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Desert ants, foraging in cluttered semiarid environments, are thought to be visually guided along individual, habitual routes. While other navigational mechanisms (e.g. path integration) are well studied, the question of how ants extract reliable visual features from a complex visual scene is still largely open. This paper explores the assumption that the upper outline of ground objects formed against the sky, i.e. the skyline, provides sufficient information for visual navigation. We constructed a virtual model of the ant’s environment. In the virtual environment, panoramic images were recorded and adapted to the resolution of the desert ant’s complex eye. From these images either a skyline code or a pixel-based intensity code were extracted. Further, two homing algorithms were implemented, a modified version of the average landmark vector (ALV) model (Lambrinos et al. Robot Auton Syst 30:39–64, 2000) and a gradient ascent method. Results show less spatial aliasing for skyline coding and best homing performance for ALV homing based on skyline codes. This supports the assumption of skyline coding in visual homing of desert ants and allows novel approaches to technical outdoor navigation.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - On the basis of what is known about the biology and the cognitive abilities of the workers of the ant Myrmica sabuleti studied at a collective level, we wondered if these ants...  相似文献   

Whether pigeons use visual landmarks for orientation from familiar locations has been a subject of debate. By recording the directional choices of both anosmic and control pigeons while exiting from a circular arena we were able to assess the relevance of olfactory and visual cues for orientation from familiar sites. When the birds could see the surroundings, both anosmic and control pigeons were homeward oriented. When the view of the landscape was prevented by screens that surrounded the arena, the control pigeons exited from the arena approximately in the home direction, while the anosmic pigeons' distribution was not different from random. Our data suggest that olfactory and visual cues play a critical, but interchangeable, role for orientation at familiar sites.  相似文献   

Nerita plicata L. from Aldabra Atoll oriented coastwards when released in front of all coasts irrespective of their compass bearing. Correct coastward orientation was achieved within a small circular arena placed in front of the coast but orientation was at random when the arena was placed on top of a coastal dune where all landscape cues were eliminated. Tests with the sun in opposite azimuth (early morning and late afternoon) revealed a negative phototaxis which barely altered orientation towards the local coast. None of the tests indicated the presence of a chronometric correction of solar azimuth variation. N. plicata thus employs local information, activating either a contour-related orientation or one based on the evaluation of differences in low lying illumination between sea and land hemicycles.  相似文献   

Inclusive fitness benefits depend on recognizing the right individuals to interact with. Social insect nests protect themselves from non-kin intruders through nestmate recognition based on chemical cues. The recognition cues on adult individu- als are from a mixture of genetic and environmental sources, but the ontogeny and use of recognition cues on eggs has not been previously assessed. We studied recognition by workers of eggs that were either nestmates or non-nestmates, and the ontogeny of recognition cues on eggs in the ant Formica fusca, a species with precise egg recognition abilities. Workers were able to dis- criminate among freshly laid eggs with no nest derived cues on them, and the egg surface chemicals varied among nests in these eggs, suggesting that queen derived cues are used in nestmate recognition. The results are discussed in the light of their implica- tions on deceptive social parasite strategies and within colony conflicts  相似文献   

We investigated the use of extramaze and intramaze cues on the eight-arm radial maze. The rats received daily training consisting of forced-choice visits to four baited arms, a retention interval, and the availability of all eight arms with baits available at arms that did not appear in the forced-choice phase. The radial maze was placed in a featureless octagonal enclosure to minimize the availability of extramaze cues. Intramaze cues were provided at the distal end of each arm by placing a small object in front of the food trough; unique objects were randomly sampled from a large pool of objects. The use of extramaze and intramaze cues was assessed by rotating the objects, after the retention interval, on occasional non-rewarded probes, thereby dissociating the location of extramaze and intramaze cues. The rats used extramaze rather than intramaze cues. Implications for spatial representations are discussed.  相似文献   

Discriminating between group members and strangers is a key feature of social life. Nestmate recognition is very effective in social insects and is manifested by aggression and rejection of alien individuals, which are prohibited to enter the nest. Nestmate recognition is based on the quantitative variation in cuticular hydrocarbons, which can include heritable cues from the workers, as well as acquired cues from the environment or queen-derived cues. We tracked the profile of six colonies of the ant Camponotus aethiops for a year under homogeneous laboratory conditions. We performed chemical and behavioral analyses. We show that nestmate recognition was not impaired by constant environment, even though cuticular hydrocarbon profiles changed over time and were slightly converging among colonies. Linear hydrocarbons increased over time, especially in queenless colonies, but appeared to have weak diagnostic power between colonies. The presence of a queen had little influence on nestmate discrimination abilities. Our results suggest that heritable cues of workers are the dominant factor influencing nestmate discrimination in these carpenter ants and highlight the importance of colony kin structure for the evolution of eusociality.  相似文献   

 The visual homing abilities of insects can be explained by the snapshot hypothesis. It asserts that an animal is guided to a previously visited location by comparing the current view with a snapshot taken at that location. The average landmark vector (ALV) model is a parsimonious navigation model based on the snapshot hypothesis. According to this model, the target location is unambiguously characterized by a signature vector extracted from the snapshot image. This article provides threefold support for the ALV model by synthetic modeling. First, it was shown that a mobile robot using the ALV model returns to the target location with only small position errors. Second, the behavior of the robot resembled the behavior of bees in some experiments. And third, the ALV model was implemented on the robot in analog hardware. This adds validity to the ALV model, since analog electronic circuits share a number of information-processing principles with biological nervous systems; the analog implementation therefore provides suggestions for how visual homing abilities might be implemented in the insect's brain. Received: 15 June 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 20 March 2000  相似文献   

Bar-press response reinforced by the contact with estrous female were investigated in male rats in two experimental situations, when the visual communication with female was prevented or when it was permitted. After the instrumental responses directly preceded by ejaculations, depending on the increasing duration of response latency, three categories of male behavior were observed: avoiding of the contact with female, precopulatory behavior, or copulatory behavior. The enabling the visual communication with a female caused the significant increase of occurrence of copulatory behavior and significant decrease of contact-avoiding behavior, whereas the precopulatory behavior showed unsignificant increase. It is suggested that when prevented to see the female male rats can perform the instrumental response even when the sexual arousal is to low for precopulatory behavior. Such unrewarded responses lead to the appearance of frustration. On the contrary, when the female is visible the instrumental response is delayed up to the moment when the visual cues coming from female can evoke at least precopulatory behavior.  相似文献   

The role of the avian hippocampal formation in a one-trial food association task was investigated across various retention intervals. Control pigeons, lesioned controls, and pigeons with hippocampal formation lesions were allowed to find food hidden in one of four uniquely decorated bowls in a specific location in a room. After retention intervals of 10 min, 1 h, 7 h, and 24 h, pigeons were placed back in the room with the same bowl in the same location (unmanipulated trials) or with the previously rewarding bowl in a new location and a different bowl in the previously rewarding location (test trials). Although all groups chose the correct bowl during unmanipulated trials, hippocampal formation lesioned birds' choices to the bowl in the correct location decreased compared to the combined controls during the test trials. The results suggest that hippocampal formation lesions do not impair long-term memory of a goal after one experience but significantly decrease the use of spatial information to return to that goal. Accepted: 18 September 1999  相似文献   

The literature on the interaction between visual imagery and visual perception provides conflicting outcomes. Some studies show imagery interferes with perception whereas others show facilitation on perceptual tasks. The effects of visual imagery on a detection task were examined in six experiments. When either a bar image (Experiment 1) or an image of the letter 'l' (Experiment 3) overlapped with the targets, interference was discovered; however, images not overlapping the target did not effect detection (Experiments 2 and 4). Increasing the number of target locations caused the interfering effects of the image to disappear; however, there was no evidence of facilitation (Experiment 5). Physical stimuli interfered with detection whether there was overlap or not (Experiment 6). The results indicate that imagery induced interference may be lessened with more complex visual displays.  相似文献   

Olfactory versus visual cues in a floral mimicry system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
B. A. Roy  R. A. Raguso 《Oecologia》1997,109(3):414-426
 We used arrays of artificial flowers with and without fragrance to determine the importance of olfactory and visual cues in attracting insects to a floral mimic. The mimic is a fungus, Puccinia monoica Arth., which causes its crucifer hosts (here, Arabis drummondii Gray) to form pseudoflowers that mimic co-occurring flowers such as the buttercup, Ranunculus inamoenus Greene. Although pseudoflowers are visually similar to buttercups, their sweet fragrance is distinct. To determine whether visitors to pseudoflowers were responding to fragrance we performed an experiment in which we removed the visual cues, but allowed fragrance to still be perceived. In this experiment we found that pseudoflower fragrance can attract visitors by itself. In other experiments we found that the relative importance of olfactory and visual cues depended on the species of visitor. Halictid bees (Dialictus sp.) had a somewhat greater visual than olfactory response, whereas flies (muscids and anthomyiids) were more dependent on olfactory cues. We also used bioassays to determine which of the many compounds present in the natural fragrance were responsible for attraction. We found that halictid bees were equally attracted to pseudoflowers and to a blend containing phenylacetaldehyde, 2-phenylethanol, benzaldehyde and methylbenzoate in the same relative concentrations as in pseudoflowers. Flies, on the other hand, only responded to pseudoflower scent, indicating that we have not yet identified the compound(s) present in pseudoflowers that are attracting them. The ability of insects to differentiate pseudoflowers from true flowers by their fragrance may be important in the evolution of the mimicry system. Different fragrances may facilitate proper transfer of both fungal spermatia and pollen, and thus make it possible for the visual mimicry to evolve. Received: 3 January 1996 / Accepted: 13 August 1996  相似文献   

Some authors have hypothesized that the observed self-synchronized activity in ant colonies provides some adaptive advantages, and, in particular, it has been suggested that task realization may benefit from this ordered temporal pattern of behaviour (Robinson, 1992, Ann. Rev. Entomol, 37, 637-702; Hatcher et al., 1992, Naturwissenschaften, 79, 32-34). In this paper, we use a model of self-synchronized activity (the fluid neural network) to suggest that with self-synchronized patterns of activity a task may be fulfiled more effectively than with non-synchronized activity, at the same average level of activity per individual.  相似文献   

Observational learning, which modulates one’s own behavior by observing the adaptive behavior of others, is crucial for behaving efficiently in social communities. Although many behavioral experiments have reported observational learning in monkeys and humans, its neural mechanisms are still unknown. In order to conduct neuroscientific researches with recording neural activities, we developed an observational learning task for rats. We designed the task using Barnes circular maze and then tested whether rats (observers) could actually improve their learning by observing the behavior of other rats (models) that had already acquired the task. The result showed that the observer rats, which were located in a metal wire mesh cylinder at the center of the maze and allowed to observe model rats escaping to the goal in the maze, demonstrated significantly faster escape behavior than the model rats. Thus, the present study confirmed that rats can efficiently learn the behavioral task by observing the behavior of other rats; this shows that it is conceivable to elucidate the neural mechanisms of social interaction by analyzing neural activity in observer rats performing the observational learning task.  相似文献   

Learning and retention of the spatial memory were studied in mice with alternative under conditions of various experimental protocols. Visible and hidden platform acquisition in a simple model of the water maze was similarly fast both in aggressive and submissive mice, but extinction differed. Retention of the platform location preference persisted in aggressive mice in four testing trials. In submissive mice, extiction of the spatial memory was accompanied with a prolongation of search with parallel production of episodes of "passive drift". Differences in spatial learning between aggressive and submissive mice were revealed in a water maze complicated with partitions. In this case, aggressors were able to learn the position of a hidden platform (in contrast to submissive mice with the dominant response of "passive drift"). During testing the response, aggressive mice longer retained the spatial preference without extinction.  相似文献   

How is an ant-equipped with a brain that barely exceeds the size of a pinhead-capable of achieving navigational marvels? Even though evidences suggest that navigation is a multimodal process, ants heavily depend on olfactory cues-of pheromonal and non-pheromonal nature-for foraging and orientation. Recent studies have directed their attention to the efficiency of pheromone trail networks. Advances in neurophysiological techniques make it possible to investigate trail pheromone processing in the ant's brain. In addition to relying on pheromone odours, ants also make use of volatiles emanating from the nest surroundings. Deposited in the vicinity of the nest, these home-range markings help the ants to home after a foraging run. Furthermore, olfactory landmarks associated with the nest enhance ants' homing abilities.  相似文献   

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