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The striped venus Chamelea gallina is an important commercial bivalve species in Europe. However, large inter-annual fluctuations in stock abundance and periodic recruitment failure threaten the biological and economic sustainability of this fishery. This study aimed to improve the knowledge of the reproductive cycle and reproductive strategies of this species from the Algarve coast (southern Portugal) in order to contribute to the establishment of management measures and to assess its potential for aquaculture. The reproductive cycle of C. gallina followed a seasonal cycle, significantly influenced by sea surface temperature and food availability. Gametogenesis took place in winter, coinciding with the phytoplankton bloom. Spawning occurred during summer, followed by a short period of sexual inactivity in autumn. Condition index did not reflect the reproductive cycle of C. gallina and generally, followed the same trend of chlorophyll a. Glycogen was positively correlated with gonadal index and chlorophyll a. High total lipid values were recorded throughout gonad ripeness and spawning, but decreased at the end of the spawning and in the rest period. The extended spawning period of C. gallina will allow larvae to be obtained for much of the year by artificial spawning of wild broodstock.  相似文献   

This work aims to examine the reproductive cycle of the bivalve Mactra corallina inhabiting the Gulf of Tunis (Tunisia). Histological analysis indicated that the reproductive cycle is composed of six stages and was synchronous between sexes. Gonadal development began in January. From April to July, an increase in temperature (from 16 to 28°C) and a rise in chlorophyll a (from 3.25 to 6.35 mg/L) marked the period of sexual maturity in both sexes, which was also confirmed by an elevation in condition index (CI). Partial spawning started in April for males and in May for females, peaking in late summer indicating a prolonged reproductive period. The reproductive cycle of M. corallina finished with an inactive stage during autumn. From the total number of animals used in this study, we identified 104 females (52%) and 96 males (48%) corresponding to a sex ratio 1:0.92 that did not differ significantly from a 1:1 ratio.  相似文献   

Melongena corona bispinosa was studied in Yucatán, México (21 degrees 16' N, 89 degrees 49' W) for a year. Males have reproductive peaks in February and December, and a post-copulation peak in June. Female peaks are in March and May, plus oviposition peaks in April and January. Males and females differ in the mean gonadosom ic index (F=13.79, p<0.05) but not in the dry tissue/shell weight (F=0.0902, p<0.05), dry tissue and total weight (F=0.2466, p<0.05) and dry tissue weight/internal shell volume (F=1.0565, p<0.05).  相似文献   


Lunella undulata is a subtropical-temperate marine gastropod which is harvested commercially from temperate reefs in Australia. This paper aimed to evaluate monthly variation in the condition index (CI) and biochemical composition of the foot tissue of L. undulata in relation to the spawning cycle. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) varied significantly between males and females and across months (P?=?0.0001), ranging from 43% to 70% in males and 41% to 71% for females. The highest GSI, as well as the highest CI for both sexes was recorded in December and April, whilst meat yield peaked in January, September and October. Protein, lipid, fatty acid and heavy metals in the foot tissue also significantly varied between months (P?<?0.05). Throughout all 14 months of sampling, the foot tissue of L. undulata showed good nutritional quality, with high levels of protein and the polyunsaturated fatty acids, docosapentaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid and arachidonic acid. Overall, despite some temporal variability in the biochemical composition, L. undulata could be harvested at any time of the year for human consumption, although it may be best to avoid peak spawning times, which occur around January in northern NSW.  相似文献   

Size composition and reproductive cycle of Pseudupeneus grandisquamis (Pisces: Mullidae) in the Central Mexican Pacific. From June 1995 to December 1998 we used shrimp trawl nets to capture 492 Pseudupeneus grandisquamis in soft-bottom grounds off the central Mexican Pacific (Jalisco and Colima). The ength-weight ratio indicates allometric growth (p = 0.0035L(3.46) y r2 = 0.97). The total sex ratio was 1:1.15 (females: males). Mean total length was 153.8 mm (range 77-236 mm). A progression in length was found: the highest means were observed at the end of 1996 and during 1997. The mean length of females (162 mm) was longer than in males (150 mm). Four gonadic maturity stages were observed in both sexes; in females the most frequently stage was stage IV (mature gonads, 48.6%), while in males it was stage III (gonads in maturation, 45.0%). Seven microscopic oocyte development stages were identified. Oocyte development seems to be asynchronous. The mature testicle showed sperm inside the lobular lumen and in the duct. The highest values of the gonadosomatic index, as well as the largest percentages of individuals with mature gonads (at macroscopic and microscopic levels), were observed during winter and summer, suggesting that this species has two reproduction peaks by year. The length at which 50% of the individuals show gonads in maturation (L50) was 183 mm for the females and 181 mm for the males.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of the annual cyclical changes in gonosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic index (HSI) and condition factor ( K ) in male and female dab Limanda limanda (L.). There is a direct correlation between HSI and K , and an inverse correlation of these factors to GSI but with a three month lag. It was also found that the lower ('ventral') ovaries were invariably heavier than the upper ('dorsal') ovaries at all times, and a similar relationship was found in testes prior to and during the spawning season.  相似文献   

To assess sex differences in reproductive effort, we examined the biochemical composition and energetic content of the principal body components of the broadcast spawning sea star Asterias vulgaris in the Mingan Islands in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence, eastern Canada. The body wall was the most stable body component, showing no variations in mass or in lipid and protein content (and total energetic content) between sexes or during spawning. Patterns in the gonads differed between sexes and with spawning. The lipid, protein and carbohydrate content of the ovary dropped during spawning, while only the protein content of the testis decreased significantly. Reproductive effort, expressed as loss of energy in the gonads during spawning for an individual weighing 10 g in underwater mass (8.2 cm in radius), was six times greater in females (49.5 kJ) than males (7.9 kJ). The energetic content of the pyloric caeca also decreased during spawning, by 17.7 kJ in females and 21.5 kJ in males, mainly due to a decrease in lipids. If this decrease is included as reproductive effort, it lessens the gender difference. The caecum decrease possibly represented expenditures due to formation of aggregations or the expulsion of gametes during spawning. Effectively, we observed aggregations during a massive spawning in this population. The sex ratio did not differ from 1:1 in all size classes sampled. This suggests that, unless males suffer higher mortality, females manage to allocate as much energy to somatic growth as males, possibly by feeding at higher rates to compensate for their higher reproductive effort. Stomach protein content tended to be higher in females than males and may indicate greater muscular development to facilitate digestion.  相似文献   

The horse-bearded mussel Modiolus barbatus (Linneus, 1758) is an important edible bivalve in the Adriatic Sea; its population is especially large in the Mali Ston Bay area, where the species is present at depths up to 8 m. In order to assess the sustainable exploitation rate for this species, as well as to estimate its potential capacity for a sustainable aquaculture production, we determined the species’ reproductive cycle along with its nutrient storage strategy, employing histological and biochemical methods. The population shows significantly more females than males, and no hermaphrodites. The smallest adult individual, an active male, was 16.0 mm in length, suggesting that sexual maturation starts around this length. While the period between January and February is characterized by sexual repose, early and late stages of gametogenesis were found between March and May, and spawning peaked from June till August. The increase of oocyte diameter followed the same trend. A significant positive correlation was observed between gonad index and temperature, and a negative correlation between gonad index and salinity. Oscillations of stored nutrients were tightly coupled with the gametogenic cycle.  相似文献   

Gonadal indices (i.e. GSI = gonadal wt/body wt X 100) commonly are used to quantify reproductive condition in fishes. These indices may be inappropriate with specimens of different sizes, however, for gonadal growth often is allometric. A new gonadal index (relative gonadal index, RGI) was developed to quantify the reproductive condition of animals independent of body size. The RGI is based on the underlying model W = alpha i X S beta i, where W is gonadal weight, S is body size (less gonadal weight if body weight is used), and alpha i and beta i are parameters to be estimated for gonadal developmental stage i. Assuming that a multiplicative lognormal error is appropriate, parameter estimates for alpha i and beta i were obtained by linear least squares regression for the log-transformed model ln(W) = beta i X ln(S) + ln(alpha i), where, in this form, beta i is the slope and ln(alpha i) is the intercept. Only if estimates of beta i do not differ significantly among ovarian developmental stages, as in our case, can a pooled estimate of beta be used to obtain the relative gonadal index, RGI = alpha i = W/S beta. Applicability of the RGI was tested using ovaries of three ecologically distinct fish species. The RGI was found to be more appropriate than the gonosomatic index for all three species.  相似文献   

Despite the great diversity of tropical land snail species, the life history strategies of the great majority of them are unstudied. We studied reproduction, growth and survival patterns of the Brazilian species Bulimulus tenuissimus (D'Orbigny, 1835), and verified the effect of isolation on such patterns. We analyzed aspects of the life cycle of snails maintained in groups and in isolation. For both treatments, we determined the duration of the juvenile, adult and senescent stages. Growth pattern, life-time reproductive output, reproductive output during adult and senescent stages and longevity, were also verified. Isolation prolonged the duration of the juvenile stage, causing a decrease in life-time reproductive output and longevity. The reproductive pattern of the species is seasonal and, in grouped snails, three breeding periods occurred during their lifetime. The isolated snails reproduced by self-fertilization, and only reproduced once in their lifetime, indicating a significant change in reproductive strategy in the isolated individuals. Thus, isolation resulted in changes in energy allocation to growth, reproduction and survival. The results indicate that in adverse environmental conditions, life history traits can enhance the capacity for adaption.  相似文献   

Five groups ofCallithrix jacchus jacchus were studied in the field in north east Brazil. Group size and composition were similar to that described for other callitrichids, but changes in group membership occurred much more frequently than previously reported. There was a 50% turnover in group membership in a six month period, and adult males changed groups particularly often. Most groups contained only one reproductively active female, but there was evidence that one group contained two females that were reproductively active simultaneously. Some groups had several adult females, and the role of reproductive female switched from one individual to another with time. Individual marmosets are faced with an unusually wide range of alternative life history strategies involving different combinations of location and reproductive condition. We argue that marmoset social organization is best studied at the level of the whole population within an area, rather than at the level of the individual group.  相似文献   

Marine catfishes use estuaries and bays as part of their life cycle for spawning and feeding purposes, respectively. We compared three species of the family Ariidae in two different environmental conditionsa relatively stable bay site and an estuarine site, which differ in their magnitudes of environmental fluctuation to investigate effects of spawning on condition. We found differences in the parameter b (slope) and in they-intercept (a) among species and sexes. The parameter a varied inversely with b, and thus is not a good indicator to express fish condition. Condition factor did not differ between the two sites for species and sexes when we consider the pooled data. Overall condition was associated with reproductive process, and was high before the reproductive season, decreasing during the spawning period in the estuary, then increasing when fish move to the bay (April–August). Temporal segregation in the reproductive period and small-scale movements between the estuary and the bay are the probable mechanisms to optimize the use of the area by the three species.  相似文献   

This investigation examines the biology of Barbus liberiensis , a small cyprinid living in the forest streams of Sierra Leone and Liberia, in relation to seasonal changes in the environment. The population studied showed a single discrete breeding season coinciding with the early part of the rains. Maturing fish previously marked moved upstream at this time. The pattern of gonad development is analysed and the relationship of fecundity to body size is defined numerically. The total and somatic (i.e. excluding gonad weights) condition of the fishes, relative to the length/weight data in September-November when the gonads are resting, reach a peak at spawning time for both mature males and females and for immature fish. The pattern of condition during a year differs in the two sexes.
B. liberiensis consumes a wide variety of foods but relies largely on insects and higher plant fragments. Debris from the forest canopy is an important source of nutriment. The fish feed, during the daytime and possibly at night, throughout the year. Experiments to determine the rate at which food passes through the gut are described and show that food passage is rapid.
The seasonal cycles in condition and reproduction are discussed in relation to cycles in some other tropical and temperate riverine fishes.  相似文献   

Although activity patterns are an important component of the ecology of animals as they search for food, mates and appropriate habitats, substantial variation can be observed even within a single population. The source of this variation is the combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors acting at an individual level. We documented the activity patterns of the ovoviviparous intertidal gastropod Littorina saxatilis (Olivi) over a series of tidal cycles to assess how differences in movements of individuals with different reproductive attributes (non-gravid females, gravid females and males) might explain intra-population variability in activity. Four behaviors were measured for four consecutive tidal cycles for each of 3 months: the magnitude, frequency, and orientation of movements, and the use of shelters (i.e., crevices). In addition, we correlated movements with variations in several environmental factors (temperature, wind, humidity) during low tide to investigate the possible risk sensitivity of the different reproductive groups. All groups were more active and moved greater distances during high tide. Females, especially gravid females, appeared to be more risk-sensitive as they moved shorter distances and used shelters more often. Gravid females were also the only group with a negative relationship between air temperature and movement during low tide. We interpret these behaviors as a means to increase the probability of survival of the brooded offspring carried by the female. Males were the only group to consistently have directionality in their movements and showed evidence of an “up-down” behavior for remaining in a restricted zone. Reproductive attributes appear to be able to explain part of the intra-population variability in foraging activity in natural populations and should be taken into account in the design and interpretation of behavioral and ecological studies.  相似文献   

During the reproductive cycle of the female Labidura riparia, cytological observations show cyclical modifications of lipid droplets in the periovarian adipocyte. Fat body lipids and their constitutive fatty acids are analyzed. The lipids are predominantly triacylglycerols, which increase after adult ecdysis during vitellogenic and non-vitellogenic periods. Small amounts of diacylglycerols and phospholipids are found. Diacylglycerols increase during vitellogenesis and decrease during the non-vitellogenic period. Cytological modifications of lipid droplets are probably related to diacylglycerol fluctuations. Gas-liquid chromatography of fatty acid methyl esters shows oleic acid to be the predominant fatty acid in total lipids and triacylglycerols; unsaturated acids are approximately twice as abundant as saturated acids all along the reproductive cycle. Fatty acid composition of diacylglycerols and phospholipids differs from triacylglycerols and total lipids composition. Palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic acids represent the major fatty acids; their relative amounts vary during the different periods of the reproductive cycle. The correlations between fat body lipid changes and ovarian development were discussed and compared with observations made on other insect species. Accepted: 23 April 1997  相似文献   

The annual migration pattern of round sardinella Sardinella aurita up and down the north-western African coast between 12° N (Senegal) and 22° N (western Sahara) was shown to be associated with spawning activity and a distinct seasonality in fish condition, based on monthly sampling from commercial catches (2000–2003). Some S. aurita were found to spawn throughout the entire year, but a peak in spawning existed during the summer (June to September). The spawning cycle is apparent from seasonality in maturity stages, but is also demonstrated by the increase in gonad mass and fat content of the fish in springtime, the period preceding spawning. During the months after spawning, although feeding is maintained, the physical condition of the fish collapses, and fat content rapidly declines.  相似文献   

Considerable diversity abounds among sponges with respect to reproductive and developmental biology. Their ancestral sexual mode (gonochorism vs. hermaphroditism) and reproductive condition (oviparity vs. viviparity) however remain unclear, and these traits appear to have undergone correlated evolution in the phylum. To infer ancestral traits and investigate this putative correlation, we used DNA sequence data from two loci (18S ribosomal RNA and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) to explore the phylogenetic relationships of 62 sponges whose reproductive traits have been previously documented. Although the inferred tree topologies, using the limited data available, favoured paraphyly of sponges, we also investigated ancestral character‐state reconstruction on a phylogeny with constrained sponge monophyly. Both parsimony‐ and likelihood‐based ancestral state reconstructions indicate that viviparity (brooding) was the likely reproductive mode of the ancestral sponge. Hermaphroditism is favoured over gonochorism as the sexual condition of the sponge ancestor under parsimony, but the reconstruction is ambiguous under likelihood, rendering the ancestry of sexuality unresolved in our study. These results are insensitive to the constraint of sponge monophyly when tracing the reproductive characters using parsimony methods. However, the maximum likelihood analysis of the monophyletic hypothetical tree rendered gonochorism as ancestral for the phylum. A test of trait correlation unambiguously favours the concerted evolution of sexuality and reproductive mode in sponges (hermaphroditism/viviparity, gonochorism/oviparity). Although testing ecological hypotheses for the pattern of sponge reproduction is beyond the scope of our analyses, we postulate that certain physiological constrains might be key causes for the correlation of reproductive characters.  相似文献   

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