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Changes in the relative size of brain regions are often dependent on experience and environmental stimulation, which includes an animal''s social environment. Some studies suggest that social interactions are cognitively demanding, and have examined predictions that the evolution of sociality led to the evolution of larger brains. Previous studies have compared species with different social organizations or different groups within obligately social species. Here, we report the first intraspecific study to examine how social experience shapes brain volume using a species with facultatively eusocial or solitary behaviour, the sweat bee Megalopta genalis. Serial histological sections were used to reconstruct and measure the volume of brain areas of bees behaving as social reproductives, social workers, solitary reproductives or 1-day-old bees that are undifferentiated with respect to the social phenotype. Social reproductives showed increased development of the mushroom body (an area of the insect brain associated with sensory integration and learning) relative to social workers and solitary reproductives. The gross neuroanatomy of young bees is developmentally similar to the advanced eusocial species previously studied, despite vast differences in colony size and social organization. Our results suggest that the transition from solitary to social behaviour is associated with modified brain development, and that maintaining dominance, rather than sociality per se, leads to increased mushroom body development, even in the smallest social groups possible (i.e. groups with two bees). Such results suggest that capabilities to navigate the complexities of social life may be a factor shaping brain evolution in some social insects, as for some vertebrates.  相似文献   

We used the facultatively social sweat bee Megalopta genalis (Halictidae) to test whether body size is associated with social caste. Behavioral observations showed that non-reproductive foragers were significantly smaller than reproductive nest mate queens, and foragers were also smaller than presumed pre-dispersal reproductives. Moreover, among females from field-collected nests without behavioral observations, relative body size correlated with relative ovary size. Reproductive status is not a direct result of body size, as body size was not significantly associated with either ovary size or fecundity among both solitary and social reproductives. Reproductive status is apparently an outcome of social competition for reproductive dominance, and status is influenced by size relative to nest mates. Our study is the first to demonstrate an association of body size with caste expression in a facultatively social species with relatively weak seasonal constraints on independent nesting. Larvae of a parasitic fly (Fiebrigella sp., Chloropidae) consume pollen provisions stored in nest cells of M. genalis and M. ecuadoria. We tested whether fly parasitism of M. genalis reduces body size. Parasitized females are significantly smaller as adults than their unparasitized nestmates. This reduction is of a similar magnitude to the size differences between castes, and has the potential to shape host reproductive options by influencing competition with nest mates. We present data on the prevalence of parasitism from four collections of M. genalis and two collections of M. ecuadoria from Barro Colorado Island, Panama, and La Selva, Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Recent phylogenetic studies based on DNA sequence data indicate that the tropical African bee genus Macrogalea is the sister group to the remaining extant allodapine fauna, whereas previously it was thought to be a distal group. This leads to some fundamental changes in our understanding of social evolution in the allodapines. Earlier studies suggested that Macrogalea showed only weak forms of social behaviour and these were not well characterized. However, large samples of Macrogalea zanzibarica presented here show that this species exhibits marked social behaviour. Nearly half of nests collected contained two or more adult females, with up to 10 females per nest. Brood are reared progressively and brood ages within colonies are staggered, giving rise to colonies with very mixed age structures and therefore frequent opportunities for alloparental care. Ovarian dissections indicate non‐simple forms of reproductive partitioning within colonies and most multi‐female colonies show evidence that more than one female has contributed to egg production, though reproductive episodes among colony members are frequently asynchronous. Some females show signs of much higher wing wear than their nestmates, but always show signs of previous reproduction. Reproductive division of labour appears to be temporally marked, ovarian differentiation among nestmates is linked to relative body size, but permanent worker‐like or queen‐like castes appear to be absent. This is similar to the communal, continuously brooded and multivoltine behaviour of some tropical halictine species and may be due to the aseasonal nature of brood development in tropical regions. Patterns of per capita brood production indicate large benefits to multi‐female nest occupancy, and sex allocation is strongly female biased. These findings strongly suggest that the capacity for complex social interactions and alloparental care is an ancestral trait for all of the extant allodapine lineages. Therefore comparisons among extant allodapines are unlikely to throw light on the initial origin of social behaviour, though they may uncover origins of true caste behaviour and reversals to solitary nesting. Sex ratios in Macrogalea and most other allodapine genera, spanning a broad phylogenetic and ecological range, suggest that one or more allodapine traits have provided persistent selection for female‐biased sex allocation.  相似文献   

The bee tribe Ceratinini provides important insights into the early stages of sociality. Many arthropods exhibit behaviours precursory to social life, including adult longevity, parental care, nest loyalty and mutual tolerance, yet the origins of social behaviour are few. Here we describe the biology of a facultatively social bee, Ceratina (Neoceratina) australensis, which exhibits all of the preadaptations for successful group living, yet presents ecological and behavioural characteristics that seemingly disfavour frequent colony formation. This species is socially polymorphic with both solitary and social nests collected in sympatry. Social colonies consist of two foundresses, one contributing both foraging and reproductive effort and the second which remains at the nest as a passive guard. Cooperative nesting provides no overt reproductive benefits over solitary nesting in this population, although brood survival tends to be greater in social colonies. Maternal longevity, subsociality and bivoltine nesting phenology in this species favour colony formation, while dispersal habits and offspring longevity may inhibit more frequent social nesting in this and other ceratinines.  相似文献   

Summary The life cycle and social behaviour of the sweat bee Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) baleicum (Cockerell) was investigated in two geographically separate populations in Hokkaido, northern Japan. Colonies were excavated throughout the brood rearing season from an aggregation in Nishioka forest park, Sapporo, and near Kawakita in eastern Hokkaido during 2000 and 2001. The Nishioka population produced two discrete broods during the year and was weakly eusocial; 57% of workers were mated and 28% exhibited some ovarian development, 12–16% of the first brood was male, and workers were on average 4.5% smaller than their respective queen. In contrast, the population at Kawakita was solitary, and produced a single brood per year with an unbiased sex ratio. In addition however, there were some solitary colonies in the Nishioka population and evidence of a partial second brood in some colonies at Kawakita, suggesting differences between the populations are not fixed and that this species is truly socially polymorphic. L. (E.) baleicum is a member of the fulvicorne species group, which includes other examples of social polymorphic species as well as solitary and eusocial species, though this is the only species of this group so far known to exhibit a solitary/non-delayed eusocial polymorphism. Recent studies suggest that social polymorphism has both genetic and environmental influences, raising questions as to the relative import of each.  相似文献   

Hornets, the largest social wasps, have a reputation of being facultatively nocturnal. Here we confirm flight activity of hornet workers in dim twilight. We studied the eyes and ocelli of European hornets (Vespa crabro) and common wasps (Vespula vulgaris) with the goal to find the optical and anatomical adaptations that enable them to fly in dim light. Adaptations described for obligately nocturnal hymenoptera such as the bees Xylocopa tranquebarica and Megalopta genalis and the wasp Apoica pallens include large ocelli and compound eyes with wide rhabdoms and large facet lenses. Interestingly, we did not find any such adaptations in hornet eyes or ocelli. On the contrary, their eyes are even less sensitive than those of the obligately diurnal common wasps. Therefore we conclude that hornets, like several facultatively nocturnal bee species such as Apis mellifera adansonii, A. dorsata and X. tenuiscapa are capable of seeing in dim light simply due to the large body and thus eye size. We propose that neural pooling strategies and behavioural adaptations precede anatomical adaptations in the eyes and ocelli when insects with apposition compound eyes turn to dim light activity.  相似文献   

Colony size can affect individual- and colony-level behavioral and physiological traits in social insects. Changes in behavior and physiology in response to colony growth and development can affect productivity and fitness. Here, we used respirometry to study the relationship between colony size and colony energy consumption in Temnothorax rugatulus ants. In addition, we examined the relationship between colony size and worker productivity measured as per capita brood production. We found that colony metabolic rate scales with colony size to the 0.78 power and the number of brood scales with the number of workers to the 0.49 power. These regression analyses reveal that larger ant colonies use proportionally less energy and produce fewer brood per worker. Our findings provide new information on the relationships between colony size and energetic efficiency and productivity in a model ant genus. We discuss the potential mechanisms giving rise to allometric scaling of metabolic rate in ant colonies and the influence of colony size on energy consumption and productivity in general.  相似文献   

Warm temperatures decrease insect developmental time and body size. Social life could buffer external environmental variations, especially in large social groups, either through behavioral regulation and compensation or through specific nest architecture. Mean worker size and distribution of worker sizes within colonies are important parameters affecting colony productivity as worker size is linked to division of labor in insect societies. In this paper, we investigate the effect of stressful warm temperatures and the role of social environment (colony size and size of nestmate workers) on the mean size and size variation of laboratory-born workers in the small European ant Temnothorax nylanderi. To do so, we reared field-collected colonies under medium or warm temperature treatments after having marked the field-born workers and removed the brood except for 30 first instar larvae. Warm temperature resulted in the production of fewer workers and a higher adult mortality, confirming that this regime was stressful for the ants. T. nylanderi ants followed the temperature size rule observed in insects, with a decreased developmental time and mean size under warm condition. Social environment appeared to play an important role as we observed that (i) larger colonies buffered the effect of temperature better than smaller ones (ii) colonies with larger workers produced larger workers whatever the rearing temperature and (iii) the coefficient of variation of worker size was similar in the field and under medium laboratory temperature. This suggests that worker size variation is not primarily due to seasonal environmental fluctuations in the field. Finally, we observed a higher coefficient of variation of worker size under warm temperature. We propose that this results from a disruption of social regulation, i.e. the control of nestmate workers over developing larvae and adult worker size, under stressful conditions.  相似文献   

This study experimentally examines the relationship between colony state and the behaviour of individual pollen and nectar foragers in the honey bee, Apis mellifera L. In the first experiment we test the prediction that individual pollen foragers from colonies with higher brood quantities should exhibit a greater work effort for pollen resources than individual pollen foragers from colonies with low brood quantities. Eight colonies were assigned into two treatment groups; HIGH brood colonies were manipulated to contain 9600±480 cm2 brood area; LOW brood colonies were manipulated to contain 1600±80 cm2 brood area. We measured colony brood levels over the course of the experiment and collected individual pollen loads from returning pollen foragers. We found that, while colonies remained significantly different in brood levels, individual pollen foragers from HIGH brood colonies collected larger loads than individuals from LOW brood colonies. In the second experiment we investigated the influence of colony size on the behaviour of individual nectar foragers. We assigned eight colonies to two treatment groups; LARGE colonies were manipulated to contain 35000±1700 adult workers with 3500±175 cm2 brood area, and SMALL colonies were manipulated to contain 10000±500 adult workers with 1000±50 cm2 brood area. We observed foraging trips of individually marked workers and found that individuals from LARGE colonies made longer foraging trips than those from SMALL colonies (LARGE: 1666.7±126.4 seconds, SMALL: 1210.8±157.6 seconds), and collected larter nectar loads (LARGE: 19.2±1.0 l, SMALL: 14.6±0.8 l). These results indicate that individual nectar foragers from LARGE colonies tend to work harder than individuals from SMALL colonies. Both experiments indicate that the values of nectar and pollen resources to a colony change depend on colony state, and that individual foragers modify their behaviour accordingly.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of eusociality is that workers forego their own reproduction to assist their mother in raising siblings. This seemingly altruistic behaviour may benefit workers if gains in indirect fitness from rearing siblings outweigh the loss of direct fitness. If worker presence is advantageous to mothers, however, eusociality may evolve without net benefits to workers. Indirect fitness benefits are often cited as evidence for the importance of inclusive fitness in eusociality, but have rarely been measured in natural populations. We compared inclusive fitness of alternative social strategies in the tropical sweat bee, Megalopta genalis, for which eusociality is optional. Our results show that workers have significantly lower inclusive fitness than females that found their own nests. In mathematical simulations based on M. genalis field data, eusociality cannot evolve with reduced intra-nest relatedness. The simulated distribution of alternative social strategies matched observed distributions of M. genalis social strategies when helping behaviour was simulated as the result of maternal manipulation, but not as worker altruism. Thus, eusociality in M. genalis is best explained through kin selection, but the underlying mechanism is likely maternal manipulation.  相似文献   

Animal societies vary in the number of breeders per group, which affects many socially and ecologically relevant traits. In several social insect species, including our study species Formica selysi, the presence of either one or multiple reproducing females per colony is generally associated with differences in a suite of traits such as the body size of individuals. However, the proximate mechanisms and ontogenetic processes generating such differences between social structures are poorly known. Here, we cross‐fostered eggs originating from single‐queen (= monogynous) or multiple‐queen (= polygynous) colonies into experimental groups of workers from each social structure to investigate whether differences in offspring survival, development time and body size are shaped by the genotype and/or prefoster maternal effects present in the eggs, or by the social origin of the rearing workers. Eggs produced by polygynous queens were more likely to survive to adulthood than eggs from monogynous queens, regardless of the social origin of the rearing workers. However, brood from monogynous queens grew faster than brood from polygynous queens. The social origin of the rearing workers influenced the probability of brood survival, with workers from monogynous colonies rearing more brood to adulthood than workers from polygynous colonies. The social origin of eggs or rearing workers had no significant effect on the head size of the resulting workers in our standardized laboratory conditions. Overall, the social backgrounds of the parents and of the rearing workers appear to shape distinct survival and developmental traits of ant brood.  相似文献   

The social organization of Tapinoma erraticum colonies has been studied in two environmental contexts: those of mild starvation and of disturbance inducing a complete change of nest site. Trophallactic activity was compared with brood transport behaviour in tests performed repeatedly on the same group of insects. Workers were individually marked enabling interactions to be analysed within the group. An age-dependent difference in behaviour exists during feeding. However, when the colony changed its location, certain workers were found to be transport specialists, whereas others remained inactive: the transport behaviour of T. erraticum workers does not appear to be agedependent, unlike feeding behaviour. A principal components analysis of the results indicated no link between these two types of activities at the individual level. This study indicates the existence of types of social organization which are specific to each of the activities performed.  相似文献   

Varroa destructor continues to threaten colonies of European honey bees. General hygiene, and more specific Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH), provide resistance towards the Varroa mite in a number of stocks. In this study, 32 Russian (RHB) and 14 Italian honey bee colonies were assessed for the VSH trait using two different assays. Firstly, colonies were assessed using the standard VSH behavioural assay of the change in infestation of a highly infested donor comb after a one-week exposure. Secondly, the same colonies were assessed using an “actual brood removal assay” that measured the removal of brood in a section created within the donor combs as a potential alternative measure of hygiene towards Varroa-infested brood. All colonies were then analysed for the recently discovered VSH quantitative trait locus (QTL) to determine whether the genetic mechanisms were similar across different stocks. Based on the two assays, RHB colonies were consistently more hygienic toward Varroa-infested brood than Italian honey bee colonies. The actual number of brood cells removed in the defined section was negatively correlated with the Varroa infestations of the colonies (r2 = 0.25). Only two (percentages of brood removed and reproductive foundress Varroa) out of nine phenotypic parameters showed significant associations with genotype distributions. However, the allele associated with each parameter was the opposite of that determined by VSH mapping. In this study, RHB colonies showed high levels of hygienic behaviour towards Varroa -infested brood. The genetic mechanisms are similar to those of the VSH stock, though the opposite allele associates in RHB, indicating a stable recombination event before the selection of the VSH stock. The measurement of brood removal is a simple, reliable alternative method of measuring hygienic behaviour towards Varroa mites, at least in RHB stock.  相似文献   

Social organisms are constantly exposed to infectious agents via physical contact with conspecifics. While previous work has shown that disease susceptibility at the individual and group level is influenced by genetic diversity within and between group members, it remains poorly understood how group-level resistance to pathogens relates directly to individual physiology, defence behaviour and social interactions. We investigated the effects of high versus low genetic diversity on both the individual and collective disease defences in the ant Cardiocondyla obscurior. We compared the antiseptic behaviours (grooming and hygienic behaviour) of workers from genetically homogeneous and diverse colonies after exposure of their brood to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae. While workers from diverse colonies performed intensive allogrooming and quickly removed larvae covered with live fungal spores from the nest, workers from homogeneous colonies only removed sick larvae late after infection. This difference was not caused by a reduced repertoire of antiseptic behaviours or a generally decreased brood care activity in ants from homogeneous colonies. Our data instead suggest that reduced genetic diversity compromises the ability of Cardiocondyla colonies to quickly detect or react to the presence of pathogenic fungal spores before an infection is established, thereby affecting the dynamics of social immunity in the colony.  相似文献   

Capsule Young body condition is affected by the interaction of environment (rainfall) and brood size.

Aims To investigate factors affecting offspring condition using levels of urea in plasma.

Methods We used generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) with the levels of urea in plasma as the dependent variable and laying date, brood size, sex and year as the explanatory ones.

Results Brood size had a significant effect on offspring condition only during a year of adverse weather (heavy rainfall). During this period, young from broods of two were in poor condition compared with single broods. Conversely, brood size had no effect in the other two years analysed. Neither sex nor laying date had a significant effect on young condition. Offspring condition was not related to first-year survival.

Conclusion There is a trade-off between reproduction (brood size) and offspring condition only in years of adverse environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Maternal effects can influence offspring phenotype with short- and long-term consequences. Yet, how the social environment may influence egg composition is not well understood. Here, we investigate how laying order and social environment predict maternal effects in the sociable weaver, Philetairus socius, a species that lives in massive communal nests which may be occupied by only a few to 100+ individuals in a single nest. This range of social environments is associated with variation in a number of phenotypic and life-history traits. We investigate whether maternal effects are adjusted accordingly. We found no evidence for the prediction that females might benefit from modifying brood hierarchies through an increased deposition of androgens with laying order. Instead, females appear to exacerbate brood reduction by decreasing the costly production of yolk mass and antioxidants with laying order. Additionally, we found that this effect did not depend on colony size. Finally, in accordance with an expected increased intensity of environmental stress with increasing colony size, we found that yolk androgen concentration increased with colony size. This result suggests that females may enhance the competitive ability of offspring raised in larger colonies, possibly preparing the offspring for a competitive social environment.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies of the allodapine beeExoneura bicolor have utilised a predominantly social population from tall montane forests. In this report we examine aspects of the sociality and biology of a population from subcoastal heathland in western Victoria, Australia. Entire colonies, nesting inXanthorrhoea minor, were collected at monthly intervals over 12 months between February 1989 and January 1990. In addition, three collections fromMelaleuca squarrosa were made over three consecutive winter months. The heathland population differs from the montane population in several aspects associated with sociality: (i) it shows lower levels of co-occupancy in both newly founded and re-used nests; (ii) foundress dispersal occurs over a larger proportion of the year; and (iii) there may be a partical second brood produced in late summer, during and after adult eclosion of the first brood. The occurrence of a partial second brood gives rise to opportunities for sib-rearing and eusociality. Colony sizes tend to be larger inM. squarrosa thanX. minor, but still smaller than colonies from the montane population. Egg-laying commences several weeks earlier in multifemale colonies than in single female colonies, before spring dispersal begins. It appears that multifemale colonies are more successful at preventing brood loss than single females and that the mean number of brood per female is larger in multifemale colonies than in single female colonies. These two populations, which display differences in several life history traits, provide an ideal system for studying the mechanisms maintaining social behavior.  相似文献   

The allocation pattern of proteinaceous resources was estimated in preemergence colonies of Polistes chinensis. Foundresses that nested at exposed sites consumed a larger relative amount of proteinaceous resources to produce oral secretion, which is used for construction and maintenance of nests, than those at sheltered sites. Numbers of immatures reared by foundresses were smaller in exposed nests than those in sheltered ones, and further, workers that emerged from exposed nests were significantly smaller in size than those from sheltered ones. Foundresses had to partition available proteinaceous resources not only among the first batch of the brood but also, before that, between brood nourishment and secretion production in response to given environmental conditions. Received: May 17, 1999 / Accepted: September 21, 1999  相似文献   

The facultatively polygynous ant Camponotus yamaokai shows various degrees of internest hostility. We examined the relationship between aggressiveness and possible factors that affect the level of hostility, such as internest distance, numbers of queens and workers, and brood size. We found that the aggression level did not significantly correlate with these factors. Our study suggests that information on the colony genetic structure is important in understanding variation in the aggressiveness of polygynous colonies.  相似文献   

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