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Investigations of communication networks in animals have focusedprimarily on determining whether animals extract informationfrom peripheral contests (eavesdropping) or respond to the presenceof bystanders (audience effect). The possibility that an animal'sresponse to being watched might be context dependent, however,has been explored in far less detail. This study investigatedthe influence of two contexts, exposure to audiences of differentsexes and presence or absence of a nest, on the aggressive behaviorof interacting male Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens.Males interacted in the presence (male, female) or absence ofan audience in three different nest conditions (0, 1, or 2 nests).Audience sex and territorial status influenced aggressive behaviorin the interacting males, but a strong audience x nest interactionalso was uncovered. Males were more aggressive when neithermale had a nest and a male audience was present than when afemale or no audience was present. Males also were more aggressivewhen only one male had a nest and a male audience was presentthan when a female or no audience was present. When both maleshad nests and a male audience was present, however, males wereless aggressive than when only one male or neither male hada nest. In sum, aggressive behavior was influenced by the interactionbetween audience and nest; neither nest nor audience alone wassufficient to explain the results. Male Siamese fighting fishalter their behavior based on both external cues, the sex ofthe audience, and internal cues, reproductive state and resourcepossession. Our results emphasize the importance of consideringaspects of an animal's environment when examining audience effectsand communication networks in general.  相似文献   

We describe male-male competition in a wandering spider living on plants (Cupiennius getazi, Ctenidae) and discuss it within the general context of the mating system. 1. Males produce vibratory courtship signals (duration about 20 s) and competition signals (2 s). Upon exposure to female silk, males produce almost exclusively courtship signals (98%) if alone or in the presence of a female. In the presence of a rival alone, an average of 25% of a male's vibratory signals are courtship signals and 75% competition signals. In the presence of both a rival and a female, an average of 50% are courtship and 50% competition signals. Females respond to both male courtship and/or competition signals with vibratory courtship whereas males react by vibratory competition. The intensity of the reaction of both males and females is independent of the signal type. 2. Males displaying vibratory signals move slowly over the plant and repel attacks from rivals and females with extended front legs. Pairs of males interact in three ways. (i) Both males produce vibratory signals; one of them leaves the plant (53% of 90 trials). (ii) Both males vibrate, approach and touch (20%) or pounce on each other (20%). (iii) A male approaches the signalling opponent without producing vibrations and attacks him (7%). This is a conditional vibrocryptic tactic. The presence of a female incites male competition. Males do not interact with the female but approach each other (in 24% of the 26 trials “vibrocryptically”) and escalate more often (88%) and more quickly to overt fight than in the absence of a female. The male remaining on the plant approaches the female. 3. Male-male fights are ritualized. During 64 bodily contacts no male was injured. Males exposed to female silk and males using the vibrocryptic tactic were more often the winners of an interaction than males not exposed to female silk and than males vibrating while approaching their rival. The outcome of fights is not correlated with age, leg length, body weight and rate of signalling when no female is present. In contrast, body weight and leg length determine the outcome when a responding female is present, the larger male being the winner. 4. Intrasexual and intersexual interactions suggest that both male competition and female choice mechanisms may regulate sexual selection in this species.  相似文献   

Recent research on Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, and other taxa has demonstrated that an audience can cause males to alter their behavior in aggressive interactions. One factor not taken into account in these studies is how exactly the audience influences these interactions. It is possible that a live audience may interact with the subjects, creating an active communication network rather than a signaler–receiver dyad with a passive audience. Here, we used a dummy audience to control for information exchange between the audience and the interactants that might cause them to modify their behavior. Audience treatments included dummies of male and female B. splendens, a dummy cichlid, and a control condition with no audience present. The presence of a dummy audience did not influence male–male interactions. However, males spent the most time near the audience tank when the audience was a dummy of a B. splendens. This suggests that some factor other than the physical presence of the audience is responsible for the modification of behavior found in previous audience effect studies in Siamese fighting fish. However, we cannot rule out definitively that our dummy audience is viewed as unimportant by the opponents and, thus, ignored. Further research is necessary to determine which component of the audience is important for producing audience effects.  相似文献   

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are ubiquitous in aquatic ecosystems where they have adverse effects on exposed organisms. In addition to causing physiological changes, EDCs often target fitness‐related behaviors such as locomotion and courtship. Ethinylestradiol (EE2) is an estrogen mimic that has been found to reduce courtship and aggression in males. However, the consequences of these reductions are not always explicitly addressed. One way in which EE2 may lead to decreased fitness occurs when males respond differently to exposed vs. unexposed conspecifics. To examine this, video playback was used to determine whether male Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, respond differently to exposed and unexposed males. Males were presented with four different combinations of videos of males played simultaneously: exposed swimming and unexposed swimming, exposed courting and unexposed courting, unexposed courting and unexposed courting, and exposed courting and exposed courting. Males directed more behaviors to the unexposed than the exposed courting male when presented simultaneously, likely because these unexposed males were perceived as a greater threat to mating success. Additionally, males spent more time tracking and gill flaring, two behaviors that are indicative of fight intent, when presented with two courting unexposed males. This combination could be considered the most threatening because there are two rival vigorously courting males present. These results suggest that EE2 exposure could result in exposed males receiving decreased attention from other males. However, since EE2 exposure also decreases competitive and courtship abilities, this would be far outweighed by the costs.  相似文献   

The Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens) is well known as an aggressive fish with unique spawning and parental care behavior. During reproduction, male fish construct a bubble nest, court females, protect the brood, and defend the territory through aggressive displays. Aggression in male Siamese fighting fish has long been the subject of investigation; however, the kinematics of aggression during contests have been largely overlooked. Here we investigated how nest-holding, male Siamese fighting fish use two different types of displays, gill flaring and fin spreading, towards intruders during various reproductive phases; before (BB) and after bubble nest building, and after spawning (AS), and hatching (AH). Males were more aggressive towards male than female intruders and the level of aggression changed significantly between reproductive phases. Gill flaring, the more energetically costly display, was the dominant initial display towards male and female intruders in BB, AS, AH phases. However, defending males switched to fin spreading after prolonged exposure to intruders. The results suggest that Siamese fighting fish use gill flaring as an acute response in order to defend their territory; this response may be replaced by fin spreading as a chronic response, probably to reduce the energetic costs during the contest.  相似文献   

Consistent individual differences in behavior suggest that individuals respond in a predictable and repeatable manner in a specific situation while differing from other individuals. Male Siamese fighting fish exhibit consistent individual differences in decision‐making strategies when they encounter a receptive female and a rival male simultaneously. However, whether these differences are altered by recent experience is unknown. We examined the influence of repeated aggressive encounters on behavioral consistency and decision‐making. Males were presented with paired female–male dummies prior to any aggressive experiences to obtain a baseline measure. Next, males either won or lost three consecutive contests against rivals and then received the paired female–male dummies after each of these encounters. Overall levels of highly aggressive behaviors were affected by contest outcome, while levels of female‐directed were not. Not surprisingly, winning a fight led to an increase in male‐directed bites, an overtly aggressive behavior that only occurs after fights have escalated. Fighting a male before encountering the dummies caused males to perform more tail beats to the dummy male, perhaps as a result of increased motivation. Males exhibited similar levels of repeatability and used the same strategies when faced with conflicting stimuli regardless of fighting experience. Thus, while winning or losing a fight impacts overall aggression, it does not influence behavioral consistency. This study demonstrates that consistent individual differences and decision‐making strategies may be resistant to recent aggressive experiences, even over a period of days.  相似文献   

Agonistic behaviour between male cellar spiders (Pholcus phalangioides) was investigated to test whether (1) size difference determines which male achieves access to the female, (2) males are able to monopolize access to the female until egg laying and whether (3) female resource value increases before egg laying because of last‐male sperm precedence. We further investigated whether (4) there is variation in time and energy spent on courtship and copulation depending on the degree of sperm competition, i.e. with or without rival present. In three experimental settings we introduced two males of either different or similar sizes, or a single male to a female. The mating units were constantly video‐observed until the females produced their first egg sac. Experience, ownership and female resource value in terms of body size was controlled. Our results show that larger males achieve almost exclusive access to females. Size symmetrical settings resulted in increased fighting activity and duration but dominance did not influence mating success. If copulations were disturbed by the rival male, copulations were terminated earlier in symmetrical settings compared with asymmetrical settings. In 94.8% of trials only one copulation took place, suggesting that the copulating male successfully monopolized access to the female. Males confronted with a rival copulated longer but courted significantly shorter than lone males. Although the last male to copulate sires 88% of the offspring in P. phalangioides, neither fighting nor courtship activity increased before the female laid a batch of eggs. This suggests that males have no indication of the timing of oviposition.  相似文献   

陈博  文乐雷  赵菊鹏  梁宏合  陈建  焦晓国 《生态学报》2017,37(11):3932-3938
越来越多的研究发现,雄性产生精子(精液)也需付出代价。雄性除了依据配偶质量和竞争对手的竞争强度适应性调整生殖投入外,雄性在求偶和交配行为上也相应产生适应性反应,求偶和交配行为具有可塑性。目前雄性求偶和交配行为可塑性研究主要集中于雌性多次交配的类群中,在雌性单次交配的类群中研究甚少。以雌蛛一生只交配一次而雄蛛可多次交配的星豹蛛为研究对象,比较:(1)前一雄性拖丝上信息物质对后续雄蛛求偶和交配行为的影响,(2)雌雄不同性比对雄蛛求偶和交配行为的影响。研究结果表明,星豹蛛前一雄蛛拖丝上的信息物质对后续雄蛛求偶潜伏期、求偶持续时间和交配持续时间都没有显著影响,但前一雄蛛拖丝上的信息物质对后续雄蛛求偶强度有显著抑制作用。同时,性比对星豹蛛雄蛛求偶和交配行为都没有显著影响。可见,星豹蛛雄蛛对同种雄性拖丝上的化学信息可产生求偶行为的适应性调整,而对性比不产生适应性反应。  相似文献   

Courtship displays should be exaggerated enough to attract mates and yet tempered so as not to deter them. We tested this hypothesis in the fighting fish Betta splendens by studying courtship displays and body size and their relationships with male parental quality and female fecundity, as well as the effects of display behavior and body size on mate choice decisions and spawning success. Because of their high degree of parental investment, males are expected to be discriminating in their choice of mates. Males who displayed more frequently built larger nests, a measure of parental quality, but larger males did not. When females were paired with males with high display rates, however, the pair had fewer eggs in their nest, even when accounting for female body mass. In a mate choice test using computer‐generated male stimuli that differed only in display behavior, females showed no preferences for displaying males vs. non‐displaying males, or for males with higher display rates vs. lower display rates. In similar tests in which the computer‐generated males differed only in size, females preferred larger males, but also preferred males that differed with respect to body size (negative assortative mating). Males preferred computer‐generated females that performed courtship displays over non‐displaying females, but showed no preferences for female body size. Neither a female's body size nor her display behavior was a significant predictor of her fecundity as estimated by the number of eggs released during spawning. Thus, our results suggest that female B. splendens must balance male parental quality (nest size) with the risk of potentially disruptive or dangerous behavior during spawning, and that females may minimize these risks through negative size‐assortative mating. Female display behavior, while unrelated to fecundity in our study, may attract males because it indicates reproductive readiness or serves a species‐recognition function.  相似文献   

The courtship song of Drosophila has been extensively used as a model system for studies of sexual selection and species recognition. Traditionally, the courtship song has been recorded from males placed individually with a female. However, under natural conditions females are exposed to multiple courting males, and the effect of their joint signal on mate recognition by the female is not yet understood. Here, we recorded the courtship behavior of D. melanogaster males singing either individually to a female lpar;1:1) or in the presence of an additional male lpar;2:1). We compared the structure of the male song in the two experimental designs. Our results show that when two males courted a female their songs could overlap each other. Males produced a significantly different signal in the presence of competition; the duration of each song component was significantly shorter and the rate of singing was markedly lower. The present study demonstrates that male competition can dramatically alter the acoustic signal detected by the female.  相似文献   

Variation in male courtship behavior may be due to inherent differences among males or may arise from males adjusting their courtship displays according to female responsiveness. Female veiled chameleons, Chamaeleo calyptratus , exhibit two distinctive suites of body coloration and behavior patterns that vary according to receptive and non-receptive stages of their reproductive cycle. We presented male chameleons with both receptive and non-receptive females, and recorded differences in their mating frequency, courtship intensity and courtship behavior patterns. As expected, males were more likely to court and attempt mating with receptive females. Although fewer males courted non-receptive females, their courtship displays were significantly longer than those directed towards receptive females. Males also adjusted the contents of their displays according to female reproductive condition. Certain behavior patterns were unique to courtship displays directed towards each class of females. Males exhibited the behavior pattern `head roll' only when paired with receptive females, and `chin rub' was displayed only during courtship of non-receptive females. We hypothesize that these differences in male courtship frequency, intensity and content reflect differences in female reproductive value. Although males may benefit from mating with both receptive and non-receptive females, the costs associated with courtship may depend on female responsiveness. Thus, males adjust their courtship tactics accordingly.  相似文献   

Consistent individual differences in behavior imply that individuals act in the same manner every time they encounter a situation while differing from others. While these differences occur in a variety of contexts in a wide range of organisms, how recent experience affects behavioral consistency remains underexplored. Male Siamese fighting fish exhibit consistent individual differences in behavior when both a male and a female are present. However, whether these responses can be shaped by immediate recent aggressive experience is unknown. In this study, males first were presented with paired dummy male and female conspecifics after they had been isolated to obtain a baseline, no-experience measure. Males then won and lost fights and were retested with the dummies after each fight. These three experience types (no, win, loss) occurred both when males did and did not have nests to determine the effects of nest presence, experience, and the interaction between these factors on behavioral consistency. Overall behavior did not change based on experience with the exception of male-directed tail beats. Repeatability values were affected more by having a nest than fight outcome. This study demonstrates that consistent individual differences in behavior to conflicting stimuli are fairly resistant to short-term aggressive experiential effects.  相似文献   

Adults of a stink bug,Megacopta punctissimum, form mating aggregations on their host plants, based on the gregarious habit of males. A female was released on a stem on which there was an aggregation of 2 mating pairs and 1 bachelor male. Next, the bachelor male was released on a stem on which no bugs were present, and the same female was released there. Sequences of courtship behavior were compared between them. This experiement was repeated for 41 pairs of males and females, and about half (20 cases) of these experiments were made in the reverse order. Males were the active sex in courtship, whilst females either accepted the courtship, or escaped from courting males. Females accepted courtship with a higher probability when males courted in aggregations (73%) compared to solitary conditions (22%). This was because the escape behavior of females from the males was reduced if females detected the presence of other bugs near the males. It was concluded that female choice is a selective force for gregariousness in males.  相似文献   

Among a variety of fish mating systems, promiscuity with random-mating seems to be most prevalent. However, detailed studies of promiscuity have been rare due partly to the peculiar difficulty in examination of male mating and reproductive success in the random mating. Females of the armoured catfish Corydoras aeneus (no sexual dimorphism other than size of males > females) spawn 10–20 egg-clutches with multiple males at a time, but an entire egg clutch is inseminated by sperm of a single male. We studied mating system of this fish in aquarium. Males had neither mating territories nor monopolized females, never being aggressive against rival males. Evidence of female preference for certain male traits including size was not detected. Females mated a male in proportion to his relative courtship frequency among males. Courtship frequency was not related to male size, and male mating success was not different between small and large males. Clutch size and insemination rate were different neither between small and large males nor between frequently and less frequently courting males. Thus, the male reproductive success will not be related to the male size, but directly to courtship frequency, indicating the random mating in this fish. There seemed to be fecundity advantage with size in female, and the consequent sexual difference in energy allocation will be responsible to the sexual dimorphism. We also discuss the low male-GSI in this promiscuous fish in which sperm competition hardly occurred.  相似文献   

Complex courtship in the striped ground cricket, Allonemobius socius, involves a series of behaviors alternating between the sexes. We examined if complex courtship allows either or both genders to evaluate their mate and how mating behavior changes in different social environments. While complex courtship may allow discrimination by both sexes, here only females exhibited a preference. Males did not alter their courtship behavior or change spermatophore size for different size females. In contrast, females initiated copulation more quickly with bigger males possessing bigger spermatophores. In a different social environment (additional male, female, or both), males were less likely to omit courtship songs and female discrimination of mates changed. The distinct differences in male and female behavior suggest that subtle changes in social environment can have important consequences in structuring courtship and mating behavior.  相似文献   

Male Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, are known for their ferociousness when defending their territories against male or female conspecific intruders. The aim of this study was to investigate whether this species exhibits the dear enemy phenomenon, where territorial males would be less aggressive toward neighbors with already established territories than toward complete stranger males. In experiment 1, a male Betta was placed in an aquarium. A second male was placed in a glass jar that was fitted in one corner of the aquarium. After 24 h, a cover was placed around the jar, and then removed after 1 h. Alternatively, the jar male was replaced with a different male of a different color while the jar was covered. The frequency and duration of opercular expansion by the aquarium male were recorded. In experiment 2, two male Bettas were placed, each in a half of a large aquarium that was equally divided by a clear, perforated Plexiglas divider. After 24 h, one male (intruder) was transferred into the other male’s (resident) half. In another variation of the experiment, the intruder was a stranger male Betta that the resident male had never encountered before. The opercular expansion and duration were scored for the resident male. The results indicated that male Siamese fish reacted similarly to familiar and stranger males. This lack of dear enemy effect in Siamese fish could be due to an inability to discriminate between neighboring males and non-neighboring males. Alternatively, territorial males could be equally aggressive to all intruders because all intruders represent equal danger.  相似文献   

To increase individual male fitness, males of various species remain near a (potential) mating partner and repel their rivals (mate-guarding). Mate-guarding is assumed to be mediated by two different types of motivation: sexual motivation toward the opposite sex and competitive motivation toward the same sex. The genetic/molecular mechanisms underlying how mate presence affects male competitive motivation in a triadic relationship has remained largely unknown. Here we showed that male medaka fish prominently exhibit mate-guarding behavior. The presence of a female robustly triggers male-male competition for the female in a triadic relationship (2 males and 1 female). The male-male competition resulted in one male occupying a dominant position near the female while interfering with the other male''s approach of the female. Paternity testing revealed that the dominant male had a significantly higher mating success rate than the other male in a triadic relationship. We next generated medaka mutants of arginine-vasotocin (avt) and its receptors (V1a1, V1a2) and revealed that two genes, avt and V1a2, are required for normal mate-guarding behavior. In addition, behavioral analysis of courtship behaviors in a dyadic relationship and aggressive behaviors within a male group revealed that avt mutant males displayed decreased sexual motivation but showed normal aggression. In contrast, heterozygote V1a2 mutant males displayed decreased aggression, but normal mate-guarding and courtship behavior. Thus, impaired mate-guarding in avt and V1a2 homozygote mutants may be due to the loss of sexual motivation toward the opposite sex, and not to the loss of competitive motivation toward rival males. The different behavioral phenotypes between avt, V1a2 heterozygote, and V1a2 homozygote mutants suggest that there are redundant systems to activate V1a2 and that endogenous ligands activating the receptor may differ according to the social context.  相似文献   

Environmental microbes have the potential to be involved in nearly all behavioural processes. For example, mating systems where males use intromittent organs to transfer sperm to females represent a means by which environmental microbes collected by males can breach entry into females' body cavities during mating. However, the degree to which the acquisition of environmental microbes onto important sex structures alters courtship behaviours remains unknown. Here, we collected bacteria from the copulatory organs of Agelenopsis pennsylvanica funnel‐weaving spiders in situ to test whether exposure to bacteria on copulatory organs can alter hosts' courtship behaviour, reproductive success and survival. We used a standardized assay to repeatedly measure each spider's aggressiveness, a behavioural component of both male courtship and female sexual receptivity. Then, we experimentally altered the bacteria present on male and female spiders' copulatory organs with an application of either (a) a mixture of bacteria collected from conspecifics to increase bacterial presence, (b) an antibiotic to reduce bacterial presence or (c) a procedural control. Each spider was paired with a size‐matched spider of the opposite sex whose copulatory organs were unaltered, and we measured the latency until the onset and the duration of courtship. Spiders were then isolated, and we measured each individual's time until death and female fecundity over the next 40 days. We found that female exposure to bacteria had multiple effects on mating dynamics. Males took over four times longer to begin courting females that had been exposed to bacteria compared to unexposed and antibiotic‐treated females. Only when courting these bacteria‐exposed females, males began courtship sooner when females were more aggressive. Lastly, females whose mate had been exposed to bacteria experienced reduced survival. These data suggest that bacteria present on animals' copulatory organs can alter courtship behaviours, female survivorship, and may potentially play a role in mating dynamics.  相似文献   

The mating behavior of the male feral cat (Felis catus) living on a small island was investigated. The cats in the study area (6.0 ha) formed the “feeding groups” at the garbage sites (Yamane et al. 1994; Izawa et al. 1982). We examined the factors influencing fighting ability, rank during courtship, and mating success of the male cat. Males with heavier body weight mostly won over lighter males in the agonistic encounters during the estrous season. Heavier males occupied the more advantageous positions to copulate with the estrous females and had higher mating success. These results suggest that body weight was one of the important factors affecting the courtship rank and the mating success of the male cat. When males visited and courted the females of feeding groups other than their own, they were sometimes defeated by the lighter males in that particular group, which lowered their courtship rank and success in copulations. These results indicate that the location of the courting male (inside or outside of its own group) and the kind of females they courted (member of the same group or not) were also important factors.  相似文献   

Females are usually considered to be the target of male courtship behaviour. In nature, however, social interactions rarely occur without other observers; thus, it is conceivable that some male courtship behaviours are directed not towards females, but rather towards male rivals. The northern swordtail, Xiphophorus birchmanni, is a freshwater fish found in high densities in natural streams. Males court by swimming close to and in parallel with the female, raising their large sail-like dorsal fin, and quivering briefly. Here, we show that females prefer males that display small dorsal fins to those with large ones, and that males are less aggressive to other males with large dorsal fins. Male swordtails also raise their dorsal fins more frequently when courting in the presence of other males. These results suggest that, despite female avoidance of large dorsal fins, males that raise their fin during courtship benefit by intimidating potential competitors; the intended receivers of this signal are thus males, not females. Intrasexual selection can therefore offset the forces of intersexual selection, even in a courtship display.  相似文献   

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