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The development of a novel solvent-partition method for measuring the interaction between nucleic acids and drugs of limited water solubility is described. Factors relevant to the choice of a suitable water-immiscible solvent are summarised. i-Amyl acetate was selected for studying the binding of echinomycin and triostin A to DNA. Details of the experimental determination of extinction and partition coefficients are given; in the i-amyl acetate/buffer system employed for most experiments, the partition coefficients for echinomycin and triostin A were 111 +/- 4 and 943 +/- 23, respectively. Equilibration of echinomycin between the organic and aqueous phases was 90% complete within a few minutes, and a period of 2 h shaking was found satisfactory to ensure full attainment of equilibrium. Representative results are presented showing specific binding of the quinoxaline antibiotics to DNA, strong preference for double-helical as opposed to heat-denatured or single-stranded DNA, and restricted uptake by closed circular duplex PM2 DNA. The method is potentially applicable, with appropriate modifications, to the study of interactions between other ligands and DNA.  相似文献   

Two new analogues of TANDEM (des-N-tetramethyl triostin A) have been synthesised in an effort to elucidate the molecular basis of DNA nucleotide sequence recognition in this series of compounds. Their binding preferences have been investigated by DNAase I footprinting and differential inhibition of restriction nuclease attack. The presence of a single N-methyl group on only one valine residue (in [N-MeVal4] TANDEM) abolishes the ability to recognise DNA, presumably because this antibiotic analogue has suffered an unfavourable conformational change in the depsipeptide ring. A bis-methylated analogue, [N-MeCys3, N-MeCys7]TANDEM, was found to interact quite strongly with DNA and afforded binding sites, rich in AT residues, identical to those of TANDEM. Footprinting with various DNA fragments of known sequence showed that this analogue recognises sequences containing the dinucleotide TpA, although we cannot exclude the possibility that it binds to ApT as well. [N-MeCys3, N-MeCys7]TANDEM inhibits cutting by RsaI, a restriction enzyme that recognises GTAC but not by Sau3AI which recognises GATC. This provides further supportive evidence that the ligand (and, by extension, TANDEM itself) prefers binding to sequences containing the dinucleotide step TpA.  相似文献   

Energetics of echinomycin binding to DNA   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Differential scanning calorimetry and UV thermal denaturation have been used to determine a complete thermodynamic profile for the bis-intercalative interaction of the peptide antibiotic echinomycin with DNA. The new calorimetric data are consistent with all previously published binding data, and afford the most rigorous and direct determination of the binding enthalpy possible. For the association of echinomycin with DNA, we found ΔG° = –7.6 kcal mol–1, ΔH = +3.8 kcal mol–1 and ΔS = +38.9 cal mol–1 K–1 at 20°C. The binding reaction is clearly entropically driven, a hallmark of a process that is predominantly stabilized by hydrophobic interactions, though a deeper analysis of the free energy contributions suggests that direct molecular recognition between echinomycin and DNA, mediated by hydrogen bonding and van der Waals contacts, also plays an important role in stabilizing the complex.  相似文献   

Hoogsteen base pairs have been demonstrated to occur in base pairs adjacent to the CpG binding sites in complexes of triostin A and echinomycin with a variety of DNA oligonucleotides. To understand the relationship of these unusual base pairs to the sequence specificity of these quinoxaline antibiotics, the conformation of the base pairs flanking the YpR binding sites of the 2:1 drug-DNA complexes of triostin A with [d(ACGTACGT)]2 and of the TpA specific [N-MeCys3, N-MeCys7] TANDEM with [d(ATACGTAT)]2 have been studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy. In both the 2:1 triostin A-DNA complex and the 2:1 [N-MeCys3, N-MeCys7] TANDEM-DNA complex, the terminal A.T base pairs are Hoogsteen base paired with the 5' adenine in the syn conformation. This indicates that both TpA specific and CpG specific quinoxaline antibiotics are capable of inducing Hoogsteen base pairs in DNA. However, in both 2:1 complexes, Hoogsteen base pairing is limited to the terminal base pairs. In the 2:1 triostin A complex, the internal adenines are anti and in the 2:1 [N-MeCys3, N-MeCys7] TANDEM-DNA complex, the internal guanines are anti regardless of pH, which indicates that the central base pairs of both complexes form Watson-Crick base pairs. This indicates that the sequence dependent nature of Hoogsteen base pairing is the same in TpA specific and CpG specific quinoxaline antibiotic-DNA complexes. We have calculated a low resolution three-dimensional structure of the 2triostin A-[d(ACGTACGT)]2 complex and compared it with other CpG specific quinoxaline antibiotic-DNA complexes. The role of stacking in the formation of Hoogsteen base pairs in these complexes is discussed.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of a complex between the pectate lyase C (PelC) R218K mutant and a plant cell wall fragment has been determined by x-ray diffraction techniques to a resolution of 2.2 A and refined to a crystallographic R factor of 18.6%. The oligosaccharide substrate, alpha-D-GalpA-([1-->4]-alpha-D-GalpA)3-(1-->4)-D-GalpA , is composed of five galacturonopyranose units (D-GalpA) linked by alpha-(1-->4) glycosidic bonds. PelC is secreted by the plant pathogen Erwinia chrysanthemi and degrades the pectate component of plant cell walls in soft rot diseases. The substrate has been trapped in crystals by using the inactive R218K mutant. Four of the five saccharide units of the substrate are well ordered and represent an atomic view of the pectate component in plant cell walls. The conformation of the pectate fragment is a mix of 21 and 31 right-handed helices. The substrate binds in a cleft, interacting primarily with positively charged groups: either lysine or arginine amino acids on PelC or the four Ca2+ ions found in the complex. The observed protein-oligosaccharide interactions provide a functional explanation for many of the invariant and conserved amino acids in the pectate lyase family of proteins. Because the R218K PelC-galacturonopentaose complex represents an intermediate in the reaction pathway, the structure also reveals important details regarding the enzymatic mechanism. Notably, the results suggest that an arginine, which is invariant in the pectate lyase superfamily, is the amino acid that initiates proton abstraction during the beta elimination cleavage of polygalacturonic acid.  相似文献   

The statistical mechanical model for the binding of bifunctional intercalating ligands to duplex DNA described in the preceding paper is applied to the example of echinomycin–DNA interactions. This is the only system for which binding curves have been obtained under conditions leading to binding by both bis-intercalation and mono-intercalation simultaneously. Binding parameters and Scatchard plots are calculated for a variety of conditions. A detailed comparison of these calculations with the results from the previous analysis of the same binding data in terms of the McGhee-Von Hippel theory, assuming only one mode of binding, is presented. The results of our calculations are consistent with the model of bis-intercalation requiring the two bound chromophores of a bifunctional ligand to be separated by two base pairs. It is not necessary to assume violation of the nearest-neighbor exclusion principle, as occurred in the original analysis.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a DNA octamer d(GCGTACGC) complexed to an antitumor antibiotic, triostin A, has been solved and refined to 2.2 A resolution by x-ray diffraction analysis. The antibiotic molecule acts as a true bis intercalator surrounding the d(CpG) sequence at either end of the unwound right-handed DNA double helix. As previously observed in the structure of triostin A-d(CGTACG) complex (A.H.-J. Wang, et. al., Science, 225, 1115-1121 (1984)), the alanine amino acid residues of the drug molecule form sequence-specific hydrogen bonds to guanines in the minor groove. The two central A.T base pairs are in Hoogsteen configuration with adenine in the syn conformation. In addition, the two terminal G.C base pairs flanking the quinoxaline rings are also held together by Hoogsteen base pairing. This is the first observation in an oligonucleotide of. Hoogsteen G.C base pairs where the cytosine is protonated. The principal functional components of a bis-intercalative compound are discussed.  相似文献   

Antibodies to DNA are characteristic of the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and they also serve as models for the study of protein-DNA recognition. Anti-DNA antibodies often play an important role in disease pathogenesis by mediating kidney damage via antibody-DNA immune complex formation. The structural underpinnings of anti-DNA antibody pathogenicity and antibody-DNA recognition, however, are not well understood, due in part to the lack of direct, experimental three-dimensional structural information on antibody-DNA complexes. To address these issues for anti-single-stranded DNA antibodies, we have determined the 2.1 A crystal structure of a recombinant Fab (DNA-1) in complex with dT5. DNA-1 was previously isolated from a bacteriophage Fab display library from the immunoglobulin repertoire of an SLE-prone mouse. The structure shows that DNA-1 binds oligo(dT) primarily by sandwiching thymine bases between Tyr side-chains, which allows the bases to make sequence-specific hydrogen bonds. The critical stacking Tyr residues are L32, L49, H100, and H100A, while His L91 and Asn L50 contribute hydrogen bonds. Comparison of the DNA-1 structure to other anti-nucleic acid Fab structures reveals a common ssDNA recognition module consisting of Tyr L32, a hydrogen bonding residue at position L91, and an aromatic side-chain from the tip of complementarity determining region H3. The structure also provides a framework for interpreting previously determined thermodynamics data, and this analysis suggests that hydrophobic desolvation might underlie the observed negative enthalpy of binding. Finally, Arg side-chains from complementarity determining region H3 appear to play a novel role in DNA-1. Rather than forming ion pairs with dT5, Arg contributes to oligo(dT) recognition by helping to maintain the structural integrity of the combining site. This result is significant because antibody pathogenicity is thought to be correlated to the Arg content of anti-DNA antibody hypervariable loops.  相似文献   

Sheared DNA fragment sizing: comparison of techniques.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
DNA fragmented by conventional French press shearing procedures (30,000 lbs/in2) has a number-average fragment size of 230 base pairs. This is considerably smaller than the 450 base pairs typically reported for DNA sheared by this method. Comparison of 5 sizing techniques indicates that sheared DNA fragment size is overestimated by either measurement of velocity sedimentation or Kleinschmidt Electron Microscopic visualization. Both adsorption grid electron microscopic visualization and gel electrophoresis yield the most reliable estimates of the mean size of small DNA fragment populations. In addition, the assessment of fragment size distribution (not possible from sedimentation analysis) potentially allows more critical evaluation of DNA hybridization and reassociation kinetic and measurement parameters.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a mutant form of the single-chain fragment (scFv), derived from the monoclonal anti-His tag antibody 3D5, in complex with a hexahistidine peptide has been determined at 2.7 A resolution. The peptide binds to a deep pocket formed at the interface of the variable domains of the light and the heavy chain, mainly through hydrophobic interaction to aromatic residues and hydrogen bonds to acidic residues. The antibody recognizes the C-terminal carboxylate group of the peptide as well as the main chain of the last four residues and the last three imidazole side-chains. The crystals have a solvent content of 77% (v/v) and form 70 A-wide channels that would allow the diffusion of peptides or even small proteins. The anti-His scFv crystals could thus act as a framework for the crystallization of His-tagged target proteins. Designed mutations in framework regions of the scFv lead to high-level expression of soluble protein in the periplasm of Escherichia coli. The recombinant anti-His scFv is a convenient detection tool when fused to alkaline phosphatase. When immobilized on a matrix, the antibody can be used for affinity purification of recombinant proteins carrying a very short tag of just three histidine residues, suitable for crystallization. The experimental structure is now the basis for the design of antibodies with even higher stability and affinity.  相似文献   

Yang Z  Spraggon G  Pandi L  Everse SJ  Riley M  Doolittle RF 《Biochemistry》2002,41(32):10218-10224
The crystal structure of fragment D from lamprey fibrinogen has been determined at 2.8 A resolution. The 89 kDa protein was cocrystallized with the peptide Gly-His-Arg-Pro-amide, which in many fibrinogens-but not lamprey-corresponds to the B knob exposed by thrombin. Because lamprey fragment D is more than 50% identical in sequence with human fragment D, the structure of which has been reported previously, it was possible to use the method of molecular replacement. The space group of the lamprey crystals is P1; there are four molecules in the unit cell. Although the fragments are packed head to head by the same D:D interface as is observed in other related preparations containing fragments D, the tails are uniquely joined by an unnatural association of the terminal sections of the residual coiled coils from adjacent molecules. Some features of the lamprey structure are clearer than have been observed in previous fragment D structures, including the beta-chain carbohydrate cluster, for one, and the important gamma-chain carboxyl-terminal segment, for another. The most significant differences between the lamprey and human structures occur in connecting loops at the entryways to the beta-chain and gamma-chain binding pockets.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of the Klenow fragment of the Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase I (Klentaq1) complexed with four deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTP) have been determined to 2.5 A resolution. The dNTPs bind adjacent to the O helix of Klentaq1. The triphosphate moieties are at nearly identical positions in all four complexes and are anchored by three positively charged residues, Arg659, Lys663, and Arg587, and by two polar residues, His639 and Gln613. The configuration of the base moieties in the Klentaq1/dNTP complexes demonstrates variability suggesting that dNTP binding is primarily determined by recognition and binding of the phosphate moiety. However, when superimposed on the Taq polymerase/blunt end DNA complex structure (Eom et al., 1996), two of the dNTP/Klentaq1 structures demonstrate appropriate stacking of the nucleotide base with the 3' end of the DNA primer strand, suggesting that at least in these two binary complexes, the observed dNTP conformations are functionally relevant.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional structure of the single-chain Fv fragment 1F9 in complex with turkey egg-white lysozyme (TEL) has been determined to a nominal resolution of 2.0 A by X-ray diffraction. The scFv fragment 1F9 was derived from phage-display libraries in two steps and binds both hen and turkey egg-white lysozyme, although the level of binding affinity is two orders of magnitude greater for the turkey lysozyme. The comparison of the crystal structure with a model of the single-chain Fv fragment 1F9 in complex with hen egg-white lysozyme (HEL) reveals that in the latter a clash between Asp101 in lysozyme and Trp98 of the complementarity determining region H3 of the heavy chain variable domain occurs. This is the only explanation apparent from the crystal structure for the better binding of TEL compared to HEL.The binding site topology on the paratope is not simply a planar surface as is usually found in antibody-protein interfaces, but includes a cleft between the light chain variable domain and heavy chain variable domain large enough to accommodate a loop from the lysozyme. The scFv fragment 1F9 recognizes an epitope on TEL that differs from the three antigenic determinants recognized in other known crystal structures of monoclonal antibodies in complex with lysozyme.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the catalytic fragment of human fibroblast collagenase (MMP-1) complexed with a sulfonamide derivative of a hydroxamic acid compound (CGS-27023A) has been determined using two-dimensional and three-dimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. The solution structure of the complex was calculated by means of hybrid distance geometry-simulated annealing using a combination of experimental NMR restraints obtained from the previous refinement of the inhibitor-free MMP-1 (1) and recent restraints for the MMP-1:CGS-27023A complex. The hydroxamic acid moiety of CGS-27023A was found to chelate to the "right" of the catalytic zinc where the p-methoxyphenyl sits in the S1' active-site pocket, the isopropyl group is in contact with H83 and N80, and the pyridine ring is solvent exposed. The sulfonyl oxygens are in hydrogen-bonding distance to the backbone NHs of L81 and A82. This is similar to the conformation determined by NMR of the inhibitor bound to stromelysin (2, 3). A total of 48 distance restraints were observed between MMP-1 and CGS-27023A from 3D 13C-edited/12C-filtered NOESY and 3D 15N-edited NOESY experiments. An additional 18 intramolecular restraints were observed for CGS-27023A from a 2D 12C-filtered NOESY experiment. A minimal set of NMR experiments in combination with the free MMP-1 assignments were used to assign the MMP-1 (1)H, 13C, and 15N resonances in the MMP-1:CGS-27023A complex. The assignments of CGS-27023A in the complex were obtained from 2D 12C-filtered NOESY and 2D 12C-filtered TOCSY experiments.  相似文献   

Crystallographic methods have been applied to determine the high-resolution structure of the complex formed between the self-complementary oligonucleotide d(TGTACA) and the anthracycline antibiotic 4'-epiadriamycin. The complex crystallises in the tetragonal system, space group P4(1)2(1)2 with a = 2.802 nm and c = 5.293 nm, and an asymmetric unit consisting of a single DNA strand, one drug molecule and 34 solvent molecules. The refinement converged with an R factor of 0.17 for the 2381 reflections with F greater than or equal to 3 sigma F in the resolution range 0.70-0.14 nm. Two asymmetric units associate such that a distorted B-DNA-type hexanucleotide duplex is formed incorporating two drug molecules that are intercalated at the TpG steps. The amino sugar of 4'-epiadriamycin binds in the minor groove of the duplex and displays different interactions from those observed in previously determined structures. Interactions between the hydrophilic groups of the amino sugar and the oligonucleotide are all mediated by solvent molecules. Ultraviolet melting measurements and comparison with other anthracycline-DNA complexes suggest that these indirect interactions have a powerful stabilising effect on the complex.  相似文献   

C M Low  R K Olsen  M J Waring 《FEBS letters》1984,176(2):414-420
Six or seven triostin-binding sites have been identified in a 160-base-pair DNA restriction fragment containing the tyr T promoter sequence. Each is centred round a CpG step, and the minimum binding site-size appears to be six base pairs. The sites are practically the same as those reported for echinomycin by DNase I digestion. Only two sites are protected by binding of TANDEM, the des-N-tetramethyl analogue of triostin A; they are centred around the sequences ATA or TAT.  相似文献   

Three DNA binding proteins from Escherichia coli cells have been complexed with single-stranded phage fd DNA. Electron microscopy reveals granular substructures in the complexes formed with protein HD. In complexes of DNA unwinding protein with fd DNA both protein HD and phage-coded gene 5 protein partially displace the unwinding protein which results in the formation of structures characteristic for the DNA complexes formed with either protein HD or gene 5 protein alone. Combination of protein HD with double-stranded phage T7 DNA leads to a progressive folding and condensing of the genome. The structures observed are discussed in relation to current concepts of the packing of DNA in protein complexes.  相似文献   

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