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It is well established that persistent viral infection may impair cellular function of specialized cells without overt damage. This concept, when applied to neurotropic viruses, may help to understand certain neurologic and neuropsychiatric diseases. Borna disease virus (BDV) is an excellent example of a persistent virus that targets the brain, impairs neural functions without cell lysis, and ultimately results in neurobehavioral disturbances. Recently, we have shown that BDV infects human neural progenitor cells (hNPCs) and impairs neurogenesis, revealing a new mechanism by which BDV may interfere with brain function. Here, we sought to identify the viral proteins and molecular pathways that are involved. Using lentiviral vectors for expression of the bdv-p and bdv-x viral genes, we demonstrate that the phosphoprotein P, but not the X protein, diminishes human neurogenesis and, more particularly, GABAergic neurogenesis. We further reveal a decrease in pro-neuronal factors known to be involved in neuronal differentiation (ApoE, Noggin, TH and Scg10/Stathmin2), demonstrating that cellular dysfunction is associated with impairment of specific components of the molecular program that controls neurogenesis. Our findings thus provide the first evidence that a viral protein impairs GABAergic human neurogenesis, a process that is dysregulated in several neuropsychiatric disorders. They improve our understanding of the mechanisms by which a persistent virus may interfere with brain development and function in the adult.  相似文献   

Abstract: Affinity-purified anti-B-50 protein antibodies were used to study the previously proposed relationship of the phosphorylation state of B-50 protein and polyphosphoinositide metabolism in synaptic plasma membranes. Antibodies were raised against a membrane extract enriched in the B-50 protein and its adrenocorticotropin-sensitive protein kinase, obtained from rat brain. Anti-B-50 protein immunoglobulins were purified by affinity chromatography on a solid immunosorbent prepared from B-50 protein isolated by an improved procedure. The purified antibodies reacted only with the B-50 and B-60 protein, a proteolysis derivative (of B-50), as assessed by the sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel immunoperoxidase method. These antibodies inhibited specifically the endogenous phosphorylation of B-50 protein in synaptic plasma membranes, without affecting notably the phosphorylation of other membrane proteins. This inhibition was accompanied by changes of the formation of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate and phosphatidic acid in synaptic plasma membranes, whereas formation of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate was not altered. Inhibition by ACTH 1–24 of the endogenous phosphorylation of B-50 protein in membranes was associated only with an enhancement of the phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate to phosphatidylinositol 4,5-diphosphate. These data support our hypothesis on the functional interaction of B-50 protein and phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate kinase in rat brain membranes. The evidence shows that purified anti-B-50 protein antibodies can be used to probe specifically the function of B-50 protein in membranes.  相似文献   

Most viruses possess strategies to circumvent host immune responses. The measles virus (MV) nonstructural C protein suppresses the interferon response, thereby allowing efficient viral growth, but its detailed mechanism has been unknown. We identified Shc Src homology 2 domain-binding protein 1 (SHCBP1) as one of the host proteins interacting with the C protein. Knockdown of SHCBP1 using a short-hairpin RNA greatly reduced MV growth. SHCBP1 was found to be required for viral RNA synthesis in the minigenome assay and to bind to the MV phosphoprotein, a subunit of the viral RNA polymerase. A stretch of 12 amino acid residues in the C protein were sufficient for SHCBP1 binding, and the peptide containing these 12 residues could suppress MV RNA synthesis, like the full-length C protein. The central region of SHCBP1 was found to bind to the C protein, as well as the phosphoprotein, but the two viral proteins did not compete for SHCBP1 binding. Our results indicate that the C protein modulates MV RNA polymerase activity by binding to the host protein SHCBP1. SHCBP1 may be exploited as a target of antiviral compounds.  相似文献   

Persistent infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major cause of chronic liver diseases. The aim of this study was to identify host cell factor(s) participating in the HCV replication complex (RC) and to clarify the regulatory mechanisms of viral genome replication dependent on the host-derived factor(s) identified. By comparative proteome analysis of RC-rich membrane fractions and subsequent gene silencing mediated by RNA interference, we identified several candidates for RC components involved in HCV replication. We found that one of these candidates, creatine kinase B (CKB), a key ATP-generating enzyme that regulates ATP in subcellular compartments of nonmuscle cells, is important for efficient replication of the HCV genome and propagation of infectious virus. CKB interacts with HCV NS4A protein and forms a complex with NS3-4A, which possesses multiple enzyme activities. CKB upregulates both NS3-4A-mediated unwinding of RNA and DNA in vitro and replicase activity in permeabilized HCV replicating cells. Our results support a model in which recruitment of CKB to the HCV RC compartment, which has high and fluctuating energy demands, through its interaction with NS4A is important for efficient replication of the viral genome. The CKB-NS4A association is a potential target for the development of a new type of antiviral therapeutic strategy.Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection represents a significant global healthcare burden, and current estimates suggest that a minimum of 3% of the world''s population is chronically infected (4, 19). The virus is responsible for many cases of severe chronic liver diseases, including cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (4, 16, 19). HCV is a positive-stranded RNA virus belonging to the family Flaviviridae. Its ∼9.6-kb genome is translated into a single polypeptide of about 3,000 amino acids (aa), in which the nonstructural (NS) proteins NS2, NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B reside in the C-terminal half region (6, 34, 44). NS4A, a small 7-kDa protein, functions as a cofactor for NS3 to enhance NS3 enzyme activities such as serine protease and helicase activities. The hydrophobic N-terminal region of NS4A, which is predicted to form a transmembrane α-helix, is responsible for membrane anchorage of the NS3-4A complex (8, 44, 50), and the central region of NS4A is important for the interaction with NS3 (10, 44). A recent study demonstrated the involvement of the C terminus of NS4A in the regulation of NS5A hyperphosphorylation and viral replication (28).The development of HCV replicon technology several years ago accelerated research on viral RNA replication (7, 44). Furthermore, a robust cell culture system for propagation of infectious HCV particles was developed using a viral genome of HCV genotype 2a, JFH-1 strain, enabling us to study every process in the viral life cycle (27, 47, 54). RNA derived from genotype 1a, HCV H77, containing cell-culture adaptive mutations, also produces infectious viruses (52). Using these systems, it has been reported that the HCV genome replicates in a distinct, subcellular replication complex (RC) compartment, which includes NS3-5B and the viral RNA (2, 14, 33). The RC forms in a distinct compartment with high concentrations of viral and cellular components located on detergent-resistant membrane (DRM) structures, possibly a lipid-raft structure (2, 41), which may protect the RC from external proteases and nucleases. Almost all processes in viral replication are dependent on the host cell''s machinery and involve intimate interaction between viral and host proteins. However, the functional roles of host factors interacting with the HCV RC in viral genome replication remain ambiguous.To gain a better understanding of cellular factors that are components of the HCV RC and that function as regulators of viral replication, a comparative proteomic analysis of DRM fractions from HCV replicon and parental cells and subsequent RNA interference (RNAi) silencing of selected genes were performed. We identified creatine kinase B (CKB) as a key factor for the HCV genome replication. CKB catalyzes the reversible transfer of the phosphate group of phosphocreatine (pCr) to ADP to yield ATP and creatine and is known to play important roles in local delivery and cellular compartmentalization of ATP (48, 51). The findings obtained here suggest that recruitment of CKB to the HCV RC, through CKB interaction with NS4A, is essential for maintenance or enhancement of viral replicase activity.  相似文献   

Double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase R (PKR) is known to be upregulated by hepatitis C virus (HCV) and overexpressed in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, the precise roles of PKR in HCC with HCV infection remain unclear. Two HCV replicating cell lines (JFH-1 and H77s), generated by transfection of Huh7.5.1 cells, were used for experiments reported here. PKR expression was modulated with siRNA and a PKR expression plasmid, and cancer-related genes were assessed by real-time PCR and Western blotting; cell lines were further analyzed using a proliferation assay. Modulation of genes by PKR was also assessed in 34 human HCC specimens. Parallel changes in c-Fos and c-Jun gene expression with PKR were observed. Levels of phosphorylated c-Fos and c-Jun were upregulated by an increase of PKR, and were related to levels of phosphorylated JNK1 and Erk1/2. DNA binding activities of c-Fos and c-Jun also correlated with PKR expression, and cell proliferation was dependent on PKR-modulated c-Fos and c-Jun expression. Coordinate expression of c-Jun and PKR was confirmed in human HCC specimens with HCV infection. PKR upregulated c-Fos and c-Jun activities through activation of Erk1/2 and JNK1, respectively. These modulations resulted in HCC cell proliferation with HCV infection. These findings suggest that PKR-related proliferation pathways could be an attractive therapeutic target.  相似文献   

Us3 is a serine-threonine protein kinase encoded by herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1). In this study, a large-scale phosphoproteomic analysis of titanium dioxide affinity chromatography-enriched phosphopeptides from HSV-1-infected cells using high-accuracy mass spectrometry (MS) and subsequent analyses showed that Us3 phosphorylated HSV-1-encoded dUTPase (vdUTPase) at serine 187 (Ser-187) in HSV-1-infected cells. Thus, the following observations were made. (i) In in vitro kinase assays, Ser-187 in the vdUTPase domain was specifically phosphorylated by Us3. (ii) Phosphorylation of vdUTPase Ser-187 in HSV-1-infected cells was detected by phosphate-affinity polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses and was dependent on the kinase activity of Us3. (iii) Replacement of Ser-187 with alanine (S187A) in vdUTPase and an amino acid substitution in Us3 that inactivated its kinase activity significantly downregulated the enzymatic activity of vdUTPase in HSV-1-infected cells, whereas a phosphomimetic substitution at vdUTPase Ser-187 restored the wild-type enzymatic activity of vdUTPase. (iv) The vdUTPase S187A mutation as well as the kinase-dead mutation in Us3 significantly reduced HSV-1 replication in human neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cells at a multiplicity of infection (MOI) of 5 but not at an MOI of 0.01, whereas the phosphomimetic substitution at vdUTPase Ser-187 restored the wild-type viral replication at an MOI of 5. In contrast, these mutations had no effect on HSV-1 replication in Vero and HEp-2 cells. Collectively, our results suggested that Us3 phosphorylation of vdUTPase Ser-187 promoted HSV-1 replication in a manner dependent on cell types and MOIs by regulating optimal enzymatic activity of vdUTPase.  相似文献   

Li  Dongyang  Liu  Xiaoyu  Li  Tong  Wang  Xiaoran  Jia  Shuwei  Wang  Ping  Wang  Yu-Feng 《Neurochemical research》2021,46(4):980-991
Neurochemical Research - Oxytocin (OT) neuronal activity is the key factor for breastfeeding and it can be disrupted by mother-baby separation. To explore cellular mechanisms underlying OT neuronal...  相似文献   

Abstract: TrkB belongs to the Trk family of tyrosine kinase receptors and mediates the response to brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5). Here, we report that both truncated and full-length forms of TrkB receptors are expressed in developing cerebellar granule neurons. BDNF and NT-4/5 increased the survival of cultured cerebellar granule neurons. BDNF and NT-4/5 also induced an autophosphorylation of TrkB receptors and subsequently resulted in a phosphorylation and binding of phospholipase C-γ (PLC-γ) and SH2-containing sequence to the autophosphorylated TrkB receptors. Both contain src homology 2 (SH2) regions. In keeping with a signaling function of PLC-γ, BDNF increased the phosphatidylinositol (PI) turnover and elevated intracellular calcium levels. To investigate the involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) in the survival of granular neurons, we show here activation of PKC after BDNF or TPA treatment and blocking of the observed survival-promoting effects of BDNF and TPA with calphostin C, a specific PKC inhibitor. In addition, BDNF activated c- ras in a concentration-dependent manner. These results suggest that two different pathways, the c- ras and the PLC-γ pathway, are activated by TrkB receptors in primary neurons and that PKC activation is involved in the survival promoting effect of BDNF.  相似文献   

Borna disease virus (BDV), the prototypic member of the family Bornaviridae within the order Mononegavirales, provides an important model for the investigation of viral persistence within the central nervous system (CNS) and of associated brain disorders. BDV is highly neurotropic and enters its target cell via receptor-mediated endocytosis, a process mediated by the virus surface glycoprotein (G), but the cellular factors and pathways determining BDV cell tropism within the CNS remain mostly unknown. Cholesterol has been shown to influence viral infections via its effects on different viral processes, including replication, budding, and cell entry. In this work, we show that cell entry, but not replication and gene expression, of BDV was drastically inhibited by depletion of cellular cholesterol levels. BDV G-mediated attachment to BDV-susceptible cells was cholesterol independent, but G localized to lipid rafts (LR) at the plasma membrane. LR structure and function critically depend on cholesterol, and hence, compromised structural integrity and function of LR caused by cholesterol depletion likely inhibited the initial stages of BDV cell internalization. Furthermore, we also show that viral-envelope cholesterol is required for BDV infectivity.Borna disease virus (BDV) is an enveloped virus with a nonsegmented negative-strand RNA genome whose organization (3′-N-p10/P-M-G-L-5′) is characteristic of mononegaviruses (6, 28, 46, 48). However, based on its unique genetics and biological features, BDV is considered to be the prototypic member of a new virus family, Bornaviridae, within the order Mononegavirales (8, 28, 46, 49).BDV can infect a variety of cell types in cell culture but in vivo exhibits exquisite neurotropism and causes central nervous system (CNS) disease in different vertebrate species, which is frequently manifested in behavioral abnormalities (19, 33, 44, 53). Both host and viral factors contribute to a variable period of incubation and heterogeneity in the symptoms and pathology associated with BDV infection (14, 16, 29, 42, 44). BDV provides an important model for the investigation of both immune-mediated pathological events associated with virus-induced neurological disease and mechanisms whereby noncytolytic viruses induce neurodevelopmental and behavioral disturbances in the absence of inflammation (15, 18, 41). Moreover, serological data and molecular epidemiological studies suggest that BDV, or a BDV-like virus, can infect humans and that it might be associated with certain neuropsychiatric disorders (17, 24), which further underscores the interest in understanding the mechanisms underlying BDV persistence in the CNS and its effect on brain cell functions. The achievement of these goals will require the elucidation of the determinants of BDV cell tropism within the CNS.BDV enters its target cell via receptor-mediated endocytosis, a process in which the BDV G protein plays a central role (1, 5, 13, 14, 39). Cleavage of BDV G by the cellular protease furin generates two functional subunits: GP1 (GPN), involved in virus interaction with a yet-unidentified cell surface receptor (1, 39), and GP2 (GPC), which mediates a pH-dependent fusion event between viral and cellular membranes (13). However, a detailed characterization of cellular factors and pathways involved in BDV cell entry remains to be done.Besides cell surface molecules that serve as viral receptors, many other cell factors, including nonproteinaceous molecules, can influence cell entry by virus (52). In this regard, cholesterol, which plays a critical role in cellular homeostasis (55), has also been identified as a key factor required for productive infection by different viruses. Accordingly, cholesterol participates in a variety of processes in virus-infected cells, including fusion events between viral and cellular membranes (3), viral replication (23), and budding (35, 37), as well as maintenance of lipid rafts (LR) (12) as scaffold structures where the viral receptor and coreceptor associate (11, 26, 32, 36). LR are specialized microdomains within cellular membranes constituted principally of proteins, sphingolipids, and cholesterol. LR facilitate the close proximity and interaction of specific sets of proteins and contribute to different processes associated with virus multiplication (38). Cholesterol can also influence virus infection by contributing to the maintenance of the properties of the viral envelope required for virus particle infectivity (21, 54). Here, we show for the first time that cholesterol plays a critical role in BDV infection. Depletion of cellular cholesterol prior to, but not after, BDV cell entry prevented productive BDV infection, likely due to disruption of plasma membrane LR that appear to be the cell entry point for BDV. In addition, we document that cholesterol also plays an essential role in the properties of the BDV envelope required for virus particle infectivity.  相似文献   

The chromosomal translocation t(9;22), resulting in the fusion of the BCR and ABL1 genes, represents a recurrent aberration in B cell precursor leukemia cells. Their normal counterparts, B cell precursor cells, are positively selected for survival signals through the antigen receptor, whose expression requires a functional immunoglobulin heavy chain (IGH) gene rearrangement. Unexpectedly, B cell precursor leukemia cells harboring a BCR-ABL1 gene rearrangement do not depend on antigen receptor mediated survival signals. Genes involved in the signaling cascade of the antigen receptor are silenced and in most cases, the dominant tumor clone does not carry a functional IGH gene rearrangement. However, upon inhibition of the BCR-ABL1 kinase activity by STI571, only leukemia cells expressing an antigen receptor are able to survive. Since resistance to STI571 is frequent in the therapy of BCR-ABL1+ B cell precursor leukemia is frequent, antigen receptor signaling may represent a mechanism through which these cells can temporarily evade STI571-induced apoptosis. This may open a time frame, during which leukemia cells may acquire secondary transforming events that confer definitive resistance to STI571.  相似文献   

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) activated the RelA (p65) subunit of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) over many hours postinfection. The initial activation coincided with phosphorylation and degradation of IκBα, the cytoplasmic inhibitor of RelA. During persistent activation of NF-κB at later times in infection, syntheses of inhibitors IκBα as well as IκBβ were restored. However, the resynthesized IκBβ was in an underphosphorylated state, which apparently prevented inhibition of NF-κB. Use of specific inhibitors suggested that the pathway leading to the persistent—but not the initial—activation of NF-κB involved signaling through protein kinase C (PKC) and reactive oxygen intermediates of nonmitochondrial origin, whereas phospholipase C or D played little or no role. Thus, RSV infection led to the activation of NF-κB by a biphasic mechanism: a transient or early activation involving phosphorylation of the inhibitor IκB polypeptides, and a persistent or long-term activation requiring PKC and the generation of hypophosphorylated IκBβ. At least a part of the activation was through a novel mechanism in which the viral phosphoprotein P associated with but was not dephosphorylated by protein phosphatase 2A and thus sequestered and inhibited the latter. We postulate that this led to a net increase in the phosphorylation state of signaling proteins that are responsible for RelA activation.  相似文献   

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