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In conventional neuromuscular rehabilitation, patients are required to perform biomechanical exercises to recover their neuromotor abilities. These physiotherapeutic tasks are defined by the physiotherapist, according to his estimate of the patient’s pathologic neuromotor function. The definition of the task is mainly qualitative and it is often merely demonstrated to the patient as a gesture to reproduce. Success of the treatment relies then on the accuracy and repetition of the motor training.We propose a novel approach to neuromotor training by combining the advantages of a virtual reality platform with biofeedback information on the training subject from biometric equipment and with the computational power of artificial neural networks. In a calibration stage, the subject performs motor training on a known task to train the network. Once trained, the tuned network generates a new patient-specific task, based on the definition of the subject’s expected performance dictated by the therapist. The system was tested for upper limb rehabilitation on healthy subjects. We measured a 33% improvement in the triceps performance (p = 0.027). The novelty of the proposed approach lies in its use of learning systems to the estimation of biological models.  相似文献   

To estimate the role of biofeedback technology in the optimization of psychomotor reactivity, 29 healthy young (aged 22.3 ± 1.5 years) musical performers were examined. On the first day of the study, they followed instructions for the voluntary control of finger motor comfort when performing musical passages for the right hand during standard performance practice without an adaptive feedback. On the second day, biofeedback was used, the muscle tone and EEG α-rhythm power being voluntarily controlled. Eventually, a biofeedback method was developed that simultaneously stimulated the activity of the EEG α rhythm and decreased the tone of the muscles not involved in the playing movement. This improved the performance in 75.8% of musicians (versus 13.8% using commonly practiced methods). The changes in the EEG parameters after effective biofeedback training were the same as in the case of successful traditional performance practice: an increase in the frequency, width, and power of the α activity and a decrease in the powers of the θ and β rhythms. The biofeedback method developed in this study can be recommended as an approach to the formation of the skills necessary for voluntarily controlling psychomotor reactivity and has prognostic implications for improving performance skills.  相似文献   

The awareness model of biofeedback suggests that training teaches new skills or enhances performance at old skills, while the cognitive or feed-forward models suggest that biofeedback brings attention to the response of interest but does not actually increase task skill. In a test of the predictions made by these models, subjects were tested on one or more cross-modal matching tasks, provided brief training, and retested on the task(s). Thirty subjects participated in integer-matching tasks in which they were instructed to produce various levels of frontalis activity corresponding to the levels of a ratio scale. Forty-five subjects participated in a tone-matching task in which they tried to match their frontalis tension to the pitch of a tone. The results indicated that the groups receiving biofeedback training improved at the more difficult integer task and at the tone task. Subjects performed better on the integer tasks than at the tone task. Our findings suggest that an awareness model accounts for changes occurring during biofeedback training. However, an awareness model may be applicable only for tasks of moderate difficulty; for relatively easy tasks, a feed-forward model may be more appropriate. The clinical utility of cross-modal matching tasks is also described.  相似文献   

The awareness model of biofeedback suggests that training teaches new skills or enhances performance at old skills, while the cognitive or feed-forward models suggest that biofeedback brings attention to the response of interest but does not actually increase task skill. In a test of the predictions made by these models, subjects were tested on one or more cross-modal matching tasks, provided brief training, and retested on the task(s). Thirty subjects participated in integer-matching tasks in which they were instructed to produce various levels of frontalis activity corresponding to the levels of a ratio scale. Forty-five subjects participated in a tone-matching task in which they tried to match their frontalis tension to the pitch of a tone. The results indicated that the groups receiving biofeedback training improved at the more difficult integer task and at the tone task. Subjects performed better on the integer tasks than at the tone task. Our findings suggest that an awareness model accounts for changes occurring during biofeedback training. However, an awareness model may be applicable only for tasks of moderate difficulty; for relatively easy tasks, a feed-forward model may be more appropriate. The clinical utility of cross-modal matching tasks is also described.This paper is based on a thesis conducted by the second author under the direction of the first author. Portions of this paper were presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, March 1989, San Diego.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current investigation was to determine the effects of frontal EMG biofeedback and progressive relaxation training on manual motor functioning in Parkinsonians. Twenty patients were matched and randomly assigned to two groups. All subjects were administered a brief manual motor assessment. The experimental group then underwent weekly sessions of frontal EMG and relaxation training for a period of 15 weeks. At the conclusion of the training period, both experimental and control groups were again administered the manual motor tasks. The results indicated that Parkinsonian patients are capable of significantly lowering frontal EMG activity levels. The motor task results, however, yielded no statistically significant differences between the two groups as a result of the biofeedback training.  相似文献   

A 44-year-old female cancer patient was given progressive muscle relaxation training and multiple muscle-site EMG biofeedback to reduce the conditioned negative responses she had apparently developed to her chemotherapy treatments. Following three baseline chemotherapy sessions, the patient was given relaxation training and biofeedback during four consecutive chemotherapy treatments and was asked to practice her relaxation skills daily in the hospital or at home. After the patient felt able to relax on her own, relaxation training and biofeedback were terminated and three follow-up sessions were held. Results indicated that during the chemotherapy sessions in which the patient received relaxation training and biofeedback, she showed reductions in physiological arousal (EMG, pulse rate, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure) and reported feeling less anxious and nauseated. Moreover, these changes were maintained during the follow-up sessions. These results suggest that relaxation training plus multiple muscle-site biofeedback may be an effective adjunctive procedure for reducing some of the adverse side effects of cancer chemotherapy.  相似文献   

The presence of residual muscular tension has been implicated as a detrimental influence on the performance and learning of motor skills. A method for reducing muscular tension has been provided by the advent of biofeedback training. This study investigated the effects of tension-control training by electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback on learning and performance of the pursuit-rotor backing task. Thirty young adult males were pretested for pursuit-rotor (PR) tracking skill, ranked by performance scores, and divided into identical triplicates to form two experimental groups and a control group. After a total of 3 hours of EMG biofeedback training for the experimental groups, all subjects were reevaluated on the PR test. One experimental group received biofeedback during the posttests. Analysis of variance of pretest-posttest difference means andt tests of scores representing performance and tension indicated that the EMG biofeedback training (1) significantly reduced tension induced by the novel motor skill and (2) significantly improved performance of the motor skill. Transfer of tension-control training was shown to facilitate learning and performance more than direct EMG biofeedback during performance. Residual tension reduction during learning was particularly facilitated by EMG biofeedback training, a profound implication for the management of stress in a variety of situations.This investigation formed part of a Ph.D. dissertation research (1976) conducted by the author under the guidance of Dr. Donald E. Campbell, Department of Physical Education, and Dr. Carol A. Saslow, Department of Psychology, at Oregon State University.  相似文献   

The uptake of virtual simulation technologies in both military and civilian surgical contexts has been both slow and patchy. The failure of the virtual reality community in the 1990s and early 2000s to deliver affordable and accessible training systems stems not only from an obsessive quest to develop the 'ultimate' in so-called 'immersive' hardware solutions, from head-mounted displays to large-scale projection theatres, but also from a comprehensive lack of attention to the needs of the end users. While many still perceive the science of simulation to be defined by technological advances, such as computing power, specialized graphics hardware, advanced interactive controllers, displays and so on, the true science underpinning simulation--the science that helps to guarantee the transfer of skills from the simulated to the real--is that of human factors, a well-established discipline that focuses on the abilities and limitations of the end user when designing interactive systems, as opposed to the more commercially explicit components of technology. Based on three surgical simulation case studies, the importance of a human factors approach to the design of appropriate simulation content and interactive hardware for medical simulation is illustrated. The studies demonstrate that it is unnecessary to pursue real-world fidelity in all instances in order to achieve psychological fidelity--the degree to which the simulated tasks reproduce and foster knowledge, skills and behaviours that can be reliably transferred to real-world training applications.  相似文献   

下肢运动功能障碍严重影响了患者的日常生活及步行的功能,严重时会造成偏瘫等现象,越来越多的研究者致力于寻找新的有效的下肢康复训练方法。目前临床常用的下肢康复训练方法有肌电生物反馈与综合康复训练结合法、针灸联合康复训练法、电刺激疗法和步态训练法。本文针对近年来下肢康复训练方法的多样性进行了系统回顾及总结,尤其对早期介入的减重步态训练康复模式进行了综述及展望。  相似文献   

The recent literature on the role played by biofeedback in the modification of human heart rate is reviewed. Emphasis is placed on research pertinent to the issue of whether biofeedback is more productively conceived as a reinforcer of an operant response or as a source of information enabling the development of a voluntary motor skill. Criticisms of the operant paradigm are answered, and limitations of the motor skills analogy are discussed. It is concluded that the operant conditioning paradigm best accounts for most available data on the role of biofeedback in heart rate control, and that it is superior to the motor skills model because it is more parsimonious and makes fewer untestable assumptions.  相似文献   

In an effort to study the role of cognitive skills training in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders, two single-case design experiments were conducted to assess the relative effectiveness of biofeedback procedures and cognitive coping techniques in the alleviation of tension headaches. For both subjects, biofeedback training influenced mean frontalis EMG levels, although such changes were not associated with concomitant reductions in headache activity. It was the presence or absence of cognitive skills training, however, that determined whether each subject reported changes in headache levels. These results suggest that a more efficient treatment approach for tension headaches would involve an increased emphasis on the modification of maladaptive cognitive activity. The present findings support the general view that a comprehensive approach in the treatment of stress-related disorders requires a concomitant focus on the cognitive, behavioral, and affective dimensions of the symptom. It was also suggested that biofeedback technology may be a useful tool for studying the physiological consequences of particular cognitive processes and in identifying particular cognitions with anxiety-provoking properties.  相似文献   

While humans have an incredible capacity to acquire new skills and alter their behavior as a result of experience, enhancements in performance are typically narrowly restricted to the parameters of the training environment, with little evidence of generalization to different, even seemingly highly related, tasks. Such specificity is a major obstacle for the development of many real-world training or rehabilitation paradigms, which necessarily seek to promote more general learning. In contrast to these typical findings, research over the past decade has shown that?training on 'action video games' produces learning that transfers well beyond the training task. This has led to substantial interest among those interested in rehabilitation, for instance, after stroke or to treat amblyopia, or?training for various precision-demanding jobs, for instance, endoscopic surgery or piloting unmanned aerial drones. Although the predominant focus of the field has been on outlining the breadth of possible action-game-related enhancements, recent work has concentrated on uncovering the mechanisms that underlie these changes, an important first step towards the goal of designing and using video games for more definite purposes. Game playing may not convey an immediate advantage on new tasks (increased performance from the very first trial), but rather the true effect of action video game playing may be to enhance the ability to learn new tasks. Such a mechanism may serve as a signature of training regimens that are likely to produce transfer of learning.  相似文献   

In any field, clear and logical conceptualizations are the basis of accurate models----correct research design----correct results----correct conclusions----advancement in the field. Faulty conceptualizations----faulty models----faulty research design----faulty results----faulty conclusions----confusion. In analyzing the conceptualizations of "biofeedback" as expressed by John Furedy (1987) in, "Specific versus Placebo Effects in Biofeedback Training: A Critical Lay Perspective," we focus on two issues: Does biofeedback have a treatment effect? Is biofeedback necessary for the training effect? In discussing issue (1) we describe the multiple meanings of "biofeedback" and raise the fundamental question: Is biofeedback a treatment? We argue that faulty conceptualizations of clinical biofeedback (1) assume that the treatment in clinical biofeedback is "biofeedback" with specific effects, (2) assume that the scientific basis of biofeedback is dependent upon demonstrations of these specific effects through double-blind design that distinguish "specific" from "placebo effects," and (3) trivialize clinical research by attempting to determine the usefulness of biofeedback information--usefulness that is already understood logically by professionals and consumers and demonstrated by clinical studies in the laboratory and in the clinic. We further argue that accurate conceptualizations of clinical biofeedback (1) identify self-regulation skills as the treatment with specific effects of physiological change and symptom reduction, and (2) describe the use of information from biofeedback instruments as scientific verification of self-regulation skills. Finally, the scientific basis of clinical biofeedback is based on (1) evidence from experimental and clinical control studies that have demonstrated the effectiveness of self-regulation skills for symptom alleviation, and (2) the use of biofeedback instruments to verify the acquisition of self-regulatory skills, thus fulfilling the scientific dictum of verifiability.  相似文献   

根据自然灾害医学救援要求及组织体制,结合灾害救援过程中的心理压力来源及心理需求,提出心理卫生支援分队建设指导:人员需具备专业技能,兼顾全面技术;采取的工作方式主要为团体合作、小组协作和单人干预等;日常训练重点在于做好实战训练、预案、心理和物资方面的准备,力求使心理卫生支援分队满足新时期非战争军事任务的需要。  相似文献   

Virtual reality (VR) environments are increasingly being used by neuroscientists to simulate natural events and social interactions. VR creates interactive, multimodal sensory stimuli that offer unique advantages over other approaches to neuroscientific research and applications. VR's compatibility with imaging technologies such as functional MRI allows researchers to present multimodal stimuli with a high degree of ecological validity and control while recording changes in brain activity. Therapists, too, stand to gain from progress in VR technology, which provides a high degree of control over the therapeutic experience. Here we review the latest advances in VR technology and its applications in neuroscience research.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the effect of simultaneous α EEG stimulating and electromyogram (EMG) decreasing biofeedback training on the α activity and cognitive functions, fluency, accuracy, and flexibility during cognitive tasks, as well as α-activity characteristics before, during, and after ten training sessions of voluntarily increasing α power in an individual upper α range with the eyes closed were studied in 27 healthy men aged 18–34 years. To isolate the biofeedback effect in training for the α power increase, data on two groups of subjects were compared: an experimental group (14 subjects) with true biofeedback and a control group (13 subjects) with sham biofeedback. Follow-up testing was performed one month after the end of training to estimate the stability of the effect. The results showed that the training for the upper α power increase using biofeedback increased the frequency, width, and power in an individual upper α range at rest and improved cognitive performance only in subjects with a low baseline α frequency. Conversely, sham biofeedback training (without the feedback signal) increased the α power, though less efficiently, only in subjects with a high baseline α frequency, this increase was not accompanied by improved cognitive performance. The biofeedback α training eliminated the decrease in the α amplitude in response to a cognitive task after the biofeedback training course, this effect being preserved within one month. It may be concluded that α EEG-EMG biofeedback training can be used for improving cognitive processes in healthy subjects, as well as for prognostic purposes in clinical practice and in the brain-computer interface technology.  相似文献   

Thermal biofeedback is widely used to treat various clinical disorders. Given its widespread utility, and the variability among the biofeedback systems currently on the market, it is important to investigate which systems are most effective for training various skills. This study compared the performance of normal subjects on two different computer-biofeedback systems. Results indicated a significant difference in subject performance between the two systems. Limitations and implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In any field, clear and logical conceptualizations are the basis of accurate models → correct research design → correct results → correct conclusions → advancement in the field. Faulty conceptualizations → faulty models → faulty research design → faulty results → faulty conclusions → confusion. In analyzing the conceptualizations of “biofeedback” as expressed by John Furedy (1987) in, “Specific versus Placebo Effects in Biofeedback Training: A Critical Lay Perspective,” we focus on two issues: Does biofeedback have a treatment effect? Is biofeedback necessary for the training effect? In discussing issue (1) we describe the multiple meanings of “biofeedback” and raise the fundamental question: Is biofeedback a treatment? We argue that faulty conceptualizations of clinical biofeedback (1) assume that the treatment in clinical biofeedback is “biofeedback” with specific effects, (2) assume that the scientific basis of biofeedback is dependent upon demonstrations of these specific effects through double-blind designs that distinguish “specific” from “placebo effects,” and (3) trivialize clinical research by attempting to determine the usefulness of biofeedback information — usefulness that is already understood logically by professionals and consumers and demonstrated by clinical studies in the laboratory and in the clinic. We further argue that accurate conceptualizations of clinical biofeedback (1) identify self-regulation skills as the treatment with specific effects of physiological change and symptom reduction, and (2) describe the use of information from biofeedback instruments as scientific verification of self-regulation skills. Finally, the scientific basis of clinical biofeedback is based on (1) evidence from experimental and clinical control studies that have demonstrated the effectiveness of self-regulation skills for symptom alleviation, and (2) the use of biofeedback instruments to verify the acquisition of self-regulatory skills, thus fulfilling the scientific dictum of verifiability.  相似文献   

User versatility in a system for computer-automated biofeedback training is the degree to which the assessment and training parameters may be altered by the user's employing English language or other simple code, that is, without altering the system's applications software. The Behavioral Assessment and Rehabilitative Training System (BARTS) includes a design and control program that allows for the specification of assessment and training protocols by persons who are entirely lacking in computer programming skills. This paper describes the logic for data acquisition and training that is incorporated in the BARTS, describes the parameters that must be specified in constituting unique assessment or training protocols, and illustrates the system's application in a research-oriented biofeedback clinic.  相似文献   

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