of capture will reflect these unstressed concentrations. This assumption was tested for six species using samples collected from 945 individuals at 0-6 min after capture. Samples were from five avian species trapped at multiple times of year and one reptilian species, comprising a total of 14 different data sets for comparisons. For seven of 14 data sets, including five species, there was no significant increase in corticosterone titers within 3 min of capture. In six of the 14 data sets, corticosterone titers increased significantly after 2 min, and in one data set, the increase started at 1.5 min. In all seven of the cases showing an increase before 3 min, however, corticosterone titers from the time of increase to 3 min were significantly lower than titers after 30 min of restraint stress. These results indicate a high degree of confidence for these species that samples collected in less than 2 min reflect unstressed (baseline) concentrations, and that samples collected from 2-3 min also will likely reflect baseline concentrations but at worst are near baseline.  相似文献   

Individual rainbow trout were transferred to visual isolation in experimental aquaria. As a measure of the speed of acclimation, individual food intake was quantified during the first 6 d following transfer. Following acclimation, aggression was quantified by subjecting the fish to three resident-intruder tests, with 30 d of recovery between the tests. Moreover, between the resident-intruder tests (i.e., two times) the fish were exposed to an unfamiliar environment and their cortisol response was measured. The results of this study show that individuals of juvenile rainbow trout differ distinctly in their response to changes in their environment, and that this diversity in behavior is reflected by consistent behavioral traits displayed by individual fish. These traits have proven to be consistent not only over time but also across situations, revealing two distinct behavioral profiles, in the same manner as shown in studies on proactive and reactive mammals. Our results also show that the reactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis, when exposed to a stressor, is a consistent physiological trait in juvenile rainbow trout. We found that difference in HPI axis reactivity is linked to the different behavioral profiles. However, HPI axis reactivity could not be linked directly to the singular behavioral traits measured. In other words, we did not find that the consistent behavioral traits shown by the fish were associated with a difference in HPI axis reactivity in the same manner as the reactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis does in mammals. Taken together, our results show that stress coping strategies akin to what has been described as reactive and proactive stress coping in mammals appear to exist in juvenile rainbow trout.  相似文献   

Because of potentially deleterious effects of chronic stress, physiological measurements of stress hormones (in birds, corticosterone (CORT)) are often used to determine the consequences of natural or human-induced change. Often, it is assumed that CORT levels will be similar between the sexes and the results are pooled. However, recent studies have reported sex differences in CORT concentrations in avian species. As zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) are one of the most widely used bird species in laboratory studies worldwide, potential sex-specific differences in hormone metabolism, as well as the clearance rate of oral doses of exogenous CORT, are highly relevant. The results of this study show that female zebra finches have a significantly higher baseline CORT than males, which could partially be a product of differential responses to semi-isolation. In addition, a single dose of exogenous CORT resulted in different blood profiles between the sexes over time, though exogenous CORT was cleared from blood within 90 min following treatment in both sexes. Interestingly, exposure to multiple doses of exogenous CORT resulted in elevated CORT levels 24 h after treatment in both sexes. These results highlight the need for further investigations into potential sex differences in hormone metabolism, as well as possible cumulative effects of repeated stress.  相似文献   

As sessile organisms, plants need to continuously adjust their responses to external stimuli to cope with changing growth conditions. Since the seed dispersal range is often rather limited, exposure of progeny to the growth conditions of parents is very probable. The plasticity of plant phenotypes cannot be simply explained by genetic changes such as point mutations, deletions, insertions and gross chromosomal rearrangements. Since many environmental stresses persist for only one or several plant generations, other mechanisms of adaptation must exist. The heritability of reversible epigenetic modifications that regulate gene expression without changing DNA sequence makes them an attractive alternative mechanism. In this review, we discuss recent advances in understanding how changes in genome stability and epigenetically mediated changes in gene expression could contribute to plant adaptation. We provide examples of environmentally induced transgenerational epigenetic effects that include the appearance of new phenotypes in successive generations of stressed plants. We also describe several cases in which exposure to stress leads to nonrandom heritable but reversible changes in stress tolerance in the progeny of stressed plants.  相似文献   

A controversial body of literature demonstrates associations of geomagnetic storms (GMS) with numerous cardiovascular, psychiatric and behavioural outcomes. Various melatonin hypotheses of GMS have suggested that temporal variation in the geomagnetic field (GMF) may be acting as an additional zeitgeber (a temporal synchronizer) for circadian rhythms, with GMS somehow interfering with the hypothesized system. The cryptochrome genes are known primarily as key components of the circadian pacemaker, ultimately involved in controlling the expression of the hormone melatonin. Cryptochrome is identified as a clear candidate for mediating the effect of GMS on humans, demonstrating the prior existence of several crucial pieces of evidence. A distinct scientific literature demonstrates the widespread use of geomagnetic information for navigation across a range of taxa. One mechanism of magnetoreception is thought to involve a light-dependent retinal molecular system mediated by cryptochrome, acting in a distinct functionality to its established role as a circadian oscillator. There is evidence suggesting that such a magnetosense--or at least the vestiges of it--may exist in humans. This paper argues that cryptochrome is not acting as secondary geomagnetic zeitgeber to influence melatonin synthesis. Instead, it is hypothesized that the cryptochrome compass system is mediating stress responses more broadly across the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (including alterations to circadian behaviour) in response to changes in the GMF. Two conceptual models are outlined for the existence of such responses--the first as a generalized migrational/dispersal strategy, the second as a stress response to unexpected signals to the magnetosense. It is therefore proposed that GMS lead to disorientation of hormonal systems in animals and humans, thus explaining the effects of GMS on human health and behaviour.  相似文献   

We evaluated the use of corticosterone to gauge forage availability and predict reproductive performance in black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) breeding in Alaska during 1999 and 2000. We modeled the relationship between baseline levels of corticosterone and a suite of individual and temporal characteristics of the sampled birds. We also provided supplemental food to a sample of pairs and compared their corticosterone levels with that of pairs that were not fed. Corticosterone levels were a good predictor of forage availability in some situations, although inconsistencies between corticosterone levels and reproductive performance of fed and unfed kittiwakes suggested that this was not always the case. In general, higher corticosterone levels were found in birds that lacked breeding experience and in birds sampled shortly after arriving from their wintering grounds. All parameters investigated, however, explained only a small proportion of the variance in corticosterone levels. We also investigated whether corticosterone, supplemental feeding, year of the study, breeding experience, body weight, and sex of a bird were able to predict laying, hatching, and fledging success in kittiwakes. Here, breeding experience, year of the study, and body weight were the best predictors of a bird's performance. Corticosterone level and supplemental feeding were good predictors of kittiwake reproductive performance in some cases. For example, corticosterone levels of birds sampled during the arrival stage reliably predicted laying success, but were less reliable at predicting hatching and fledging success. Counts of active nests with eggs or chicks may be more reliable estimates of the actual productivity of the colony. Supplemental feeding had strong effects on kittiwake productivity when natural forage was poor, but had little effect when natural forage was plentiful.  相似文献   

Krayem  Maha  Pinault  Emilie  Deluchat  Veronique  Labrousse  Pascal 《Biometals》2022,35(4):729-739
BioMetals - The aim of this article is to study the impact of both copper (Cu2+) and arsenic (As (V)) at 100 µg/L, with each element being combined with trophic conditions at the...  相似文献   

Vertebrates respond to unpredictable noxious environmental stimuli by increasing secretion of glucocorticoids (CORT). Although this hormonal stress response is adaptive, high levels of CORT may induce significant costs if stressful situations are frequent. Thus, alternative coping mechanisms that help buffer individuals against environmental stressors may be selected for when the costs of CORT levels are elevated. By allowing individuals to identify, anticipate and cope with the stressful circumstances, cognition may enable stress-specific behavioural coping. Although there is evidence that behavioural responses allow animals to cope with stressful situations, it is unclear whether or not cognition reduces investment in the neuroendocrine stress response. Here, we report that in birds, species with larger brains relative to their body size show lower baseline and peak CORT levels than species with smaller brains. This relationship is consistent across life-history stages, and cannot be accounted for by differences in life history and geographical latitude. Because a large brain is a major feature of birds that base their lifetime in learning new things, our results support the hypothesis that enhanced cognition represents a general alternative to the neuroendocrine stress response.  相似文献   

For many avian species, the decision to initiate breeding is based on information from a variety of environmental cues, including photoperiod, temperature, food availability, and social interactions. There is evidence that the hormone corticosterone may be involved in delaying the onset of breeding in cases where supplemental cues, such as low food availability and inclement weather, indicate that the environment is not suitable. However, not all studies have found the expected relationships between breeding delays and corticosterone titers. In this review, we present the hypothesis that corticosterone physiology mediates flexibility in breeding initiation (the “CORT-Flexibility Hypothesis”), and propose six possible corticosterone-driven mechanisms in pre-breeding birds that may delay breeding initiation: altering hormone titers, negative feedback regulation, plasma binding globulin concentrations, intracellular receptor concentrations, enzyme activity and interacting hormone systems. Based on the length of the breeding season and species-specific natural history, we also predict variation in corticosterone-regulated pre-breeding flexibility. Although few studies thus far have examined mechanisms beyond plasma hormone titers, the CORT-Flexibility Hypothesis is grounded on a solid foundation of research showing seasonal variation in the physiological stress response and knowledge of physiological mechanisms modulating corticosteroid effects. We propose six possible mechanisms as testable and falsifiable predictions to help clarify the extent of HPA axis regulation of the initiation of breeding.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(11):1327-1338

Oxidative stress has long been linked to neuronal cell death that is associated with certain neurodegenerative conditions. Whether it is a primary cause or merely a downstream consequence of the neurodegenerative and aging process is still an open question. Mitochondria are deeply involved in the production of reactive oxygen species through the electron carriers of the respiratory chain and their role in neurodegenerative diseases is discussed here. Moreover, the input of new technological approaches in the study of oxidative stress response or in the evidence of an oxidative stress component in neurodegeneration is reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

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