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Recent clinical reports have suggested that hypertension accelerates the progress of diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy, whereas antihypertensive treatments may retard them. Thus, the effect of antihypertensive treatment in diabetes mellitus with hypertension was evaluated in rats. A model of diabetes mellitus with hypertension has been developed in spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats by unilateral nephrectomy and streptozotocin (STZ, 30 mg/kg, i.v. treatment). The rats were treated with four antihypertensive drugs orally for 12 weeks thereafter. STZ treatment induced chronic hypeglycaemia (300-400 mg/dl), decreased body weight and heart rate, and caused vascular changes of ophthalmic fundi and cataracta. The kidney of these rats showed proliferative changes such as periarteritis nodosa, hyperplasia, or fibronecrosis of the arterioles, exudative changes, mesangial proliferation, or thickening of the basement membrane of the glomeruli. Enalapril (10 mg/kg per day) and remipril (Hoe 498) (1 mg/kg per day), converting enzyme inhibitors, or arotinolol (20 mg/kg per day), a beta-adrenoceptor blocking drug, decreased blood pressure, prevented the development of renal and ocular lesions, and tended to increase creatinine clearance. Nisoldipine (3 mg/kg per day), a calcium-entry blocking drug, tended to decrease blood glucose, and prevented the decrease of body weight and development of ocular lesions. In conclusion, antihypertensive treatments were effective in preventing the progress of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy, and renal insufficiency in this animal model.  相似文献   

In spontaneously hypertensive (strain SHR) and normotensive (strain WKY) rats was studied the elaboration of conditioned reflex of active avoidance in shuttle box. In case when the shuttle box was divided by a partition the SHR rats learned worse than WKY rats. In shuttle chamber without partition the SHR rats, on the contrary, learned better that WKY ones. Such character of interlinear differences can be connected with properties of formation of the instrumental habit of deliverance from electropainful stimulus, because the presence of partition significantly hampered its fulfillment. The obtained results, compared with literature data, testify to the fact that differences of SHR and WKY rats in elaboration of conditioned reflexes are explained basically by the properties of their unconditioned activity and not of the associative processes.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Lipid peroxidation and membrane-related enzyme changes in the cerebral cortex of stroke-prone rats (SHRSP) and normotensive rats were examined at 5 and 20 weeks of age.
  • 2.2. In vivo formation of thiobarbituric acid-reactant substances was higher in SHRSP at 20 weeks of age and in vitro generation of free malondialdehyde was greater in SHRSP brains, both at 5 and 20 weeks of age, as compared with those in WKY.
  • 3.3. Membrane-associated enzymes such as Na/K-ATPase and 5'-nucleotidase activities were lower in 20-week-old SHRSP than in age-matched WKY.
  • 4.4. These results indicate how very prone the SHRSP brain is toward lipid peroxidation and subsequent membrane-related enzyme changes.

The effects of age and hypertension on the antioxidant defence systems and the lipid peroxidation in rat isolated hepatocytes were studied. Four different age groups (1,3,6 and 12 months) were considered in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. Age-associated changes were observed on vitamin E status, glutathione (GSH) level, MDA formation and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activity in both strains. Maximal levels or activities of these parameters were found at 3 and 6 months, except for MDA which was low at 3 months. Then, a fall was observed at 12-month-old compared to 6-month values. In addition, GSH-Px activity was significantly lower in SHR than in WKY rats, except at the age of one month. The decrease of this enzyme activity could induce an increased cellular generation of radical species and lipid peroxidation, which might be link to hypertension.  相似文献   

In chloralose anaesthetized and paralyzed normotensive (Wistar, Wistar--Kyoto) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), a somatosympathetic reflex in the cervical sympathetic trunk elicited by a single electrical shock to forelimb afferent fibres in the median nerve was recorded. It has been shown that the elicited response of SHR is similar to the response of normotensive rats. Amplitude of somatosympathetic reflex in SHR is larger than that of somatosympathetic reflex in normotensive animals. It is supposed that somatosympathetic reflex in hypertensive and normotensive rats is formed in the same way. However, reflex excitability of sympathetic nervous system in SHR is greater.  相似文献   

Elastase-like enzyme in the aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In an attempt to obtain information regarding vascular elastase in arterial hypertension, we examined biochemical changes in elastase-like enzyme activity, and the intravascular localization of elastase by immunohistochemical techniques in the aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). In the biochemical study, aortic elastase-like enzyme activity was significantly higher in SHR than in controls. Using an antibody against rat pancreatic elastase raised in the rabbit, it was demonstrated immunohistochemically that the enzyme was localized in the endothelial cells and subendothelial spaces in the aorta of control animals. In SHR, elastase was also demonstrated in medial smooth muscle cells and particularly in the modified smooth muscle cells in areas of intimal thickening. Some vacuoles in the smooth muscle cells also showed positive enzyme staining. Elastase seems to play an important role in the development of hypertensive vascular changes.  相似文献   

Beta-adrenoceptor binding characteristics were determined in different fractions of rat kidney tubules using a [125Iodo]-(-)-cyanopindolol (ICYP) binding assay. The highest amount of binding sites was found in a fraction containing predominantly distal tubular fragments. In a separate series of experiments the ICYP binding characteristics were compared in whole tubular fractions from spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) of different ages. The maximum number of binding sites was significantly higher both in young (3 weeks) and adult (14 weeks) SHR when compared to age-matched WKY. These studies showed the presence of beta-adrenoceptor binding sites in rat kidney tubules and support the potential importance of tubular beta-adrenoceptors in the development of spontaneous hypertension and in the mechanism of antihypertensive action of beta-blockers.  相似文献   

Spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats were subjected to 2 hr of cold-restraint stress at 2–6°C following a 24 hr fast. WKY rats had a significantly greater incidence and degree of ulceration of the gastric glandular mucosa than did SHR rats. Mean arterial pressure, obtained from a chronic arterial cannula, fell during 2 hr of cold-restraint stress in both SHR and WKY rats. Heart rate was unchanged in WKY but fell significantly in SHR. Plasma norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (E), determined by radioenzymatic assay, increased significantly following stress. Increased levels of NE remained similar for both SHR and WKY rats, while post-stress levels of E for the SHR rats greatly exceeded E levels for WKY rats. A greater degree of hypothermia was also noted in SHR rats. Decreased stress induced ulcerogenesis in the SHR may be due to the well-known altered hemodynamic and autonomic nervous system reactivity in this strain or other factors not yet discovered.  相似文献   

Graded contractions to cumulative additions of calcium in the presence of KCl were obtained in strips of aorta and mesenteric arteries of normotensive (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats. In calcium-free medium, a maximally effective concentration of KCl produced a response that was larger in the mesenteric arteries (43-51% of control) than in the aorta (12-14% of control). The calcium channel blocker nifedipine (NFD, up to 10(-7) M) did not significantly alter these calcium-insensitive responses. The Ca2+-induced responses were inhibited by NFD, in a concentration-dependent fashion, in both vessel types of WKY and SHR rats. The aortic responses were more sensitive to inhibition by NFD than the responses of mesenteric arteries. Moreover, the aortic responses of WKY were inhibited to a greater extent than those of the SHR. The results suggest: (a) a differential calcium dependence of contractions to KCl in the vessels studied; (b) that aortic responses are dependent on NFD-sensitive voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels to a greater extent than the responses of mesenteric arteries; and (c) that hypertension results in a decreased sensitivity of the aorta Ca2+ channels to NFD.  相似文献   

In freely moving rats, endothelin-1 (0.0135–4.5 nmol/kg) administered as an intravenous bolus injection, produced an immediate, short-lasting, dose-related fall in blood pressure followed by a long-lasting, dose-related increase in blood pressure. There was a higher sensitivity in the pressor responses to endothelin-1, in spontaneously hypertensive (SH) rats (ED50 = 0.11 ± 0.02 and 0.28 ± 0.02 nmol/kg, in SH and normotensive rats, respectively), but no change in the maximal pressor effect of endothelin-1 in SH rats.

In rat isolated aorta, endothelin-1 induced a greater vasocontractile effect in SH rats than in normotensive rats. In both rat strains, removal of the endothelium did not change the concentration-effect curves obtained in endothelium-intact preparations. These data add further support to the hypothesis that endothelin-1 could play a role in genetic hypertension, at least in the maintenance of high blood pressure.  相似文献   

Transport rate constants (kij) for Na exchanges in isolated aorta of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were determined with the use of 33Na as a tracer and the aid of digital computer simulation. A three-compartment model consisting of 1) extracellular, 2) intracellular, and 3) "endointracellular" spaces (compartments) was found to describe adequately the kinetics of 22Na. Results show that in SHR: I) K01, which is related to the overall Na outflow from tissue, was increased by 41%; ii) k12, describing Na movements from intra- to extracellular compartment, was increased by 67%; iii) k21, representative of Na movements from extra-to intracellular compartment, was decreased by 39%. These results indicate a faster turn-over of Na and a relative accumulation or translocation of Na into the extracellular space in aorta of SHR. The findings are interpreted in the light of recent reports on the role of Na in contractile response or reactivity of arteries. A humoral mechanism operative at the arterial wall level for the development of hypertension is at the arterial wall level for the development of hypertension is suggested. The main significance of the methodology employed in this work is that the values found for the kij are not subject to fluctuations intrinsic to auxiliary indicators of extracellular space.  相似文献   

微小RNA在自发性高血压大鼠主动脉的差异表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Xu CC  Han WQ  Xiao B  Li NN  Zhu DL  Gao PJ 《生理学报》2008,60(4):553-560
微小RNAs(microRNAs,miRNAs)是一类基因组编码、非蛋白质编码的小RNA,在转录后水平负性调节靶基因表达.本研究探讨miRNAs在自发性高血压大(spontaneously hypertensive rats,SHR)主动脉的表达特征及其与高血压的关系.取4、8、16和24周龄雄性SHR大鼠及同龄正常血压对照(Wistar-Kyoto,WKY)大鼠.MiRanda、TargetScan和PicTar用于候选miRNAs及靶基因预测分析.通过实时定量RT-PCR检测大鼠主动脉miR-1、miR-133a、miR-155及miR-208的表达,并进一步通过实时定量RT-PCR检测呈差异表达的miR-155和miR-208的预测靶基因mRNA表达.结果显示,SHR大鼠主动脉miR-155表达在4、8、24周时与同龄WKY大鼠无显著差异,但在16周时明显低于同龄WKY大鼠(P<0.05),且大鼠主动脉miR-155表达量与血压呈负相关(r=-0.525,P<0.05).MiR-208表达在4周龄时最高,随年龄增长明显下降(P<0.05),其表达水平与血压和年龄呈负相关(r=-0.400,P<0.05;r=-0.684,P<0.0001),但在SHR和WKY大鼠之间无显著差异.miR-1和miR-133a在各年龄组SHR和WKY大鼠间未呈现差异表达.MiR-155和miR-208表达与相应预测靶基因mRNA表达无显著负相关性.以上结果表明,miR-155表达在成年SHR大鼠主动脉明显低于WKY,并与血压呈负相关,提示miR-155可能参与高血压的发生发展,主动脉miR-155表达异常可能是SHR大鼠血压升高的原因之一.大鼠主动脉miR-208表达在幼年时最高,随年龄增长而明显下降,提示其可能与血管发育有关.  相似文献   

Tissue distribution of acebutolol was studied in 33-week-old normotensive (WKY) and Okamoto stroke-prone (SHR-SP) rats, 30 min after an i.v. administration, by using 14C-acebutolol. Plasma level of acebutolol was higher in WKY than in SHR-SP. Aorta, kidney, liver and muscle radioactivity/plasma radioactivity ratios were higher in SHR-SP than in WKY. The brain/plasma radioactivity ratio was very low and similar in the two groups. The drug distribution was the same in the two groups except in medulla + corpus trapezoides where drug concentration was greater in SHR-SP. These results, compared with previous ones, show an age-related evolution in pathological state in SHR-SP. They point out a specific concentration of the beta-blocking drug in a defined part of the brain, namely medulla + corpus trapezoides.  相似文献   

Renal norepinephrine (NE) concentration was measured in normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) at 7, 9, 11, and 13 weeks of age. Although the weight of kidneys was similar in the two strains of rats, renal NE concentration was significantly lower in SHR at all ages (147 +/- 9 to 175 +/- 13 ng/g for SHR, and 216 +/- 8 to 262 +/- 17 ng/g for WKY rats). The difference in renal NE concentration during this time of rapidly increasing arterial pressure in the SHR suggests that renal NE may in some way be related to the development of hypertension.  相似文献   

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