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目前植物科学研究中量和单位、学名及专业术语缩写仍存在混乱现象,这直接影响着科技书刊的质量。本文从科技期刊编辑加工实际出发,对农林科学研究中常用法定计量单位使用中应注意的问题进行了讨论,并给出了该学科学名及一些常用专业术语缩写符号的写作规范。  相似文献   

保护生物学中若干术语的理解和辨析(1)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保护生物学是近年来迅速发展的一门新兴交叉学科,准确理解其中的专业术语,不仅有助于推动学科的发展,而且有利于同行之间的交流,为此目的,讨论了该学科中的若干术语的含义.  相似文献   

浅谈传粉生物学中几个术语的含义及其中文译名   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
准确理解外来的专业术语并给予合适的中文译名,不仅有助于推动学科的发展,而且有利于同行之间的交流。传粉生物学是近年来在我国迅速发展的一个生态学与进化生物学的分支领域。本文讨论了该学科中的几个重要术语的含义和它们的中文译名,建议将pollen discounting和seed discounting译为“花粉折损”和“种子折损”,herkogamy译为 “雌雄异位”,trade-off译为“权衡”。  相似文献   

吴若菁 《遗传》2005,27(5):815-819
对现行的遗传学教材中存在的专业术语同名异义现象进行探研,针对Y连锁遗传、限性遗传、从性遗传、单倍体、多倍性和累加作用等专业术语存在的表达不清,相互矛盾,同名异义等问题,进行分析探讨,并提出Y连锁遗传不能与限性遗传相混淆,限性遗传和从性遗传的基因是位于常染色体上,但二者存在区别。单倍体是指具有配子染色体数目的个体,但并不等同于一倍体。建议多倍体用染色体基数来表达,如三倍体用3X表示。 累加作用是指数量性状遗传基因间的相互累加作用。  相似文献   

术语是科学概念的约定性语言符号,是科技信息交流的工具。中国的灵长类学研究虽然起步较晚,但发展迅速。在研究过程中,学者们广泛参阅、借鉴国际同行的研究成果,并引入了一些灵长类学专业术语。科学、规范、准确、明晰的表达理应成为学者们的共识,而这对信息的沟通与交流至关重要。本文阐述了科学研究术语规范化表述的重要性,并基于文献梳理,介绍了非人灵长类社会中α-雄性更替(α-male replacement)的主要类型之术语及其含义,建议国内研究者使用:(1)取代(Takeover);(2)等级反转(Rank reversal);(3)继承(Succession);(4)补缺(Waltz-in);(5)分群(Fission)。文中还讨论了影响α-雄性更替的主要因素。  相似文献   

一氧化氮具有扩张毛细血管的作用,它就像给"泄气的皮球"充气一样,大大扩充了血管的容积,使血流畅通无阻。用专业术语来说,它能让血管平滑肌松弛。当然,一氧化氮在生物体内的功能远不止如此,从生长发育到衰老死亡无所不包。如果要细数  相似文献   

许桂芳 《生命世界》2010,(1):103-104
“写规范字,讲普通话”是对教师和学生的基本要求之一,在多年的植物学教学中我发现,植物名称、专业术语中有部分文字容易被误读、误写,教师的疏忽会导致学生对植物学知识的错误理解。高霞莉曾发表了“常见植物名称中多音字集锦”一文,对植物学教学很有帮助,  相似文献   

“喀斯特”是世界通用的地理学专业术语,原来是南斯拉夫西北部的利亚半岛上石灰岩高原的地名,后来南斯拉夫学者J·斯维奇(J.Srirrc)研究利亚半岛上的石灰岩地貌,并把这种地貌称为喀斯特地貌。我国把石灰岩岩溶地貌统称为喀斯特地貌。喀斯特地貌是石灰岩基石中的碳酸物质经长期的风化、侵蚀等化学作用和地球重力的垂沉影响,经过长期的日晒、风吹、雨淋形成的特珠地貌。在这里环境恶劣、土壤瘠薄,经过多年在  相似文献   

<正>植物遗传育种是一门复杂且深入的科学,其对于生物多样性保持、提高作物产量、减少病虫害等多方面具有非常重要的现实意义。植物遗传育种学科涵盖和涉及生物、化学、数学、园艺、信息学等广泛的知识范围,这使得其英语专业术语的构成也具有了复杂性和广泛性。随着科学技术的进步和国际交流的开展,植物遗传育种专业术语已经陆续形成一套具有独立信息含义的语言体系,并在促进全球科技信息沟通交流、产业优势互补与合作、加强国家地区间相互理解和减少区域差异性等方面起到了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

由中国环境科学出版社组织编辑出版的《环境科学大辞典》于今年五月份正式出版发行。该辞典由国内200多位知名专家编写而成,共收录条目7600余条,总字数300多万,覆盖了环境科学所有分支学科,具有高度的权威性、知识性、全面性、实用性。所收词条按汉语拚音排序,列有笔画、英文对照索引以及环境科学分类索引,定义明确,查阅方便,系统全面地反映了我国环境科学发展水平。在该辞典编写中,针对环境科学是一门新兴的综合性学科的特点,收集了与环境科学有关的化工、化学、物理、医学、生物、气象、地理、农业、经济、法律及管理等专业术语,并从环境科学角  相似文献   

Clarifying the Nomenclature in Microbial Weed Control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Correct terminology is essential to promote the concepts of biological control. In the current literature there are many terms used interchangeably and often inappropriately. The purpose of this paper is to examine the overlapping and sometimes contradictory terms used in biological weed control and to suggest a standardized usage to clarify existing terms. This is achieved through a hierarchical classification of existing terms (bioherbicide, mycoherbicide) and the introduction of new terms such as biopestistat (an inundatively applied, living organism which reduces the competitive ability of the target weed to below a desired threshold) and microbially derived phytotoxin (secondary metabolite used in weed management practices as an analogue of a chemical herbicide).  相似文献   

The most recent edition of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (Vienna Code) has superseded all previous editions. One of the notable changes in the Vienna Code is that it contains a glossary of nomenclatural terms defined and used in the Code. It has been made clear that the glossary of these terms is an integral part of the Code. This paper presents a Chinese translation of the definitions of the nomenclatural terms in the Code.  相似文献   

Gal J 《Chirality》2007,19(2):89-98
Enantiomorphism and enantiomorphous were the first enantio-based terms, introduced 150 years ago, by Carl Friedrich Naumann, a German crystallographer, to refer to non-superposable mirror-image crystals. The terminology was not adopted by Pasteur, the discoverer of molecular chirality, and was not embraced at first in the stereochemical context, until it was accepted in 1877 by Van't Hoff in the German edition of his proposal for the tetrahedral asymmetric carbon atom. In the 1890s the use of enantio terms began to spread in the research literature, and many new derivatives of Naumann's original two terms were subsequently introduced. Problems in the usage of some of the terms are often found in the literature, e.g., enantiomorphism is sometimes confused with chirality; enantiomeric is often misused; the meaning of some of the many derived terms, e.g., enantiosymmetric, enantioposition, etc., is unclear. All in all, Naumann should be remembered as the creator of essential terminology in the realm of chirality.  相似文献   

作为我国首部介绍西方近代植物学的书籍,晚清李善兰等人翻译的《植物学》一书也包含一小部分真菌学知识,这对我国近代真菌学的发展具有启蒙作用.通过对这部分内容的考察,发现在该书的分类体系中,真菌被视作一类植物,统称为“蕈类”,隶属于“通长类”(低等植物).然而和植物学专有名词的创译相比,《植物学》的译者在翻译真菌学内容时,用词随意性较大,没有形成固定的译法,文中甚至还有错误.现代真菌学中常见的“真菌”“孢子”“子囊”等词汇,书中虽简单提及相应的概念,但并未创造出这些中文词汇.造成这种情况的原因,除了译者和时代的问题外,也与当时真菌学尚不发达、真菌学内容在植物学专著中篇幅较小、地位次要等因素有密切联系.  相似文献   

A set of terms recommended for use in facilitating communication in biological nomenclature is presented as a table showing broadly equivalent terms used in the traditional Codes of nomenclature. These terms are intended to help those engaged in naming across organism groups, and are the result of the work of the International Committee on Bionomenclature, whose aim is to promote harmonisation and communication amongst those naming life on Earth.  相似文献   

A historical review of scientific nomenclature and ofthe pronunciation of classical languages suggests thatthere is no objectively correct way to enunciate thetechnical terms applied to harmful algae. Any guideto pronunciation is always relative to some group ofspeakers; scientific nomenclature is an artificialconstruct without a population of normative speakers,living or dead, to whom the bewildered enunciator canhave reference. Thus a key to the pronunciation ofthe Latin and Greek scientific terms in alldisciplines, and a fortiori to the pronunciation ofthose terms applied to harmful algae, must be based onrules of common sense, mutual forbearance, and generalintelligibility. This article includes a guide topronouncing the names of harmful algae based on theseprinciples.  相似文献   

It has already been shown that the number of pools in an open system in the steady state cannot be determined from the number of exponential terms in the specific activity function of a pool, even if the data were free from experimental error. However, some information is conveyed by the number of exponential terms. The information is different depending upon whether the data are obtained from the pool into which the tracer is introduced or from another pool. In the latter case, the number of exponential terms is shown to indicate the maximum number of intermediate pools involved in the shortest path of transfer of material from the injected pool to the pool in question. With regard to the former case, this paper is restricted to functions with two exponential terms and shows which systems of n pools (n >/= 2) are consistent with such data. Consequently, biexponential experimental curves can be interpreted in terms of models consisting of an unrestricted number of pools in which each pool is defined in terms of fast mixing. The generalization to cases of functions with more than two exponential terms can be carried out in a similar manner.  相似文献   

The glossary includes the major terms and concepts most often used in the Russian literature on parasitology and medico-veterinary entomology. Each term is explained, and some are supplemented with more common English equivalents. The glossary covers only the common terms and does not include those referring to very specific topics and concepts; the names of arthropod taxa and morphological terms are also not included. The list of terms is by no means a comprehensive glossary and is not supposed to be a normative edition.  相似文献   

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