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Sexual selection is a powerful evolutionary force shaping mate choice phenotypes, initiating phenotypic shifts resulting in (or reinforcing) population divergence and speciation when such shifts reduce mating probabilities among divergent populations. In the Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala, pulse rate of male calling song, a conspicuous mating signal, differs among species, potentially behaving as a speciation phenotype. Populations of the widespread species Laupala cerasina show variation in pulse rate. We document the degree of population differentiation in three features of calling song: pulse rate, pulse duration, and carrier frequency. All show significant population differentiation, with pulse rate showing the greatest heterogeneity. A Mantel test found no relationship between geographic distance and pulse rate divergence, indicating that a simple model of greater divergence with increasing distance cannot explain the observed pattern of differentiation. We demonstrate that female preference functions for pulse rate are unimodal, and that preference means show significant differentiation among populations. Furthermore, estimates of pulse rate preference correlate significantly with mean pulse rates across populations, indicating song and preference coevolve in a stepwise manner. This correlated divergence between signal and preference suggests that sexual selection facilitates the establishment of sexual isolation, reduced gene flow, and population differentiation, prerequisites for speciation.  相似文献   

The acoustic display of many cricket species consists of trains of pulses (chirps) with intermittent pauses. Here, we investigated the temporal cues that females of the cricket Teleogryllus leo used to detect a pulse and a chirp pattern on two different time scales. For both patterns, females accepted a wide range of combinations that covered the respective pulse and chirp parameters in the songs of males. In tests with a continuous series of pulses at different modulation frequencies, the transfer function of pattern discrimination was also determined. Females exhibited two ranges of high response scores indicating two temporal filters with an inhibitory interaction. For the modulation frequency of the pulse pattern, the peak of the preference function was rather sharply tuned and at a lower pulse rate than produced by males. These results show that the combined output of both filters did not increase selectivity, but rather enlarged the accepted range of signals.  相似文献   

The evolution of novel sexual communication systems is integral to the process of speciation, as it discourages gene flow between incipient species. Physical linkage between genes underlying male-female communication (i.e. sexual signals and preferences for them) facilitates both rapid and coordinated divergence of sexual communication systems between populations and reduces recombination in the face of occasional hybridization between diverging populations. Despite these ramifications of the genetic architecture of sexual communication for sexual selection and speciation, few studies have examined this relationship empirically. Previous studies of the closely related Hawaiian crickets Laupala paranigra and Laupala kohalensis have indirectly suggested that many of the genes underlying the difference in pulse rate of male song are physically linked with genes underlying the difference in female preference for pulse rate. Using marker-assisted introgression, we moved 'slow pulse rate' alleles from L. paranigra at five known quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying male pulse rate into the 'fast pulse rate' genetic background of L. kohalensis and assessed the effect of these loci on female preference. An astounding four out of five song QTL predicted the preferences of female fourth-generation backcrosses, providing direct evidence for the extensive genetic linkage of song and preference in one of the fastest diversifying genera currently known.  相似文献   

Shaw KL  Lugo E 《Molecular ecology》2001,10(3):751-759
Based on studies from native Hawaiian Drosophila, a model was proposed to explain sexual isolation and mating asymmetry, from which one could potentially infer the 'direction of evolution'. We examined sexual isolation between allopatric cricket species of the genus Laupala, another endemic Hawaiian insect with an elaborate mating system, to begin to explore the nature of sexual isolation and mating asymmetry in closely related Hawaiian organisms. We studied sexual isolation and mating asymmetry in two contrasts. First, an inter-island comparison, including L. makaio from the older island of Maui and L. paranigra from the younger island of Hawaii, and second, an intra-island (Hawaii) comparison, including L. nigra from the older volcano of Mauna Kea and L. paranigra with a primary distribution on the younger volcanoes of Mauna Loa and Kilauea. We used a 'no-choice' experimental design, pairing individual males and females in homospecific or heterospecific combinations. Several behavioural aspects of courtship (proportion of male singing, latency to male singing, production of spermatophores and courtship initiation speed) were quantified as well as the success or failure of matings. We demonstrate asymmetry in sexual isolation between reciprocal combinations of L. makaio and L. paranigra. This result is examined in light of the differences in courtship behaviour manifest in the experiments with these two species. We did not find evidence of asymmetry in sexual isolation between L. nigra and L. paranigra, although differences in courtship initiation speed were evident between reciprocal combinations of these two species. In addition to the geological argument that species on older islands and older volcanoes give rise to species on younger islands and younger volcanoes, we discuss phylogenetic evidence consistent with these biogeographic hypotheses of relationships among the focal taxa. The patterns of asymmetrical sexual isolation and mating asymmetry are consistent with those found in the native Hawaiian Drosophila.  相似文献   

The role of sexual selection in the crickets (family Gryllidae) is well known but new forms of courtship behavior continue to be discovered. Here we describe the elaborate mating behavior of the Hawaiian endemic Laupala cerasina (subfamily Trigonidiinae) on the basis of both laboratory and field observations. We found that courtship and mating involve multiple copulations during which repeated spermatophores are transferred. Initial copulations involved the transfer of relatively small ‘microspermatophores’. The final copulation results in the transfer of a considerably larger ‘macrospermatophore’. We tested and rejected the hypothesis that the number of spermatophore transfers results in greater offspring sired by a given male. Matings involving only microspermatophores resulted in no offspring, whereas most matings involving micros and a macrospermatophore, or a macrospermatophore only, produced offspring. A direct examination of the contents of the microspermatophore revealed an absence of sperm, whereas examination of the macrospermatophore revealed the presence of sperm. Given that females consume the spermless microspermatophores, we conclude that the microspermatophores are a form of nuptial feeding of females by males. We discuss possible hypotheses to explain this unusual courtship system.  相似文献   

In mate recognition systems, the functional necessity to coordinate traits involved in sexual communication should result in reduced pairing potential for new variants outside the distribution of common reproductive signals. Yet, many closely related, sexual species differ in mate recognition traits, suggesting that directional selection influences the divergence of mate recognition systems. Species of the endemic Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala are morphologically and ecologically cryptic, although both male calling song and female acoustic preference have diverged rapidly between closely related species. These mate recognition phenotypes are therefore often likely to be speciation phenotypes, i.e. traits whose divergence contributes, directly or indirectly, to a reduction of gene flow during speciation, given their frequent participation in early lineage divergence. We conducted a replicated, quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping study of the genetic basis of differences in male calling song between two closely related species, Laupala paranigra and Laupala kohalensis, allowing us to examine the genetic basis of traits involved in rapid speciation. We found statistical support for eight QTL in one replicate, with at least four of these QTL mapping to the same regions in a second replicate. QTL effects ranged between 3.0% and 10.7% of the difference in pulse rate between L. paranigra and L. kohalensis, and are thus of moderate to small effect. All QTL identified show directional effects consistent with the hypothesis of directional selection. Thus, we conclude that rapid speciation can occur under the influence of many genes of moderate to small effect. This study implicates the role of directional selection in the divergence of mate recognition traits and speciation the Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala.  相似文献   

Parsons YM  Shaw KL 《Genetics》2002,162(3):1275-1282
As with many organisms of evolutionary interest, the Hawaiian cricket Laupala genome is not well characterized genetically. Mapping such an unexplored genome therefore presents challenges not often faced in model genetic organisms and not well covered in the literature. We discuss the evolutionary merits of Laupala as a model for speciation studies involving prezygotic change, our choice of marker system for detecting genetic variation, and the initial genetic expectations pertaining to the construction of any unknown genomic map in general and to the Laupala linkage map construction in particular. We used the technique of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to develop a linkage map of Laupala. We utilized both EcoRI/MseI- and EcoRI/PstI-digested genomic DNA to generate AFLP bands and identified 309 markers that segregated among F(2) interspecific hybrid individuals. The map is composed of 231 markers distributed over 11 and 7 species-specific autosomal groups together with a number of putative X chromosome linkage groups. The integration of codominant markers enabled the identification of five homologous linkage groups corresponding to five of the seven autosomal chromosomal pairs found in Laupala.  相似文献   

Sexual behaviours often evolve rapidly and are critical for sexual isolation. We suggest that coordinated sexual signals and preferences generate stabilizing selection, favouring the accumulation of many small‐effect mutations in sexual communication traits. Rapid radiation of a sexual behaviour used in signalling, song pulse rate, has been observed in the Hawaiian cricket genus Laupala. Using marker‐assisted introgression, we isolated five known quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing species‐level differences in pulse rate from one species, L. paranigra, into a closely related species, L. kohalensis. All five QTL were found to have a significant effect on song and appear to be largely additive in backcross introgression lines. Furthermore, all effect sizes were small in magnitude. Our data provide support for the hypothesis that stabilizing selection on sexual signals in Laupala creates genetic conditions favourable to incremental divergence during speciation, through the evolution of alleles of minor rather than major phenotypic effects.  相似文献   

The genus Laupala is endemic to the rain forested islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. In his 1994 study Otte described 35 Laupala species, each restricted to a single island, and sometimes a single volcano. All Laupala species produce male calling songs consisting of slow trills. Two new species described here, one from the Koolau Mountains of Oahu and another from Kipahulu Valley of East Maui, produce the fastest and one of the slowest pulse rates, respectively, in the genus. Both species are found with sympatric congeners. The discovery of these species increases the acoustic diversity locally (within their respective communities), within their respective islands, and across the archipelago. This enhances the opportunity for the investigation of signal interference and character displacement in a relatively youthful assemblage of closely related species of crickets.  相似文献   

Male courtship songs have two functions in species recognition and intraspecific mate choice. Female preference might thus exert different types of selection pressure on male song traits. We used a combination of acoustic mate choice experiments and statistical analyses to examine how traits of the calling songs of male nightingale grasshoppers,Chorthippus biguttulus , are influenced by different sexual selection pressures. We recorded calling songs of males and tested their attractiveness to females in acoustic mate choice experiments. The attractiveness values were a good estimate of the potential male mating success. In experiments with a pair of males, females copulated significantly more often with the male that had the higher attractiveness value. To detect directional, stabilizing, disruptive or correlative selection acting on male song properties we used linear and nonlinear regressions between male song traits and female response behaviour. Three signal traits were revealed to be under directional selection: song loudness, pause to syllable ratio and the mean duration of gaps within syllables. A nonlinear regression testing for correlative selection showed that a fourth song trait, rhythm, in combination with mean gap duration was also important for female mate choice. With these traits and trait combinations we were able to explain 42% of the variance in attractiveness between males. Since we found no evidence for stabilizing selection, but ample evidence for directional selection, we conclude that selection on the traits examined is related to mate choice mainly in the context of intraspecific sexual selection and probably less so in species recognition. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Understanding the genetic architecture of traits involved in premating isolation between recently diverged lineages can provide valuable insight regarding the mode and tempo of speciation. The repeated coevolution of male courtship song and female preference across the species radiation of Laupala crickets presents an unusual opportunity to compare the genetic basis of divergence across independent evolutionary histories. Previous studies of one pair of species revealed a polygenic basis (including a significant X chromosome contribution) to quantitative differences in male song and female acoustic preference. Here, we studied interspecific crosses between two phenotypically less-diverged species that represents a phylogenetically independent occurrence of intersexual signalling evolution. We found patterns consistent with an additive polygenic basis to differentiation in both song and preference (n(E) = 5.3 and 5.1 genetic factors, respectively), and estimate a moderate contribution of the X chromosome (7.6%) of similar magnitude to that observed for Laupala species with nearly twice the phenotypic divergence. Together, these findings suggest a similar genetic architecture underlying the repeated evolution of sexual characters in this genus and provide a counterexample to prevailing theory predicting an association between early lineage divergence and sex-linked 'major genes'.  相似文献   

In many sexually reproducing organisms, females choose mates based on multiple male traits. This study examined how two temporal components of the male mating call – chirp rate and chirp duration – affect female mating preference in five populations of a widely distributed North American cricket, Allonemobius socius (Orthoptera, Gryllidae). Chirp rate and chirp duration of the A. socius mating call were varied independently, and the responses of virgin females to these experimentally manipulated calls were repeatedly measured using a sequential single-stimulus design. Significant among- and within-population variation in chirp-duration preferences of females were found. Contrary to many previous studies, call chirp rate had no effect on female phonotaxis. Also there was no evidence of an interaction between chirp rate and chirp duration on female response to male mating calls. Moreover, female responsiveness to average and above-average chirp duration appeared to decline with female (adult) age. Overall, these results suggest evolved differences among populations in chirp-duration preferences, and that selection can act within populations on female chirp-duration preference.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 461–472.  相似文献   

Male crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) produce a complex call consisting of two elements, the long chirp (three to eight sound pulses) followed by a series of short chirps (each with two sound pulses). There is significant geographic variation in the temporal structure of calls, and the long chirp is selected against by acoustically orienting parasitoids in some populations. Here we examine geographic variation in female preference functions for the amount of long chirp. In general, females prefer calls with greater proportions of long chirp, although the strength and nature of selection varied across populations. Variation in preference functions did not match variation in call structure. There was a mismatch between the proportion of long chirp produced by males in a population and the proportion of long chirp preferred by females. The convergent preferences of predators and females are likely to maintain genetic variation in song traits in parasitized populations. The apparent mismatch between preference and trait is discussed in relation to theoretical models of preference evolution.  相似文献   

Summary Phonotactic behavior was studied in male crickets,Teleogryllus oceanicus. Tethered flying males were presented with electronically synthesized calling song models in a two-choice phonotaxis assay, and their song preferences were determined and compared with previous findings for females.Males are poorer at discriminating between songs than females; they do not display choice behavior as frequently as females, and the choices they do make are not as consistent as those of females (Figs. 3, 4). T. oceanicus calling song is composed of rhythmically different chirp and trill sections. The selectivity of males for these two components differs from that of females. Females prefer chirp to trill, but the opposite is true for males (Fig. 5B-F). Males are similar to females in that they prefer either a conspecific song model or its separate components to a heterospecific model (Fig. 5A, G, H).Behavioral and neural implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Mendelson TC  Shaw KL 《Genetica》2002,116(2-3):301-310
Cryptic species are often hypothesized on the basis of differences in courtship signals. These signal differences suggest that mate recognition systems, which include both courtship signals and responses to those signals, have diverged between genetically isolated populations. Cryptic species are therefore thought to represent distinct genetic units, the boundaries of which are maintained by premating incompatibilities, specifically by receiver preferences for conspecific signals. Laupala cerasina and L. kohalensis are sympatric species of swordtail crickets endemic to the big island of Hawaii, that are distinguishable by differences in male courtship song. We first tested whether groupings hypothesized by acoustic similarity reflect genetic groupings, using AFLP data to estimate genetic relationships. Second, we tested whether genetic boundaries are maintained by female preferences for conspecific song characteristics. Phonotaxis trials were used to determine the extent of female preferences for conspecific male song. Results generally support both hypotheses, but suggest the presence of porous species boundaries.  相似文献   

Courtship song and immune function in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been assumed that sexual ornaments have evolved to reveal males' health and vigour for females. Choosy females may indirectly use ornaments as an indicator of the presence and effectiveness of genes for resistance against parasites. In this study we tested whether females of the Mediterranean field cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, can use courtship song as a cue for choosing males with high immunocompetence, measured as encapsulation rate of nylon implants and lytic activity of haemolymph. We found that female crickets preferred courtship songs from males with a high encapsulation rate. Female crickets also had a tendency to prefer courtship songs with high tick rate and long high-frequency tick duration. These preferred song components were positively correlated with encapsulation rate, but negatively correlated with lytic activity of the male. In contrast to previous studies of crickets, there was no correlation between male weight and encapsulation rate or lytic activity. There is some evidence in another cricket species that the ability to encapsulate pathogens is heritable. Thus, in light of this study it seems possible that by preferring males according to their courtship song, females might benefit by increasing the parasite resistance of their offspring.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 503–510.  相似文献   

Wagner WE  Reiser MG 《Animal behaviour》2000,59(6):1219-1226
Male field crickets produce calling songs, courtship songs, tactile signals and chemical signals. Although calling songs are known to play an important role in female mate choice, the importance of the other signals in mate choice is poorly understood. In the variable field cricket, Gryllus lineaticeps, females select mates, in part, based on variation in male calling song. Females prefer higher chirp rates, a trait which is partially dependent on male nutrient intake, and females prefer longer chirp durations, a trait which appears to be independent of male nutrient intake. We tested whether females also have preferences based on variation in male courtship song, and whether the structure of male courtship song varies with nutrient intake. First, we reexamined female preference for calling song chirp rate. Then, we examined: (1) female preference based on courtship song chirp rate; (2) the relative importance of calling song and courtship song chirp rate; (3) the nutrition dependence of courtship song chirp rate; and (4) the correlation between calling song and courtship song chirp rate. As reported previously, females preferred higher calling song chirp rates, and in addition, preferred higher courtship song chirp rates. Females were more likely to switch from a speaker broadcasting more attractive calling song to a speaker broadcasting less attractive calling song when the attractive calling song was associated with an unattractive courtship song than when it was associated with an attractive courtship song. Preferences based on courtship song may thus cause females to alter the choices that they made based on calling song. Males that received greater nutrients did not produce higher courtship song chirp rates. There was no correlation between calling song and courtship song chirp rate. As a result, the two traits may provide information to females about different aspects of male quality. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

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